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, A Boy's Cloth It has been of we have plent month. This this, we are g< Beginning We are going years to secur at the same C to get somethi has had the p NO GOODS O La di Dome 35c Outings now 35c Checked Homespun n 35c Homespun now . 40c Homespun now Best quality Amoskeag 35c quality Amoskeag G 35c Apron Check, now -. 40( and 45e Heavy Weig Stetson Hats and Kno: Stetson Hats a $7.50, $8.50 v Manhatt; Big Reduction, prices: Men's ( $65.00 Hart Schaffner an< 55.00 1Hart Schaffner an 50.00 Hart Schaffner ani Big reductionl on Style want in sizes. A You can read plain figures, Store does no THE O)PE'NING NUARY e. [)0 worth ing, Shoes, I ir custom for many ye y of room for our big season finds us with a )ing to put them out c FRIDA to offer the people of e Seasonable Merchar reat Reduction. We ing that is offered as a rice slashed to the qui V APPROVAL s SRead astics -------- .26c w ------ --------24c. ---- -- ----- -- ---23c - --------29c Gingham -----29c ngham --- -24c --------------24c it Canton Flannels --24c c Hats, $7.50, $8.50, $5.55 nd Knox Hats, alues, at $5.55. an Shirts un -_...--$2.75 to $15.00 l1othing 1 Marx Suits, now._$47.50 d Marx Suits, now$39.00 :1 Marx Suits, now $.35.00) Plus Suits, any kind you ~LL MILLINEJ ily see by the few pric so you will not have t put on any fake sale Remiemberc, tlb !)AY IS FRID)AY, JAN. of High-Grade lats, Caps and ars past to try and cleat Spring Stock, which ge in extra heavy line of g t Greatly Reduced eric ,JAN Summerton and vicinit dise at the Lowest Pric do not care to have ou bait, but we want to te ck. Just glance over th< Men's Su C40.00 Men's Suits, now '5.0 Men's Suits, now 30.00 Men's Suits, now Boy's Su Wear proof Suits absolutely big reductions. Also many oth Mens and Boys' Pants at bid Ladies' & Childrer Ladies' and Children's Swi You can get anything you wa of the very best make and mat Men's and Boy's Men's and Boys' Sweaters lot to select from and every on make. Bath Rol $12.50 and $10.00 Bath Robes, Georgette and Cre Waists Ladies' Georgette and Crepe big reduction. We have about plIay. Ask to see them. 1Y AT STRIC' es above that we have any trouble in seeing s--for we ony put on 0r tis $75,000 Stock )th. ~ummertoi Ladies' .Re Millinery 7 up our stock du] nerally starts to c Dods and we mus es. UAR y the greatest ch, es. Everything i r customers wad 11 one and' all the ese few prices. rCutJ its ------ $28.75 -------22.50 -----------19.75 its guaranteed and at er brands. t reduction. 's Sweaters aters one-half off. nt in this line. All erial. Sweaters >ne-half off. A big e is of the very best ses now -.------$5.75 pe De Chine de Chine Waists at two hundred on dis rLY ONE-i made the Reduc what the price i ie a year. COMI Goes at Your 1. s. C. Men's and UCTIONS nuary so that fiddle of tne ckly. To do At 9:4? O'clock red in riecent to be offered ot of reading our big store )S CHARGED Elaif! iderwear now ---- --- -----..$5.85 now -- -- --------3.95 now -_----------2.75 now....--- -- .1.75 now ---- --------1.15 now ------ --- - 95c now -- ------ ----- -85c Shoes k Over Shoes. ------ ---$9.75 --------- 8.50 ---- ---- -- ---6.75 Brands -- ------ - -$5.50 ------ ---- - -4.75 as, flow- -----3.50 Over Shoes ---- -- -$11.50 -----------..9.50 -------- --7.15 -- ----6.25 V -_ - _----5.00 shoes. is marked in Department D~FTEN! ! W1ER TON, . C 'Ski ady-to-Wear, at BIG RED ring the month of Ja ome in about the i t close them out qui k 9th ance that has occur n the store is going e through a whole I .t everything in our NO GOO] lust in Men's Um $8.50 Fleeced Underwear, 6.00 Fleeced Underwear, 4.00 Fleeced Underwear, 3.50 Fleeced Underwear, 1.50 Fleeced Underwear, 1.25 Fleeced Underwear, 1.15 Fleeced Underwear, Ladies' Queen Quality and Wa $13.75 Shoes, now 12.00 Shoes, now 8.00 Shoes, now Other] $8.00 Shoes, now 7.00 Shoes, now $6.00, $5.00 and $4.00 Sho Men's Walk $15.00 Shoes, now. 13.75 Shoes, now--. 10.00 Shoes, now.. 8.00 Shoes, now .$7.00 and 86.00 Shoes, no' Big reduction on work IALF PRICE tions. Everything s. George Joseph's EARLY, COME Own Price ! TIHJE PLACIC IS .SUM