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' Mr. B. W. Warren Co up to Requu HIS LIFE Always in rot ride, shoot and a sheriff in Wau th tall but overtaken by a th r it lbth ut him down. i-loe i theStoy tcld in his own words: "I had throat trouble from which no relief seemed ossible. My health was gone. Final y I decided cured by four bottles. That tiwas three years ago. I am now as well as ever; able to ride all the time. Thanks to Peruna." Like Sheriff Barnes, thousands .Owe their p resent health to Peruna. I'or catarr hof the head, floe oand roat, tatarrhat inflammation of Gcncral Assembly Ends Session (Continued from page 3) same view that he did. Senators Shep pard, Watkins and others discussed the measure from a constitutional standpoint at length, and said that the bill should be killed on that ac count by refusal to adopt the report of the free conference report. Words of Praise. In the closing hours of the session the usual praises and words of com mendation were spoken both on the House and Senate side. On the Sen ate side Senator Laney gave expres sion in these resolutions, which every one said were richly deserved: WHEREAS, The Senate is about to edjourn for the. session of 1919, and the Senate desires to place on record its high appreciation of the ability, uniform courtesy and dignity which has cl1aracterized its Presiding Officer THEREFORE, Be It Resolved that and impartial manner in which its the Senate hereby expresses its warm Appreciation of the courteous, able President, Hon. Junius T. Liles, has discharged the delicate and arduous duties of his office. IC1AT, The Senate also hereby tders its deep sense of appreciation . its President Pro Tem, Hon. Le Grand G. Walker, for his able and im partial manner he has presided over this Senate. THAT, The Senate extend to its IEX I Th< ton To tun tO ( gail spe Millines Thei sho The Big Store D. Barnes, of nty, Measures . ements. A STIRRING ONE rat health, B. W. D. Barnes could get his man. He was everything ten Co., Tennessee, should be until complication oft catarrhal troubles the stomach, 'bowels or other organs, r. Hartnan's Famous Peruna Tonic has boon a standard oadhsftold remedy for forty--ivo yers If you are sick and suffering, write The Peruna Company, Iept. A. Columbus Ohio, for Dr. hiart nan's ealrth Boeok. It is free. Your dealer has Peruna in both tnblet and liquid form. If you want health, insist upon having Peruna. Your dealer will give you a Peruna Almanac. Clerk, Mr. M. M. Mann, and his at taches, and to its reading clerk, I)r W. S. Stokes, its warm esteem for the Uicient and courteous discharge of their respective duties. THAT the Sergeant at Arms, J. S Schumpert, is warmly thanked for the attentive and courteous discharge of his duties to this Senate. TIIA'1' 'the representative of th< press are tendered the acknowledge. ment and thanks of the Senate for their fair, impartial, and unbiased and able reports of the proceedings of this Body. THA'', the Engrossing Department is hereby warmly commended and thanked for the prompt, courteous and eficient manner in which it has lone its work. Gem of a Speech. The gem of a speech that was made n seconding the resolutions was that f Senator Alan Johnstone. He paid high and unstinted tribute to Lieut. Gov. Liles and his ability and fair ness as a presiding officer. He took )ccasion to speek at length and with real eloquence of the friendships that had been made in the Senate and vhat a splendid school it had proven :o some men. Briefly he traced that rowth of the State on the upward mid necessary trend of the appropria ion act and what in his opinion it meant. How for instance when he zntered the Legislative Halls, not nany years ago the pension fund for onfederate soldiers amounted to a DE a bad weather o 1ers away from BIG1 give these frien ity to participat :ontinue our Sal ms that we are o etion a superb 1 y, Coats Sabove lines art wn everywhere. on the Corner. bare fifty thousand dollars and in the present bill - it was four hundred thousand dollars. How when he entered the Senate there was not a dollar from the public treasury car ried for the support of the public schools when now it ran over the half million mark and go on with that re markable vocabulary that he pos sesses he outlined what had been the development of South Carolina for the last twenty years. Incidentally I might add that no little part of this credit is clue Senator Johnstone, of Newberry, on e of the oenspicuous leaders of thought and action in the State. Idea of Central Board. Governor Cooper, with the coopera tion of Senator Christensen is still plugging way on the idea of a cen tral board for the higher educational institutions. Last night the Senate passed this resolution, at the request of Senator Christensen. Whereas, the Governor, in his in augural address, recommended for the consideration of the General Assem bly, as a mleasure deemed necessary for the better conduct of the State, that the Legislature at this time take steps looking to the coordination of the government of our colleges and universities; and Whereas, the proper framing of such legislation demands careful in vestigation, so that the initiative, the fine traditions and a certain healthy individuality, now an asset of these institutions, may be duly considered and provided for, and the benefits no cruing from the severai separate boards of trustees may be preserved, and as a proper decision requires in quiry into the experience of other States that have adopted a similar central control; Now be it Resolved, by the Senate, the llouse of Representatives concurri;: That the budget commission consti tute a legislative committee on a ce" tral board for college control. It shall be the duty of this commit tee to investigate the matters set forth in the preamble to this resolu tion and report such informat'or as may assist the Legislature in arriv ing at a proper conclusion t.oether with their own recommendation, this report and recommendation to be sab mitted to the General Assembly at its next session. When the house got hold of the resolution it promptly killed it. The budget commission can, how ever, of its own accord make the in quiry. It will, no doubt, (10 so. In connection with the session just f the past week our ds who live a goi a in this wonderi .e for Ten More ffering among ot ine of the very h , Coat SL complete and a Your inspectior RSC HOW MRSiOYD AVOIDED AN OPERATION Canton, Ohio.-" I suliered from a female trouble '.ich caused me much suffering, and two I. doctors decided that I wvould have to go through an ope ationblrI could get we!. " my mother,v::) had been helped by LydiaE. Pinkham's I Vegetable Corn pound, advised me to try it before sub mittmgtoanopcra tion. itrelieved me from my trot:bls so I can do my house work without. any difficulty. I advise any woman who is afflicted with femtle troubles to gi--e Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable C em pound a trial and it will do an much for them."-Mrs. MARIn BOYD, 1421 th St., N. E., Canton, Ohio. Sometimes there are serious condi tions where a hospital operation i: the only alternative, but on the other hand so many women have been cured by this famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, after doctors have said that an operation was necessary - every woman who wants to avoid an operation should give it a fair trial before submitting to such a trying ordeal. If complications exist, write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicino Co., Lynn, Mass., for advice. The o.ut of ri:riy years experience is at your servic. adjourned a hit of legislation passed in the early stages, and which is con structive and will be of material value, is the statute which. extends the op eration of the Australian ballot sys tem. Under the former Act the sys tem applied only to the larger towns, and incorporated .Under the new stat ute the system will be effective in ev ery place that in the previous primary had shown a voting strength of fifty. In other words, the Australian ballot system will apply to all precincts ex cept those in the country and remote. There was absolutely no complaint of the operations of the system. Another significant, hill passed in the very last hours of the session is the recognition by statute of a divorce granted in another State. The bill provides, among other things, that where the wife secures a divorce in another State that fact denies her the Plies Cured In 6 to 14 Days Dnggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fair to cure Itching. D.iad. Bleeding or Protruding Pile'. Iustantly relieves Itchingi Piles, and you can ge' restful sleep utter the first application. Price 0e sEN D 1 I >r so has kept nT d ways from 1 ul Bargain Evei Days. In additic ir Mill Ends, we itest creations in nits, res re just the mod invited This Cu1tive Your Day's I because it requires so lit guide the gangs. The piv< arch act in unison so that a lever turns the wheels and in the same direction. Tlh .' t.' ~ . A very Ph b11 a fraZme :-o strot oj It wi'd not ans n.,mtIter ho w heavy the opearator". Each gang lifts indepen dently of the other and it is impossible for them to crowd together and cut out of the row, no matter how hard the ground is. Gangs can be reversed in a minute's time and given any desired angle COFFEY & R further claim for dower in the hus- i band's property. StatC of Ohio. City of Toledo, Lucas County, ss. Frank .J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. .J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledio, County and State afor.,said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE IIUNDRE) DOLLARS for each and every case 1 of Catarrh that cannot be cured by 2 the use of IIA LI.'S ('A'TA'RRHi MEDICINE. FRANK J. CIIENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed iYS HI iany of our best c A LE. lanning an Opp4 at, we have decid in to the many B. have for your els that are bei Ma Wednesday, February 26, 1919 itor Makes Work Easier Ele muscular exertion to t axle and lateral shifting gentle on the foot 'shifts the arch and gangs e vot Axle !o the bed. TI his cultivator can be fur. ished with shovel ansja in stead of dises and works equally well w i t h either style equipment. 'there is not room enough here to tell you the complete Story-come in and see for yourself. IGBY, MANNING, n my presence, this Gth day of D, . ember, A. ). 1886. A. W. GLEASON. (Seal) Notary Public. ii all's Catarrh Medicine is taken nternally and acts through the lood on the Mucous Surfaces of the yetem. Send for testimonials, fre. F. J. CHIENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Phils for constipation. he Quinine That Does Not Affect the Head lecause of its tonic and laxative effect, r AXA" ine and does i.ot cause trou'ne|* no, inging in head. R enber the full on , nn )ok for the si nature .f 1. W. GROVE. ;:.. LES-III LIS 3Y ed si1 ~xtords | aig nnting,. C.