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IaUBUE RITHERS CLO5ED CAR Always public--spirited, American women are more active, now, than ever in the history of the nation. The convertible sedan . is proving a boon and a blessing in speeding war work in all sorts of weather. It will pay you to visit us and examnie this car. The gasoline consumption is unusually low. The tire mileage is unusually high. Sedan or Coupe, $1350; Winter Touring Car or Roadster, $1050. Touring Car, Roadster or Commercial Car, $885; (All prices f. o. b. Detroit.) SUMTER MOTOR CO., SUMTER, S. C. The Wisest Thing You Can Do! Deposit your savings in this bank and WATCH THEM GROW Every day the little pile gets bigger, and soon you will have a "'heap."~ Then they reach respectable proportions. INVEST THEM. Deposit the income from the investment and then WATCH IT GROW. Pursue this policy energeti cally and systematically and SOME DAY YOU WILL BE RICH. Start today and start with us. The Home Bank and Trust Co. SCHOOL ASSOCIATION HAS GOOD M[ETING The teachers meeting held at the court house last Saturday was one of the best held this session. Mr. W. A. Wright, of the Extension Department of the South Carolina University, was the chief speaker He delivered a very pleasing and instructive address, tak' ing as his main line of thought the lessons we as a people are learning and will learn, and some of the bene fits which will come to the na tion as a result of the war. His ad dress was well reecived. The asso ciation then proceeded to a discussion of some matters of public interest. It was unanimously decided to have the usual field (lay in April, and a program committee was selected to get up a suitable program. It was de cided, however, that the day be con verted into a patriotic rally day for our people, and the boys and girls es pecially. The schools will assemble at the graded school building and march to the court house, headed by a band playing patriotic music. A suit able program, to consist of patriotic songs, extracts and quotations for concert, and the delivery of a ringing patriotic speech by some one capable of instructng our boys and girls, along that line will then be delivered. After dinner, which will be served in the usual manner, there will be match games- of basketball, baseba", etc. The association then decided to make the effort this week to complete the work for the governm< 't of card ing or indexing the occupational cards as requested. All teachers have been asked to help with this work. Yet on ly a few have responded. The organization of our schools as members of the Junior Red Cross was then taken up. A canvass of the schools had personally been made and several reports were had showing that some were ready for organization, and others partially so. These were reported ready. Grange Hall, Baywood and I.esesne Chapel. It is hoped that the others partial ly ready as well as those not reporting wil Itake immediate steps to (o so. Literature has been left with the teachers and it is hoped they will post themselves and take immediate steps to have their schools to organize. -e Quarterly -etig of . . U. The quarterly meeting of the W. M. U. of the fourth division met with Iome Branch church the 7th of March. The services were opened by hte singing of No. 53, after which Rev. .1. 1). Bowen conducted the devotional exercises, which led into a very inter esting address. All Hail the Power of Jesus Name was sung. Mirs. F. 0. Richardson, our new Superintendent, then gave us a business talk which we appreciated, it was important in our work. Mrs. Henry McLeod read an in teresting paper, after which we bowed our heads in silent prayer for our former superintentent, beloved Mrs. 0. C. Scarborough, which was closed by Mrs. Richardson. A beautiful solo, Teach Me Thy Will, was rendered by Mrs. Bowers. Mrs. M. S. Broadway read a poem, "Hlear 'Thou Thy Crv. After this a very interesting paper, A True Missionary Spirit, was read by Mrs. N. C. Broadway. "Majestic Sweetness Sits Enthronedl" was sung, after which Mrs. E. I). Ilodge gave us a readieg. In it was some good ad vice. Mrs. Mary Hodge then read a paper, "The Importance of Missions," which we all need to know more of. "'Throw Out the Life Line" was e:ung after which Mrs. lRowen dismissed us for the Loon hour. After enjoying a delightful lunch we assembled for the afternoon ses sioti. NIris. I". 0. IRichartdson conduct edi the devotionial exerci:s's . Tlheni Mr's. Maggie Seymor'e read, after' which Mrts. Bowen and NMrs. lIIarlee sang a duet. Mrts. Mamnie Pocole r'ead a pallet'. After this we had an Episode by the Yt. W. A.'s. 'Thetn little Lucile lBroadway rect tt'ited( a shiort pie'ce. A pa per was then r"'ad by NIris. J1. WV. Mimis. Miss lFlossie HIill r'ecit~ d a ver'iy pr'et ty rec('i tation. Then a col lee tion was&i taken to the aminutnt of $3. 1. Mrs. J. WV. Nim rt e i(signied as St e i'(tatry of' the dIivision. NIiss Alic(e Broadway wt. selected :o f'ilI her' p!a'e. We adljour ;ed by th-' sintging of the D~oxology, to meet with Dudley in ,Junte. Nits. N. G. Broadway, Acting Secretar'y. A "('IIBAPI" NII.I.IONA lltEB Buying One $50 Hond Had itS Slacker ('Iticago, NIarc t'' . --Six h undred c'ountty chirmilten atnd their ass ista nt~s pnd as many business men atnd women today c'otmpletedl platns for the third Iliberty loan div~e in the sevetth fed - t'ral r'eserv'e diistriict. G;overnor(I~ Hait lng, of Iowa, ex.. pre'(ssed( the sentiment of the tmeet ing wheni he declared: '"Tlhe mill iona ire wvho buys a $50) botid and says lie has su pported the loan is as bad as the man who dlid nttt register atnd must b~e decalt with sum THlE JOlIDAN I1OME D)EMONSTiRATI'ON C'I.UH1 The first imeet ing of the Jlordan IHomt~e D~emonistrattiotn Club fot' the' year 1918 was held in the sc'hool house, ,Jordlan, S. C., March 7, 1918 at four (l'cloc(k, P. M. We were glad in deed to have Miss Rtichardlson with us after' a pleriodI of several weeks illness, for she is a leader wvho is inter'ested in her work. The meetitng was called to order by the presidlent, Mr's. II. C. Cousar, atnd after re'peating the club prayer', the roll was called. There were seven members presenit. As this wais the first meetitng of the new year election of officers wvas then in ordler. The Whenever You Need a General TonIc Take Grove's. The Old Standard Grove's Tastelesd chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties oIQUININH and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood antd BDuilda un the Whole Systemn. 60 Cents. officers that were elected for the com- During the past year we have fur ing year are as follows: president, ,nished a kitchen in our new modern Mrs M. J. Davis- vice presi ent, Mrs. - graded school building, with a range, I .L. Napier, reelected; secretary and a kitchen cabinet and serving table. treasurer, Mrs. W. 0. Henderson, re- The treasurer's report was then elected. We had an instructive talk on called for, which is cs follows: bal gardening by Miss Richardson, stress- ance from the preceding year $88.35; ing principally the importance of amount raised past year $47,85; planting Irsih potatoes, beans and on- amount paid out $87.43; amount on ions, principally; also a talk on poul- I hand $48.77. try, emphasizing the importance of As there was no further business testing eggs and conserving the eggs the Club stood adjourned. through the summer, and the raising Mrs. W. 0. Henderson. of more p)oultry. Secretary. RI_ FISH! FISH! AT THE WEST END GROCERY. In connection with our Full Line of FANCY GROCERIES of all kinds, we have added a Fish House. From here you can get nice Fresh Fish everyday. consisting of Bass, Whiting, Mu'lets, Trout and King Mackerel. We will sell by the string and pound also. Call Phone 79 and ask for what you want and we will serve you. Deliveries Prompt. WEST END GROCERY, Phone 79. Manning. S. C. THE BEST IN and and h1ore8 Ioi'ses Are Always on Hand! We keep the best Stock we can secure on the markets. We ask you to look over this line FULL LINE OF Buggies. Wagons, Harness. Lap Robes and W hip~s. COFFEY &RIGB Mannig. S.C. WHY' NOT IIAV E A TI 'lhNG MJA('llNE:? VI CT OR Any Victrola From $8.5O Up, $10.000 WORTH OF VICTRO LAS AND RECORDS IN STOCk Columb'ia Grafonola Deal withI a house t hat carries a good reliable line. If you needl any repairs you can always find this pl1ace. Heware of mni that comae to your home and oifer to sell you a machine for $25 to $35, wheni you cani ,comie to this htouse and buy a better and1( far superior machine for $16.50). Buy a machine with a good motor. D~ay after day we have patrons coming to our place withI machines in which the motors are broken and they cannot even get any repairs. Maclines they paid $25 or $35 for have nmotors not strong enough for $5 machiiner. MACIIINES SOLD) ON E ASz PA YMENTS. The Sumter Talking Macblue Co. 26 SOUTH MAIN ST. SUMTEry . C.