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FRI A The migh THOMAS DIXION'S S I "The Play tha1 wake up your I DON'T FC Bring Ebe flanning Eimes. Pubilsh - All County and Town Of ficial Advertisements. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1917 WANTED-Four-foot wood. Man ning Light & Ice Co. -tf. Mrs. Leon Weinberg spent yester (day in Sumter. Mrs. .J. A. Weinberg was a visitor to Sumter yesterdIay. FOR SALE-Shingles, Corn andl oats. Manning Meat Market. Mrs. Alma Bradley of .Jordlan visit edl Sumter yesterday. Mr. R. L. B3ell is quite sick at his home in Manning. It is time we were getting busy on the county fair. Why not start? 3:."Dick" Kane has accepted a position with Mr. S. R. Venning. IRye Seed now in stock. W. P. LEGG. Mliss (aro Bradlham is visiting in Oranigehu ry. Mr s. S. I. Davis has returnied hlomel after v isitin her sister in Florenee. Mi ss Aileen Pidoger from Spartani biurgs is visiting A Miss I ouiise ll uggins. "D ud"' Plyler,~ the m ov io man, spent last Saturday in Columbia. Mliss It asra Tu rbev\'ille has retu rnedl from her~ vacaftion tip. Mr s. Lucius lI arv in and chhidren are in( Tennessee on a visit. MIiss MartIha Shuler of Columbia is visit ing Miss Sue Sprott. Miss Annie Ilirschmann will resume classes in the Manning Graded School with the opening of school. Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Optometrist, MANNING, S. C. DAY From LThe tiest Picture HFEF THRILLING FILM SPEC 42 C VICERO L will open your eyes al )atriotism. It is real wai Rev. Thos. R. Gregory. )RGET THE the Children Admissioi 25 POUND BAG FINE Granulated Sugar $238 Weinberg's Grocery. Price subject to change without notice. Mrs. Joe Sprott entertained at a luncheon on last Friday morning for Miss Shuler. Mrs. Linda Mayes and (laughter, of Mayesville, are visiting Mrs. J. W. Rigby. Mrs. F. C. Thomas, Joe Thomas and Wylie Hodge spent last week on Sullivan's Islandl. Mrs. Iherman Hluggins is spending some) time~ with her parents at Po maria. \Tr. Tom Tisdlale of Richland county is at the bedside of his father, Mr. T1. J1. Tisdale, who is ill. Mr. Red~(mondi 1airy of Panola has returned home after spendling a couple of wvceks at Glenn Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Iltly Wilson of Sum tcr are' visiting their parents, .Judge and M~lrs. JTohn S. WVilson. Mr.. J1unlius Strange of Wilson0 left yesterday for Winnsboro to visit his brothe(r, Mr. Charlie St range. FOR SA LI.---Ford Touring C'ar, pract ical ly new. A plply to( F. I'. lHur Mris. E. S. M~'c~ntosh of Columbia)0 is visiting tIe home of Mr. WV. II. Creecy. "Fatty'" A rbuekle, the world's fun n iest man1I wvill be0 at The Pastimc Tlheatre Friday, September 7th. Mr. Horae TIhomas has purchased the home of Cap~t. A. HI. Bireedin and] will move into it in a few (lays. WA NTED--To lease or rent for next year (with or without option to buy) a good 4 or 6 horse farm. Must be good iandi and hige suitable b)uild ings. Am able to finance myself. Wrie..a B. nCro, Rock.1, S. C . \T 11 A. M. to 11 PASTE MANNIr of world co conceived a ALL I TACLE OF AMERICA'S I ENTIMETER Y---THE UNI( rd AMEI ." AR] See this Visio DATE AND to see this Pi< 1: Children 2 Don't fail to read the big ad. on "The Fall of a Nation" in this issue. FOR SALE-One Buick, Big Four, 1915 Model, in good condition. Will sell cheap for cash. F. R. Sineath, Sumter, S. C. Mrs. I. I. Appelt left yesterday for Columbia where she will undergo an operation for appendicitis. Mrs. E. H. Speer and son are visit ing their mother, Mrs. R. L. Logan, in Manning. Mr. Jas. Harrison, piano tuner from Columbia, wvill be in Manning Sept. 10-11. Anyone wishing their piano tuned, ring 97. The family of Mr. E. C. Gros will move this week to Hamlet, N. C., Mr. Gross has gone back to railroad ing, andl IHamlet will he headquarters. Mr. and Mrs' R. R. Jenkinson again wish to express their appreciation to the fire dlepartment andl others for their aid in their most recent fire. A big feature, "The Gift Girl," at Trhe Pastime Friday, September 7th, one of the best Bluebird plays. Mrs. C. A. Mcladdin accompanied( Miss Minnie Sue Sauls to Winston Salem, N. C., this morning for a visit. Mr. McFadldin will join them later. Mrs. N. G. Gonza!es of Columbia will be in Manning Friday to assist the local Red Cross Chapter in get ting their~ work room ready. Messrs. S. .. a, A. G. Hleriott and F. P. Burg' were visitors to C'o lumbia oni Sun .y and Mondahy-maO~k ing the trip iirough the country. Died at. her home last Saturday in Anderso~n, Mrs. Claud S. Breedin. Trhe dleceasedl was a (laughter-in-law of Capt. and Mrs. A. HI. Breedin of Man nming. Judge Wilson and Sam Barion left for Williamsburg on a hunt this week. Mrs. Wilson accompaniedl them and will visit relatives in that section for some time. Effective Sep)t. 1st, our transfer fares to the Depot are 25e one way or 40e round trip. We are compelled to raise these rates on account of the high prices of repair materials, gaso line and oil. Please pay driver when you rie. Harvin Motor Co. TENv P. M. Conti I TI G, S. C. nflict that ti nd realized. )FAI =UTURE WITH A CENTil GUNS IN A )N RESCUEI RICA ! [SE ! n of the Future PLACE, wit :ture. 5 cents; Adul TIMBER-Upwards of one million feet upland and 50 to 100 acre^ in Santee Swamp at Rheoboth Church. C. D. Weeks, Newberry, S. C.-4t-36. Mr. Hugh Mckelvey has accepted a position with the Levi Mercantile Co., taking the place of Mr. Jake Iseman, who has been called into Uncle Sam's service. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Clark left Sun day morning in their big car for Wil son, N. C., and various points in Vir ginia. They expect to be gone about two weeks. Do you want a milch cow? If you (d0, F. C. Thomas can suit you in price andl quality. Twenty-five sp)len~did milkers-from two to four gallon cows if handled and fed right. Come to Bloomville and look them over.-35, WVilliam A. Brady in association wvith World Film Corporation, pre sents Miss Kitty Gordon in "The Cru ecal Test," a sensational reolvation ol Love's greatest problem, at The Pastime Theatre Wednesday night. Capt. Belton Plowvden, of Greenville visitedl Manning this wveek. Capt Plowden is originally from this place and is the third son of Mr. Jess< Plowden. ie is now stationed ai Camp .Jackson, Columbia. FOR SALE-Cheap, a Willys. Knight Automobile, 191G model. Thih car is in the very best condition an< has not been run a heavy mileage For particulars aplly to Willian Berg, at The Wreck Store, Sumter S. C. NOTICE. Parties having wheat with smut ir it are notified that before it can b< milled it will be necessary to wasi the smut out. Clarendon Roller Flour Mills. 25 POUND) BA(I FINE~ Granulated Sugar $2.38 Price subject to change without notice. Weinberg's Grocery. IBEIi nuous IBEATR ie brain of m NATI' AL LOVE THEME OF EI OTION. A F by the BOYS "Mr. Thos. Dixon has ren try the highest possible s Form SPECIAL I ..L BE PLAYED DURING THIS WONDERFUL ts 35 cents. LOST or STOLEN-Gold Watch on Tuiesday, August 21, at Clark's Ware house. The fob had the initials L. D. B. engraved on it. Reward baid for its return to A. B. Briggs, Siiver, 8. C.-2t. Mr. Covert Plowden of this place, and his brother, W. C. Plowden of New Zion, were visitors to Charlotte the first part of the week. They made the trip overland. When you are in need of Auto Supplies come and see us. Our stock is as big as any place and thc prices are right. Free air station. Harvin Motor Co., Phone No. 0. Mr. R. D. Cothran left on Monday for Brookneal, Va., where he will be located for the next several months, having in conjunction with Holloway & Bowven of Lake City, leased a large tobacco wvarehouse there. FOR SALE-A farm containing 72 acres, less than two miles from Man ning, on main public road, at a big bargain. Under good state of culti vation andl is good tobacco land. Ap ply to J. M. Windham, Manning, S. C. --2t.-p. Miss Mabel Sparks, who has been the assistant trimmer for Mrs. Atkin son of Sumter, for the past four years, has accepted a position wvith Miss Fannie Weaver, Manning's p~opular milliner. The Woman's Missionary Society will hold its regular monthly meeting on Mondlay the 10th, at 41:30 P. M. This is a social service meeting and will be conducted by Mrs. Sistrunk. A sketch on social service wvork will be read by Mrs. Cothran, and( Mrs. Furman Briadham wvil give a talk or the duty of each member, concerning this wor-k. A ver-y important meeting of the Red Cr-oss is called for Friday morn ing, in the Masonic Hall, at cleven o'clock. All members, prospective members and those interested in the wvork, ar-e urged to be present. Mrs. N. (G. Gonzales, of the Colum bia Chapter, who is an enthusiastic member, and hard worker, will ad (dress the meeting, andl explain th( workings of the Chapter; wyhat the various committees are to do; the ar rangement of the workroom and the kind of sewing and knitting that is expected of the Red Cross. The noiia of the Clarendon Cun. an has yet ON" (GROSSING POWER 'OREIGN in KHAKI iered this coun ervice." Alton B. Parker .r Presidental Candidate LUSIC ' THE SHOWING OF' PICTURE. ty Uhayter are doing all they can to get this Ch'hpter at work bni It. takes tine to get everything in work ing order. Let everybody in the County, who can possibly do so, attend the meetin Friday morning. About t'renty young men from this County were called to Columbia this: morniug to fight for democracy and humanity, and through the Red Cross we should look after them, and the' others who will fo1low . them to the training camps, and thence to Europe. The Paxville W. C. T. U. will meet Tuesday afternoon September 11, at' :30 o'clock at the Methodist church. This is the closing meeting of the* W. C. T. U. year, and ofmiers will be elected, so a full attendance is de sired. Those members wvho have not brought in their comfort bags will please (do so at this meeting. Tho treasurer asks that all who possiblr can, will please send in their dues at once. (Signed) Mrs. Hastings Broadway, President ADVERTISE IN THlE TIMES. FOR THOSE Who Want the Best in Groceries.! We offer SUNSHINE BISCUITS, madIe in the bakery of a thousand windows. These Crackers are priced from 30 to 50c Lbd Come in and see them. B. B. BREEDIN'8S Pure Food Grocery Next Door to Postoffie