University of South Carolina Libraries
WATKI EXTE Leads Them All Some of the Linament-. Cough Medicine Laxatone, Female Tonic . Laxative syrup Chill Tonic-.. Petro-Carbo Salve . Menthol Camphor Ointm Antiseptic Healing Pov After-Dinner Tablets Backache and Bladder Pi Digestive Tablets Laxative Wafers _ Headache Tablets Worm Tablets Laxative Cold and Giipp - Liver Pills Corn Salve-. Stock Dip, half gallon Stock Tonic Poultry Tonic I carry an extensivE Spices. In the Watkins best at prices that are r Hold your orders fo within the next few day W.: SALESMAN F0 All Mail O DIXON ANSWERS BRYAN SUPPORTER Author of "The Fall of a Nation" At tacks Peace Activities of the For mimer Secretary of State. Thomas Dixon, author of "The Fall of a Nation," has come to the front in answer to the criticisms of his caricature of ex-Secretary William J. Bryan under the name of Hon. Plato Barker in the film . "It appears to me that the film is always singled out for condemnation in respect of matters that do not start even a ripple when piesented on the legitimate stage or in the funny col -umns of the papers. Are the cavilers aware that Mr. Bryan is being cari catured in almost every summer show or revue, in the country? I saw him cartooned in the Zeigfeld Follies the other night and in a Columbia Theatre revue in Chicago recently. Every newspaper cartoonist is privileged to make fun of public characters. Yet when a film author does the same thing hands are held up in holy hor ror! "My answer to the charge is simply that all the statements of fact implied in my caricature are true. Resigning ~from the office of Secretary of State, Mr. Bryan, so to speak, 'hogged' the Chautauqua platform and became the -star lecturer at an emolument of $500 per lecture. He raised the price, gen 'orally collected the money in advance, and put the other Chautauqua speak ers in the shade so that summer many Sof them could not obtain engagements. The theme of his oratory was 'Peace,' and he was surrounded by groups of ndmiring wvomen and~ children just as tis shown to be in the picture. The part of the caricature referring to the 1ugure is a likely forecast of what wvould happen should such an orator present to an invadling army his Ultop ian peace proposals. He would be laughed at, handled with indignity, and the result of his efforts wvould be absolutely nil. "Inc onclusion I will say that I at tacked Mr'. Bryan on his record as a Pacifist and foe of adlequate Prepared ness. I have nothing whatever against Mr. Bryan personally but claim the right to make legitimate sport of his mitkswhich might have cost 4SThe Beauty Secret.' Ladies desire that irre" sidible charm-a good ~ ~ complexion. Of course f~ /~'J they do not wish others to know a beautifier has been used so they buy a bottle of SMagnolia Balm LIQUWD FACE POWDER end se accord g toesl alone. mProve ret eing e. Subu'i. npda ad 1C. ii,~~ O'e SIJinCLe. Samp(ither color) for 2c. Stamp. nL Mtu c., 40 South Fifth Se., Brooklyn.N.Y. NS RE ACTS' and SI When it Comes te Purity Star Products of the Watki --$1.00 Washing P __$1.00 Shaving Cr -- $1.00 Black Pepp --$1.00 Allspice .. --$1.00 Cloves .. . --75c Ginger .. . 50c Mustard ... ant . 25c Nutmeg .. rder 50c CinnaiAqn. 50c Red Pepper lls _ _ 75c Baking Po 50c Lemon Ext 75c Vanilla Ex 25c Orange Exi 40c Banana Ex Tablets 50c' Pineapple I 25c Strawberry 15c Mixed Frui 90c Sewing Ma 60c Tooth Past .-60c Tooth Brui line of everything in Toil line you are sure of getti easonable. r me as I will get to see e, S. ED. REARD R CLARENDON COUNT) 'ders Must Be Accompanied America dear. Every development o: the international situation prove; anew from day to day that the pro fessed friend of Unpreparedness i: the most dangerous enemy to Ameri can liberty." ---0 RED CROSS MEETING. An important meeting of the loca Red Cross Chapter was held Friday morning, August 24, in the Masonic Hall. The purpose o fthis meeting was t< form a knitting committee. Mr. F. P Burgess, the county chairman, ha: received a letter recently urging thi: chapter to commence knitting muf flers, wristlets, sweaters, etc., imme diately. Miss Vallye Appelt was electe: chairman of this committee, Mrs. D Hirschmann chairman of the purchas ing committee and Mrs. F. C. Thoma: was made instructor. Just as soon as the supplies can b< obtained, work will begin, and every body is urged to come forward and d< his "bit" in this direction. (Signed) Miss vally Appelt, Acting Sec KAISER ON FALL OF RIGA Berlin, Sept. 4.-(via London.) Emperor William has sent the follow ing telegram to the Empress: "Field Marshal Prince Leopold, o: Bavaria, reports the capture of Rigj by our troops, which is a new mile stonc of German strength andl unerr ing will to victory. May God help u: further." The emperor has telegraphed Princ< Leopoldl as follows: "On the occasion of the capture o. Riga I express to you and the Eightl army my and the fatherland's con gratulations and thanks. Far-seeing leadership and steel-hard will to vice tory guaranteed this fine success. On ward with God." FREE OF CHIARGE. Why suffer with indigestion, dys pepsin, torpid liver, constipation, sou stomach, coming-up-of-food-after-eat ing, etc., when you can get a sampi< bottle of Green's August Flower frei tit Hluggin's Pharmacy. This medi cine has remarkable curative proper ties, and has demonstrated its effi leiency by fifty years of succese Headaches are often caused by a dis ordered stomach. August Flower is put up in 25 ani 75 cent bottles. For sale in all civi lI zed countries.-/-adv. TAX NOTICE. The books are now open for miakinj town tax returns for -the fiscal yea commencing April 1st, 1017. Al property within the corporate limit of the Town of Manping, s. C., botl real and personal must be returne< for taxatIon or a penalty of 50 pe cent will be added for non-returr Said books wIll remain open unti sept. 10th, at Home Bank & Trus Co., Manning, s. C. By order of Council, T. M. WELLS, Crk & Tra. rIEDIBSI ICES and Excellence. ns Company. >wder .....---- 35c eam ...- -... 35c er ..- ...25c and 65c --15cand30c -- 20c and 40c --15e and 30c -- 20c and 40c ---- 25c and 50c 25c and 50c -------- .- ..15c vder ------------35c 'act.- .. 4c and $1.00 tract -- .. 45c and $1.00 ract ------------45c tract ----- 35c extract- ........ . 3?c Extract ._...--35c t Flavor -------45c chine Oil -. --. 15c -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 30c sh -- -- ------30c t Articles, Extracts and ig nothing but the very ierybody in my territory ON, , MANNING, S. C. by Money. Kaiser's Army Capturcs Russian Port of Rig British Still Battering Down Germar Defenses in Flanders Prepara tory to Dash. CANNON BUSY AT VERDUN Italians Have Taken to Date 128,000 Austrian Prisoners in the Big Drive. Riga, Russia's big port on the Gull of Riga, is in the hands of the Ger - mans and its garrison and the civiliar population are in retreat eastward. . I Following up rapidly the advantag< - they gained in driving the Russiam - across the Dvina river on both side; of Uskull last Saturday, the Germam threw bridges across this stream and soon were on the heels of the former defenders, some of whom offered re. sistance, but others of whom showed the white feather, giving the invader: no trouble in marching up the easterr -bank of the Dvina toward Riga, fif teer miles' distant. Seeing the dlisaffectior and the inability to stem the tide of the advance, the Russian comandlel ordleredl an evacuation. Between Two Fires. With the falling back of the Rus. sians from the city proper and the adlvance of the Germans northwvar( along both sides of the stream, th( Russians still defending the westerr bank around Dahlen, seemingly are it dlanger of being caught between th< two fast-moving bodies of the enemy and made prisoner. Behind them the Russians in theii 'rtreat from Riga are laying the coun try in waste, burning villages and farms. Whether the city itself re mains intact has not yet been mad< knowvn, but dloubtless the guns in th< fortress andI the ammuniition stores either wecre removed or dlestroyed t( p~revent them falling into the hands'oj the Germans. AieValue of Position. Aiefrom the strategic value o1 controlling the Gulf of Riga, and of base nearer the mouth of the Guli 'of Finland, at the head of which Pe. trograd is situated, for the moment ii is impossible to see the importance 0: the German gain, especially with th< near aproach of winter, when militar3 operations in this northern region art almost Impossible. On none of the other fronts have there been operations of great move ment, except the Austro-Italian then " ter, where th6 Italians have made fur ther progress on the Bainsizza platear andi in the Brestovizza valley and a e various points along the line have re r pulsed fresh counter-attacks launchet 1 bg Austrians. Throughout this entir< s theater violent artillery duels are ir i progress from Tolmino to the sea. 1Heavy Austrian Losses. r Advices to the Italian embassy ir .Washington are to the effect that~ ir I the present offensive the Austrianm t have lost more than 128,000 men. Re. ports from Udine, Italy, give the Aus, trian losses as one-third of the firsl 'line army ANSWER TO AGE OLD QUESTION IS FOUND IN NATURE Birmingham Man Ready to Vouch for This Little Story. How long must I endure this? Is there no possible way to get any per manent relief? For years I asked myself this question and I presume every other sufferer from Indigestion has asked it over and over. "I had Indigestion so badly that I could not eat anything without the greatest pain and distress. I simply had to work but I was not fit to work. I just dragged along suffering always and it seemed as though there would never be any permanent relief for me. "Then I heard of that most blessed remedy Sulferro-Sol and got a bot tle. It gave me relief at once and now my trouble is completely gone. As for eating, I think it now takes more to feed me than anyone else in town, I never have any more trouble with my stomach and how I do enjoy my food. There are no words too strong for me to say in favor of Sulferro-Sol for I fully believe it is the greatest remedy for Indigestion that can be found anywhere." Your Druggist will tell you that Sulferro-Sol is the nost dependable remedy that he sells. It is worthy of your.greatest faith. It never fails. Sulferro-Sol can be found at any Drug Store. If your Druggist does not have Sulferro-Sol he will order it for you. The Murray Drug Co., Columbia, State Distributors.-Adv. THE STATE Of SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CLAR(NDON. By virtue of a decree of the Court of Common Pleas for Clarendon Coun ty, State of South Carolina, in the case of C. G. Rowland, plaintiff, against Susan F. Plowden, E. R. Plowden, Mrs. V. H. Prince and H. J. Harby, doing business as Harby and Company, defendants, I will sell at public outcry before the Court House in the town of Manning, in sand County and State, on salesday in October, A. D. 1917, being the first (lay of said month, during the legal hours for public sales, to the highest bidder for cash, the following describ ed property, to wit: "All that piece, parcel or tract of land lying, being and situate in the County of Clarendon, in the State aforesaid, containing two hundred and ninety one acres, more or less, and bounded and butting as follows, to wit: North by lands formerly of Mrs. Elizabeth A. Plowden, now said to be owned by J. H. Timmons; East by lands now or formerly of estate of Joseph Cantey; South by lands for merly of Mrs. C. C. Oliver, now said to be owned by J. HI. Timmons, West by lands formerly of S. F. Oliver, now You hav'e shield "Ol d Sol" d uril no0W to make< *be onmyway to 'T hIE O'DOI took a look at ti IFALL HATSjis a Quality is good, Harken to "Old Mani New Fall Top Piece f The O'DO0 LITIbT U.S.Woolen Mills Co. World's Largest Tailors. GRAND FALL AND WINTER Opening Tailoring Sale 1917-18 FREE! "Challenge Brand" TRENCH COAT-Tho Talk of tih Town For a limited time only, we wvill give away, Absolutely Free this wonderful waterproof trench coat with: each order, as a special inducement to introduce our high grade Fall and Winter Worsteds and Woolens. These fine fabrics will be tailored to your measure in workmanship manner. You can feel perfectly safe by placing your order with us. You are dealing with World's Largest Custom Tailors Selling you direct Mill to Man thereby saving you half by eliminating th~e middle man's profit. Men remember you are entitled to this special offer during this opening only. This opportunity may never be offered again. Suit or Overcoat TAILORED TO YOUR MEASURE $15 up to $30 NO LESS NO MORE Free With Your Order This beautiful Trench Coat can be worn as light weight Overcoat or Raincoat. Come see for yourself this wonderful Coat. the craze of the country given to you absolutely free by placing your order during this 2 day Sale Only. We save you half on your Suit or Overcoat tailored to order. Com~e see for yourself the wonderful operation of Mill to Man proposition. Vhat we have done for others we can do for you, a saving of $10.00 to $15.00 on your order. U. S. WOOLEN MILLS CO. STORES ILLSCONEVERYWHE-RE Manning Furniture Co., Wednesday and Thursday, SEPT. 12th and 13th. owned by B. M. Oliver. The said ADVERTISE IN THE TIMES. tract of land being the same allotted to Susan L1. Plowden in the division of her father's estate. Terms of sale, cash; purchaser to C I O I pay for papers. E. B. GAMBLE, For Infants and Children Sheriff for Clarendon County. in Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the ADVERTISE IN THE TIMES. Signature of Good-Bye Old Straw HAT! I Am Going to Leave YOU NOW ! ed me faithfully from the penetrating rays of rig this very hot summer, but the time has come a change, so I must bid thee "Farewell." and NNELL DRY GOODS CO. FOR MY NEW FALL lH/AT. eir stock a few days ago, and their Showing of mighty choice one. the Styles are New, the and the PRICES ARE RIGHT. So Friend, Time." Discard your straw and purchase your rom INELL DRY GOODS CO. AFE PLACE TO TRADE" . . . . . s. C.