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VOL.XXVIII MANNING, S., C., WEDNESDAY. MARCH 24,1915 TO ATTACK BRITISH UNDUE LlUIS fi 6EIN of F 5EN3IE IN TBE WEST RUSSIANS IN PRUSSIA (oers Fronter of East Prussia and Take 'Several Village.-Germs.D Declare Vi~age Homes Are Being Detroyed and Threaten Reprisals on Scale of Three for One. Imadon reports Friday: The ap parent failure of Field Marshal von Indenberg's various attempts to reach Warsaw, the reappearance of - Rassans over the East Prussian fron tier, near Tilsit, and the allied oqen Atv in the west has, according to British observers, put Germany in a position where she dare not shift any substantial force from either the east er the west. Although there are rumors of re Inforcements being hurried from Po land to France or Belgium to meet the French and British thrusts, mili tary writers in London hold to the opinion that Germany must maintain her-present armies In both areas of Ughting practically intact. This will aecessitate the finding of new forces for both the east and the west if she would effectually meet the increasing strength of her enemies. It Is pointed out that the plan to delver a crushing blow In one thea tr and then rush across the country to the other, has miscarried on both fronts. This was seen drst in the dash to Paris, second in the rush for Calais, third, In the battle of Ypres and then repeatedly in the east as Field Marshal von Hindenberg sought to break through the Rnsan Hnes to- the -Polish capital. Considerable mystery surrounds the next move of the Germans, al though the prevailing belief here is that It will be a big offensive In the west, probably against the E.itish front. Belmn reports Friday: "In the I Ch'mpagne district, further French J attacks have ailed. One of these t was to the north of IeMesnil and the J ether to the north of Beauselour. We 4 took prisoner two French offcers and T soldiers.- After heavy losses the French retreated under our effective t gre to their former positions. I "To the abutheast of Verdun the z Preach have made- several advances. In the plain of the Woevre French a attacks have been repulsed, while on i the east side of the heights of the Neuse the fighting continues. "The situation In the vicinity of Nemel, in East Prussia, Is not yet clear. It would appear that minor Russian detachments have entered Nemel. Counter measures have been taken. -."All the Russian attacks between the -rive Pissa and river Orzyc to h6 northeast of Prasznysz have been repulsed. In some of these engage ments the enemy lost heavily. "The situation south of the Vistula shows no change." London reports Friday: A Star dispatch from Copenhagen says sta tistics furnished by the president of the province of East Prussia show ( 80,000 hoiuses have been destroyed in East Prussia by Russian troops. Three hundred thousand refugees maid to be unable to return to East Prussia because they have no means of livelihood. A Berlin dispatch Thursday night described these 80,000 houses as pri vats apartments and said they had been completely pillaged and their, furniture removed to Russia. 1 In Northern Poland Isolated ac tions are being fought from the Nie men river to Prasnyss, the big battle which was expected having apparent ly been called off or postponed, says1 a London dlispatch, by Field Marshal von Hlndenberg, who Is thought toi have attained his object when he ex-1 tricated his forces from the forest of -Augustowo. Meanwhile the Russians have once more invaded the East Prussian fron tier In two places. The German offi cial commlnicationl mentions that in the extreme north Russians attacked Laugszargen, which is German soil. A Petrograd dispatch reports that the largest German force In the northi has been followed in Its retreat across1 the frontier below the middle group of the Mazurlan lakes. . Petrograd reports: "In Russian Poland, on the front between the Rivers Skwa and Orzyo, In the re gion of the villages of Serafin, Tar-] tak, Wack and Ziomek, and also in the region north of Przasnysz, fight ing continues. We have seized sev eral villages and taken five guns, forty-two mschine guns, many calr sons and several hundreds of prison "On the right bank of the Niemen battles have been fought near Tau roggen and on German territory on the roads loading from Gorzda to Memel. We captured here two guns. tour machine guns, two automobiles loaded with ammunition and a num ber of prisoners." Berlin reports: "Russian attacks on German positions between the Pissa and Orzyc rivers in northern Poland as well as northeast of Przas nyss continued with success. West of the Skwa river we took 900 pris oners of war, and east of the Skwa, 1,000 prisoners and tour machine guns. "Hordes of the Russian Imperial militia gained a cheap victory by in vading the most northern corner of east Prussia in the direction of Mem el. They pillaged and burned villages and estate. As a rctallatory measure Russian towns occupied by us will be compelled to pay large sums. "For every village burned down by these Russian hordes on German ter ritory, and for each estate destroyed three villages or estates on Russian territory occupied by us, will be sac rificed to the flames. All damage caused by fire In Memel will be an swered by the destruction by fire of Russian government buildings at Su walki and other provincial capitals In German hands." Petrograd reports: "In the Car pathianis the Russians appear to have been successful in turning the Aus trian right flank south of Stanislau in a-spectacular battle. Half buried In snow, which In places was over the heads of the combatants, the Rus sians rushed the Austrians fortifica tions near the village of Tarnowice. "Abandoning the customary forma tions, they scrambled as best they could through the drifts, sometimes strung out in Indian file, sometmes almost losing touch with one another. They succeeded, however, in reaching thsoriat+ions by surprise and Dos AUSTRIA ASKS PLEDGE WANTS GUARANTEE OF FUTURE ITALIAN NEUTRAMITY. Dual Monarchy Apparently Resisting Germany's Efforts to Find Way to Keep Italy Out of War. Rome, Italy, reports in a dispatch to Paris Friday what purports to be in outline of Austria's attitude which relation to the cession of territory to taly is contained in a dispatch to the rribunea, dated Vienna, but tele graph:d fro mthe frontier. The statement is made that Aus tria, without reflecting upon Italian good faith, contends it is only natural hat the dual monarchy, if she is eady to grant territorial compensa Jion, should wish to insure Italian :eutrality. For this reason, the dispatch says, ustria feels she should carry out her art of the proposed agreement only hen an Italian pledge of neutrality s fulfilled, especially in vitew of the !act that the cession of the province )f Trent would imply a weakening of Austrian military resources with re ard to Italy. Commenting upon this report, the 'ribuna says the condition which Austria demands Is absolutely inac :ptable and if maintained would nake impossible any friendly agree nent. No ministry would accept as L satisfaction of national. aspirations L simple promise to be carried out at lie end of a war, the results of which to one can foresee, the newspaper argues. "The Austro-German point of riew," the Tribuna says. "is wrong >ecause they think Italy is asking ,ompensation . for neutrality. The roblem Is totally different. Austria rovoked the war through aggression gaist Serbia, partly against repeat d Italian warnings and partly with ut Italy's knowledge. This action as entirely contrary to mutual talo-Austrian pledges and conflicted ith the fundemental interests of taly. Thus the European equilibrium ras upset and radical changes in the nap of Europe are inevitable. "Italy sacrificed her national as rations by adhering to the Triple tllance for the sake of preserving hat European equilibrium. Since Lustria shattered it Italy can no long ir postpone the realization -of those aspirations." Paris reports Friday: The Aus ran government - is resisting ener etically pressure exerted by Ger any to induce her to make territo Ial concessions to Italy, according to Geneva dispatch to the Petit Paris en. Count Andrassy, former premier of Ingary, and several other states nen representing the dual monarchy, re reported to have gone to Berlin o discues the problem with Chancel or von Bethmann-Hollweg and For ign Minister von Jagow. It Is reported at Geneva that if >ther negotiations fail the German hancellor contemplates a trip to ienna In ihe hope that he may con Ince Emperor Francis Joseph that it s necessary fQr Austria to consent to he sacrifices asked. FIRED WHOLE F,)PESTS. erman Artillery Touched Off Trees Loaded With Gasoline. How the Germans employed both ire and water to destroy the Rus ians in the campaign in the Mazu -an lake district, east Prussia, is re ated In a communication received in .ndon from Gathenberg. "German strategy counted not only n water and mire, but even fire," he correspondent says: "Their engi eers have, for many years, been ,Quipped with a peculiar kind of uger for excavating the trunks of loft trees such as the Mazurian furs. When the Russian army first advanc d into East Prussia German engi eers hastily excavated numbers of :rees. "When Russian troops reached the Kazurian district, German engineers it once opened the canal locks, frowning the invading troops like ies. Some Russians reached the ~orests, but of course, they bad no .dea that many trcas had been charg d with gasoline. It was an easy task or the German artillery to set a natch to this bonfire and burn up :he Russian regiments they had en rapped." TYPHUS IN SERVIA. Dread Disease Creating Havoc Among Doctors and Nurses, Appalling stories of conditions In ervia are told by Ernest Bicknell md Henry James. Jr., of the war re lief committee of the Rockefeller oundation, after a tour of inspec tion through that country. Typhus, most deadly of the several pidemics in Servic. already has caus ed the death of 60 out of 400 native doctors, they said. Fereign Red ross units have suffecred great losses. Two American and one British units have had to suspend regular work because of typhus. Nine American nurses and two physicians have con tracted the disense. sess themselves of the stronghold in a short time. capturir g a large num ber of prisoners and guns. "This movement was followed by a general flanking operation which drove the Austrians from the Dnies ter. The Russians now hone to ex pel their opponents from East Gall "An encounter of equal strategik importance occurred between the Uz sok Pass and Turka, in Galicia, tc the north of the pass, in which thE Russians captured trenches and seIz ed railroad communicationsa." London reports: The next imnor tant battle in the west. it is believed in London. will take place along thE River Yser, held on one side by thE recent reorganized Belgian army anc on the other by the Germnn. As the floods have subsided thE Belgians, supported by the allies warships, have pushed their lint slightly forward, and this is almos certain to lead to counter-attacks bI the Germans and then a general en. gagement: as when similar move ment initiated elsewhere along thi front. An artillery duel already ha: conmenced. There may be a slight delay whil4 the Germans are awaiting reinforce ments. for they have been usin imos of their reserves to counter-attack: the British troons at St. Eini an< Neuve Chappelle and the Frenul north of Arras, but that a big clas] NOTES MAUE PUBLIJ !ASINGTON GIVES OUT DILO MATIC CORRESPONDENCE ALLIES REJECT OFFER Great Britain and France Make Final Reply, Setting Forth the Scope of Their Blockade of German Ports Notes of United States and Replies Are Published. The state department has made public all the notes exchanged be tween the United States, Great Brit ain, France and Germany in regard to the treatment of neutral sea com merce by the belligerents. The publication includes (1) the original note sent by the United States to Berlin and London In which this government sought to secure concessions relieving neutral trade of the burdens and dangers of the war. (2) The German reply which offer ed to call off all submarine activity against mercantile ships if food sup plies were allowed to come into Ger many. (3) The British reply, which re counted and denounced German per fidy, and at the same time declared that France and Great Britain, in concert, would shut off all supplies from Germany. (4) The second note of the Amerl can government to Great Britain, sent also to France, in which this country asked the allies to explain the manner of instituting and main- I taining their embargo on all com- I merce to Germany. (5) The reply of Great Britain. 1 (6) The reply of France. The general tenor of the replies of Great Britain and Germany to the first American note are well known as their contents have been publish ed. So to-day we print the two notes of the American government and the replies of .Great Britain and France to our second note. The First American Note. The following identical note was i sent by the secretary, of state to the I American ambassad6rs at London 1 and Berlin: "Washington, Feb. 20, 1915. "You will please deliver to Sir Ed ward Grey the following identical note which we are sending England I and Germany. In view of the corre spondence which has passed between this government and Great Britain and Germany, respectively, respective to the declaration of a war zone by the German admiralty and the use of neutral flags by British merchant t vessels, this government ventures to express the hope that the two bellig erent governments may, through re ciprocal concessions, find a basis for agreement which will relieve neutral shippers engaged in peaceful com merce from the great dangers which they will incur in the high seas ad jacent to the coasts of the belliger ents. "The government of the United States respectfully suggests that an agreement in terms like the following might be entered into: "Germany and Great Br~itain to agree: "1. That neither will sow anyi floating mines, that neither will plan an he ighseas anchored mines e; ept within common range of har bors for defensive purposes only andi that all mines shall be so constructed as to become harmless If separated from their moorings.- 1 "That neither will use submarines, to attack merchant vessels of any ationality except to Lnforce the right] of visit and search. "3. That each will require their respective merchant vessels not to use neutral .flags for the purpose of disguise. "Germany to agree: "That all Importations of food or foodstuffs from the United States to Germany shall be consigned to agen cIes to be designated by the United States government, that these Ameri can agencies shall have entire charge and control . . . of the receipt and distribution of such importations and shall distribute them solely to retail dealers bearing licenses from the German government entitling them to receive and furnish such food and foodstuffs to the noncombatants only; and that such food and foodstuffs will not be requisitioned by the German government for any aurpose whatso ever or to be devirted to the use of the armed forces of Germany. "Great Britain to agree: "That food and foodstutis will not be placed upon the absolute contra band list and shipment of such com modities will not be interfered with if consigned t . agencies designatedI by the United States government In Germany for distribution solely to the noncombatant population. "In submitting this proposed basis of agreement this government would consider the agreement. if acceptable to the interested powers, a modus vivendl based upon expediency rather than legal right and as not binding upon the United States until accepted by this government. Bryan." Replies to This oNte. The nature of the replies have al ready been printed In this paper, G~ermany virtually expressed her will ingness to abide by the American note. Great Britain exnlatied the many wrongs committed by Germany Iand pleading these announrced her In tention. acting In common with France, to cut off all supplies from Germany. The United States thereupon dis patched this note to Great Britain and to France: The Second American Note. "Washington. March 5, 1915. "n regard to the recent communi cations receivec. from the British and French governments concerning re Istraints upon commerce with Ger many, please communicate with the British foreign'office in sense the fol lowing: "The difficulty of determining ac tion upon the British and Frencn declarations of Intended retaliation upon commerce with Germany lies in the nature of the proposed measures iIn their relation to commerce by neutrals. "The language of the declaration .is: 'The British and French govern ments, will, therefore, hold them selves free to detain and take into port ships carrying goods of presum ed enemy destination, ownership, or origin. It Is not intended to confis aesc eselse ornargoes unless they would otherwise be liable to condemnation. "The first sentence claims a right pertaining only to a state of block a'de. The last sentence proposes a I treatment of ships and cargo as If no blockade existed. The two together present a proposed course of action. practically unknown to international law. As a consequence neutrals have C no standard by which to measure their rights. The paradoxical situar tion thus created should be changed and the declaring powers ought to assert whether they rely upon the rules governing a blockade or the rules applicable when no blockade exists. h "The declaration presents other I a perplexities. The last sentence quot- C ed indicates that the rules of contra band are to be applied to cargoes de- s, tained. The rule covering non-con- a traband articles carried in neutral a bottoms is that the cargo shall be re- 0 leased and the ships allowed to pro- 1 eed. t "What then is to be done with that margo of non-contraband goods de tained under the declaration? The e same question may be asked as to d :onditional contraband cargoes. rJ "The foregoing comments apply to F mrgoes destined for Germany. - - - cl Under the rules governing enemy ex ports only goods owned by enemy subjects In enemy bottoms are sub- ff ect to seizure and condemnation. Yet I, by the declaration it is purposed to A seize and take into port all goods of 0 memy ownership and origin. - - - ri rhe origin of goods destined to neu- s( .ral territory on neutral ships is not si Lnd never has been a ground for for reiture except in case blockade is de- s, :lared and maintained. . . . The eclaration does not Indicate what i isposition would be made of car ;oes if owned by a neutral or if own- 0 ?d by an enemy subject. Would a ifferent rule be applied according to s >wnership? If so upon what princi- i les of international law would It e est? And upon what rules if no I bockade is maintained could the car- a ro of a neutral ship sailing out of a Ierman port be condemned? If it ist t iot condemned, what other legal It :ourse Is there but to release it? ti "While this government Is fully 01 Llie to the possibility that the meth- t >ds of modern naval warfare, par- bi cularly in the use of the submarine s( or both defensive and offensive op rations, may make the former means f maintaining a blockade a physical 't mpossibility, It feels that it can be e, irged with great force that' there a hould be also some limit to the is -adius of activity,' and especially so c( f this action by the belligerents can tr )e construed to be a blockade. It would certainly create a serious state si >f affairs, if, for example, an Ameri :an vessel laden with a cargo of Ger- c( nan origin should escape the British >atrol in European waters only to be d4 ield up by a cruiser off New York M Lnd taken Into Halifax. ci "Similar cablegrams sent to Paris. h "9rBryan." el The Reply of France. The American ambassador at Paris ansmitted to the secretary of state rom the French government the fol-'e owing message: fT "Paris, March 14, 1915. B "French government replies as fol ows: ai "'In a letter dated March 7 your tc xcellency drew my attention to the A iews of the lUnited States regarding it he recent communications from the T rench and British governments con- F erning a restriction to be laid upon M ommerce with Germany. According .o your excellency's letter, the decla- ti ation made by the allied govern nents presents some uncertainty as egards its application. ,t "'At the same time your excel- w eny notified me that the govern- le net of the United States was some- tl rhat apprehensive that the allied bel- ey igerents might (if their action is to le ye construed as constituting a block- G de) capture in waters near America iny ship which might have escapee te :he cruisers pratroling European A waters. I have the honor to Inform a rou that the government of the re- ti ~ublic has not failed to consider this A oint and I beg to specify clearly the 1( ~onditions of application as far as my n overnment is concerned, of the dec- e laration of the allied governmenltt. A~s well set forth by the federal gov lrnment the old methods of blockade :an not be entirely adhered to In view F f the use Germany has made of her ubmaines. . . . In answer to thee ehallenge . . . contained In the :leclaration by which the German Im-I perial government stated that it con-* idered the seas surrounding Great t' ~ritain and the Ferach coast on the S Ihannel as a military zone ... he allied governments have been ob- a iged to examine what measures they ' could adopt to interrupt all maritime s ommuncation with the German em pire, . . . at the same time safe guarding as much as possible the le- t gitimate interests of neutral powers, md respecting the laws of humanity. C "'The government of the republic, herefore, reserves to itself the right s of bringing into a French or alliedt port any ship carrying a cargo pre sumed to be of German origin, des tination or ownership, but It will not go to the length of seizing any neu tral ship except in case of coutra band. The discharged cargo shall not be confiscated. In the event of a neutral proving his lawful ownership of merchandise destined to Germany, he shall be entirely free to dispose or same, subject to certain conditions. In case the owner of the goods is a German they shall simply be seques-: trated during 'he war. "'Merchandise of enemy origin shall only be sequestrated when it Is t at the same time the property of an enemy: irerc'handise belonging tod neutrals shall be held at the disposal of Its owner to be returned to the port of departure. " 'As your excellency will observe. these measures, while depriving the 1 enemy of Important resources, re spect the rights of neutrals and will not in any way jeopardize private property. -. "'The goverment of the republic., being desirious of allowing reutrals every facility to enforce their claims. ...has specified that the prize court shall give sentence within eightc days. counting from the date on which the case shall have been1 brought before it. "'I do not doubt that the federal I government, comparing on the one hand the unspeakable violence withI which the German military govern ment threatens neutrals. . . . and on the other the measures adopted by the allied governments of France and the rights of individuals, will readily perceive that the latter have not overstopped their strict rights as belligerents. "'Finally. I am anxious to assure you that it Is not the intention of the government of the republic to ex tend the action of its cruisers against enemy merchandise beyond Euronean seas. the Mediterranean included." The Reply of Great Britain. The reply from the British govern (Continued on last page.) BAITING FAIR ITALY P1 *OTH SIDES SEEK TO SECURE ITAI AN SUPPOAT. rermany Offers Austrian Territory an Free Hand in Albania-If En tente Wins There Is Nothing. Political pressure upon Italy to ledge its support either to the em ires of central Europe or the allies Ruc as been augmenting for some time ad is believed to have reached its J Limax. According to thoroughly reliable surces, Prince von Buelow, German mbassador, has given formal assur aces that Germany will be able to S vercome resistance of Austria and iduce Vienna to yield to Italy cer- C din territorial concessions. Pek In addition the central empires am] ould further Italy's ambition in the Bar ?stern Mediterranean. The German min iplomats pointed out that the ma- him ine supremacy of Great Britain and ing 'rance would have the effect of tho, ushing Italy. mn Representatives of the allies were diff resenting the matter in quite a dif- tiat rent light. They have uited in say- futi g that the defeat of Germany and I1 ustria was inevitable, and that with- day at participation of Italy in case Italy pen, frained from taking part, it would con! cure nothing from the allies when for ttlements are made. cert With the conclusion of peace, or not ortly thereafter, they argue, the mer paration of Hungary from Austria Stal to be expected. A This would lead to the absorption thr< the Austrian provinces of German this Brsonality by Germany and the con- of quent retention of German domin- hav n of Trieste which thus would for- den rer be lost to Italy. In addition Italy prol ould be forced to abandon Avlona spe< d the Aegean islands. can What is believed in high quarters T be an authoritative outline of Chit aly's territorial demands and Aus- sub a's position regarding them was max )tained recently. The difference or bect ews, as thus indicated. appears to whc 3 so great that well informed per- the mns can -see no likelihood of an ad- mal Lstment. veni It is said Italy wants a sweep of A rrtory north and east which would tabl tend her boundary around the was )rthern end of the Adriatic sea as the ,r south as Flume on the eastern sian last. That would include the Aus- Tok ian naval base at Pola, and the pre- eig-. nces of Trent and Trieste. Conces- Jap: ons which Austria is believed to be sist illing to make are insignificant as ficul >mpared with the demands. Jap' It is regarded as probable that un- S ,r pressure from Germany Austria ane ay be Induced to grant larger con- refe !ssions, but the belief is generally Pek ld in responsible quarters that the kno treme Austrian concessions will be rese sufficient to satisfy Italy. 'Uni Italy's demands are set forth as ane, llows: To the north, she desires the Jap, itire province of Trent, bringing her . l ontier to Venoste, Parririe and the reoie. including the districts of Rev- beez -to, Trent, Bosen, Meran, Bresanone' avol id Bruneck; to the east, she wants the i extend her frontier to the Julian and 1ps, including the provinces of Gor- Chii z and Istria, with the districts of lmein, Goritz, Trieste, Pola and as lume. Besides, she wants the Dal- Will atian Islands. as I The only rectification of the fron- wo er which, according to this infor- Jap .ation, Austria is willing to grant is ssion of territory which would give Italy possession of Lake Gartla, fte ith the town- of Riva and the val- Jp 'ys of Chose and Adiger, including has e towns of Rouverto and Tione, bu' u eluding Trent and Trieste, the val- a y of the Isonzo river, including. frin radisci, but excluding Goritz. can! It is understood also that for suchas !rritory as she is willing to yield ustria asked a large amount of ' oney and other concessions. .In re- mac irn for these concessions by Italy, ami ustria is willing to make certain Poe >cal grants, including the establish- refi Lent of an Italian university at Tri- the ste' intu FORTS SINK SHIP. the neil ench Submarine Comes Up and sho Turk Forts Destroy Her. ters join London reports: The loss of a at 'l rch submarine boat, in an attempt Pek run through the Dardanelles is de- rec :ibed by Read Admiral Guepratte, oth the French Dlerdanelles fleet, in of a interview with a correspondent. he attempt apparently was made tha1 me time ago although no announce- botl iade has been heretofore made. a "The object of the submarine was- alli e siniking of the Turkish cruiser ultan Selim (formerly the Germanam ruiser Goeben)," the correspondent An ys Admiral Guepratte told him.An The submarine was submerged and aglo uccessfully navigated the straits up al' >the corner where the Asiatic coastbe uts out at Nagara. A "Through some miscalculation the -Are ull struck the rocky shore, whichrg ompelled the boat to rise to the sur- te ice. Immediately the submarine ap-I eared the forts sank her. Only a3 a of her crcw escaped and those and rere made prisoners. ds "Regarding the present situation dthe the Dardanelles5, $tear Admiralth Fepratte said the waters of the upo traits are clear as far as Mephoz The ernu, to which point all vessels ofma le fleet can safely .navigate. The Chi iain mine fields, however, are be wen Chanak Kalessi and Kilid st lahr, where also are the main coastSt efences.' the JAPAN SENDS TROOPS. is Peli 'hrty Thousand Regulars Dispatched clo doe to Chinese Provinces. affe The Chinese government has offi- Un] il information to the effect that the by econd Japanese squadron, convoying ( wo divisions of approximately 30,000 the oldiers, has sailed for China. sai Arrial of these troops will in- ma rease the number of Japanese sol- Sta .iers in the garrisons in China-to cre early 60,000. The new troops will wit e distributed in Manchuria, Shan- eig; ung, Tien-Tsin and Hankow, where got resent Japanese garrisons number int< Larly 30,000. jgat It was made known in Tokyo sev- Chi rl days ago that new forces would ers, e dispatched to the Japanese garri ons in China. It was explained. Lowever, as merely a shifting of roops. Subsequently, it was inti- dro nated that the garrisons now on duty ing could be retained pending settlement ous if Japan's demands on China. sev Aeroplane Attacks Ship. The British steamship Blonde has 1 -eported she was attacked In the. fac Corth Sea by a German aeroplane,Ilan which dropped a bomb on her deck. I tra: )n mmber of the crew was killed. tagn LOIIISI 10 JAPANI ---- ERICA AND OTHIR POW[RS HAVE SENT NOTES ---- - APS ARE SUiRPRISED sia and England Have Warned apanese That If Demands Were xcessive Allies Could no Longer reat Diplomatically - United tates Looks After Her Interest. fficial information is credited in' ing that the Russian and British assador at Tokio called upon on Kato, the Japanese Foreign ister, last Saturday, and informed that if Japan persisted in press upon China demands beyond ;e contained in her original com ication to the powers it would be cult for Japan's allies to nego diplomatically with her in the ire. ; is understood that on the same the United States, acting inde lently, although possibly after iultation with another power, in-1 2ed the Japanese government that ain of the Japenese demands were in consonance with treaty agree .ts between China and the United es. merican and British opinion ughout China are in concord in matter, as voiced privately, semi ally, andby the press. Meetings been held at which the Japanese ands have been discussed and ests have been sent to their re tive governments by both Ameri and British associations. he opinion is expressed by both iese and foreign diplomats that a tantial proportion of her de ds will be withdrawn by Japan use of the attitude of the powers, have called China's attention to fact that she has no right to :e a treaty with Japan contra ng existing treaties with them. t various foreign diplomatic es ishments in Washington doubt expressed as to the correctness of report from Peking that the Rus and British ambassadors atI io had informed the Japanese for . minister that if the excessive Lese demands on China were per d in the Allies might find it dif t to negotiate diplomatically with in in the future. irprise was expressed at the Jap ae embassy, and it was said with rence to another portion of the Ing disnatch, that it was not Pvn to the embassy that ,-ay rep tations had been made by the ed States government to the Jap e government concerning the Lnese proposals in China. - t another quarter it was said that Japanese demands on China had formulated in such a way as -to d any conflict between them and understandings between Japan other powers with respect to We have the matter in mind," Is ar as Secretary Bryan has been [ug to go in answer to inquiries :o what course this government Id adoDt in connection with the) Lese demands on China. is admitted by state department .als that since the beginning of negotiations between China and L the United States government quietly been exerting its in ace to have the Japanese demands lorated and to prevent any In gement of the rights of Amern either under treaty of the provi s of general international law. here representations have b..een e in Washington to the Jananese' 'assador, as well as in Toklo and ing. Officials In- Washington have ained from making public any of1 steps the United States has t'aken1 bese negotiations. Regarding the ation as delicate, they preserved same attitude when the latest s dispatches frcm Peking were rn to them. i the best posted diplomatic quar there was no confirmation of any t British-Russian representations okio of the nature Indicated from lg. One dispatch from Tokio ived in Washington dealt with r matters, and made no mention1 uch representations. [oreover, the assertion is made strong Influences are at work iat Peking and Tokio to stir up minmosity between Japan and her s, and there Is a disposition ing the diplomats of the allied ers to attribute reports of joint l-Russian representations as wing out of feeling adverse to the Swas also stated that there had, no consultation between the' rican and British governments rding the effect of the proposed~ anese demands upon existing .ty obligations. t various public uttewances the anese minister for foreign affairs the premier are reported to have laimed any purpose on the part of Japanese government to infringe a the existing rights of other na s in making demands upon China. se were regarded as pertaining to. ters that were at issue between na and Japan only. [owever, the disclosure of two of demands as the result of the e department's inquiries causedI United States to deal with this' Ject with extreme caution, and it elieved that Minister Reinsch, at ing, has been instructed to watch ely and make siare that China not concede any point that would t any of the rights which the ted States now enjoys in China reasons of existing treaties.. me of the best posted observers of. present Japan-Chin1 negotiations that any representations thus far le by the allies or by the United les probably took the form of dis it Inquiries rather than protests, t possibly the intimation that for governments felt assured the ne lations at Peking would not bring Squestion any of the treaty obli ions now in operation between na, Japan and other foreign pow Dropped Bombs onC alals. 'ails reports: "A Zeppelin ha.s pped some bombs on Calais. aim at the railway station. No seri material damage was done, but en employees --ere killed. To Use Army Transports. ecause of the lack of shiopinlg lites between thle Pillippine Is is and the Unitedl States, armyi sports will be utilized for carry goods from the islands. TURKS SINK BATTLES.H. REPORT DESTRUCTION OF THE BOUVET OF FRANCE. German Submarines Secure Two More Victims in the English Chan nel on Friday. Constantinople reports by wireless to Berlin and London Friday in an official statement issued from Turk- S ish headquarters: "Our fleet early Friday bombarded the ship yards and manoeuvering place of torpedo boats west of Theo dosia (on the Black Sea in Crimea, a part of Russia) and set the. build ings on fire. "An allied fleet heavily shelled the forts of the Dardanelles, which re plied effectively, sinking the French t battleship Bouvet." t The Bauvet, 12,000 tons, was laid t down in 1893. Her complement was 621 men and her armament consisted b of two 12-inch guns, two 10.8 inch, C eight 5.5 inch, eight 3.9 inch, ten 3- t pounders and ten 1-pounders, besides d two torpedo tubes. t Paris reports Friday: "An artil- n lery duel in the Dardanelles between v Turkish shore batteries and warships t: protecting allied mine sweepers last- c ed from midnight until 2 a. m. yes- c terday, says an Athens dispatch to a the Havas agency, based upon infor- t, matron from Tenedos. e The warships are reported to have b been struck by several shells, but the s damage done was slight. Two shore batteries were silenced." Glasgow, Scotlan, reports that the British steamer Hyndford was torpe doed Friday by a German submarine in the English channel. One member of the crew was killed. London reports Friday: "The Brit t] sh steamer Bluejacket, with wheat rom Liverpool, has been torpedoed e by a German. submarine off Beachy 1 ead. The crew took to the boats. rhe steamer, although badly damag- p ed, remained afloat." The Associated Press summarized 0 the- war situation Friday as follows: The Thurkish war department an nounced that the French battleship a Bouvet had been sunk during the a bombardment of the Dardanelles. No :onfirmation has been received from Paris or London. r Paris or London. The Constantinople n statement indicates the Turkish fleet, whose location has been unknown for some time, again is engaged actively in the Black Sea. It is said to have ttacked a Russian naval base on the crimean coast, inkicting considerable lamage. Whit is said to be a presentation of b ustria's attitude toward Italy, as set r forth in a Vienna dispatch to Rome, :ontains the statement that Austria, n if she agrees to make territorial con- i 3essions sufficient to satisfy Italy win P lefer formal transfer of the territory t ntil after the war. Austria, it Is t 3aid, desires to assure herself that [taly will adhere to her promise of si neutrality in return for the grant. B rhis attitude is describcd in Rome as cl Insatisfactory. 9 Paris dispatch says t, ustria is resisting German pressure b the matter. g Information from ucharest4s that si he Austrian forces in Bukowina ti iave been reinforced and are under- 11 taking a strong offensive movement. The Russian invasion of Germany b, pparently has led to the occupation o >f Memel, an important Baltic port at n he northern tip of East Prussia. The A Yerman official report of to-day indi- d ates that Russian forces have enter- n ad the city. e< Petrograd believes von Hindenberg t tas decided to launch a aew attack on Warsaw fro mthe west. Russian a military authorities 'assert that the ci ermans have abandoned their attack n the north and are concentrating ~ forces south of the Vistula, where d heavy artillery fighting already is un- t der way. The developments of Thursday on tha3 western front were a repetition e of the local engagements such as have ~ been usual during the winter months. ~ Minor successes are claimed by the ' French in northwestern France and t in the Argonne. The German state- i ment mentions several attacks by the ~ allies, but asserts they failed. The Russian army which Is invad- t ing Turkish Armenia, is said to have won another victory, capturing a Turkish base on the Black sea near the Russian border. Petrograd as-t serts that the Turks retreated in dis- g order. Two more British steamers have been destroyed by Germany's sub-1 marine raiders. They were torpedoed I in the English channel-. TORPS REPAIR GUNS. While Allied Fleet Rest Bombard- t msent Defenders Are Busy. Paris reports: An Athens HavasI dispatch says the allies' naval opera tions at Smyrna, Asiatic Turkey, have j been temporarily uuspended, and the I Turks are profiting by this respite to I repair their batteries ani forts. They are pursuing the same course also at t the Dardanelles and on either shore here are abou 180.000 Turkish troops west of Constantinople, ac cording to latest information reach- ~ ag Athens. Forty thousand are on the Gallipoli peninsula. 30,000 In European Turkey and the rest on the Asiatic side of the Dardanelles. TO INSPECT PRISON CAMPS. I Americans to go to Great Britain,t Germany and Austria. An arrangement between Great Britain and Germany and Austria, by which representatives of the United States will inspect and report upon alien prison camps in those countries I and distribute to prisoners suppliest from their own governments or other sources, has been announced by the state department, and it was stated that, through the good offices of the American government, similar ar rangements were under contempla- ii tion between Russia and France and I~ Germany and Austria. 11 Our Action is Independent. It has been stated officially at thes White House that representatives by the United States to Japan concern ing the latter's demands on China ad been entirely independent of any action by Great Britain and Russia, or other powers. French Dropped Bombs. Berlin reports French aviators ha~e thrown bombs on the unidefend ed Alsatian town of Schlettstadt. Only one bomb took effect, falling o a seminary conducted by women teachers, killing two children and se-Ie l[R[ U. s STAN OSITION OF THIS NATION -8 ALLIED BLOCKADE FIX SECOND NOTESt ubstantial Position of the UniteC States to be Set Forth in- N Which State Department Ofca Is Now Preparing to Send to t Allies. In preparing the protest to b seut a Great Britain and France the pod [on of the United~ States subutan. [ally is as follows: 1. If the action of the allies-st lockade, all commerce directly witlh ermany can be halted by makin he blockade effective, a ceirtain. ius of activity" being allowed t he blockading warships off thc ian coast, because of the newly eloped activities of submarines. here can be no legal blockade of. oast of neutral countries of Zur6i ntiguous to those at war., und ny circumstances, and commerce bu. wreen the United States and n specially in non-contraband, 5110 e free from interruption,'.r pective of ultimate destination. ej' 2. If the action is not a blI ien there exists no legal right to4 tin cotton or other non-con argoes, even when consigned.di r to German ports. Nor can fo tuffs or conditional. contraband--, istly interrupted unless pro ough consigned to Germany,, to estined for the use of Its beb ut forces and not its civilian Ltion. Under the same tances, too, there Is no lega 3r detaining cargoes consigned e United States to nettral co f Europe if containing eotton' on-contraband goods, irresec i ltimate destination. Similar1 tN 111es can not under- the previo ecepted principles of intern LW interrupt shipments of s d other conditional contrabaldt.e Dute between the United States eutral countries, unless c' roven to be going eventually to t1% elligerent forces of Germany ot its civilian population. 3. Neutral countries of E Lay declare embargoes on re-epol Ltion of contraband on non-co and, thus preventing supplies .rem maching Germany. With this so reign right the United States ot take issue, but it will insist s rights to ship to neutral co Lacing the burden of stopping. ier progress on the latter iemselves. In considering. the foregoing p tions officials realize that-. ritain and her allies have set urh aim that their actions constitute tliatory measures agaftrst n t this, in the view of theAm vernment, does -not affect the. atus of international law: as ween the. United States and the b gerents. The American attitude has oai een changed materially as a resi. E explanations in the exchange. -' otes with Great Britain and Rran fter inquiring what would. be. sposition qf various kinds of ship Lents the American government-ask: : "upon what principles of inte onal law would it rest?'' "And upon what rule if -no boi de is maintained and declarpd,&k ntinued, "could the cargo of a,., al ship sailing out of a Germandir e condemned? If It is not-ed emned, 'what other legal coursli tere but to release it?" Great Britain's answer has ndict d that the cargoes diverted Inti ritish ports and owned by neutn e restored to their owners, butth rill not affect the insistence. ofth nited States on the legal 'rightsdi s subjects to ship cargoes of a n'o ontraband character .to andfrm eutral countries without interru.i ton and regardless of their d d Con. During the civil war -the tates enforced a rigid blocae te Southern waters by stopping<si oes while plying between nf3 orts, but in th.e famous a ases, finally ruled upon by. ustice Chase, of the Supreme Cn f the United States, the ruleb lockade and continuous voyaged hipments between Englandmi exico were not held to- ext' N oods of a non-contrabandch State department officials, r he case, pointed out that non-conti and goods were released and-91 itted to be forwarded to their det ation in the Confederate' Stae hese cases have formed the re ent for American practice ever-snc he decisions were aecepted byGi$ ritain at the time as equiable>% High officials said no commuin ion to the allies had beenikH raf ted. It was declared at thesk .epartment that, although the .wor 'blockade" is used by Great Briin a describing the object of her- ne rueasures, the American. governme onsiders that a blockade is a quet ion of fact and requires eertaffagd ance notifications to that. rhich have not been given. The order in council, it was point d out, did not mention "blockade or was any exact "radius ofac y" given limiting the ares of o ons, the announcement merely e ning It to :"European watersis luding the Mediterranean"-~ The belief of high officials Is t reat Britain to continue her onati d course would be obliged finallyM dmit that there is no legal basis% er action, and that it is solely af aliatory measure resulting from12E xigences of war. - Highwaymen Shoot Agent. Highwaymen operating along- tl Vest Shore railroad near Hilgha ~alls, N. Y., held up one 'man, ro~bb dm and cut his throat, entered'the ailroad station Thursday, shot ane :illed Omar Hotaling, the night tel ~raph operator, and escaped with mall sum of money. Shot. In Both Legs. While trying to take a shote rm her brother, who bad returnt rom hunting Miss Eula Gallagher'e ranitevillo was wcounded In 10 es by the dischaorge of the weap rh wounds are serious. Cotton Reaches Bremen. The owners of the steamer i anca, which left this county I 3remen loeded with cotton, haveg eivd a cable report of her safO