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The Eid You Have Always Bought, and which has been is use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has beenznade under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Alowno one todeceive youin this. Al Counterfeits, imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Tnfantis and ChDidren-Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Caoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare - golc Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie substance. Its age. is its guarantee. It destroys Worms . and allays ?'everishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Coli. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy anid natural sleep. The Children's Panacea-The Mother's Friend. CENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of 1TcidF011HaYm Always R11ght n Use for Over 30 Years. !!/C'Oi ~ ~ i mamas oSPI ,TTMRA TAt ::. NEw VaNE CRS WHAT IT'S NAME IMPLIES ' A Trust Company should be exactly what its name implies---a Dust Company. As such, is -fitted better to iduinister trusts than the private individual. This com pAny is equipped for active, efficient service. Try ia. HE SUMTER TRUST Co., SUMTER, S. C. r-Bing Your Money *- tothis Bankr and you can sleep in perfect peace, knowing -that it 9 - annot get away, and that when you want it you only have to sien .your name to a check and is is yours. Those who owe you gratitude ofe alwhen you most need them. but anaccount atour Bank always stnswith open arms to receive yout when you need floan ahelp. It is OOiy wisdom- to cultivate such friendship. Wh y t& begin to-day.. Bank of 'Turbeville, Turbeville, S. C. TO0BACCO BARN FLUES ! Get urprices before you buy. Our prices wil sveyou money. Everything for the TbcoeTobacco Planter. Tobaco ireTobccoTwine, Tobacco Barn Lantering. Tobacco Barn Thermometers. - Paris Green, Paris Green Guns. Also Big Stock of Binder Twine for the oat crop. MANNING HARDWARE COMPANY. ASK( FOR THE YELLOW PACKAGE. It's Ny al's a Nyal's Family Remedies you can timi a ece~ for n 1.Absolutely guaranteed. For sale only by WlKSQNWS DRUG STORE.3 His Excuse. "You seem like a spiritless creature. I don't believe you've got ambition to open your door when opportunity knocks." "Don't be too rough on me, ma'am; I ain't never had a door."-Cleveland Plain Dealer. Warning. - Every man should have an aim in life. but he should not spend too much time in aiming.-New Orleans Pica yune. A Spendthrift Duke. The sixth 1U kt of Devonshire, son of the "i:,lnbroui" duchess. came Into a co losa tortune on attaining his1 majority. 'The whole of his property was ias his own hands. .'he ent:: htad been cut oit'. and his rather's death had inttrfered with the resettlement. -Tliw're was. therefore. no curb on his extr:avaganice. says his biographer. i "at! so rr":t were the inroads that his med(e of life made on his wealth that toward the end of his life he felt constraiaeti to sell the Yorkshire estate of L.ondesbo'rough" This famous and foolish duite b eieved in keeping up thi dignity or his position and would I drive to race meetings in a coach and I six with twelve outriders. When sent t as anbaassador extraordinary to St. Petersburg for the coronation of Nicb olas 1. he s:pent ?0Zi.0J in excess of the sum allowed bim by the govern ment.-London Globe. Keep Pots and Pans in Sight. --he efilcient kitchen should he so ar ranged that it is not eeessar'y to hide ali the pots and pans under doors and in cupboards away from sight. Did you ever visit a factory or large estatb lishment where the boi!ers and the caldrons and the belting and the thou sand tools wi-re stuck away from sight whe'n not in 1s5? Your kitchen equip meat should be so attractive and good that it tooks well :nd doesn't need to be tucked away. Every time a pot is pushed Into a shut closet we increase the dangers of uncleanliness.. and it takes us twenty unnecessary motions to stoop to place it in a low cupboard and fish it out again. Hang up. place on shelves. put knives in strips of can vas. screw eyes on small pieces. use no closet doors if possible and let your kitchen be a real workshop.-Phlladel phia Ledger. Haiti's Mysterious Booms. "Gouffre" Is'a tern applied in Haiti to mysterious acoustic phenomena. probably of subterranean origin, be longing to- I be class of sounds known as "brontidi" or "brontides," reported from various parts of the world. They 1 seem to be much more varied In char acterbthan the typical brontides of Italy or Belgium. Sometimes theygesemble I the boom of cannon, but again are de scribed as deep rumblings. howlings. a rushing sound. as of wind. a deafening crash. "as if a mountain of Class were shattered."- They have beep known in Haiti from early times. ' Rats in Tokyo. A price is set on the head of the rat In Tokyo, and. according to the Far East. "the sight is frequently seen in the side streets of the city of some blooming -damsel gingerly conveying a snmill rat, suspended by a string tied to its taiL to the police box. Here anI official receipt Is given for the rat. which entitles the holder to 5 sen. and so the plague is combnted and the pee pe protected against foul epidemIcs." 'LE -Il 8 Wouldn't it be I SLinen you could use Sat the same time k 8saved money when 8 offetreaoutheopport 8 need"ad savemone 8 This week all Liner 8- Specially,.Red Linen, regular 35c. qualit: week to ....... ....... S36-inch Dress Linen, Light B ,Tau, Dark Brown, Etc., a Imedium weight, regular 35 S ity, this week...... .... . 27 inch Colored Dress Line Iregular 25c. quality, this wi 45-inch Round Thread Emi regular 75c. quality, this w 90-inc~h Linen Sheeting, all p w ~idth, the best quality, thii 72--nh Table Linen, all pure 4idth,reguar $1.and$SL I .411 other Linei StckSpecially R? 8White and Colored 8 from iOc- yardto 2 gthing in Linen you @ have it, and will s 8 the purchase. "Alfl Special Prices The Youn [ J.H~.L Makirg It Hardo to e Happy. "Why shuuld you be romplaining? 'hink of all the blessiugs you've got." se "Oh, it's all right to say that, but tl sow can I think of my blessings when ta .he neighbors are always taking the [.~ flaunt theirs before me?" Dincinnati FEnquirer. .l aft A Picture of Life. A colored philosopher is reported to the mave said, "Life, my brethren, am ,E1 nos'ly made up of prayin' for rain and de. hen wisbin' it would cl'ar off."-Pres. f, byterian. ga lo Be who seeks a brother without a wi ault will have to remain without a at rother.-Talmud. fa< ..---..... shl Surprising Cure of Stomach Trouble. h Trul. thi When you have trouble with your pr ;tUmach or chronic constipation, don't cit magine that you' case is beyond help ei ust because your doctor fails to give -elief. Mrs G. Stetgle, Plainfield, N. str ., writes, '.For over a month past I ave been troubled with my stomach. ?vers thing I ate upset it terribly. One f Chamberlain's advertising booklets NE ame to me. After reading a few of the th etiers from people who had been cured y Cham.berlain's Tablets, I decided to ry'thed. I have taken nearly three- s our-ths of a package of them and can aL ow eat almost everytning that I want." 'or sale by all dealers. bu -tel Circumstantial Evidence. ch "I guess she will marry Noodle after bu "Did she say so?" - np "Not in so many words, but she ask- A( ed me if I knew anything about the o tnost effective method of training a puppy."-Youkers Statesman. d Her Sympathy. Adolphus-It's an awful shame. My i little nephew got hold of that poem I s wrote to you and tore It to shreds. f Augusta-So the little fellow can read ST alreadyl-London Opinion. Another Mouth to Feed. ] Father-And did be give you any en- tio ouragement, dear? Daughter-Yes. Li: Father: he asked me if you and mother N. were pleasant to live with.-Yonkers Ia) Statesman ho 25<c The world knows nothing of its reatest men.-Van Artevelde. For Cuts, Burns and Bruises. thi In every home there should be a box tr: > Bucklen's Arnica Salve, ready to ap- \: >ly in every case of burns, cuts, wounds be >r scalds. J. H. Polanco, Delvalle. Cex., R. No. 2, writes: "Bucklen's Ar- cc ica Salve saved my little girl's cutC oot. No one believed it could be our 'd." The world's best salve. Only 25c. tecommended by all druggists. . ..a... . -- ... o; ec not Well Pleased. "I had to kill my dog this morning." -I said the boob. to "Was he mad?" asked the cheerful a idiot. . - "Well, he didn't seem any too well pleased." replied the boob.-Cincinnati Enquirer. ._ _-_re The Best Medicine in the World. c "My little girl had dysentery yery ad. I thought she wonld die. Cham- t >erlain's-Colic, Choler: and Diarrhoea t temedy cured her, and I can truthfully ay that I think it is the best medicine n the world." writes Mrs. William Or. ~is, Clare, Mich For sale by all dealers. eri Coi i to d ntgean a: aow that you had of you bought it ? We nity to buy all you , y n your purchase. S .s inour stock t tced in Price. C an Lide, all pure b r, reduced thism ....... .......2 2212c. yard le, Dark Blue, ,11 pure Linen, .and 40c. qual- . de ... ........ 25c. yard. Tr us, also white, ek..........1623c. yard is roidery Linen, Pt eek.......... 45c, yard. - ure Linen, full week at.... .. 8c. yard. 1 Linen and full - for 2 quality, this X Fl .... ... ... ... 85c. yard. t and Linenes in - educed this week. Lranging in price 5. yard. Most any-( could ask for we ve you money on0 are Strictly Cash." ; Reliable. igby j Lemoride a tretcida. .emonas1te- lu.s.:' .::h a 1.t twater. tzer or e:Irtu:ia' t i\, n- e of the t plrtert ;:er icte g- b;::: e t' ::tar'e body. :tro.-;:thebe 1:r:sil i: : nib n. .1.1C s o e li~~U th~it nat ii l l: . t~i :11: iril:ive't ni:tdit palwi". -~This: ob -vniteol hIs beent: l4 ir'. : .l. It , ('V! n-e shlowi; Ih lti . the it-r ih i:'* ;i' ead -t? :are :gre!':tter :1. the rIT-:;:r ' of s is In e.::"! s . it would weis n toi Io! i th it (le'ip et i w::..I:S , b a all events thL loore d rin-!s st!t:r .e. :id tlhiluleo s t"s::!;i:.:: --it I:', Y nvu. that naturn:1 ::e:itedt : :ter'. o lit a freedom from :ret i-.e" ::-. ms. I1 Saase of untitele. thute' ter. i ;e. is lsenit. beside reuront :t- ti nsta rie :d od of the l to t. iati a 1iiW . idl. en in weak . 'il'ns. is o e-r n le oy er." He Didn't Fit the Suit *I have alwtys been convinced that w York takes the lead in most ings," said the comedin. "but I was aware puntil-lately that the clotthin lesen here are expert anntoiss Wo. -I had ocension to visit at downtown siness office. where I heard a clerk' ling the other employees-tf n suit of tes whie he bought :md paid for. t whichb did not tit protaerly. He cided to return the suit ad insist on receiving another In place of it. ting upon this decision. he left the ice. Shortly afterward lie reappear with the same sl of clothes and a cgusted look - -What Is the trouble*- was asked. - -Coanfoud. it!' he exclaimed, point ; to his chest. 'After talking to the lesmau I discovered a hla t am too t here. too thik here and ray legs e too short.' "--New York Times. The King of All Laxatives. or constiation, htearach s, i::ires a and dyspepsia, use Dr Kinn's New re Pills. Paul Mathulka. of Buffalo, -Y.. sayst the e the "King of all Paties. They are a blessi g to all r family and I always keep a boxat me." Get a box and get well. Price .Recommended by all dru."ists. The Medieine Dropper. medicine dropper is very useful in a -pantry for measuring flavoring ex tets. coloring matter and so forth. 2ny a delicate cake has been spoiled euse too many drops of aoring t into the icing.-Woman's Eome 'mppanion. Pretty Sad. 'After afl." said the ready made phi' opher..'humor and pathos are very Csely allied." 'That's right." replied the comedian. don't know of anything sadder than tell aitiunny story that doesn't get Intgh."- vshington Star. Happy Ending. 'Did the play have happy ending?" 'Comparatively so. All money was funded after the second act."-E ange. :er inveniene afton o rlod, esItptin, aitipg abotver,r and e terhalfberans iats eang o Nee soond your moaney eorae youl lyer t.Th asefro. A Moust ontefestingt. "rom hose:l themot' interestin then er'"nreante tOnder h alfth world ronge wttha sentncie radn outhry.-asChnenati Enqier.':e Nseverdenyou morre n teoreso tre. or-Thasweferon.l Of QusNon Practiqauet. 'Thes hoe books the a regularh ud. rend the. rth-Mrwa what's ithe thatte sent e?"e 'Lary says ths Noewf Yok Trillie. e einty amorge vrd min tue ypeits tha the ues of tgam N, o: Ih cnswderted p rtligh OfteNo"acticae Vmrianu. ATeesho Paboxreareua tud"haw-hids Nuith togo 'Wha's thne matteraith 'e? hter sband teasontds. ii:i~r i' ieLo a thisgoiter.y of Wilos. See ainty inge and apin t. dcaom myr-Herm~i at coo oAt Light M Mmateor. m oi y i wht tosan presao nt of th ea akn: the aosaoic the Fevery wllight urn. t ats o Palvrdette huan Sayingnd do Savtgipeg. sce.25 whtnhubn&rehesndawf hi sapecito epare~dd esial >AAI PrCILLS EVR ur.It act o ateliver etrta oe n sntieyr sikn. 5 * frldneanBladde2u" rFSLe EY l rgita vrywee Now Well "Thedford's Black-Draught + is the best all-round medicine $ lever used," writes- J.A. Steelman, of Pattonville, Texas. + "I suffered terribly with liver troubles, and could get no relief. The doctors said I had con- d sumption. I could not work at all. Finally I tried THEOFORD'S .BLACK DRAUHT and to my surprise, I got better, 4 and am to-day as well as any 4 man."Thedford'sBlack Draught is a general, cathartic, vegetable liver medicine, that has been regulating irregulari ties of the liver, stomach and bowels, for over 70 years. Get a package today. lusist on the 4 genuine-Thedford's. E-70 4 Borneo's Tobacco Fields. 4 Tobacco is the chief product in North Borneo. and as land produces but one crop of tobacco in seven to nine years new fields must l,' cleared every year. After the jungle is cut and burned an army of Chinese coolies is turned on the land with hoes to dig it and pre pare it for planting. No plows are used. The young tobacco plants are set out by hand and kept clean with hoes. It is necessary for a tobacco planter to possess thousands of acres of uncultivated land in reserve and to employ 500 to 1,000 coolies. 4 The Book He Liked. The late Joaquin Miller, says a writ er in the Christian Register, was In different to books. but was fond of newspapers. "He scanned the news papers with avidity and made copious clippings. He preferred communing with nature to books. The only vol me in his den was a Bible." A Good Investment. W. D. Magli. a well known merchant of Whitemound. Wis., bought a stock of Chamberlain's medicine so as to be abe to supply them to his customers. After rrceiving them he was himself taken sick and says that one small bot Le of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and iartihoea Remedy was worth more to him than the cost of his entire stock of these medicines. For sale by all dealers. No Wonder She Behaved. "I believe." said it2minister, with a twinkle in his eye. "thiat the saying that children and fools tell the truth" is true. The other day my wife and I ere invited out to dimier. The chil-. ren of the family were so remarka bly well behaved that my wife re marked: "Whait lovely. well behaved children cour-s are. Mirs. Brown!' -Both Mir. and Mrs. Brown beined :it this aplproval or their offspring. wvnen up Piped little M1ary. 'Well, pa said that if we didnt behave he'd knock m;r bhices cif. didn't you, pa?' "-Moth. rs' Mugazine. Royal informality. At CaiP!m Emperor William's mod el farm i:i Wetst Prussia. where he or es to tramp about in r-ough clothes :etl i:ilghi~ hubots, there is a certain !:wk!smithi wh!ose hand is never~ too Iy't orhs kaiser to shake. The ':!w-ess Victoria Luise from earliest ers has shaired her father's liking or the t;~m's sterling qualities. One iy the emperor and princess, in comn pny with a high oiticial. called at the snithy. .\s its' owner turned from .wark to welcomefl them the kaiser in tr,'iucedl imn as "a special fri.end of y 'laiugzhter's."-Pietorial Review. Toasted Bugs. 8 .in inget much resembling the June og and round in great quantities inQ thi 1:i-h p'iing about Quito, capital r lbuador. is toasted and eaten as a blk;i:'y by the untives of that coun r. it is sold in the streets in the sie umnuem.r as are chestnuts in the ites of this country. The reasted bugs taste- very much like toasted Obey That Impulse. . Instead of enduring the daily torment f weak bactk, backache. sore kidneys 5wo!!en j)irn's and rheumatism, obey that impulse to take Foley Kidney Pills. hey co-operate with nature, which ac ounts for their success in all kidney9 ad blatdder disorders They are heal ing. strengthening and tonic. Obey that. mpul~lse to-day and give them a chance o help you. For' sale by all dealers verywhere.O Invigorating to the Pale and Sickl The Old Standard general strengthening tonic, GROVE'S TAsTELESS chl TONIC.drives out M~alaria,nriches the blood, builds up the system. A true Tonic. For adults and children. 50c. Notice of Discharge. - I will apply to the Judlge of Pro bate for Clarendou cotytv on the ~tl d ay o f Julyv. 111, a t 11 o'clock. . M., for letters of discharge as ad- - iuiistrator of the estare of .Joseph S. ell, deceased. O .JouN D. (E:lr A>, Administrator. Jnle, I7t hi. 11:.8 Succeed when cycrything else fails..* -Il nervous -ro.stratic ad fcmale , eeakesses they are thceaspremre + remedy, as thossands h'avc testifned. STOMAM TROUBLE $ t is the best medicir: ever sold 2 ove axg N w ccineriis The best in the world. OLE~iENTA 4, We are Going to Sell Out Our Entire Stock of CUT CLASS AT 25 Per. Cent. DiScoulJnt FOR CASH. and wesare going to keep a fall stock of,it all the time to - sell at the same discount prices. This is not cheap store Cut Glass, but the very best that + can be sold for considerably more than'we ask for it. Cal - ARANT'S DRUG STORE. and see it before buying elsewhere. FORD MOTOR CO., AUTOMOBILE "MANUFATURERS. Detrior. Michigan, U. S. A. June 3rd, 1913. To Dealers, Sub Dealers, Limited Dealers and Eranch Man agers: For fear that .i ou hive. not noticed 35 of the Ford Times of May. wberein an emphatic denial is made of certain silly rumors concerning a change of ownership in the Ford Motor Company and. a consequent reduction in the price of Ford Cars, we call to your attention the following " p lain statement of facts las.. The Stanrd.Oil Company or any .other com- 0 pany has not bought the Ford business or even a single B share of our com pany's stock. as we hive no interest to sell. 2nd We ave no connection whatever with any # other aufomobile concern. - 9 3rd. We will not sell three cars for one thousand dollars. 4th. We will not market our product' through mail order houses or direct to the retail buyers, or through any other channels exce;t regularly licensed d(-alers, We expect and want everyone connected with the Ford organization to deny rumors of this chatracter, resting pssured-tbat when any.changes are made in Ford policy our organization will be the first to know of it A dealer need only to read his contract and do bust ness accordingly,. as his contract furnishes him ample guar antee, that such rumors are without foundation. FORD MOTOR 00., By N. A Hawkins. Manager of Sales. D. C. SHAW CO., 10.12-14 Sumter St. Sumter, - - S. C. 9 floved! We beg to announce to the trading pub lic that we have moved across the street from our old stand to the store formerly( occupied by Rigby Dry Gloods Co., on Levi Block, next door to Plowden Hardware Co. We are showing the most representai tive Line of Dry Gloods, Notions and Shoes to be found in the county. A visit to our new quarters is earnestly desired. R. R. JENKINSON.1 TOBACCO TWINE 25c. Lb. The very best three ply cotton, wound : in small balls, packed five pounds in cloth g bag AT THlE 5, 10, 25c. STORE I MANNING. S. C. I "The Wood Everlasting" CYPRES DOORS. SASH AND BLINDS. Lengthens the Life of Your Buildings :4. Ask Your Dealer. L. WETHIERIHORN & SON,e Largest Mf'rs South . - - Charleston, s C. $