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SLeasant Relief from Constipation R. LT. is the perfedt laxa ti Composed of vegetable extracts from roots and herbs it goes at once-to the liver and _bowels, acting immediately withot nausea or griping. The Liquid Liver Rgulator is die gnaxas-ed remedy for chroniconseptionf headache. fever; eli, .indigeution and aU Nliouer- It is-harnless and Pec -m in effect. e sand -$ Bottles sk ,Your Diaggist Ibgt.L.T.Cod ims, S.C FOR SALE BY 2siI&s Pharnaci Happy Pro Jew Ye THlE YOUNG W E C. 'in Stock the following:-Hard *ware, Enamelware, Glasswar< and Wagon Material, Pumps i Farm Imj of all kinds, Guns. Ammunt Pocket and Table Cutlery, Pa Brushes, -Alabastine Wall C Iron, Nails, Bolts. Etc. Stovi Stoneware, Perfection Oil C Rubberoid and Corrugated Garden and Poultry Fencing. A Hearty Welcome Frier I' I IlMANIN I An Ants' Sewing Circle. A party of Ger:na naturalists re .entiy retui-led from Ceylon have re rorted the esistence of a species of ant thnt has leen observed in the act of ewing twi' 1:-aves together for the pur pose of for;::iig a nest. This report onfiris the observations of the Eng lish n:itu:alit Ridley. made in 180i. Ihey saw nn row of the insects pulling the edges of leaves together. then oth rs trimming and titting the edges, and finally the completion of the work by Atill other nuts which fastened the edges with a silky thread yielded by larvae of the same species the workers carried in their mandibles. It is said that the sewing ants pass the thread giving larvae like shuttles through oles in the edges of the leaves.-Bos ton Post For the Boy's Sake. A Roseville man stopped smoking for the sake of his young son. .-,If I smoke I shall set him a bad example." he ar gued and gave up tobacco with many sighs of regret. For three years he nas done without the weed. The other night he found a box of little cigars in the boy's coat pocket. a well smoked brier pipe In the youngster's tool box down cellar and a pack of cigarettes in the woodshed.-Newark News. His Experience. "In order to succeed in any line of business." said the great merchant. who was given to the habit of mo-ai izing. "one must begin at the bottom " "I tried that." replied the young man with the fringed trousers. 'and now I'm on my uppers."-Exchange. bc < the of C dmy tax -bon bo1 coil 153 in t low: 3.4 No. 11. mill No. 10 i No. 3 i No. 6 ii and 61m sperous L O ar D. 0 . RELIABLE. LC Mo . . Cli WO1 goc ed exr: ed1 Tor ARRY ware, Tinware, Crockery 1, Woodenware, and Buggy H .nd Pipeing. lements io and Sporting Goods, uts, Ols, Stains and Paint ailg, Sheet, Tin, Sheet s Ranges, Stove Pipe and ook Stoves and Heaters, steel Roofing, Wire Field, - We for all our Many [ARWARE CO. Rto W By headache, biliousness, in- th digestion, rheumatism, ha pimples, blotches, yellow er complexion, etc., are all 0 signs of poisons in your blood. These poisons should be driven out, or an serious illness may result Ti To get rid of them, use st Thedford's is Black-Draught m ti the old, reliable, purely t dr vegetable, liver medicine. ni It Mrs. J. H. Easier, of sh Spartanburg, S. C., says: se "I had sick headache, for th years. I felt bad most of CE the time, I tried Thed. pr ford's Black-Draught, and i now I feel better than a when I was 16'years old." a Your druggist sells it, in - t 25 cent packages.. ad InSISt -OD Thedf 'd sa in fa Ia Tax Notice. he County Treasurer's office will te pen for the collection of taxes for b tiscal year 1912, on the 15th dats etober 1912. and close on the 15th fr of March 1913. Following are the to levies: For State, 5* wills; ordi ot county, 4+ wills; court hous- si: ds, 1 miil; county bonds, 1-2 mill; 30 atrv back indebtedness. 1-2 mill: ez ditiossial school, 3 mills.--Tota& e ills. Also, special school taxe- I he various school districts as fol PC : o. 1, 5 mills; No. 2. 3 mills, No of :ills: No. 5,3 wills; No. 7, 4 mill.: tb 9, 10f wills; No. 10, 3 mills; No. M mills; No. 13. 4 mills; No. 14, 4 e s; Xo. 15. 8 wills; No. 16, 8 mills; 17, 4 mills; 1o. 18, 2 mills; No. 19 tills; No. 20, 8 tnills; No. 21, 3 mills: cc 22, 9 mills; No. 24. 4 mills; No. 25 wi lis; No. 26, 4 wills; No. 27, 4 mill; of 28, 8 nills; No 29. 4:nills; No. 30. Ih.; No. 33, 2 mills; No. 52, 4 mills bt L. L. WILLS, m Treasurer Clarendon County. tit in W. K. TAVEL ivil Engineer a th AND fa hr .and Surveyor, T Sumter, S. C. ee Over Bank of. Sumter. i - m D-AVIS. . i. W. WIDEMAN I ~VS & WIDEMAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW , MA NNING. S. C. el fr xComrnissionerintern Rvneu PH D. WRIGHT.. O ~PERS & WRIGHT, AT ORNEYS AT LAW bi WASHIGTON. 1)C. i ANS NGGOTIATED Dn First-Class Real Estate at -tgages. a Pu1Lyi 3 O'Bryan *rU ATTORNEYS AT LA W, w: Manuiing,S. 0. of - pc We solicit your si saing and Pressing f -k, and promise prompt and ti< d service. We have employ T pressers and cleaners with m erience, and all work entrust o us will be guaranteed. end your clothes to the Bon Pressing Club.. L01113 AROM. Maln1gl. di PUDOY. S. OLIVER 0 BRtYAN p1 RDY & O'BRYAN, n<i .ttorneys and Counselors at Law MANNING, S. C. tU 1. 3. A COLE,d el .. DENTIST. t pstairs over Bank of Manning. * E MANNING, S. C. ione No ~77. Cl acker Mfg. Co. - SUCCESSORS TO ieo; S. Hacker & Sop, CHARLESTON. S. C. el th of en de Manufacture Doors, Sash and Blinds; Columns , and Balusters: Grilles and Gable - Ornaments: Screen Doors and F: Windows. gr DEAL IN -J Glass. Sash Gord and Weight~s. ke ~LLY~llNEY~T n HY WASTE HUMAN EFFORT? 1 J. E. Waggoner, Service Bureau Manager. The harvest which has just passed tnessed a greater lack of farm help in perhaps any harvest that we ve known. The cry for farm labor from the Northwest, megaphoned er the entire country, lost none cf intensity when heard at short age. Farmers boarded trains at the Ltion offering $3.00, $3.50 per day d in some cases more for farm help. ;eir solicitations were met by the we and dumb silence of the passen rs. At this point one Is apt to ask rhy," if such Is the case, and there ems to be no doubt but that it is the farm help problem growing eater year after year. There are ny reasons for this-some are lured ray from the farm by the attrac ins of the city, while others turn eir backs to the farm because of the udgery and long hours they are re ired to work on the ordinary farm. is right and proper that the farmer ould work long hours during certain asons of the year In order to save e crop, but we find the largest per ntage do not stop at this point, but ide themselves in early rising, say ; nothing, however, of the work tually accomplished. We do not sh to discountenance early rising, t that in Itself will not be produc e of results. We often hear the old age, "the early bird catches the >rm"-this success was not neces rily due to early rising but to know g where to go; in other words, the rmer should combine with early sing-early and careful planning. Just recently the writer was on an wa farm where a new silo had been ected. It was discouraging to note at the silo had been built eight or a feet from the side of the horse rn, in fact, it was 200 or 300 feet ,m the place where the silage was be fed, viz: the cattle barn; In her words, a large percentage of the age would have to be carried 200 or 0 feet during feeding time. The ergy and time expended as a result carelessly - building the silo at this int can be placed on the "loss" side the ledger. It is not infrequently e case that It takes fifteen or twenty ntes to carry the corn for feeding e horses, and even longer to feed e hogs and other animals, but if the rn crib were properly located it >uld save two-thirds to three-fourths P this work. By the proper arrangement of farm ildings hours of time and scores of Iles of travel can be saved. It is ach easier and usually more ne to unload a load of corn or grain a crib or bin In the barn or hog use than it would to unload it at corn crib standing several hundred et from either. If we were to visit a modern plant at is manufacturing machines for e farm or other machinery we would id that every casting and every part d a certain route through the works. ie holes are bored or punched with te machine, it is then handed or livered. to the next machine where e milling or planing work Is done; other words, it passes from machine machine until the article Is com eted. If the method practiced on2 any farms were in vogue in factor-2 s, either the price of machines sld .be higher or the factorIes : ald go out of business. - * 0 Conditions and methods have a anged. The farmer now has at his sposal farm equipment which will Lable him to reap greater profits a m the area farmed if he spends : Lrt of his time planning the various 2 ierations than if the old methods S ere followed. He should no longer : ew his occupation In the light of a : y-laborer, but from the angle of a : isiness man. There Is, perhaps, no - cupation that requires any keener dgment and bietter management an to operate a farm successfully. The scarcity of farm labor can be et, in a degree, by so planning oper ions and growing diversified crops to distribute the work over a long period. There is no question but that e farmers In the northwest In the keat sections and the cotton farmers the south will soon realize the Im irtance and necessity, not only from * e standpoint of its effect on the soil, it from the viewpoint of the laborer, practice better and more complete tations. Data collected by the government tsthat the yearly earnings per rm hand is almost directly propor nal to the farm equipment used. i using of a larger number of farm achines and more power, and follow. g better plans, incruding a proper taton of crops, will help-to solve e labor problem. Fodder left in the shoek will lose am 25 to 40 per cent of- Its feeding lue, besides it is a bad practice to: .y the least to haul it in as needed cing the cold winter days. Better an to stack it is aossible. To shred e fodder, you will find more eco imical than stacking. Itis usualy agood pactice to'tn e cattle and other stock Into the* irn stalks for only a short time each C ty until they get accustomed to the ~ *ange in the nature of the feed. See 2 at they are provided with plenty of . lod water. Better begin to look up the alfalfa op. Every corn belt farmer should Lve at least ten acres of this valuable op next year. You can't raise your -otein any cheaper in any other way. Mexico's Four Nosed Snake. he most deadly reptile In Mexico is. e four nosed snake. It usually* easures from four to sIx feet In 3gth and from two to four inches diameter, with sixteen great fangs, , ht above and eight below. It has : e ferocity of a bulldog and the venom an Egyptian asp. ' Solar Freak. 'Leap year is so called because the rthi goes round the sun for three ' ar-s, but n the fourth year it leaps er it!" wrote a very youthful stu nt in an examination paper. Teddy Wondered. eddy-Dad, what are ancestors? tter-Well. I'm one of yours. Your inddad is another. Teddy-Oh, but Iy is It that folk brag about them? Luck and Pluck. Irggs-I should say that the two ys to success are luck and pluck. iggs-Certainly-haet in finding some ae to pluck! Don't Waste Your Time. trying to find the best place to buy Ladies' and Gents' Furnishings and the problem will be solved. You Don't Waste Your Money either when you buy of us. That is the rep utatio: we have won; for you can depend on what you can get as being the best, and feel sure that you will not have to pay more than the a icle is worth. D. Hirschmann. VIEw *ITE If you grow Peas a STAR ;PEA IHULLER will please and ay you. If you use fertilizer see our Force feed Distributor, the [opper Holds 100 pounds. If you plow cotton and corn. See The J. M. B. $20 Cotton and Corn Plow Stock, The Steel eam will not break or bend. Write us for circulars and prices. Our offer to the readers of this paper will interest you. Bennettsville, S. C. C, R. Sprott, -* F. D. Hunter, 4 President and Treas. Vice-President and Sec. 1111110 OIL DILL - Manning, S. C. . MANUFACTURERS OF Cotton Seed Products AND IHigh Grade Fertilizers WAHT T'S AME IPLIE A Trst ompny soul beexatly hatitsnam imples- Trut Cmpan. A suh, i fited ettr t A pan ust quipany hor l bcie ectly t srice. nrae STHE SUMTER TRUST CO.,~ SUMTER, S. C. BRING YOURI TO THE TiMES OFFICE. A Picture "of Contentment I All men look pleased when they smoke this choice tobacco-for all men like :the rich quality and true, natural flavor of ' Smoked 'in pipes by thousands of men eerybere ? known to cigarette smokers as "the makings. We take unusual pride in Laggem ' &lers Duke's:. Mixture. .It is our leading brand of granulated tobacco and every sack we make is a challenge toall other tobacea manufacturers. Every. 5c sack of this famous tobacco contains one and a hlf ounces of choice granoulated tobacco. in every way equal to the hest you can bur at any price,. and with eaeb sack ros get a book. of cigarette If you have not smoked the Duke's Mixture made by the Lsggett 4, Myers Tobacco Co. at Durham. N C:. try it now Get a.Camera with the Couponas Save the coupons.. With them you can get all sottsaf val . . _ - able presents-articles suitable for you ad - ld ; men, women. boys-and girls. You be " -delighted to. see what .you can get free with out one cent of cost to yon.- Get or new liustated catalog Aaepedal offe cw wad 0i' free durahj December a Jauary .. Your nime and sdara u4 ona s tal will bring it to you. .otdrtfr~ -H-ORSEOE.JT GER TWIST aoa fO ROSES c - S"+- LOUB.MMOS FO GET WA.OU WA Swhen you want it by 'Phoning us-Bicycle delivery E ICKSON'S DRUG STORE. BEST QUALITY. EXPERT WORKMANSIIHP. L. WETHER HORN &SOl Manufaetui-ers of CYPRESS DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, Charliestomn, S. 0C - Prompt Deliveries. Estimates Furnished~ HAVE YOU ANY MONEY UNEMPLOYED ? WHY NOT- - - take a i'est yourself and put . your money to work? spu oe okfryu Let #our srlsmnyWr o o OU AKand the result will be a pleasant surprise. .. is.a hard task-miastei- when- it has a chance. to work yotir money. We keep it busy night*0 and day and even on Sunday we have it drawing interest while you attend church.. Yqu should enjoy. the SAFETY AND CONVENIENCE. of a checking account, but if you have a little extra money, set it to work on an intrs bearmng deposit. BANK OF TURBEVILLE CYPR ESS. Sash, Doors and Blinds. Largest manufacturing stock house in the South. Special sizes on short notice; : : .:: A. H. FISCHER CO. CHADRLFSTON. S. C.