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New The old formulas o way to the - cvrrrf~trner .41. n subject the fertilize: *11 frnish a balanced ratio to soil. To do this the fertilizr 71horc Acid. Our -ic hoo] PLY 'of th s C s.: .i : be glad to snd up ;V red rs' Club Officer on r * GERMAN KCAL ntal Euiding, Baltimore, Md -;. 93 Na1-ssau Streetr, Stupid Man! um-But why didn't youa aterial if you liked it? Mrs. e salesman said it was do -- goods. Mrs. Ascum-j Nurich-You don't slrose i anything meant for domes you?-Phlladelphia Press. Why He Didn't Pay. 'et a silk hat with th:: man the last year, and he has one of them." idn't know he -Was in a ...- king is werd." isn't. IUe won the bets." Tim1 es-:r. d Man; From Death. -, of M.o;-k Ark. believes naa 1ve~s in his: 2-5 vr i the drug Lusine. -. . t:-v uke t do he Li it..e . TI ecommntd Dr. Klut's New );s- ei for weak, sore laius, hard colds b 0ness. o ti1ate CCougl-,hs l a 1rppj astm.bnz1 or oth;ler *rucnl *fee ti r I feel sure that a number of my rs are alive an:.I well to-i be 'hev t-ook my ud vice to use it. I ly Ielieve in the best. throat aid edicine that's inde " Easy to he's right. Get a trial bottle free, lar 50- or $1.00 bottLe. Guraa y all druggists. p 1V it Dildn't W;. tc late Andrew Gernand of DMIl.i- t , an inventor who devoted U i 3rpetual motion. pausiug by rc -ntvent for one son a corn0 tnat brought In $1.000.000, and 0 ther son a corn sheller that h. an almost equal fortune." speaker, an official of the pat ffice in Washington. shook his sadly. ce."-he resumed. "I ventured to the brilliant Gernand to task. I th him he was wasting his time on CV motion. I said that there I to be a law forbidding all per motion work. . you thlnk.' said he, t'iat a law ..ding work on perpetual motion Co do much good?' u siure It would.' said 1. Fc A4nd yet you must remember,' |E 1Mr. Gernand with a twinkle in :e, 'that there was a law forbid apples in the garden of Eden.'" eles Timner. On account < anblic my enti fings . ferlizer - rc giving At h.tuld b he: Cr.p and keep' up1he-o N- -Yo New Kind of Flute. S .us.:i witb a larger vio 'llo !: d a iansom. rive to King's ilalir" he said. Wyh'n aitvr a Dard tussle. he bid ed :mself and his instrument Hno ti- limited area of the cab, the ri-er oraeied his whip and drove off. I rle aciu'd the hail. The musician r :eand took out a shilling. *What's zhis?" demanded the driver. -Your le'gi fare." said the musician. "e~s. I know it's my legal fare for arrying you." retorted '-be jehu. with cireful glance at the bulky instru tent. "but what about that there ute'-l-.ondon Answers. One Thing Missing. A woman living in a small town, (ys Everybody's, purchased from an rt dealer there a water color outfit, It printed directions for Its use. hese directions included, among oth -hings. instructions to moisten the -ushes for the trst time with saliva. i a day or. two the dealer received e following note: Dear SIr-The out!t Is complete as or red, except the saliva. Yours truly, MRS. One View of Mountan #irmocr. Mount~ain elmng. ~nw a popular trt of an outing at lho-e and abroad. as regarded in a far diferent light its earlier days. "Murray's Guide Switzerland." published in I33, in e setion devoted to Mont Blane. berly related that "it is a :e'mewhat marzable fact that a large proportion those who hav-e made this aseent LLe beenl of unSOund miud." This iotationl will console many timid uls.-Argonaut. A Househcld Medicine at stops couzhs quickly and cures is Is Foley's Honey and Corm nmd. Mr-. Anna Pelzer 2.52G Jeiferso'n So. Omaha. Neb.. says: "I can rec 'nend Fole's Honey and Tar Con unu as a sure cure for coughs aoa Ids. T, eui'ed my dauihter of a bad d ana my neighbor, .Mis. Benson. red herself andi her whole family with leys Honey and Tar Compound. erYou- o oulr neigh borhood speas ruby of it." The Dick~son Drug Co. uekien's AricaSalve The Dest Saive in~ The World. f the low pr: re Stock of The three things most, dMmCut ON to keep a secret, to forget an injtZ1 and to make good use of leisure. Boomerang Poems. "I never hear you kicking at the mail service."' No: my poems come back promptly enoug."-ritishurg; Post. No, Indeed. Just because a man wants but little here below is no sign that he has any thing coming to him on high.-Galves ton News. When Surgery Was Cruelty. The extreme climsiness and cruelty vith whIch operations were performed even subsequent to the fifteenth cen tury would scarcely be credited bad we not autheiide descriptions of them by the operators. Thus Fabriclus of Aqua pedents (153T-1610), the eminent pro fessor at Padua and preceptor of the immortal Harvey, describes what he considered an improved and easy op eration in the following terms: "If it be a movable tumor I cut it away with a redhot knife that soars as It cuts, but if it be adhered to the chest I cut with out bleeding or pain with a wooden or horn knife soaked in aqua fortis, with which, having cut the skin, I dig out the rest with my fingers." When the surgeons of Edinburgh were incor porated it was required as a prereq uisite that they should be able to read ::nd write. "to know the anatomie, na ture and complexion of everie mem ber of humanis body and likeways to know all vaynes of the same, that he may make flewbothemie in due time." Buying a Dog. Buying a dog is not so easy as it looks, there Is so much "faking." A ;:ood irish terrier, for Instance, should have a stiff, wiry coat, a pronounced red color, a long, narrow head, small eyes and ears waich hang down. The ears of a bull terrier, an Aberdeen terrier or a Yorkshire terrier should stick up. But be careful that the wily dealer has not produced this effect with cardboard. A bulldog should Lave a shovel shaped mouth, with the under jaw protruding upward, and a wide chest. There are one or two .hings to look out for In buying a dog. Some dealers try to palm off an old log as a young one by scraping his -e1low teeth, which show signs of age, and painting his gray muzzle. Bright Dyes are often produced by a smear f vaseline and a cold nose produced by Stockholm tar. But you can detect the presence of these aids by smell. Chicago Record-Herald. A Famous Welsh Fortress. Carnarvon castle is the most splen lid specimen of medieval military rchitecture surviving in Britain, not mcepting Alnwick. Art and beauty were combined with strength by De Elfreton, the architect, who had been ommanded to construct a palace within an impregnable fortress. Whether the mean little passage cham >er in the Eagle tower was the birth- i place of the infant prince whom Ed .ard I. made the medium of such a ,im practical joke upon the Welsh: eem3 doubtful, but the main story nay still be true. Every famous sol tier who helped to make history in his corner of Britain has played some xirt within or without the walls of larnarvon castle. It has been starr d into surrender, but never captured y force of arms and can therefore ~laim to be considered a "'virgin for ress."-Westmninster Gazette. ce of cotton, Merchandise 11, I e Stops Lameness Sloan's Liniment is a relia ble remedy for any kind of horse lameness. Will kill the growth of spavin, curb or splint, absorb enlargements, and is excellent for -,weeny, fistula and thrush. Hare's Proof. "I used Sloa:.'s Liniment on a mule for rhigh ]ameness,' and cured her. I am never w:thout a bot:le of your liniment; have bog:ht more of it than auy other remedy t r pains." BAzIL' KIRBY. Cassady, Ky. 'Sloan"i Liniment s the best made. I have re.oved very larie shoc biis aref a horse with it. I have killed a quarter crack on a mare that was awfully bad. I have also htaled raw, sore recks on three horses. I have healed grease heel on a mare thnt cotdd h:irdy walk." A:m .vy G. t4Ivin. Oakland, Pa., Route No. x. IILIMAI MENTV is good for all farm stock. "fy hogs had ho; cholera three days before we got your linment, wh'ch I was advised to :ry. I have used it now for three days and my hogs are almost well. One hog died before I got the liniment, but I have not lost any sirnce." A. J. MCCArsTY, lIavil!e, Ind. Sold by all Dealers. Price 50c. & $1.00 Sloan's Book on Horses, Cattle, Hogs and Poultry sent free. Address Dr. Earl S. Sloan Boston, Masa. Duel With Horsewhips. A novel but brutal form of duel be tween two carters took place at Baij Hungary. Being both in love with th daughter of the farmer who employei them, they decided to fight for he with their heavy horsewhips. the gir agreeing to act as umpire and accep the winner. In order to Insure tha there should be no running away. the: first fastened themselves to two posti in the ground. The girl gave the sig nal to begin, and the two men. whi were stripped to the waist, began t belabor each other with such fur: that long bleeding welts soon cov ered their faces, arms and bodies Unable to bear the horrible sight, th4 girl ran away for help. When sh4 came back with some of the neigh bors they found the two men lying or the ground covered with blood an< exhausted. The duel was declared i draw. Starts Much Trouble. if all people knew that ueelectof con ti pation would result in se vere ind iges ion. vellow jaundice or virulent live: ~roubie they would soon take Dr. Kiog' ew Life Pills, and end it. It's the oni: afe way. Best for billiousness, head ch e, dyspepsia, chills and debility. 25< it, all druggists. and in order at 10 PER TI Cent. I Whistler's remarkable genius In n doubt responsible for his many ecer tricities. He quarreled indiscriminatc ly with friend and foe, and for hir the public were a set of ignoraniuse who had no right to any opinion what ever. Especially well known is bis quar rel with John Ruskin, who in bi "Ars Clavigera" had heaped scorn oi one of Whistler's "Nocturnes" In th, following language, "I have seen au< heard much of cockney impudence be fore now, but never expected to hea a coxcomb ask 200 guineas for finginj a pot of paint In the public's face. The artist promptly sued for damages and in the celebrated trial which fol lowed he was awarded one farthing which coin he triumphantly wore as i watch charm ever afterward. In his art work, as In his own per sonal appearance, Whistler was fastid Ious. His palettes were heautifulli wiped, his brushes faultlessly kept. auc as for his general behavior it wa. foreign. one may even say exotic. Why Thackeray Was Moved to Tears A lady, an intimate friend -nd , frequent visitor at the Thackera3 home, called late one afternoon. Sh( was shown into the study, and on en tering perceived the novelist hiisel seated at his desk. his head bowee upon his arms. Fearing she was in truding in the presence of soie greal and unknown grief, she paused. hesi tating. Then. thinking she might b of some help or at least express hei sympathy. she stepped forward. .1usl then Thackeray looked up. 114s shoul ders were shaking. the tears stream ing from his eyes. "Little Nell is dead." he said broken ly. "Little Nell?' his visitor Interrogat ed. "Yes. Little.Nell," was the answer. "She is dead. I've just been reading It." Before him on his desk lay an open copy of "Old Curiosity Shop." LAdias' Rome Journal. Why Suffer From Eczema " A Georgia Man Tells His Experience. I was afflicted with a very bad cast of Eczema for twenty-five years. whici was in my feet, legs and hips. Througl all this time.I tried different remedie! and Doctors' prescriptions. obtainine no relief until I used your HUNT'4 CURE. One box (50c.) cured me entirely,% and tho.ugh two years have elapsed I hav( had no return of the trouble. Naturally I regard it as the greatesi remedC in the world. Yours, J. P. Perkins, Atlanta, Ga. Manufaetured and Guaranteed by A. B. Richards Medicine Co., Sherman, Texas. Sold by Zeigler's Pharmacy DR. OSCAR W. NETTLES, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Jordan. S. 0. I to remove m~ CENT. PROF 'rofit I CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the . Signature of Notice to Taxpayers. The thue for the collectio;n of taxes for the town of Mauning has been extended until December 11., 1i11. By order of Council. T. M. Wis. Clerk. W. C. DA.S. .;. A. WENBx Vw.. DA V.S & WE[Ni BE(. ATTOR'NEYS AT LA. .MANNIN~.-___ FO0R SAL 'E! HERE IS A BAR6AIN! 605 acres of Clarendon land will I be sold (-heap, 300 aeros clear d and stuiimed. This linn is weil lor-a.ed for farning. Church and st-bool near For orticulars address. C. F. RAWLINSON & CO., .vis Staton. . C. T HE Nettles' Pharmacy PAXVILLE. S. C. I desire tu call the at ten t ion of th e genet .1n pub it tn my Drug S:ore. estaij ishiedl at Pa1XV il!!I!e. i n which is kept a n ar fr-'sh Line of Purest Drugs. and Medicines, Toilet Articles. Fancy G-oods, and the class of goods usually bandled in a first class Drug Store. I am a Pharmaceutcal Graduate and make the Compounding of Prescrip tions a Specialty. i keep a full line o School Supplies, includ ing the School Books. which are aathor:zed by the State Board of Edu cation In soliciting patrona ge patronage, polite atten tion and satisfaction is aIs sured. L. J. Nettles, Mgre Paxville, S. C. Cares Colds; Prevents Pceumnonia -immense stoc 'iT, from Mean A\PPAREL SHOP FOR MEN AND LADIES the pesoa wear a.nd aduru ment of both s::cs. We till :1 orders carefully and p..*.:n H ly DaVII/ID DUTFLTTJNG COyPA.NY, Charleston. S. G. A Dlo!xr Savedi s a Dollar Made Thi s Home Bank w:lLI. START YOU SAVING AND KEEP YOU AT IT o N~ICKELS CENTS. -W Our S':mn D-.po.sitors. Made to "ou :>an no mrore bu:Ilr a fortune fir-wt oWl'ar than you can !.M ! -a houwz wv-ihou:. thet fi:-:; brick."1 ANY :AN OR WOMAN :ho v;i tak- d or ioue Safe, kisn iI'iable rule to drop into sone :inon:. ro matter how small. ach wii: b, astocished anil de hbted at the closa of the at how iuch has been accumulated without <urr missed. ONE DOLLAR IN TIiE BANK Is worth Two in Your Packet. iome Bank and Tnst Co. '10ANS NEQOTIATED Orn First-Class Roal Estate .lortgages. Purdy & O'Byan, ATTORNEYS AT LA W, Manning,S. C. for .eziuiren;. tafe, cure. N!o opiates :k, I offer to Remember! Only Licensed Pharma cists handle Your PRESCRIPTONS. at Successors to W. E. Brown & Co. J i. HAWKINS, Mgr. W. K TAl ., Civi! Engineer AN D) .and Surveyor, Sumter, l. C. Otlice Over Bank of Sumter. Kidney What They Will Do for You They will cure your backache, strengthen your kidneys, cor. rect urinary irregularities, build up the worn out tissues, and eliminate the excess uric acid that causes rheumatism. Pre-. vent Bright!s Disease and Dia. bates, and restore health and strength. Refuse substitutes. W. E. BROWN &. CO. KILLT7ECOUGH ANDCUREmTLUNGS CIU5O4&$LOO~ ROLDSi fog eom FOR~f'D311A4MMFO ANDALLTHROA1AND LG TROUBLES4 ELAAECTR $A7/$FACoEY the trading