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OSE RY 'inkpf0 it' Read and let it soakr .n! -120,000 w< 1t mean som-ethmp!g good for you Dollars u: it yet, and you can't- affor-d to l'et this pass ; er- the greatest bargains for the. next thirty da, w e are forced to put on this Salle: general depr elvyg overstocked and only about thiirty days t -rice we put on iz anad the quicker you get in ot in a hurryv. Don't wait one day after You getj t: uthen come to our st,-ore and bring this sheet of it is true and that this is the Biggcest Barga OLOT -qH ING. Mens' and Boys' Clothn atCs. htmen i a o 00 Suits 83.50. Boys ~$6.5 SutJt8.4.Eer had anywhed and gtc to pOick nu choose0 om ithea gurateto barainsfcton th never huitd we arl e folcd tot coth eea e 350es pairso Mes and only abotitda te ie whoe utonlar and theincet peroai gto be Stu, tbcome t o ouDteadormhi he Beour int tredth h is thekeggstheng Men' ad Bys'Clohin atCos Tadies a 'ing f $2 0 to 5 00 ns1u su 0 Thnkot Sui ~~~~~~~~Suits at $38.: no, tobodft$ 5]o * inois Ptg~ss ~h~ i Vols. o Paam had anybete ad a big- geto bi bargaioo d allato besoldsatlloa SyOrs. 35 pis fMes'ad oe o n' .~ 'Seswot oe ok~ ~dL wi Cll e~ itb Wsedh h aetsye n oos of atoiuSpi No godsLhared Ca chared wandb sold~ a Begins, eaudy tot eta is ilin by Dry Goods Comp Entire Stock o mRCHAN ncement! irth of this Fali's Newest Merchandise to be sold at COST )on dollars saved on your fall bill. We know you haven' -ou even, if cotton is low and you can't gather it; you cai ;s ever offered you before.. You know without our saying ession in business owing to low priced cotton, etc. We fini dispose of $20,000 worth of Merchandise. It's going al i it the better for you; as it will be broken, and sizes, etc.. 2is sheet. Read it through and through. let it soak in good with you. We wili prove to you teyond a doubt that every in Sale ever pulled off in Manning or anywhere else. DRY GOODS. Thousands upon thousands yards of Bleach, Domes tics, Apron Ginghams, Sea Island Homespun: checks, Canton Flannels, Outings. Sheetings, Shirti'ng. Bed Ticking, Demin, White Goods, Etc., to be sold at cost. IFacts too, not any catch-penny or misleading state men ts in this. . CORSE~TS. KaoCorsets. You know them. One dollar Corsets I83c. $1.->0 Corsets $1 10. $2.00 Corsets for $1..35. $2.50 Corsets for $1.92. $3.50 Corsets for $2.25. SUITS AND SKIRTS. Suits and Skirts at cost. $20.00 Coat Suits at $13. 75. s at $11.55. $16.50 Coat Suits at $9.90. $12.50 Coat thers as low as $6.60. Ladies Hand Tailored Skirts as, Serge, Mannish Cloth, Etc., at $3.85, $4.40, $5.50, e Skir-ts regular price from $3.00 to $12.30 each. Somec is for you ini this department. Long Coats for Ladies *t cost and also coats for the little ones ages 3 to 8 t forget the Big $450 Pii this Piano FREE. It mi Every dollar spent with irchase, no matter how i mns, exchange them for a at Cost Price. We can't regular price. November 18---Lasts un1 Corne early and often. 8 11 any offers to 0New, Season The Scoop Ask us anything you want to know about shoes-That's our business. We sell and recommend the Florsheim Shoe. They're right in style, fit and service, and we know how to fit them. mo Contest. ghit be you. E us gets a che small. When 3 Ticket. charge anythix bil Saturday, I the trading public able, Up-to-date Dress Gioo! . Every yard of our immense stock of Dollar Dr 75c Dress Goods and Silks to be sold for 59c yard. $1.10 yard. Every yard of 35 and 25 cents Suiting of at 21c and 19c. Percales. Linens. Ginerhams, F show an immense assortment in this line and you cC SHOES. All Shoes to be sold at cost. and you know that we will sell good ones only. Men's $5.00 Shoes at $3.85. Mens' $4,00.Shoes at $3.20. Womens' $3.5C Shoes at $2.90: Womens' $3.00 >Shoes at -K2.20. Big line Shoes from 98c to 82.48. MIENS' SHIRTS. Mens' 50c Shirts at 29e and 41e. Mens' $1.00 ana $1.50 Shirts at 82 1-2c and $1.15 each. Famouis Cluet Peabody Shir ts. Etc. CAPS AND HATS. Mens' and Boys Caps. Hats, Etc.. at cost. G- o~d ones from 39c to' $2.75. VLSave ThsTickt very purchase of $1.00 gets a c on the $45.00 Piano we are giving Free on Saturday,4 December 23, 16 gbyi~t Dry.Goodts C Manning, S. C0 ~ome one of our custom very one stands a cha: moe. Ask for Coupons rou get one dollar's wo ig to anyone at Cost Ph lecember 28--Biggest ] their - -1 ds and Silks. ess Goods and Silks to be sold at 82 1-2c yard. All our All $1.50 and $1.25 gilks and Dress Goods to be sold at s, PoplIrs, Etc., White, Black and Colors to be disposed leeced Saitings, Linenes. Sheetings, Etc.. a cost. We 6n secure wonderful Bargains. - U.Nihn .~T . UNDERWEAR. Underwear and Hosiery for man woman or child at cost. There's a great saving in Underwear for you this fall. Mens' heavy fleeced lined Under Shirts - and Drawers to match at 41c each. Womens' Jersey Ribbed Underwear at 21c, 39c and 41c the garment. SAll S1.00 Undershirts and Drawers at 82 1-2c gar mnent. Wrights Health Underwear for men at 82 1 2c} 'garment or $1.65 for suit. NOTIONS. Notions of every, kind, Necliwear, Hosiery, Fauncy Goods, Handkerchiefs, Trowels, Sheets, Pillow Cases, Blankets, Comforts, .Bed -Spreads, Fancy Tole Covers, Laces, Embroiderie's, Fancy Scarfs, Genuine Black Seal Leather Hand bags, Suit Cases, Etc., at cost from now until all soki. Splendid time now to buy .your Xmas gifts. hance ers rth SClothes. -ice.. Anything to be Bargains ever offered