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The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has orne the s z.nature of and h.s becn imade under his per son-sp:ision since its infanc0y. *Allow 1i ene to dec(eive vou in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd "Jut-:-good "are but Experiments that trile with anI endanger the health of Infants and Children-Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is abie for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and sothing Syruvs.- It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Mor4ione nor other Narcoti'c siubstance. Its age :. its tar-antec. ir destroys Wormi and allays ieveri,hnes.. It cares Diarrhasxa and Wind CAlie. It relieves Teethiug Tronbles, cures Conutipation and Flatulency. It a4similatest the Food, reglates the Stomach and BoweLs, giv healthy and natural sleep. The ClIdren's Pa=nwc-The Mother's Friend. CENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Sgnature of The Kind You Have Always Bougt In Use For Over 30 Years. TUC "ftyvava e"mOIA. TV OWA4AAW ZT*CC.. b*-W ?oaa Cm. PURE PARIS GREEN 25c. Per Pound. A Work of Art That is what your home can be if vou decorate it with Alabastine. For _ approprimaess is true art; and not only can you make your home deco rations appropriate with Alabastine, but you can make them reflect your own taste in a way that is not pos sible with any other form of wall covering. he At tnalhpabte Candyli roW R W tae ~g~~ Offero yor a le BrshCas 5500.00:n uintc. $1050.00.yo an and mak endeie from stok. Te a bastre omnye o h rae o year they avraled hrou h oura mudan sad ed of r you ar Stt. has sto Ct . teadee ya -ind Wfyuaei e Offr forett Saeaytm Brkush ars $emnsra0o.00: i k peS0e.O . aw ndu ahysians Advise:'m tc(Z theu e o aoxtie, Cokeptr oes ore..ahnd rve t the po~sone. f ura fnd efo ee en o Terisy t .o.t, zi w.e Them mres protia..f Askn~ aL(>t:~y Lver ru . onoeuy v-:-th.e :! riabve an tfaeirst oron a l Wat . Velv i cts~ en Ot!e-: h stoma oh a r e n iso th-- :n reaet oromXet c:i-r 0. 4: s ti:. nd: aL ufo L dCi Ult~t;l ll E SYRUP ( DJ IO BraWaO & Soil _ _ _ _H T F O FI . 4 Safc and Sar.e. Ia b -eeb at Privatez-r T Mr. T. 1;, Fa: er ltte i?. po-t;4in c): h- hono''ir--u s c:eariv :til iorei yth e reprou cei it ..r t I na II: ;>I~ of ei;.aasi':zng a: ;.! Ino it i :h 4 : v wider- t.. -ive it cabilt c !-deral ion1. I t !?% p ?in sbb- . Ir i he: I. :mp.araiiiV onad!.er anIy -f an. a:eView 4.0 thepl~t ic- 'i u~pt whic :r hope of ofilee I. la-ed Mr. Fr::se-r :- ani eneviay of liquoir ailt of The l:iquor traflie. aId his record i no: ;wn t '? ritiitn. lI'. wa- one o( th.- tir-: I., vome out opietily in opp1).) :itioni to tie State di.penaar. W het other mnen were ridin;:- ii:to at'llee of theiseiary plat fortn anl seekinaag to i::alke retitaatt ion- in the leiita:r a :caIer.- ,v their vociferous, loa:t I T he ;:reat ioral invtitit utin anil t ih. ;.uwer! f!:at were. lie tood for the satne priniciples that he lnow eZI il:nucta tes. When he was fir.t notujinated to! the House of Repreentatives lhe le ehared his auta-onrisi to the dispenil ,arv -.ytem2 and un e'very -utarup in the counttv .tated lti'. vew' :o t hat al! ni::ht know where he --tood. He wa. eeted. not oil aceouit of his ::ti ti.,t:iesary viewi.. but depliite of then: for at that Oitu' the di!pArsiary w.vt re;:ardel : a lixtur.' :tail it wa chi .-iaular tI::! to av--ert t ha: Ih,- di pen..ary -.vsten Wai. tih best -!"'iation. of tihe lit:r probletui. and h-t i : at th t. Inl Those duvy :nanly oftie C.. seek er-. who' are now bhlttantt advocate, of the ::reat zorl isstue Of prohibi Siorn were blind advocaLtes of the -r::eat ioral institutiota. 'uhlie "nti:uetat is a -re:at force, tiad more- oiten that tit herw"-e t het oflice -eeker hih ds hi-' ;.httformn to. rotiformn to vaiatt li thinks i= Ihie -entirue':, rather than accordinl:: to a safe and .-at. pAoljey or upon well thoughIt out prin ciples. To such as think the( prohibi. tonl wave is sweepinas the State and are therefolre u:ncozuprowismnr State widers. w- comtmend Mr. Fraser's tttenat (if hi: position Oil tihe liquor tquestinti. aiid advise thern tP try to tunderstatad that it inan of priieipe can advoca:te local op~tioi> ::al it:ive :U .:sfe and sate rea,%oni for his positiona. air. Fraper's lat formu is one wi:h which tio sincere tetnaperance t::ati caln conistently find fault. atnd if hi. view,. were generally adoptel ts the ;overnin- poiiey It tile State. The cause of t enuperatlice would be advanec ed, ati thr issue wouad become a1 moral is-sue and tot a 13olitical mOve menit. foxtered and protnoted by those who fasten upon: anV issUe that seeUI to have cau;;ht tle p-opular senti nient: "Ou the liquor question I want to !ay I an ,or local opt ion. not because I am opposed to prohibition but be cane I au in favor of prolaibitiora. liein; in favor of prohibition I want that kitad that in inv judginett will prohibit. I tio not believe that State wide prohibition will prohibit. I lie lieve local option prohibition will. "There is to controversy between the State wile prohibitionist ant ine as to the evils of liquor. The expend iture of woney for liquor that oug1ht to lie tised to pay debts. to increase the ineans of -arnin:: a live-lihood. to procure howte comforts and to liuv bread. 1!.. n. tv jud.nent, intiefeni ble. Thie .-freet., of liquor ;ia unlit*.t n; :nenl for productive work while it,. hideous effect continnie: the creation of an inatIable appetite for mtore. the bla-tin:. of the lives of .o anany wio tdritik and the live, o: !o miany :Uore who love those who drink. tuak.e it i.-e the erowintag evil of today. "We must take the world as we hind it, but leave it better if we can. !t % not the dlreatu.s we have drentued., but tle deed we tave done that co nt. l1.ocal optioita has. :ade :n t o -; cotutiesa prohaibition t yract~ ic-ally pro( hibition)a territory and I say well donze leeal oPutona. 1 will try it again Th~e strides lo -:al optationa prohiitiori has i'iade are m~aarvelouas. The two prin cipal foes of larohlibit iot were (1) ;;eueral itu;iressiot: thmat thaere' would be imutunity from punai-htent for the, violators of thais law, i):a buy devel oped thuirst for liquor. Now ::ive it :a chatnce. Thlere is nao i;utnanity frorn p)unihm.-nt. That foe , vanquished. 'The thirst muust die by de;:rees. The~n give it time and locatl optiona prohibi tion will detmnonstraate its effective ness. "I am not a local opitionist because local option is "good Demuocratic doc trine." Demnocratic doctrine is maot op posed to State-wide. or nation-wide legislattion. Nor do I believe a cotu :nunity has the ri;:t to .,ell liquor if it lea'es to do so. No comutnaunity has the righ~t to sell that whaich pro( duces want, dise~ase or death. If 1 can ge't limmunity from a scourge for tuy own community only whaen isola tedI and with self-itnposed restrictions and can not get protection if joined with: the State. and all other corn tuunities have an equal chance to se cutre the same parotection and do not do so, t he fault is their's not wuine. I wrant the chance to) protec2t tuy ownt." -Sutnter ltem. Tro keien 'our health soud: t.' avoid :he :s of advancingt years: to con.'erve your phiiical fortce. for a ripe and healhi. old aue. ::an.l .tour kidneys by ak i:!r i 'Qey', N id ney I temnedy. WV. Annual Mountain and Seashore Excursion. 'The Atlantic t.oa-: Line oi:er ex yedin::ly attractive round trip) rates to Washaington. Norfo'ak. li:chmnonda and 'e .\louai n and Seasbore Itesorts. W' enesday. \ugust l~ : the date tix d' av :.he A lantic Coast Line for its .\n ual'.\lountain and Seashore i-'xcur-sion r.hchi looed: forward :oa by thtousands I is patrns as the m:.,t :at.)propriate on accoun' of the sea-.on of the year. the oW raeand the 5.plendid service :ven 'v -he .\ lntic C'oast Line oin these ex :trsions, whicha have procve:: Ns popularn a: the nast. on the date naud the' o ast Line will ,e!! musi triticeke:t. fromn .\iannin::r at he fo!owin:: rates: :o \\'ashingztou 310.ts. to) li:chmndu 6'.75), toNrok (:: 'arincna !!eac-hes. E i4. to .\!yr:! i!each., andi at ver*y low e-xeur-on cates. :o abo. t wenty--t:ve .\luntain ar IThe tie-, wii. e i.i :nrer auxra . : :uac :hle or.gia : :: .: i toh : lae h a mid . of Thur '.day. 'ep ut::b r1. 191. her .- 'gths ai: adva-tn''ae - eaf onm Ptar Canal Farmers' Congress. - l.*4 Ext..n-itn W Ir k. .\rt ieb XVIIt 4 its Aii..ia- :l-t :an.l S.-t-*tenhb r I :.a . ztl Ita l t.- i:tr::se r .'' i ti r. i -:e t- lit., it h- .i t : ni --hat 'r I riu : il nd yit t t 1e or .tjn:tre. Ti re wi b4. ?.,4.b111 a 04 :1t thi., timle at thht col-:: .otn-if thet be,t exlpert % alon:. the varioxi, line,- of :.Lfr:ni::_ thaI:t eat hle tolund in) the U'nited St4aten Thle! titn wiil talk to tohe farmer and! gi V themi thet be:- -fit 4.1 %heir expo--riencei an! stit!v. Thev hav.- beenl f(or this punroe. uao:ly for theii ascietIitie t raina i:n.. but tao beca tr:u the.' have' had l a fr::-w tnt if pra and huwi!be abb- to) -ive praLcTtca *tin' In add it ion t i I the :nen frotr out 4" the it:te a inher of t !;e ~a -tuccewful farrtiers of tii,. -tat. - have aList) hee: invte lad haV-- COn eted, t;-iv.- their expe-rienee for tiht bentlt'z of their brother fa ranr,. ill whi:.111 it of, the,,-chines if -peak er- a 'tairte tih a t t,- in attenldatet will i ree'..v. valuablle infrm'ratin it11 1 i, ipe thaOct adll who attedt will real it.- zha: the gr"ate,: giod call ci iu: ,' .uch nein only bsy a frc.. diuaenia: of hthe' Vu."'- ado:: h farjuvr, themIISelv - It i- therreire liihpe! that those in attendZantcet will considetir that thi i th.-ir ini--titite, ail will not oly ak quIe * al-o will nIfo. hesitate to -iv.- their own experience. Only byI' ,-i dern::,. c'ani tbi- 'on::r's- h.- maadi I lhe auces, it iaou lte. After :all. all that the -et .speec'Ah canIt do i- tos s1:1 :--st ide. al T that a.jpeecht i,s tile best that arotse's tite :reatest discussiot. lBut even if there were no set --peech ;es, anty' farint-r who comes to the coi le::e with the ri;:ht deterntination could tii fail to reap rich benefit. It i. but right that. every farmer of this ."tate 1ho1tuld be as fa*niliar with the coile:e .s hie i., with his own farm. This knowletle (.Lin only be gaiaed bya vi.ait to the colle:e of two or three d a nd a clo-u inp--etiona if this ma:fZiter at e.-lutcat ion.Il plant that they- have built. Every department wi1l1 be pen for their ittpect ion w ith e4acl mnitni of tle facility inl his place. thIuS a'ordln;: atn o->portunity of be coin:iag peronally acquainted with ithe wor' and with the inan. Of the-e Ihis last it. 1perh ltps the most valuable. W hen von have known a tuan per sonally. y.ou are inuch more williti to accept advice and su;gestions froin himu. At this iet-sinrg it is hoped to foru sotale pertunnent orgrAnization so that inl the future this suav he a real con :re%% with re:gularly icered*ed dele ites. This state needs sOtue such ortnizat io4n where the business of farunin; is discus-ed in all its phases. The object of this :neeting is for the ituprovetient and inst ruction of those Who attended and all who have a de sire for such are invited. It is not a leasure ::ather:n: and while all will be done to make the three days pleas' :ant. it is hiop.-d that this pleasure will ;om'Itiae frou interest in the work. Those Will are not interested it, the work of tilt eollegeaintd intitttesand arebert oanly upon a frolis will t.; -ke a tuistake : i4u1:tand are not invited. Strict niner Will bIe snaiutaiIed andt anluise provi-ion haMs been in:le to that end. COST. The railroads o t he state have been asked to) gi 'e specian rates for this oc casion and las intinated that suCl: viii lie done. .- soon as tibe iuforma tion i!s received fron then as to rates it will lie t uiish!ed. All who can had better come via Calhouin. The college is tle niile fron Calhoun onl the main line of th~e Southern) and t wo mniles fronar Cherrys Ssation on tile Bluie Rid::e railroad. TIhe hack fare fromu eithier stationi is twentyv-live centsand aiple balcki. will be furnished ' the liv.ervinan. Mlr. Clinkscales. to accoan inatdate those desirin:: to ride. Rocams anad bteds will he furnished edl by the coliege frete. bunt it will be. well for eachl peso to birinag thiri own sheets, pillow cases and a lilit blaniket, as the collegre cannot suipply these. alcals will be supplied at the mesn hail at thirty live cents for sin;gle sneals or three for one dollar. The college does not expect any profit froan the' e :els and will put the full value in the meals and service. A fter reach ii:g here a maximumai expend iture of tour dollars should cover every legi timate expense-It will hardly cost any oneC nore than t-o dollars includ n al :tx .'penise fromn home and return fromn the maost distant part of the State. Upon arrival at the college e'acha person is to register with thec clerk who will assign roomus, issuing a ticket to same. Be sure andi register and re ceive thkis ticket. as no0 one will be al lowed a room who has not a ticket. Thlbis is necessary to prevenit con fusion and preserve order. Thle meal hours will be: Breakfast. .... ...............--.3 Dinnter.. .... ...... ..... ....... 1 Supper.. .................. -..7: PrFomp~tnes~ at :els will be neces sary, as it wn; noti be piossitble to 5erve then irre;:niariy. Te faall ptrogran will be publ41ished-t m th le next few days, so 'omi:nieLce now to lani the trilp. Paor. 1). Y. HA:aow. Superinatende'nt E'xtension W~ork. Acute or Chronic --Which! N.. a:at'm:- if y.our kidn"'r ::ublne is ac Ute tor chirome. Foley'su Kidney- ltemedy w. :l1 reachi your' case. .\ar. t'haude lCrown, :eynolile, I!l.. writes us tha. lie unaerea mnarm nymths with' kidney comn plaint which badied a!! treatment. .\t last lie tie.: Fourey'- K idney lI emedyv aind a few'. larage bottles e:T'ecteid a comnplete care., lite sa'.. "It has oei'n 4f uanesti' malte uem to me." \V. 1. larown .': His Sarcustic Apology. .A well known New Y' raker higurcd ini a quaint encouterm' w..ih a "pan handler" naot le.n;; :'gi The fellow hd askAedl him !..r :a dhni'. w.'hen the dyv yu ,u "ick mue fon :a dII ie. Thutrs d'y .. ;:tve y u a..ther. andi nlow you1 a eth nevrve' to :a s' f.r 'a' th ird: --Excuse5( rue. bui: air-- ytu the ;tent tht' 'ave e a dime on) thIS corne the dai'.be fit. y esterday ' --.tId .41w l''v taackle:t youa f.r the thrd dim --W~aah." said the hebI e.~.,ntriely. "I i'lat-s tto mauen aa!: ieve' ftor mii. The only! ecuse'~L I have :t ofe idt 'Is thaat you hav .e i:mp.roved '-. aauich inm your pesonai lpappearnce' that I didn't ree og"ize y.ou."-clevlatd Lead:ner. Both Stung. phys 'ia reeueste man in a!! end-'tul ane t .jur::-.:: tU heamp ''ay himt s:ee hndsI' wi.u . th.a'::'. : d h..'w'!ma them n ' (thei i'--a samehy:d' ea!!-: :at'aitn. amn th 5'urgeo'n,'.'- ris:amg him :ii a.' '.:aay lib e y t han ': :t a b .I. l."hmv t'Fi "Not a ui!il:' wem the repl4y. cln,. '.'i:h a tiss of! ti'heaen ""'ha. e botmrowed' '.: guirrea- fromr mre to - -vt tr' yo '" T '.t How Townslip Government Would Help th South. IUow :nui furtl-r .v:Ldvanc --:4 e b. l ta.,W sily tin .-t i 0 tt :'.,t .a.- v.-.r. ah--rin. al n.- p-4>p!- toetther to discus: rIoa- - >s anld tA..x,. an< health iiatters and public fi l)roVemelt1I5s. etc.. and everythinw to public progress anc the Public welfare. This is wha New Enland has done for -en eeations. :nd her material pro ress s largelv due L, it: this i2 what the South has not done and our backwardnless is part!. (u, to our not having done it. Um-- a yea r there is the regu ar annu ial -townXI melet:ng ii -ach rural towIsip 1r civil dis trict in .assa-h usetts: that is tc sat. aL:l 1h. vot.-rs of thec[- towr r'evldistri<-t mleet togrethiet and ali tll busiiss.; (f tilt towil shio <>r district is arranilred for. Tin- towiship School coilllittet is eleqcte1d: sel-ctmn1. wh Ioset iu-s for lthe towlship cores pondh to those)5 of '-oUunty collliss sioniers for the countv.a re ciosCn: thaey traiisaet all th-e general 1'-islative business for til town .ship .\s-sessors are nailed. Cer tainti ther citizens are namned as Oves:ee'rs of the p)oor. Othel men are naied as road Omilis sioners. Other inei compose the board of health, or the duties of this board may be left to the selection. I-egistrars are elected by thil same neeting. Numerous other siuailer )OsiLions are tilled sO that some man of the town ship is designated for nearly every public duty: for instance, one man is named as "fence viewer," and instead of two farmers having an expensive law-suit about a line fence, this man judges the matter and set ties it once for all. Not only are all these officers named for the routine work of the township. but any question bearing upon the public welfare of the community may be brought up and settled. This meeting has entire authoritv as to what the exp-nditures and the tax rate or the township sizall be; it debates and decides upon the public im provements: it decides what road improvements shall be iade, etc.. etc. If any new mat ter comies up or new interest, de velops in s:m)ile old subject. a certainl percentage of tle voters m:Ly ca another meeting, pro vided the selectmen and regular officers do not handle is satis factorily.-Clarence Poe. in Pro gressi*ve Farmer. Our Southern builders arnd architects have not been inde pendent enough in their work, but have too generally intimated modes suited to coider climates instead of b~uildinlg houses speci ficall e for the South. The aver aire Southern farmnhouse has onlyv ha~l f as many windows as~ it ought to have, or if there arc w inzdowxs enough, they are oniy half as large as thley ought to be . Whether in summer or winter fr esh air is one of the best as well as one of the cheap est blessings, and there is much wi.domn in the old [talian pro verb: --Where the sunlight never come-, tihe doctor often comes. -Progressive Farmer. Thie canningr season for mxany vegetables is just now at its height. From now on until cold weather, ton~atoes, corn, beans, okra. to say nothinig of apples. peaches, and- other fruits, should be put up in abundant supply. Canned sweet potatoes, too, are good, and most people like can ned piampkIin. Rec read the direc ins we have published this sum:her for canning various vegetables and write to tihe See retary of Agzriculture. Washing ton. D. C. for Farmers' Bulletin :39.-Progressive F-armer. R ememnber, it isn't too late to plnt. an early variety of sweet corn -a have plenty of roasting eas right up till frost, and later if vou cut tile cornl when frost th-atens and set it up in big loose shocks so that it will not mod..- Pr-ogressivye Farmer. 'Te Atlanta Constitution cites the~ case oif a farmer in G;eorgia who refused to contribute a strip oT his farm for a gzood road be cause. heC did not believe in good roads on prIincile. i3ut the road mahe all the same. and thmat farmrer was offered ten dollars anl acre mlore for his ;O00 acres tan hie huad asked before tile road was built. Queer sort of prici-ples. hlis. -- hib ghl i. C.> Foley Kidney f'ills The Coufederate Monument. :h meir ,paf.~ the her:oc, who): woe th riots h . ba t . erce a h ft i ui-,i~e.: . 10a~ 0 d ~i4 Fe.. . .- . lbt ;a : 0 - . .\ pe 10 11 ~ gway........ ...... 1 '4u Dr. King's New Life Pills -rhe bst. in the wnrld. How To Get Rid of Mosquitoes. tiltu. thing to d4 i., to .s that thore a. n unnecssary pools of Water. to (iter Lbreed!ing pha . . t.r t14- pr ms A..n mt-1 st~in and luo!)'fui fact Conl Nocted With mlalarial mosquitoes is that they do not Ily for great -distances. Many ios(uito scour es have resulted from the care 1! l-ss disposal of water about the L bak premises. If it is Impossible to dra:n and till breeding places. the only re (ours--e is to thoroughly screen the house and promptiy kill all insects that find their way into the house. This may be done. if numbers justify it, by burning pyrethruim powdir in the in kfcted rooIII. Persons suffering from ialaria should be protected I from the bites of the malaria b-aringn mosquito. for in this way the infection is spread. So far as present knowledge gocs. this is the on V way by which people becom111 m1alarious. -Mrs. F. L. Stevenzis. in Raleigh (N. C.) Progressive Farmer and Gazette. For Onick Relief From Hay Fever . ,thmia and -usimier blronchitis. take -v' liev~ andi Tar. It quickiv re Iie-.e., the di-eomnfrt and sufTerin- and the ainoyin- symptoms disappear. It soothes and hea!s the ilAramed air pass a-Tes of the head. throat and bronchial tube It contain., no oIates and no harnful dru-.. 1Z-fuse sibstitutes. W. 1. Brown & Co. Once aguin. don't be led into 1 buying sewin mac hines. ranges 01 Ln sort of household or farm equipment from traveling agents. Tnese men must have a living from their work. and you pay the extra cost this entails above the profit of the manufacturer, wholesale and retailer. In many cases this added cost is 50 to 100 per cent. of the price of the article obtained direct from the manufacturer or from your local merchant. The agent's story that his goods are better than those you can get at less cost from your merchant or from the manufacturer can always be safely disregarded. The agent may believe what he is telling you, but that is no reason you shonld. The highest grade arti cles can oftener be had from the imerchant than from the travel ing agent, and invariably at a lower price.-Progressive Far iner. Beauty may be only skin deap. but, as old Gorgon Graham said, "That is deep enough to satisfy any reasonable man." and the same dozen of eggs. the same pound of butter. the same crate of vegetables. will sell more rea(ily and for a :etter price. ift put up in a more attractive form. Slipsbcd methods of marketing do not pay any more than do slhpshod methods of farming, and when one has produced a good article, it is sheer stupidity to p~ut it on the mar-ket in such: shape that it will not bring its! full value-Progressive Farmer The Best Hour of Life is when you do some great deed or dis cover soine wonderful fact. This hour caetoi.. It. Pititof Rocky Mt., N. C.. when he was sut~ering intensely, as he sav-s, "-from the worst cold I ever had. I th'en proved to my great satisfaction. what a wonderful Cold and Couch cure Dr. King's New Discovery is. For. after taking one bottle. I was entirely cured. You can't, say anythingr 'oo good of a medicine like that." It's the surest and best remedy for diseased iungs. Hermor rhages. LaGri;>pe, Asthmna. Hlay Fever any Throat or Lunir trouble. 5e0c, 51.00. Trial bot:.le free. Guaranteed byv al druggists. Turnip planting time begins in Aug'ust. for the early or --*summner'' sorts and lasts until November for the Seven-Top variety used for greens in the~ ~sprmgt. Sow a good supply of both kinds, and make two oi three sowings of the early sor-ts. When cold weather comes they can easily be put in a pit or hole and kept until after- Christmas. -Raleigh (N. C. Pr-ogr-essive Fartmer. T1here ar-e thonsands and thou sands of countr-y homies where the expense of a first-class water se may be met and thous adofother homes wvher-e watei may at least be had in the kitch en. and the only reason they do not have it is that they have taken for' granted that only city people could afford such luxur-iesl andl by not investigating. have one on denying themselves the comfort of an abundance of water at the turn of a fancet. -- They Have a Definite Purpose. F'v K~-~%idev -ill, u va oe :vie in ka--e.or kidne ad bladder~ 3i3n11s .\lr!.- Ih Glae. Terren ~ 33 aue. -d. te!,:e r feult inher e. ".fter au'T erb.::t for 13. man ear fro::. sorion a oft kidneyi ltoe a d ,pet': in:: muc F-lies thrive oni iilth. .\lake. it imiposszble for thlemz to exist. b keeping everything i aind abou t your! prem'ises! clean3. liemuove Ii Ithi. acc-umulation ': all decayed o r use4 less mte'rial in aind about the premnises. 5creeni dooors and wiXdws Slsist that thle stabw..s be.-a: ed out frequently. SVceen or covt-r a: food. whethe 3 it is'11 in our tablIe (I stred in o4 ther 1)lae'os :nth house. I ;urn pyre-thrum potwd.r the house. It wil 5:i! th'-:os ofi the.' r!ios. tondi stuan the* otheors S.) *hno' th..r 33-se i* . co1) .n "Sure Cure" "I would like to guide suffering women to a sure cure for female troubles," writes Mrs. R. E. Mercer, of Fron Camp, W. 'Va. "I have found no med icine equal to Cardui. I had suffered for about four years. Would have headache for a week at a time, until I would be nearly crazy.. I took Car dui and now I never have the headache any more." E s3 Take =CARDUI1 The Woman's Tonic The pains from which many women suffer every month are 'nnecessary. It's not safe to trust to strong drugs, right at the time of the pains. Better to take Cardul for a while, before aind after, to strengthen the system and cure the cais This is the sensible, the scientific, the right way. Try it APPAREL SHOP FOR MEN AND LADIES Everything of the best fcr the personal wear and adorn inent of both sexes. We fill mail orders carefully and promptly. DAVID OUTFITTING COMPANY. Charleston, S. C. J. S. BELL, 6ENERAL MACHINIST. Sanitary Plumbing. Stet= Fitting and Automobile Repairing A Specialty. . gent for Maxwell Automobiles. You will find me at my shop every ay, and to serve you will be a pleas re -All my work ;::nranteed. outh. M ill Stree . one block from Court House LOANS NEGOITED On First-Class Real Estate ortgages. Purdy & O'Bryan, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, __Manning. S. C. ARANT'S DRUG STORE The Licensed Druggist. Sells Everything in RUGS and MEDICINES I ~ DON'T Eye GLsses ZEIGLER'S Ph1ARM~ACY,. Woome of te \o ~ .Elee on ix c on ..a nn:t a Visjitin Sovereigros invited. JonN U. cAwEIs. tot svouh caro.:na). Js1~e I.. wRIGHT CAPERS &WRIGHT. - AT O)RNEY$ AT LAw. W. C. D.\VIS. J. A. WE~INHE~RG. AvS & WEINBERG. MANNING. S. C. Promp~t attenion given to colilectionls. .\ttorne*va a::d Counselors ait Law. MA\NNING. S (*. HAR~LTON DriHANT. ATTon~NEY .r M.\NNING. 3. 0. U.h LESENNE The Bank of Ahaiinliilf Manning. S. C. Capita: Stck..A .. o03 Surplus...... ... . . .. Stochohder Lab 0. TotaL Pro :i :o h, D I.. - 'I.imonow START YOUR BON in the riit way. Good hahts :nstlilied in the youth wil bear g-ood fruit in after years. Whether it 'oe the smail ccount of the boy or a busines. account : the man that is entrusted to us we can guarateed perfect satisfaction THE NEW BADI TUB iq 1, is not only "a thing of beauty. but a joy for ever" to the family who is wise enough to know the value of the bath for health and beauty. You can revel in the luxury of one of the newest de signs in our bath tubs at a reasonable :ost, when we plumb your bathroom. s well as up-to-date wash stande. foot :ubs, closets, etc.. with open nickle plated sanitary plumbing. R. n. IASTERS, 127-129 King Street, Charestevrz* Clarendon Pressing Club. Cleaning, Pressing. Dyeing and Re pair Work done in tirst-clanss manner .nd at reasonable rates. Member's All kinds of hh-grade Tailoring. :ive me a call. Phone No. 8. WAYMAK A. SMITH, Prop., MANNING. S. C. Hacker Mfg. Co. SC~cEsSORS TO 6eo, S. Hacker & So, cHARLESTON. S. (*. We Mantufacture Doors. Sash and B Inds.: Columns and Balusters: Gril es and Gable Ornament..: Screen Doons. and WE DEAL IN Glass. Sash Cord and Weights. A. J. WHITE & C0.. Successors to WV. E. .T ENKINSON CO. UNDER TAKERS. We have bought the. Cadiertaktn! )epartnenO! of . !*- Jenkcinson "-. Lnd wi!! keep on han~d a compete hnt >f Co!!ns and Caske:t.s. We are also >epared~ to do Emnbalming. WVill als arry a line of Picture Mouldinig anid lass for framing nietures. A. i. WHITE & CO.. .*. J. WH IT!'. .T:. E\r Foley Kidney Pills What They Will Do for You They will cure your backache, strengthen your kidneys, cor rect urinary irregularities, build up the worn out tissues, and eliminate the excess uric acid that causes raieumatismn. Pre vent Bright's Disease and Dia bates, and restore health and trength. Refuse substitutes. W. E. BROWN & Co. SMITH BRO.S' 3 RCHIIESTRA t renherts FI7E PIECES. VY.\N .i. s.\lTh. akes Kiamaes md Bladde Rlsht