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k So are you, with the by a dollar at my store you will pounds of cotton for what yov F $2 .you would have to pay $3 CREASE in the purchasing ] Owing to the small salet mands upon us; therefore we This Sale started Satur month. When we say 10 per freight added. This is a clea you do? If you reject it, it is y everyone in Clarendon Count worn goods to offer you, but y Therefore cannot afford to business with in the future. In I REMEMBER IWhen you g charged. You can readily see v SPOT CASH we are after and ti Come and make your selec prices, so you had better come e r price of cotton this season. But when you re not stop to consider the price of cotton. It m should get for two, but you will. get about th< for ordinarily. So, with the decrease in the I power of the dollar, IF YOU TRADE WITH 1V this fall we are short on money and we MU have decided to throw our entire stock upon t lay, November 1.4, and will continue until D cent. profit, we mean just what we say-1O pt 1 business proposition and it's up to you-to ac our loss, not ours. It is .unnecessary to des y knows we keep oinly standard articles in >u get first-class goods. throw shoddy goods upon our counters to be s ~act, we doubt the wisdom of selling shoddy goodi et goods at this 10 PEIR CENT. PROFIT SALE y( ith the small profit we add that we cannot affor4 iat is the only reason this great opportunity is ~tions before goods are picked over. They will n arly and avoid the rush. ANNN.S alize the purchasing value of ay be you have to sell three. 'same quantity of goods for irice of cotton comes the IN BE. ST HAVE IT to meet the de he market at c il cribe. my Stock of Gods, for our line. No shoddy, shop old to people we expect to do i anyway. U cannot expect to have them i to charge anything. It is the offered you. ot be with us long at these low C.0