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$18,000 S Co. Worth of New Merchandise, consisting of Dry Goods, Notions, Cloaks, Skirts, Under wear, Corsets, Hosiery, Gloves. Dress Goods, Silks. Domestics of all kinds, Furniture, Gents' Furnishings. Shoes for Men, Women, and Children. Chinaware.Millinery. Etc. Etc. I T MTLAVEO Formerly Wells' Dry Goods Store.Whoan Read every word in this space, it mean dollarsin your pocketsell e o i 10 days, begin OSg on Our instructions are to leave Sumter on October 20th. Therefore thisof price the alloted 10 days It is only a $18,000 stock, but the goods are all niuly the Stock of Dry Goods, Shoes, Underwear, Shirts, Neckwear, Notioncfalkns n h oetc Ji cream. This Sale appeals directly to everyone of you. We are includin* vrtigta a are yWls Dry Goods Store. wanted at Once, 40 E, i Salespeople, Apply at WellHery a sto re at Once S This Sale opens Wednesday morning, October 10th, and will only last 1t Wells' Dry Goods Store date, let nothing keep you away. The Place c is now in the hands of TtE MUTUAL SAL VAGE CO., of- Chicago, Ill., with orders to W ELLS ixR GOODS il Sell it out in 10 Days, Regardless of Price A or Profit. 1 ctti ~r .iNITEF.8 eundi o on ob srpeetd LOOK FOR THE BIG RED SIGNS ON * FRONT OF STORE. Lo o h i e inFot H UULSLAEC.': Railrad Fre Reunde AN INSIDIOUS FOE TO HEALTH Malaria is an atmospheric poison which we unconsciously breathe into our.lungs through the impure air arising from low, marshy places, stagnant ponds, damp cellars, sewer pipes, improperly ventilated houses, decaying vegetable matter, etc. Day after day these germs and poisons are taken into thelungs, and as the blood passes through them it becomes infected with the poison and in its circulation distributes the microbes of disease to all parts of the body. Malaria is a very insidious disease; it gives no warning of its coming intil the circulation is filled with the poison and this foe to health has the system at its mercy. The blood becomes polluted, thin and weak and its slow, irregular circulation fails to properly nourish and Ftrengthen the body. Then the entire system is attacked, and if the germs ?and poisons of Malaria are allowed to remain the strongest constitution will break down. No one can feel well when the system is in a malarial condition; the vitality is weak, the appetite poor, digestion deranged, the complexion grows sallow and the entire body feels the effects of the poison. Malaria must be removed from the system through the circulation and the only medicine that can accomplish this is S. S. S. It not only cleanses the blood of all unhealthy, morbid matter.-but destroys the germs, cures Malaria and restores this vital fluid to a strong, healthy condition. S. S. S. SS ~ is made of roots, herbs and barks combining purifying and tonic properties which keep the blood free of all poisons and the system in 0 0 * perfect condition. While destroying the PURELY VEGETABLE. germs of Malaria and building up the weak, polluted bl'" S. S. S. gives tone and vigor to the entire system. Book on the blood dnd any medical advice without charge. THE SWIFT SPECFIC C, ATEANTA, GA6 Icov. Ansel's 1 Platform! GOOD SCHOOLS, LOCAL OPTION, and Good Roads, All leading to S'1111188-1991 COMPIY, I for Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, and everything to eat at Summerton, S. C. ~E * A.NITI AT 1IO7N. 5. L. KRASNOFF. Undertaker, L. W. COX, Funeral Director. 3 Open day and night to meet the demands of the needy. Our Un- a dertaking Istablishment is complete in every respect. We carry Coffins from $2.00 to $25.00: Caskets from $10.00 to $300.. finished and draped in the most artistic manner. We have Hearses f6r both white C: and colored people. Residences, halls. rooms and contents disinfected by the most ap proved methods of modern science, destroying all contagious and in fectious germns of every nature. E ' Respectfully. - ~ 8. L . K raElsnoff. flanning, S9. C. .manamanannaaaMAMWA! TEMPERANCE COLUMN, will come speedily.-Mrs. Mary E. Kuhi, National Evangelist. Conducted by PaxviUe I*. C. T. U. "WOMEN AND WINE" ________________A newspaper correspondent National Motte-" For God, Home and %a- writes at length in The Smart tive Land." State Motto-" Be Strong and of Good Cour- Set on the subject of women oar Watchword-Agitate, Educate. Organize. drunkards. He deals analyti Fledge - -God helping me. I promise not to buy, cally with the social conditions drink. sell or give 'which tempt women to drink. Intoxicating liquors while I live: From bad companions Il refrain The artLice is wri:.ten in a semi And never take God's name in vain." humorous semi-sarcastic vein, ____ -----~but the author closes with this World-Wide Evangeism. apology for his seen in levity: Afew earscrothe atc "I-and you, perhaps ?-Iwho A - drink, to whom. the sparkle of word of the church was "World Wide Missions." Today, the ter, the bright eyes of women, thought has come nearer home and the good-fellowship of men as well, and our cry is World- have always been dear, who Wide Evangelism." This is most loathe the fanatical and oppose needful, for there is a deep,soul- the prohibitive, despite all this longing after God that has be come well-nigh universal, The inquiry is coming more and more insistently: '"How may we have woman has no blacker bane. God in government, justice in Why? Because it qunches our commonwealth, honesty in laughter and stabs good-fellow our commercial dealings, and ship, stifles ambition, and de pure, deep spiritual devotion in stroys intellect? our church?"I Nontbe our chrch?"cause of these, but because it is With present conditions,hearts the death of love, without which are bleeding, oppressions are life is nothing. multiplying, political corruption "I had intended that all this deepening, frauds most appall- should be written in a tone of ing being committed in high fin ance, cruelty of the dark ages dwell on the poetry of drink, on towards humanity being repeat- the joyousness of the traditional ed; while intellectual Christian- trinity of wine, woman and song ity, without spiritual power, has ty well-nigh spent its force,and has an the cup bas proved inadequate to the crying esalihdetwe e a needs.esalsebewe me an needs.women. But it cannot be treat True, God's people are praying, ed in that fashion-not, at least, the wheels of organization are in in honesty and by one who rapid motion. multiplied forces knowswhereof he writes. No are at work; yet all these avail man that has closely touched this but little while the one great phase of woman's life, social and stone of obedience remains un- theatrical, no man that has turned. Nothing, not even the known a hundred instances most devout worship, can be where, night after night, fame substituted for obedience. and fortune were seen dancing As it was in the days of Israel in the diamonds of the wine, and so it is today, This was the in the morning were found word given to Joshua: "There stretched lifeless in the dregs of is an accursed thing in the midst the glass, can calmly sit down of thee, 0 Israel: thou can'st and write of the poetry of the not stand before thine enemies thing. He can talk it, he can until ye take away the accursed live it and lie it, but he cannot thing from among you." thin frmaog0o. commit the literary hypocrisy So long as a municipality,com- of putting it in sturdy type." mon-wealth or government legalizes and protects an evil like the abominable rum traffic. Two Historical Weddings. consents to the segregation of vice,approves of class legislation NorfolkVa.,Oct.8:-The eternal for gambling at the race-track, feminine delighting at all times sanctions Mormonism, which is a in things matrimonial will lay political polygamous organiza- aside reports of social doings at tion, by the retention of one of the summer resorts and adver its members-elect in the national tisements of new fangled fruit Congress,-all these in open cane to read about a wedding violation of the cardinal prin- even if it did occur nigh on to ciples of true government:-so three hundred years ago. long as these evils are fostered, In this case there are two and a Christian nation cannot stand it is doubtful if an accunt of before its enemies. When the them would be dug up at the Christian church rises to the presen t tm re it not that strength of its~opportunity andthyavtodinrelywh obeys the command, "Put away teJmsonEpsto hc the accursed thing from amongstobhe&nxyartapit you thn orl-wie vanelsent from the sene of oen these early social events. F. F. and Margaret. V. 's were not heard of in those That other wedding was the days, but for real, simon pure F. title-hunting affair. it seems F. V. ism the first of these nup- that John Rolfe, Secretary of the Colony of Virginia, succeed tials has the latter day society ed in convincing the royal lashed *to the mast; in fact it maiden, Pocahontas, that Capt. marked the beginning of the John Smith was dead, and, be first family of Virginia. The lieving him dead, she yielded to second was the first instance of the i mportanities of John Rolfe title-hunting in America with the and married him. That sbe reversed conditions that the bride loved Smith first and always is an American, had the title and the conclusion of many who are the hunter was the untitled familiar with the annals of the Englishman. There !were no colony. When after her marri bridesmaids, no dinners with age she met him in London she terrapin and truffles, no checks exclaimed: "They told me al for a million dollars and no press ways that you were dead." accounts of the trousseau, but Those words told of the tragedy there were some distinguished of a heart. people present and in some way the news leaked out. The first installment of James town settlers was a stag outfit with such noble old rounders as Capt. John Smith in the bunch but never a petticoata and nose wonder things didn't go just od ifIif right. In the absence of this gentle influence one can fancyr madnPhons. tha0 Cpt the doughty Captain and old be sport Powhatan pitching horse shoes for tobacco (Powhatan's tobacco)under Powhatan's Oak iT h and getting tipsy on Dismal A S mth isAR a yI Swamp water. But when the second contiof gent of settlers arrived there The people in Columbia have got were two ladies among them, or ten together this year and the Fair rather one lady,Mistress Forest, Association ha~s worked with a vim never known befdt:e. Everything has and her maid, Anne Burras. been arranged with a view to amus Imagine the rubbering that took ing and giving pleasure to the thou place when the flags of their sands of visitors. One of the most feminity were seen to flutter on important attractions of the week will the docks of Jamestown. There be the Grand Fire Works display on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs was one citizen of the town that day niights. The Great "Carbo" will wasn't slow. This was John bring his entire show to Columbia Laydon. At love-making he this year and no finer Fire Works must have been a regular Cor- have ever been seen. This Is Carbo's first trip through the-united States sar. He assailed the gentle and it is needless to say that it will Anne Iwith horse, foot and be of the highest character. dragoons, sabred her coyness, The Fair Grounds and streets *il rode over her objections, brole be kept lively wfn good band mu osic and free shows. Good programs o er s o with wonderful acts are arranged. The seized her consent and bore her best the Fair people have ever been away to the altar before she had able to find. begun to feel at home. Just two The theater has been remodeld so months after she landed in that hundreds more can be seated. One of the most modern in the south America this fourteen year old now. And the week is filled with n maid had changed her name from est attractions that come south. Un Burras to Laydon. It is con usually fine. jectured that Capt. Smith gave The State Ball and other dances watwill be held to please the young vis ay l i h itors. Many meens and social fun pened in December 1608 and the tions. EverybodC owill have a good next year John and Anne pre- time. The one time of the year you sented to the worthy Council of C:11 get to see so many old friends An wthe irst childborn of and acquantances. rgnThe entrances and exits at the Fair English parents in the colony. zrcnds have been enlarged so that "It"was a girl and she was there will be plenty of room to han called Virginia. In 1632 when (le all the crowds. More street cars aaand faster schedules will be used. gni t the Ji t will be e-Coming Week court officially recognized this -Oct. 22-27. write your friends and important event by presenting" kinsfolk to come. Cheapest railroad to the distinguished young lady rates-one fare. i din For information write Mr. A. W au Love, Se.. Columbia, S. C. Send him Elizabeth City County, the ames of all the South Carolin which lies just across Hampton ins you know living out of the state Rsent ohfr wtheyJamestown Ex-j Do this now. Don't delay. Come to pigina ond. myb the Fair.hl brno inteeing paet nt that threey otrinia htrs camte toblssrginia~ftI~ f tothe Ladtnushdryong licdyad ih .AMINISTER3 LET Of COMMENDAND1M, FlVE BIG FACTORIFS. "I have been trying to get some firm hereto putin a line of your shoes, as we have a hard time getting a good -shoe in this town. I believe if you will take the matter up, you can arrange with Messrs. & Co. to handle " Diamond Brands." I have no interest in the matter only that I want to buy a good'shoe once in a while.'You will remember that I handled your shoes when in business in Quanah, and know what they are." REV. WALTER GRIFFITH, Silverton, Texas. Could the superiority of Diamond Brand shoes be more convincingly shown? You are just as anxious for good shoes as Rev.Griffith and it isequally worth your while to insist that your dealer supply them. Ask your dealer for Diamond Brand Shoes WV AKXE MOW. F/NE JY/OES TMN AY O7MR MO&/JE IN rol WrESlZ WE AR E daily receiving additions to our stock, and it is our intention to bring the brightest and most attractive goods to be had for the money, no matter where we mav- have to go get them. We want to call your attention to our flne stock of staple CROCKERY. GLASSWARE, TINWARE, AND AGATEWARE. We have everything in open stock, no need to buy sets, you can get one piece or as many pieces as you want at the very lowest possible price. Our con tinued sales of COOK STOVES AND RANGES is an evidence of the splendid values we are giving in these goods. Tie excel-" lent cooking qualities of the 0. K. Stove or Range, their handsome and massive appearance, th-eir elegant proportions of their makeup, the favorable impression made by tnem as compared with other stoves all go towards helping -us make. sales Anyone with a critical eye can readily judge when they once see our 0. K. Prince Stove at $12.50, or our 0. K. Duke at 815.50. Why they' are- so popular we will appreciate a call from any housekeeper who has never seen these stoves and will take pleasure in showing where they so far excell - others. FARMERS: Don't forget to harvest your hay crop this year the first favorable weather. If you have not got a Mower come and see us at once, we have Mowers and Rakes that do the work anvivhere that machinery can be used, and often where others have failed. SYRACUSE TWO-HORSE. PLOWS. We have all sizes of these well-known and popular plows. AMERICAN FIELD FENCING. We have a large stock of this well-known fencing. Let- us fi ureand.' show you how -cheaply you can fence your pasture or farm and raise cattle aid D make money while you sleep. Very truly yours, Manning Hlardware ?o A'