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VOL. XX. MANNING, S. C., WEDNESDAY. JUNE 27, 1906. IHE GAMPAIGN For United states Senator an State Offices Opens AT SAINT GORGD. All the Candidates for Governer and the Other State Offices with Few Excep tions Attend and Address the People. Senator Tillman Absent. The State campaign for 1906 was formally opened at St. Georges on Tuesday of last week. The meeting was called to order at 11.20 by County Chairman E J. Den nis and was opened with prayer by the Rev. Mr. Steadman. Chairman Dan nis then outlined the purposes of the gathering. The people of Dorchester County were gathered, he said, to see these candidates, who had cffereo themselves for mofie, and, seeing them and hearing them, to pass upon their fitnem for cffioe. He referred elcquent ly to those who had made Soith Car olina great in history hnd emphasized the necessity for those to whom the ballot had been entrusted to keep well their trust. The Hon. KARTIN F. AN;EL, of Greenvilie, cndidatLe for Governor, was the irst speaker Introduced. Mr. Ansel was greeted with applause. Firbt of all he desired to thank the lais for their presence. . It argues well for the campaign of 1906 that they should grace this cccasin with their prraence He himself is nou running on his good looks, however, for in that event he feels sure some of the others would bz. elecaed over him. He wasn't elected four years ago, but he came so close to It that he felt it his duty to again present himself to the people for their sufirages. He is proud that te rep reants the Piedmont and be is proua of the magnificent vote he received in his old jadicial circuit, where he 1h beat known. He has the endorsement of ils county. It is only upon hign grounds that he desires election. He stands for the great principle of high education and he stands u taalifiedly for the great work of tue public schools. In the youth of the country is the hope of the country. There he urged strongly the Importance of the commonschools. Good readds another plank In his platform. Tls is a matterof greatest interest. We "don't want suca roads that we shall have our religion jalted out of us before we get to cauzens." He favors seeking and accepting aL rrom the NaMona. Gov emrnent for th purpose. He is op posed to the State diepensary acd Ihe is In tavor of local county option as between a county dispensary and pro hibirtion. If the county ofi;:ers are able to take charge of the county'? zff~irs in other matters why are they not able to sake care of the county's liquor selling, he asked. He is oppos ea to one county dictating to ano: her as to what It shall have. Let the Gov ernor appomnt the board to take charge of the selmng of liquor and let tshe Governor os responsible for them. Pay them a salary. H doesn't believe In commissians. Let them report to each term of t?ne Circuit Court. Pen slon the old Confederate soldier ano let him go to his grave in pecce. The Hon. C. L. BTE ASE, of Newberry, was then introduced to the audience. He Is a candidate for Governor. He has represented N~ew berry County in the Legislature sev eral times, and Is to-day the county's State Senator. He can prove by the records that throughout his whole career he bas been consistent in the positions he has taken. He favon biennial sessions of the Legislature laws restricting the hours of labor, anc liberal appropriations for educaliona purposes, but Is opposed to the highel education of the negro. This lasi statement evoked applause. He favon~ a marriage license system, and the ecnomicaleforcementb of the Govern ment. He believes the dispensary sys tern is the best sotution of the whiskea question and he favors the repeal o the Brice law. Hecurring to the ne gro question, God never intended thal the negro should be anything else than the servant of the white man. I -.he had his way he would wipe out th: negro college at Orangeburg. If y01 have corruption in the State dispen sary, what would you have If there were 41 county boards? He does no favor ue Baysor-Manning bill. Oai of his reasons for this is because on of the amendments provides thal whenever the board thinks the dis pensary Is a nuslance they have th right to 0lose It up. That is not gol erned by the people. They say the die pensary is corrupt. All right. Wh: is it oorrupt? It Is because men origi nally cpposed to the dispensary lal have of recent years been placed Il charge of the system. But there is n corruptionin tha dispensary. Mr.|W.4 Cniias bold him yesterday thrat sinc tne dispensary was voted out In cei tain counties the jug traffic on a railroad bad more than doled. Pr< hibition has failed In Newberry. E Is ready, willing and waiting to defer any attack made on the dispenrsai system. He, too, favors goon roa< and good schools. Everybody doe But the money of the people is beir squandered nOW. T wo more judici circuits have been provided, but st: the) clamor for extra Courts. He hel ed to defeat the appropriation for ti Ipayment of the expenlssofthsee tra Courts. if elected he will endea or to reduce extra Courts. He f avo a liberal appropriation for Ex-Confe erate soldiers, and he wana to see go to those tO wuom It belongs al not to those who do not need it. )[E. J. E. BEU~ SON. of Sumter, candidate for Govern wa the next spester. Re plung~ed ouce into a discussi n of the lquor question. Tbis is the leading issue before the people, because in involvea more In dollars and cezts, a::d carries along with it the mor d and intellecu a welfare ci the people. It has been contended that the public schools !s the proper place to which to apply this "biond m ney," b'cause in that. way the youth of the la d will be edu cared against. drinking This is a fall icy, because the liquor habit is as apt to strike your brIghtest boy as sour dullest fool. Th:s money is not going to the schools. anyway. Out of $4 expendea by the drunkard for a jug of liquor all the prod s except two cents, go to otrher sources and othe people than the crunkard-s familiy That is all the salve his wife and children get to heal tieir hear.aohes He gave the druntard's prayer and the prayer of the s'-rcalled good citi Izen, who takes this liquor money for his children's education. i hey talk about putting go:d men in charge (f the dispensary. You can't get a man who is a decent man who will take charge of this dirty slop. This is the truth. If you doubt iL ask any one of these good men who are running o this platform to go In and dibh out the dirty stuff. Not one of them will do it The system cannot be clcansed. Had you cmucible as big as tbe moon in wich to boll it, were you to hear that cruciale with all the coal stored in the bowels of the earth, were yC o to give to each of these candidates, who talk about purging it, a dipper with which cne might empty Lake Miciigan at a soo.p, and to each of the others a sp-on, whic'a would reach from p-Ae to nole, with which to si.Ir it, and then let them stir, while the others dipped, this process might go _n for ceniuries. and at the end the residum of purified matter would not amount to a thimbleful. Mr. Brum son referred to no other issue, but de voted his whole time to rasping those who favored the sale of lquor in any manner, and urging the people to rally to its overtzrow. MR W. A EDWARDS, of Salud), filed his pleag-: as a candi, date for Governor, but, jadcing from his speech to-day he~ has entered him self in tne wrong class. His entire time was devoted to an attack upon the Southern Railway, which would zave done credit to tae most ardent aspirant for the cffl .e of railroad com missioner. Mr. Edwards declared that for six years ne aos been conducting a fIght in the COurts agaim. the con solidation of the Son-n C-rolina and Georgia extension with the Southern Railway. He finds, so he said, that hls corporation is practiaally In con trol uf our Government and that there is apparently no way of escape from its abuses. He declared that it dis riminated against the people of tbh State, causing their p-operty to de crease In value, and jincidentally th property of landowners in Georgia to !ncrease in value. H! then brgantorea, from a paper whic , he carried a histo ry of his case already refur ad to, but ais twenty were up before he as more taan fairly sra.rtted, and it ever became j ist woat ht was driving at. He was granted an xtension or time l wica o explat oriny what he was af ter, but just r as opened his mouth to speaL tuc cand negan to play and there the mat ser ended, for to-day at least. Then cam-' ME. A. C. JONES. of Newberry, who is also an aspirant for Gubernational honors. He is here as the representative of the homes, of the motners, of the sons, of the chl aren, who stand for pure democracy and who oppose corruption and graft All his life ne has stood for that whicr was purifying and uplifting, and he I willing to abide by his rec~xd. He 1 an enthusiastic supporter of highe; education, but it 1, to the denomina tional colhges that the Stat:e ower most. He believes inz an economical and honest administration of the Gov ernment. He favors a board of arbi tration in South Carolina to settle ali differences between capital and labor. But the principal thing which has brought him into this camfpaign is thre liquor question. Three years agc ie published in the newspapers an ar tile callIng attention to the condi tions In the dispensary. He also urg. ed the pissage of a law wuich wouid allow the vs~ting out of the dispensar es in counties desiring to take such action. Taat sugges;.on was largely instrument al In the passage of the Brice law. Now he is ready to go fur her. Personally, he oposses the sa.e of liquor in any way, but he 1s willing to al~ow the people of each county tc vote on the qutstion as to whether they shall have a county dispensary. nigh license or prohibition. Tne Statt -apensary mu :t go. Conditions In Newberry to-day are better than In twenty years. If the prohibition law s not absolutely enforced that fact is lue to circumstances that whenever a -nn is brought up charged with a violation of the law some lawyer is on and ready to appea,r for him and get him off. He ha~s been in the thick of every -8glm against the State dispen arv and he sta'rds today right wherE he always stood. -Mr. Jones was followed by the Hon. of Sumter. Mr. Manning has for 14 years represented his county in the Legislature, six years in the House, and for the last eight years in the State Senate. He has made mistakes. That he realizes. But in every quea ion upon which he has had to cast n iis vote he has spplied this test--first $ it right? Then, is It for the best interests of my State and county? R-Bemembering this, he is ready to ~stand by his record. No greater work can be done by Soutn Carolina that G o uptuild the edutational system of s ne State, and he is glad to believe that edutational cor d.tion i.: South Carolina have improved, and are im proving. Tre representatives of the p~ eople in the House and in the Senate no longer fight the appropriations for a ducational purposes, and while the . appropriations may at times appear . arger than the revetues of the State a would seem to warrant, there can be a *o doubt that these representatives i are doing what they think will furthez e the best interess of the State, anc -beir attituce towards the subject it a caus~e of greata t gra iflcaticn. Fn POISON VIOTIM. Richard Tilghman, a Rich Presi dent of Philadelphia, Pa., TAKES FATAL DOSE By Mistake in the Dark, and. Realiz ing His Mistaks, Calls His Wife and Children, But Nothing Could Save Him. Phones Friendb Good Bye. A. awf ul tragedy occurred at Phila lelphia about ten days ago. Knowing that his life was to pay rOfeit In a few hours for his fataI nistake in taking poison from a bot le in the medicine caest instead of he harmless drug that he sought ii, hie dark, Richard Tilghman, a so -ety man, clubman, mamber of the lity Troop, a descendant of one of m-e original Maryland families and c'esely related to the Whelans and [ippincot-ts, maae every arrangemeznt .aat prudenes or sentiment dictated )efore he dkd. He first had un1ps that his life could )e saved and. waking up his wife in heir apartments at the fashionable LIncoln, No. 1220 L. east street, and ds daughter, fiteen years old, and ton thirteen years old and told them. that Lad happened. Mrs. Tilgaman, who was Gabriella e Potstad, daughter of the beautiflil narcioness de Potstad-Fornari, at ne time lady-in-waiting to Isabella, , jeen of Spain, and the childien did erything possible to aid husband ad father in the effrts to save his ife, but when they found that they id not make favorable progress, Mr. ['ilghman directed them to telephone or a doctor. Tne physicians fought hard to Of ;et the effects of the pois'n, bat had o admit that they had exhausted 5heir remedies and that Mr. Tilgh nan would have to be prepared for ,he worst. He took their verdict philosapically ind directed that a telephone message 3e sent to his brother in Bryn Mawr, iummoning him to the Lincoln. "Tell him to take an automobile, to that he will get here in time," said he dying man. "Send for the priest, and when it .s all over take my body to the house f my brother, so that I may be iuried from there.'" Mr. Tilgainan expressed his regret o his wife and children that he hould have made such a fatal mis ;ake, -hen they were going to sal] rom New York the next day for an tended toar of the Continent. Then, after he had told them of ome arraug-ments that must b .nade, he Lad a telepione brougn2 V .s b.dside, and caled up many of us friends in the city, to bid theti. are fell The priest came and heard the con asion of thie dying man, and admin stred the last rites of the Church. Lighman then asked his wife and aidren to draw near the bed, and hile the physicians, one of them a rind from boyhood, withdrew to a orner of the room, he made his ouching farewell to the little' group ~hat he loved above all. He toid hem not to worry, as ii was a fate rom which there couli be no esc', ~nd then he sank back in hisu ben till racked with the pain which h ad endured *lth such wonderful for utude, and in a few minutes was lead. Mr. Tilghman had spent the even. ng at a reunion and banquet of tt e uass of '86, Univarsity of Pannsylv ia given at the.University Club. He ad been in the habit of taking tab ets when troubled with slight attack f rheumatism, and when he returne o his apartments shortly after 2 'clock, darkened his room and re ired, before he remembered that he bould have taken a tablet. "After extinguisbing the light," aid Mrs. Tilghman, "he desired to ske the l.thia tablets, as he has been uffering lately from muscular rnu matbm. Two bottles of the same ze and stape were side by side, orne ontaining antiseptic bichlcride of mercury tablets and the other citrate of lithia, and in the dark he chose the .rong bottle. "HEe placrd t wo of the tablets in a tumble of water, stirred them until they dissolved, then he took three or our swallows before he noticed the error. By quickly drirk ng some tepid water, ne produced nauzseea and thoughut that he brought up the entire contents of his stomaich. Very soon, however, be was se:zid with cramps. Then he called me and explained thle mistake he nad made. "Dr. W JT. Roe, of No. 1210 Locust street, was immediately summoned, but the antidotes administered and the washing out of the stomach failed to save his life, and he died a few minutes before eight In the morning. For six hours the physicians fought for Ttlghman's life. After Dr. Roe nad worked over the clubman for a while, they decided to sand for Dr. Robert C. LsOonte, who had been a lifelong friend of the clubman. Then they all went to work together. The dying men suggested a number of antidotes, all of which were tried witout giviug him any relief. The bookings for the European tour were caucelled by Lieut. Col. righman, a brother of the deceased, ast evening, and arrangements were made, in accordance with Mr. Tilgh man's request, to take the body to he brother's house, where the funer al tcok place. Mr. Tilghman was born in Phila delphia at the residence of his pa rents, Mr. antd Mrs. Richard A. Tilghn man, No. 321 South Eleventh street, forty-one years ago. He was edu ec3.ed in Pailadelphiia, and was grad uated from the University of Penn sylvania in the class of '86. He wa: Smember of the Delta Pa Fraternit3 and one of the most popular m mbenr of the First City Troop He entere' Mahi fatherks chemical laboratory im mediately after his graduation from college. Just eighteen years last month be married Miss Gabriella DePotstad, daughter of the Marshioness DzPote stad-FornAri, who was Miss Obap Man, daughter of Mr. John Chapman. and granddiughter of the celebrated Dr. Nathaniel Chapman, of Palla. delphia. SENATOR TILLMAN'S PLANS. He Will Fill His Previous Lecture Engagements. Senator Tillman will make no change in the plkus already announc ed by him for the present summer on ace6unt t f having opposition for re nomination to the seate. The fact that W. W. Lumpkin bas annourced nimself a candidate to succeed Sena or Til:man as ienior senator from South Carolina will cause no immedi ate change. As was announced sometime ago Senator rillman will attend Y:die po itic.l rally in Greenvile e u ity on July 7th. That will be in-m 'aely wter his return from Pr.erson Springs, Ill., where he is tcaedu ed to :peak on J1 4:h. It is probab.e .hst he would cancel the Ilinoi: en gagemin and en,.er at once Into the South Carnilna campaign-that is noon the adi.iurnment of congress ;ut for the fact toat he made a con tract sometime ago with the Illinois people to appear before them o-n .tbe day named. After the Greenville county meet .og, Senator Tillman sill be actively ith the South Carolina campaigners for a month or until the end of the rst week in August. After that date he will be out of the state nearly all the summer and fall lecturing in iff 3rent parts of the United States. During the month that ne is with the campaigners he will make every ,pportunity count. Hi has wanted an opportunity to discuss issues botw state and national for a long time, and was beginning to tbink that he would not have his wish granted this ear, when the announccment of Mr. Lumpkin's candidacy reached Wash Ington. There is genuine regret on the part of Senator Tillman that he was un sble to attend Thursday's campaign meeting at Charleston. There are many things that he hoped to have the opportunity of telling the Charles ton voters at that meeting, and it is a sore disappointment to him hat his duties here are such that he was uable to leave Wa-hington. BLIND TIG&A WHISK&Y Is Charged With Making a Man Be come a Bigamist. Adolphus Ingram, alias James Smith, a young white man from near Dillon, was arrested in PArtsmouth, Va., Monday and lodged in Marion Jal Friday, charged with bigamy and forgery. H- was Interviewed in .i'l Fridr& itemnon, and did nuot d--u> einer oi toe caarges against him, layig t2 oMame on iblir.:- tigt r 1 quor. puroniaw n Dilon. He is a 3oung man opoar ently 3-3 y ears of age a native of Mar - boro c .nnty. Wh'n quiite a voung man, marriEd in 1895, to Miss Emom N arton, living near Little Rock. He as lived witn her, he says perfectly appy and contented. They have shree children two girls and one boy aged fro~m two to seven years. Fo: several years Ingram has hoer employed by the Singer Sewing Mi nne company ann It is said th'. while with that company he met Mu~s Alma Steith a d ughter of T. C. mith of H-mer. Mibs Smith was the 'elephone operat:>r at H~smer. He was mtrcuced to tne young girl as one J. W. Smith, and while uncer the 11f. 'c of whiskey on the 8-n of last June he and the young 14 year old girl drove over to Dillon from Hamer and were married ny R jv. J. A. Wil son. That after he sobered up cie was crazed with remorse c-f his crime aad nad been drmnking hard since theni. He Is also charged with forgery, aving passed a worthless check with tie name of his wife's un~cle J. A. Nrton signea to it, and ear.g for $50 Tne prisoner says he bas ao re c -ilection of the forgery he having men drunk at the tim--. Trhe - i. an: for his arrost was Issued by Mass.rad F *re of Dillon wno fix'd h1a ball at $2,500. Tuis it is likely he will be ur aue to furnisn. Told Her to Fray. The Herald says Andrew Drum mond, a negro man, was brought to Soartanburg recently by Deputv Shier 2f W. J. Wnlte and lodged in the jit charged with having killed Be: ha Dean, a coloked woman, at R:: vilie. The Dean woman was sr-ut b. Drummon on last Thursday night and ied Friday morning. Drummond clamed that the shooting was acci dental, but the woman befure she died made a statement to the contrary. Sne stated that there had been some truble between her and Drummond, and that on Thursday night tne ne gro cams into her room and told her to say her prayers for be was golrg to kill her. This she did and the man shot her. It was generally thought in the Reidville section that the woman had been acci~~aniv shont. A DaDntrous Cjunovance. That feminine contraption the peek a-boo waist, described as a number ol large holes Imperfectly surrounded by small threads, is one of tae mr-st del ectable articles of wearing apparel ever devised by the dressmakers. It has probably targled more men intt the tolsw cf matrimony than the Della Fox curl, the Marcel wave, or any d: tbe other weapons with which the gentle sex is wont to arm itself whel on conquest bert. Fourteen 1znceb or ai. A special from Athens, Ga, say during the hailstorm in Clark am oonee cornties great damage was done. In some places the hail fell ti a level of 14 Inches. Pine trees fo: miles were stripped of their foliage In Clark county the storm was abrx a. mile wide and seven miles long. 11 Oooes It was two miles wide and 11 raUes long. OCrn, cotton and othe rrops in tne of the storm wer ttilly dcestroae A SPICY TIME At the Charleston and Colleton Campaign Meetings. LYON AND RAGSDA Both Offer to Withdraw and Leave the Field to Gen. Youmans. Ragsdale Charges Lyon With Running Be cause Gen. Yonmans Could Not Attend Meetings. Eighteen candidates told the stories of their lives and their hopes in Hibernian hall at Cuarleston on Wednesday night. The crowd varied from about 300 males at the opening Lo half tnat many towards the close of tne meeting. Conspicuous in a front seat was Vincent Chicco, kn.own as the un crdwned blind tiger king of Charles ton, who interrupted several of the speakers with questions relative to the dispsnsary. Io was a swelteripg night, but COicco gave away fans ou w*hich were printed the pictures of timself and Tillman, labeled "Chicco and Tillman, the two determined." Tne campaigners were given a royal Dime during the day by cfficial Charleston, led by Cnairman Daniel L. Sinkler, and what they wanted they did not have to ask for-it was all there. Much Interest was added to the meeting by the arrival of Senator Ragsdale, candidate for the office of attorney general, who was not present at the opening of the campaIgn at St George Tuesday, as it has been ex pected that he would vigorousli op pose Mr. Lyon's views on the so-calh ed "burning Issue." Tne result of their first encounter is stated below Each had only five minutes in which to present his side, which accounts for the lack of more detail. Mr. J. Willard Rsgsdale, of Flor nee, made is first speech as a ca r didate for tile office of .ttorney gten eral. He opened by remarking that when be determined to make the race ne had done so under the belief that the office belonged to no man, that no one was entitled to claim it to the exclusion of others who sought it. He was accordingly surprised to note in the Charleston Post that Mr. Lion deserved tne offce. As for himself he would say that he dia not ask for the cffia except iL so far as the people might elect to give it to him after weigning him L &he balances. But, said he, if it must be said that any one deserve -Le ctfe, I teli you to look at the dis t aguined se.victs renoered co Sout. .arolna by Li Ry Yoamaas, anc. *v-rry patriian ma feel na6 if th. ,..c- oelongs LO any one of us it r, wuugs to Youmnans. (Applause.) B..t I Lage 15 that 16 is due to n.. one. Tne tfficie of attorney genert. is not a poutical tne Wnether 0r ..o0 a candidate stands for tue dis gensary shnouzd not cetermine the question. The cffie requires certax. uties un-elect him antornzey generatk ae teils you he wid prosecute the~ grafters if you elect him attorney general he reL~s you no more that. what he is in duty b.und to do. 1 stand here as one wno cesd1 oe right ram tne supreme court of Sau~L. Carliina, as a youog lawyer, and pidge myself tO prosecute any viola or of law who comes under my pur view. I ask for no sentiment~ in this race. All I nave a right t>. expect from youz is a fair cieai, and a fair dealis to take ino consideration the integrity of thecandcates and their ability. In te past you have endorsed me and I nave tried to merit that endorsemet.~ I am a staunca1 supporter of the dispensary, b&cause I celleve It Is the oest solution. I ai uncomprt.m.s ingly opposed to graf ters. Whatover are my views as I. tue dispensary, no a;t of mine will ever be done tnat wili sek to protect a man who robs the seare and appeals to me as a support er of the aispensary under the DelleI that I would neip him. I stand for the 1,utfication of the disez.sary and for pure elections. I nave favored1 the 1in.ugationl of the dispensary and 1 hold that it was the commitee's duty to complete its work and report It to the legislature tat appointed It. It is now too eary to jaidge Its work, and simpi.) because my opponent has been pro mnent in the investigation as a mom oer of that committee is no reason why ycu should vote for him. The sale qualification for you to apply is als gezneral fitness. Cnrairman Sinkler read a letter from Attorney General Youmans announc ig his caudicacy, in w: lch he toic now his duties interferred with his participation In the campaign at pres ent, believing that he ought to attend o them rather than look after his own Interest In canvassing for votes. Mr. J. Fraser Lyon, the other can didate for attorney general, followed. He said he would make a serious prop osition to his friend, Mr. Ragsdale. w n entered Sne race against Gene ral YoumaLns because I did so I will make him an of .r. I do not care to trench upon the privilege of this old soldier wno stood with Hattpton In those dark days of South Carolina's roubles. I make the propositioni to im that, if he thinks it Is improper for us to enter this campaign ayainst General Youmans, we now grace fuily withdraw. Tnere was quite a buzz of interests at this. Mr. L., on looked around to wards Mr. Ragsdale, who rapidly came o the front and asked the chairmnan If be could first ask Mr. Lyon a ques ion and then reply. Cioaarman Sink er said that It would be taken out o: Mr. Lyon's five minutes if he did so, and 1t was agreed that Mr. Lyor should proceed with his speech. ne, just as our fathers yearl 'ago proclaimed and obtained for uf tax rignet of local self-goverhment,] n#w ccme to lAt my volo.s for tha d art right. 1 co not tit a the dii pemary has acrdred yon that rghr. It has been forced on you improperly. When the people see that it is corrupt and rotten to tue core, as I tell you it is, they will wipe it out. It li trrupt. However our commit Lee may be smu~rd, we have breacned Dne wahs and given you a glimpse or the rottenness witnin, and in is up tL you to drive out tne grafters. Oir commiLtte cannot prosecute. We have practically fnaistea our work. I have a formal report to present, but the rest is very little. My candlaacy resolves itself into one ihing: Wid you upnoid the ban ner that I have raised ano assibt -me in my figan aga:nst graft or will you ieD them come out with their forces and trample you in the dust? The Walterboro meeting on Thurs day was aboulutely devoid of any epec lai features t x.cp a continuance ot the Lyon Ragsaaie dispute about get Ding out of ne race, but as yet noun mg has come of it. In nis speech Mr Lyon aid not refer to the matter of withdrawing, but talking abouc the corruption-of the disp;.nsary and saia no ougnt to be elected so as ne coul. prosecute tue rascals tha had been run down by the investIgation. Mr. Bgsdale spoke nexo, says that e aid no& purnimbelf as the man in Soubh Caroina who could properiy fid oue ome? of attorney general. H was not Wne only man wno could ae vise plans to bring acout honesoy In administration. Referring to the office ne said it services entitled any man Lo A LsRoy F. Youmans snould have :.., bab a man, generally, ougnt not to oe given <.ffie because of wnat he has done, but because of his character and ability. He had not entered the race to defeat Youmans. He withhela his pledge until ne saw that Lyon aculd run. As to withdrawing he sala Lyon had entered the contest agaiust Mr. Youmans oecause he beiieved him paybicaaiy incapable of making the canvass and thus expected to ru witnout opposition. He nad no desire to oppose Coi. Youmans and wuua .je .iwng to witnaraw witnout any string to his witharawal and allow Jolonel Youmans to be elected witn uut opposition. He would do this it Lyon wil. This was received with appiauso by tne audience. Berore Mr. Ly on couid reply, time was called upou Ar. Ragsdaie ana a recessa was taken ?or Canner. Dan of Murderers. Near Ratti, a Switzerland village in one Zaerion Oatriaud, Lne pjauot uave maue nignly sensationa discov ary. Fir a long time a remute larm aouse was occupieaby a famlay named joernoizer, consicsiLg of two brothere And a sister. A few days ago, the autnorities found cause to searcn tne uous~e. An immenee quanity of stolen go-ds wa fouad, Oui worae tninga were discovered later. A wail exciter suspision owing to it peculiar snape aLd wneu an opznlng was made a rou4t cot ha was foun:1 witn a emaies SkeleLou, .aotnes st-il aaiermg to it. Ics ideAt aty nas not yet been es.abhsned, buL .nat some awIu criens nava oeeLu co"Uml-ea In ULe U nOusa app.rS tv OI ..wW prac.cAily certain. Packurs kiard kit* Offla.a mL.aSic&. compiled ny the, d - Iment of comr ana la-ut anov nu w on agiua.onI against IiLe ,,ecaer hna us& aet fureign rrado. in Januar&y, before tae revelation iL --rae J ungie' ?iad gamned wmce pub lAcity, tne exportasntoa of cannea b..ei siuwed an incre.'we of -two million puunlus over tne~ previous year. Feo anary suoweu a faumig uff of 3,000,000 pons Mc~rca suowed 11i6y per cent~ d~cieasei WiAU a loss to packers 01 $500,000. A. r1 snows a detcrease 01 .3r Marcn or 50000 punas. May anLUWon a samaard~ Leceabe. The ex portationi of fresa ocef in April andi MIay bihoweci a sliient decrea4e. Unina Se,tles. China Thursday signed a treaty ac carding comple satisfactlon to France 10r tne massacre of ss French aesuit misslonainles at Naz.cang, Klang Province, in February last. Unina pass $200,000 indemnity to the mis sion and $401,000 indemnity to the aecessed ma~sionaries' familes, builds a meanoriatl ho~pinal and punishes the ringlsadesrs of tne rioting. In addi .ion pusthnmuus honors, which the people of Nanaang demanded, will not be granted to tire Chinese magis trates wnose suicide was tne signal for the outoreat. Frencn guaboats in the vicinity of Nanchang will be witharawn. Fell F'rom a a inoow. At Wasuington on Wednesday, 20:1h instant, Clarence M. York, private secretary to Chief Justice Fuller, of the supreme court of the Unilted States jumped or fell from a window at Garitieid nospital and received In jaries from which he shortly after ward died. No one saw him when he went through oe widow. Mr. York was about 40) years of age and had neld his position with Chief Justice Fuller for many years. He was sent to the hospital for treatment for a blhght injury. Robbed by Bandits. A special from Dallas, Ga., says Mtrs. Sallie Golden, postmaster at that place, was knocked down and robbed there Thursday. A masked man entered the cffi:e with a knife in hand and told her if she screamed he would kill her. Attempting to escape she was knocked down by two olows on the bead, thrown Into a closet and the robber then took the money in the <ffie and escaped. There is no clue to the robberr Killed by a Fall. At Charlestoni on Wednesday, 20th instant Mr Samuel Webb, a linemnan of the Con'solidated Railway compa ny, was killed through the falling 0 a guy stub on which he was descend ing. The bottom part of the pel' was rotten and the lineman's spur: were fast in the pole, making it im possible for him to avoid falling witi the pole. Got Damages. 0. S. Jones has been awarded $501 damages against the Bank of F ,urn tain Inn because the bank turnet down his check when he had amnpli money on deposit in the bank to pa; L the check. The bank's defeuse wa Stat it held up payment until tba -par : y holding the chi ck coulA b idnmfiaS. A n appe.1 will be taken A N1.W PAUDISE. PLEASURE TOUlISTS FLOCK 'O WEStERN NOR -1 CROLINA. Southern Bailway Peveals "The land of the 'ky' and "y.he Sap paire Country." The Wasaington says the daj nas pass.d when the tide of travel f. pleasure or health or to escape from tue heat of the summer months fa aorthward. Imagination for a long time lured tourists in that cirectior in the belief that toward that point of the compass, and that alone coula comfort be found in summer or rest attained by these wearied by prolong ed applestion to business cares. Experience, made possible by the development of the South by the S'uthern Railway, has shown that in the p ctue que portions of North and South Caronna, Virginia, Georgia, Tennessee, and other States of tht Southern country, nature has provid ed the ideal conditions that tend to make a summer vacation healthful, restful and thorougbly satisfying. Oae naturally tninks of the South as a winter resort, but the Southen Railway has made it possible for bnousands of persons to know that in. Western North Carolina the climate Is perfect the year round, and that 1r, midsummer tnat region is Ideal. Whether it be the hunter, the ang ler, or the idler, the broad plateau, the foothills, and the mountain sid&. and tops of the picturesque Blu; Ridge open day after day new fielot for sporo and new scenes of rest or recreation. Every desirable spot of this broad plateau, 2.000 feet above the sea, is accessible oy the Southen Railway, whose summer sonedale ha oeen arranged to meet the paiticulai requirements of sumMer traval ana esptcially of those who are limited to week erAd trips. The grandeur of the sesnery along the line of this road is sien at its-best in "The Land of the Sky" and th "Beautiful Sapphire oouatry," the very names themselves giving some aint of the remarkable beauties un folded to the visitor. Aaheville is the center of "'The Land of the Sky," an'l radiating ro.m It may be found H t Springs. Waynesville, Haywoud White Sulphm Springs, Hendersonville, Brevad. Bilzmore, Lake Tokaway, and, a short distance farther on to the soutb -vest, "the Beautiful Sapphire Coun It is to the enterprise of the South ern Railway that these now famoum sections of the South owe their popu larity. They are easily ieached b3 palatial through express trains from New York City, aft rtirg every com fr t and luxury during the Southeri j Durney. Cninemions carefully arrang to li<ewise make them accessible from all points in the South and West. i :s at Salsbury, N C., that the tourist rcm the North gains his first g:impse ,f 'he beautitui country. Frum Ltat point until the train rraches the sum :iit of the Blue Ridge, the route is .ar- uakx a di-tter, of constand. a:ianging auri exquisite scenery. Ube Sepphire ountry .as been comn pared, and not Inaptly, to the fa ramned Englsh lake district, but thi: lake region of tne South-is on a muec grander scale. Its mountain peak ower well into the clouds and It. ci0ff are twice the height of those It E..gland. Its cataracts and moun Lain streams coma plunging dowi their rocky beds from far greater dis tances than the English streams. I the region of tne "Land of the Sky' more than eighty micuntain -peak tower over 5 000 feet, and twenty three of them are higher than Moun: Washington, tne giant of the White Mountains. No longer do the moun tain resorts of New Hampshire, New~ York and Vermont hcld sway, for ainee the erection of the splendid ho tels and Innumerable hostelries of more modest pretensions In this sec tion, those seelring health, rest, re creation and change have found ID this glorious mountain and lake re gion climate, scenery and comfort and what more can one want There was issued from the pres& only yesterday an artistic brochure by the Southern Rally way telling all about this country. It contains time tables, descriptive matter, the namiet of resorts, the prices charged, ano tells how to get there. It is a com plete indax to a perfect vacation. country, and after reading It no one need be in doubt as to where to spenc uis vacation, how much it will cost and how to reach It. Beat aNegro to Death. For the fifth time within a year the whites residing in the vicinity of the Miller shaft at Portage, Pa., and the negroes employed there have clashed. ;he latest ouiabreak occuring Thurs day, when John Alexander, s ct gro, was beaten to death in front cf ?he Pjrtage Hotel. He and three companions had been drinking at the b -r of the hotel, and while there are alleged to have made remarks tha angered Walter Price, the bartender and four of his companions. Thre men followed the negroes to the pave ment and there attacked them. Ak x ander was pursued to the telephon. offlhe, where he fell and was finalli kicked Into uaconsciousness. He died ina few minutes. Joseph Smith, Waltei Price, Harry Crof and Shorty Cole, all whites, were arrested for causini the negro's death. Two whites an' tbres negroes have been killed ther In race riots recently. To Help UCton Growers, Although both repulican and demecratic state committees hay. frowned upon it, the length of a shir: is to be an issue In the Kansas cam paign this year. A farm paper h leading a movement to organize far mers into unions. The argument ad vanced is that If every shirs was mad, one lnch longer the added cloth wouli consume the entire surplus of cotton Farmers are urged to organiza ant stand for this demand. Ryan anc: )Crumemer, chairmen, respectively, of -the democratic and republican stat. committees, declare that if thi. remedy were reversed to equalize mat ters in case of ani extreme shortage is the cotton crop, it might became ver *carassing. "I think the far-me: s sould go slow on this proposition, aid Onairman Ryan, WHO THEY ARE. Names of the Candidates for the Different Offices. TILLMAN OPPO7D By W. W. Lamokin for United States Senator. AlfSorts of Whiskey Piatformsin the.Gubernatorial Race. Fall List.ofCandi dates for allPlaces. At noon on Monday State Chairman Wilie Jones closed the list ofi entries for the State csmpsign, which opened &t St. Georges on Tuesday. There *ere six elevenwn hrur entries, one of :,zese being Capt. W. W. Lumpkins, i Columbia, commercial agent of he Georgia Railroad, who entered to op pjse Senaor B. R. Tillman for the United Sates Senate. Tae Coiumbia R.cord says among ano entnes MnIay was taat of J. Fraser Lyon, of Abbeville, chief dis pensary investigator, wno is out for antorney general. Five minutes after ans pledge came tWat of e-Senator-J. N. Bagadae, of Florence, a didpensary ,AndiaaTe for the same place. Tas .nird candidate for tas place is the ncumoen, Le~ay F. Yjumans, of joumnoia, appointed by Governor dieyward to Succewa the late U. X. Gunner. Mr. Yominans was autorney 6eeral under Governor Hampton, and Ld over eveity years old. The last pledge rio come In, just five minutes before closing Lima, was nat at .A. Crane Jones, promoiion can idate for governor, from Newberry. Another anti-dispensary candidate to aie nls pleage today was Onarie . A. mi.n, of Timmjnsvile, a locil op siniat canaidase for lieutenant gov Zrnor. Tne other gubernatorial entries are A. F. Ansel, county -ispensary advo oaie, of Greenvals; Senaor Cole L. 13ease of Newberry, State aIspensary .a it stanas; Joel E. Brunion, of Sum er, straign& pronibion; W. A. Eid #rds, prjibiion, of Waras; B. L tanning, of bumter, olponsary re brrmed; j. J. MoManan, or Columbia .1pensary refoxmeo; Lieutenant Gov Orror Jan T. Suan, for te sae Aispensary. Tne dspensary candidate for lieu oenant guvernor is Sanaror 1nomas G. MoLebd, or Lee county, on same ..laoturm as Man-Ing. 'nE compiete I.o of earies oullws: - Uat~ed States S Zaator-B. B. Till .asu. EIgeield, &n-I W. W. Lampkin, L Caiumoia. .ungros.,-First distdlct, George S. egare, . (.arit~an; oecoaa cis nlow, J. 0. p.,jeraon, o. KBanell; G. ,U. Loje, of Aie.A, a1x B-l.IZ B. dir, or SAIada; ird aAfcf, Wyat men uf sonym, sa'a J. E. Beggs, .L Pacezens; f5oUrnal dis.ricai, W. C. Irby, Jr., of Laurens, 3 T. Johnson, 4 srtanbulrg, and G. H. Ma aun, of dreevihue; Fzibfn aistriot, D E. Fin .y, of Yorkynlet, T. J. Sirri, of Lau ens, and W. P. Poilock, of Cneater; dini .dIStries, 3. E. E.?erbe, of sei .or; Seventa aizsrica, a.. F. Lever, of Govrnor-M. F. Ansel, C. L. ese, 3. E. Brulnsonl, W. A. Ed vars, 3. 1. Mainnlfg, J. 3. Mc~.a an, Jona T. Soan, A. C. Jones. Lieutenant Governor-1'nefaas G. keLLeod and Onarles A. Smith. Secretary of State-R. Mi. McGown, f Fiorenoe; J. B. Morrison, of Berre sy, L. Mf. Baginft of Columnbia, and M. F. Tribble, of Anderson. Attorney General-J. Fraser Lyon, John W. Bagsdale and L. F. You ans. Comptraller General-A. W. Jones, f Aboeville; G. L. Walker of Green tille. State Treasurer-R. H. Jenninjgs, f Fairfield. Adjutant Genera.-3. C. Boyd, of Greenvile; L. W. Haiskell, of Colum Esiroad Commissioner - James Cansler, of Tirzsh; John C. Sellers, of Sellers; J. If. Sullivan of Anderson; J. A. Suimmerset, of Columbia, and John H. Wuarton, of Laurens. State Superintendenit of Educition -. B. Martin, of Greenville. EAC3 FOE ATTOENEY GEERAL. Tue race for attorney general will e next in interest to tnanr for gover ior. -Mr. Lyon left yesterday afternoon lacing his check and pledge in the iands of a friend, w1no jied It with .hairman Jones Monday less than aalf an hour before the list was clos d. Five minutes later a friend sled &Er. Ragsdale's pledge with his check. L a letter to his friend Mr. Eagedale aid that he would not oppose Mr. ouimans, but if any other man en aered the race to file his pledge. He ked his friend to wait to the last md be particular not to enter himun ess other oppositionl devaloped to Mr. Yomans. C. A. smITE WON'T EUN~. One of the pledges filed at the last ninute was that of C0. A. Smith, of imonsTile, for lieutenant gover for. Mr. Smith's pledgre was nlied for im by a friend, who stated this fernoon that after reaching the city oday at noen &ir. Smith nad decided - at he coutd not enter the race. He ad been solicited to go in tue cam algnas an ,.nti-dispensary candidate. it thought it would be uawise for dm to make til ran' on thiat line. Wnaies Nwe? The State says an interesting corn nent upon what is "news" Is given In e reports of the dean of the race iorse Sysonby. Tne New York pa ,e gave the "story" front-page Po iion and more than a colu nn in each vas devoted to the subject It must Lave beenl a man of nationala reputa Ion that could have commanded the :ame position and equal space. All of tich goes teshow that' these days here is such a t.hilg as "f ime" amnUg easts as well as an~ :oz mae, ad somne et are more famous thaln most men eanever hopt to be.