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W H AT 'T Is the one question of absorbing interest in the minds THE MINC Answers it ! Whatever is right in the eyes of exacting fashion is here. W' ultra-fashionable world is here-and in marvelous variety-affording a rat taste. We deem these stocks as near perfect as it is possible to make their brought them to our spacions and well-lighted departments that you ma Eastern houses. Nor do the benefit end here-there is a decided price adva sold for, but as LOW AS WE CAN POSSIBLY AFFORD TO SELL IT. The Newest in Dress G( Mach could be said regarding these new Weaves and Colorings, but y impossible to describe the many beautiful Fabrics in the limited space of Orange, Mandarin, Parsifal Blue and Emerald Greens are attracting a grea tiful Cloths. The following attractive lines with their attractive prices sh< Drap Loraine's in Suit Cuts, only......--. --. -......... S 8.00 to $10.00 Crepe deLuser's. from.. .... ..--- - -- -.................... 10.00 to 18.00 Nub Cheviots, from..........---- -----...-................. 6.50 to 1.5.00 Imported Novelty Suit Patterns, exclusive design...... .... 10.00 to 20.00 Scotch Mixtures, from......... ...................48c. to $1.50 yd Mohairs, in all Qualities and Colors. Melrose in Black and Colors. ............... ... .... .... ......50e. to $1.00 Prunellers in all shades. worth $1, price....-.--.................... .....90c Mannish Suitings, from ....... .. -- -- .....................48e. to 79c Broadeloths at.... . .....................75c, 89e, $1.19, $1.50, $2.00 French Flannels at.....................--. .-...4., worth 0 Cravinets, Melton, Kerseys, etc. WOMEN'S READY-TO-WEAR G A showing of the beautiful new Apparel which fashion's most critica for seldom have garments expressed so much style, so much grace and so i are embodied in these garments. They constitute the most superb stock ot privilege to see. It may not be your intention to buy at present, neverthel the wardrobe of the faultlessly dressed woman this fall. Our popular-price Over 300 beautiful Suits for Ladies, every one up to 1 OUR CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT.-We remembered the little folk and prettiest things. Cloaks from $1 to $10. Capes from 25c to $10. On Our Millinery Department. Day by day our stock of Fall Millinery is growing stronger and more fascinating and in a few days will be more beautiful and comprehensive than any ever shown in Sumter. Tailor Hats from Gage and other high class makers; Dress Hats from Burby & Webb, 5th Ave., N. Y.; Sullivan Drew, Jas. G. Johnson, etc., and many French Patterns will be shown, making as a whole a charming array. Miss Louise B. Edwards of New York, assisted by half a dozen able assistants, is working hard to please you. Kid Glove Special. We have just received a large shipment of the Famous Empress Gloves in all sizes and colors. The Empress sells the world over at $1 a pair and are guaranteed. The price at the Minor stores........ 89C The New Laces and Trimmings Are attracting lovers of the beautiful and exclusive prices appeal to those who would have the best at economical figures. We went into the nearest and most remote markets in exhaustive research for every worthy novelty -and our showing is a splendid testimonial of our success. As nowhere else you will see here Laces of Guipure, Venise, Alencon, Irish Crochet, Chantilly, Oriental, etc., black, white, Arabe and butter shades, in Bands, Galloons, Insertions, Edges and Allovers. Also Dress Trimmings and Gar nitures in Jets,'Spangles, Silver, Gold, Silk, Mohair, Persian and Applique in Bands, Edges and Galloons and all at populat prices. Every Department In both our stores, 14 and 16 South Main street are full to overflowing with the-ehoicest things for Fall and Winter wear. TilE MINOR STORE, NEW YORK CITY, Oct. 25, 1904. Mr. S. I. Till, care of J. W. McLeod, Manning, S. C. Dear Sir: I am sending you today about 300 Men's, Youths' and Boys' Suits and Overcoats that I got for you from a big clothing sale. These goods were bought at less than the actual cost to make them up. I think you can give your customers more than their money's worth in any of these goods. I will get you a few more in a few days. Respectfully, YOUR NEW YORK BUYER. We have about 500 other things just as cheap or cheaper than this lot of Clothing. Yours for big bargains. J. W. McLEOD. S. I. TILL, Mnanager. ,LEVi BLOCK. O WFDAR of women these Autumn days-and how satisfactorily > STORE_ batever is true to the styles most in vogue, and greatest in favor with the ge of price and choice broad enough to meet the desire of every purse and From every fountain head we have gathered the choicest materials and y have advantages of selecting not inferior to those presented by the great .ntage, for our plan is not to mark an article as high as it could probably be )OdS, The Latest Weaves in Latest Colors. Du know that they are here, and we invite you to come and see them. It is a newspaper announcement. The new Leather Browus, Onion Skin, Burnt I deal of attention, and we are showing these favorite shades in many beau >uld interest you. Many are special: . OGACLB ffrap dAlina, Melrose, Poplins, Repps, BL A GOODS. Silk and Wool Crepes, Albatross, Freneh Serges,Cheviot Serges Sponged and Shrunk, Bouelay Cheviots, Silk finished and Silk Warp Henrietta, I Granites, Mohairs, Ladies' Cloth, etc. SILSS Chiffon Taffetas, Liberty Chiffon Taffetas, Peau deSoie, SIL . Crepe de Chines. Cheeks and Stripes for Shirt Waist Suits. Lining Taffetas, all colors, at 3.5c. NNLENPRES DE SOI-all colors, 36 inches at 50c. NELWY LINING. Sold in Sumter by the Minor Store only. AA N . Captivating Creations, Dainty, Exclusive. APT . Nothing Prettier, Nothing Dressier. I followers will wear this season. We take much pride in presenting them, ich material worth. The best thoughts of the world's cleverest. designers Women's Outer Attire it has ever been our pleasure to present and your ess we want you to visit the department and see just what is to' comprise methods are even more pronounced than formerly. he minute, from..... ........ .............$5 to $25. s and have a department specially for them, stocked with all the newest The Minor Store, A City in Itself. Po.RTIA SI-IES Set the pace in these United States. The MINOR STORE sells them and guarantees every pair. A WORD ABOUT CORSETS. The president of the Dressmakers Protective Association frankly said at a recent meeting, "A woman may be dressed with the severest simplin ity, with the slightest expense, and yet be stylishly gowned if she wears the correct corset:" It is interesting to note that the correct corset used to demonstrate the new styles at this same meeting was the 0. B. a la Spirite. The highest type of the American Corset Makers' Art. The C. B. a Spirite Corsets are made in a large range of styles, adapted to the varied require ments of different figures. and affording the opportuniry for satisfying in dividual taste. The new straight front has won unqualified approval and gts to advantage both those of slender build and those inclined toward em bonooint. It adds rounded contour to the former, reduces the proportions of te latter, and with any figure gives the advantages of beauty and hy gienic arrangement b.y lengthening the waist line in front and establishing a correct poise of body. We sell C. B. a la Corsets, and guarantee them. Price $1'and up. Sells Shoes for the whole umter, S.C.,ny S. R. VENNING, Jler. Dealer in WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SPECTACLES, EYE CLASSES AND ALL KINDS OF FANCY NOVELTIES. ENT ane a sltay r Edme and HOLIDAY P'RES Silverware, Hand-Painted China, Glassware and numerous other articles suitable for-Glfts of all-kind. COME ANO SEE THEM. All'Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing done promptly and guaranteed. ~ ~ E IA. a M Levi Block, L. B. DuR ANT, "iP?' Being in close touch with the very best markets, I am better prepared to handle the trade than ever before, and I therefore invite an inspection of my stock. Remember I am opposite the Court House. Come to see me when you want Hardware, Stoves, House Furnishing Goods, Harness, Saddles, Leather, Belting, Etc. My Store is headquarters for Gun;, Pistols, Powder, Shot, Shells and the very latest in Sporting Goods. I also handle large quantities of other Paints and Oils. and Window Glass For Engine and Mill Supplies there is no better place to buy. Come and examine my large line of Cooking and Heating Stovcs. Every Stove bought from me is war'ranted. L. B. DuR A NT, suMT~rF s. c. Genuine Peruvian Sells itself-none better. Ten thousand tons now offered for sale. Nitrate of Soda, Muiriate of Potash, Gerrnan ~RMiniit. H ARBY & C. s"d ARE HEAnDTTARTERS. THE TRICKY GROUSE. He Has Hupdreds of Devices For Eluding the Branter. The grouse lius a hundred tricks of defense. It will lie still until the hunt er is within a yard of it, then soar straight upward In his front, towering like a woodcock; again, it will rise for ty yards away, and the sound of its wings Is his only notice of its pres ence. It will cower upon a branch under which he passes, and his cap will be not more than a foot below it as he goes, and, though It has seen him ap proaching, it will remain quiescent in fear until his back is turned. It will rush then, and when he has slewed himself hurriedly around he will catch only a glimpse of a brown broad wing far away. Wounded and falling in the open, it will be found-if it is found at all with the telltale speckles of its breast against the trunk of some brown tree, against which its feathers are indis tinguishable, and the black ruff about the neck of the male will be laid against the darkest spot of the bark. Often it will double like a fox; often as a man draws near it will spring noiselessly Into some spruce and hide until he passes, dropping then to the ground and continuing its feeding; of ten, too, it will decline to take wing, though unhurt, and will run fast for half a mile-so fast that the most ex pert woodsman will be unable to keep pace with it This it will only do on leafy ground and never when snow would.betray Its tracks.--Outing. Herb W. Edwards Injured. Herb W. Edwards of Des Moines, Iowa, got a fall on an icy walk last win ter, sprainiug his wrist and bruising his knees. "The next day," he says, "they were so sore and stiff I was afraid I would have to stay in bed. but I rub bed them well with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and after a few applications all soreness had disappeared." The R. B. Loryea Drug Store. Isaac M. Loryea, Proprietor. FEAT OF A MACGREGOR. Wonderful Physical Strength That Was Used -to Good Purpose. Sir William MacGregor was the hero of such an adventure as one expects ordinarily to read about only in fiction of a certain hue. The steamship Syria, with a lot of Indian eoolies on board, struck on a rock about twelve hours from Suva, the capital of Fiji.. Dr. MacGregor, then acting colonial secretary, organized a relief expedition, clambered over a broken mast that was the only path to the emigrants and again and again returned with a man or woman on his back and sometimes a child, held by Its clothes between his teeth. A man of vast physical strength, MacGregor wanted it all for his final feat Down below on the reef was a woman who had fallen overboard, had got at the spirits and was mad with drink. The captain of the ship and a police officer who had gone after her were being swept out to sea. Mac Gregor slid down a rope, caught the knot of the woman's hair in his teeth and with his hands seized the two men and dragged them both into safety. He went back to Suva in a borrowed suit of pajamas, having left all his clothes and a good deal of his skin on the coral reef. Modest, like many heroes, MacGregor left himself out of his own report, and It was from the governor that the queen first heard the whole story. Woes of an Editor. When a newspaper tells the simple truth about a bad man who is frying to get Into a public place where he can steal, the truth is called "attack." If Avhen the same man runs for office the facts of his past career are printed to show the people what they may ex pect, the editor who prints these facts Is abused, and the rascal poses as a martyr. When a man turns out wrong, as the editor said he would, if the edi tor says his prophecies came true, the people accuse -him of persecuting a man and "kicking him when he Is down." Yet if the paper says nothing about bad men who are -trying to rob the people they say that the editor is bought off and that he has taken hush money.-Emporia Gazette. A Good Complexion, "sparkling eyes and rosy cheeks re stored by using DeWitt's Little Early Risers," so writes S. P. Moore, of Na cogdoches, Tex. A certain cure for bil liousness, constipation, etc. Small pill easy to take-easy to act. The Rt. B. Loryea Drug Store. Afrcan Ants. The following is an extract from Dr. Livingstone's "Narrative of an Expe dition to the Zambezi:" "We tried to sleep one rainy night in a native hut, but could not because of attacks by the fighting battalions of a very small species of formica not more than one-sixteenth of an inch in length. It soon became obvious that they were under regular discipline and even at tempting to carry out the skillful plans and stratagem of some eminent leader. Our hands and necks were the first objects of attack. Large bodies of these litte pests were niassed in silence round the point to be assadiNL We could hear the sharp, shrill word of command 'two or three times repeated, though until then we had not believed in the vocal power of an ant. The in stant after we felt the storming hosts over head and neck." - o ctR A MACHINERY COMPLETE EQIPMENTS A SPECIALTY. CATA- EgS! t.OGUES MATES ~N .,SUB PRICES .MITTED 0-4 ..Prompt. CATION -y ?CINES. BOILERS. GINNING MACHIN ERY. SAW MILL AND WOODWORKING MACHINERY. SHINGLE AND LATH MCHINCRY. CORN MILLS. BRICK MAKING MACHIN ERY. KINDRED LINES GiBBES MACHNERY COMPANY, Columbia, S. C. Money to Loan. Sansy -rerm.. APPLY TO Wilson, DuRant & Muldrow Undertaking. A complete Stock or Caskets, Coffins and Fu neral Supplies always on hand. M hearse will be sent to any part of the county, and calls will be responded to by a competent funeral direc tor day or night. W. E. JENKINSON CO. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Clarendon. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Laura E. Johnson, Harper Johnson, Carah E. Moore, J. G. Johnson, W, H. Johnson, Samuel J. Wil son, B. A. Johnson and E. M. Coskrey, Plaintiffs, against L. A. McElveen and* Julia S. Young, Defendants. Decree of Partition. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A Judgment Order of the Court of Com mon Pleas, in the above stated ac tion, to me directed. bearing date October 6, 1904, I will sell at public auction, for cash, to the highest bid der, at Clarendon Court House, at Manning, in said county, within the legal hours for judicial sales, on Mon day, the 7th day of November, 1904, being salesday, the following de scribed real estate: "All that tract or parcel of land ly ing, being and situated in the coun ty of Clarendon, State aforesaid, on the east side of Pudding Swamp, waters of Black river, containing seventy acres, and bounded on the north by lands of estate of Emma E. Johnson; east by lands now or for merly of W. T. Kennedy, and on the south and wvest by lands of estate of J. H. Johnson." Purchaser to pay for papers. -J. ELBERT DAVIS, Sheriff Clarendon County. Manning. S. C., October 12, 1904. Directing Funerals. We have an up-to-date- Under taking Establishment, and carry a full line of Caskets, Coffins, and Undertakers' Supplies, from the cheapest to the best State Casket Our beautifpil Hearse is a grecat addition in this department, and puts us an a level with the larger undertakers iu the State, 'and we have men graduates in this pro fession,.sober and reliable. S. L. KRASNOFF, UNDERTAKER. J. W. HERIOT, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Levi Block, Manning, S. C. Have You If so, deposit it in a good bank until you have, need for it. The Bank of Clarendon, MANNING, S. C., Is the place to deposit your money. Every courtesy and accommO datiou "consistent with safety is extended. In our Savings Department in terest at the rate of four per cent. per annum will be paid semi-annually. BA~H OF CLARENDON, MANNING, S. C. ~Guarantee iE, DENGUJE, pIOUlSNESS. -yggists, dg Our business in this department has already been of such a volume that it hardly appears necessary for us to say any thing about it, The Goods Speaking for Themselves, But while we know that a large percentage of the population of this and adjoining counties are aware of the excellence of the values we have here, there are a few who are not, and these are the ones whom we wish to reach. Each season we endeavor to make every branch of our business more attrac tive, and our Clothing stock probably enjoys a more liberil share of our attention than any other. Men's Suits at $5. Our assortment of these would supply an ordinary cloth ing store. We have them single and double-breasted. in gray. melton. navy blue and fancy mixed Cassimers. Men's Suits at $6 to $8.50. This line would look well iii a $10 window. They com prise all he new weaves, in fancy cassimeres and worsteds Men's Suits at $10 to $16.50. -. At this price we show you as swell a line of goods as you will find in the city. The Horse Shoe Brand. The horse shoe means good lock, and while we hope they will give you good bick. we know they will give you good wear. - Boys' Clothing. We control the Jane Hopkins brand and the many motl ers who have been buying these goods from us will ilstiff their wearing qualities. Aunt Jane is willing to stake her... reputation, that a boy dan climb more trees, and jump mqre!:-. fences, in a suit of her manufacture than any -other at same price. She is hightoned in her ideas, her prices a from 2.50 to 5.00, If you want something cheaper we have them as low 75 cents, with a guarantee that they rip at every jump.D y<u ever try our Never Rip Pants for your boy? The on risk in buying these is, should he get caught in the lim of tree he will hang there until he is cut down, and the price is -. only 50 cents. - This is not good rain coat weather, but we will IV some later on, and then you will want one badly. We two numbers in these, that are great values, having closed the lots, principally large sizes. Threy were nade to se 1 fve and fifteen dollars. Our price-is just half, 2.50 and 7.6 and strictly water proof. - O'DONN E LL & CO They -AreNow I1reV Hlorses and Mules.. direct from the best stock markets,. vell-brokefi and gur anteedl. We ask th~e people wishi~ng to 'buy horses for unm ily use, draft, style or farm to take a look, at our-s 'and ie-~ think we can convince you that we have what you are look' ing'for. We have as pretty Farm and Wagon M-ules as have eveid been brought here, which we. propose to sell at live -and let live prices. - . Buggies, Wagons Our alesoomshave been refilled with the view of en ticing patronage and this can only be secured by havin~ what the people want, and their money's worth when they get it. *It will not cost you a~cent to look through our stiles and salesrooms. Our prices will suit. and everything you buy from us- - goes -with our guarantee. W. P. HlAWKINS & CO Our Second Car ~~Horses and Mles Just received, bought in St. Louis, at the World's Fair, conceded to be the largest horse and mule macket in the United states. If you want a good selection see this bunch before they are picked ov-er. Spe cial. Several choice Drivers and family broke Harness Horses. Ten smooth young Mules. South Carolina Rust-Proof Seed Oats, the heaviest on the market, 65c. per bushel. BOOTH LIVE ST OOK COMPANY,