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MANNING. S. C., JULY 1, 1903. PUBLISLIED EVERY WEDNESDAY SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year-...........---------------... 54 six months.....-.-.-----------------. Four months-.. ------ ---..................... ADVERTISING RATES: One square. one time. 51: each subsequent in, sertion. 50 cents. Obituaries and Tributes Of Respect charged for as re::ular advertiscments Liberal contracts made for three- six twel InonthS Communicattons must be by the real name and address of the writer in order to receive attention. No communication o -a personal chracte will be publis-:hed except as an advertisement. Entered at the Postoffice at Manning as Sec ond Clas matter. VENUE CHANGED FOR TILLMAN. The notorious case of the State of South Carolina against James H. Tillman, indicted for murder, in the county of Richland, came on to be heard in Columbia on a motion for a change of venue, before His Honor Judge D. A. Townsend, and after hearing read an avalanche of affidavits and arguments made thereon, an order was granted for the tria] of the cause to be had in Lexing ton county. The matter of changing the venue, is entirely discretionary with the Judge, and it would be highly improper to criticise his ruling: the fact of their being a large number of citizens who swore the defend ant would not be able to get a fair trial in Richland, and a large number of citizens whc swore directly opposite, was sufficient to show that a strona doubt existed and, as the de fendant's life is in jeopardy, he is entitled to the benefit of any substantial doubt. The attorneys for the defense, in their arguments, laid particu lar stress upon the influence the Columbia newspapers had, to in flame the prejudices of the peo ple of Richland county agains1 the defendant,claiming it made it impossible for him to get a fair trial. We have read almosi everything the Columbia news papers had t say on the subjeci of the k' g of N. G. Gonzales, ahdf do not recall a single .AM ial which was unwarrant PW-ed, or which will verify the statements and arguments of counsel for the defense; the ar guments on this line was a mass of shrewd, deceptive clap-trap, intended for a jury to be em panelled in-the future, and no1 for the Jndge who was hearing the case. We doubt exceedingly if the world has ever witnessed s higher example of high-toned and consistent journalism, thai the Columbia State hassexhibitei throughout. Its editorialecolumns after the second day, an absolute silence,and its news columns turn ed over to other hands; we doubt, if under a similar provocation: that there 5s another newspape' in the world which would have adopted such a dignified course We have commended editor W E. Gonzales a brother of the de ceased editor for refraining fron writing anything which could be construed into an excuse for the cry of persecution, although his provocation could not have beet greater. The slayed editor in his life-time was a strong champiot of law 'and order; often in his fight for the majesty of the law, his language was impolitic, bu1 it was the truth, and Gonzales dared to tell it-impolitic, be cause it gave demagogues capita. to excite the populace to con demn him-once he was burnet in effigy, because he denounced lynching, but it did not detei him from continuing his figh1 for the uplifting of the law; that his successor in edi torial control, should maintait the* principles so earnestly ad vocated by his lamented brother: and former chief, is conclusive evidence of the sincerity oj State's profissions. Those prin ciples are now written in the blood of the founder of that jour nal, and they are a sacred monu ment to his memory. News paper throughout thc civilized world denounced the killing o1 N. G. Gonzales, and they char acterized his slayer as a mur derer, an assassin, and a coward it is true, but after the second day when the signed editorials of Capt. A. E. Gonzales and Mr. J. A. Hoyt Jr., appeared, noth ing editorially regarding Tillman has been published in The State which could possibly excite prej udice against the defendant, and all of those speeches before the Judge, in so far as they relate to the Columbia State were design ed misrepresentations. The case will now be tried is another county, all the- safe guards to insure justice should be thrown around the State and the defendant, South Carolina is as much entitled to protection as is any of her citizens, and as this is a case which is being watched by. the entire world, every pre caution should be taken for ab solute fair play. The prominence of the deceased, and the defen dant, should be eliminated, th-e case tried strictly upon the in dictment brought, and a verdict rendered according to the law and evidence: those whose duty it will be to empanell the jury should be scrupulously careful to avoid the suspicion of sharp -practice. The trial of James H. Tillman, charged-with killing N. G. Gon zales, is not a political issue; it is not a question of "icommercial ism" as ex-Judge Buchannan ar gued before the court, when refermg to the newspapers, nor is it a case which demands ad judication from the standpoint of let them lump it" these shocking words he is reported to have used in a temple of justice. Judge Buchannan is a brother-in-law of the defendant and his zeal may overbalance his discretion but his intemperate defiance must have horrified the presiding Judge,for we dorzbt if such an un- i seemly expression has a prece- I dent in a court of law-none of V these elements should come into e the cause. It may do as a vote- i maker to decry "commercialism" b from the political stump, to put d an opponent at a disadvantage, P but when the State charges a citizen with a crime, it is not for a the purpose of gaining an ad vantage over an adversary, but that the crime charged may be judicially investigated, and to punish the guilty; therefore the people of Lexingtoncounty have had imposed upon them a plain duty-a case has been sent to them to try according to the law and the evidence; they are not f to be influence by any other con- t siderations-favoritism or preju- 0 dice, either will be deplorable. s If from the law and evidence, a they conclude that James H. o Tillman was justified in killing t N. G. Gonzales they are in duty a bound to acquit him, but if they find from the law and the evi- t dence that the killing was done t without legal justification. they should convict him, but whatever the verdict, let it NOT be in fluenced by a spirit of "By grabs, if they don't like it, let them lump it," nor spite,politics, prom inent connections, or anything i else, other than a clear con science. STATE OF OHIO, CITY OF TOLEDO. I LUCAs CoUNTY. I' FAsNK J. CHENEy makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. CHENEY & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo. county and State aforesaid. andthat said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catrrh that cannot be cured by the use of H ATs CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my pres ence. this 6th day of December. A. D. 1886 A. W. GLEASON. SEALNotary Public. Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for zestimnoals. free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best.. 1 There appeared in last week's Kingstree papers a letter signed by Dr. A. M. Snyder which 1 graphically relates a most sen sational drubbing Dr. Snyder received at the hands of Capt. t J. A. Kelly, Intendant of the 1 town. The affair grew out of t Dr. Snyder's 'criticisms of the town council; corruption was charged. According to Dr. Snyder, he was inveigled into Captain Kelly's office on the pretense of a friendly meeting, and there in the presence of Kelley's friends, was beaten 'nearly unto death and forced to sign a retraction. Captain Kel ly is known in this town and county, Dr. Snyder is not, but if the signed statement of Sny der, as published in the King stree papers is true, our people will feel heartily ashamed of Kelly's cowardice. Any citizen has a right to criticise public omcers, and when he does, in sedof the officers replying by1 entrapping the critic mnto an office, and there attempt to stifle ] his voice with cowardly assas sination, they should make a fair, open and full accounting through the same medium they were criticised. Public officials are the servants of the people. and to the people they must account. We know nothing of the merits of the con troversy between Dr. Snyder and the town council of Kingstree, but we do know that the methods resorted to by the Intendent of Kingstree to procure a retraction has lowered him in the estimation of high minded people, if what Doctor Snyder has recorded is the truth. This is not our affair, but one of the parties is well k-nown here, hence we refer to it, and also be cause there is a disposition on the4 part of some of our men who hold offices,to resent being questioned about their public acts: they would regard any criticism of 1 their official acts as interference I with their business; this is a mis taken notion, and the sooner they 1 are made to understand that 1 "public office is not a private snap" the better it will be for them. We sincerely hope for< the sake of Captain Kelley's form-i er good reputation here, that he has been grossly misrepresented by Doctor Snyder whom we do do not know, but who is report ed to be a manof good character. Wonderful Wervet Is displayed by many a man enduring pains of accidental cuts, wounds, bruis e, burns,scalds, sore feet or stiff joints. But there is no need for it. Bucklen's Arnica Salve will kill the pain andt enre the trouble. It's the best Salve cn earth for piles, too. 25c at The R. A B Loryea Drug Store. 1 New Zion Dots.1 Editor The Mnnnn Times: C The far-mers of this section are busy ~ gathering the old yellow leaf, and Gen- I eral Green is straight behind them. t On last Thursday we were visited by I an old time lightwood knot floater. About the new jail, I agrece with our Paxville friend about building a jail with money that can be used for the . schools. 1; The building of a new jail was settled t by ballot. The taxpayers voted "No I Jail"; the people have said by their ac-c tion in a primary, they do not want a C a new jail now, and they prefer the pro- 1: fits from the dispensary to go to the a schools. The ternmsof ourschools ought I to be lengthened. They think ther-e u ought to be a better jail, but why not let them have a voice in the matter? Come on correspondents let us give f THE TL'~s plenty of news and keep the editor busy. B. No man or woman in the state will hesitate to speak well of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets aftcr once trying them. They always -oroduce a pleasant movement of the bowels, ima prove the appetite and strengtben the digestion. For sale by the R. B. Lor yea Drug Store. Isaac M. Loryea,8 op. It is Entirely Out of the Question to Try to Bring This Great Theoretic Subjunctive up in Opposition to the Practical Indicative." Be Gorros! A portion of an article from our .iend "Paxville" appearing in the ;sue of this paper dated June 17th, is ) eminently conspicuous for its ab ,nce of argument that a few remarks i reply will likely not be out of place. 'he part of the article referred to is at entitled "About Schools." After eading the whole of this portion, one an only conclude that Mr. "Paxville" opposed to the building of a new jail y any means, for he very forcibly con emni the provisions made for that urpose, and does not offer any propo itions or suggestions by which such work might be accomplished. I shani ttempt to take the said article apart to ome extent and refer to it piece by iece, hoping thereby to comprehensi ly show that the opinions contained herein are not well supported. - "It does seem that there is a certain tness of things when the dispensary >rofits are to be used for jail building." 4ow, shall we have a new jail? Surely here is not a citizen of Clarendon who ill answer in the negative. In the Erst place, our progressive ambition .emands it, and it is just as important Dr a county to have a specious jail as o have gorgeous churches and schools, r any other public buildings. In the econ'd place, our pathos with refer nee to humanity pleads for a decent nd comfortable arrangement for those f us who are so unfortunate as to have o occupy a position behind the bars of , jail. Thanks be to civilization, our ethod of punishment is not to torture a a filthy cell before an impartial rial; it is after trial and conviction hat our prisoners are sentenced And, Do, we must not forget the fac; that 3any who go to jail to await trial are s innocent as those who stand by and heerfully see them conducted into that >ison. Then, if we are to have this Lew building, the necessary funds can ome from nowhere except from the axes paid by the people. Now .f they Dust pay for same, what difference does t make whether they get the money >ut of the right-hand or left-hand pock t? Will it amount to practically the ame? "The concern is a splendid factor in -aising jail-birds." Doubtless it is con :eded by all that whiskey is among the eatest evils of the world, but the re Eults of its corruptness are principally >erceptible on the moral character, and tre not nearly so manifest when we ome to investigate the causes of crime. "If we educate properly, jails and ispesaries will sink low in places hey shall occupy. The dispensary will lose and the jail poorly tenanted." It s all right for a sentimentalist to sit Iown and dream ideals, but it is en irely out of the question to try to bring his 'great theoretic subjunctive up in >pposition to the practical indicative. think it only philosophical, and not >essimistic, to say that it will be many -ears before the human race will attain his coveted paradise. I do not know rhat friend "Paxville" means by edu ate properly." I can conceive of no orm of education that would so revolu ionize humanity as to eliminate crime >efore the old jail could rot down en irely, if allowed to stand. "No the dispensary furnishes enough or the jail without giving its profits to t." Attend any of our court sessions Lad take note of the charges brought a ainst the prisoners, and you will find hat very few of them are therb with he dispensary as either the direct or ndirect cause. As stated above, the worst abusers of whiskey are not the mes who occupy our jail. I hardly deem it necessary to state in onclusion anything regarding my oh ect in submitting this writing or the tand that I take in the matter: a care ul reading will be sufficiently explani ory. I only ask that you give each side he consideration that it deserves. R. L. JONES. Nashville, Tenn. Very Remarkable Cure of Diarrhoea. "About six years ago for the first timd n my life I had a sudden and severe at ack of Diarrhoea," says Mrs. Alice iiller, of Morgan, Texas. I got temn Orary relief, but it came back again Ld again, and for six long years I have uffered more misery and agony than I an tell. It was worse than death. My usband spent hundreds of dollars for hysicians' prescriptions and treatment ithout avail. Finally we moved to 3osque county, our present home, and me day 1 happened to see an advertise nent of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera md Diarrhoea Remedy with a testimon a of a man who had been cured by it. Che case was so simular to mine that I Loncluded to try the remedy. The -re ult was wonderful. I could hardly re mlize that I was well again, or believe it culd be so after having suffered so long. hat one bottle of medicine, costing but few cents, cured me." For sale by The 1. B. Loryea Drug Store, Isaac M. Lor' Tea, Prop. Sardinia Dots. ditor The Manning Times: The new road from Manning .to Sar linia agitation has somewhat subsided nd now that the Fourth of July is near, an we not revive it? Every one in his section favors the road and will ubsribe liberally and pay promptly owards it. Manning is a thrifty and >rogressive town and will take a lively nterest in it and will be thereby bene ited in the trade. This section and he Pine Grove section are famous for obacco and cotton and they need a iear and good road to get-to Manning. Said road can be built by the aid of the ounty, private subscription and the haingang. Black river is the great pediment in the way. Public and arm roads are in a manner open to rael if the route can be settled upon, hich will not be far below the Alder an tram road that passes through the dantation of L. E. McFaddin, Sr. It about one mile from Black river to he Black river road by Heyward Mc 'addin's and if that be the route it will ap the Black river road 100 yards of he Pudding Swamp road, or Sardinia On the 10th of July, 1838, a meeting ;as held near Mr. Alderman's crossing o build this same talked-of road called arion's crossing. Its aim then was to o 200 yards above where Mr. Reeves ves and on by Mr. Hampton Plow en's mill, on to Harvin's ford and by ~indal's mill on to the Santee. Ed win )ickey was chairman of the meeting, ut it was not carried out. The writer f this was then a 10-year-old boy. later on when that meeting took lace Manning was not known and hose who participated in it have all assed away. PROGRESS. A Surgical Operation ;always dangerous-do not submit to ae surgeon's knife until you have tried 'eWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It will are when everything else fails-it has one this in thousands of cases. Here ;one of them: I suffered from bleeding d protruding piles for twenty years. as treated by different specialists and sd many remedies, but obtained no re ef until I used DeWitt's Witch Hazel alve. Two boxes of this salve cured ie eighteen months ago and I have not ad a touch of the piles since.-H. A. isdale, Summerton, S. C. For Blind, leeding, Itching and Protruding Piles o remedy equals DeWitt's Witch Hazel alve. Sold by The R. B. Loryea Drug O A S T O___ Z A . eare h8 Kind You Have Aiways Bought Panola Dots. Editor The Manning Times: The farmers in this section seem to be sery blue about the condition of their crops, as it has been raining about one week and grass has taken posses sion. We are glad to report that Mr. Ton Harvin's condition has so greatly im proved that he is able to be up again. Misses Janie and Edith Evans and Crook have returned to their homes in Orangeburg after a pleasant visit at the home of Mr. S. P. Fairey. Your correspondent spent a pleasant time last week in Orangeburg with relatives and friends. We sadly note the death of Mrs. Eva Felder. the wife of Mr. A. F. Felder of Fvlder, she was a woman of high christian character and was loved by all who knew her. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ezell of Gaff nev visited their sister. Mrs. T. J. Walker last week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bookhart are on a visit to Mrs. Bookhart's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Richbourg. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Richbourg and children are also on a visit to Mr. L. N. Richbourg. Mr. Charles Green has returned from Darlington where he has been on a business trip. Mr. F. H. Chewning received a kick from a mule a few days ago which may have been a serious one, while the wound is not dangerous, still it is very painful. Panola and Summerton crossed bats on the Summerton ground last Satur day. Scores stood 16 to 8 in favor of Panola. W Panola June 29, 1603. Loryea's Drag Store Will Buy It Back. You assume no risk when you buy Chamberlain's, Colic Cholera and Diar- ti rhoea Remedy. Lorvea's Drug Store will refund your money if you are not satisfied after using it. It is every where admitted to be the most successful rem edy in use for bowel compiaints and the only one that never fails. It is pleasant, safe and reliable. Teachers' Summer School. To the Teachers of Clarendon County: The County Summer School of your county will open at Manning on July 15th. We should be glad to have every teacher with us who can poss-ibly at tend from the opening day on through. Last yeai we had a very pleasant and I believe profitable month together. It would be a great pleasure to me per sonally to meet again all you teachers who were in attendance last year and renew the ties of friendship and pro fessional interest that were established. I trust you found the work of last year of such interest, pleasure and prof!t as to induce you to return for another month this year. To those of you who were not with us last year we extend a hearty wish that you may be this. The association, for four weeks, with the teachers of your own county where you can exchange experiences, talk of mat ters of common interest to the teacher, and have your professional spirit quick ened will be of untold benefit to you. The course of study this year will em brace Civics. History, Algebra and Pedagogy. Both Mrs. Eolladay and I will do our best to make the work at tractive and pleasant, but at the same time let it be understood that thorough, earnest work is expected of every one. I know it is unnecessary to appeal to teachers to seize every opportunity for improvement: so come and let us do each other good, get a firmer grasp on some of the things we teach, learn bet ter how to present these things to the child's mind, have our pride in our lorious profession revived. G. T. PUGH. Prosperity, S. C., June 26, 1903. Domestic Troubles. - It is exceptional to find a family where there are no domestic ruptures F. occasionally, but these can be lessened by having Dr. King's New Life Pills around. Much trouble they save by their great work in stomach and liver troubles. They not only relieve you, but cure. 2.5c, at The R. B. Loryea Drug Store. Summerton'News. Speciai to The Manning Times. We have had heavy rains through this section for some time past and we hear the farmers cannot plow nor even use the hoe in places and that the grass is boomihg. White Oak Camp Woodmen of the World was established last Monday b~ night at this place with twenty-odd - charter members. The offcers arc: C. C.-Dr. G. W. B. Smith. ta A. L.-W. H. Shirer. Banker-J. W. Broadway. Clerk-H. J. White. Escort-J.-E. Rowe. Sentry --H. A. Richbourg. Ph ysician-Dr. T. J1. Davis. PX Managers-J. G. Wells, three years: J. F. Richbourg, two years: E. 0. Rowe, one year. Sheriff Scarborough of Sumter is vis iting relatives in this town. Miss Crawford, the Avant Mercan tile Company's milliner, left last Satur day for her home in Baltimore. Mr. JT. E. Tenent went to Charleston last Thursday to witness the gradua - tion of his daughter, Miss Bessie. Our hustling townsman, Mr. T. S. Rogan, has assumed entire manage ment of the furniture and cotfn store of Mrs. E. C. Tindal and we hear he will put in the largest stock of coflns and furniture ever put in this county. P H. Summerton, S. C., June 30, 1903. Just About Bedtime take a Little Early Riser-it will cure constipation. billiousness and liver trou bles. DeWitt's Little Ear-ly Risers are different from other pills. They do not gripe and break down the mucous memi brances of the stomach, liver and bowels, but cure by gently arousing the secre tions and giving strength to these or gans. Sold by The R. B. Loryea Drug Store. Death of Mrs. Eva Felder. Mrs. Eva Felder, wife of Mr. F. Asbu- on r Felder, of Felder section of Claren don connty, died at 2 o'clock last Wed nesday morning quite suddenly of heart disease. She was sick but little over an hour before the enli came. The deceas ed was a daughter of Mr. W. P. Smith of this city, and leaves her husband, a little daughter two and one-half years L. old, her father, mother, four brothersa and three sisters to mourn her untimely death. Mrs. Felder was but 31 years of age, and had been married about four years. Sh e had a great number of friends in Sumter, where she grew up) to young womanhood, who deeply regret to hear of her death, and whose hearts are pro foundly touched by the great sorrow which has come to her home and to that of her father, another daughter having preceded her to the Beyond but a few M months since. . The funeral and interment were had at the Sumter cemetery at 7 o'clock last Wednesday evening. The serices were conducted by Revs. C. C. Herbert, H. Bascomb Browne, and R. Herbert Jones. The following acted as pall bearers: C. M. Hurst,; L. W. Folsom, M. H. Beck. L. I. Parrot, D. J. Chandler, and Geo. F. Epperson.-Sumter Herald. hat Soberly and with clear eyes believe in your own time and place. There is not, there has never been, a better or a better place to live in. Only with this The Furniture Man. ~ji~Watch this Space~ 4I S. L Krasnoff, S THE FURNITURE MAN, ~+ ~ : Will tell you what he can do.* He -is busy"ow figring=down prics* i $ among the mighty oaks.+ + Watch out for him in the coming is-: 7 $wsues. ~ B. .. K1L.AsNOcF'F, The Furniture Man. ++ P. ER~VIN. W. E. .JENKINSON. R. D. CLARI R. D. CLARK, Manager. THE PEOPLE'S TOBACCO WAREHOUSE COMPAN ~sires to extend thanks to the tobacco farmers of this section fc e liberal patronage given the company the past year. THE PEOPLE'S TOBACCO WAREHOUSE COMPAN s again been fortunate in securing the services of Mr. R. I ~ARK as Manager. Mr. Clark will devote his best efforts in ol ining the -IGH EST P RICE ssible for all Tobacco put upon his floor for sale. Again thanking you for past favors and trusting that you wi or us in the future, we are Yours truly, EOPLE'S TOBACCO WAREHOUSE CO R. D. CL ARK, Manager. S.---The People's Tobacco Warehouse will bi open for business about July 8. Shoes .and Oxfords HIGH AND LOW ~ High Quality. Low Prices. We have a complete line of Shoes and Oxfords, the best VALUES ever o. l for the prices. For the next thirty days we are offering the lowest price the strongest line of Footwear in your reach. Thirty Days Only Will you be able to secure Shoes at these prices. lies' Oxford Ties, Patent Tip; our price....................... 75c "Plain Tips, our price........................ 75c IRegular S1.25; our price.................. .2 " 1.50: our price. .................. e " 1.75; our price.................. Patents, ourpr price .................. ---- . 50 :: our price....................-----2O " our...prce................- ..25 Wehae taks ml~"w our price............... ...--- 3O e above pricesmore wlcanno vevery close and on a valuable bill. W< e Work Shoes and Fine Dress Shoes--all sizes, prices and qualities. THE CHILDREN. We ha alsesnd qualte of Soes andlo WANT MEROANTILE CO.. ", pato hiNtae hyOTICE! We wish to thank our friends for their prompt response to our request for a par ofther rad. Teyhave come in such groodly numbers that we have not, just now, time to write out in detail all that we1have in stock. You will find in our store a full and complete line of Drugs, Medicines and Sundries, We thank you for your kindness. We are here to serve your best interest. Respectfully, CAPERS & CO., Propr's, THE PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE, S UMMERTON, S. C. SLIGHTLY 'DISFIGURED But Still in the Fight. My stock is badly broken on account of the heavy spring trade, but my stock is still complete on the following goods: Housebuilders' Supplies, Paints and Oils. A large stock of the best. Stoves. Cream Freezers and Water Coolers, Hammocks and Fly Traps. Tobacco Growers, Don't forget to take a look at my Flues. They are just like every other good, heavy and well-made fine; the only difference is they are sold much cheaper, thus making it to your interest to give me your order. A big and well assorted stock of Paris Green and Bellows, Thread and Wire, Thermometers and Lanterns. The best Baskets for gathering the tobacco. Yours for business, J. F. DICKSON, Next Door to Levi's. 'Look to Your Interest. k& Here we are, still in the lead, and why suffer -with your eyes when you can be suited with a pair of Spectacles with so little trouble? We carry the Celebrated BAWKES Spectacles and Glasses, Which Cal ae ofersngtvery cheap, from 25c to $2.50 and Gold Frames at $3 W. M. BROCKINTON. I GREAT JUNE SALE!. Laces, Fmbroideries 8and white Goods.. 8NOW GOING ON. D on't bny goods that have been in Sstock all the season and possibly last [1year's goods, and you have seen them ~before. But come to us and buy what 8We get ina newiline every week. Fift On Lev iBlok just Fite White Duck Hats for Ladies, 8 "s**hen"tfor piics,-etc. CRACK GOES THE WHIP IN COME THE ORDERS I SELLS THlE VERYBEST GRADES OF FERTILIZERS AT TH-E VERY LOWEST COST It pays to fertilize your lands w' THlE VIRGINIA-CAROLIN ci-EMICAL COMPANY' PRODUCTS. Tho Virginia-Carolina Chemical Col -I I L C lI CHARESTN. S C."The Largest Manufacturer of Fertilizers on Earth" - Forty odd -_ ~ ' Manufacturing plants I' '~ ~ Wholesale purchasers ( ,\),)JLargest importers -.~-.- ."'.-- Concentration of Ma-nagement