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LOUIS APPELT. Editor. I1ANING. S. C., IAY 13, 1903. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. 1 t SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year--. . ------^-----------... - Six months..- ...... ............... 5 Four months-. ---.................. - ADVERTISING RATES: One square. one time. -5: e:Ich su ent in1 sertion. 0J cents. Obituaries andi butC5 0, Respct char.aed fora., re,zular adve r -i Iflents. Liberal contructs- nadc for ihrej. six .111d I' 1 'eC months- O communications must oe accompaniL(I by the real name and address of te writvr in order to fI receive attention. No communication ol a personal character will be published except as an advertisement Entered at the Postoftce at Manning as See. 0 ond Class matter. DRIVE THEM OUT FROM THE TEMPLE. e We note in News and Courier's Columbia correspondence of 7th inst., the usurious money-sharks n have again pitched their tents in that cityand the authorities will 0 take a Iand in putting the law to P them. These grafters are not confined to the large cities alone. t they are every where, and in all 0 manner of ways do they fleece a helpless people; in the country towns the grafting is done by a set of men who pose as "busi- t< ness men," and would resent with indignation any intimation P that they are on a par with the C class that cities are infested with, " and which for the public welfare e the authorities feel called upon to prosecute and drive out of a their nefarious business. These money-sharks under the cover of "business" are nothing- but s ,-common thieves, they seek to s - get within their clutches a help- e less victim, and by a system of S gouging, unlawful i n t e r e st a charges, and coercion, extort and r virtually rob those who patron ize them. The class of men who do these t things, care not whom they f fleece; we have in mind a case which happened within 'phone distance of where we write: a poor old confederate soldier, s badly in need of a few dollars, went to a merchant, borrowed five dollars, and give an order to the clerk of court for his pen- i sion check, when the pension money arrived he was made to ac pay $9.75 for the 5 he borrow- i ed, thus paying for a few months T V nearly 100 per cent interest. An- v other case where a man borrow -ed $10 for 30 days, giving as se- d curity a mortgage of a fine cow, d the interest charged was $2.50. which is at-the rate of 100 per cent per year, and when the 30 days were out the man failed to pay, but the next day he did pay and was charged an additional ~ 23 cents as interest for one day. t We could, if necessary cite many instances of down right robbery I of this character, and too, by a class who profess honesty and ~ occupy positions that ought to I hold them above suspicion of ~ wrong towards their fellowman. E If the law against usury was strictly enforced, there would be ~ such a shaking up that many amen corners would be lacking ~ for occupants, and if the law C against swindling was impartial. ~ ly enforced, the chaingang ' would soon have an educated set i of laborers. There are many ~ men, enjoying freedom, under s the cloak of "business" who ~ have, and are every day vio- a lating the statute laws of the C State, and who are daily receiv- C ing credit for being shrewd bus- ' iness men, that would be on the ~ chaingang as thieves, were it E not for their money. A "nigger" ~ steals a chicken, value a quarter, ~ he goes to the gang; a "business ~ man" steals, a hundred pounds in I weight, value ten dollars. he is ~ an enterprising citizen, and is C not molested. The "business ~ man" can treat with contempt the usury laws and unlawfully take from those in his power ~ what he pleases, and be respect- ' ed, but the "poor white man" and the "nigger" must obey the law to the letter or be made an object of contempt and a crimi- t. nal. t C It is for such' discriminating enforcment of law, that we at- ~ tribute the prevalence of so e much crime, and disrespect for E law. It is the unequal execution that is largely responsible for the shedding of so much blood in s1 the State. If those in authority ~ would protect the weak and the strong impartially,these usurious robbers all over the country could not ply their unlawful avo- E cations--eight per cent interest for loans would be all ther would get. The only way to to stop the kind of robbery corn- ~ plained of, is for our law-makers F to enact a statute cancelling a S debt, note or mortgage upon 1 proof that more than the legal r rate of interest is charged. This i in our opinion will put a stop to t squeezing, from helpless people. GOOD ROADS.i Senator Latimer's plan to build up the highways by gov emnent aid is a good one, and if a he can succeed in getting a meas ure through which will put his ideas into practical operation the .j good road problem is solved. The plan, is for the federal gov- C emnent to bear one half the ex pense of road building, the State legislature one-fourth, and I the county or township to' bear the other fourth. The general - government makes appropria- ,, tions for the improving of rivers and harbors, and while these E water-ways are beneficial and should have the fostering care^ of the government, our country roads are great highways of in ternal commerce, and should be ~ entitled to consideration from the government, as well as thc r -aterways, inany of which is a xpenditure of money that doc ery little general good. Sen or Latimer is on the right trael is plan seeks to do good for tb lasses, their is no politic rafting in the scheme, and -%V tope he will keep on as persisten v. as Senator Morgan was wit he canal project. It has bee emonstrated by statistics, th t costs -300,000,000 more t ransport the farmproducts OVE he dirt roads than it does ove ailroads, and the average cos ver dirt roads per ton is f ents per mile, while the cos ver proper built roads is froi to 8 cents per mile. Ther( >re a system of good road ould be a great saving to th roducers; this would encourag reater effort in production, zh rofits would be larger, and th alue of farming lands would b nhanced. The Democratic party in it ext National platform can d o better. or wiser thing tha y inserting a good roads plan n the Latimer plan, in th latform. Let the conventio mar out the disastrous silre inaticism, and go to the cour ey with opposition to trust. ficial corruption, and Lat: ier's good roads scheme. I at does not prove a winnei en the majority are not read ) place in official control th eople's servants. We knoi f no greater good the goverr ent can do for the people's ger ral welfare than to take hold c ae public highways with th id of the State and count3 ,uch a scheme would make th 'hilippine question, ship sul idies, and the Panama can, ink into insignificance, becaas very State, county and towi hip would be deeply intereste< nd every citizen would feel th esult of the taxation he pay t is time, high time, that ot tatesmen are doing somethin resides building political hobbit or the politicians sole benefi nd in our opinion Senator Lat er is of the same opinion. W ndorse his plan and wish hii uccess. How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward f av case of Catarrh that cannot be cured 1 ars Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & Co.. Props.. Toledo. 0, we. the undersigned. have known F. J. Chen r the last 15 years. and believe him perfeci >norable in all business transactions and fino ally able to carry out any obligations made ieir firm. EST TRUAX, wholesale druggists. Toledo. ,ALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, wholesale drt gists. Toledo. 0. Halls Catarrh Cure -s taken internally. acti iretly upon the blood and mucous surfaces 1 system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by rugists. Testimonials free. Hairs Family Fills are the best. Governor Jennings of Floric as brought himself into fanr >y vetoing a resolution whic alls for a constitutional convei ion to amend the constitution< he United States to have tL lection of United States Sen; ors elected by a direct vote< be people. There has been opular dm?and in several State or United States Senators to t lected by a direct vote, an wenty four States have alread dopted the necessary resolutio or the calling of the conventiol overnor Jennings however see .anger in such a measure, an efused to give his official appr< 'al to the resolution adopted b hae general Assembly of Florid: na very properly takes the p< ition that should such a convei [on be called, there is danger< oing farther, and fixing tk onstitution so as to undo tt onditions now existing in umber of Southern States. I aost Southern States Unite ~tates Senators are nominatE y primary, and under this sy: em it amounts to a direct vol f the whita people, but shoui here be a constitutional conve2 ion, that body may tamper wit ur franchise laws and cause t ,vast amount of trouble. I ther words Governor Jenning elieves in "letting well enoug lone" and we heartily agre -ith him.. The X-Rays. Recent experiments by practic sts and examination with the aid i X-Rays, establish it as a fact th: atarrh of the Stomach is not a diseal itself, but that it results from r eated attacks of indigestion."H n I cure my indigestion?" Kod yspepsia Cure is curing ihousands. -ill cure you of indigestion and pr et of cure catarrh of the Stomac1 :odol digests what you eat-makes ti -omach sweet. Sold by The RI.] oryea Drug Store. Panola School Closes. ditor The Manning Times: The closing exercises of the Pano: .cademy took place on the evening< 'riday, 8th inst. On this occasion tU .reful training bestowed on the scho y the accomplished principal, Mrs.! .Holladay, was fully manifested, own by the beautiful rendering of yng and varied program, consisting lays and recitations. An appreciatin udiance entered with delight into ti itellectual and humorous features de evening. The program was as follows: Song-'-Old Folks at Home," by tU ahoo, Miss Maud Brock accompan; 2g on organ. Recitation--Miss Monnery's Disa) ointment" by Mi1ss Lena Holladay. Recitation-"Life's Mirror," by'Mi usie Holladay. Plav-"From Down East." by Missi Lddie Way, Gertie Holladay, Juli olladay, Messrs. Thomas Griffin ar ames Holladay Recitation--~Old Gl1ory," by Mastq ~rady Wahlker Recitation -X "hen Papa Was oy," by Master Roy Holladay. Recitation-"~The Man Behind tI 'lough," by Master Richa~rd Griffin. Recitatiog - Little Brothers." I liss Naomi WXay. Song-Old Kentucky Home," by ti ~hool. Recitation - "Heroism," by Mi. thel Richbourg. Recitation-"That Furious Cow." 1 Iiss Gertie Holladay. Recitation - "The Flood and ti ~rk" by Mr. Leslie Griffin. Song-"'Bonnie Blue Flag," by ti ahool. Ward Drill. by the school. Recitation - "The Man With ti n Recitation-"Love is All," by Mis ' Julia Holladay. s Recitation-"The Last Hymn," bi Miss Lena Holladay. , Play-"The Nigger Night School.' e by Masters Grady Walker, Howar( l Coulette, Pat Brock, Cecil Ricbbourg Edgar and Earnest Way. e Tableau-' 'Search for Happiness. Song-"Sweet Home," by the school b suggested the close of a delightful en tertainment which will long be remem bered by those who were present. an we all w:ent home feeling that we wer( 0 benefited by what we had seen an r heard. . The school and teacher are to be con gratulated on its triumphant finale an( have our best wishes for a happy v:wa 5 tion. \ t Panola, May 11, 1903. n The Wastes of the Body. S Every seven days the blood. muscles e and bones of a man of average siz e loses two pounds of wornout tissue This waste cannot be replenished and e the health and strength kept up with e out perfect digestion. When thE e stomach and digestive organs fail t< perform their functions, the strengtl lets down, health gives way. and di S serse sets up, Kodol Dyspepsia CurE D enables the stomach and digestive or a gans to digest and assimilate all of the wholesome food that may be eaten int< the kind of blood that rebuilds the tis. e sues and protects the health and a strength of the mind and body. Kodo1 r cures Indigestion, Dyspepsia and all stomach troubles. It is an ideal spring tonic. Sold by The R. B. Loryea Drug ' Store. f A Son's Tribute. 7 All ready, gallant veterans! e For once more a reunion sweet Has been prepared-a festival, That you again may meet and greet Your comrades dear, whom long ago f Reluctantly you bade adieu; And, homeward turning face and heart e Proceeded loved ones to pursue. And even as in sixty-one When love for home and care foi right I Made you desert the thing you loved e And plunge out into darkest night May patriotism the sentiment L. Of each and every heart now sway, e And may you be constrained to go To meet your war-mates on that day r For be it known to one and all o- That this chance may not come again S Perhaps if hence you reunite, Some links, now strong, you'll seel in vain. e It is not hard to say farewell To home and all you love so dear, nWhen but a fleeting day to spend Is all, and your return so near. 'Tis not so hard as, years ago, When first from home you turne' away y And went your country to defend, Pledging your honor to obey. For then before your eyes was spread n- The deepest gloom-a fear so great. )y The dark and angry rising clouds . Seemed then almost to seal your fatE g But greater tar than for yourself ig Was your concernment for your land AFor home and those whom you had le Who may seek mercy at the hand Of enemies, while far away You for their country bravely fough .And gladly offered up your life, e That this cause might not come t h naught,. SAh: changed indeed is this state now; )fIn peace you go, in peace you come. e Knowing that none will ever dare L-Mar the endearments of your home. --ROBERT LEE JONES. sA Farmer Straightened Ont. e "A man living on a farm near her d came in a short time ago completel .doubled up with rheumatism. I hande him a bottle of Chamberlain's Pci n Balm and told him to use it freely an 1. if not satisfied after using it he nee s not pay a cent for it." says C. P. Ra.1 dder of Pattens Mills. N. Y. "A fel days later he walked into the store a Ssti'aight as a string and handed me y dollar saying, 'give me another bottl 1, of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I wanti in the house all the time for it cure, me." For sale by The R. B. Lot'ye 1 Drug Store, Isaac M. Loryea, Prop. .City of Three Kings. .Do you know what city has beez agiven the name of the City of Threw n 1Kings? It is Cologne, in Germany d and the reason is that it Is in Cologn4 d that the three "kings," or "magi," o1 - ws men" who came to Bethlehen e to offer gifts to the infant Jesus art a supposed to be buried. According to an ancient legend, theil hbones were brought from Milan to Co hlogne by the Emperor Frederick Bar Sbarossa In 1102 and presented to thi n archbishop of Cologne. S Visitors to the cathedral are showr h the supposed souls of the magi, stud e ded with diamonds and inscribed witl the wise men's names in rubies. A Little Early Riser now and then. at'bedtimne will cur Sconstipation. billiousness and live troubles. DeWitt's Little Early Riser tare the famous little pills that cure b; arousing the secretions, moving th bowels gently, yet effectually, an' lgiving such tone and strength to th Sglands of the stomach and liver tha the cause of the trouble is removed en tirely. and if their use is continued fo a few days, there will be no retfurn c ethe complaint. Sold by The R. B3 Lo Iryea Drug Store. SLIGlHTLY But Still il S My stock is badly broken >f trade, but my stock is still comn: eH ousebuilders' Supplies, F A la Cream Freezers and Wate Tobacco Gro a Don't forget to tal (I just like every oth< r. the only differencei making it to your ii aA big and well assorted stock of Paris Green a e Wire, Thermt s The best Baskets for gathering Yours fc J. F. DI Next Doo Ir. and Mrs. Adam Livngoo: or Ev Whiskey has prolonged theiz wife and age. IDUF A~ G e writ rivii Whi a nu , in c: d (loin Whi and day will e arn It Y on a neve P on r MR. LDAM LIVIN600D, 91 years old. DRUFFY's PL IS THI It has prolonged many thousand lives as it has Mr. and Mrs. Liv!ngood, and there is no other medicine In the world which will keep the system in normal condition, prevent the decay of the tissues, strength en the heart action and enrich the blood like Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. It is an absolutely pure stimulant and tonic, free from fuscl oil and other dangerous Ingre dicnts so common in most whiskies. It cures crip. consumption, bronchitis. ca tarrh. zsthma. malaria and all low fevers, dys;%epsia. and invigorates the brain. It nmes the old young; kcees the young ; strong. Do not fill your body full of drngs and medicines which poison the sys tem. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is the only v:iskey recognized by the Government as a medicine. This is a guarantee. It is absolutely, pure and contains no fusel oil. It is prescribed by over 7.000 doctors and used exelusively in over 2.000 hospitals. It is the only reliable and absolutely pure stimulant and tonic. It has saved the es of millions of people the past fifty -e v h have used it as their only EDGAR ALLAN POE. His Dainty Hands, Tropical Counte nance and Good Digestion. roe's arms and hands were slender and tapered very gracefully and gently down to the ends of his fingers, which were very tender, ge:ntlemanly and ladylike. In fact, his hands were truly remarlkable for their ros. ate softness and lily white, feminine delicacy. You could have judged of his nobility by his hands. His face was rather oval, tapering in its contour rather suddenly to the chin, which was very classical, and, espe cially when he smiled,- really hand some. His countenance was tropical in its aspect, precisely the reverse of his heart, which, like the fountains of Sol omon, had long been kept sealed up as something sacred from the vulgar gaze tof the world, his face whenever he wrote long at any one time putting on a sickly, sallow and rather pallid hue, Sbut never to such an extent as to indi - cate indisposition. His digestion was > always good, which is prima facie evi - dence that he was never a student His dress was always remarkably neat for one in his circumstances. But1 I do not believe that it would have done for him to have had money. He was ruined in his youth. His college life in Virginia was the cause of all his after inebriation. That was the infernal whirlpool into which was driv en the beautiful milk white ship of his one of the most remarkable things 'in the world that any man of his abilities should have been so amenable to the -dictations of others?-Poe-Chivers5 Pa -' per1s in Century. Speakin;; From Experience. S"Blanche; dear," said the watchful aunt to her niece, "don't you think that IFred spends too much money upon 'you?" "Do you think so, aunty?" "Indeed I do, Blanche. I've been no ticing, and I think he's really extrava gant. You ought to cheek him and tell him to save his money. You will need ~ a good deal when you begin housekeep ing, and it is far better for him to put in the bank the money he is now spend ing on carriage rides and luncheons and tickets to this thing and that than to be squandcring it. Think over the matter a minute or two, dear, ansl you will see it as I do." "Oh. I've thought about it already, aunty. I'd take your advice if I were absolutely certain that we shall be mar-'\ rie, bt Ivebeen engaged before, 'aunty, and I don't intend to advise a young man again, to economize for some other girl's benefit" Clerk-Michael. are you about through moving those trunks? Pr-Yesor, in a few minutes. "Well, when you've finished, stretch the life net over the front pavement. Mrs. Ilibawl has just telephoned, from the tol) floor that her husband has fall- \ en out of the window."-Smart Set Ber the The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature DISFIGURE3D_ i the Fight.0 on account of the heavy spring lete on the followinig goods: 'aints and Oils. 1 rge stock of the best Stoves. r Coolers, Hammocks and Fly Traps. ! iers, :e a look at my Flues. They are r good, heavy and well-made flue; s they are sold much cheaper, thui = iterst to give me your order. d Bellows, Thread and meters and Lanterns. I he tobacco. r business, r' to TevPA. D 65 rson, Pa., who have been marri< happy union many years beyond Livingood is 91 years old and his is 84. They are both hale and hearty feel vigorous as a couple 50 years of Reading, Pa., Feb. 15, 1902. FY MALT WHISKEY CO., Rochester, N. Y. ntlemen-I take great pleasure In Ing to you telling the benefit I am de Lg from the use of Duffy's Pure Malt 5kcy. I have been taking It In small titles every morning and evening for mber of years. I am 91 years old and ccellent health. good appetite, and am g all my own farm work. I know your akey is giving me renewed strength prolonging my life. I feel as well to as ten years ago and I feel as If I yet pass the century mark. I would estly recommend it to all old people. as recommended to me. and has prov blessing. My wife is S4 years old and r fals to take a dose of this Whiskey etiring. She is also in perfect health. ADAM ILIVIN GOOD. Elverson, Chester County, Pa. IRE MALT TRUE ELIXIR OF L P t1 I h t "0, ki r4 Z Men's and Bo 'STRAW Worth 25c, 50c, 75c and $1 Only Come and see them bef, WH USE TEVEGEA UPERIOR IN QUAL TO ALL 0 Address SOUTHE SAVANNAH, GA. THE CAl THlE SAflE AS I You are safe when you c CHARLESTON IJ Why? Experienced ladies wit ing else but shop for yot thing as disappointmer goods ordered. We ti have you return anyth prove satisfactory. FOR COMPARISON v Address all communications CIIARLESTON DI YEARS 165 years, say Duffy's Pure Malt I their golden wedding. MRS. ADAM LIVINGOOD, 84 years old. WHISKEY IFE. Cation.-When you ask for Dully's are Malt Whiskey be sure you get te genuine. Unscrupulous dealer, indful of the excellence of this reparation, will try to sell you leap imitations, and so-called Malt Thiskey substitutes, which are put a the market for profit only, and 'hich, far from relieving the sick, re positively harmful. Demand Duffy's" and be sure you get it. It i the only absolutely pure malt -hiskey which contains medicinal, ealth-giving qualities. Look for ie trade-mark, "The Old Chemist,"S a the label. The genuine Duffy's Pure Malt Whis y Is --Sold At All Dispensaries, direct at $1.00 a bottle. Refuse imita ns and substitutes, there Is none just as )od as "Duffy's." It Is the only whiskey wcgnized by the Government as a medi ne. Valuable medical booklet sent free. uffy Malt Whiskey Company, Rochester, s' real nice HATS -they are Samples-for 25c. >re you buy your Hat. Block. BLE FAT ITY AND P-URIIW FHiERS (.N COTTON OIL CO, EONAS AND GEORGIA. F IN PERSON. rder by mail from the RY GOODS lD. b good taste do noth and there is no such > are satisfied with ng that should no rite for samples. Mail Order Department. tY GOODS CO., N.C.1( Look to Your Interest. Here we are, still in the lead, and why suffer with your eyes when you can be suited with a pair of Spectacles with so little trouble? We carry the Celebrated HAWKES Spectacles and 61asses, Which we are offering very cheap, from 25c to $".50 ana Gold Frames at $3 to $G. Call and be suited. W. M. BROCKINTON. The Eind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allowno one to deceive yonin this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children-Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA - Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys WormS and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhcea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea-The Mother's Friend. CENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS .0 Rears the Sienature of . The Kilid You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY. 77 MURRAY SThEE. NEW YORK CIT. GLENN SPR INGS MINERAL WATER Nature's Greatest Remedy FOR DISEASES OF THE Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Skin. Physitians Prescribe it Patients Depend on it, and Everybody Praises it FOR SALE BY W7. 'E. Br.Cwi'T co Cc. Carolina Portland. INSURANCE FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT a Cement Coman y ~BURGLARY INSURANCE. - Tailor-Made Clothing. Charleston, S. C. FIT GUARENTEED. A FULL LINE OF SAMPLES. Also GAGER'S White Lime Ready-made Suits, Mackin Has no equal for quality, strength and tosles and Rain Coats. Cooperage. Packed in Heavy Cooper- J. L. WILSON. age and Standard Cooperage. Also dealers in Portland Cement, Rosendale Cement, Fire Brick, Roofing N Papers, Terra Cotta Pipe, etc. TI=TABLE No. 7, Iu effect Sunday, Jan. 15, 1902. W H E N YOU COME Between Sumterand Camden. Mlixed-Daily except Sunday. TO TOWN CALL AT Southbound Northbound W ELLS' No.6G. No. 71. No. 70. Nj68. SHAVING SALOON 625 945 Le.. Suter.Ar 9 00 545 $27 947 N. W. Juncta 858 543 J 647 1007 ...Dalzell... 825 513 Which is fitted up with an 705 1017 ... Borden... 800 458 eye to the comfort of his.e erts.. 740 443 cy o h omot f~73~5 10 40 .. Ellerbee.. 7 30 4 38 J customers. 750 1105 So Ily Juneti 710 425 HAIR CUTTIMU 800 1115 Ar..(anjden..Le-70 415 I (S U & G EX Depot) IN ALL STYLES, PM PM AM PM SH AVINU AND I Beween Wilson's Mill and Sumter. s H A M POOI NGSotbudNrhon. Done with neatness an N.73 DalecptSdyNo72 dispatth.i.on . . . A cordial invitation 31.....idl....13 is extended. .3....1'csil....14 J. L. WELLS. 44 ....ilr.....3 Manning Times Block. 0.....ineon92 NetwenIMllar andSt. aul I have opened a new Tailor Shop in the building occupied by Ed Rhodes asSotbudNrhon. a restaurant.No73No7.No72N.74 Come and give me a triaL I give TO.WLO.Peiet good work and guarantee satisfaction.__________________ Respectfully, KdlDsesaGr CLARENCE WILSON, Dgetwhtyue. Mannig, S C. HE BB. BJE DL. WISOE.