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LOUIS APPELT, Editor. MANNING. S. C.. JUNE 25, 1902. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. SLBSCRIP'rIOs RATES: One year.............--.. . --. l 50 Six months..-----------..................... Four months .-. -. -----------------------.... 50 ADVERTISING RATES: One square. one time, 51: each subsequent in sertion. 50 cents. Obituaries and Tributes of Respect charged for as regular advertisements. Liberal contracts made for three, six and twelve months. Communications must oc accompanied by the real name and address of the writer in order to receive attention. No communication of a personal character will be published except as an advertisement. Entered at the Postomce at Manning as Sec ond Class matter. AGITATION HELPS RATHER THAN HURTS. This is an agricultural com munity with the principal mon ey product cotton. Our farmers have for years, been looking for ward to the day when the county seat would reach the point where it would become of commercial importance sufficient to make it a strong competitive point. That day has arrived. Manning from a commercial standpoint is the equal of much larger towns: this is attested by the commercial men who are constantly travel ing, and who have opportunities for keen observation. The cred it of our merchants is first class. and the character of their mer chandise is equal to any town in the State. Goods can be bought in Manning at advantageous prices, and there is a general catering to the trade. This has not always been so, but since new blood has been infused into 1 the business methods, live, ac tive, 'competition upon intelli gent business principles has re sulted, and the people have been 1 benefitted. But our draw back may be attributed to the im proper attention to the people's i principal product-cotton. Our , business men have not heretofore looked close enough to their own interests, and have per- 1 mitted other markets to reap benefits which should be ours. The competition has not been sharp - enough, and whether there was just ground for the complaint or not, the fact is, Manning lost lots of business be cause the farmers believed they were. not getting full market price for the product which cost them so much toil in a scorching< ~sun-they believed that Man ning's cotton market was con trolled by a* monopoly, simply:j because there were so few buy- 1 ers, and they, governed by a foreign buyer. We say, whether a the farmers were right in theirr surmises or not, makes no differ ence, the effect was that they 1 carried to other markets what1 should have come here, and this town lost that much business,] and every line wasr effected. The 1 question is, shall this condition 1 continue? Under the old busi ness methods, the disposition was 'to keep away stores, but by a practical demonstration it hast been proven, the more stores the1 more trade, and just so will it be2 with cotton buying; let Manning a have one buyer, only a small proportion of Clarendon's cotton will come, but have a number of active buyers and our streetsi will be white with the fleecy:] staple.1 The cro~p bids fair to be good,i and it is to the interest of every merchant here to begin at once corresponding with the cotton, factories and importers to send1 buyers here, or appoint agencies to induce the cotton to this mar-' ket, our merchants should make.i contracts with mills as they do ] in other: places, nothing should be'left undone, that will tend to inbrease the. number of bales] brought here. All this stuffa ibout .freight rates is bosh, if, there. exists a difference in the freight rate get together and confer with the' railroads for a remedy. Take advantage of the line of steamers soon to be put on Santee river, and let the rail roads understand that if they want to haul Clarendon's cotton, they must give this point a rate the equal of Sumter. If there are any obstacles in the way of Manning, the business men must< blame themselves for not going< to work early and intelligently to overcome them. Now is the time, the iron is hot, and if our business men will strike now, and all strike together, Manning will pay as much for cotton as] Sumter, and save the people money on their purchases. Some people say that our ex posure of the methods here will he town." We will yield *greater interest and love ning than we have,and it se of this love and inter are constantly hammer-) y at our people to wake up anul join in the competitive race. If our business people - choose to be indifferent, and ex pect the people to come to them without any effort, they are mis-. taken, and the sooner they real ize it the better will it be. '-Hurt the town" to expose its short comings, we think not, but to;: the contrary, it has the effect of 2 stirring things up to a greater: endeavor, and the activity at tracts trade. We regard it a part of our bus-t iness to praise that which is praise worthy, advise where we think advise needed, and de nounce that which we believe to be against the interest of theI TAME. It is very evident from what we can learn from the campaign reports, the people are not near is much interested in the politi :al tourists, as the politicians ire themselves. The attendance >utside of Walterboro where andidate Heyward received an >vation, has been exceedingly small, and the speakers have been doing the same stunt they started with at the opening. The speeches are very much the same. and the newspapers might save space by saying that "Col onel So-and-So's speech of today was the same as yesterday's.' Col. James H. Tillman has been aking some jabs at Colonel Talbert, and continues from day to day to rub it in, but Colonel Talbert does not seem to allow it worry him, depending, we suppose, upon what he regards Tillman's bad repute. It mat bers not if every charge that has been published against "Jim' Tillman is true, if he convinces the masses that Talbert's Con gressional career has been one of drawing pay and doing no work, it may not elect Tillman, but it will injure Talbert. There is no doubt Colonel Tillman is a very plausible speaker, and he has a way of putting his oppo nents in embarassing positions by creating impressions, wheth sr well founded or not, that have their effect. The Columbia State alleged that while Tillman was president of the Senate, he was discourteous to the members >f the body; at the meetings illman scores heavily against that allegation, by asking the Senators present if he had ever been discourteous to them. It outs the Senator in an embar issing position, because, while Dolonel Tillman was not dis :ourteous to him "personally," ret, he had his feelings ruffled probably, a number of times by the treatment received from the 'ands of the presiding officer. We have no idea that The State mdeavored to make it appear that illman singled out Senators to treat them rudely, but that he would inject provoking remarks which were not proper in render ng his decisions; it matters not vhat the State meant to convey, Tillman is making capital out of t, and submits the answers from he Senators as proof that The State has slandered him. Colonel Talbert has not, so far, ;hown any signs of vim and fire: whether he is waiting to get Till nan in the section where both .re well known we do not know, yut we do k-now that there are nany people surprised that he ias not turned upon his adver ;ary and prove the incorrectness >f his statements, and then ex ose to public view the black ~pots on Tillman's record. Go ar Tillman has been, not only he aggressor, but a challenger, md Talbert has not come to the ;cratch. It is well known that 'albert is a powerful speaker Ld a hard man to handle; it was ie who fought and defeated the ate Hon. George D. Tillman,the rather of Col. "Jim" Tillman. n that battle both struck hard >lows, and since that time Tal >ert has gained much from ex erience, therefore his mild and oft answers nowv are not under ;tood, but may be it is the calm hat comes before a storm. In ;he meantime Heyward, who is ~egarded by those who know him el, as the highest type of a ~entleman, a record pure and ~potless, a magnetic personality Lnd a captivating speaker, is go ng along winning applause, gar ands and votes. The develop nents so far shows the fight to e one between Heyward, Tal yert and Tillman. with Tillman ;aining on Talbert and Hey w'ard widening his lead on ;he two by capturing the ;ote the other candidates who are regarded "not in t " are fast losing. Just how ong this condition will exist is aard to tell: it is liable to change my time,because there are many ike ourself who are non-parti ;an, with no favorites, and are waiting to pick our choice when ve hear them speak. Deafness Cannot be Cured >y local applications. as they cannot, reach the liseased portion of the ear. There is only one ava to cure deafness. and that is by constitu ojial remedies. Deafness is caused by an in lamed condition of the mucous hmn; of the ~ustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflam d you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear ng, and when it is entirely closed deafness is he result, and unless the inflammation can be aken out and this tube restored to its normal ,ondiion.hearing will be destroyed forever ; nine asesut of ten are caused by catarrh. which is iothing but an inflamed condition of the mu Wes wil cive One Hundred Dollars for any ase of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can lot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for iclrf. 3. CHENEY & Co., Toledo. 0. Hal's Famlv Pis are the best. J. K. Jones, chairman national Democratic party and United States Senator from Arkansas, recently defeated for re-election n account of his connection v'ith corporate combines, has ~hanged front on his vote on the anal bill and now his Demo ratic associates are making wry aces at him and will likely ask aim to resign. He is looking for t job on the canal commission. Read it in a Newspaper. George Schaub, a wvell known Ger nan citizen of New Lebdinon, Ohio. is a :onstant reader of the "D'Dayton V olks :eitung. He knows that this paper tims to advertise only the best in its :olumns. and when he saw' Chamrber an's Pain Ban advertised therein for ame back, he did not hesitatte in buy ng a bottle of it for his wife, who for ight weeks had suffered with the most errible pains in her- back and could get ao relief. He says: "After- using the ?ain Balm for a few days my wife said o me, 'I feel as though born anew,' td before using the entire contents >f the bottle the unbearable pains had mntireiv vanished and she could again ke up her household duties." He is cry tankful and hopes that all suffer nglikewise w~ill hear of her wonderful cover. This valuable liniment is for 'iale by T T2 B. Lorye Dr Store, The Atlantic Beach hotel on Sullivan's Island opened up last Saturday with most promising prospects. The management is far superior. under the Argyle Hotel Company, to any the hotel has had heretofore. Captain Thomas Wilson, with his dis cerning eye, saw from the vast amount of improvemeits being piessed forward by the United States government and the char acter of the officers' quarters, that Sullivan's Island will be come the greatest military post on the Atlantic beach, and nee essarily a very attractivc social centre. Those conditions de mand that the thousands of peo ple interested in the army and navy all over the continent be accommodated. He has, there fore, taken charge of the Atlan tic Beach hotel, equipped it in first class style, put a service in it second to none and is now ready to receive guests. It was our pleasure to spend last Sun day and Monday at tliis hotel, and we expect to retu::n. The serf is great and the ocean breezes are invigorating. People seeking rest can find it there: those seeking pleasure can pick it up there in whole bunches:4the broken down in mind and body can get relief, sleeplessness cured, appetite restored; in fact 1 it is the greatest place to restore I health we know of. One can go to Sullivan's Island and have everything that can be obtained at the most famous resorts for a much less cost, it is one of the most inexpensive summer re sorts. The hotel is conducted in an up-to-date manner, and every attention given to guests. Sailing, fishing, bathing, sleep ing, eating, music and fun are the principle products of the Atlantic Beach hotel, and every body who can should turn sea ward this summer. 1No Substitute Wanted. No' I did not ask for a bottle any cheaper, or twice as large, or one made by yourselves. I did ask for and will not have any substitute for Perry Da vis' Painkiller: I have used it, my fath er used it and I would not be surprised I if my grandparents did so too; there is to imitation that can equal it. That I t am sure of--for stomach ache. State Meeting of Woman's Foreign Mission- E ary Society. Editor The Manning Times: The State meeting of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the M. t E. Church, South, met at Sumter, S. t C., June 6. Our beloved president, r Mrs. Wightman, was present, and the a other officers also, and we had with us N Mrs. Butler, editor and agent of the A Woman's Missionary Advocate, Mrs. 5, Wilson, editor of the leaflets, and Miss g, Gibson, manager of the training school of Kansas City. Mr. Leohr, who-has been in China as a missionary, gave us very interesting talks on China and the work the mis- ? sionaries are doing toward converting i the heathen, and the schools which a they have established for them. There were over a hundred delegates present, all of whom enjoyed the meet ing very much. The wvelcome addresses were made ~ by Rev. Jones, pastor of the First Meth- s oist church. Presiding Elder Kilgo of 1 Sumter Circuit and Mrs. Parrott, pres ident of the Woman's Foreign Mission- 1 ary Society of Sumter. We were veryf cordially wrelcomed inko their midst. The report of the meeting at Char-E leston was called for and read by Mrs. Humbert. corresponding secretary. Then the district secretary's reports ' were called for and were all very good.C Miss Gibson gave us a very interest ing talk on "Personal Interest in Your 1 Work." A letter was read from Miiss Johinie Sanders, Miss June Nichlesson and Miss Della Wright, who are mnission aries in China. There was $100 pledlged I for the students' loan fund and abouit S $00 pledged for the training schocl. All the officers were re-elected ex ept Mrs. Darby, who resigned. Mrs.j Stubbs was elected district secretary in her place. The meeting will be held at Green- f wood next year.( The meeting adjourned Tuesday( morning. NONIE CORBETT, Delegate from Paxville Juvenile So ciety. June 2:!, 1902. IFilthy Temples In India. Sacred cows often defile Indian tem ples, but worse yet is a body that's pol luted by constipation. Don't permit it. Cleanse you system with Dr. Kiug's New Life Pills and avoid untold misery. They give lively livers, active bowels, good digestion, fine appetite. Only :25c at The R. B. Loryea Drug Store. Free Scholarships. The following scholarships will be awarded by the South Carolina Feder ation of Women's Clubs: Converse College-Five scholarships, each valued at $100 a year. for four years academic work in college. Winthrop College-T wo scholarships in regular course, one of free tuition for four years, the other a loan scholar ship from President Johnson, amount ig-to -$50 per year for four years. Greenville College for Women-One scholarship of free tuition. Chicora College, Greenville, S. C. One scholarship of free tuition. Mrs. Ida M. Linning's Training School for Kindergartners, Charleston, S. C.-Two scholarships of free tuition. The South Carolina Kindergarten Association Training School. Charles ton, S. C.-One scholarship of free tui tion. Alummte Club School of Domestic Science, Louisville, Ky.-One scholar ship of free tuition. The examinations for these scholar ships will be held in each county July 11th and 12th. All applicants must file their names before July 4th with Miss LoVIsa B. POPPENHEI, Chairman Educational Dept. S. C. Fed eration of Women's Clubs. 31 Meeting St., Charlestou, S. C. Balsams from the Northern Wood are in Pyny-Balsam, the certain cure for coughs. As long as some men ar-t abhl to cun tract new debts they dont let their old ones woirry them. LOSING in summer ca eprvne _Scott's Emnulsion Its as beneficial in summer as ein winter. If~ you are weak cr run down, it will build you up. Send :or free samnple 4-45 Pearl S-eet, New York. ScC.; all druggists. CLASS DISTINCTIONS. rhey Go Almost Dowvn to the Very Bottom of Society. Some sort.of class feeling is, we be lieve, inherent in human nature. Peo ple often speak as though these de nmarcations existed only among the aiddle and upper classes, but such is aot the fact. Indeed it is very far .rom the fact. No more misleading abels than "the classes" and "the asses" were ever invented. There ire no masses, rightly speaking. Class listinctions go almost down to the bot tom-not quite, of course, because :hore is always a residuum who :hrough their fault or their misfortune aave neither the pride nor the imag .nation to soit themselves. Money is not an absolute criterion of ;ccial position. Character, in so far is it is reflected in propriety of be avior, counts for a great deal. A rowdy family sink directly, though :hey may have money to waste, and a respectable widow may retain her su ?eriority in the face of grinding pover :y. The acme of good manners, the -ery badge of gentility, is to be quiet," never to let the sound of nirth, quarreling or lamentation pro ,eed out of your dwelling. This sign of social distinction is ap >reciated down to -the very bottom. )n the upper rungs of the social lad ler we should say that those social listinctions which can be defined at til rest upon birth, money and brains. 'mong the poor they rest upon money tnd manners, and the latter, alas, are, )elow a certain wage, woefully de xendent upon the former.-Spectator. Jonah and the Whale. There is nothing in the original texts )f the Bible to show that the creature hich we are told swallowed Jonah 'as really the same animal we call a 'whale" in this day and age of the world. The word translated into both :he Septuagint and the New Testament vas the Greek word "Katos," which neans simply a sea monster, and this word was the one used by our Lord in is reference to the account of Jonah's exploit. So far, therefore, as the He )rew or Greek words are concerned, he monster may have been a shark, a ;ea serpent or some other uncanny den zen of the deep. Hence there is nothing incredible in he statement that Jonah, upon being brown into the sea, was quickly over aken by some water monster and wallowed without suffering mutila ion. To Biblical students it is a well :nown fact that a vessel sailing from oppa to any Spanish port must pass hrough a section swarming with a spe ies cf shark called a "sea dog." The yea dog has a throat large enough to wallow fair sized men.-St. Louis Re >blic. No Longer Than Your Hand the spot in your back directly affc ad by lumbago. But it is big enough > prostrate you until a kind friend ubs Perry Davis' Painkiller into your ching flesh. Then the throbbing pain, hich has been as bad as toothache, ies away. Painkiller is equally good i relieving sciatica and the various yrms of rheumatism. 25 and 50e. She Prieked Her Finger. A maid employed by a prominent ew York family came to her mistress ith tears in her eyes not many days fter she had been In the household d said that she had pricked her fin er with a table fork. "I am terribly worried, ma'am," she aid, "for fear the fork may have had oe brass in it and have poisoned my and." "Oh, nonsense, Mary!" replied the ady of the house. "How could the ork poison you when it is made of ure silver? I never allow anything s on my table." The next day Mary and the fork rhich had pricked her and all the oth r forks and, in fact, the whole table ervice, guaranteed by the mistress to e solid silver, had disappeared for arts unknown. heKind You Have Always Bought The Geological Dlay. The 0,000) years of humni~f history or but a portion of the geological ay which is passin" over us. They o0 not extend into the' yesterday of ur globe, far less touch the' myriads f ages spread out beyon~i WOAIS REUEF A really healthy womain has lit te pain or discomfort at thea menst:-ua] period. No wioman needs to have any. Wine of Cardui will quickly relieve those smarting menstrual pains and the dragging head, back and side aches caused by falling of the womb and irregular menses. WINEoFCARDUI has brought permanent relief to 1,000,000 women who suffered every month. It makes the men strual organs strong and healthy. It is the provision made by Na ture to give women relief from the terrible aches and pains which blight so many homes. GEF.MwooD, L&r., Oct. 14, 1500. I have been very sick for somne time. I was taken with a seivere pain in my . side and could not get any relief ur.ti. I tried a bottle of Wmre of'Cardui. ne fore I hadI tak4 n of1 C I was relicted I feel it my duty t" iay that yeu have a t~n~s. '~hns.aM. A. Yosm. /oney to oan, maa~r 'rerms. APPTX TO iJILSON' & DuRANT. T AIL ORIN C. To all wh io w~ould like to hav e the ir lothes Cleaned. Dyed Rep~air'ed and iesed. call atnd see the~ new Tailor in ont of the Hotel C'entral, who will le von a first clas iob. Come in and Cow Peas For Sale. Whippoorwill (or Life Preserver), Wonderful (or Unknown), Tory and Mixed Peas. A few hundred bushels for sale by I. M. HAIG, 45-4t.J Bennettsvilie. S. C. FOR SALE. A town lot measuring about one acre, high and well located. For par ticulars apply to LOUIS APPELT. Notice to Creditors. All persons having claims against the estate of Aizi Tindal, de ceased, will present them duly at tested, and those owing said estate will make payment to A. A. TINDAL, LADSDEN TINDAL. Executors. Manning, S. C., .Tune 11, 1902. [45-4t 0 0 C= a *AM boa own 0 c0 Like Giants TE Field! S rANOS WHEELER'S TONIC, Pre:enting, Retarding and Vanquishing the at tacks of CHILLS AND FEVER. WHEELER'S TONIC Is simply a -"Survival of the Fittest." Many chill and fevcr tonics have their day and vanish into oblivion as "a talc that is told." but WEEELER'S TONIC Continues to be the ultima thule of Chill andi Fever Tonics, And has become by its grcat merits a household necessity in thousainds of homes. Eradicate cbanis co Fe-7er By using that sovereirm Reinedy, WHEELER'S TONIC. Time tests all things and time has tested the elbacy of WHEELER'S TONIC. The B, 8, Laryea Drug Store, ISAAC M. LORYEA, Prop. Sisrn of the Golden Mortar, 'PHONE NO. 2. - MANNING, S. C. Our festive friend who tr~avels by aight, and although having no wings at all, never .fails to arrive on schedule time, will soon he abroad in the land. His attentions are very marked to those who sleep. Housekeepers should prepare a very warm reception for Mir. Bug. Call at your drug store for the proper bath for him. Your dr'uggist will advise you how to "DO" him. Pack up your win ter clothes with Tar Balls. PEhame's Drug Stor~e. PAlNTS. I am agent for Standard Paints. Crriage Paints~, Roof Paints, Floor Paints, House Paints, WVall Paints. It does not pay to let your houses and implements get shatbby. D.O.3RHAME. Notice to Creditor s. All persons having claims against the estate of Dr. WV. E. Dinkins, deceased, will present them duly attested, and those owing said estate will make pay ment to LOU W. DINKINS. Administratrix. MIanning. S. C.. June 3, 1902. 144-4t CLARENDON HOTEL, J. M. BAGNAL, Prop., MIANNING. - - - S. C. RATES $1.00 PER DAY. Special IRates to lle'gular Boarders. Dyspepsia Cure~ Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the. digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat alU the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. can't help but do you good Prepared onl by E. 0. DEWrrT & CO., ChiCagO. Th 1 otecontains 2I% times the 50c. size. The DR B. Lrven Drug Store. Some Reasons Why You Should Insist on Having EUREKA HARNESS OL Unequaled by any other. Renders hard leather soft. Especially prepared. Keeps out water. A heavy bodied oil. HARNESS An excellent preservative. Reduces cost of your harness. N ever burns the leather; its Efficiency is increased. Secures best service. Stitches kept from breaking. OILt Is sold in all ocalities fanuraetureny Standard Oil,. IS YELLOW POISON in your blood ? Physicians call it flalarial Germ. It can be seen changing red blood yellow under microscope. It works day and night. First, it turns your com plexion yellow. Chilly, aching sensations creep down your backbone. You feel weak and worthless. ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will stop the trouble now.- It enters the blood at once. and drives out the yellow poison. If neglegted'and when Chills, Fevers, Night-Sweats and a gen eral break-down come later on, Roberts' Tonic will cure you then-but why wait? Prevent future sickness. The manufac turers know all about this yel low poison and have perfected Roberts' Tonic to drive it out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify the blood, pre vent and cure Chills, Fevers and Malaria. It has cured thous ands-It will cure you, or your money back. This is fair. Try it. Price, 25 cents. THE R. B. LORYEA DRUG STORE. ADORN YOUR PERSON DORN YOUR HOME. Fine Jewel-y, Fine Silver ware, Cut Glass, China, Bric-a-Brac, Pict ures, Mirrors, LAMPS AND ELEGANT NOVELTIES. Watches of the Best tlanufacturers. All goods .handled are sold with a guarantee. I do not handle any plated ware, therefore everything bought from me can be relied upon as being of the best. All goods bought from we wil' be Engraved FREE OF CHARGE. My repairing department _is under my personal supervis ion and I guarantee all work entrusted to me. Come to see me. Earnest A. Buitman, SUL1TER, S. C. Every attention will be shown visit rs and we especially invite the people o visit our handsome store to inspect ur lines of Gent's Furnishings Clothing, and Hats. We hatndle no goods but those which se can guarantee. Our Tailoring Department is perhaps he largest in the State and our tailors re experienced workmen. A Suit made by us is sufficient war ant to fit. Come to see us. Cor. King and Wentworth Sts., CHARLESTON, - - S. C. WINTHROP COLLEGE Scholarship and Entrance Examnina tions. The examinations for the award of vacant choaships in winthrop College and for the dmission of new students will be held at the ounty Court House on Friday, July 11th. at 9 Applicants must not be less than fifteen years Whn scholarships are vacated after July 1th. they will be awarded to those making the hghest average at this examination. The next session u ill open September 17. 190~2. For further information and a catalogue. ad ress President D. B. JOkH1S. Caro|ina Portland Cement Company, Charleston, S. C. GAGER'S White Lime Ias no equal Tor quality, strength and ooperage. Packed in Heavy Cooper ae and Standard Cooperage. Also dealers in Portland Cement. osendale Cement. Fir~e Brick, IRoofing apers. Terra Cotta Pipe, etc. JA. WEINBERG, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MIANNNING. S. C. 30.F. 1i{.\E. J1. H1. LESESNE. HI.AME & LESESNE, ATTOR~N!;Ys AT TL.W, MT.\NNTNG;. s. C. IATLSON & DURANT. 31.NNIlNG, S. C. C. DAVIS, ATTORNEY AT LAw, M.ANNING, S. C. DR. J. FRANK GEIGER, DENTIST, MIANNING, S. C. 'Phne No. 25. And have a few good Farm Horses and Mules on hand to dispose of at close figures. Also a lot of One and Two-Horse Wagons-the genuine old --wvPiedmont 1lake.wwe None better. Yes.' we have the best line of BUGGIES on the market for yon to select from. Try one and be convinced. MOWERS, (the best yet.) sborne SELF-DUFP RAKES, DISC HARROWS & Cultivators. All of which will give satisfaction and save time as well as money. TERMS REASONABLE. COME TO SEE US. W. P. HAWKINS & C0. A GRAND OPENING Of Spring Clothing, Hats and Furnishing 6eek. You will find here the very newest and up-to-date Suits, Furnishing Goods and Hats. We make a specialty of Extra Size, Stout and Slim Suits. On receipt of your letter we will send you q -atches of Suits, if you are inter este any. In tr Tailor Department we have Over 500 Samples for you to select your Suit or .em Pants from. . Suits made to your measure fromAF to $50. Pants from $3 to $12. WNBROGRANITE c fff=.:. C L OTSxX-4' J He OUF E, 224 KING ST., Opp. Academy of Music, A'E .Al T -' mt l. - , -- S . C. All mail orers prmntly attended to by a special sal'esman. CAROM PORTLND G T CHARLESTON, S. C. Sole Selling Agents NILL-4AN Fire Brick, Fire Tile, Arch Brick, Bull-Head and All Special Tiles. ALSO FINEST PREPARED FIRE CLAY. Carload Lots. Less Than Carload Lots. ( " " .t.t.:t i 1 ! SI ' 1 GIIIImua1 C A S T O R I A For Infants and ChiMdren. The Kind You Have AVegetablePreparationforAs similating ttieoo in d ua tingtire Stomach BSof Bears the inanmv Promotes Digestion.Cheerful nessandResContains neither Om,Morphine noriiineraL. Of NOT ARC OTIG. - Use Aperfect Remedy forConstipa ion, Sour Stomach,Diarrboea Worms,Convulsions,Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. For Over Fac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. i Years EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. CASTORIA ?HE CN -bPA?. NiN Or manl 25 eeats to 0. J. MOFFT' U. 9.,.OS3 O Tb.e C... E .Xeaorya'rg 'iT Money to Lend M ne gt Lend. On improved farming lands. Terms as long as w.anted: interest, 7 per cent Lon maenIprvdRaE oans. For pricular applyt onml tate. Interest at 7 per cent. LEE tornes - Apply to J. A. WEINBER(*, Sumter, S.'C. Attorney at Law,.