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Eh 4Uanning eittt. Publishes All County and Town Of ficial Advertisements. 1ANNING. S. c.. FEB. 19, 1902. Winter Goods Under the Rammer-They Must Go for te Cash. We would much prefer to turn all Winter Goods into cash at a great sac rifice rather than to carry them over until next winter, and in order to do! this quickly we organize a GREAT CLEAR OUT SALE of all Winter Goods for the cash. All Outing. Winter Calicoes and Blankets will be closed out at astonish ingly low prices. A large liue of Ladies' and Gent's Heavy Fleece Lined Cotton and Wool Underwear, Shirts and Drawers will be closed out cheap. GREAT BARGAINS to close out in Gent's and Boys' Clothing. Great values in Overalls. with or without Bibs. Several hundred pairs of Ladies' and Gent's Shoes to close out at and below cost. Our great stock of Umbrellas and Laces are the wonder of all who see the line. One case of the best. Yard-Wide Bleach Homespun, only 7ic per yard during this sale. You need our goods and we need your monev, so come in and see the splendid values we have to offer you. W. E. JENKINSON. Advertisers will please re member that copy for a change of ad. MUST be in this otfice by Saturday Noon in order to insure publication the following week. Manning Street Car Schedule. Leave Central Hotel corner 9:00 a. m. and 6::rl p. m. for the passenger trains, and the car will also meet the freight trains. Arrangements have been made with the agent at depot to tele phone when freight trains are approaching Manning. Fare. 10 cents each war. Cotton is now worth 8tc. in Charles toi1 The legislature will adjourn this week. Wood's Genuine Horse Millet Seed. The R. B. Loryea Drug Store. Ben Dickey, colored, dropped dead at Dr. J. F. Geiger's residence Saturday evening of heart disease. Plant Seed that will germinate. The R. B. Loryca Drug Store. Mrs. Helen L. Bullock will lecture on Temperance tonight in Institute Hall at 8:30 o'clock. The public is cordially invited to attend. Mott's Vinegar, the purest on the market. The R. B. Loryea Drug Store. All varieties of Woods' Seed Irish Potatoes, and Landreth's Garden Seeds at The Manning Grocery Co. The chaingang is building a first class public road from Davis Station straight aeross to Nexsen's store, short -ening the distance considerably. Spring goods are coming in every day. Come and see them at D. Hirsch mann's. --Ohl be my Valentine." Sentimen tal and Comic Valentines-all prices. -The R. B. Loryea Drug Store. Messrs. Joseph F. Rhame and J. H. Lesesne have formed a partnership for the general practice of law under the firm name of Rhame & Lesesne. "First the blade, then the Ear, after that the full Corn in the Ear." Gentry's early market Corn on the Cob. The iR. B. Loryea Drug Store. Mrs. D. Hirschmann is sending in a nice lot of Dry Goods and Millinery. Come to see them. A negro woman near Mr. John Hor ton's place caught fire in the field last week and was so badly burned that she died from the effects in a few days. Come and see the line of Percales just received at D. Hirschmann's, next to postoffice. Via the Suez Canal.. English Break fast and Gunpowder Teas. Connoisseurs pronounce it a superb blend. The Rl. B. Loryea Drug Store. Messrs. E. D. Hodge of Alcolu and F. S. Geddings of Paxville have been drawn on the United States petit jury for the court which convenes in Flor ence. Wood's Garden Seed: known all over the country for their general exeel lence. All varieties. Peas. Corn, etc., in bulk. The R. B. Loryea Drug Store. The upper portion of the State was treated with a big snow the past few days. Thanks to the weather for ex tending the hospitality to us in only a very mild degree Wood's Seed Potatoes have a reputa tion that cannot be equalled. Red Bliss Triumph, Junior Pride, Wood's Earliest. Early Rose. The R. B. Lor yea Drug Store. Miss Olivia Ingram has decided to make millinery work her profession and is now in New york catching on to ne latest fads and styles in trimming and hat- decoration. "We do remember an apothecary and hereabouts he dwells," at the Sign of the Golden Mortar. Read adver tisement in another column. The R. B. Loryea Drug Store. On account of lack of space an inter esting communication from Summerton giving an account of the Charleston Exposition is left out this week. It will appear next week. We are prepared to deliver Corn and Oats at any depot in Clarendon county. Those having to buy will do well to see us, as we ca~n "figger" close. The Manning Grocery Co. There will be a dance given at The People's Tobacco Warehouse, tomor row evening, by the young men of Manning. They are expecting a great many visitors, and anticipate a good time. When you lack energy. do not relish your food, feel' dull and stupid, after eating. -.ll you need is a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will make you feel like a new man and give you an appetite like a bear. For sale by The R. BI. Loryen Druzr Store. Isaac M. Loryea, Prop. Mr. and Mrs. Myer Levi of IRuther -fordton, N. C.. were saddened last week by the loss of one of their children, which they brought to Sumter for burial, and was interred in the Jewish~ emetery last Sunday. Mr. A. Gilbert Flowers of Sumter. an e: cellent young man and one of the best compositors in the State, has been appointed to an important position in the government printing office in Wash ington and has left to enter upon his new work. The train was very late passing Man ning Saturday morning, caused by a wreck near the cemetery. A truck un der a car on a gravel train jumped the track for about a mile. The damage was immediately rep)aired and the road opened up. pyymB mStepthTextl . ..a ~,aclynlsY insaio inthtro. Married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Bradham, last Wednesday night, 12th inst.. Miss. Blanche Bradham and Mr. Clarence Matthews of Spring Hill. The happy couple left for Spring Hill, their future home, last Thursday morning-. Stepped Into Live Coals. Wnten a child I burned my foot frightfully." writes W. H. Eads of Jonesville. Va.. **which caused horrible leg sores for thirty years. but Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured me after everything else failed." Infallible for Burns.! Scalds. Cuts. Sores. Bruises and Piles. Sold by! The R. B. Loryea Drug Store. 25c. 5 Under the new jury law making the Auditor. Treasurer and Clerk of Court the jury commissioners, those officers have met and refilled the jury box and will draw the jury regularly and accord ing to law in time for court which con venes on March 24th Judge Dantzler, who was recently elected, is making his first round in the third circuit and will preside here in March. Mr. Wheeler Got Rid of His Rheumatism. - During the winter of 1898 I was so lame in my joints. in fact all over my body. that I could hardly hobble around. when I bought a bottle of Chamberluin's Pain Balm. From the first application I began to get well, and was cured and have worked steadily all the year.-R. WHEELER. Northwood. N. Y. For sale by The R. B. Loryea Drug Store. Isaac M. Loryea. Prop. The time for making tax returns ex pires tomorrow, Thursday, 20th, after which 50 per cent penalty will be added for not making returns. Auditor Dick son requests that the township boards of assessors will call for the returns as soon as possil)le after the 20th, as they must do their work and be ready for the county board which meets the second Tuesday in March. A Raging, Roaring Flood Washed down a telegraph line which Chas. C. Ellis of Lisbon. Ia.. had to repair. "Standing waist deep in icy water." he writes. "gave me a terrible cold and cough. It grew worse daily. Finally the best doctors in Oakland. Neb., Sioux City and Omaha said I had Consumption and could not live. Then I began using Dr. King's New Discovery and was wholly cured by six bottles." Positively guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and all Throat and Lung troubles by The R. B. Loryea Drug Store. Price 50e. . A few days ago Mrs. Junius Lowder of near Davis Station was painfully burned by her dress catching on fire in the cook room. She did not discover the fire right away and ha-1 just re turned from the well when she found that her clothes were burning. She had presence of mind and turned a whole bucket of water over on herself, which perhaps saved her life. For Stxuach Troubles. -I have taken a great many different medi cines for stomach trouble and constipation," says Mrs. S. Geiger of Dunkerton. Iowa, "but never had as good results from any as from Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets." For sale by The R. B. Loryea Drug Store, Isaac Ml. Loryea. Prop. Rev. Dr. Tarboux, a missionary of the South Carolina Methodist Confer ence in Brazil. lectured in the Metho dist church here Monday and Tues day evenings. Dr. Tarboux is an interesting talker and gives most en tertaining and instructive awcounts of the missionary work that the protestant churches are doing in the great Brazil ian country, a land with so many possi bilities. A Poor Millionaire Lately starved in London because he could not digest his food. Early use of Dr. King's New Life Pills would have saved him. They strengthen the stomach, aid digestion, promote assimilation. improve appetite. Price 25c. Money back if not satisfied. Sold by The R._B. Loryea Drug Store. Mr. S. I. Till with his accustomed pluck and energy is undaunted by his recent misfortimne in having his entire tock of goods burned, and will again open up in Manning and invites the patronage of the people. Mr. Till will open a dry goods and millinery business in the vacant store next door to Rigby's, and is now in New York, where he ex pects to secure some good bargains to offer the people low down for cash. WANTED--SEVERAL PERSONS OF CHAR acter and good reputation In each state (one in this county required) to represent and adver tise old established wealthy business house of solid financial standing. salary $18.00 weekly with expenses additional, all payable In cash each Wednesday direct from head office. Horse and carriage furnished, when necessary. Re ference. Enclose self-addressed stamped en velope Manager. 316 Caxton Building. Chicago In the re-districting of the State, Clarendon is torn clear away from her old friends in the Pee Dee section com posing the old Sixth distli it, and is linked on to the first district, to be com posed of Charleston. Collecton, I or chester, Berkeley and Clarendon. The News and Courier's Columbia corres pondent annoanced Monday that Mr. M. C. Galluchat would be a candidate for Congress from the new first district. Balsams from the Northern Wood are in Pyny-Balsam, the certain cure for coughs. Barnum's Monkeys "All well-all happy--lots of fun". That is the regular report from the monkey cage of Barnum's Circus ever since the keepers began dosing th monkeys with Scott's Emu! son. Consumption was carry ig off two thirds of them "very year and the circus had :buy new ones. One day a keeper accident :;~v broke a bottle of Scott's 'mulsion near the monker cage and the monkeys eagerly p~ped it up from the floor. This suggested the idea that it might do them good. Since then the monkeys have received regular doses and the keepers aport very few deaths from onsumption. Of cour'se it's cheaper to buy Scott's Emui son than new monkeys-andi that suits the Circus men. Consumption in monkeys aid in man is the same disease. If you have it or are threaten 4.r-a'ed with it can you -take the hint? This picture represents the Trade Mark of Scott's 1Emulsion and is on ti.' Iwrappe-rof ev-ery bottle. fiiISend for free sample,. - 409 Pearl St., New York. Seven Years in Bed. Will woaders ever cease"' inquire the friends of Mrs. L. Pease of Lawrence. Kan. They knew she had been unable to leave her bed in seven years on account of kidney and liver troub. nervous prostration and seneral debility: *Three bottles of Electric fltters en abled me to walk." she writes. "and in three months I fel! like a new person." Women suf fering from Headache. Backache. Nervousness. Sleeplessnes . Melancholy. Fainting and Dizzy Spells will find it a priceless blessing. Try it. Satisfaction guaranteed. R. R. Loryea Drng Store. Onlv5e. s Silk Culture for South Carolina. The Silk Culture Committee, whose exhibit in the Woman's Building at the South Carolina Interstate and West In dian Exposition is attracting so much attention, is now planning to have a Silk Day in order to bring to gether those who are interested in this profitable industry. The date of this meeting will be announced later. In the the chairman of this de partment desires a correspondence with the men and women of South Carolina who wish to engage in silk growing. Address. Mrs. Blackburn Hughes, 10 Legare St.. Charleston, S. C. The Last Heard Of It. 'My little boy took the croup one night and ;oon grew so bad you could hear him breathe all over the house," says F. D. Reynolds, Mansfield, 0. We feared he would die, but a few doses of One Minute Cough Cure quick lv relieved him and he went to sleep. That's the last we heard of the croup. Now isn't a cough cure like that valu able?" One Minute Cough Cure is ab solutely safe and acts immediately. For coughs. colds, croups, grip, bronchitis and all other throat and lung troubles. it is a certain cure. Very pleasant to take. The little ones like it. The R. B. Loryea Drug Store. Pension Board. Notice is hereby given that the Pen sion Board of Clarendon County will not meet on the 22d of February, but will hold their last meeting on Satur day, March 1st, 1902, and all persons having any change to make on the roll will please observe our last meeting is Saturday, March 1st. 1902. By order Board. A. J. RICHBOURG, Secretary Manning, S. C., Feb. 15, 1902. Favorite Nearly Everywhere. Constipation means dullness, depres sion, headache, generally disordered health. DeWitt's Little Early Risers stinrulate the liver, open the bowels and relieve this condition. Safe, .eedy and thorough. They never gripe. Favorite pills. The R. B. Lor yea Drug Store. Examination of Teachers. The regular February examination for teachers' certificates will be held on Friday, 21st inst. Examinations to be gin promply at 9 o'clock. L. L. WELLS. Co. Supt. of Education. Manning, S. C., Feb. 4, 1902. [3t While the Short Hand o the clock travels twice around the e.ial Perry Davis' Painkiller will cuve a cold: will ease the tightness acros.. the chest and hence will banish the fear of pneumonia. "Just a little cold" does not become a misery that clings until roses bloom if you have recourse to this never-failing help. There is is but one Painkiller, Perry Davis'. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hae MAljp Bought Bears tL.e Signature of Diouble RHi Salary. Towne-[ see there's a new teller at the bank. I suppose Smugley was fired. BrowneNot exactly. They're offer ing double his old salary to get him back. Towne-&h! Regigned. eh? Browne - Not exactly that, either. They're ofl'ering $5.000 reward for him. -Philadelphia Press. "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy tor a number of years and have no hesitancy in sang that It is the best remedy for coughs o.ds and croup I have ever used In my family. .I have not words to express my confidence in this Remedy.-Mns. J. A. MOORE. North Star. Mach. For sale by The R. B. .Loryea Drug Store. Isaac N!. Lorvea. Prop. NJce For Lovers. "If I am not too presumptuoius," said the young clerk. "1 will ask you to look at our new typewriter especially adapt ed for writing love letters." "Oh." esiclaimed the blushing maid, "s there any difference?' "Yes, inc'eed! Among the punctuation points there is a lIttle star for marking kisses."-Phladelphla Record. Beasth ~e Kid You av Alasought of O~ging 01 8Boo(__oI 8nb8s19t1on. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Pursuant to a commission issued to the undersigned as Corporators by M. . Cooper, Secretary of State, on the 31st day of January, 1902, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that books of subscription to the capital stock of "Alcolu Railroad Company"~ will be opened at the office of D. W. Alder man & Sons Company in Alcolu, Clar endon County. and State aforesaid, on the 15th day of March, 1902, at 11 o'clock A. M. The said proposed corporation will have a capital stock of not less than Twenty-five thousand ($25,000) Dollars, and the maximum to which it may hereafter be increased to One Hundred Thousand ($100,000) Dollars, divided into shares, the par value of each to be Five Hundred ($500) Dollars. and paya ble in cash. The principal place of business to be Alcolu, South Carolina, and the said corporation to be empow ered to engage in the business of con structing, maintaining and operating a railroad of one or more tracks from Alcolu. in Plowden's Nill Township, Clarendon County, on or near the route taken by the tram road operated by D. W. Alderman & Sons Company to Sar dini, in Midway Township, State of South Carolina: tgence in a northerly or northeasterly direction to some point on Lynch's River, in Florence County. The particular route to be determined by the Company and to do business as a common carrier on and over said rail road. ROBERT J. ALDERMAN. DAVID W. ALDERMAN. .DAVID C. SHAW, Board of Corporator-s. Alcolu, S. C., Feb. 6. 1902. Dissolution. The firm of " John 0. Slaughter, Limited," was this day dissolved by mutual consent. JOHN G. SLAU7GHTER. M. P. JORDAN. JULIAN C. JORDAN. li" ffg erawul8hea oibll , ...AT THE... Sign of the Goldeii Mo11rti'. and he keeps in stook KAFEKA, The original malted Grain Coffee. A 'Nourish ing and Health-giving Bread in Liquid form. A boon for the sick and convalescent. A Health Food as well as a Table Beverage. Aids digestion and makes Rich. Healthy Blood. Especially recommriended for all Stonach Troubles. Dyspeptics will find It just what they w. Children will grow fat and strong on it. Is the nearest approach to coffee ever put on the market. It has all the merits without any objectionable features. It makes a pleasant. healthful beverage: strengthens without stim ulating: satisfies without shattering the nerves. Especially recommended for children. -/"HORLICK'S MALTED MILK. MELLIN'S INFANT FOOD. IMPERIAL GRANUM. ESKAY'S ALBUMENIZED FOOD. NATIONAL ESSENCE OF COFFEE. EAGLE BRAND CONDENSED MILK. MICHIGAN CONDENSED MILK. -f course we carry everything appe-tain. ing to a Modern Drug Store. Prescriptions illed with CARE. SKILL. CELERITY and COURTESY any hour during Sundays. and night cals responded to promptly and cheerfully. IHE R. B. [ORY[ DRUG 8IOR19 ISAAC M, LORYEA, Proprietor, Sign of the Golden Mortar, MANINC, S. C. - HI-4ONE NO. 2. CLARENDON HOTEL, J. M. BAGNAL.. Prop., MANNING. - - - S. C. RATES 81.00 PER DAY, Special Rates to Regular Boarders. 5IiyVYiViVTYIHVYVIiinTTVTV WV!1TfliffYififYTi1 IF! C If you want the best and lar gest variety of Flavoring Ex e tracts, W. E. BROWN & Co.'s is the place to get them. If you want Clark's Peerless Baking Powder, W. E. BROWN & CO.'S is the place to get it. No other better, or "even just as good." If you have a cough. use Compound Syrup of White Pine with Tar. W. E. BROWN & CO.S is the place to get it. If you want anything in the line of Stationery, W. E. BROWN & CO.'S is the place to get the best. SIf you have headache, use _ SMagical Headache Powders. e W. E. BROWN & CO.'S is the Splace to get them. Price, 5c. EIf you want your Prescrip [tion con.pounded with the ut most Skill and Aecuracy, WV. E. BROWN & CO.'S is the place to have it done. SIf you want anything kept Sin a FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE, I W. . BROWN I I & O.'S ' 1 EIS THE PLACE TO GET IT. Notice. The undersigned will apply to the Secretary of State at his office in Co lumbia, S. C., at eleven o'clock on the 21st day of February, 1902, for a Char ter for a ccrporationi to be known as "Alcola Railroad Company," the busi ness of which is to be the construction and operation of a railroad of one or more tracks, running from Alcolu, in Plowden's Mill Township, Clarendon County, on or near the route taken by the tram road eperated by D. W. Al derian & Sons Company to Sardinia, in Midway Township, Clarendon Coun ty. thence in a northerly and northeast erly direction to some point on Lynch's river, in Florence County, all in South Carolina, the particular route to be de termined by the Company: and they will further ask that be given the said corporation to condemn such lands as may be necessary for the con struction and operation of said Rail road. DAVID W. ALDERMAN. ROBERT J. ALDERMAN. DAVID C. SHAW. January 27th. 1902. [26-4t Money to Lend. Loans made on Improved Real Es tate. ] nterest at 7 per cent. Time as long as wanted. Apply to J. A. WEINBERG, Attorney at Law. RH AME'S NERALGIA PILLS. . ..FOR... Sheumatism & Neuralgia Regular Price.......50c. Introductory Price....' e. R1AME'S Drug Store, SUMMIERTON, S. C. +. THE+ i Gutta Percha : Paints 4. STAND THE TEST OF STime and Weather.: 4. FOR SALE AT E hame's Drug Store,:j + SUMMERTON, S. C. + MAlNNG HlOTE, MANNING, S. C. A splendid newly furnished hotel, of fers to its guests good service. Permanent and Transient Boarders solicited. Street cars at door. I ~ S. R.COLE, THE JENKINSON DRY GOODS STORE carries the largest and most up-to-date stock of Dry Goods. Fine Dress Goods, Fine Millinery Goods, Shoes and Clothing of any house in Clarendon County, and what is better still about this store we sell as cheap as any reliable first class house on earth. Now some may reason to themselves that this is a big blow- -a big stock carried in the papers--but those who know us best know that we deal only in facts, and those who are not so well ac quainted with us can come to our store and see for themselves, and they will see that this is the store where the largest stocks are carried and the low prices we ask for our goods will convince them that this is the store to do cash trading. DRY GOODS. We are showing a beautiful assortment of Yard-Wide Sea Island and Windsor Percales in spring shades. These goods are sold in all the large city markets at 12-c per yard, but we picked up several thousand yards at a bargain and let them go .At 10o. the Yard. Just call and see the beautiful lines of Spring Shirting Prints that we are selling at 4 and 5c the yard. All of our stock of Winter Dress Goods are closing out at greatly reduced prices. Here Is Your Opportunity. if you want a nice Jacket or Cloak cheap you had better come at once, as we are selling all of our Ladies' Jackets and Capes out at COST. If you want a nice Jacket or Cape cheap now is your time if you have the cash. Ladies, We Want Your Attention. Laces, Embroideries -and White Goods. We have now in stock the most complete line of Laces and Embroideries ever seen in the Manning market. All of our fine Embroideries come in matched sets. Ladies, we are anxious for you to see our line of Emboderies, as there is no doubt of it this is the most extensive line e.ver shown in this town, and what is better still. it is much cheaper than you can buy in large cities. Our lina :'- Ladies' and Gent's Handkerchiefs is the largest we have ever shown. W.-E. JENKINSON. 3 Solid Facts: tising, but wie are selling our goods strictly O]N' TIEmi. Mr.D~tIT. We sell honest goods at a smaller profit than any other mier Schants in our line in this section of the country. S We will sell you a better Suit of Clothes for yourself or boys, a better pair of Pants, a better pair of Shoes for yourself, wife, son or daughter for less money than you can get them anywhere eleAsk your friend or neighbor if they have ever worn a pair of 9 . C. M. DA VIS &CO.'S s -. e -e-...9 Wak*vr hos an noewa hyhvet a o hm As hi-fh hsee wonaSito h & Pehheier-Fshe * CLTING an herwa-te9iltl o bu hm n hng oC * M.DVS9 O' n e htte oklk n e hi pre eor l u ubu es adhaenobd etst colet Bydigacs9uiesw ssann oss hc enbe9st ieorcsoesbte od tcoe rcs Al weaki ogv salo we o oet on n th ote9ati etwt O.W r aife ecnpes aon PRCakdOverALITY. note whtte avIS frOtem v irginia=Carolna il Chemical Company, CH ARLESTON, S. C. RICHMOND, VA. ATL ANTA, GA. Largest Manufacturers of Fertilizers in the South. I rmporters of ... Pure German Kainit, Muriate of Potash, Nitrate of Soda, Sulphate of 'Potash. It is important in buying your fertilizers, not only to buy goods of established reputation and high grade, but to buy where your wants of every character can be supplied. We are in position to furnish all classes of goods and in such quantities as buyers desire. It wil. pay you to see us before purchasing. A4ddress Uil~iniasCar'olina Chenmical Co.; Charleston, S. C.. Send for Virginia-Carolina Ahanac, free for the asking. Go to The Manning Hardware Company: For AGRICULTURAL 1 E NTS. Plows, Plow Stocks, Steel Shapes, Hoes, Rakes, Shovels, Guano Horns, Cotton Rope, Wire Fencing, Clevises, Repair Links, Carry Combs. WE MAKE TOBACCO BARN FLUES. We have bp'cains in Trace Chains, Breast Chains, Hames, Hame Strings, Back-Bands, Single-Trees, Bridles, Collars, Collar Pads, Grind Stones, Flat Irons, Axes. Corn Shellers, Cow Bells, Ox Balls. We are agents for the Oliver Chilled Plow Company, and have their Plows in stock; the Deering Harvester Company and the American Field and Wire Pence Company. 3FC' t M il 9513P3Plies.; Valves, Lubricators, Gauge Glasses, Injectors, Inspirators. Black and Galvanized Pipe, Pumps, Steel Sinks, Compression Bibbs, Bath Tubs, Steam Gauges, Bolts, Nuts and Washers, Round and Flat Iron, Packing, Lubricating Oil. Carpenters' Tools. Leeks, Hinges, Nails, Window Fasteners, Va Tin, Eave Troughs. Gutfering, etc. Paints, Oils, Varnishes. A splen assortment of these: White Lead, Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil, S irits Tar entine, Varnish, Japan Dryer, all colors; Cold Water Paint. hite and olors; Lamp Black. IOusefuirn istiag GOCcE.3 - Everything in Tinware, Crockery, -Cooking Stoves, Heaters, Country Holloware, Spiders. Ovens, Skillets. A nice assortment of Lamps and Glassware, Wood and Metal Buckets, Stove Repairs, Sad Irons. Exuggy aziacl W 9agcOr. 3.41ea Axle Points, Bolts, Clips, Anti-Rattlers, Rims, Hubs, Spokes, Shafts, Buggy Steps, Rubber Cloth. Cutlery az1.C S30rtZir l PocketeCa.lery that has stood the test for years. No risk in bayinr our Guaranteed Pocket Knives. Shot, Powder, Cape, Fuse, Dynaite, Canvas Hunting Coats and Leggiiseg, Rubber Boots. Very truly, Manning Hardware Co Distinctive and Elegant. We endeavor to lead in all things foremost in fashions of men. Our Clothing Is distinctive, elegant and cut on exclusive and lass of ashion ' and sced asuinga the "Mould of Form" 'after careful scrutiny Ifyu rin needo a Suit or Overeoat, Un - derwear or Hat, write to me. I can save you ______________________ money. - N~oBHy R ANITE - 0LOT H I N G 224 KING ST., Opp. Academy of Music, Sole Agent for the celebrated Youngs Hat, the best union-made $3 Hat In this citg uhs Trousrs -2 to Sop air and Hamilton Carhartt Overals t at er.50tockingit Ae. speial salesman attends to all Mail Orders. Buena Vista Land Plaster FOR ALL CROPS. Horace Greely, in his book on farming, speaks in the highest terms in favor of the use of plaster. He says that one of the farmers in Central New York told him that by scattering plaster on his fields and pastures he fixed the passing ammonia and impoverished the neighboringc lands to a very |perceptible extent. Many testimonials of experiments might herein be added which have been made by our agricnltural colleges and scientific farmers, showing that the wonderful and valuable effect from the use-of plaster throughout our country has become as common and well known as the use of the manure upon our farms. Carload Lots. Bulkt f, o. b. Charleston, S, C., $5.25. CAROINA PORTLAN CEENT CO., Sole Selling Agents, CHARLESTON. - - S. C. South Carolina Co-Educational Institute 'S.C. C. . 'EDGEFIELD, S. C. OLDEST AND LARGEST CO-EDUCATIONAL CoLLEGE IN TtlE STATE. Over 300) Students enrolled last session, representing 10 States. Young men under strict military discipline. Faculty composed of ?..3 Colle'ge and University graduates-9 men. Thorough Literary Courses leading to the degree of B. E., B. S. and A. B. Superior A dvantages offered in the Departments of Music. Art and Business. Four Magnificent,. well equipped buildings. Thousands of dollars recently spent in improvements. From $100 to $140 covers expenses in Literary Department for the entire school year. During the past session 167$ Boarders were enrolled. A large number of applications were rejected for want of room. Additional room will be pro vided for the coming session. If you contemplate atttending our (ollege, write for catalogue and applica ton blank to F. N. K. BAILEY, PreSident, EDGEFIELD, S. C. Net Sesion Begins Thursdav. Sept. 26, 1901.