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Jen. AV Next Saturday and Monday, beginning of one of the most imp in the history of the trade of Mai It will also demonstrate the growth of one of the largest Dry a small beginning, starting of the largest houses m Clarend< toiled until we have planted oui dry goods retailers of Clarendon But this question must natt thinking person, "How was si up in such a short time?" My fr -and honest dealings have been th< us clear of the rocks of shipwrec qblors we propose to continue to s shr the things that are Cosar's at Rules Governi First of all we shall expect a: of the special prices we will off Wpot Cash, for under no consid( goods at these Special Sale prices In the second place we wan Mondays if you wish to buy good; We will continue to hold thes ing Saturday and Monday until fu T During these Special Sales Dry Goods, Shoes, Clothir Goods, Trunks and Va SPECIAL And suffice it to say those wh off disappointed. SELL & MATHIS, ~Engine repairing, Wheelwrighting And Ali Manner of Iron Work. Special Attention Given to Horsesboeing. We warrant satisfaction. Below Baptist Church, Manning, S. C. THE i8nk of Manning, LMANNING. 8. 0. Transacts a general banking busi -ness. -Prompt and special attention given to depositors residing out of town. Deposits solicited. All collections have prompt atten tion. Business hours from 9 a. mn. to 2 JOSEPH SPROTT, A. LEV1, Cashier. President. BOARD OF DIREcTOBs. J. W. McLEOD, W~. E. BRow1s, S. M. NEISEN, JoSE.PH SrnoTT A. LEVI. W HE N YOU COME TO TOWN CALL AT WIELLS' SHAVING SALOON Which is fitted up with an .ye to the comfyort of hi.. cnstomiers....-.-.. HAIR CUTTINIG IN ALL STYLES, SH AVING AND SH A MPoolING Done with neatness anf A cordial inlvitation is extended.. J. L. WELLS. Manning Times Block. Saturd Fuly 13th and 15th, will mark the >rtant Dry Goods Sales ever held ining. success, the prosperity and the Goods Houses in Clarendon; how as it were beneath the shadows )n County, we have worked and colors in the front ranks of the County. rally come home to every sound ich a successful business built iends, my only answer is, Square beacon lights that have steered k and disaster, and under these ail our ship-to render unto Co d unto every man his just dues. .ng This Sale. .1 who propose to take advantage er at this sale to come with the ration can we afford to charge t you to come on Saturdays and at Special Sale Prices. Special Sales on each succeed rther notice is given. e will offer our entire stock of ig and Gent's Furnishing lises and Millinery at PRICES. o come with the cash will not go uggie, Wagons, Road Carts and Cariiages REPAIRE~D With Neatness and Despatch R. A. W HITE'S WHEELWRIGHT and BLACKSMITH SHOP. I repair Stoves, Pumps and run water pipes, or I will put down a new Pump cheap. If you need any soldering done, give ae a call. LAME. My horse is lame. Why? Because I iid not have it shod by R. A. White, the man that puts on such neat shoes nd makes horses travel with so much ease. We Make Them Look New. We are making a specialty of re painting old Buggies, Carriages, Road Carts and Wagons cheap. Come and see me. My prices will please you, and I guarantee all of my work. Shop on corner below R. M. Dean's. R. A. WHITE, MANNING. S. C. laTTICE. I have opened up a Sewing Machine store next door to Mr. S. A. Rigby's general merchandise store August 1st, 1900. I will carry the The new ball-bearing "New Home," the best machine made: also "New Ideal" and "Climax," from $18 to $40. I sell oni Instalment, Easy Payment Plan. I clean and repair any kind of nachines for least money possible. Call and see me. A. I. BARRON, Ag't. J. s. wU.sos. w. C. DUA(T. ILSON & DURANT, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, MANNING, S. C. OmCE OF JtUDGE 0F PROBATE. I Manning. S. C.. August 1, 19100. 'o Executors. Administrators. Guardians and Committees: I respectfully cailI your-attention to annexed ~tatut. You will ple'ase zive this matter early attction. Very resp etfully.DAM Judge of Probate. Sec. 20&4 (1912). Executors. Administrators. ~uardians and Committees, .shall annually while any estate remains in their care or cus ody at any time before the Iirst day of July of each year. render to the Judge of Probate of the rounty from whom they obtain Letters Testa nentary or Letters of Administrators or Let ters of Guardianship. etc.. a just and true ac-1 rount upon oath. of the receipts and expendi Lures of such estate the preceding Calendar rear which, when examined and approved. hall be deposited with the Inventory and ap prasment or other pers blning to bate thre om be ep fore te inpection ofsuch per. Aprvd~e any of M'arch. 1897. lay an r- ", aQ 4. " wr w a long t th ssad vaueo rube, asH gu Cntehnoo aie ofhne 0ol it +a iu oeta uis 1. 4 f 4 t Old r w - t ntf aneatcbl whc wa mod+ ee t bu h fa4la wit th4u.n ale toe + 0 E4+ f ed to cma ton thifot oke u th4. The had crse th4ea. i >l ls bot sen ou oPr o b oee wit a c waepro gum. Ye0yas' Yankee shouldmea pai fboso Dr Pretyfuhro oko Pr spciv, no fogttn reoddta usfu .-n sml cue fo fubn u + P4. 4..he d n fa a e wO gah d itiOh A a o wiler ess Dr resl' cue wee. 9-44. haf an inhln+n ol o hl l+gs iO cents a pec- -a stf'p+ e po. Is prc o e er a rage frmG cet4o10 . wor o anEgiha. .twstna hea. In~ 183Chre Maknts.o Glaso icvrdnphh nds fro equtra Sot mrian I time Tha Ctes." hClubs WThe wohld wre longted ter It Astrongen Aecorde's thFoenra tw HenryKno afte t783 Spais he "gre est" of the hdisigus ofatis of the aryOdre, who8 pounts with Ce Brooks on his seo voagetitl d er a Knoe," gielstic bllowich wasc odetr- I ames t the gneralHaitialshabdt: It bonWih CathaiSret The As we-C anctd from teen the Spards eanedo h foarvigl and nedremedo atiale beortoe thn the attentoe of mtee 1 ofongss one tohaat e coverede, wihing wterpshof gum. et nd ears, were toa ea beoree a netict manke houl mker Kno pair of botster tly, m an thr hos as oniat e r c'oKtouc (pnaedto kacphos temers andfu rmine smlent behs fosubgout pecil tomonrs hene thenmevs rubbe eIna liedir I refersaio the l aae who aheredan oune Amazfons hle an incs long and thol other mangs wo7 posense acpiee sit prcef forthe." s rbe tdyis$ Thecesionefthguannyuabout a boys watroc otah money.-7Athe e ~ A T Dr M~on MOST COSTLY OF DRUGS. Some Sell at Retail For More Than' Their Weight In Gold. "The price of many drugs used in edicine is astonishing to those who re not acquainted with the subject," emarked 'a druggist. "There are sev Tal that are worth their weight in ;old (about $20 an ounce), while $2, 3 or $5 an ounce are quite common rices in pharmacy. I filled a prescrip Ion the other day that cost $25( But here is one drug that I can recall rhich is worth much more than its eight in gold. That is pseudo physo tigmine. I don't think that it has a popular name. It is too rich for that. n the pharmacists' list It is quoted at 1 a grain, or $437.50 an ounce. The ed from which the drug is made rows in India and Brazil, as well as n parts of South Africa. This seed, raditon says, was once used by na ive chiefs as an ordeal. The ordeal ~eneraly resulted in the death of the nan upon whom it was tried and so as considered as a great truth finder. 'he prepared drug is sometimes used OW in prescriptions for the treatment f heart disease. "Another drug whioh takes the palm or costliness is, curIously enough, the ne which is perhaps the most widely :nown by name of them all to the gen ral public-namely, musk.' Its retail rice at the present moment is about 50 an ounce, $000 a pound apothecary, r 2% times the value of pure gold, 24 arats fine. It is obtained from the 2sk deer, a very rare animal, and is ontalned in a follicle, of which there only-~one In each animal, so that an unce of the drug represents approxi ately one of these precious animals. L it is largely used for scent, the do aand constantly exceeds the supply, nd the price has been steadily ad ancing. There is no reason why It hould not go to $250 or $500 an ounce uring the next few years, as the musk eer is gradually vanishing from the ace of the earth."-Kansas City Jour al. A Kindly Joke. ,udge Braxfield, famous in England or his love for hanging criminals, vhen on circuit always put up near 'erth with a crony who was devoted o chess. The laird had rather the bet er of his lordship at the game. In he revolution of. the circuits Braifield ound himself trying his hospitable riend, who had got awkwardly mixed Ip in some abduction of cattle. The vidence was clear, the pr.nel was cou 'ted and the judge passed the solemn entence of death. Then, bending Lown, he chuckled to the unfortunate rlsoner-the accornmodation in the rovincial courts was cramped-"And LO, Donald, my friend, I think I've heckmated you for onIce." But Brax Leld delighted in a kindly joke. Trifling With Charon. Just as Charonl was about to make be ferry slip the ex-distiner ?iudged im in the ribs. "If It Isn't too rauch trouble," said e latter, "I wish you would put me ith the arrivals from Boston." "But you are from St. Louis," pro ested Charon. "Wouldn't you feel out f place among so much culture?" "No, indeed. I always feel at home 2 the midst of refined spirits." Thereupon the ancient ferryman toss d the ex-distiller In the Styx.-Chica THE C! c "sue dF. rarer #p .Y A ~ C Vr " M i :iwr ? n eWj SyE IT )OdE ULY. I'a - =O 4O + o? + yo I rd an no a l k t n + 'v - - 4 "nedhmosoe ote horsn 4 cA lam one. -eloe i vr et an fnal sidtat big a +ren f tk. Ta sae a the hors fo ,a atIlare bu a ee atr dre. I0a'0afr ta moe. mo. Hewa'oud gee 7yar sprng and 13yarald. Sof on ea yon Jones i is my friend nw ant hnorse codent hae buy ronerimes beom mne ays friendhcae who a thorset "'Pkr-ettroba sFree s a Amboked t nacheve 'Nesaed iman youra adelvr won, ron'n eyure purpoee im lofe sometheg whorse and askd os hat accopldhiget for afac tamewhneh H lookedreim conserd The ilegs poexwhined hils es a teet and fentyside thardsg ofrhicalo mehe'dgiv meen $4hich the hrs.I thook I d"hatsam afernn he rsold ed purse fmore ,afthIarned ot wekld' ratrkes-...Akno "know, ai Jnaes rom notetheamano toame a fnd aingt on scrae Ilst "Il rond anwh ndyo."ote "haid you dbdnt kewthn o beulac rsed."-Icagafordtoayms. "Nxtrning myfin hwdu for $08, eathuh, a ral ot more. Hn ae ad .nd gnl, 7ars old, acordin tohanes "H hatdu ougttamorefre0 e hadpver, anod rnbnwsk Rematism Loss of Aetmite, onel ofedy. woferst d waves youer, -thin. I'm n ottl ayi .uhaoti, fornt Jostness myfndo knowch. Dr. anomnd oger, ht bouysgtaroctee from en say rGIn, Greaesin Teahse -BuckTr."YurDruzt Firs. aman and womanv fro anental gave. Frm healthponof iewn. fiit ore, g Stock rck All-Wool Clay Worsted Suits, rill run off for the cash at $5 per Hats AT COST. , Collars and Cuffs at prices that ds Stock prices to offer you in all Summer of 'closing out all Summer Goods )epartment almost at your own prices, as you t carried-over stock in Millinery s. So ladies, if you want a nice ke, for all Millinery must go. Department ting things to offer you in both Ask to see them. TO CONSUMERS OF Lager Beer. We are now in position to'ship our Beer all over the State at the following prices: EXPORT. - Imperial Brew-Pints, at $1.10 per doz. Kuffheiser-Pints, at....906 per doz. Germania P. M.-Pints, at 90c per doz. GERMAN MALT EX TRACT. A liquid Tonic and Food for Nursing Mothers and Invalids. Brewed from the highest grade of Barley Malt and Imported Hops, at-.....l.1 per-doz. For sale by all Dispensaries, or send in your orders direct.. All orders shall have our prompt and careful attention. Cash must accompany all orders. CERMANIA BREWINGCO0., - Charleston, S. C. Geo.$. Hacker &Son DorsSsh Bins MoulingandBuidin Katerial I RE IFACIEN - Dores, SAsht Squares, CHSARESTONE SET C. Colore Weigts and o ds, nHardwedaree and aeints. ur FIRE.LI J. LWISN . BURGLY INSLRAN . Toalotr-m. Cohi RUG . DR O.IE PUDY: Coloed d~4~' Sa n m afp~ te~ro.. . AL 'St 3& 154 IN OUR... Clothin We will have about 30 Gent's 131 regular $7.50 goods, that we v Suit, special. A large lot of Gent's Straw A full line of Gent's Shirt< will please you. IN OUR... Dry Goc We will have some sensational Goods, as we are very desirous at once. IN OUR... Millinery I You can buy goods for thd cash know it is a well-known fact tha represents almost nothing to u Hat cheap now is the time to str IN OUR ... Shoe We will have some very intere: Low Quarter and Regular goods NOW OPEN TO TEIAVELERS The Tisdale Hotel, Summerton, S. C. Livery Stable Near at Hand. New Building, New Furniture, J. S. BELL, Opp. Central flotel, Manning, S. C. -:DEALER IN : Bicycles and Bicycle SuoplIies. I also repair wheels and guarantee my . . work. MACHINERY REPAIRING A SPECIAL.TY. All work entrusted to me will receive prompt attention either day or night. J. S. BELL. ULCERS. Sores and Ulcers never become chronic unless the blood is in poor condition-is sluggish, weak and unable to throw off the poisons that accumulate in it. The system must be relieved of the unhealthy matter through the sore, and great danger to life would follow should it heal before the blood has been made pure and healthy and allimpurities eliminated from the sys te. S.S.S..begins the cure by first cleans ing and invigorating the blood, building up the general health and removing from the system A CONSTANT DRAM fetematter. "UPON THE SYSTEW. When this has been accomplished the-dis charge gradually ceases, and the sore or ulcer heals. It is the tendency of these old indolent sores to grow worse and worse, andeventuallvto destroy the bonies. Local applications, 'while soothing and to some extent alleviate pain, cannot reach the seat of the trouble. S. S. S. does, and no matter how apparently hopeless your condition, even though your constitution has broken down, it will bring relief when nothing else can. It suppis the rich, pure blood necessary to hea the sore and nourish the debilitated, diseased body. Mr. 3.B. Talbrtoc Box 25Wnon.Ms tetdme and Imade to trp to Hot Sprigs nd itnade ad copete cur.I have beenapr fectly well man ever url SSetable blood purife known -contamns no poisonous minerals to ruin the digestion and add to, rather than reiieve your silrer-. ings. If your flesh does not heal readily when scratched, bruised or cut, your blood is in bad condition, and any ordinary sore is apt to become chronic. Send for our free book and fyrite our physicians about your case. We make no charge for this service. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATL.ANTA, GA. Notie in "Iventive Agei Book "Howto obtain Patents" EttS.ERS, atit cdentia.Ars .C Rring your Joh Work to Thle Times offiCe.