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iht ginning Lim . Publishes All County and Town Of ficial Advertisements. MANNING, S. C., JULY 10.1901. Attend ... Our Big Anniversary Sale again next Saturday and Monday. Those who come with the cash will not go ofT disap pointed, if they know big values when they see them. WC. E. JENKINSON. Notice is hereby given that no advertise ments will be changed in this paper where the copy is brought in later than Saturday noon Manning Street Car Schedule. Leave Central Hotel corner 9:00 a. m. and 4:50 p. m. for the passenger trains, and the car will also meet the freight trains. Arrangements have been made with the agent at depot to tele phone when freight trains are approaching Manning. Fare. 10 cents each way. Dr. L. W. Nettles and wife of Fores ton spent today in town. Wood's Turnip Seeds, best by test. The R. B. Loryea Drug Store. k Mrs. J. D. Gerald and child are vis iting relatives at Eastover. The telephone line between Manning and Kingstree is nearly completed. Mr. Chandler Mayes of Mayesville is in town visiting at Mr. J. H. Rigby's. . Fox River Butter and Full Cream Cheese on ice at Manning Grocery Co. - The young folks had an enjoyable picnic at Tindal's Mill on the 4th inst. Mrs. A. L. Lesesne left last Thursday for Pawleys Island for two week recrea tion. Wood's Turnip Seeds have a "very reverend reputation" for coming up. The R. B. Loryea Drug Store. Mrs. Bass and daughter, Miss Janie, of Darlington are visiting Mrs. B. A. Johnson. Captain and Mrs. Thomas Wilson of ACaes are sojourning in Scotland, their 'atve land. Wood's Turnip Seeds have received the "meed of praise" from the public. The R. B. Loryea Drug Store. Mr. J. M. Bradham has obtained a two weeks' vacation which he is spend ing at Glenn Springs. Mrs. Rosa Weinberg left last Wed nesday morning for Camden on a visit to her son, Dr. Abe Weinberg. - Mr. W. C. Gerald of Camden, father &of our townsman Mr. J. D. Gerald, is in Manning on a visit to his son. 'Miss Ella P. Martin and her sister, Miss Bertha Mitchum of Jordan, left yesterday for Milledgeville, Ga. Rev. P. A. Murray, Pastor of the Port Society Chapel in Charleston, will fill the Methodist pulpit here next Sun day morning and evening. When you want a modern. p-to-:date physic. try Chamberlain-s Stomach adLiver Tablets. They are easy to take and pleasant In effect. Price. 25 cents. Samples free at The R. B. Lor yea Drug Store. Isaac M. Loryea. Prop. (Mr. Arthur Nettles, stationed a~t Norfolk, Va., in the employ of the A. C. Line, ison a visit to his brother Mr. J. J. Nettles at Alcolu. Wood's Turnip Seeds. Plant them and you will be more than satisfiad with the results. The R. B. Loryea Drug Store. Mr. J. W. McLeod left this morning for Glenn Springs, and from there he will go to other health results. We hope the trip will restore him to robust ness again. Wood's Turnip Seeds. Read adver tisement in another column of THE MANNING TIMES. The R. B. Loryea Drug Store. The trustees of the Jordan Academy -elected as teachers for the ensuing term VProf. W. A. Stuckey Principal, of -Bishopville and Miss Tea Wells As sistant, of Jordan. The Woman's Paper, " The Inter lude," 34 pages, 10 cents per copy. Published in aid of the Woman's De partment South Carolina Inter-State and West Indian Exposition. For sale by The R. B. Loryea Drug Store. [it The trespass case tried before Magis trate Richbourg yesterday at Paxville M. C. Galluchat Esq., prosecutor, F. P. \ and E. S. Ervin defendants resulted in the acquittal of the defendants. There was a pleasant party given by Miss Carrie Legg at the home of her Smother, in honor of Miss Maud Me Keown, which was a great success; over forty young people were present. A bad complexion generally results iactive liver and bowels. In ai ises, WeWitt's Little Eadriy -produce gratifying resulis. The Loryea Drug Store, Isaac M. -.Prop. John G. Plowden of the Fork I us some freshly cured tobacco ~turday, which is considered by -competent to judge, good sand The weed was prematurely d but it is of good quality. Manning boys came home from erton with the "dry - went to that town with an~ ,hey could play ball, but they i't. Summerton didn't do a thing -m. but lick 'em out of their boots. piles that annoy you so will be -manently healed if you -.Vitch Hazel Salve. Be less counterfeits. The Drug Store, Isaac M. nmas, ason of Mr.IH. R. -- ter has enlisted in the [e was in Columbia last his father, who has con vthe young man's ad t by consenting to his -ts, reptiles, dogs. and ,tings of bees and wasps ntly treated with PAIN uickest and surest rem c.hes and soreness of any r sixty years, and sold -vwhere. Avoid substitutes, there u t one Pain-Killer, Perry Davis'. .e 25e. and 50c. Died, in Privateer township, Sumter county, last Sunday, Mrs. Julia Ardis, aged about 50 years. The funeral took place at Calvary church, this county. on Monday. The deceased was a Miss Geddings and had many relatives in Clarendon. At the meeting of the county board of Commissioners last Saturday. two applications to examine county offices, were read, and the commissioners de cided not to act until their next meet ing at which time any applications filed wil be considered. .3 The Methodist congregation gave their beloved pastor Rev P. B. Wells a months vacation. He will spend the time at Glenn Springs, Saluda and Clvde. Mr. Wells left this morning ae companied by his wife and infant daugh ter who will stop in Greenville. It is easier to keep well than get cured. DeWitt's Little Early Risers taken now and then, will always keep your bowels in perfect order. They never gripe but promote an easy gentle action. The R. B. Loryea Drug Store. Isaac M. Loryea, Prop. Mr. R. F. Turner one of the most suc cessful farmers on Santee. says that the cotton crop has improved very much lately, and if we can get good seasons from row on, in his opinion a half crop will be made. He says the people of his section have never work harder or more prudently. During last May an infant child of our neigh bor was suffering from cholera infantum. The doctors had given up all hopes of recovery. I took a bottle of Chamberla's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy to the house. telling them I felt sure it would do good if used ac cording to directions. In two days time the child had fully recovered. The child is now v~g orous and healthy. I have recommended this remedy frequently and have never known it to fail. Mss. CURTiS BAKER. Bookwalter. Ohio. Sold by The R. B. Loryea Drug Store. Isaac M. Loryea, Prop. Adjutant and Inspector General Floyd writes us, on account of this be ing a busy season he will not inspect the cavalry companies on the 20th, inst., as heretofore advertised. He will have his inspection in the fall season. The inspection ordered for the 20th, was not by his order. We know that the cavalrymen will be delighted with this news. General Floyd is a farmer him self,and he appreciates the value of the time of a man and a horse in the month of July. Judge Buchanan has rendered his decision in following taken under ad visement: S. J. Clark vs Manning Publishing Company, verdict of Magistrate's court sustained. Executors Estate S. C. C. Richardson vs Mrs. Rosa C. Galluchat, foreclosure of two mortgages. The mortgage upon which a partial payment had been made would be allowed to be foreclosed, the other was ordered marked satisfied by the clerk of court. You can never cure dyspepsia by dieting. What your body needs is plenty of good food properly digested. Then if your stomach will not digest it, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will. It contains all of the natural digestants hence must di gest every class of food and so prepare it that nvture can use it in nourishing the body and replacing the wasted tis sues, thus giving life, health, strength, ambition, pure blood and good healthy appetite. The R. B. Loryea Drug Store, Isaac M. Loryea, Prop. Under our pension laws injustice is sometimes done to very worthy cases. Mr. H. Jud Holladay, a badly wounded veteran was declared ineligible for a pension, because the tax books show that he is the owner of some lands. Capt.. D. J. Bradham, while in Colum bia a few days ago, called upon the au thorities and explained Mr. Holladay's condition and showed them that while the books showed a valuatibn that would cut Mr. Holladay out, the fact was the property is not worth the as sessment. Captain Bradham's visit re sulted in having Mr. Holladay put in the class which will give him a pen sion of $19.60. She Didn't Wear a Mask, But her beauty was completel-y hidden by sores. blotches and pimples till she used Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Then they vanished as will all Eruptions. Fever Sores. floils. Ulcers, Carbun cles and Felons from Its use. Infanlible for Cuts. Corns, Burns. Scalds and Piles. Cure guaran teed. 235c. at The R. B. Lorvea Drug Store. 3 Supervisor Owens had an experience which seems to abound in mystery. Last Saturday afternoon some of his children found a young crippled part ridge in his field, and they took it home for treatment, placed it in a cigar box and put it on the mantle in Mr. Owens' room. Sunday morning Mr. Owens looked into the box. and instead of one little partridge he found another the same size as the crippled one. How the second bird got into that box is a mystery, as Mr. Owens declares that no one outside of his family had been about the place, and all of them are as much mystified as he is. We have heard of men -seeing snakes, but the family would not see the things at the same time. How did the second bird get there? A Deep Mystery. It is a mystery why women endtire Backache. Headache. Nervousness, Sleeplessness. Melan choly. Fainting and Dizzy Spells when thous ands have proved that klectric Bi'.ters will quickly cure such troubles. "I su~ered for years with kidney trouble," writes Mrs. Phebe Cherley of Peterson. Ia.. "and a lame back pained me so I could not dress myself, but Elec tric Bitters wholly cured me. and, although 73 years old, I now am able to do all my houst work." It overeomes Constipation, improves Appetite, gives perfect health. Only 50c at Tlu R. B. Loryea Drug Store. 3 There has of late been quite a con troversy in the Florence county pa pers over a very unfortunate affair which occurred at Beulah last April, and, which was published in these col umns-the burglarizing the store of D. W. Alderman Son's Co., by a young man by the name of Zingle Hicks. The party wvas captured in the act and bound over for trial. When court convened the case was nol prosed, because the Alderman's did not care to prosecute. Since then there has been an effort made to create the impression that the boy is of unsound mind, and is the vie tinm of spite against the father on ac count of political difference. This is denied by a paper signed by 25 of the most substantial citizens of that com munity. It is indeed unfortunate that the friends of the young man were not content in saving the young man from prison, because their attempts to place such men as compose the D. W. Al derman Son's Company in a false posi tion by saying that the prosecution was the result of political differences, will not do. The Alderman's are straight forward business men, and their not pressing prosecution against one whom the., caught in their store stealing was charity for youth. The Hicks side of the controversy belies itself as the good people of the communiiy testify. Old Soldier's Experience. M. M. Austin. a civil war veteran of Winches ter. Ind., writes: "-My wife was sick a long time in spite of good doctor's treatment. but was wholly cured by Dr. Kintrs New Life Pills. which worked wonders for her health.'' They always do. Try them. Only '&5c at The IR. Ii. Loryea Drug Store. 3 Dispensary Report. Following is the recport of the e dispensary for the second qugr-te ing Ju tne 29. 1901: Net profits for April.......... Net profits for M1ay........ Net profits for June. Total........ ........ Pyny-Balsam RteIlev -- pzidmaee a eedv end of c A Horse Graveyard in Town. Those living in the near vicinity of the Clarendon tobacco warehouse feel outraged that the management of that property should have been permitted to bury dead horses on their lct. The warehouse property is surrounded by dwelling houses which are inhabited with human beings, and the burial of dead horses within a few feet of their drinking water wells is considered a menace to health. In a great many towns the authori ties look so carefully after the health that they have stoppad the burial of human beings within the corporate lim its and, have forced the putting of cem eteries as far otT as possible, but we know of no town in a civilized country which permits the burial of dumb brutes within its borders, and to allow such a thing to be done in the midst of a thickly settled neighborhood to save the cost of hauling, is certainly a piece of indifference for the welfare of a coin munity which, in our opinion, is little short of outrageous. The people are entitled to protection and we believe there is a remedy in the law, if those who are nearest to this horse grave yard will seek it. The owners of the warehouse prop erty or any one else should not be, for their convenience or economy, allowed to endanger the health of this town. Sumter today is afflicted with typhoid and other fevers on account of'the num ber of filth reservoirs that are within its limits: it is an alarming condition there, and the only remedy is a sewer age system. Shall we wait until our town is stricken before we cry halt? If the burial of dead horses is permitted, the town's prosperity will be checked, and the damage will extend to every piece of property here. There is nothing on earth so deserv ing of the jealous care of authorities as health. The cost of hauling off dead horses might be saved by burying the horses on your own premises, but how will that compare with the anxiety of neighbors who are in constant dread of disease. This is no trivial matter, but one which should have the earnest and immediate attention of the proper au thorities. The town council is not au thorized to grant a permit which will jeopardize the health of the town. Since writing the above we are in formed that Mr. Wilkins claims to have had permission from ecouncil to bury. dead animals on his lot. The board of health adopted a resolution yesterday afternoon prohibiting such outrages in the future. Tot Causes Night Alarm. "One night my brother's baby was taken with Croup.". writes Mrs. J. C. Snider of Crittenden. Ky.. "it seemed it would strangle before we could get a doctor, so we gave it Dr. King's New Discovery. which gave quick relief and perma nently cured it. We always keep it in the house to protect our children from Croup and Whoop ing Cough. It cured me of a chronic bronchial trouble that no other remedy would .relieve." Infallible for Coughs, Colds. Throat and Lang troubles. 50c and ,1. Trial bottles free at The R. B. Loryea Drug Store. 3 New School for Sumter. One of the best indications that Sum ter will become a great city, is the in terest its people are taking in educa tion. Beginning in September Colonel Clarence J. Owens will open up the Sumter Military Academy and Female Seminary. The faculty is a strong one, composed of the following: C. J. Owens, president: W. A. Buckner, D. A. Brad ham, W. A. Smoak, Jr., O. F. Hunter, J. M. Brailsford, Jr.. Miss E. E. Cooper, Miss Mary Wilson, Mr. L. Clifton Moise, Miss D. A. Sarling, Miss Annie P. Ewell, Miss Rosa Gillespie and Dr. J. A. Mood. Major David A. Bradham and Mr. J. M. Brailsford are Clarendon young men of sterling worth. Mr. L. Clifton Moise is of Sumter and from a very tal nted family. Miss Ewell may be re membered by our townsmen as being a very thorough teacher, she having taught here years ago. o The school promises to be a great success, and the announcing catalogue shows that Professor Owens has every confidence - in the laudable project. Read the advertisement in another col umn. Clarendon should be well repre sented at this new school. The Best Remedy for Stomach and Bowel Troubles. -"I have becn in the drug businass for twenty years and have sold most all of the proprietary medicines of any note. Among the entire list I have never'found anything to equal Chamber lain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for all stomach and bowel troubles." says 0. W. Wakefld of Columbus, Ga. " This remedy cured two severe cases of cholera morbus in my family and I have recommended and sold hun dreds of bottles of it toimly customers to their entire satisfaction. It affords a quick and sure ure in a pleasant form." For sale by The R. B3. Loryea Drug Store. Isaac M. Loryea, Prop. To the Seashore! A colored excursion will be run from Timmonsville to Charleston by way of Sumter, Tuesday, July 16, 1901. Two special coaches for white people. The round trip for only $1.50. This will be the grandest and most magnificent excursion ever run from this country. The promoters of this enterprise are men of means, and ar rangements have already been made in Charleston for a grand time. No money will be spared in arranging for your comfort and pleasure. Train leaves Timmonsville at 6:30 a. n.: Cartersville, 6:42; Lynchburg, 7; Mayesville, 7:22; Sumter, 7:40; Alcoalu, : Manning, 8:10. Our misfortunes would not amount to much wer-e it not for the comments of our friends upon them. Cures Blood Poison-Treatment Free. Blood poison is the wvorst disease on earth, yet the easiest to cure when B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) is used. Many have pimples, spots on the skin, ulcers, mucous patches, falling hair, itching skin, bone pains, rheumatism, catairh, eating, bleeding, festering sores, scrofula, scabs and scales, can cer, and don't know it is blood poison. Gets Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) $1. A few bottles guaranteed to cure the worst cases. Sold at drug stores. Treat ment of B. B. B. sent free and prepaid by writing to Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and free medical advice given until cured. B. B. B. thoroughly tested for 30 years. Cures when all else fails. B. B. B. makes the blood pure and rich, heals every sore, and stops all aches and pains. B. B. B. improves the digestion. Sold by The R. B. Loryea Drug Store. ' Some people think three or four times befoi'e speaking once, and then never say anything worth listening to. Bear the ~nYU~8w7~u Signature of Philosophers take things as they come. Rag-pickers and pick-pockets take tbhem as they go. I DON'T WAiT. If you knew how SCOTT'S SMIULS!0N would build you acrease your weight, .gthen your weak throat lug and put you in con tion for next winter, you gould begin to take it now. qend for free sample, and try it. SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists, 409'415 Pearl Street, New' York. 50e- andx $c.o; all druggists. his signature is on every box of the gem Laxative Bromo=Quinine Tnt. .he remedy that cures a cold in one 4 Prize Offered for Souvenir Design. The Women's Department of South Carolina Inter-State and IN, Indian Exposition will give a prize $10 for the best original design for venirs to be sold in the Women's Bu ing during the Exposition. This competition is open only women of South Carolina. Each sign must be sent to the undersigned July 1st, 1901. and must he accom nied by specifications for its cons, r tion. and the real name of competil in a sealed envelope, and not appear elsewhere, so that the name of com itor will not be known until the aw is made. Re jected designs will be returi upon application (with postage enc ed) made within thirty days after close of competition. The Executive Committee of the I men's Department will be the judge the competition. MRS. R. W.\ MEMMINGER, J.., Chr'n Com. on Souvenih 44 Pitt St., Charleston, S. C. Insurance. Call on or write me when wishing information on Life Insurance for tection or investment. I represent EQUITABLE. the recognized strong company financially in the world. J. H. LESESNE, Manning, S. C Another combination offer we making which we hope will prove inducement to make the people take increased interest in keeping up w the trend of events. Listen! We send you THE MANNING TIMES, ' Thrice-a-Week Edition of The 19 York World and The Farm and Ho for $2.25 a year. Remember that $2.25 we will send you all three of th papers. THE TIMES managem means to let the rest of the State that Clarendon county .supports a fe less and up-to-date county paper, a per that voices the views of its edit that has no boss and that has ever st by the people. The New York We three times each week is one of finest newspapers published in An ica. The Farm and Home is devo to agricultural, mechanical and hou hold interests and no farmer's fan should be without it. We want subscribers to take adv tage of this magnificent offer we making. l\otice. In accordance with a Joint Resc Lion authorizing and requiring County Board of Commissioners to h thoroughly investigated the pres condition of, and the workings of, public offices of Clarendon county the last past ten years, approved F ruary 20, 1901, the County Board Commissioners will receive applicatii for this work of investigation up to 1 regular meeting in August, Saturd the 3rd prox. All applications, m state the salary that will be required do this work. The Board reserves the right to ject ariiv and all applications. By order of Board. T. C. OWENS, Supervisor Manning, S. C., July 8, 1901. sTATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE BANK OF MANNIN AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS. JUNE 29., 1901. ASSETS. Loans and discounts...$139,698 Cash and due us -by other banks.................. 13,338 Real estate and furniture... 5,185 $158,222 LIABILITIES. Capital stock............ 40,000 Re-iscount................ 34,489 Surplus and profits.........2,322 Deposits..................63,410 8158,222 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. I CLARENDON COUNTY. f' I, JOSEPH SP~ROTT, Cashier of '. Bank Manning, do solemly. swear t1 the above statement is true accordi o the best of my knowledge and beli - JOSEPH SPROTT, Cashier Sworn to before me this 8th day July, A. D. 1901. J. T. STUKES, Notary Public for S. C Attest: A. LEVI, J. W. McLEOD, W. E. BROWN, Directog Not Fromi the Hlouseto need we proclaim the merits or Wood's Turnip Seeds. The people have rendered their decision a the general excellence and superiority of Wood's Turnip Seeds. They have been tested by time and hnv very reverend reputation " for germinat: We need not prate and protest about the vt Wood's Turnip Seeds, the people can be rielied upon to know a g thing when they see it, and the concensus public opinion is solely with Wood's Turnip Seeds. For many years we have been agents for justly popular and celebrated Wood's Turnip Seeds and it is with extreme gratification that we say that we have received the "meed or pra Wood's Turnip Seeds. With our usual extreme modesty we art dined at times to hide our light under a bus~ but the purity of Wood's Turnip Seeds cannot be hidden from the public who proci as with one voice that Wood's Turnip Seeds ar the best by tes'. The time is now fast proaching for planting Wood's Turnip Seeds. We have all varieties and you can plant 1 with perfect contidence that they will come( Only a word more-plan. Wood's Turnip Seeds and you wil! he more than satisfied with the suits. For sale only by 1B R. B. [ORI DRUG 810 ISAAC M, LORYEA, Proprietor, Si,<n of' tho Golden Morte MANNINC, S. C. 'PHONE NO. ~M~4fl4/GUARANTEED UNDER A * $5,000 DEPO3 R. R. FARE PAl 200 FREE Scholarships off S Write quick to na .-AA BUSINESS CLLEE,. Mann the of 0U ~ E want the Men andi Boys who are interested in good ild- Clothes to know where they can buy the de- ~'BEST CLOTHING AT THE BEST PRICE, a And unless you see our linie you will never know. i We want all who buy here to get Clothing they'll be thor >et- oughly satisfied with, andl we make our selections with that oh- 4 a ject in view, and keep the same purpose in mind when making & the price. ld- All our Clothing is priced tht anybody can sec '' BLINES NOCOH SOF ~'EQUAL r In this part of the State. il neber we show all the styles in . my ' lADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S OXFORDS at prices - the p e % l u ltigi rc: that. cnynnot ae bet.Ou e"t Walk=Over i Drew SelbySe 5 SShoes For Men Shoes For Ladies Van will fit better and last longer than any Shoe you can buy. Lhe ' ...OURLINE OF.. * SHIRTS FOR MEN & BOYS w for thtcno eba.Or4 w ese Is the largest ever shown in Manning before, and the Styles and ent '~ Patterns will please the most fastidious. see $ We carry a full line of "Mother's Friend" Shirt Waists for Boys )od n in all sizes. They are the best on the market. the If you want your edSummer Underwear Cheap se ily You should not miss seemng our line. an re ...OUR STOCK OF... -e ST9 AW HAT83 e Is complete and up-to-date in Style and Quality and must be sold REGARDLESS OF COST. When in town give us a ent We are headquarters for NECKWEAR. Our line of Neck he wear is unsurpassed in this section. for & We sell the best Collar ever offered in town before-a 4-ply eb- F eLinen Collar for 10c. of g Our ATWOOD SUSPENDER is cheap and the best ever sold :>n here. - he In fact we carry a full line of Goods usually found in a first ay, class Clothing and Gent's Furnishing Store. USt 9 . Anything in Wearing Apparel for Men and Boys, and a full I t and up-to-date line of Ladies' and Children's SHOES. We carr the bet that can be hdand guarantee every article we sell. a e- Having been favored with a large share of your patronage, we etend ur thanks to all. E Yours anxious to please, o 1C. m. DAVIS & CO a 90 ~a 00 Is selling out everything at a sacrifice. Now is your chance = to get your money's he worth. You had better come at once before the stock of is broken. This is not just one line, but Every thing. Yours for Bargains, S. i. TILL, Prop 5 toP Racket Store. be OWIJTO- rT TrIIE cof the CONSTANTLY INCEASING M D We are now carrying the largest and most varied stock of Hardware ever p can brought into the county. It has taken four years of constant push and effort to create this demand, but in view of the facts we do not feel that our exertions have been in vain, and will continue to use our best endeav ors along the same line of business integrity to increase the demand for our e goods. We have a large stock of Locks, Hinges and Build uILUO ers' Hardware generally. We are making Eaves, aim Troughs, Conductors, Pipe and Valley Tin which we are selling at the lowest possible prices. Do not forget to see us for Paints, Oils, etc.; we have them in all shades am and colors. O~pfO RO BATO DQ The season is approaching when you will want SERS, to put new Flues in your barns or repair old 1em ones. We are now taking orders for Flues and repairs, and will give you up. prices on them that will meet any competition. Our Flues this season will be made from the best Sheet Steel, every piece of which is carefully locked, grooved and riveted, thereby insuring re- perfect safety from fire; the elbows and T's are made of No. 24 Gauge sheets, and are strongly put together. We have all weights of sheets in R[ stock. and Flues will be made after any pattern desired. Write us if you have not the time to come to town and state what you want. We will quote you prices by return mail. HOSEKEEEDRQ If your Stove does not give satisfaction-if it is OL iLE LRU cracked and Iills your house with smoke, if it does not bamke properly, dispose of it-life is too short to be filled with annoy ances of that kind--and get one of our 0. K. or Garland, Jr., Cook Stoves. ir then you wixll have done with one source of unpleasantness and mlake the L preparation of your meals a pastime rather than a bore. When in want of Crockery come and see the beautiful assortmen~ft we have to show you. We have a. nice lot of Stone Churns and Flower- Pors: - 2. also Ice Cream Churns and Water Coolers. -. BICYCLES t W reaet for the CoubaBccetestandard1 of pany. We also have a full line of Bicycle~Repairs. S1'f V ery t ruly yours. zManning Hiardware CO. IN THIS DAY OF : SClo~se Co m etiio gP A Cash buyers are wakeful and watchful for the oppor tunities that a wide awake store always has to offer. 4 Keeping in close touch with our store gives your . CASH the POWER to pull good things your way.,,. o IN WHITE GOODS, As in all other lines, we excel, and this stock in partien lar is now teeming with the loveliest weaves, beautiful ;".. in their snowy whiteness and summer brightness. hsi h eao o ht o Goods, including fine French . Organdies, Lace Effects, P. -O . K.'s, Dimities, Silk Mulls, Nainsooks, Linen Lawns & SN India Linons. ~F Every lady who has segn this stock of ours is singing . C its praises. a tiThis week we invite your speeal attention to sev eIal lots of White Goods. w s e We have made special prices on these goods and say without hesitation they are the gGet s au sEvr Grea to puluodehs yoer wy o erled elo nd This Line.... i QUA LITY ist, Is the best No.- India Linon ever of fered and would be cheap at 15; our price iss. ..: Reduced prices on the higher grades as well. " QUA LITY 2nd, Is a Lace Stripe Lawn, and should bring 15, but we get only .............. ORDradsine Lace Effect, P.r A Issheer, well worth 25, but we have marked it.... India inons - And No.- 4 Is the regular 20 P. K.'s every d where; our price .--------------------------------. *C .-0 While No- 5 Eelipses all past efforts, being a large - a lot of Wide Plain Lawn, good for Linings any c -- way, at the low price of.t If you miss this sale your aim is poor. Palm Leaf Fans at 1 . Old Reliable, bRIGBY. Watches and Jewelry. I want my friends and the pnblie generally to know that when in need of a Wedding, Birthday or Christmas Present, in the fatnre, as well as the past, I am prepared to supply them. biy line of tches Clocks Sterling Silver Diamonds Jewelry Cut Glass Fine China Wedgewood Spectacles and Eye Glasses mplete, and it will afford me pleasure to show them. Special and prompt attention given to all Repairing in my line ices to suit the times. intic Coast Line I A fh f A SUMTER. ratch Inspector. W . .FOLSOM S."C" . Vm. E. Holmes & Co., 209 East Bay, - CHARLESTON, S. C. -Dealers in PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH AND BRUSHES, LANTERNS, TAR PAPER AND BUILDING PAPER. Headquarters for the Celebrated Palmetto Brand of Cylinder, Planing, En Oils and Greases. r II RipansTabules Doctors find 4 wood Prescription for Mankind. .FMR 5CENTS AvDauG SToREs BRING YOUR oBWORK TO THE TINES OFFICE.