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7he thuhnin imc. i;LLISHES ALL COUNTY AND TOWN OFFICIAL ADVERTI-EIlENTS NANNING, S. C.: WEDNESDAY. DEC. 2, 186. PRICES SPEAK WHILE BRAU ONLY WHISPERS. ?':' unshels red iust-proof oats at 45c and 55e per bushcl.e These oats were bought for the cash at greatly reduced prices and if I had to buy now I would have to ask 10c more per bushel. 200 lbs.1 Liverpoor salt, coarse and fine,. 100 lb sacks at 50e, salt clean and white. Best apple vin egar only 25c pee gallon, worth 35c. 10 pails apple, strawberry and cur rant jelly, only 5c per lb. We expect to receive this week from the im porters a large lot of raisins, currants and citron for making Christmas cake. We will have a lar-e lot of seedless raisins also, ladies. 'Ve have now in stock a large line of very fine pickles and catsups: give us a call when you want something nice. -A large lot of cotton batting for mak ing quilts and comforts, only 10c per lb. We have a large stock of jeans, both wool and wool-mixed, at very close prices. Call when you want any of these goods. A large stock of blankets and comforts we are offer ing very close. See our holiday ad vertisement in another column. Yours for the cash only, W. E. JENKINSON. The State Baptist Association is in ses sion in Charleston. J. H. Lesesne has just opened up a fine assortment of tire works. Rigby's store is now being fitted up to make room for Santa Claus. A handsome Christmas present can be bought at Levi's for.little money. Thomas & Bradham have just received a car load of ftne horses and mules. Business is at a stand-still to-day on account of the severity of the weather. Next Monday is salesday and the sheriff will sell several tracts of valuable land. Several couples from here went to the Manning mansion on Thanksgiving day. Please come and settle your subscrip tions. We do not want to cut off a sub scriber. Moses Levi invites the public to his store to inspect his large stock of Christ mas goods. Thomas & Bradham claim to be able to sell horses and mules cheaper than any 'other market. The biggest auction of horses and mules of the season will take place at Legg's stables next Monday. Whathas became of Brockinton's up-to date-drng store? Look up his ad. Ne-srs. Heckheimer and Gambrecht of Baltimore. known on the road as the Siam ese twins spent to-day in our town. See 'What Brockinton is oftering to every body Mr. Moses Levi is having his elegant mansion thoroughly renovated and beau tifred and when the work is completed he will have the finest house in this section of -the State. - gars in town at RB. Loryea's. The town council meets next Monday uight and at said meeting the clerk will have to report those in arrears in the tax payment. Penalty on property and arrests for street tax will follow. For pure, -fresh candies go to B. B. Loryeati dru~g store-. nrgnnJohn L. Mctaurin was seece t dver the annual oration at I Clemson and after -accepting was forced to decline on account of pressing business, which calls him out of the State. . .If you want beef, pork, or sausages that is nicely handled, give Arthur Lowery your order. Gen. J. L. Stoppelbein, of Summerville, has invented a ,roll to feed typewriters. Now if he will invent something to feed the friends of typewriters a whole multi tude of dudes will rise up and call him Syrup of Rock Candy, Horebound and] Tolu is the best for coughs andecolds, 35c. a bottle. it. B. Loryea, the druggist. -. The story published in the. Charleston Post last Saturday, entitled "By the Pool Asphar," written by Mrs. N. T. Purdy, of this place. is a valuable contribution to Biblical literature. We are imformed that Mrs.Purdy is now engaged in . writing a drama. Golden inachine oil is the best for gins and mills,for sale by R. B (Loryea,the drug gist. A young colored man was killed at Pine wood lastweek by -jnmping off the train while in motion. He boarded the train at Remini an'd when Pinewood was called out he went out on the platform andleaped off. No blame is attached to the railraad offi cials. Reward-Strayed from my residence a Small pointer bitch, white, with liver spots, answers to name of Lucy. Reward paid fer-her return to me or to 0. E. Webber .at Manning. W. E. DANIELS. A telephone exchange has been organized in Manning. A committee was appointed to buy the instramefits and make all the necessary arrangements. When all the ar rangeme-nts are complete I St. Paul, Sum merton, Davis and other points will be connc eted with this place. Married-last Thursday night, by Rev. S. E. Bishop, of Salem, Mr. 'Van DuBose and ""fiss ttie Player, daughter of Mr. J. M. Player. elie-ouple attended a school ex hibition given by-Miss '-.arland's school, and while the assemblage were enjoying the exercises they quietly slipped away and went to the preacher's house and had the nuptial knot tied. Preserve your eyes; buy a pair of spec tacles or eyeglasses from R. B. Loryea, the druggist. No eharge for fitting the eyes. On .Thanksgiving day the business houses gave their clerks a holiday and the young men spent the day hunting and other pleasures. One of the principle sources of fun was shodting for turkeys at ten cents a shot, and to the surprise of most everybody some of our crack shots came away with nary turkey, while others who do not make a pretense towar~is mark-i manship carried off several. efteblood whica can sos scrofulous eruptions are thoroughly1 eradicated by Hood's :sarsapailla. Manuning's trees which have become fa mous for their beauty are now wrapt in ain icy emnbraoe and a great many of-. them are dlaumged to a great extent; some are totally destroyed. l'his is the most severe freeze we have experienced in many years, and the outside world's communication is completely hushed. All the telegraph wires are broken down and the trains muust necessarily bs slo and late in comning in. We offer One Hondred D~ollars Reward for any case ef Catarrh that c.anot be eured1 by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENET & CO., Props. Toledo, 0. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Chenrey for the past 15 years, and believe him pertectly honorable in :dl business transactions and financially able to carry outanyv obligations made by their tirm. Wiest & rax, wholesale druggists, T1oedo, O. Waling, Kinuan & Marvin, wholesale druggist Toledo, Ohio. Hall' C atarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directiy upon the blood and mucons surfacs of the system. Price, 75c. pr ott' bol by all drnemists. Testimion A HIGH COMPLIME.N T. READQAI.TERS S. C. VOLITNTEER TttoJrs 1sT EIIGADE CAVALRY Summerville, S. C. Nov. 28th 1896. Lient-Col. D. W. Brailsford. Condg. 2nd Squadron Cavalr, Panola, S. C. M: Tear C >lonrl: I t'i toat I wonid be ftlsev to lily s1nse of vtreI notto pl,'.e mtsl fa *11 le e, ri ac nflioially thankirig. yon an i -ei.ini tor the barni'.nme . hspiay .ade o the parLle a~t Coltuioia rtcez ilv. as wrl .iA the w.odier 'uanner in mtiarchl:%g to ('o u'abi.. I 'nn inot fin, words aeqnate to (xprs, un iin11ration for your men, and -hai ., ny u hold theui lip as an extoll p!t fm ot' r comnxMarsds to follow. With aw anees of my Lighest pei sonal regard an; e.steeu for you an.d each of your officers and mten I remain. Yours very truly. Jos. L. SToPPELBEIN, Brig. General Commanding. .\iarried last Wcdnesdaty evening hv tv. J. 0. Gough at the residence of the brile's mother, Mr. IlIghson J.kyroe and .is Fannie Lewis. UUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for cuts, brnises, sores, icers, salt rhen, fever I Dres, tetter, chapped hand', chilblains, :orns and all skin eruptions, and positively :nres piles or no pay required. it is guar teed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25c. per box. For sale by 1R. B. Loryea. ELECTRIC BITTERS. Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for iny season, but perhaps more generally teeded, when the languid exhausted feel ng prevails, when the liver is torpid and fluggish and the need of a tonic and alter itive is felt. A prompt use of this medi ,ine has often averted long and perhaps htal bilious fevers. No medicine will act :ore surely in counteracting and freeing :be syctem from the malarial poison. Head tche, Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness ,ield to Electric Bitters. 50c. and $1.00 Der bottle at R. B. Loryea's drug store. Aug J. Bogel. the leading druggist of 3breveport. La., says: "Dr. King's New Discovery is the only things that cures my :ougb, an ddt is the best seller I have." J. F. Campbell, merchant of Safford, Ariz., writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery is all bat is claimed for it; it never fails, and is L sure cure for Consumption, cough and .olds I cannot say enough for its merits." Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump o-i, conghs and colds is not an experi rent. It has been tried for a quarter of a -entury, and to-day stands at the head. It iever disappoints. Free trial bottles ut It. B. Loryca's. RELIGIOUS NOTICE. The communion meeting in Manning Presbyteriau church will be next Saturday ind Sabbath. The Rev. John C. Bailey, iummerton. is expected to preach one ;ermon on Saturday at 11:30 o'clock, a. m. Dr. W. M..McPheeters, of the Theological 5eminary of Columbia will preach on abbath at 11 o'clock, a. M., and 7:30. p. m. JAzs McDowsu., Paster. 'When most needed it is not onusual for Four family physician to be away from iome. Such was the exoerience of Mr. J. Y. ;chenck. editor of the Caddo, Ind. Ter., Banner, when his little girl, two years of ige was threatened with a severe attack of :roup. He says: "My wife insisted that I go for the doctor, but as our family physi :ian was out of town I purchased a bottle >f Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, which 'elieved he'r immediately. I will not be vithout it in the future." 25 and 50 cent otles for sale by Dr. R. B. Loryea, drug ;ist. MajorOC. T. 'Picton is manager of tbe state Hotel, at Denison, Texas, which the raveling men say is one of the best hotels z? that section. In speaking of Chamber in's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy Jajor Picton Says: "I have used it myself ud in my family for several years, and ake pleasure in saying that I consider it .n infallible cure for diarrhoea and dysen ery. I always recommend it, ad have requently administered it to my guests n the hotel, and in every case it has prov n itself worty of nnqualified end -rsemnent. ~or sale by R. B. Loryoa, the druggist. The wife of Mr. D. Robinson, a promi ient lumberman of Hartwick, N. Y.. was ick with rheumatism for five mouths. In peaking of it. Mr. Rohinson says: "Chamberlain's Pain Balm is the only hing that gave her tny rest from pain. ?or the relief of pain it cannot be beat." dlany very had cases of rheumatism have >een cnred by it. For sale at 50 cents er bottle by R. B. Loryea, the druggist. CHRISTMAS. Christmas is almost here and. fruit cakes are in order. I only want to inform the ladies that I have citron, oatmeal: rolled oats, buck wheat, raisins, currants, prunes, pepper, maccaromi, Bologna, hams, octagon soap In the way of general groceries I keep best flour, sugar, several grades of coffee, best tea, lard, rice, grits, starch, baking i powder, bacon, soda, soap, lye, condensed milk, canned toma toes, canned soup, already cooked, canned salmon, genuine Columbia River salmon, Ameri can sardines, genuine French Sardines, best cheese, pure- but ter, snow flakes, ginger snaps, sodas, lemon, and other erat-kers, fincy candies, tobaccos, etc. I do handle a line of th~e best selected shoes in Man ning. I want the public to examine them, also Dry Goods. I want the boys to know that my store will be head quarter-s for fire-works this Uhristmas. No old fir'ecrack ers that will not pop, but good onee. I have a line of choice box paper and en velopes to suit for the Christ mas trade. .I. H. LESESNE. There will be a big sale of horses and anles at Legg & Hutchinson's stables iext Monday. Everybody come. Thomas & Bradhami are going to put ~very farmer in the county in a position to uy a w agon and a bugg. They have just received a car load of both. Notice to Creditors. All persons having claims against the sstate of Nelson Rt. Counsr, deceased, will present tiemf duly attested and those >wing said estate will make payment to Jous E. Covsa. E xceutor. Sardinia, S. C., Nov. 21, 199. FOR SALE. 100 acres of good farming land with new: buildtngs on easy terms. Apply to 31. L. SAULS, Sardinia, S. C. Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach. Ripans Tabules cure dyspepsia. Ripans Tabules cure indigestion. Ripans Tabules cure headache. Ripans Tabules cure liver troubles. Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative, Ripans Tabules: one gives relief, Ripans Tabulcs cure cnstipationn_ Why Do people buy Hood's Sarsaparilla In prefe ence to any other,- in fact almost to the excl slon of all others? Because they know that Hood's Sarsap rilla cures when others fail. The question of best is just as positively d, cided In favor of Hood's Sarsaparilla, as ti question of comparative sales. Remember, Hoods Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. 8 Prepared only by c. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mas cure Liver Ills; easy t Hood's Pills take,easy tooperate. W OUR CHRISTMAS BELLS THEY RING FOR ALL A CHEERFUL CALL TO CHRISTMAS BARGAINS! Never so good! Never s Cheap: Our beautiful displa; of Holliday Gifts is opened an ready. The newest ideas. th best selections, the most apprc priate and desirable presents i fairest figures. Reimember, thi splendid assortment contains th right thing for every person-ol middle-aged. or young. We wil please you. We vill satisfy. W wvill fill your wants, be they larg Dr small, with the most suitabI presents at the fairest price Come in and see the latest an best in Christmas Goods of a] kinds, Wagons. Carts, Hobb; Horses, Baby Carriages, Fire Works, etc. Seedless Raisins ii 1 lb. packages, Citron, Currant .nd Nuts. Comforts and Blanket it reduced prices. Ladies' Cloak md Capes at astonishingly loi prices; all other goods cheape Whan the cheapest. Innumerabl attractive and appropriate gift which we lack space to enumei ate. Don't fail to see our Holi Jay Display. A thoroughly first lass stock.combining quality an legance with prices within th reach of all. Visitors are cordi ally invited. Come in and se how satisfactory Christmas shop ping can be made, how well w ean fill your wants, and how fa wve can make your money go: Come and see the sights. Yours truly, S. A. RIGBY. 0 At the old stand. DUCKER & BULTMAN CO SUMTER, S. C, THIS STORE doesn't believe in injuring its future. It does not advertise prices which will tempt-you here and then tell you that the product you came to see has just been sold. It is not that kind of a store. Every price quoted in this ad. is a fact. Come and see ! Mingle with the great throng of patrons who prove by their presence that this firm is one which treats the peo pie right! Sugars are Higher But we are selling 20 lbs. best granulated for $1.00. 100 lbs best granulated for $4.75. 22 Ibs, light brown for $1.00. 100 lbs. light brown for $4.25. Cut Loaf Sugar. Icing Sugar. Conf. XXXX A. Sugar. Coffees. Rio's, 12 1-2, .15, 18, and 20s. Old Gov't Java. Laguayra. Mocha. Santas. M aracaibo. Flour will be higher. "Swansdown," finest made, .bbl. $5.25. "Swansdown," finest made, one-half bbl. $2.75. "Diadem" Roller Patent, bbl. 4.60. Weats. Smoked Sides, D. S. Sides, Sugar Cured Hams and Strips, always at lowest prices the day order is re ceived. New Goods. MINCE MEAT. DRIED PIGS. EVAPORATED FRUITS. SEEDLESS RAISINS. SHELLED ALMONDS. CURRANT JELLY. PINE AH-PLE CHEESE. NEW FCUCKWHEAT. The Dudrer & Bultman Cc Sumter, S.~ C. SPECTACLES AND E"E CLASSES R.B. LORYEA THE DRUGGIST, Has the exclusive sale of KELLAM & MOORE'8 -: -- CRYSTAL LENSE Spectacles and Eye Olasse We have a complete stock of the fine goods.,.and take special care fitting the eye and guarantee sat faction. Remnewi.r, we ma?e: charge for testing your eyes and ting glasses. Our prices are moderate, but dol forget, if you want prescriptions curately compounded from pure al fresh medicines, always go to R. B. LORYEA, THE nDrannT State of South Carolina COUNTY OF CLARENDON. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. r- William H. Bradham, Louisa A. P Bryant, Theodocius M. Stukes Kate B. Folsom and Atlee Brad ham, Pla;ntiffs e against Charles A. Bradham, E. Manle: Bradham, Lamar Bradham, Mend enhall Bradham, and Bruce Brad ham, the last four named infant under the age of twenty-one years Defendants. 1. . Decree for Partition and Sale. o UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A Decretal order of the Court of Com - mon Pleas, in the above state< cause, to me directed, bearing dat the 31st day of October 1896, I wil sell at punlie auction, to the highes bidder, for cash, at Clarendon cour house, at Manning, in said county within the legal hours for judicia sales, on Monday 7th day of Decem ber 1S96, being salesday, the follow o iug described real estate: "Ail of that parcel of land contain ing thirty-three and one-third acres d more or less, bounded north by par e cel No. 1, allotted to Charles A. Brad ham; east and south by lands of Mis: Caroline Weinberg, and west by th( t public road known as the Sumte: S road. e Purchaser to pay for papers. D. J. 1RADHAM, Sheriff Clarendon County. Manning, S. C., Nov. 11, 1896. e STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA County of Clarendon. 3 COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Marion Moise Plaintiff against a Charles M. Neal, Defendant. S Judgment of foreclosure and Sale S UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A s Judgment order of the Court of Com mon Pleas, in the above stated ac tion, to me directed, bearing dat< r October 26th 1896, I will sell a - pub e lice auction, to the highest bidder for cash. at Clarendon court house S at Manning, in said county, withir the legal hours for judicial sales, or Monday, the 7th day of December 1896, being salesday, the following described real estate: "All my right, title and interest being an undivided half interest ir and to all that piece, parcel or trac1 of land situated in Clarendon countv e and State of South Carolina, contairi ing two hundred and fifty-sever acres, more or less; bounded on the e north by the Brown place; on the r east by lands of the estate of Beat son; on the south by lands of Mrs S. L. Lynum; and on the west by the public road leading to Sumter. Purchaser to pay for papers. DANIEL J. BRADHA.M, Sheriff Clarendon County. Manning, S. C., Nov. 11, 1896. State of South Carolina, County of Clarendon. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS Aaron Weinberg Plaintiff against H. E. Broadway, Margaret D. Dority Martha R. Broadway, WV. B. Broad way, Rosa Weinberg, B. P. Broad way, J. F. Broadway, and W. R Broadway, the last two infant: under the age of twenty-one, De fendants. Judgement of Foreclosure and Sale UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF i judgment order of the Court of Coin mon Pleas, in the above stated ac tion, to me directed, bearing dat October 31st 1896, I will sell at publi auction, to the highest bidder, fo cash, at Clarendon court house, a Manning, in said couty, within th4 legal hours for judicial sales, on Mon day, the 7th day of December 1896 being salesday, the following de scribed real estate: "All that piece, parcel or tract o land, lying, being and situate ii Clarendon county, in State aforesaid containing fifty-four (54) acres, an< bounded and butting as follows, t< wit: North by public road known a: the Fulton and Manning public road east by lands of John Boswell; souti by lands of Miss Mary Villepontoux and west by lands of Mrs. J. W Weeks." Purchaser to pay for papers. D. J. BRADHAM, Sheriff Clarendon County. Manning, S. C,, Nov. 11, 1896. The State of South Carolina. CLARENDON COUNTY. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. The Bank of Manning, Plaintiff, against James E. Davis, W. Scott Harvir D. M. Bradhamn, B. A. Walker, an I. I. Bagnal, Trustees and Inco> porators of The Manning Colleg ate Institute, Defendants. Judgment of Foreclosure and Salh UNDER AND BY VIRTUE 0: a Judgment Order of the Court c the Common Pleas, in the abov~ stated action, to me directed, bario date the 26th day of Octobca, 1896. will sell at public auccion, to th highest bidder, upon terms belo 'mentioned, at Clarendon Couw House, at Manning, in said Count: -within the legal hour3 for judicih -sales, on the 7th day- of Decembe: 1896, being salesday, the followin described real estate: ,"All that piece, parcel, or lot< Iland, lying, being, and situate -- the Town of Manning, in the Count of Clarendon, in the State aforesai< containing two acres and thirty-fix Lperches, and bounded ana butting a follows, to wit: North by Clark street or the ol Gieorgetown road; east by Brooks < Main street; south by .the Methodi: Sparsonage lot and lot of Joseph ] SRhame; and west by College stree The said lot or parcel of land beir the same upon which The Mannir U Collegiate Institute now stands, an sis more particularly described in - plat of the same made by P. (1. Bel is- bow, surveyor,dated September 11tI s-1889. and recorded inthe office of t Do Register of Mense Conveyance f4 it- Clarendon County, in book 'W. W page 6." , Terms of sale: "Cash, and that tthe bid be not complied with tI 1.c- sheriff shall resell without the fa ad ther order of this Court until tl sale be effected." Purchaser to pay for papers. DANIEL J, BRADHAM, State of South Carolina. COUNTY OF CLARENDON. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. The Carolina National Bank of Co. luinbia, a Corporation Incorporat ed By and Under the Laws of the United States, Plaintiff, against John P. Brock, George ). Thaxton. and James D. Martin,. Copartners as George ). Tliaxton & Co.: ;The Bmnk of Maning, a Corporation Incorporated By and Under the Laws of South Carolina: V. Scott Harvin, William 11. Weimer, lionard Watkins, Addison iR. Wrb rht, Harr B3. Vore-is, Co partners as Veiian1, Wrighlit & Wat !ins: Reid Fertilizer (Company, , a Corporation dulv Chartered un der th~e Laws of Soittli Carolin:: Thos. ). Stokes. W. 1). Sinmions, Copartners as Stokes & ihuinous; H1arriett 0. Hall, T . loultrie Mor decai and J. II. Pringle. Rteecevers, etc.: Bardwin & Muroch. 'Siingluti, Joinson & Co.: J. C. H. Claussen & Co.: J. F. Werner & Co.; Johnsun Crews & Company, McGahan. i Brown & Evans: G. A. Norwood & < 1'o.; Marshall. Westcoat & Co.; C. Wilborn & Co.; State Savings Bank, a Corporation Incorporated by and tinder the laws of this State (South Carolina), Defendants. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A t Judgment Order of the Court of t Common Pleas, ir the above stated I action, to me directed, bearing date t October 30th, 1S96, I will sell at pub- I lie auction, to the highest bidder, f upon terms below meLtioned, at I Clarendon Court House, at Manning. i in said County, within the legal I hours for judicial sales, on Monday, the 7th day of December, 1896, being c salesday, the following described real ( estate: S "I. That lot of land in Summerton, t containing six thousand, three hun- s dred; and seventy-five square feet, v more or less, and measurirg forty v two and one-half feet front, by one a hundred and fifty feet deep. Bound- c ed north by a street running east 1 and west; east by lot and store of I Dr. T. L. Burgess; south by lot of i Mrs. H. C. Ingram, an~d west by store and lot of Rutledge & Dingle. The c said land having been conveyed to me by S. G. White. 2. That parcel of land containing f forty-one acres, bought of Josephine c R. Holladay, bounded north by land a of Mrs. J. M. Sprott; east and south I by land of C. M. Davis; and west by lands of J. Elbert Davis. Terms of sale cash, and if the sale 1 be not complied with the sheriff may } resell the same, as often as may be I necessary, until the property be fi- I nally disposed of, without any fur- j ther order of this court." Purchaser to pay for papers. r D. J. BRADHAM, 8 Sheriff Clarendon Co. Manning, S. C., Nov. 11, 1896. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CLARENDON. COURT OP COMMON PLEAS.. Moses Levi, Plaintiff, against Marion L. Bochett, Defendant. Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A Judgment Order of the Court of Common Pleas, in the above stated action, to me direced, -earizg diate October 31st, 1896, I will sell at pub lie auction, to the highest bidder, upon the terms mentioned below, at Clarendon Court House, at Manning, in said County, within legal hours for judicial sales, on Monday. the 7th1 day of December, 1800O, being sales day, the following described real es tate: "'All that piece. parcel, or tract of land, situate, lying and being in the county of Clarendon and State afore said, near Jack's Creek, containing twenty-three (23) acres, more or less, and bounded as follows, to wit: On the north and east by lands of B. M. Bochett; on the south by lands of Mrs. F. P. Abrams; and on the west by the public road known a:s the. "Vance's Ferry Road." The above described property to be sold for cash, and if the bids be not complied with, the sheriff may resell as often as may be necessary and un til a sale be effected and the bid com plied with. Purchaser to pay for papers. D. J. BRADHAM, Sheriff Clarendon Co. Manning. S. C., Nov. 11, 1896. STATE OF SOUTH CAROUINA, Clarendon County, COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Charlotte M. Reaves, Emily J. In gram, Sarah A. Bass, Wiley K, Bell and John C. Bell, Plaintiffs against John C. Johnson, Terah B. Johnson, Willie WV. Johnson, Walter 0. John son, Kimbough J. Johnson, and Eunice R. Johnson, Defendants. Decree for Partition and Sale. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A Judgement order of the Court of Common Pleas, in the above stated Saction, to me directed, bearing date, October 31st 1896, I will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, upon terms below 'mentioned, at Claren don court house, at Manning, in said county, within the legal hours for judicial sales, on Monday, 7th day of December 1896, being salesday, the following described real estate: ~"All that lot of land in the town of f i'anning, County of Clarendon and State of South Carolina, containing e one and one-half acres, be the same I more or less, bounded as follows, e viz: North by a street of said town Ssometimes called West Boundry t street and running and extending in , the direction of the depot of the 1 Central Railroad: east by Church , street; south by lot of WV. WV. Legg, i formerly lands of Legg & Bell and known as Legg & Bell's livery stable f lot, and wvest by the main street of 12 said town, sometimes called Brooks y street. Terms of sale: one-half cash , and the balance on a credit of one e year, secured by a bond of the pur *s chaser (bearing seven per cent in terest) and a mortgage of the prem d ises sold, the buildings to be insured rad te olicy or policies assigned to tthe sheriff for the benefit of the par . ties in interest, with leave to the pur . chaser to pay all cash." gPurchaser to pay for papers. D. J. BRADHAM, a Sheriff Clarendon County. -Manning, S. C., Nov. 11, 1896. Ripans Tabules cure dizziness. f Ripans Tabules. e Ripans Tabules cure bad breath. Ripans Tabules cure biliousness. Ripans Tabules cure flatulence. Ripans Tabules assist digestion. Ripans Tabules cure nausea. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLIN PlARENDON COUNTY, COURT OF COMMON PLE Moses Levi, Plaintiff against Dolly Davis Evans, John Jan Evans. Henry Edward Evans, I lian Haiupton Evans, Wade R mus Evans, Robert Ellison Eva: Van Silas Evans. Elizabeth Da lierri ngton, Rebecca Singlet Evan.4, Susan Agnes Watts, a John 1). Evans. Defendants Tudgment of Foreclosure and Sa Under and By Virtue Of A jud nent order of the Court of Coami leas. in tne above stated action, ne directed, ibearing date the , lay of October 18%U, I wil sell mIblic , ,a:ion, to the highest bi ier, upou L..:mnS below mentioned, !arendon court house, at Manni> n said county, within legal hou or judicial sales, on Monday 7th d if December 1896, the followh lescribed real estate: "1. All that piece, parcel or tra if land lying, being and situate .Itrendoa County, and State afoi aid, '..ining one hundred ax weis 0) acres, more or less, ax >our follows to wit: Nor v a. -eyed by Wade Ham on Ei obertEllisonEvans,ai inds o Plowden; east by lan, rmerly rank Herrington; soul y lands o' Ilenry W. Evans; ax est by l. ids of Robert Ellis( vans." 11. "All that piece, parcel, or tra f land lying, being and situate 3arendon county and State afor aid, containing one hundredj ax wenty (120) acres as per plat ame drawn by H. Johnson, D. .nd dated the fourth day of Febr .ry 1890, and bounded and buttix .s follows, to wit: North by lani f E. R. Plowden; east and south I inds conveyed to William Hampt< ;vans by Wade Hampton Evans,ar rest by lands of E. N. Plowden." "III. All that piece, parcel or tra f land lying, being and situate larendon county and State afor aid, containing one hundred ar e (105) acres, as per plat of san rawn by Harper Johnson, D. nd dated February 4th 1890, ax ounded and butting as follows, it: North by lands of E. R. Plo, en; east by lands conveyed to W iam Hampton Evans by Wa< fampton Evans; south by lands V. H. Evans; and west by lands I. N. Plowden and Wade Rasmi :vans." "IV. All the rest and residue ar emainder of the mortgaged pren es, and the quantity of the san ay be ascertained before or aft he day of sale by a surveyor or I .ny other competant means, savir .nd excepting from this sale, eight even (87) acres of the mortgag remises to which it appears tl laintiff now has a deed, the eight even acres being described as f< ws, viz: Eighty-seven acres of lax onveyed to William F. Herringt< >y Wade H. Evans, bounded nor nd east by Brewington Swam outh by lands of the estate of He y Evans; and west by lands of W iam Hampton Evans." Terms of sale, one-half cash, t] >alance on a credit of one year, ured by a bond of the purchaser, urchasers with a mortgage or mol ages of the premises sold, beari nterest from day of sale, with t. >ivilege to pay altasb. if- the pt hseror-paisiasers may so ele< nd if the bid or bids be not co: lied with the sheriff shall resi vithout further order of this cou intil a valid sale shall be effected Purchaser to pay for papers. D). J. BRAD)HAM, Sheriff Clarendon County. Manning, S C., Nov 11, 1896. & Great Slaughter :-: :-: hi Pric .We are offering to the public the >. -rgains that have ever bee 4 by any merchant in Manna. WVe have not space here to mention many of our articles, but will call your atten tion to a few. For 87 ets we will give you a $1.25 pr Blankets. For $1.75 we will give you a pr of Blankets that are sold else~ where for $2.25. For $2.83, will give you at all-wool pr of Blankets. A $1.25 Comfort for $1.00. All wool suits for $3.50, ur to $15.00, and a full line o: Gents' FurniPeing Goods. $1.5( pants going at 89c. Shoes ! Shoes! Shoes!I Ladies' Shoes, from 75c uj to $3.50. Men's Shoes, from $1.0( up to $3.50. S>H. D, RIF.~ J. L. Wilson. NOTARY PUBLIC. -AGENT FOR THE HOME MUTUAL FIRE P] TECTION ASSOCIATION OF S. C. r ->tects from Fire, Wind, at Lightning. C. C. LESLIE, wHOLEsALE AND BETAIL COMMIsSION DEAEI IN Fish, 0ysters, .-oo Gamie ad Poifl Fish packed for country orders a sp< ty Ne ..rges for packing. Send list .ments of country produ( resp licited. Poultey, eggs, - es -I and 2 Fish Market. C A. PRESENTS FOR TE U r. FK pREIIILDRE8 PRESENTS FOR TE 0 FOLKS ies .is- - :id -i-~mnaa missri isi is. >n to st at dI at rs - LV Dear Children: t I have decided to open up my headquarteis at the store of W. E. Jenkiuson, he haviug couseue ei to let we have a por tion of his store for the purpose of displaying and distributing d my presents to the the children of Manniiin' and Clarendon id County. I expect to arrive at my h 3adquarters about Decem ;h ber 10th and remain with vou until after Christmas. Here ~ you will see the largest line of Toys and Christmas Goods ev er brought to Mauniog. All kinds of nice presents for the little boy and little girls. Fire Crackers and Pistols for the large boys. All kinds of nice presetts fur the young men and n their sweethearts. You all must come and see our grand dis play of Christmas Goods. Your old friend, e- SANTA CLAUS. d Friends, as you have seen by the above-, we will have Santa Claus with you Christmas and have given him a portion of our space : in the Times, but we have reserved e.iough of our space to thank g you for the large and hearty sup. ort you have given me during the three months just passed and from now on to Christmas we expect n to offer some great bargains in Dry Goods. Shoes, Hats and Cloth d ing. * WI en I make this assertion I do not make it only to be say t ing something, for you all know I am no gas bag and fall far short n of being a humbug. We itse no trick in trade. We will not offer you any one article at or below cost in order to take you in and. Le swindle you on the next article you buy, but we put a just, small 3. and living profit on everything we sell. We al just gotten in a large lot of Goods and Trimmings and are now able to suit a lady in almost any shade or quality of goods she may desire. Silks, Velvets and Gimp Trimmings. S Our fMillinery Department is up to date, fresh Goods arriving >f every week, and from the amount of business done in this depart is ment we feel sure that it has met all of the exegencies of our lady d patrons. i- We wish to call your attention to the fact also that we carry e a large line of Gents', Youths', and Children's at very low prices. y Those who want cheap clothing will do well to give us a call as we , are closing out several broken lines of Clothing at greatly reduced d prices, also a large line of Gents' Pants that we are offering very ie cheap. S Some specials that must command your attention: id 100 sacks Salt at 50c, worth 75e. >n Red Rust-proof N. C. Oats a4 55c per bushe!, -worth 75c. Red Rust-proof Texas Oats at 45c, worth 65c. a' Gray-mixed Blankets at $1.00 per pair, well worth $1.25 U_ anywhere. ie Heavy Comforts at 75c each, well worth $1.00. e- Heavy Jeans at 15 and 20c per yard, well worth 25 and 30c. Nice wool Cassimne,:s at 20c per yard, never was known to sell for less than 30c. 1e - Ironstone Granite Cups and Saucers at 35c per set, usual n'ri~so: Yours truly, W. E. JENKINSON. WL7]ouglas -1$O.0 SHOE tPBESr mN TEE WORLD. A $.00 sHOE FOR $3.00. It is stylish, durable and perfect-f't 'g qualite absolutely necessary to make a finshe soe. The S cost of manufacturing allows a smalle profit to dealers than any shoe sold at $3.00. W. L. Douglas $3.50, $4.00 and $5.0 Shoes are the productions of silled workmen, from the best material possible to put into shoes sold at these prices. / - The "Belmont" and "Pointed -.--Toe" (shown in cuts) will be _the leaders this season, but any We make other style desired may be . also $2.50 and - obtained from our agents. $2 shoes for " 200and $75 #i..(lclors, Frec tnet Alf.Frenc orboys. ~ ~.,, lc id etc.. gade4 to cone. The fulllineforsaleby prieeaiof theo shioe,wrt W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. caTArso- FREZ. FOR SALE BY E. C. HORTON, Manning, S. C. When You Go to Sumter Don't Fail to Go to .......and Look Over the Stock in China and Toys, Which is the most complete Stock carried in eastern South Carolina. > The variety you will have to select tromn and prices the GoodIs are marked at will convince you at once that Tlie China Hall )is the Place for Christmas Presents. Opea oue, THos.;S. ROGAN, Pr'op. Oper HoseOpposite Court Housie. A full line of &okng and Healinz .Stos ry car el in stock Th~e Home Fride Lvsking Stores are the- best 'd p e i co~ry tay. HARDWRE! -TO Our Clarendon Friends; We are no0w prepared to offer lower prices than ever. Call or write for what you want. Oar Stock is complete. We have added to our im mense stork of hardware a large line of PAlNTS, OILS, ETC. low tgrs ~cal- Harness, Saddles, Rubber and Belting, Leather, etc. for Great bargains in Guns, Pistols, etc. care Headquarter for Powder, Shot and Shells (loaded and ffce Fngine Supplies, Belting, etc.