University of South Carolina Libraries
I v V. ' *T!~" VOLUME 11 CAMDEX, SOUTH-C A HO LIN A, D^EMBER 17, 1850. ^|[BER"l? MDnBHnnaBnMnBBBHHBi tmmmam THE CAMDEN JOURNAL. rrBUPIlKD BV TIIO. J. WARREN & C. A. PRICE, EDITORS .VXD PROPRIETORS. THE SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL Ts published at Three Dollars and Fifty Cent*, if paid in fcdvance, or F??ar Dollars if payment is delayed for three months. t THE WEEKLY JOURNAL Is published at Two Dollars and Fifty Cents, if paid in tdvanee. or Three Dollars if payment is delayed for three months. Any iHT'on procuring five responsible subscribers shall be entitled to the sixth copy (of the edition subscribed for) gratis fur on-year. ADVRJITIS;v>| F.NTS will he inserted at the following I tates: For one sipinre < 1-1 lines or less) in the semi-weekly, J *>ne dollar fir the first, and twenty-five cents for each feuhseqneo' insertion. In the weekly, seventy-five cents per square for the first, and thirty-seven and a half rents for each subsequent insertion. Single insertions one dollar per square. The nuraner of insertions desired, ami the edition to be published in. must be noted on the margin of all advertieinents. or tliey wdl be inserted semi-weekly until or ired to be discontinued, ami charged accordingly. 1 ? J senu-moniniy, monnuv nuu ijuorKn) aui^iumu<.>i> Vhareed the rame as for a single insertion. Liberal discounts allowed to those who advertise for three, six. or twelve months. , ftyAll communications by mail must be post-paid oj tecum attention. The following gentlemen are Agents for the Journal: Wm. C. Casto.v, (Jeneml Agent. Cot.. T. W. IIukv, Jacksonliam. Ijincaster Dist. S. II. Rosskr, Esq.. Lancasterville, S.C. C. C. McCkumvrn, Carthage. N. C. , W. C. Moork, Enq., Camden, S. C. And Postiua'ters are requested to act as our Agents. THLTHIG H W A YM AN AND HIS COU.V' SEL. I think it was at Preston Assizes, on the Northern Circuit, ahout the year 1814 that I was instructed to defend a notorious highwayman; and as the case was expected to be one of great difficulty, I received a fee of five guineas.? When tlie trial came on, the judge discovered some flaw in the indictment which was latal to t'ae whole proceedings, and the prisoner was in consequence discharged without any ot the particulars of the case having been entered into. [ Kit until late after the bar-dinner in the evening, and the clock struck twelve as I enter- | ed my lodgings, vvliich wore in a lonely house a short distance from the town. The folks had all retired to rest and were by this time deep | anchored iu the snoring depths of a Lancashire hard sleen. I sat musiuir over the fire for an | hour, visions of future woolsacks figuring themselves shapes in the burning coals, when a loud j knock at the door disturbed my meditations, i My clerk, of course, was absent and supposing , some client was in a hurry, or some 'sublime rascal' of an attorney was impatient 1 went and opened it myself. A tall, gaunt man, wrapped in a loose horse^ man's coat with a handkerchief from which the tips of his ears peeped, red like 'the rosy morn.' with a ferocity of whisker and an obliquity of vision, and a deep scar on ins cheek, in a gruff voice thus addressed me: 'Measter, I a'cum for that five pound.' 'What do you t?q,an, my good fellow,' said I, feeling rather nervous. *1 say I want that five pound, that my 'torney, Mr. Shark, gave you this morning.' 'Who are you sir?' I inquired, by no menus reassured by tiiis mention of Mr. Shark's name 'I am Harry Hell-fire, that was imprisoned for high-way robbery, and they've just let em out, so I thought I'd cum and have my money, before I was off to London.' 'Hut my good fellow,' replied I, beginning to feel extremely uncomfortable, 'you can't claim the money, your case lias been heard, and you * are acquitted, what more could you want?' 'All,' retorted my client the highwayman, in a voice something between a growl and r grin, 'no thanks to you, measter?it was the old codger above in the wig that got me off; Mr. Shark handed you over the five pounds to make a Sfieech for me, and you had no speech to make, and you didn't make a speech, so hand out. the money measter.' At this juncture the wind blew aside the skirts - ? .? V I. c II* . J ot His coat, ana tne mootuigni lamng upon uie mounting of a horse-pistol my knees knocked under me, but I summoned .my courage, and screwing up a bold face, I replied, 'But it is not professional, my good friend, to return money, for you see if we were once to do so ' 'I don't understand your trade, measter conn sellor, but you have my money and done nothing for it; so hand it back?come. I can't stop.' With this he gently insinuated bis left hand and foot within the door, and tapped his fingers persuasively on a large black thorn club in his right hand. 1 looked backward upon the dark ness and loneliness ol my room, rorwara to tne solitary house and unfrequented lane, and put1 ting my hand in my waistcoat pocket, I took f out the five pound note, and handed it to him.' He wished me good night, with a knowing leer and I heard no more of him. 1 never was so taken in but once, when myself and two other barristers having exerted ourselves for a handsome fee, succeeded in getting the two VV s off for forgery. They were acquitted?and by the time they were a hundred miles at least from the assize town we l found out that each of us, counsel attorneys and all, had been liberally paid in j >ge.d notes. Recollections of a Sergeant til Law. Foreign Population of Massachusetts. The Advertiser says that by the recent Uuited States census, the number of inhabitants in frirmrm pninitrine rnaiilinnr in mncciwlni. UUIM ?? fe ?" setts, is little more firm 180,000 or about aigliteen per cent, of the whole population. If to this were added the eliildrcn of foreigners, the number will come up to nearly 50 per cent of the whole populalina. An Ohio paper states that a Miss Porter, in that State, has married a man by the name of Bottle. The editor says it is not ordy a good * match, but it proves that there are are more ways than one to bottle ported ACCOUM j Of the Commissioners of Pi ! Uuu 61. x o uaiatice in Br. Bank Camden this day credit D. L. DeSaussuie, Trea ;urer, 1850 May 2. Cash received of Mr. Doby, tax collector Kershaw District, May 11. Cash received of Mr. Doby, tax collector Kershaw District, Sept. 18. t'ash received of Mr. Doby, tax collector Kershaw District, Oct. 18. Cash received of Col. Jas. Chesnut, jr. Nov. 2. Cash received of Mr. Doby, tax collector Kershaw District, .... 1 DRY GOODS. THE subscribers have received their WIN TER SUPPLY, consisting in part, of FANCY LMIE??SES?Brocaded Thibet Cloth, Brocaded Lahradure, for Evening Dresses, Caclitnere Merinos and Mousselin de Lain, pluin and printed t black and fancy Silks, Paris and English Prints, French and Scotch Ginghams. | MOURNING DRESSES?Royal Tonr. Satin Royal, ! Satin de Chene, gro. de Rhine, French Poplin. Bomhazln | Moosselin de Ivn'n, Alpacra, Ginghams, French and EngI lisli Prints. Till M M iNGS?Of every variety, to sui t the above. SUNDRIES?Black and fan^y Thehit, Carlnnere and woolen Shawls, worked Mnslin and I.ace Capes and Col* I lars. Infant's worked Dresses and Bodies, Linen Cambric tl'llK l*., Jltlsitti irinimtngs, ill grem vnrinv,/ imcau Lace, Cap Ribbons, Giove* and Mitts of all kind*, Hose, (it large assortment.) long and idiort sleeve Merino vests, Marseilles Bed and Crib Quilts, Table, Piano an.i Toilet C-overe, 6-4 and J6-4 Danrask Table Covers. Damask and colored I 'oylier?. Netted Tidies, 6-4 to 12-4 Linen cheating, 'J-8 to Pillow 6-4 Case Linen. 5-4 to 12-4 bleached and mown Cmtun Sheeting, Furniture Chints and Dimity, Curtain Dimity. Furniture Fringe. India Rubber Sheeting Trench Bed Blankets. 6-4 to 14-4 Floor Cloth. Scotcn Carpeting. A lnnte assortment of blenched and brown Goods, C.ecks, Ticking, Lineeys, Arc- Ate.. F'l.A.NNELS?Genuine, Rodgers, Real Welsh, Saxony. Shaker's all wool and silk warp, all wool and Doniet, While, Red and \ell"\v, of every description. For Men's Wear. Black, brriwn. blue, green, olive and drab Cloth; fancy and black Cusstinere*. silk and Cachmere Vesting*. huflalo Cloth, for shooting Coats; Gloves, of every variety; Cravats; Pocket Handkerchiefs; Half Hose. Cnder Shirts and Drawers; ready made Shirts and Collars; S us pendear Hats- Caps. &< Ate. A largo assortment of Goods for Boy's and Servant's wear Georgia Plains Cordova'<lo. Blankets, ike* Ate* McDOWALL ?k COOPER. Oct. 29. 85 tf Executor's Notice. F1RS0NS indebted to Joseph Cunningham dec'd. are requested to make payment, and those having demands to present them to either ol the subscribers. J NO. BROWN, Iaberty Hill, C. J. SHANNON, Camden, July 15. [56t Ij] Ex'rs. Shoes, Shoes. PLANTATION D.igans, ol superior quality, and a large assortment ol other Shoes, fresh and new. Just opened by sept. S3. E. W. BONNEV. LAI>iES SHOES. Received from Philadelphia? Ladies Kid Suppers and Ties do Walking Shoes Misses Boots and Shoes, &c. Bv On -l W. ANDER.^O - - CO. NEW STORE. THE subscriber is now opening a large assortment oHiiroreriui ami Maple Goods in the Store lately occupied by William J. Gerald (south of the Hank of Camden,) which he will dispose of at Charleston prices for cash. Those wishing to purchase would do well to call and examine the stock, consisting in part,ol theo following, viz: L af, Crushed, Ground and Granulated Sugar* St' Croix, Porto Itico, a; d New Orlenn* do N w Orleans, Muscovado and Cutia Mola**e? Java. 1/tgnira and Kin Coffee Gunpowder. Voting Hyson and Rlnrk Tea* Sperm. Adamantine and Tallow Candle* No. *2 and 3 Mnckarel, in Barrel*. Half and Quarter* Wine. Soda and Butter Biscuit* and Ctteene Snap and Starch. atwoilril Pepper. Spice. Ginger, Nutmegs, Mace and (/lutes Povder, Shot and head Hardware, Cutlery, Nails and Casting* Paints, Linseed Oil, Sperm. Oil and Wi? ?v <*1? ALSO Bleached nnd nnhleached Shirting*and Sheeting* Blankets, Bed Ticks, Apron Check* and Oznaburga Togetlie.r with a large assortment of Bagging, Hope ;tu<( Twine. J. VV. BRADLEY. Camden. S. C. Sept. 23. KrCash paid for Cotton and other Produce. A fnoiidete Ktnrk of nOSIERr .JJYIM GLO VJES. CONTAINING every kind of Gloves, Lace Mitts, Longand Half Long do.; a beautiful article of Glasse Silk Gloves, ail colors, to match Dresses; misses' and children's Gloves all sizes. Hosiery. Ladies' Silk, Merino and all.wool Hose; cotton Hosiery; of every coior and quality; misses' do., all sizes. Ladies' Merino and silk Vests Men's cotton, merino and wool Half Ilose; merinr. Shirts and Drawers; boy's do. Men's kid, silk, buckskin and cashmere Gloves. In fact, every thing desirable in the above depart* meat's, at Fancy Articles. COLOGNE, Lavender, Florida. Honey and lto*e. Wnter, < Jenny Lind. Omnibus Portrait, Pari*inn. Nymph, < W indoor and Palm Soup; l?ubin'* Extract (treiii.:ne) of Jennv Lind, Jocky Club. Bouquet da Caroline, Iludyoemia. .Wignionette, West End and Verbena ; Jenny Lind Hair Glow; Queen of Flower* Hair Oil; HauelVand Uouwel'* | Eau Luxtrale ; Bear'* Oil. Philocomb", Ox Marrow Poinoile, for the growth nnd Beauty of the Hair; Phalnn* Chemical Hair Inviirorator &c &.C. Ju*t received at 'L J DellAi 'A I' OF RECEIPTS AND EXPE$DI nblic Buildings for Kershaw Diitrii 416 17 1849. Nov. 13. By H. Levy's account for wh 200 00 1850 Charleston. -j. Feb. 20. " R. L. Tweed's ac't fof has]: 520 42 man hire, 4 April 30. " C. L. Chatten'8 ac't for woi 60 00 NJaj- 2. M do do for pail March 12 " McDoweall & Cooper, for 2 50 May 2. " J, R. McKain, for paints a 336 06 " 4. " M. Naudin, indexing books " 7. " J. Wietiges' ac't for inason " 10. " E. VV. Bonney, for pad loc "13. " T. W. Burchmore for bar ft I " 13. " B. P. Boyd for hauling saw "17. " G. A. Deen,for white washi I July 2. " C. L. Chatten, work 4<>ing June 25. " J. C. McKenna, chvgfaforS J! Nov. 2. " H. Levy & S3n, bagging for " 2. u C. L Chatten, balance for w I) 1849. t __ _ ! i Sept 17' " J. S. Nettles, for lead pipe, i Jail Expenses, Current Expenses, | By balance to Treasurer'* 1535 15 == 11 D. L. DESAUSSURE, New Steam Boat Robert Martin. mHE Dew Steamer Robert Martin, Captain X George Mansfield, will commence her regular trips between Charleston and Camden, about the first of October, stopping at all the intermediate landings on the river, both coming and going. Shippers may rely upon promptness, and at as i low rates as can be sent by any other conveyance. For height apply to SHAW & AUSTIN, Agents, Camden. SEW Staple and Fancy Goods. THE subscribers are now opening a complete assortment of Staple and Fancy Goods, pur* chased with much rare, which they will dispose of on their usual liberal terms, They conssist in part, as follows: WOOLENS. Heavy London Dnti.l blankets Super H-4 to 14-4 L-tub's Wool Bed Blankets Heavy all-wool Negro Cloths Negro Linseys, very heavy and stout Plaid Linsoys; Wool Cloth lor women's wear Cloths and CossiineieM. Superfine black, blue, brown, and invisible green French Cloths Superfine Doc-skin black Cassimcres Saliinels, assorted colors Kentucky Jeans, do do Elegant Fashionable Vestinga Fancy C.issiiueren Red while and veliow Flannel? COTTON (JOODS. PRINTS, of every description Furniture Calicoes, very handsome Ginghams; Cross-bar'd and lancy striped Muslins Furniture and cambric Dimity Furniture Fringes; cotton cambrics Colored mid black cambrics Silk* an2d Fancy Articles. E'egant plain and waler'd black silks " plain, figured and water'd colored silks " Ciietia figured dress siiks, very rich Belts; elegant lace capes Muslin worked collars and sleeves Very handsome Inserting* and Edgings Linen-cambric Handkerchiefs Kiblied silk Stockings; raw silk Stockings French inert 110, black and assorted colors Super blatk and meredlHii black Aipachas Striped aud cross-bar'd colored Aipachas DOMESTICS. ?i-4, 7-b and O-o bieacneu and urowit oninuij{B | 12-4 meat-lieu and unbleached Sheetings W line and untneacimd Dulls i Stuped and plaid colored Homespuns lied l icks; Apron checks; cotton Oznaburgs LINENS. Super an assorted Irish Linens " Lawn Lawns, Dowlas; Damask Table-cloths * Damask Diaper; Damaik Napkins u Bird-eye and Russia Dupeis ALSO Dundee and Gunny Bagging Bale Hope and 'IVire; Iron; Salt Sugar, C'odee, Mola-ses ?ALSO Blacksiuitli's Bellows, Vices, Anvils. Hammers Smew D.aies, Trace-chains, Collins' Axes Hoes, Spades, Shovels, Manure Forks With a complete assortment of Hardware and Cutlery With maiiv other hrticles too tedious to enumerate. J I. LEVY o- eui\. nept. 17* W Am Guns mid Pistols. 17MXE Double-barrelled Guns in eases; Double barrelled Guns without cases; Revolving Pistols in cases. By sept. 17. II. LEVY <$ SON^ NEW FALLGOODS, M. DRUCKl'R & CO. ARE now just opening their large and new sup- ; ply of seasonable Goods, consisting in part of Cloths, cassinieres, sattinete, vestings, linens Plain and figured alpacca, moiiscliu de Laities, Ginghams, with other goods for Ladies Dresses ,\ LSO A a splendid variety of Calicoes, and the very best and cheapest bleached and brown Muslin io ne lotum m wu <??> Tlie above Goods have been selected with (be greatest care, and will be sold as always, ai the very lowest prices. < ?c.t 29. JOHN B, DESAUSSURE, aQ^.ca'C?j<x>aiii AiltterN Wlisirf, Ciiarlcituii, S. C. Will give prompt and close attention to the sale if all descriptions ol" Produce entrusted to his :are, and to the selection and Idling ol'orders, sept. 13. 7 '2 (im ' For Sale. THAT house on broad street at present occupied i by John Ingram, as a storehouse ami dwelling or particulars apply to JAMLtS McEWKN. June IS, 4S tf 4 , TURES jt, for the year 1850. Current, ... i < onrt !g?penre! Jl1"- I limine ite lead, and freight from - - 28 50 )s and staples and work4 00 rk for Jail and C. House, 123 00 :>ting Court House, - 37 25 latches and bolts, - 2 68 nd glass, C. H, and Jail. 44 57 i in Ordinary's Office, - t 25 00 work, - 8 00 ks and Blankets, - 23 25 >r Courftiouse. - 5 50 r dust, ... 2 00 ngJail, - - - |14 00 and done on C. House, | 300 00 lourt House, - I 21 00 mm-*y rork on Court House, - j335 75 6 OO 25 00|41 25 931 02 41 25 25 00 997 27 3 credit in Bank, ... 537 88 $1535 15 Trea/tW. Comm'r. Pub. Buildings K. U. MAZYCK & SON, Factors and Commission merchants, SOUTH COMMERCIAL WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. C. WILLIAM MAZYCK, ) W. ST. J. MAZYCK, $ PAUL T. VILLEPIGUE, FACTOR, . And General Commission Merchant, ACCOMMODATION WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. CLiberal advances made on consignments of Pro. duce, and prompt attention given to the forward* ing of Goods, at the lowest rates. Aug. 20. 68 * New Goods, New Goods, W? have received and are now receiving a large and finely selected assortment of new Goods of all kinds. ?cauj Jiauc viuiuiii^ Of all descriptions, viz: Coats, Vests, Pantaloons Shirts, &c. Dry Goods, Of every and the best variety. All of which we will sell on the very best terms. If you want the best kind vf a bargain?the best Goods lor the least money, call opposite the Post Office, on Nov. 12. ELI AS $ KOOPMAN. Notice. ALL persons having any claims against the Estate of the late Mrs. Martha E. Wilson deceased, will present tliern properly attested, ami those indebted will make immediate payment to to Mr. John Ko^eer, who is authorized to act as agent in my absence. PAUL T. V1LLEPIGUE, Admr. Nov. 12, 1650. 80 wtf. MA NSI ON HOUSE. DAillDEX, S. C. THE subscriber respectiuilv announces to his friends and the TRAVELLING PUHL1C generally, 'hat he lias opened, as a lluTEL, UmI large and comuiodio-s house in Log Town, tunncrly the private res denre ot IS. dWk.ns. esij. The building is adm.rahiy ad.ip ed lor that purpose, being siiuateii in tne o.-t healthy and pleasant part in ' aiuoeii, combining ail the advanta ges ot the town with the b.. 1 my awnosphere ot the country, and within a law minutes' walk ol any part of Camden. The rooms are large and any, his Servants respectful and atteiilive, and lie pledges liuusell to spare no pains in keeping up an attractive and well supplied TABLE, and to Use every exertion to please those who may call upon him. His STABLE-** will he found commodious, and always luily supplied with 1'rovender, UThc House beinyr conducted on Temperance Prtnc'plen, he flatters himself that those who lavor him with a call will find the MANSION HOUSE not only the comforts and attention or a well regulated Hotel, hut the quiet retirement of a Home. Charges moderate. tTAll the Stages arriving in the place, and the Omnibuses running to the Depot, will call at the House when desired. E. G. ROBINSON. Camden. Sept. 1. 27 tf HDJNTijR'SHdilL,~ CAMDEN, s. o. rPHE subscriber having located in Catnden, X would lespectfully say to the public that he has opened a Public House two doors below the Post Office, and Impes by strict attention to busi ici-p ui Mimv <i iiueirti ilruruilttge. My Stables are pood, and well supplied wi'h Prctvendor, and my Table shall always be supplied 1 with as good as the market affords. i ain certain that those who mice favor me with a call will be willing to call again. I have also, a g<'<>d Wagon Yard, with wood, water and house convenient, for the accommodation of Wagoners. I will also attend to the Commission Business, and all Goods consigned to my care, or left with me for sale shall meet with nroinDt attention. (LT Charges moderate JAMES M. HUNTER. Nov. 28. 93 tt To Rcut. THAT now and commodious Stand with the Fix Hires attached, owned and occupied by the late 1 Robert L. Tweed, as a Blacksmith and Wagon- maker's shop. 1 To a skilful and industrials mechanic, this is a 1 very desirable situat on. Possesion gi\en iuinie- ' di itely. For particulars apply to JAMES MeEWEN. ffiyTho Tools can be had at a fair valuation and on accommodating terms. Camden, Nov. 15. 90 tf The Evening News and Hornet's Nest wil1 in* f sert once a week for six weeks. ] DarHngtte Hotel, DARLLNGTO^^ffltT-H'OUSE. , FT-HE above House h$i|gj5feen purchased and I tilted up anew by ien|?rWuTEN, is again opened for the accommodation $F'be Public. StVict attention to the Wapiti; inff''comfort's of guests will bo given, and ?<S calculated to merit ' tlie patronage of all.who mfcy favor the establishrent with a visit, shall b^jgjfired. : : AIJ .that the market artflfyurrou tiding country afii ril will be found upnrf tfijable. Omfortatve rooms, for f^ptilies or individuals, are prepared. ?3g The Stables will be attended by careful and attentive hostlers. * ' Drovers can be well accommodated, as any number of horses and mules can he ept in the etaliles and lots expressly prepared for them. Nov. 1, 1850. 86 tf Dry Goodsat Reduced Prices. TUB subscribers bavinp determined to change 'ffieir buSfrTewr^oflfe/rneir desirbl?~-and well **-- ? assorted stock of Dry Gooik, at verp reduced prices. Persons will do well to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. :*r Nov. lij. H. LEVY & SON. , In Eqnity?Lancaster District. Middleton G. Caston vs. Susannah Caston, etal. rlE creditors of the Estate of Samuel Caston, deed., ofLancaster District, are hereby notified and requested to present and establish, before me, their demands against said Estate, on or before the 1st. January, 1851. By order of the Court in above case, June Term, 1850. JAS. H. WITHE itSPOON, c. e. l. d. Com. office Nov. 11, 1850. 84 90 14t QEGABS! 8EGABS!!?A very choice lot KJ or falmetto and Gold Leaf Segars, for sale by July 26. T. BONNELL &, CQ. . Domestic Items. BROWN and bleached ftheetings, every widths Ticking; English Long-cloths; Counicrpanes, ? plain and figured curtain Dimity; garmonlDiuiity^ colored Homespuns and Denims; plaid Linssy. Flannels and Blankets, at all prices. "u! A Lao 1150 pieces of bleached and brown Homespunk as low as thevcan be bought any where in Amer ca. At ; JAMES WILSON'S}.,.* Unrivalled Assortment. ' flMJE subscriber has just i^ceived a uew supply 1 of Groceries, ConfectionariCs, Segars and Tobacco, consisting in part as follows: Groecrlds. Sugars?N. O.Porto Rico crashed and loaf, (Stu^ arts best) : ; New Urleans and Muscovado Molasses Mackarel No. 1 in half kits . j' Bacon; first quality leaf Lard ? Coffees?Rio and Java;.sack and table Salt Teas?Hyson, Young Hyson and Green Fancy and'common Soaps Coiifcctionarie*.Candies, sugar plums and kisses;'raisins; almond Currants; filberts; preserves, jellies and jams' Figs in boxes; Prunes in do., large and small &c. Lemon syrup in quarts and pints; citron Spices. Nutmegs, cloves, allspice, cinnamon and ginger ' Scgars. "Clemencia," a splendid article, new brand El Duondee, Primera " " MV ^ Consolation, Gold Leaf, Castillos &c. Tobacco. i S. S. Myer's best Honey Dew Sym's pressed Rough and Ready Superior Honey Pew; Wilson's peach-flavored A's Mr-. Miller's fine cut With many other articles too numerous to mention, which will be sold exceedingly lovr for cash. Country orders promptly attended to. Nov. 20. ' WM. C. MOORE. . IX EQUITY?K1EKSI!A\\\ E>: I' rte W;u. Netties, Sarah Nettles, iiiranv Nettles, per pro ami?Petition for sale of land,. IN obedience to 'lie orders of the C?>uit I will offer at public sale on Monday, the 6th rfay'oif January, ?nsuing, before the court bouse in Cam " den. all that pici e, parcel or tract ot I .and. lying on the North side ol Granny s Qa .rter creek, in the Pis'ricf aforesaid, contami g one hundred acres more or 'ess, being part of a tract formerly * belonging to J. Riddle, dee'd. and conveyed by the Sheriff of Kershaw District to David Harrison,, and by liini to the Petitioners. Term."'?So much cash as will pay costs, balance on a cred t of one and two years, interest froin sale, purchaser to give bond with good sccu'ities, and a mortgage of the premises. W. M. SHANNON, c. e. k. d. Dec. 3. [S3 50J . ts Hardware, Groceries, Bagging, Rope and Twine, RKADY-inade Clothing, Hate, Cape, Bonnet?, Boots and Shoes &n. Just reeived and for sale at the lowest prices possible by. M. DRUCKER cf- CO. krimiis. A few Boxes new Raisins, just received by \V. C. MOORE. Stone T.inic, I?!nster ot Paris mad Ceiiieitt. The above articles constantly on hand, of good riUalitv and at low prices. Also, (Jvpsnm or land plaster. C. L. ClIATTKN* Feb. 12. 12 tf PRICE'S POEMS, % \t w v i i ai - I i<utivi.i?jiji uuuuu, ui jutcopv. lor snio Fj by W. C. MOORE. Kock Salt. For sale by II. LEVY &. SON. Distinguished Arrivals!! I TAKE pleasure in announcing the sale arrival of a splendid varie*v of JFall and Winter Goods. Amongst which are, the newest stv'e.-of French Cashmeres and Monsselines. VVnnlen de Cliinics, Alpaccas, Mohairs, Camelcons. Coburgs, Drap de Lyons, changeable Parramattas, solid color d Ale inoes, and Monsselines, and a lot of satin striped Dress Goods, at 120 cents per yard. Oct* 1. JAMES WILSON. superior 3Iusf:ird, [N quarter and half pound l>o:;ts: White Mustard See I; Ginger: Black and Red Pepor& Spice; Nutmegs; Mace; lotVK Cinnamrr,. For sale by 7.. J. DfHAY.