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,**? " - 0 * . * '* ' jWL." **- ? , - a>"* . vT tjfc.., ^r:r "4P rv- #: y f-- * ---. -II;jiiimm pm & /a<&%. >^gr 4 CTlje Cflmkit Journal. YOUCME11 CAMDEN, SOUTH-CAROLINA, AUGUST 13,1850. NUMBER 64. ,l , t??? THE CAMDEN JOURNAL PUBLISHED BY MVrilO. J. WARREN & C. A. PRICE, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL - -^-jti^feblbdied at Three Dollar* and Fifty Cents, if paid in dmnee, or Four Dollars if payment is delay ed for three THE tTEEKLY JOURNAL Is published atTwalW&rsand Fifty Cents, if paid in V?vance, or Three Dollars if payment is delayed for three mouths.. . . Any person procuring five responsible subscribers shall he^'ntitled to the sixth copy (of the edition subscribed for) ( {iritis for one year. ADVERTISEMENTS will be inserted ttfrfthe following rat' s: For one square (14 lines or Jew) in lit#*semi-weekly, 'noe do'lar for tl>0 itart, and twenty-five oenu for each **itbseqnent insertion. ^ '-r I:i the weeklyv seventy-five cents per square for the first, ' am? thirty-seven and alialfconts for each subsequent in'ser.' on. Single insertions one'dollar per square. ?.Tlie mimner of. insertions desired, and the edition to .b* published in, must be noted on tlie margin of oil adversscmenltj, or thcjr will b? inserted semi-weekly until ordered to bd discontinued. am" cltarged accordingly. Semi-monthly, monthly and quarterly advertisements charged the same as for a single insertion. Liberal discount* allowed to those who advertise for three, she. or twelve months. fcrAII communications by mail must be post-paid to eccure attention. The following gentlemen are Agents for the Journal: Cot. T. W. Huey, Jacksonhatn. Lancaster Di?t. S. H. Kosskr. E?q., Lanonsterville, S. C. 0. C. McCrummen, Carthage, N. C. W.C. Moore. Esq., Camden, S. C. And Postmasters are requested to act as our Agents. JjJortieal Department. OH1 TELL ME WHAT IS IT?" BY FRANCIS D. GAGE. I Oh! tell me what is it that quivers"the heart; |; And causes the tear-drop unbidden, to start; I i That sweeps o'er the spirit with sovereign contro 11 a..a kritic w;th pmntinn the dentlis of the soul? | iXUU lUi U?v n ?- ? a ( We see it?we feel it?yet cannot tell how, ' When the day-cloud rolls on with the storm on 1 its brow; When the wild wiudsare sweeping?the lightnings flash high, And the deep rolling thunderpeals out from the sky. ? We see it?we feel it?in the stillness of night, 1 When the moon and the stars float majestic and - < bright, Lookingdownon our world from their homes high above, Like the pitying eyes of the spirit of love. ( We feel it?we see it?when rain-drops fall slow 1 On the inoss-oovered roof, with a murmuring ' low, j So gently, so softly, in the silence of even, ( T^fheart lies all hushed, and seems nearer to ' heaven. i We^feel?wesee it-rwhen soft music floats When the hand of a* pirit falls light on the notes, . When the shadowy phantoms of days past and j gone, "" ( Come thronging around us to answer each tone. ' We see it?we" feet .fit?when face speaks to face, j And the spirit lea ps forth for an earnest embraces, i We know that wilhip lhere's an answering tone, < Tho'tbe hand of the stranger ne'erxlasped our i 1 own. Oh! tell me, what is it that quivers the heart, j And causes Ihe leap drop, unhidden to start; 1 That siveeps o'er the passions with sovereign con- 1 trol, 1 And thrills witli emotion the depths of the soul. 1 " Hrab, J?Jkar!"?The celebraled Richard Brinsley Sheridan was very much annoyed on one occasion in the House of Commons, by a member Coutinunfly interrupting him by shouting " bear, hear." In the course of the debate Sheridan tdok occasion to alJude warmly to a political ectempornry, whom he described as one who wishedtopjay,the rogue, but only had sense enough to- play the fool. ' Where," exclaimed Sheridan, placing great emphasis on the word uhere?"shall we hud a more foolish knave, or a more knavish fool than this?"? '' Hear, Hear,** was instantly btliowed by tLc member invquestion- Sheridan instantly turned round and" ho wed to the gentleman, thanking hhn for his prompt reply to his question, 1 ?* J ? -nnviilKimia of iauybtei' ' VUU Ktl UU?u mum 1/uu. ? Q from all biitthe unfortunate member. ( r- c A Mabrvixo Genius.?There is a man in i the New York penitentiary, who lias had iwen- 1 .ty-seven wives. He is just thirty sis years of age, and has been engaged i? the matrimonial I business since, lie was sixteen, mid has there- f fore bad a new wife every-sovun mouiiis, getting rid of the old spouse and courting tho new c one ad interim. He declares ho will have a 1 hundred wives before he dies, if they do not 1 cramp his genius within stone walls. 1 ... i Rrteat no StANDEtt.-?Say nothing to an- 1 ... 11 mnl/a Mm far.] .. ..I.f Ulucr man nmv wu* uinno ?? ?? utiiiu|>j;j *a neighbor slanders your friend, be not so t unwise as to tell him of It People will talk ? thoughtlessly and unadvisabJy; but he is the I most i i fault, who whispers aloud every remark f that i; made in private. He stirs up strife con- I tinuall v We think more 'highly of the man I who ni sy speak without reflection, than of him who is anxious to repeat what is said on pur- a pose to otir up strife and make enemies of friends. ( The New York Express states that the late 1 Postmaster General had completed a contract r for leasing the present post office building in g that city for fourteen years at ten thousand dol- h Jars per annum. 8 itlistdlancous Department. The Claim of the United States on the Government of Portugal, Our renders have heard much about the claim of the United States on the Government of Portugal, which a squadron was recently sent to enforce. The extract which is given I elow, explains its origin, and exhibits a splendid proof of the bravery of our people. If we j are not mistaken, the General Armstrong was, at one period, well known in Charleston harbour. There can be no disputation of the validity of the claim. The laws of nations hold the Government of Portugal responsible, for , the violation of the rights of a neutral, within j her waters. But still that government is not, without remedy. The settlement of the demand with the United States creates one in her favor on England. T?? T> T*ho TtnJ/J. I yKfKnUB ur nib i mininnn. < ? . fst Fight, on Record.?The annals of modem I warfare do not furnish the recital of a more | gallant action than that fought at Faval, the Western Islands, in 1814, between a British gun brigand the boats of a British squadron on the one side, and 011 the other the little privateer armed American brig Gen. Armstrong, of seven guns and ninety men, commauded bv Capt. Samuel C. lieid, out of the port of New Y ork. The terrible engagement of Paul Jones with a British cruiser is scarcely a parallel to it, and few naval battles, even by the large fleets, exiiibit so great a slaughter. A British resident at Fayal, who was a witness t<> the action, in a letter to the celebrated Cobbett, under date of Oct 15, 1814, thus describes the bold defence and noble conduct of the daring American privntccrsmao ;? The American privateer brig Gen. Armstrong, of .New York, Capt. Samuel C. Reid, 1 of seven guns and ninety men, entered here on the 20th ult., about noon, seventeen days from th it place for the purpose of obtaining water. The Captain seeing notldi g on the horizon, was induced to anchor. Before the lapse of many hours his .Majesty's brig Carnation came in and anchor'd ilea'- Jier. About G o'clock Iiis Majesty's ship Pl.anta- : gent, of seventy-four guns, and the Rota frigate ; came in, and anchored also. The captain of 1 the privateer and his friends consulted the first .ll.nnt h,?r cociiritv. fhev all j. ^ considered iter perfectly secure, and that his Majesty's officers knew too well the respect j Joe to n neutral port to molest her. Hut, to . the great surprise of every one, about nine in the evening four boats were despatched, armed, and maned, from bis Majesty's ships, for the purpose of cutting her out. It being about the lull of the moon, the night perfectly clear and calm, we conld see every movement made.? The boats approached with rapidity towards her, when it appears the captain of the privateer hailed them and told tlieiu several limes to keep ofT. They notwithstanding pushed on, iiikI were in the act ofboarding before any de- ( fence was made from the privateer. A warm : contest then ensued on botii sides. The boats ivere finally dispersed with great loss. The American now calculating on a very su- ' perior force being sent, cut his cable -'mis and ; ' rowed the privateer cWc alongside of the fort ' ivithin half cable's length where lie moored her .lead :md st -rn," with four lines. The Governor now sent a remonstrance to ; Captain Ll'\\ d, of the Plantigeut, against such ' iroceetlings, ami trusted that the Privateer 1 kvou111 not he further niol -sted ; sue bei.ig in 1 lie tloniinions of Portugal and under the guns K of the ea-tle, was entitled lo Poitugucsc protec- ? ion. 1 Captain Lloyd's answer wa.? that lie was <le- 1 ermiued to destroy the vessel, at the exp'-nse fall Fayal, and should any protection be given 1 ?y the fo. t, he would not h ave a house standing ' 11 the >illagc. Ail the inhabitants were gatii- 1 red about the walls,expiating a renewal of the 1 ittack. At about midnight fourteen launches f vote discovered to be coining in rotation, tor 1 lie purpose. ' When they got within clear gunshot, a trc- a nendons and effectual discharge was made 1 rotu the privateer, which threw the boats into f ttu'.usion. They now returned a spitited tiro; 1 >uf the privateer kept up so continual a dis- ' :harge, it was almost impossible for the boats ; o make any progress. They finally succeed- 1 id after immense loss, to get aim g -ide of her, i tnd attempted to board her at every quarter, ; sheered by the olliccrs with a slmui of "No 1 ptnrter!'* which we could distinctly In ar, as well f is their shrieks and cries. The termination 1 vas near about a total massacre. . ' Three of the boats were sunk, and hut one oor solitary oliicer escaped death, in a boat 1 i?i i ??v.. i ? 1...I is Hill uuhi.uiiu.i inu ouiiisi iiu Wila nuumini. L'iie Americans fi?u?zIiL witli great firmness; some 1 >f the boats were ltril without a single man to J ow them; others with three or four; the most hat any one returned with was about ten ; sevsral boats floated on shore full of dead bodies, t With great reluctance 1 state that they were namied with picked men, ami commanded by iaty 2d, lid, and 4th lieutenants of the 1'lan- i ngenel ; the 1st, 2d, .'Id, and 4th liouteneiits of ^ he frigate, and the first officer of the brig, t<>- 1 ;ether with a great number of midshipmen, j I Jur whole force exceeded 400 men ; but three j' dlicers escaped, two of whom are wounded. ' L'ho bloody and unfortunate contest lasted lor- j 1 y minutes. 11 After the boats gave out, nothing more was ' i ittempted till daylight next morning, when the 11 Jarnation hauled alongside and engaged her. j1 l'ho privateer still continued to make a gallant j 1 lefence. These veterans reminded me of Law- II cnce's dying words on the Chesapeake, "Don't ;ive up the ship !*' The Carnation lost one of ; ler top-masts, and her yards were shot away; 1 ho was much cut up in the rigging, and recoiv cd several shot in her hulL This obliged her to haul off to repair, .and to cease her firing. The Americans now finding their principal gun (the Long Tom) and several others dismounted, deemed it folly to think of saving her against so superior force; they therefore cut away her "ma in mast to the deck, blew a hole threw her bottom, took out their small arms, clothing, &c., and went on shore.: I discovered only two shot holes in the hull of the Privateer, though much cut up in the rigging. Two boats' crews were afterwards despatched from our vessels which went on board, took out some provisions and set her on fire. For three days after we were employed in burying the dead that washed on shore in the surf. The number of the British killed exceeded 120, and 90 wounded. The enemy (the Americans) to the surprise of mankind, lost only two killed and seven wounded. We may well say " God deliver us from our enemies," if this is the way the Americans fight. Afterburning theprivateer, Capt. Lloyd made a demand of the Governor to deliver up the Americans as prisoners?which was refused. He then threatened to send 500 men on shore, and take them by force. The Americans immediately retired with arms to an old Gothic convent, knocked away the adjoining drawbridge, and determined to defend themselves to the last. The captain thought better than to send his men. He then demanded two men, who he said deserted from iiis vessel when in America. The Governor sent for his men, but found none of the description giveu. Many houses received much injury on shore from the guns of the Carnation. A woman sitting in the fourth story her house, had her thifrii shot otf: and a bov had bis arm shot off. ^ The American consul here has made a demand on the Portugese Government for a hundred thousand dollars, lor the privateer; which our consul here Mr. Parkin, thinks in justice will be paid, and that tlicy will claim on England. Mr. Parkin, .Air. Edward Bayley and other Englishmen, disapprove of the outrage and depredation committed by our vessel o.i this occasion. The vessel (a ship-of-war) that was despatched to England with the wounded, was not permitted to t.ike a single letter from any person. Being an eye-witness to all this transaction, 1 have given you a correct statement as it occurred, ARISTOCRACY. The Cincinnati Nonpareil, in the following article, civcs a merited rebuke to a class that ;iro getting far too numerous in our country. We are very aristocratic hero in our goodly city of Cincinnati. Exclusveness is fashionable ?coterie!* are formed, who fancy they compose ill ihe taste fasiiion, and talent existing. If a daring intruder presumes to enter the charmed cirel-, he meets with a rebuff which tells hiiu that he is looked on as an inferior, no matter what his personal worth and merits may be. Jt serves the idol right. What business has any one to suppose that sterling character and cultivated intellect could constitute a claim to be received in to fashionable society ? Fashionable ?faugh ! The children of cobblers and tinkers nutting 011 airs, apeing the manners of foreign I'm arm-ruts urii! I'lniniiiio fii rmv> tnnr> and idlrir icter to society. Fashionable?quotha !? Why they still smell of leather ami prunella. A gentleman passenger on a steamboat from Sew Orleans to Cincinnati on the trip up, was ntroduced to a young lady on hoard by a genleman relation of hers. We give a brief description of the two. The ytftmg lady was ( jhnrmingly lovely, and amiable in manners; the . ;ont was witty, si-utimciiinl and aimising, his nannernolile, his figure manly?such au one- as ^ vouId catch a lady's eye. Thrown together in eaeb others society, and nutually attracted, it is not to he wondered hat they grew quite familiar. They had Icir.a ties on guards, promenaded the decks arm in ( trtu, the gentleman whispering soft nonsense in ( lie lady's ear. The passengers pronounced { l a case of love at lirst sight, the ladies were ( norc repectl'ul to one who they thought was ( loon to bo a matron, and chambermaids (as , diambermaids always do) wailed upon no , me else but the bride. Miserable prophets? | L was not fated to be a match. The bout at eugtli urriveii at her place of destination, the | issocialion of the two loving ones was at au , ml, and they were obliged to separate. Wilis- , tered adieus, with a soft entreaty from him, was niswered bv by her tliru->tiu<g a card into his , land, and tiius they pal led, she to her father's , nai ble halls, and lie to the east, where business , mperatively called him. The hope of seeing , ier on iiis return home filled his heart with joy. ( .She made au astounding discovery shortly at- , or her return home. A friend of hers who sported muslachios and a goatee, quizzed her | mmercifuliy for losing her heart to a mechanic , vho was going to Washington to get a patent | 'or a new plough. This was very provoking to , jer. She protested that she thought lie was a jentlemaii, or she never would have accepted , lis attentions. , Six weeks (lew by, and the young mechanic i vas on his return homo. His heart bounded villi joy as he approached Cincinnati. Visions < if beauty, grace anil loveliness, floated through lis brain. Oh, what pleasure to meet Lit Belle i if the Queen City. Her charms had made it i loop impression on his susceptible heart. His i but touched the wharf, and away lie flew to he mansion of his beloved, lie was ushered i n, and bin name announced. The young lad* loated into the room. Oh, how lovely! ^ vliat is the matter? She does not k;,/OW j,,-,,, jeslows no glance of recognition '^pon Uie face it up with pleasure at seeing her again. ' You do not recollect me," said j;o, timi jjy md mortified to think the impression?if 0.,wbe md made?was so evanescent. " I do not, sir," replied she, in a (>l,, t0|)C> and with an air of hauteur such as a tragedy queen affects. He reminded her of their previous acquaint- : ance on board the steamer. ' Oh, yes, yes?a steamboat acquaintance! i Good morning, sir," and with this answer she left the room. Her old papa heard the name of his visitor, when announced, but thought his presence would be mal appropos at their first meeting, so the good natured old gent remained in his room, and hugged himself at the prospect of Julia marrying the Hon. Mr. ??? . M. C-, rich and distinguished. Mustachios had humbugged Ju- i lia. She, because he was a mechanic, had given him an unpardonable insult i The reader may fancy Julia's mortification I and her father's rage, when they had a mutual < expluntation. < P ?L. XT A1 n- ? l ftl i r rum me now isrieuus ncayone, J my Ji? FROM TEXAS. I By the arrival ofthe steamship Palmetto, we J have received files of Galveston papers to the 27th ult. j There seems to be great excitement respecting the boundary question, hut no decided measures have yet been taken. The San Antonio Ledger, sppaking of the approaching extra session of the legislature J says: . " The crisis has arrived in whi jh it has become necessary to assume and maintain a firm position, or sacrifice those rights which she has j ever claimed." The News states that evidence has been ta It en relative to the outrage committed by the . U. S. Dragoons at Fredericksburg by burning a 1 store-house, with merchandize in it and the re- 1 cords ofGillcspic county. This evidence has ' proved the truth ofthe account heretofore given. : The party of soldiers numbered twenty or twen- , ty.five, and were headed by Serg't. John F. Smith, 2d Dragoons. The public is anxiously 1 looking for the impartial administration of our j laws in this case of unprecedented outrage. In regard to the crops we find the following ^ extract ofa letter, dated Hrenham, July 16: " The prospect of the crop oft.'orn and Cot- 1 ton is moderate ? both are very late. The rains i i i . t. ..u .u . i_ _..?i I nave cesiKeu, unu miouiu iuc urj wl-aiuci, v>uuu . has just set in, continue, the crop will lie rut , quite short. The caterpillar has made, its appcnrance on one or two (arms." From Columbus, Colorado county, July 17th j a person writes that 4,crops of Corn are very fine, and Cotton looks well, hut it is backward." v the picking season will not commence until a ^ month later than usual. A letter, dated Huntsville, July 26, says : The crops, both of Corn and Cotton, are , very backward. Fro*l will certainly come upon us ere all the cotton can possibly mature, even if the planters shall be fortunate enough to escape the ravages of the worm. . Tlio Western (San Antonio) Texan gives (lie following Indian news: On the night ?>l'the 3d inst., a party of Indians stole from ?h? inncho of Mr. Lay, four miles 1 from Seguin, nine horses ; also, on the same 1 night, from Mr. Odin, six miles below Seguin, ! oil the Cuadaltipo, seven horses. Also, Irorn Mr. Erskiim, living in the neighborhood of Se. gnin.a number of horses?tlu* exact number we j1 have been unable to ascertain. On the evening of the 7th, the horses of Mr. Krtsiah, living 1 on the Ciholo, about three miles below the s Sulphur Springs were driven off. The citizens 0 living about the Springs were gathered on the morning of the 8th to pursue them. On Sunday, the 7th, the Indians were on the Cole to, '! and Monday a party of 13 or 20 men, Irorn the ' neighborhood of Seguin, crossed the Colelo rtn 0 the trail, in hot pursuit. It is probable they v will join the party from the Springs, and pur. ? sii?? them togelher. On Monday last an express arrived here, who " reported ( on Friday, the 5th inst. two parlies of Indians were committing depredations '! in the Cilmlo, about forty-five miles above this olace. One parly ol iilteen had u'lacked the ran:hnof :Mr. C'assiano hilled one man anddrove off 6 he horses. Another pat ly of six or seven had, ri when seen, a drove of horses, the majority of |l which, it is supposed, belonged to Mr. James . Peacock. 1 We hmrn nls>?. thnt n ptitljf bavo" beerr t?un between this city and Cilmlo, on their way s! ip the country, with a large number of hoi- Sl ies. 11 On the 8th inst.. Lieut., Underwood, with ; !' hirieen men. left Itie Fort Merrill to escort the ! nail rider to Laredo, and on the evening ol (be " same day met a parl v of Indians on the Nueces, " who fired oil liiin from the opposite side ol'tlns river. Ho immediately crossed over and (In*, j " jiersetl ihetn. On tIk* I'dth itist. when within " ibont thirty-five miles of Laredo, he met a |>ar- ,e y of nine Indians, well mounted, who fired tip. Is jii him with guns and arrows, which heing re. a itirned, a sharp conflict ensued, which lasted I' iihout half'au hour, when the Indians retreated. The condition of Lieut. Underwood's horses not permitting a charge, he dismounted his Hid loii?jlit on foot. Lieut. Underwood men . t man killed and seven wounded, a . ita.iono was Lieut. Underwood him .?fl<mg whom 1 it'MiimliwI tn#?ll died a ( J<ilf, One of the Mcintosh. Tito In'" day* alier at Fort j and lour or five lost one man killed il not mortal1 mounded ; otto very seriously and one '/* ^uriiig lite skirmish one horse less 'ttilu strayed away, which were doiiht ,i carried of]'hy the Indians. We learn that M's mail was also lost. 1 The Nueces Valley, of the 13th inst., says : J ' On the 8llt inst., our citizens weie thrown 1 into an alarm l?y a report that reached town ( that the Indians had made their appearance c near the Tuloso Rancho, title**n miles from this ' place. They came across three Mexicans in 1 the prairie, killed one and put the other two to flight. They passed near the Oso Ranch", eight miles from here, driving a large cahalaca, and steering their course for the Nueces. By the oil eel ion they came, they must be from the Lower Rio Granddfo.Cupt. Humphreys imme. dialely despatched anfexpress to Fort Merrill, communicating the 'facts to the commander at that post." The Hon. R. E. Clemens, of Cameron county. arrived here last Tuesday, via Fort Merrill from San Antonio. From him we learn that Col. Hardee and his command, consisting.of four mounted companies two of dragoons and two of rangers?had arrived at Fort Merrill, and will make the contemplated scout, according to Gen. Brook's order, in a few days.? These troops, we understand, are to he kept in active service in scouring the country between the Nueces and Rio Grande rivers until the Indians, who are now infesting that section of country, are killed or dispersed.' News reached here this morning that a very large body of Indians attacked a party of mus langers while chasing mustangs, on Monday last, near the Loma Blanca. seventy-five miles rro?n Corpus Chrisli, and killed seven persons lend on the ground, the bodies of which has been found and buried, besides two that ore rois. >ing, supposed to have been killed or takeu pris>ners. Several are wounded. Mr. James, who arrived hero from Victoria >ti Saturday fas', informs us that he learned af Lioliad, that seven persons had been killed by tbe Indians a few days previous, on the east side of he San Antonio river, some six or eight miles ibovR the Cibolo, on the San Antonio and Go iad road. The Victoria Advocate of the 19tb says : A letter from Judge Gamble, ofSan Patricio, nforms us that an engagement took place on he 8th inst. at a place called Olmer, about she. y miles West of San Patricio, between thirteen Mexicans belonging to the rancho of Judge Love, and a party of Camanche Indians. The Mexicans were out mustanging. Aboul'lbur t'clock in the evening they were attacked by ibout twenty Indians, whom they succeeded in baling back about two thousand yards : three il their own number being wounded and four ndians killed. The Indians being then reinbreed, a large body (about eighty) having in he meantime come up with about four hundred torses, renewed the attack, a portion on horsetack and the balance on foot acting as infantry, rhe Mexicans dismounted, and seeking the heller of the woods, prepared for a desperate esislance. The Indians charged with great loldoets arid a hand to hand fight ensjed, ill vhiclt nine of the Mexicens were killedFrom ? gentleman just in from the West the Washington Lone Star learns that the crops in he Colorado Valley are more favorable than hey have been for many preceeding seasons. > - " ? 'n l I 1 w? t? jn me oan mar cos, xjuauuiupr, <inu t-#n *??onio rivers, ilie prospect of an abundant barest is every where manifested. The Nueces Valley, published at Corpus Jhristi, f-aya that never have the people in that iciniiy realized such crops as during the pres nt season. The corn is equal to any grown ii the South. Several persons who have plant(I the Irish potato this year have succeeded beond their most distant expectations. Capt. ) ': planted on his place, seven miles above Jorpus Cliristi, less than one barrel of potatoes son experiment, which has yielded sixty six nisliels. They are a very large potato, und vill compare with any raised at the North. Ite:J? '? ?il? . <".>? otliur kinds lUfS lllO I'lHOiu IUCJ Iiii?c manj ? f vegetables. A young gentleman in the military academy t Paris eat nothing but soup or dry bread, and rank nothing only cold water. The governr, attributing this singularity to excess of deotion, reproved his pupil for it, who, however, .ntinuod the same regime. The governor sent irhim again, and informed him that such solidarity was nnbecominghim, and that he ought j conform to the rules of the academy. Ho ext endeavored to learn the reason of this collar t : but as] the youth cculd not be persuaded ) impart the secret, he at last threatened to end him back to his family. This menace ter. itied him into an immediate explanation. Sir, nswered he, in my father's house I eat nothing ut black broad, and of that very little; here I ave good soup, and excellent white breuiLand j'ar<- lu.turtoiisly. But l cannot persuade invi-lfto eat anythiug else when I consider the Ituation in which I have left my father and mtiier. The governor could not refrain from ars at this filial sensibiiitv. Your father said i', has ho no pension ? No, replied the youth, )r twelve mouths past he has been soliciting no ; the want of money obliged him to give up 10 pursuit; and rather than contract any t Versailles, he has chosen a life of wretchedess in the country. Well, v the g0V. rnor, if the fact is as you ' nt it. I prom? bo obtain lor inn- ' sfon 0| 500 livres a -VOar-. A"J eioos* your friends are in such oor Clrc" .L take these three louisti ore ^oiir pocket money, and I will remit your ,.i(her the first half year of his pension in alliance-. Ali! sir, returned the youth, as you liavo the goodness to remit a sum of money to ay father, 1 iutreat you to add those louisd'ors to it. Hero t have every luxury I can wish for; they would l?o useless to mo, hut tliov would he of gerat service to my father for his children. The last words of Mirnbcau wore "sleep." He twice or thrice wrote to request that they ivould give him opium; lie foil hack again apparently lifeless, when some artillery being disihargi'd io the neighborhood, the dying Mini, jean raised himself up on one arm, opened bis jyes, smiled, and said with a clear and almost >\ultiog voice, "The funeral rites of Achilles, iavo already commenced; I have an age of murage, but not an instnntoflife," and expired.. C?7~A Printer in the prime of life, (K7~{jiroatl v needs a handsome wife.