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it , -n-frp. . ...v-..:. - " .-^ - . \ . : .. (WWW^' ?l)e Cambett 3ountd. Wp 11 DAMPEN, SOUTH-CAROLINA, AUGUST 9, 1850. NUMBER 63. THE CAMDEN JOURNAL. PUBLISHED BY THO. J. WARREN & C. A. PRICE, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. _ the semi-Weekly journal Is published at Three Dollars and Fifty Cents, if paid in 'MViarite, or Four Dollars if payment is delayed for three "months. the weekly journal I* published at Two Dollars and Fifty Cents, if paid in. advance, or Three Dollars if payment is delayed for three months. Any person procuring five responsible subscribers shall lie entitled to the sixth copy (of the edition subscribed for) gratis for one year. ADVERTI.SKM EXTS will be inserted at the following *mtes: For one square (14 lines Or less) in the semi-weekly, wme dollar for the first, and twenty-five cents for each ^subsequent insertion. In the weekly, seventy,-five cents per square for the first, mud flufty-s?ven and ahalFcents for each subsequent insertion Single insertions one dollar per square. The notnoer of insertions desired, and the edition to 'be published in, mast be noted on the margin of all adver tiseiuents. or they will be inserted semi-weekly until or- | ?dered to bo discontinued, and charged accordingly, i Serai-monthly, monthly and quarterly advertisements I > charged the same as for a single insertion. Liberal discounts allowed to those who advertise for alms, six, or twelve months. JttT-All communications by mail must be post-paid to , meure attention. The following gentlemen are Agents for the Journal: Col. T-W. Hucr, Jacksonltam. Lancaster Dirt. S. H. Esq., Lancasterville, .S.C. 0. C. HJoCauiiUR.v, Cartluige. N. C. W. C. Moore, Esq., Camden, S. C. ' And Postmasters ore requested to act as our Agents. Doctica! Department. 94 . eg ? RAIN ON THE ROOF. When the humid shadows gather Over all the starry spheres, And a melancholy darkness Gently weeps in rainy tears, Tis a joy to press the pillow Of a cottage chamber bed, And listen to the patter Of die soft rain overhead. Every tinkle on the shingles Has an echo in the heart And a thousand weary fancies Into busy being start; And a thousand reco.lections Weave their brigb: hues into woof, As I listen to the patter Of the soli rain on the roof. There, iii fancy comes my mother, I As she used to, years sgone, Tnsurvjw the Infant sleepers Ere she left them till the dawn. I can see her bending o'or me, As J listen to the strain "Which is played upon the shingles By the patter of the rain. Then my little eeraph sister, + With her wing> and waving hair, Aud-ber^i. hr-eyed cherub brother, ,..Aaerene, angelic pair! Glide^arotind my wakeful pillow ' With their praise of mild reproof, . As rlisten tu. the murmur . Of the Boll rain on the roof. v > . ^ y And another comes to thrill me With her eve*s delicious blue, And forget I, gazing on her, That her heart was all untrue; ? I remember: that I loved her As I ne'er may love again. And my heart's quick pulses vibrate ; To the patter of the rain. H - There's naught in art's bravuras * That can work ^ith such a spell, In the spirit's pure, deep fountains, Whence the holy passions swell, moTn/lv nf natifPfW HO UlOV IMV-lk/Uj V* ?? ?? ? That subdued, subduing strain. Which is played upon the shingles By the patter of the rain! 3 Selcctei) Sale. * .. ' ', !*<'* .;* t rom the Southern Utemry Gazette. THE MABOOIT .A EEGJEND W THIS uaitttii5ii.ii,o, BY W. GILMORE SIMMS, ESQ., Author of "The Yemawee," etc. , XII. Here then was a curious discovery. The Inland was not inhabited. He had traversed it for threo days and had found no footstep but his own. Had it ever hepn inhabited ? Scarcely :?the impuuity with which beast and bird enjoyed its securities, and of which he had sufficient proofs in his three days' experience, was conclusive of that question. But it was visited by human being3,fhe witnesses in the cav,e,ru were numerous. Did tbey Come frequently and from whence? These were the >next questions. That they came frequently .might he inferred from various circumstances. I The brands which had been swept from the .altar, were in great heaps in ope corner ofthe .cavern. The shreds of hair ware equally nu.merons ;uid of diBerent degrees of age. This . diflereiM ( was very perceptible upon the slight.est cx?ti;iination. They 6ame lor a religious purpose. The shreds of hair, the altar, the aromatic woods and gum,?were all significant of sacred rites. From whence? Surely, was the thought of tho " Maroon," from that isle, or continent,, the dint outlines of which had fixed his gaze but an hour before. A farther bcarch led to. farther discoveries, but all ofthe I same character. Vast stores of these shreds of hair, seemingly the accumulation of cenluries, were found in remote crannies and dark recesses of the vault. A thousand little baskets of shells, and white and blue fragments; pel). Ides that seemed like glass ; and, more precious in the sight ofLopez, numerous strands of pearl, such as he had alrcaly discovered ; which, dark and dingy with frequent smokes in the cavern, he found could he made ciean by a little water. In a recess of the rock, the most obscure, he made the discovery of a niche which had evi. dently been used for a couch. It was softly lined with moss and leaves, and there were flowers in bunches at the head and feet which might have been grasped by the hands of youth and beauty. The impression of the head was perceptible upon a pillow of moss at one ex. treinily, and suggested to our .Maroon the idea of a itfrfhore. comfortable couch for himself, than ' " 1 * - ** 1 I ?_ I I any \vi:icn tie nau yet touna upon ms isniuu. The sun had been rapidly sinking while he had been urging his researches, and the cheerless dusk of the horizon without, as he emerged Irom the cavern, determined him once more to return to its recesses. He did so, and, ascending the mysterious recess in the inner chamber, though with some hesitation, he soon sunk into a deep slumber, in which, though he dreamed of strange fotms and aspects about him, he dreamed ot nothing to impair the virtue of his sleep. XIII. But, with his awakening thoughts, apprehension, rather than pride or exultation, lbllowed the consciousness of his new discoveries. Had he not reason to fear the return of the strange people by whom the isle was it would teem, neriodicall v ! That thev were a barbar W...J , y ous people he could not u'ou bt; that I hoy wuuld resent his presence, and him us an enemy, he hud every reason to dread. lie should he a victim to some one ol their cruel sacrifices. He should he immolated on the altars of one ol the bloody deities ol the (Jarribcuti worship.? The nrin, brave by naluic, and in the situation ol Lopez de Levyu, mi^til weli entertuiu such apprehensions. Hoiv much more vividly wouiu they occur to the imagination oi one so luinu and leeble ol souJ as our AJarooii. 1 hey kept him?assuming various forms oI terror?in a cold sweat for several days; and though the impression was naturally weakened and dissipated the more laminar the images became, yet any immediately impeding thought brought i (hem back upon his spirit with a ghastly uuu | withering inilucnc;. Three days elapsed uilei , this discovery iiehrs he louud himself able io recur to i( without. vague and .overpowering sense of terror. Hut the pc.irJs shone in his eyes. He had grown wealthy on a sudden.? lie drew lorth the numerous dungs winch lie found suspended in the cavern, livery Spaniard ot that day had an instinctive appreciation oftrcasiire. Lopez had never seen so much riches at a glance bclbre. lie examined his pearls in ilic sunlight. He cleansed tiieiu ui their impurities by the ocean s side. And lie , ?"|? ?(' ? in j 'I I his miller. flu had uev. er dreamed oi'such vast possessions. in cipaiii ?hut when he thought ol'cipain, and ? ii liie probability, in aililslorce, i.iai iie siionlu uovci again behold its shores, ho vvus utmost inovoo i in his declaration to liing his newly liiuiiu ue.i- 1 sure into the deep. Liut the latent hope, widen dreamed of the possible approach 01 some lit* 1 ture mariner, iorhude the sacntice ; and icsiur- , itig his possessions to the da; a crevices lioin whence he hud taken them, he .streicheu In in sell uui upon the eminence which vaulted his possessions, and which had now become with him u. lavurite place ol watch, to gaze upon the broad plane oi ocean by which be was girJed 011 everv hand. - " ?r XIV, No'sign of hope for the "Maroon/' Tlio sun shines with u red and scorching influence.? There is iioi a cloud in i he sky lu curium lite brazen tenuis oI his countenance. The ocean Bleeps, smooth us glass, unbroken in its wilderness of range, spread out like tin ?md?ess initio, of steel, ihul lired ihe very In ain io gaze upon And in ihe sky. on ihe return ut uigin, aiign. oe seen the moon, hrigin i?ul placid, ncariy at hci full, giving lo ihe scene something of an aspect melancholy, such as she habitually wears herself. Not a speck upon ihe waters?not a speck?and, while the lull continues, no possibility of a sail in sight. He looks toward lite faint uncertain iineoi' shore, which ho has Jim cied to ho beyond him on the south. ft is no fancy now. it is certain. Tlie subdued wave* lessen ilie usual obstacles of vision. '1'lte line oflnmi, if it iie land and no mocking cloud up. pours to rise. It undulates. There are mequalities which strike his eye. and which, seen ut that distance, cannot he subject to doubt or disbelief. He trembles with mixed feelings of hope and terror as he comes to this conclusion. Once more to heboid the human form?once more to look upon the friendly aspect of man, and to say'Brother!' But will the aspects be friendly that shall look upon him from fiom thai shore ? Will ifiey hearken to his cry uI pleading ? Will they understand him when he uses the endearing title of ' brother" to the savage chief who leads thfl marauding party ' 1 hese suggestions hut fill our "Maroon" with dismay. Crouching in the shade, his eye fixed on the opposite shores, as he believes them, he starts suddenly to his feet, lie passes his hand across his brows ; his fingers press his eyes, us if'to remove some speck, some foreign atom, from his vision. Can ho believe his eyes? Does he, indeed, behold an object upon the waters approaching him from that doiibllitl and hostile shore. He sees; but now it disappears, It is gone ! He looks in vain, his whole frame convulsed and quivering with the. emotions of his soul' Again it rises into view. It disturbs the smooth surface of the deep, The brightness of the mirror is shaded by a speck, that speck grows upon his sight. He can doubt no longer. It is a boat which he beholds?it brings with it a savage enemy?the fierce cannibal of the Carribcau Sea ! He drops his spear, and his cross-bow ; hie hand grapples, not his knife, but his rosary. He tiilis upon his kneps?he counts the beads with hurried hand and failing memory. He clutches the agnus Dei; he 6tains it to his lips, and with many a broken invocation to some favorite saint, he hurries away to put himself in shelter. His search has fortunately enabled him to find many places of temporary biding, such as would probably suffice for safety during the stay? which was evidently brief ahvayb?of the savages by whom the islet was visited. At first, he thought oroccupying a dense piece of copse which lay a< a little distance In the rear of the elevation in whieh iho rnvcrii tvnii liinnri Km a doubt whether this would not be penetrated, in a desultory ramble of the intruders afier fruit, and a curious desire to be in some situation which would enable him to watch their proceedings, led him to abandon this idea. The cave itself was obviously one of their places of greatest resort. It was here that their religious rites were performed. The isle', itself was unemployed. It was a place set apart and sacred to some special and superior purpose. The vaulted chamber was the place of their mysteries. He determined that it should be the place of his concealment. He had sought out all its secret places. He had seen that certain of their remains, their shreds of hair, their baskets of shell, their broken arrows, had been undisturbed lor a long season; and behind these, in convenient fissures of the rock, which were wholly unlighted by the day, he prepared to bostow himself. The suggestions of the naturally timid person, under u consciousness of np. 1 preaching danger, arc. usually proinptoenough. Lopez L&rya hurried to execute the plan he had conceived, fie entered the cave ere yet the strangers could behold any movement on the shore. His provisions, a supply for several days at least, liao been already tiansferred to the safe keeping ol the vaulted apartment.? These were ail disposed of, conveniently to his reach, in the crevice of the rock in which his own person wa? to find security. And, all pre pared. he planted himself within the mouth ol I tin* cave, uuxionsly looking forth?yet not sons 1 to l>e seen? lor the unknown object of his a|?- 1 prehension. 1 i xv. The strange object is indeed a boat?a large , canoe with two banks of oars?one of those ( long and stately barges in wbicii the Can ibean ( wa* wont to go liinn for wnt'or cereinoniaf. its sides was gaudily and richly painted. Its poop was raised with a triumphal canopy of , uyed cotion above it. ft.< |>ro\v was louy and -harjj, and bore, for a figure, head, the savage 1 jaws of a Oymaii, or Amei ioau crocodile. The rowers ol the boat were won, but all besides were women. Those were eight io number? seven who sal forward, and near the prow, and . one who sat in the stern, alone arid under the canopy. The course of rhe boat was regulated by the oars men. The women hi the prow wyiu all richly clad in stained cotton garments. Their heads were tressed with si rands of pearl; their necks, which were bare, were covered witli similar decora* ions. Each, in her hand, bore a bunch of arrows and a baskekl ot arro- j inarilic gums, and bandies of wood similarly arromutllic These females were ail evidently inaiioriK, none of thmn being less tlmu thirty yeais of age. and all of litem wearing the cxpe* j l ii'iiee ol loot, uiol lu>:i i'iixt is common to those wiio have been iik?liors. I>ut she who sal alone ai tlie Meru was evidently none of these. Sin: could not have been more than iineen years old and looked wild and startled us a young liiwn, lot the lirst lime venturing forth without its da01 in company. She was quite as beautilid as she was young; her skin less dai k lliun was u.*ual among the Carribean Indians?not much more dark, indeed, than was thai of I lie Spaniard : and (he red blood coursing at mioiiu nix. from her her heart into her cheeks, sulTusing a with the most exquisite tints "i iniioceiic and youth. She was well lonneo and tall. Her hair streamed down over her back and shoulders. Her bosom wan quite bare, iviiliioit i> .:i.I or ??? other ornument.? Her diva* was of while cotton, purely white, without :uiy of those rich and gaudy dyes, which wetcso lively used Ijy her people. Belore hei' J wsi? ,i mii.iI; oartiieii vessel half covered, lioiji wlucli n Might smoke continued to ascend, as it from a hiiiocn tire below. Into this, at intervals, ihe m.ial ?ii might bo ecru to tjing a tine powder which she scooped out of a gourd that lay boside lu-r. Numerous baskets of flowers and sin ;i? l.iy M; her fuel, and a bunch of arrows 'tis i:d upon tier lap. Tho oars-men were all habited as warriors. Their brows were grave. No words passed among iheni or among the women. untii, as they drew nigh ?lie shore, the alter suddenly broke out into a wild, and not unmusical cliauui, which made our .VJaroon recoil within his vaulted chamber, wi'h uu iudetiuile souse of terror. At this sound the rowers dropped their ours; the boa' lay upon her celtire, and the women prepared to leave her, tho' they were still more than thirty paces from the shore. Bin the water was exceedingly shallow where the vessel lay; the beach which lormeil the esplanade of the cave, stretching out boldly tor some distance into the sea. Availing themselves ol their knowledge of the bar, the wo men stepped lorln upon a ridge, where the ocean, disarmed of its billows, swept along gently to the level of their knees. They brought lorlh lliuir biilels of fragrant wood, their baskets ol shell, their sheaves of arrows, their vessels ol odorous gums and incense. Then, taking the damsel from beneath the canopy at the stern, they bote her. with anxious solicitude upon their shoulders from the vessel to the shorfe ; her leel and drapery being kept sacred from the waves. One ot their dumber seemed to counsel anddirect the rest, and it was with teelings of new horror, that our Maroon beheld in her grasp, as she led the way Jo the cavern, a sharp broad instrument of stone, that greatly resembled u j butcher's cleaver. His apprehensions were not now for himself. For what was the unhappy damsel destined ? For the sacrifice ! For what crime, what penance, what terrible superstilion? To appease the malice of what bloody god, was this poor child, so young, so beaut iful; so evidently innocent; to be made the victim? Her sad and fearful looks, the tears which now gathered in her eyes, the wild chaunt of the women, and the stern, grave aspects of the men ?these all seemed to denote an occasion of wo and terror. The men did not leave the boat; i ihoydrewno nearer to the Jand. The shore.b seemed to bo a consecrated one, which tin max- I' culinefootstep was not allowed to pollute. The 11 girl, still borne upon the arms of ihe women, and tbllowing her who seemed to be ihe oflicia- . ting priestess, wns carried into tho cavern ; | the wild chorus of the women being resumed as i they entered the gloomy portals, and reverber. | ating from tho walls within, with a sound Ui ] once sweet, awful and inspiring. \ xvi. I Ouri% Maroon" was already crouched, close, j in his place of hiding, fie beheld in silence and salety, but with an awful beating at the ] heart, the whole of the strange procession, flc < .saw the women circling the altar stone with i wild contortions and a strange unearthly song. ; fie saw them, from several branches of wood, draw lorlD itie bilets, with which they kindled { a Hainc upon the stone. The fire was drawn from the vessel which had been supplied with t fuel on the voyage by the band ol the young damsel. She sat apart, on alow projection ol the wall, to which she had boen conducted, nnd but a few paces from the cavity in which Lopez found retreat. She took no pari in the ceremony, though she seemed deeply interested in its progress. Atceitain pauses in the wild ineantion, particularly when certain emphatic sounds or words closed the chaunt. she clasped her hands aloft, and her groan was audible, as i I in supplication. The lire began to blaze Middenly above the stone, and its strange gleams l?.ayed in lively tints upon the gloomy walls of lie cavern. Then the circling dance and the chorus were renewed. Then ul cei tain sounds, Liiti women (mused uud at such momenta, the r maiden rose, and, approaching the flame, threw ( into ii fragments ol wood or gum with which ? ^ie had been supplied. At all such additions, I i lie flame blazed up more brightly, and the I [. haunt vvu* mof?-Wdd-?r*g*mn?'thitrf,Bvcr. j At length it censed; and, in an instant, evtyy <, woman crouched down urouud the stone where I .. ..I *1. - ...L _ . . J _ _ sue sioou, ejcejn lue one who seemeu 10 act. as 1 |irie?>lchtc#K. She did not join in the chorus of the others, hut in n low chuunl of her own performed some separate office. Shu now approached the maiden, and conducted her toward the uliur. At her words, the damsel bent over the heads of the kneeling women, separately, and her tears tell fast us she murmured in their scveiul ears. She took from the necks of each her strands of pearl. They themselves unbound hem fiormheir own tresses, which now hung down mournfully, of great length, from every -boulder. The pearls were collected by the rieslt ss and laid apart. Our Ml iroon," Irom his place of watch followed with keen e^s, and ?aw where *he laid lhem. The women now r../.^rli>iL I n,'trirl <*inlir:irp.d ihcrn nnnh. willi \ dt?cj? sobbing, and thov responded with ming- t ing >iglis ami songs, while passing oui of the > l*Ii unbei in which ibey Icli her with (he otficia- | liny woman. When their voices were heaid uiil) i miii lue seashore, where uiey had now as- ( scntlili d, the maiden was conducted to the a), t ar place by her matron-like companion. Her s mournlol utterance announced some saddet j L'ereinonial. The girl answered her by aery t mid threw herseJi'nt her feel lie lore the altar, r I'he. woman knelt upon one knee. The head t id' the maiden was supported upon the oilier ^ froui which th long black hair depended, hull' r shrouded the drapery of the priestess. Vciy i lender tveie the iew words which then passed c between the I wo. 'i'he girl clasped her hands 'I togel her. and her tearful eyes were lull oft lie '] sweetest but saddest resignation. The Woman . ? - :.i- t ' <111(10100(1 ncr iresscs OM> won nor un^ia, aiyiJji- (1 lmI nnil kissed affectionately the lips of the child, ^ mil while everything betokened nothing lo?s i lIi.-vii lhi' iru<-s? sympathy, mid llie inust . Iie.irl. IMi mid generous affectum between them, whui i was the horror ul our Maroon?now deeply v interested in the event?to see the woman pus- t sess herself of the broad knife oi'stoiie w hich , lay ou'he fool of i lie altar. Timid and fechle ris lie was of soul, his lingers clutched his knile with u convulsive resolution, which, in the case of a in a ivr spirit, would have long before do- ? elared itself hi action ! t Giikat O.vvKs. ? A summer tourist, writing ' from 6.1.V1111 springs to pie i\ew York Journal oft xiiiin'roe, uive' a description of two cave* I o; giva-. size, unm Jjiniunurio Uuuit llousc, .Men 1 fcufii. lloivv's, Cave situated aljotu ^ 17 mile* :Yuiu tie* Springs, ami live iruin lae * >imi>a;ifiej I ohm tiou-e, ooou explored a 1 leptn id sewa aales uuough limestone rorti, ' ami contains a laao, oil wiiicn is a boat for vis- A itois. One portion o> tais cave i> so vast tuaf 1 roeKets nave neea sem uji ami do not rcauu the ' ceiling. Too oilier cavo U called (jlebhard's I ami i.- about our miles east ul tne Schoharie Court llouse. tt has luea explored to the His- ; tance oi live miles. This also i? said to nave a 1 Ink-., and an annruneiit 315 feu m tliaiaeler. j Pure white alabaster has boon found in it.? 1 liuwo's cave was discovered in by a Mr. ' Howe, why tins now a hotel near it. Dr. Franklin useJ to any that rich widows ' were lite only piece oi' socondrliand goodi tluit j sold at prime cost. iHisccllatuous Department. Wokds of Soberness.?The following remarks from the Richmond Enquirer are words of soberness and truth. The doctrine of consolidation under the federal leaders appears to be making rapid strides, but the sun of liberty will have set when State sovereignty is blotted out of our national policy :?South Carolinian. In all extuaordinary excitements like the present, great principles are unfortunately liable to be lo3t sight of. We have a case now before us. We have referred to Mr. Clay's attack upon Mr. Rhett's speech in which the Senator so unjustifiably threatened the sovereign State of South Carolina with the armed force (-Kentucky and the General- Government. 'Hie Washington Republic follows up the movement, and puts forth some heterodox doctrines, ^ which we cannot but hold up to reprobation. ~ No one is more anxious than ourselves for a pacific adjustment of the present controversy, none more opposed to disuirion per se?but so profound a reverence have wo for State sovereignty, so vital do we deem its preservation to the Union, peace and happiness of the Confederacy, that duty impels us to expose the false doctrine. The Republic, referring to the position of South Carolina, says : " The people of the United States will not permit a secession from tho Union, peaceable >; otherwise of one or more of the States composing it. in self-defence, they will suppress iny such attempt, at all hazards. " The people themselves of the slaveholding States will not permit it." This bravado is in total violation of the im nortal principles laid down by our own Jeffer >on and Madison, as the text book of the Republican party. They taught us to regard each ind every State as sovereign, and fully qualified to judge of the constitutionality of the action >f the Fedend Government, and to protect her'elf by withdrawing from the Confederacy.? i'liis would be an extreme case, but the State lorself is the only judge in this caso, she has lie undoubted right to adopt such a measure of protection. Appwds may be made by sister States (as was done by Virginia, in sending Mr. L- igli a Commissioner to South Carolina in the : ..I ?\ i?* c i... iiiji. in n uimiuauuu, j?uuijc/rcc/uiui tievci uc .bought 0110 of the dements of ourinstituions. It is fatal madness to bring up such a node of redress. The firsl blow struck by tho jreneral Government at a sovereign State dislolves tho Union. The only cement of the Union is in the affection for our institutions, jrbjhtened by coramnn, sqfforjngfta^ftd.dangers, md in doing justice and practising charity and jood sense. The Republic commits another error, when t says that the South ought not now to corailuin of being cxcladed from the new territories, n'canse "The North, both parties concurring, disinctly notified the South, by word and by vote, infnrn tbo tnrrit.nrv WMiuinnirpH flint if npnnir. ,v.v.v.... j ??^1? ? 'd, slavery would and should be excluded from t." Now, it is well known that, on the ratificaion of the Mexican treaty, a motion to apply ho Wilmot Proviso was voted down by the ionato. Was not the South properly to infer rom the fact that no degrading exclusion from somraon property would bo raised against her >y the majority? The Houston Telegraph says that prepnraions are in progress in ai! parts of the State, or a grand expedition to the gold region that ia- been discovered in Northern Texas, uol far. fli.. miiiio iniliilirnrml nifr of f Iranrt iuivira. Gold mitiosbave been found all along he Lfrcat ehaia of mountains extending- from the. iources of'the Arkansas and Platte rivers by Santa Fe. to the Puereo. Immense excava-. ions are shown along the feet oi Ahese mounains, and tho ruins of vast cities indicate that hesc mities were onoe worked I) millions of leople. ' The geographical formations of this egion art-so similar to the. gold regions ofCal?. I'ornja, that they appear. ?o bo identical, and iontain similar deposits of the precious metals. I'hese facts havo been made known throughout IVxas, and th? Telegraph would not bu sur* iriseu t?> lino tiiat tiio emigration to tho goid re. fion of Texas, in the ensuing autumn, shouhj xceed the emigration to California. All ajpng lie Indian iVontier, and throughout tlie interior. >i' i .i" Srnti? tin' notes of nrenaration are sound ng. and thousands may be found wending their vay to Northern Texas in the course ol" two or hree montlis. The excitement in regard to. iia expedition has perhaps never been equalled. An exchange says: Wo have not seen a sin;le paragraph :V?>ni Mrs. Partington, in relation o tho female mummy which turned out to ho a nan. Didn't Mrs. P. have a ticket ? The good old lady did have a ticket sent to tar, with, as she said, "Mr. Gliddon's implenents. llut, deary me," sho continued, "I didn't 1 ? 1 Tf? .J..J I ccer much about tue oumrqy, nn(1 11,1 ?iau 1 li.ln't, for I never could have sot by, and seen hat coiutii>l<on Princess invested of its debjlir ies. They say the scoflygust was all coverc4 vith high low gipseys, and the bandages were asteued \\ith gitsence and bittcrmcn.' It must iavc teen a querious sight, a querious sight r;ir y" " Hut it turned out to be the body of a piaq il'tor all," said Airs. Smith, who had just stop1 ? 1 !1 ? *1 liHlanlmt )CK1 111 WI1I1U WC >VCIU Uiuiu iUiiuvpa ntuv " The gracious sakes dpsaryo us, it didn't .hough, now did it raly ? Then there must 'a jeen a disposition practised, for Mr. Gliddon's i Yankee, aud cute dumbugging, I guess, Pity to hadn't said it was pharriar's butlow, that was buried a thousand years or so nforo th/j [lood, then he'd a' bit jt,' Pjdii't wo laygb?