University of South Carolina Libraries
m The Beaufort Tribune. >v. >r. fhench, JBdltoi1 mid J'opvictor* WEDNESDAY. FEB. 2. 1870 t#""The friends of M. M. Kingman will find him "at toomo" at 810 F, Street, "Washington, when they visit the capita' HTThc M. S. Mllson was sold in Savannah hist Wednesday to Douglas Nisbet A Co., Charleston, for $4,700. RJ^Oeortre Proctor, lately a tvpo in this office, has secured a position in the government printing office in Washington through the influence of Congressman Smalls. f^TSaino of ?ar citiwrs wni to An gust i last, week to 8-c Bo it.h, others 1 are going to Charleston this week to ace T tlic pleat tragedian. ET*A mam named Adolph*Paehs was mn over by the cars in Jersey City last , Monday, and killed. We are not informed whethcT^this is Beaufort's [absconding merchaat or not. |3y~Thc "British brigantinc Peerless captain J. 8 Wilson ls'londing cotton seed at. Mr. Polliteer's whnr". Phe vi** take on board 400 tons and sail for Cor k, for or Jets. t3Sr"The three-masted schooner Mary H. Hand is unloading headstones for tlic "National Cemetery, at Waterhouae a->d Bicker's wharf. She brought, oret 8000 stones, and is distributing considerable money in the way ot wages to the labor era sod teams for handling hauling ' he residenceofC O, KendallEsq < i wsc 4.\ 1\n 1 ? ? 4 **-- J T?.vo vf i/o viit tirt? tasi rnn\y, and it wnsnt first thought to he impossible to save anv of the buildings as the fire had enveloped the entire roof of the kitchen extension. Fortunately the presence ol some visitors afforded help, and the fire -wrs extinguished before very great damage had been done. An exposed stove pipe caused the fire. An effort is to be made in Beaufort to atart a Building and Loan Association similar to those that have proved sn successful in Philadelphia.Nov that the Freedmen's Bank is no longer in operation it is thought that the colored people may seethe advantages ofsuch an association, and he induced to invest their savings in tins new and profitable venture. The only difficulty would be in explaining to the people the intricate V workings of the dpw bank, but U in thought they would soon be made to 9 understand and appreciase its ad van ' toges. " Had the Fool Killer visite.l our town last week he would have reaped such a harvest as wnnM > < " -?.!? -- >.?IV nmuuiKIICU IUIT1, and decimated the population. The occasion of the people exhibiting their V folly was caused by the assert icn of n ,A o-callcd medium that ahould he be lock; ed in a cell in jail or any iron safe in 1 towu that the spirits would enable him to got out without going through tire door, fituriff V 5'aon was importuned to lock the man in jsi' and at first consented, but when be n-alhted that he would b< a fit subiect fi>r the Fool Killer and an object of derision, decided that be would not make himself a subject of ridicule l?y being mixed up in tho affair. Our town I marshal however was more accommodating, and. accompanied by a large crowd of people anxious to see the spiritual manifestation, escorted the medium to the guard houee and looked him securely in 1 a coll. The rhin began to pour down but the curiosiry of the crowd was not to be dampened and they remained for five hours on the watch to see the miracle, but no spirit appenred, and at seven o'clock the marshal opened the door and released "* i 'the fraud who was followed through the str< e? by a liow'ieg crowd, many of whom *5'"' h"'iev d that th "lie reason the ^ r> f>'rl n rse. -pe was on m-count of t?- *.? lj-.. ,S the-p?rit? to lender him the jv-41 ffj < o 1> 1 fi r'rrlif ??- rT" <->.v n. ill'TV. I lie hi < wry-rising part of the. whole affair v.'hs 1 f.ith in the ability of this man t-i do r'l he claimed by some of our cit,?iz n-> who. herctore, have been considered Iperfeetly sane. On his return from Congress for thr * holidays, Congressman Pmalls denied the T*"statements, copied in this paper from tht f^Ynshington Republican, as having lieer A made by him. We sent sent a copy ol the Tribune to the Republican and th< editor now says: ^ "A few weeks ago, Hon. Robert Smalls a member of Congress from South Carol I iba, consumed two ho rs, while on tht cicursion to Philadelphia, in expressing < | to the editor of this paper his dissatis Xacfion and disgust with the election o Ptoses and Whipper as judges in Soutl Carolina, and denounced the election o SUcli men na '' ' ? .... y tlUItlHging ! <> till I interests of the Republican party. Bu our moderated statement ot what Mr Sinnlla did say was republiahed in hi own State, and, having displeased tin Whipper-snappers, Mr. Smalls denies tha he ever said what, wc hoard him say." The following notico from the tiouii g'+tW Ohwrrer, of Long Island, refers t< some boys not unknown in Beatitorf i "We \f >uld call attcu.ion to the can rrssf.jA.-vA..- ?? of French &Co., in auotlier cojumn. They | arc a new firm, but arc old hands at the j business. The older hro"her put up the | Bergen and Toun.nnd monuments iu j Greenfield Cemetery, and the Albion at Sayville, all of which arc high works of 1 art. The members of the firm are sons of Rev. 11, French, of Pears-alls, and from our aequaiutnice with them we have pleasure in introducing them to the people of Long Island." Jan. 33 Br. Bd piotinc Burry Atlioiue master, 31 days l'rytu Funchal in ballast to Campbell, Wyllie &Co. Clgaubo Jan. 21 Br. Brig Argo, Brim inghant, master, for Dublin, wtth 433 torn f phoaphute rock Cor,saw mines. 25 Br. Bark Anne Deal, Pay mar umpt< r, for Swansea, nith 5o0 Ions o j phosplifctc rock fron. Onk Pointnii. cs. 1 he Ornish brit? Laura, May. from Bui River, S* C. arrived at Dublin, Jaa iar 28. The scbr.LTenme F. Willcy, Trefcthci from Port Royal, 8. C. arrived at Net York, Jauua'y 26. The sohr. Vineyard, Roscbmok. Iron Port Royal S. C. arrived at Boston, Jar uary 20. x^<"> A ? TKz." 1 t :x 1IOPSE PORTABLE STEAM ENGINE. 1 l i'U.U.ll" 1-J.i.r.' - STATIONARY STEA3 ENGINE, vl bout .teller. Ap,.'y nt Palmetto I.-lnud, , or addriss H liuulort P. O. jau U C, G. Eindall i IV !loo lo.'i'nxT'uyei's. 1 1 Tkea*OI?b<TS Offilk Beaufort ?. V. Jan. 3,a 1ST1 Tlilsofllyc wl.l l>c open on nn.l alter Wednceda Jan Mb mst daily fur the Deception of Tanc. aI: Tuxes icmiining unpaid on the 3t'.i Feb. wi be liable to n penalty in uceorJauce with t . . ordinance emitted "an Uidiiittiic- to raise rnppllc . for the y ear Idil8 and for otner purposes.*' Hat tlie. iu council April 119th 186$. Ofll.c hours fro at 9 A .M. tot P. M. and fron 1 -J i*. M. to 0 P. M. J. C. Tltciinoxn ( Town Treasurer. STATE OF KOI.'TII CAROLINA I > TOWN OF BEAUFORT. 1 AN OKDINANCK ! Tontine SupitlleK fur the year IX7B, ant for other purposes. ! Skc T. lie It ordained by the Tntondant ant Warders of the Town of Beaufort, in Council as cmblcd: % That a tax for the year lS'.fi for the snms and 11 the wanner hereinafter prescribed, shell he raiser and paid Into the Treasury of the Town for the n?< and service thereof, that is lo say: Sxc. tl- That after the passage of this Ori'.l nance, there shall li % paid into the Town Trea?u rv one hundred anil twcnty-llvc rent* on even j hundred dollars of tlie value of every bourc, build ] leg, lot, wharf or other landed estate within thi limits of the town, except ng tich i ropcrtv n: | belongs to and is occupied by religious, charitnbh i or literary r.eeocietioiir; one I'.ur.drcd cents 01 every hundred rioliara of the value of personal o | possessory property of every kind, including ti.ou ey on hand oron deposit; bonds or other evulencci ] of lndeht'dness and exclusive of household furni ture to the value of one hundred dollars. Sec. Iil. That Immediately after !hc pw-agi of this ordinance all nersotis or corporations d in; business within the limits of the to* u shall hi and are hereby required to pay special taxesfo: the same into the Town Treasury us hercaf nr prescribed, to wit; let. For a dray, cart, bu<"j?y or other vehici" kept fornir $r> W i 8a?. For noti residents of the town selling o oTciing for -ale wane or nicrthsndlee by s.ini' li or othi wus. not to ai-.ced iter lesa that #10 UO ::t the discretion of the Intends: t. 3rd. For uiiy pets m or per o.ia srllltq; ant wares or merchandise and . tiering lu coi:u--cti..< there* !:h anj luieoar ri'V.atd to be giva.i by lo ' or dec! ded l?y chance $0tt) ft I 4h. For every shew, circus or p ibllc. perforin i arn-e, from $5.u0 t j $^),Oo, si the discretion o , he lutcudar.t. 1 Oth. For Express Ccropaaha {* "> 01 6th. F or Telegraph Companies $35 01 7th. For every photographer or other eiinils artist from 5 to 25 dollar.-", at the discrerion of th' Intendant. 1 fith. For nil dealers In spirituous liquors am hotels where liquors are sold $135 01 9th. For Giuulng Cotton $50 ft 10th. For every person or persons using steau 1 as a motive power $10 0< ( lltb. For every auctioneer live dollars per month or yearly license.. $3o ft 11th. For every Undertaker $5 ft 12th. For every Junk dealer $10 0( 14 th. For every commission merchant $20 0( 15th. For every Dentist non resident not cx ceedlng ten dollars at the discretion of the Inten 1 dant. ISch. For every person or persons not; resident 1 selling horses, no: lees than two dollars, nor ntori than twenty dollars, at the discretion of the luten dant. 17tli For every Itagateile or lliliiurd table o ! Howling alley kept for public use $ 10.01 lHtlt. For each Hank for savings or deposits OO.ft 19th. Traders who nave ^commenced hi:sines: since Janumy 1st. 1871 shall pay in lieu of the ta; ' on personal property a special tux for the halanci of tha year at the ra'c of, per month, $2.01 .Sec. IV. That ail taxes on personal pro pert; Imposed t y the provisions cf this Ordinance shal , have reference as to possession and veluaiirm ti the "irst day of December, 1S75, and be for the yea beginning January 1st. 1K16, to December 81, 1*76 < Sec. V. Tiiat the committee appointed to raisi I supplies for the year 187(1 shall constitute, togethe with the Intendant. the honrd of assessors, wlios duty it sliall he to assess each person or ooi por.ltio: 5 such amounts as in their judgment they may deer just ar.d proper ; which asses-mcnt shall l?e duV recorded In a book which shall be open for iorpei ? tion and revision for the space of ouc week fror | date of public not ice,{within which time Ihopartic > i HO Afl9?frRO<l pbflll hnvn ilm - * ? " >?v I'lKiK^v vi rorrtfim J the Bamo. under oath, before the board of assessor ' j If he, she or they deem themselves over-its esses! " | mid all persons to offering t* reduce their fttiies; f I mentt t-hall answer on oath to coti'ml al) sue j j q uretlono iu ivlntlon to their taxable i-icoin .irec ipiK or property as members of Council rha ' | ask c i Sec VI Tint all taxes not paid ou or h -'or' til k j 5tli of February, 1870, shall be liable to a pennit i < accordance with the ordinance eutil'cu "A * Ordinance to raise sap plies for thcy.-ar 180', an S for other pmptaes ratified in Council April 2i)i p 13.8. . bEC. VH All ordinances or parts of ordinances i conflict wit this ordinance, except that conceri iug the sale of Gunpowder, ratified March tttl ibtofl, arc hereby revoked. i, i Untitled in Council .January 4th, l.vTfl. I Ceo. 0.\?E, A"! in: Intcndint. j ('. ninnti.xii' 1 Clerk of Council. Notice to the Public. ! Mr. Rolit. Austin* Blnckshrar. Georgia,; ; is now in this neighborhood and lias been i ; most successful in producing :i fine flow j of water lor Messrs Bobbins Boddington , &('o. at their mill. He will remain here j for a low days . The above firm can with confidence u recommend him, to produce water upon his principle. Apply at Atlantic Sa .v Mill. 2T:ti:3 to Taxpayers. OrncK County Trbam ubr, | t-auifort. .Tau. 15 ;870. s Kor the convenience of tM >;>e\ere 1 wll he at the ' follhe.iitg named place? in thcionuty, to facilitate 1 the ccliection of ths aame: ( Orahsmville, .'anunrjr Ji, p| UiHIwille. Fjl'inwy 1, i Sitar.n*li I hcrllf s nfllce. Feirmrj t. | Srrcve:. Fc:rr, Feb. uarjr it. 1 Levy's X 'toMils. February <. I' Pritt hard'a Oa^laailt, Teornarj 3. 1 I will alati vt'tt JUL Toy BEAD ' and Blfffton, of which timely notice v will be given. OnonnK TIoi.mbs, I Troas. lift. Co. S tate and County Taxss. b County Ti f/fi i fit's CFt Beai fort S. January 4th 187(1 Notice is hereby given this ofllre will be opened for the receipt of State and County taxes for the fiscal year on the eighth (8) day of January 187G. t Tiie taxes assessed on real and personal property is. P r State p irpo-cs, 11 mills i For County purposes, 8 mills For County past indebtedness, 8 m>l's Foil tax per capita, 1 dollar , School tax a se-si d b\ the varum townc ships is as follows: < s Bennfart township, 8 mills | lllaiV oa township, E mill- . Coosawhalchie township, 2 mills II GoeHic township, 4 mills Hilton Head township, S mi Is Law ton township. 1 1-2 mill Pi epics township, 8 1 8 mills Pocotaligo township, 2 mills Robert township, 8 mills St. Helena township, 8 mills i Sheldon township, 8 mills | i Yeniassee township, 2 mills ' Ladies Island township, 8 mills. , Oko. Hoi.mits, Treasurer Beaufort County. , llittep.b dissmissoht 1! Notice is hereby given that I will i apply to the Hon. Court of Probate tor | Beaufort County, State of South Carolina ! for a final di-charge as administrator of "! the Kslnte of John Dower.;, on the fourth ' j day of February next. ' Jan'y 5tli iSTG. ^ Benj. R. Lewis \ Administrator !, j NUTICK. r i a li pekro?;s ann cautioned i.vst ; harboring or trusting any of the craw ?.f tie" Drfttfeh Ship EUMINIDES aa no debt* cf t'.ia r contacting will bo paid by the ma- er t>? Kotaiws Coodikotom, & Co Agen.e. (>fi ice of Tin: County Commissioners, I'eattfokt Cocxty, Henulort, S. C., Jan. 4 1870. SEALED PROPOSALS will be reeei 1 ved Kt thisoflicc until February 6i.ii, 1870, 1 for medical Rtt-ndiuieo to tho poor and j priaoncri of IJea'ifort Coun'.y, for the ye ;r 1876. Ssid propc?"ls to be nm le separate. The II-aril r- uTYeathe ri^ht to re< jeet any un i all bid*. 1*. PniTCtTAWD I Chairman li'd. Co. Com'rs. f Tlios. II. Whoe'er, Clerk ! Fall and Winter , G-OOZDS. ' ! "R 4 SfTTRPRT! M. MVMM* MA'J ) Takes pleasure In announcing to his pair jns, and * to th<* LADIES OF BEAUFORT In particular 1 that he now has the FINEST STOCK of | DRY GOOI1 A ID FA3STCY GOODS , 9 ever opened in Beaufort, which he offer* at the VERY LOWRBT PRICES. Ills assortment of r DltKSS GOODS, 3 SILKS and VELVETS, 3 GLOVES, TRIMMINGS, . HOSIERY. EMBROIDERY, c SHAWLS, of every grade, and a full j stock of ( ! Uoo( ? (ivul SIio^w * -?Attn ? r RK V1>Y-MAD1C CLOTIIINO IS COMPLETE. P * fohbale, , it The K'l .ehle premUsc In tl.a Town of Beau- ' y fort neit East frora the residence of Mrs. K. C. Hale 1'eiinctt and fronting the Bn;'?an ei:tlr>* lot n with rdbstantlal dwelling Iloa"o. * For terms apply to the aubscrlhcr nt h!a ofllco. ' g | A. S. IliTCHCoe*. VtityiKH WAL&SH BACOT. h i PROCTORS IN AT?MIR\LTY AND ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BKAPNOTIT. S. C. ie Y/alkbh A TUoot, I W. J. Viruibii, v Charleston. | Beaufort. n t Refer to the British Consulate* In the Soojh, anil . vpeciallv to the British Consnlate at Charleston. 11 nov'iS 84. ' CORCIN. STOKE & VILLIAMs! ? | i The niKlersijrnotl have formed a partnership fo ; Ailmira'ity practice nnilcr tho above firm name: ' CnnniN A- Stone. I Wii.i.iams, Charleston, t A then. mch.SMy. ' lavuiicl Oc vo.t M. !>. i.liiutt , Charleston. iicuufurt. Beaufort Steam MILL COMPANY. ItnvIuX put up in their establishment u GRIST I ILL nre prepared to furnish si the shorter otiee, Grist, Heal autl Feci. The highest cash price pahl for COKN. Corn Grouuil onToll. Conant & Emmoiis. ARE ROW PREPARED TO FURNISH ICE In ntiy quantity Customers may desire* from their Ire Iloiifc, Seroiitli Ml root. JOHN CONANT, ^ J. A. EMMONS tiot15-*4 ^ ^ S; M. WALLACE, Col ton Fmitor nnrt GRIST MILLER, > AVliolc^ih? Dcnlor In g Graiu. Haiainy, Meal, Peefl. Etc., ? HIJA WLAM)<:om,S Bought, Ginned and prepared for market. iVdvanecH made on CoiihIuii- C nient>?. llnring the best niaciiinery for ginning cotton and grinding cojn and meal, he is i <53 prepared to execute all orders on the ^ diortest possible notice. ^ Tlie highest price paid for Cotton and Corn- ^ o Cotton ginned on toll. q H, KLATTE & CO. D' Wholesale Grocers, >NT> PBALBR8 IB ffinss, Liprs, Sciars, Tatacco, &c., ^ 1 NX Unst Uny, *" CIIAKLESTON, S. C. G can Orders from the Country promptly at- j Sl41 cnuea to. on Q B E LTS. i t'HUITK <nv, CAM>u:s. caki:m. bu \ II s A full assortment of the above consist- n n^of ORANGES, LEMONS, VPPLKS, DATES, FIGS, I1ANANAS. Vll kin-lc of FRENCH confectionery. 1 ? KHAZIL, NUTS, HICKORl NUTS, v. WALNUTS, ALMONDS, I'UCANS, j ICED, FRUIT. SPONGE, POUND m<itTory other kind of CAKES on hand or made to crier. PirticnKr attention n to supplying j ?artie? with all necessity articles. coops use ful us well as ornamental ectiveJ by crcry steamer front new t'OKK. j ames oaell P. M. WHITMAN, Wittolnnnkor nntl JcMOlcr, BAY STRBBT, BEAUFORT. S. C., II as J list received from the Nortu fine a^eoil. i ncnt of good* at Northern Prices. TEDDING DINGS, $1.00 to $12.00, SILVER RINOS, 80c. to $1.30, SILVER NAPKIN RINOS. $2.00 to *1 00. LADIBS OOLU WATCHES. $3G to $50. i ^ 8 Day & 1 Day striling (Ms, j $3.53 to $3. JBNTS' GOI.D CHAINS, PlNS,|TiINGS.SLEhVE BU rTONS. STl'DS, H ATcH CH AINS, LADIBS GOLD and PLATBD JBWELRY, j GOLD PUNS. AC . AC. ^ Gents' Gold ail Silrer Watcbes. Call and examine before purchasing, and satiefy j yourself you can aave t*i o twraty-flve pir ecu j roin Charleston or Savannah prices. C( Richard P. Rundle, j ; HIPPIMQ A*i> COMMISSION MERCHANT, j Port Royal, S. C. | T Catteo. Naral Stores, Lcalcr, &c- ' I aheht ptir the NKWTORK A PORT ROYAL STEAMSHIP LJ.v 1 %:ii-himi>n ri A Doshxian, ? Wear India & Pacific, and j AJ' LlVBHPOOf. A (<AI.\ ESTCN Steamship Companies to Liverpool, j Buckwheat Flour, ! ,c 1 j eu Golden Syrup, | L Apples, Cabbage i Grapes Onions and Turnips? Fi ouch's. ^Tciopiipi J Dry Gcoils & Millinery. | . . ror the PALI Having jusrfc laid in a large aiul < JJrv G-ocmIn, 3Xil linory, IjJI DRESS 6 Motions, Embroideries, Corsets, t prices within the reach of all. Dont forget the place ! ^5 * yijrt L =* mmJMMm i o '/^sgs&Pru I 1 : s '//77/ffftffr? MANUFACTURERS OF SUILD1N" ressed, Ceiling, and MOULDINGS FOR BUILDING JPURl JEWELS, 11AND-11A1L. i WOOD TUIiNINO OF eveu 100D AND SUBSTANTIAL WORK ma< be made in the United States. Wc have ith of the eitj'ot' Baltimore, all of which w to all who want good end substantial wo NIL SUBSCRIBERS ARE TIIE ONLY 1 IND AND DOOR MAKERS?BY TRAD] ?harlef.ton, and can refer to gentlemen all land Florida, as to the character of their w --0--? iOTICE.?On account of lhe manner in v l assumption of the ri.-k of Breakage of ds ure shipped over thg roads in this Stab iug to the purchaser cf our work. W. P. RL ich.8-lyr. SEA ISLAN Hay S.Itiil. I, LSI.A THIS EL lit I ANT HOTEL h opene i i.i stylo, the calls ihe attention of (lie travt advantages offered .-it this lave Soal ingi and the inducenients held out in the south. JAKES Wm. IV.EIED L Co. H 1 Ucalcrs in' Diors, White Leads clc ,, ;?- >i UIETOHS OF VESTAL OIL. | 1 ho Safest, Pnrent ami Bent lllutnlilii | tor i:hc<1. 201 East Bay, Clinrlestoii, S. ('. j, ? U' p.311 fort. Pnrt. Vnvn'f i ? ST'A.OJH LI1N3 E. in nnd after Monday Nov. 18th.. the under*)?)' will run n St i?o Line between t' enb >vepoint ravine Beaufort ct 1 p. in. ami retnrnlnp, ,eavc Port It ?.vnl at .1 p. r.i I'mv <?:it 1? ivn y, "i ocni.:. >r W.M.I.V < : 1 <.? . Iiof i!c:?i. : of 1S7 > joiuplete stock of HatN 0 ^ 0 S j Tics, Laces, Hose, etcl etc". No trouble to show goods , COOPER'S. w $ |fe# 11 pd ? f d M H S CO fM.il1 c 5 E2 . ? / c1 J Vs op G MATERIAL GENERALLY. W eather-Boardin^ 'OSES in GllEATJVARIETY. USD RALLUSTERS. Y DBSCliiritlCK. * Jc aa cheap at this establishment on hand the largest stock oi the abc v c guarantee will give entire salisfac r^* * ii ?RACTICAL MECHANICS? SABL 2, carrying 011 the business in the cir over this State, Georgia, North Car?? ork for the past twenty years. O liich we box up our work, -and Class with oidinary hnndlxxg, o at HALF RATI. 8, which J is a gre SSELL & CO., Charleston, 8. C. D HOTELIFOllT, ?. C. laving l>een refitted and pro] >r ix tor respectfullv ling public to the many rite resort for mid Iluntnig: to those r.eekiug healtli 5 ODKT.I. ^ x lujpneiur. [. M. STUART, M. D Dru pRlt t nii<l Apt tluonr^ UEAUFOET. S. C.. SCALER I'GS AND CHEMICAL**.' 1? WENT .MEDICINES. TOILET ARTICLES, W PERFUMERY, ERU8I1ES. Ac. uc Assortment of NEATIONERV, ' *"7 Iiy-icinuy Prcscriptiour ComponuUo el with ct ' 2o .kl. i:,-liJili AND PORT R3fA i' j>V ' 4 STEAMSHIP TTMTT UK 1'TRsT CLASS, FULLPOWErjEDSTBA. I MI (I'd, vX OITTG O IMC *K lEtY., FAIRCI.OTD, Master. aud I-iIJ]>TT 3VILLE, CTIESTRTt Master. II leave Port ltnysl for Now York alt?roay veiv Friday afternoet.. njx>r. tlie arrival o? tb lusta, mid ^avnuiuli tt Cliailcaton train, or F.-olght or Passage-having snpcrlor-tuoo ; '.i:ions, apply to RICHARD P. lU'.NDLE, Agent. Port Royal' 3. C. Thomas R. Harris. V VNl'KXCTUURIt OF AM. KINDS OF Biscuit and Crackers. 110, til, 111 & 110 llrrkman St. ,v. in water Poarl St.-oota, li. '1IC W i liingtiin St., ( y ? l'i ;i.l iit!andlI?'.rU0li3U. j ^ w