The southern enterprise. [volume] (Greenville, S.C.) 1854-1870, May 19, 1854, Image 3

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BvtW ri? f f^5V' Cflimiw*, -tlw !?u siiu'd! t ?n?vItfv, vrho are oniu-efur'ooeupatid^ ? lfyw Mtobtefct ta pass away flic t??*i ftvodAj?otily sliiii in# * ray* ofctlic'imV-^ln the ?ouflj of your ?qutfljy hm\ mul emiatty us<' ' I^'tip.mpaiuu*?*, .tj'io. <tyg*; ?n?aerchrtiu;i I ? !? . in m w I**! -Hi"': y<nir eatijm\fiS|?uls f *?$?> n,!u, ^fuuyhuW? tl^iSiT I Viing niipetlhr iic ?p.i^5iw.- umVor every lady'* . hounftt who' RrToippeHed to past# by, and before sh#- is unit".*'our <>t' hojtriug, indulge .your vulvar pruupnsitio.; by* remarking, Tf-fci ? ,fA ipK or "whnt n :- :stuck up air," and turning to riffce ??? ' of vour comi/HniiMu' to impure oMiini "Iidw I . ln-M lik<-t"> lii'." !>. horsss with that funinine I '"'for lito?' You poor f?>|s, d?*#t you know that her 4vtm-k up airs" was-etui o! bydicr having to pas* n ( rowd of**huin.m luutiwi" and don't you know that instead of eritieiaingft lady's "gait" you ought t?> b? at hfllne Ifierf&ug your //ttU? and that no sensible fuuitiM* wilt uhttrh ftOffcoa" with nay of you, as hmg as vou pursue your present ilishonorable Irusiu.- .or rather uo hii.siiies>.' I J>oyon?u;?;)'M you \v? ,tr r.nuleto li\e f*r -no other purpose than to l nf, aud hinder indtistiIoum people, asking umnenniti" ?^UL?tiotts or stuWling in their \t.ivi nud, del yotl tlrltik you are "deeidod'y sharp" when votl hail a cyiithrhien who is hurrying alxmt fiis business, ai'id ak him if he is "walking for wages !" To be sure ho is walking for . M !WfP4 ftrnl V/klV OlW\ A // o f , - ^. .. . ? - _ - -V-'?1 -tl w. , _^.v? ,u.<<v<ffr?ry iin"?;igw wmcn , vou will ; urely get Kumo day if vou don't "mend your way, /rl. free Iswding in Sfcfoor luuisf. i'r you may bo fvrotn god to the rank of high private in sotuo miutonti.ipy. Time uiny hang heavily with you now, hut you mny hunn heavily in tin, if j^u don't stir your slothful -tt^nps and fffiKj' yourself u.*el\;l. l.)o you imagine that you were crented to l -do nothing, and that brains wore put in your L great pumpkin head for the poor two you , f make of'them-! l>o you think it hotmfrblc j i to do nothing btflftuse ydtor. fathers have j ^ enough to .MfyjKirt.yOTt? knd do you know what tJiov have WAs got by tamest -try; AV"L "Hrrtft MMlfrr f qrdif Ai other -.uul sisters wore .sent uiiolthe %vorl<) to cw,k moaW nnd wu?h shirts for such worthless 1.^Iings je> you< And that when niglit comes what do wo sec you at i Why, in iout a giecory or Ii.?pior shop, of course. There you po t yourselves and make it a rule toa^k any working4uan who inuy ehauee to come in, and who , ' has earned a few .shillings iu .the comae of the day, to "treat,"-.and at the audio time I litre AS a reason ? _J| hu m uu> oiuy man j | '' In the house who u earning hnjr money."? Au?l tl'.-ll aftel you lime sponged eUOUgj?| liquor, off $clo*cr. fellotve" to make yoii 1 drunk, yOu ?illy forth and make "night >? hideous* with your beastly about*, ami final- . iL ]y I'm dovydAi some gutter with your equal- t Jy resjwetta eimoiis, t!^ hog-,. ? 2 ' Now, umryou u'heedful lot qffeu<w?l t , * #1/ .". \s>' ought to cally'bu.l Your briuton i t face ought to he covered witjidiame at the 1 idea of degrading poor huiuaiiuiatur< in this * inannei-, e-pe; k.'.iy, Svjieu you ttu it arfcoowl- ' etl^C that it iy uu awful burdek to tlo jfaj?? o Then go to--"Work like iueu, or nie, and thus luaky yotirsolve-i if some use. cl by giving the jointers a chanie to publish | yi>ur departure under the hgad if "suiculc" tl I ?ClaiOonr' .Ui rotate,*,. t Buying London and Paris. A rid i old Kdmtooaei planter, ik ing in the | tl rice making part tin- State, nftiJr having pi made a large fortune by living ia the lice t'r field* and avwiinps with bis negroes, and In mover go. n* iuiyvvlH?rt\ n?r ttoernjpanything outside of I?is ddmcn^ art*?*- - ?- ** , y ?^w n?r conclusion,. a? it fashionable ninomjr the |? AtfatiV-racy, to s?>n4 h? *on John tt*JE,,r,>lK'* n So, after U good 'ital of tim?, trull^U', awl (j( <?xjtCHne, Jofcn got ready for the start, ami vh.-n ill; itiif LC' t roudy, why i< *t?rUd, i:? M1 voitrte ho <li.t. th "John is yonk to Kn-.yc !" V I- tlu? old man's pride and hoa>t u? ? v?-i\ on-.'it ' the- liist tiling in tlfy morning ami th- l ist j(j at HUjllt; hut as everything must have an (|1 . ml, Ml luul John's trip ! Ktin ]>< . Hi- u j.r tnrnediionie snl'oam) sound, 'tii.-hu.--u.-.' 1M of o?#JWo smacked pretty strong of thej riy m-gro oialoet, and his joy at. .hum's safe flr- svf rival knew no l*mmls. "Weil, John hhv* he,; .j,, "jyou hi a-n to Kurope, oh ' "Yes,sir,M\vas John's reply, ' , Ml: 44Woil, lio'.v you Ufa* nin ( vi)emj> votv nm<iv fmy* ?jM - \\i v mncVp|ew*nl with I.?-iifl?h? ?ml t'ljr- |M,, 1~; \%c tvr.'. feUc* u^s* *' ? %vii rot,*1 a?v# .Joli?. ?u YYVII. 1 I'uy urn ft>v yuo, uivrr. if ! d?n'rt' j im "\VuAt'? 111* NaVK i TU.I Troy liu.l^ct ^wiy* a doctor in l.'?? * ' ? "^Tzffl jxwwsmvn mi unluvli.'i tliut In- WomiipiI n nml ihpt ft?rUk owm^ rvioc for twenty-two P yean. IVjJ.sitM :hi.H iiihlifftllu U lil IriHlitnon1* JtmiV, v?ft|pb |i;,.l U.-n in thr! "Ul ^miily iittjf ytfti^ftttQ orfly hnd tjiirly n<?w !|-m n,aee. S1UU It Sollh' do- : *^nnde<fn?big?j 1&t what ho k asked t5C 'tdoiniuui l>y the instructions ftwtt ijbyorn-1 1 iiu'iit, there miirht ho a gObii Vuu on his ti*$jflfc<V)uau<i ilia j?a*&J>nrts; Ijitednsho! is ho will Juno to wait, for fresh 1st ruction*' 1 frohvhis. gfrvrtilmpnt. aw? dchlnny serve a ^ood ; there uinore tl one tea" VerfWyy we ahooJu not l^ih a lVy n? to (Julian attaint, why a little mastetinaetivityiw'not <ai\ ot'idace. An effort wWrtaiii1 !y he ttSfAj t? eWigtf Citba into ti iondly neighbor ; if it is the intention ofVuiif toi ItnaKO ?t a mii-emee at our door, wo Vli be obliged to abate it. Meanwhile ml revolutions will not mend, the luattor.VjKiin WW )\\ s Hutlicientlj what we waut uiout readinir of Cougress." I 1 Later from California. 1 ft The. steamer Star of tins Weatlws ftAcd ,,f Vnu. Va-1- V-i- > ? ' ,....... ? *v. I*, uriHxuig jour irouurcdin-1 scnger.?, add gold mi*t to tbo value ?lie' j million j?ud a quarter dqKare. j 'lite Wlii^d triumphed nt the reeetit ie-1 Hon in SacrnipeutD City. 1 The Tnhtci con tinned to yield haiels.*i Iv, indeed were more rrosjjeroun tliAulr. nine time previous"; hut the minora in s<l> MiHUIIHK'H li?Ui ivSrvtiV by {tt'O 1 1 of earthquakes. ^ |! Tlic Walker Hllilnister expedition vt: nearly broken ; the men e<mipo?Tng it hai i;ilt mostly disbdtnted and Hed from Low! California* in short, the republic was nil: j end, | The Mexican Consul, about vyh'ofce movl limits there waa such a stir nt the thne til previoiw-stemncr sailed, had been indicted M viohitinVour neutrality laws?lie having 1x8*1 ' instrumental iu organizing a large numhei : of foreigners, principally Oorinaiw, and pine ling tlmm on hoard the ship Challenge, with I the avowed intention of convoying them t<: Honorn. As* the party wore well armed, the> of course were not porniitted to^leave. How , ,vi( uw vmiueiige inuuts? the peace, we suppose?^nid o.vcivtui^J[fr|^ Ireland, Tht> young potato Top is everywhere gi j\viug must hi' iiriantly and \ iporously. A Mr. iCnyfli.-li, ot'Liinerii'jv', hasputrh sod the house properly trluch the Ewperc of Kutsin had in that tow n. The Timm Harfctit ivuOfU Mini ngrtcn 'hr* hI operations in that di*trh\ favored by the extreme fineness of the weather, have ccjt Carried on to an extent unequally for n tny jrenrs past. The Mayo Constitution states that jthe light of the population from that country, . specially those of the ''comfortable farmer'', ?nd artisan classes, almost-exceeds credibili-' Campbell has established an inA'srial school on his property at Bwrne/^u-; y Oulway, in ivliicii the children (>f<ue vil-, ago and neighlMwhood nrc itymieted in owing, tfco., nnd paid for wha^vWtlfy dp. j A graud jilitary concert. tor the benefit <Hhe Wives of the soldb*^ who have deputed for the war, or are under orders for that e?tifUlUon,took]>Uccon Monday night in '.lie >tiblin Music I fall, which was crowd qd to li? utmost of its capacity on the occasion. There are hq fresh accouitta of the pro-. tesa of cholera in the south of IrPimd, tlioi K'al impflrs.unlcing very sKght reference to' ic suhjwt. A fV'Hou* mortality, which how-j ver does not julpcar to arise in anv way tmi cholera, is observed iu the Cork w'orkoiise. Tiik CIoi.d Coin.?It will |: ? recollected that an Oct of <^ongrc.ks of Feb- \ \ ifttv. 18.">:t, directed the coinage of throe [ dlur gold pieces'at the mint and bnnudltw; (.4 ifbo'imcns of thU^oiidSfe having been sub- 11 itted to, and approved by, theSccretaiw of j < Treasury, the coins will b? immediately | it iu rtrpulation. , The obverse of this coin represents an j e?l head, with laf feathered cincture sym- , lie of America, the. word "Hherty" appear- tg on the hand encircling the head, ami the 'j K'ription "baited States of America" aur- v urtiingj^hc whole, ()u the reverse is a i ?ath ttmrpoved of -oure of the staple pro- <. <-ti.?ii>. <.f the baited States?vi/:, |, Itnn ' 1 '* * ' ? UH)MCO;tU (JfflC- , fcj nation arifl (lat<' Wing, in the centre. j fc A>< t-4i|?i|?:iT-f?l with til" oth.T gold Coiw,| t] Me viee* ami ui rattgcmciits are novel, but j ti rli/tps not losa n|ii>cpi>tmto, ami, together ji th the tihferenee m the diameter ot lite M ce, wijl make it remlijv' distfagulsliiwle J ingbe Mtmrt^r eagle, which approaches it HEjg?u!y in value. It is l(>-'20tiis < t an I. > ? "ii.1 tfftglis 77.4 grains? mm. v; * II, Hon. * W. Flokeni. j VVe iunl-rs|^iul that Col. Pickens lias jm?- or <ud the appointment of tin; Cim iosophir. I ftupbtwdtan Wiefie* of thfl South VtafyLjf l College, I" deliver tin ie annual mMiosa ,|, Ueceiufov next~ Caivliman. re X.urlv nil #it* '^iliocrntiv inlrTH'of tho O!ii i I ^ .( iiuiri'il in f.iv ?r<il" I > N>l,r*Ulnll. % l A .ligtfa.COfclitY, Arkail-, 3 luive n^uMirMod Uoft. A. it, Gub^mv^hI ^ fraction k?CQnga-??, mi'l fol in favor of the rvocrrv<kM bdn. ^ an "l Jj )xS ftftftake ill ]>rii!ri)>'i i wui?<i f|?n fl <"?! frnM erroi* ?n ovarii <>n. U,< BS1SS that the |ct'tTO:ai imihut Sinitb 0*Brieu pruton in thf Howe of CoTiMliOto* iTJ>peIri* only :? common State trick, resorted to at a critical period, when U wh? desirable to conciliate the iiinh. Instead offlftfWgpJUW IU imai ir set a I lioeity, a don h oj&tM to O'lftieli, if he will ft]?(4y for it, imdi?ln doing so,Ue will sign ptuiet* recognising the Ewtfce of lm wntenre. {11Oi bftrliK.h lie- would C\rr consent to do?j Ifmo4* MoCntatn u.unuo.vo.?nrcj hnppv to lekjrtjfiom thaOt'orkvUle Kcmedyi that thiiiroa?l is in a liKttt prosjwnnis coil-J dition?fcnore so. pflMiaps, than any other1 road in the Slut*1. It is ontii ely out <f debt, and will be able to declare a dividend, at the J annual meeting of tho stockholders in Jufto,. of at least live jk'1- eent. The n>:ul has not yet beeh iu ojajratlon two Years. This is what we eiil! during a brisk business. If. any other road can heat it, we would like to hehr from it. SfAUTANlrVtlO A\t> Vmos ll.ti lroad.-?,1 We leivrn from the Spartanburg Spartan-1 that iroti has liecn tjid tor nearly two miles on the Spmtanbiitg uik! Union Knilrond, over whieh the cars now nm. In a few , weelt* tlife lilulf at Lakih'sMill will be parsed,; when 0 or 7 miles of track will be luid with- 1 out delay. The bridge contractor is at work with a stroiiLT force, lam to lay about 32-j miles hits t>eeti contracted for. Too Story; ?The muzzle of a finq.NeYH found land dog dropped otV in Kilhy street, when be stopped and fixed it on again, an?l held it <nt by Spelling his jaws. It is l>:ueIv possible that he-has somo idea of the. danger which impends over, his Species, ami tiiinks, h.n.1f-i<H*soning brute,tliat the muzzle ] protects him from Hto poistill of the policemen.'? Bos tan Post. Ok the 28th nit., iv difficulty OWSurred be-' iw. < ti < >s Coven and Samuel Walker, .Marshal, at Mai iett.a, (iebrjjdu, in which the for-j mor was killed. 'I lie circumstance- ate thus relajjod tftTfcere being iui old grudge hit wee u \ them, on the morning referred to, Oreeu [placed his horse and watch in the hands of a j nan whom he was owing, saying that he"] li ould cither kill Walker or Walker should i|ill him llint diiy. Shortly after, they met ,10 the tMpmre and passed some words when . Ifr. W. tinned. :ind ?>1V j i... ;ft<ul got about ten ;tepM, t??Kl him he ,?e*ad?d tliief, and commenced filing at Jj^^^^^^gjdv*n\^VVdiCTihehnd it re J Aj^^^^^^u^Taking ytiWtnenT^^^''^ Vlavkby in" Xi iihAnka.?A letter from [ \Vwiain Walker, chief ofthe Wvandott tribe ! of iVlinns, formerly of-Qhio, says that slaw! rv eiists hi Nebraska among tf?e \\hitca ami Iii<ii;tns, in definite of tUo compromise of I 1820. Ft 1 as b$M in existence oVer si nee it was organized as an Indian Terrritory. lYue, : il. .. . ..._i?.'?Ti ' 1 ' jp- r !. *- - '?> ?-lr?T<*M 1 exists. Some slaves arc held hy the Indians |?y virtue, of their own' Jaws and usages, and somenV regular hills of sale from citizens of Missouri^hile white settlers from the latter State-"ever hesitate to bring slaves with theny ^ VtflYuiotfrrv.?We wore shown yesterday, Ayf our young friend, John McKain, quite a curiosity, in tlio shape of h live terrapin with two heads. They are i?crfect heads, and though attached to the "body very near together appear to have no connection "\\ hatever. It moved each head about at pleasure, and will eat with either or l?oth. Bo far as . can be seen there n no deformity about the ; botbr. It will bo left for a few days at Work-1 man's 1 >rug.Stoic, ^where those can see it who desire.?C'atnrini Journal. Tui'K Pnu.Ax^uiOfy.?An Knglish pa-' ^ er, dissenting from the huo and cry so common against the Southern States of the I'njon. has the inaidinos^uiid .candor to make the following statement. & u\Ve belief^ there is more true Christian lore for the ?*?i:. I JB. ..i.iji; ?? HUIIJTIICSS to S.M'ijlu'c property inul ease for his temporal good, mill more fervent prayer and successful effort for his spiritual welfare, iy the Southern States of tlie American Union than in all the, world he.-ides. We ti*d the evidence <.f this, not In pn> la in at ions of philanthropy uttered from the ,' Wise-tops, nor in letters of sympathy for the ' I ?oor ulave, .signed W the notables of the and, and scut abroad from high places, to i it! met the eyes of all the earth phut we tind : t, 1. 1 nthe simple lijfuro of the national, < rensus, where we read that there are in the11 duvehohling Slates of the American I hiion ? ISO,000 voluntarily emancipated negroes, j * those value in slaves would Ik> more than * 000,000; and 2. In the statistical re- s oj of ecclesiastical bodies, from which we 1 jam that there are in ? , . - iin/rc* r finii 300,000 ncgrO members of evangelical t; lurches;?n greater unmoor than among j lie laboring population of any other conn y in I'hristendom;?n greater ttmnhei- than i j' i all the ,churches of l'rotostunt inissinnu- j" es in ail the cvtwtiicg of tiiu heathen 1 orU: 1 'rofet^or 1 i.i.iM JJ"^^\vhs hrh?n*i?t-^imrtbo notice of tho Asswiation ibr the j ?j] .,f Science, n<?\v assembled at \ MeihiftgtojfJ tlio jH-ftolai n^. iv> * <' tW; J? reykWiidg? ^Kentucky) coal, lie stated, t|, of the country has b?vn 11|| oated front t ho* bed* of this ronL whieiijuke* n terrace resisting all change in pro- tj( ess roped nbout, and hence is fouiul on j hr e t?W lull* onlfc, * Struck on iwVute it I or ni?t< hard stroke* or the hnunner, but <],. uekV*t the ( ml o ifimfcry ba \xm m- TiiPpi^JJonTvPft, IKiw*j> v'i|dJ| 5^, !'. not anvt)?i<?r. \v i 1 fe luvnitW, it doL-.rjS^ l?n-orrtaK ^cMUkgr)i-1 w? It (1 . ! .V vRnitf. Oig^iHMmW 4, ?nu imbooirevi m if*.nl>uvKlantlvif aim j,\ usual sixo, apatxlilv'develop- k' from its friction the K*t ^ !mol cd|). 1? contain?' if Ijirfjc qmouut oflatilc matter wh:elvo?-?oir.o???K/Swfe^'"'* * - IMcBKiJ^ J:, -fyi.., aWjiTi i m Ill nn early ifjofitlr of tbcydfr' 1778, wiiupj a talornlffe education, liudjmT unuiy tialur-1 ral quultticutionn.for a life, Jacques! JLafllCttvaa ?eekiufejajr",:\ situation'tl* clerk. Ho,had hi^Jii^ca be I Hli his tjangiiine ri'iittcijwti 011s nud gobb-u | tlay*]roanis?, lie ictUt bashful ttiul retiring. ft-j'fgpjd with n trembling Ueurt that tbe young f pr?>inoialopj^ared UefoK- the Parisian.inim i of boixbyftul gold. He nimiag<xl to explain | thej^uipn#? ofbis yiSft, tun!. presented lili j letter of recommendation. Theoruker ouiitt^r ly tend iho note. 5s im]K?s?ihlo " saidj he, us he' had laid it aside, 'that 1 can flml. room for you at prcacnt ; nil my olttce* tire^T fall. Should there bo a vacancy at a future : time, 1 \\ ill goo wlmfOiin be done. Ifi the 5 t^e: utiine, I advise \<>u to ;?]>|?1 v elsewlieie, as it may bo a considerable tiettod befiwe 1 jl shall be able .to adroit you." A>vav Svcut: sunshine and prqejierotui visions I Disappoint^ and gfooiuy, 'Jacques h ft the presence of the ]K?!itk' banker. Ashe ciemd-' wittr downcast eyes the cOUrt-yard of the nobft mansion, lie observed a pin lying on the gome.!. His habitual habits of fiugalitv, nfilMst bis disappointment, wore still upon Vie ,wap-h. I Io piekod-jip the pin and carefully stuck it in the lappel of his coat. From that trivnl action tqwung nirffuture gi oatnoKs; that one single act of frugal care and lcgard for little,things, opened the way | to a stupendous fortune. From the window of liis eahinet, M. IVrreguux had observed the actiop of his rejected clerk, aud he wisely thought that the man who would stop to pick up a pin, under such'eireumstanecB, was endowed with necessary quaiitics for a good economist ;Ii<? rend in that siugle net: of parsimony nU indication of h great hum*-] cud mind, and he detailed the acquisition of 1 such a one a* wealth itself. Hct'ore the day ' litui liov-cil, Ijdittereceived a note from the' banker. "A place," it suud, "is made for yon j at my < Hitv, which voir may take possossion of tnsmnriofcr." The banker wnvnot decciv ed in his otiinate of tin-character <>f l.afitte, and t^f, young clerk ?<ion displayed a talent and a])tno>s for his calling that pwcojcd his advnne'ehient from ruclork to a cashier; from ; a cashier to a partner; And from a partner1 to the head propridkor of the first banking bouse in l'aris. He Imv.uuc a deputy, and tlwn q president?of the Council of minister*. What a destiny for ?> man who would stoop ' to pick up a pin !?Fttnch I'ojxr. Tiir Ericcrox ^rr.vjkatitp.?A corres| jHintUat of the Courier and Knquirer writes thus ?>f the peifornmnce of 111olij;jcmoupoii i ) Iter lastaiul disastrous trial trip : i "Her speed increase*! as who progressed,1 , miles from off (j<>y?ruur^ Island monl^^ff and 1 ' " I ?,?uwipK>, n.'ing si little less (than twelve milea per hour, (ioing down, the tide vvsiN favorable, but the wind was 'strong ahead on the Quarter, which nearly | . MMU'Jlm ill. n. -f 4* ) ' Keturning, although the tide was unfavorable, she made ti^ilve miles jn-r hour, passing a mcusmcd distance of eight miles in pro-! cucly foity minutes. ileV engines, whieh ; are simply and admirably planned aud constructed, worked with extraordinary proei- j i si on ami steadiness, turning the oentrcs so strongly ;in<1 steadily that the eye could not detect tiie least diminution of power. In filet, j to use an expression whieh engineers will 1 understand,^"sHfc ttirmxl u wheel." Th? highest forking pressure nt.j any one time did not exceed ton pouuds pef square Inch." Fast Mi:n*.?Tfye vicious die y^nrlv. They fall like shadows or tumble like wrecks and , ruins into tkogtayc?jften while quite voting, nluuflt idwiiys beftuc f r.y. TJte wicket] j "liveth not half liih dfTVs." The world at once rnfilies the'truth and assigns the reason ' hy deseri!ling the dissolute as "last iflen," , that is, thev live fast ; they spend the twelve! hours in six, getting through the whole he-! fore then nn-ridinnfiind dropping the out of sight and into darkness while others are in the glow and glfMy.oflife. ' Their Van goes i down while it is yet ?my." "SVnd they might i have helped it. M;U[y a one dies long bot'urej lie need. Your nwi of genius, to wKoiu, J when dissipated and prolihpite, thirty-peven is so fatal; and your ohuctliG and nameless i "wandering stars," vlu waste tin if vogth in lilmtinc iudulgmv?-They cannot llyo long. I They must die early. Thev put on the ! itc-nin till they Mow up ?ho 1 Miner. They run ? it Mich a raite that, the lire g(?es out for want 1 if fuel. The niaeUi.ieiy is destroyed by reek- i ess 8]>eed and rapid wear. Nothing can I ijive them. Their physical surtem cannot i tand tlie strain they put to while the t tate of thei r muids is often *Pli that the t oul y^kiild eat the substance of the most ro- ' ilist body, and mako-for itself a way of cs- 1 ajK) frou> itlie incessant hell of its own j houghts.? T. Binr.hf. j' i^r- .. . I ^ Adam axu Kvk.?\Yo talk of Adam awl (, Sve as litiving been Left >rc the fall, in P.^-vergs p nnov hi.W..? ? *' ,1)r WHO IUM UjeV llll.WO, I si jov nuvcr wi*?> ehildren. \dnui never play- |, I mai l ties. Uo never played Minrioy. lie t< ev*^dwveji?t*ti4*:tu of Imys. wirli a strijijf., |, FltaU-'.l <>ii a ^mukJ, or ^ayed ; h nil1 "6r rodt down hilfc on a hnnd^Jeigli.. u nd Kve sdic JieVer made a playhouse ; alio J, tv? r u?'W t ? ;<! ni<>(]u^r little from ^ gjjittlo tea-table set ont with the toy tea- -B iht^x ; she never rolled a U'*'p? or jtim]x d ~~ tojKW'f pieced a hnTy-tjuilt, or dressed a ; ,11. ^her never played 'blind mnnVLutfc' | y wants a eorner.' uj^j,'luirly burly,'; ?t ?>i uiv^ganii^jMUi wf.ieh ohiWhouil ev <rort* itoo}fjK uk their age m?.?t wheryin no in. ni->nt* of c;irly tin-' iff?pt?ng i<?e!<tYoiii the long p.e f, mother** voCv chanting a hllhihy to the p tvti.fiiiu-y in tho still hourro of hlg^ht, K*c> i Iwt's won]* of kin4m?sy s|x>ukingfrom arch-yon 1 vlteio *he Meojdpl* A<lmn jjjJll ep c, aaA thev alone >1' allAo 4?n 1^^ever lie lx>ur^^ it wjiidiot vcrv fiar ffom ^?w Hue jropm, mell wanWd Nly m ttyo arovp of Uffeyvtf^uffl ap^toivii?? uover wfotf jV thfaieir, St itf j not tiir fiuin the Barrier du Tlnorit\ It w a \efy .-swuiil, olxjcuro Inyond a beautiful garden rbcionghig to u b<*ly of rcd'/icusct. \ f< coutnijw the loiujw. gnd 11?)st-ielobmted of th? Freiwh nubility the Montniorvuci'm, At. Ail ttio ihmilv ot j Lsl fay ot to repose herei He w side by# bide : with liw with, atul tit their head U the stone] jdub of G. \\ . Uit.tyette. Tlioy are all itiare'r stoq^shibs' T ntaYefto'ius tlio last, close by ; the wall,, and rest* oil stoin-s and pebbles, >kr..? .. " -. ...a. - > 1 y ii oniric otnuooi grass !(fov,s near it. J , felt sony it I. <>]< >o m gleeted. I a*kcd our guide if ij was visit*m1 by many ]>e< pie. lie said, "No; soiq^timcs tlio Ameii-1 can* visit; .1 thought it very straugd* \| The Punas.?\Vh*tl Tarmorinne had finished building his pyramid of seventy" vh?u-! *nhd skull*, And was ?mi standing at the gate ?.,t? 1 >ain;iM u*. glittering with steel. With hi* battle-axe oh hisi-hotilder, ami his fierce hosts filed out to noxv victories and carnage, the pule Jockcr-ou might luive fan- } oied that Nature was in her death throes? j for havoc and despair had taken possession I of the earth, and the ?un*;of mankind seem-1 ed setting in sens of blooth Yet it might he, tliat on that very gala-dav of Tamerlane, ; little hoy was plaving nine pins in thestroets of Meirtz, whosedilatory was more important than twenty Tann rlanes. The Tartar Kalii), with hisbhuggy demoiw of the wildorW^Ss, passed nwav ]$(* a wirldwiud, to l>e forgot ton : and the filer man artisan wrought a benefit which is yet iiiniieiisnrnbly expanding itself, and will continue to expand itself, through all countries and through ah time. What are the coiujiiests and eX]>editions of captains, from Walter the penniless, to Napoleon Hoimjvirte, eonipared witlf those moveable of Johuncs Faust?-?For- \ 'ci'tu Jicriac. '> V , ' . | Idiu IhuLB.-?The religion of the IMble goee tw depmdatc ;ill oyttcard distinction* ; those which fire created l?y the spirit <A the world, ami which serve to engender lmttftrl, hateful passions, while it magnifies those distinctions which KpVtiig from character^ und are the result of real goodness. The ixrtill-' ciul distinctions utiumg men are numerous1 and various. There? arc the high and the1 l??\v, the rich and the poor, the leaned and j the ignorant, tire honored and the despised. | Theic are princes aud subjects, the bond and the free. Now, the Bible makes very few distinction^ such a- these. It represents them as of almost no account in the siflfht of (oid. Wh:itc\cr diir conditions in lit'.hia soveietjja bounty and mercyv. I Whether patricians or plebeians, high "tielow, we are all subject to the same law, and r?mrJVf~t)y tne same tmltupynsntilG obliga- j lions, and amenable to the same judgement Jim '' ' TiMiy?It waits for no nun?It travels on waul with an own, uninterrupted iuexorabldstep, without accommodating itself to; the delay of mortals. Tluv restless hours pursue their course; moments press after moni/its, day treads upon day : years rolls after ytuv. l>oes man loiter ? proerardinnto i Is jte listless or indolent 1 Heboid ihe days and imntlu and years uuiniudful of his delay are never Hfcggish but march forward in l silenfnud solemn puHsswioty^ Our labors, and l i s, our id as and I'e.liuga may bo sus- j pended by sleep : darkness nml whiiee and death may tehru around us," but time rosN f not, slumber^ never, but p:e*se3 along and knows no stoppagp. AVo may dam up mighty rivers; stop them in journeying to the oeenn, press tltem baek to their source; lint * i* niv urresi <>i lime is Peyond tlio power of any besides Oitmmotoncc. Tlicf clock may oeasfr to strike; the liell to toll; the sun may cease to tsliiuc- tin* moon stand still the stars withdraw their Hg^t but the l#usv hours pass on. 't he inont hatred w:;r*i * l must move on ever t award. That was a bountiful idea of the wit'o oj an Irish schoolmaster, who, while poor him- j self, had "jivea gratuitous instruction to his i |Kn?r scholars, hut w hen In- increased in worldly goods he lu^-an to thiuk ho could not 'ive his >er\ices for nothing : ' .lanu-s don't my the like ?>' that," said tin- get11!e-h?ulit*#*" Aoinan,."don't?a poor scholar never oomes uto tliu house that I don't feel as/{f lit1! rought fresh air from heaven with I(nn. i: lever miss tho hit<; 1 give tln iirfinf" heart varins at the soft hoim-lv niiin^of their hare' ? cot on tin- floor, and the Jxf ahuo.t <: pons L>f itself to let them in J'If* '?M* I'imntino < ?Mr. \\ inthrop, iu h;> o leetuptsl><-fore, tlio (jluftitrfhle Moehan- " - Asso;-javU>ii, made this remark in regard |( > apafltirtgottieo usa g'uvl sehool *. "'1 hero e < an amiosphore in a printer's ofthv, which < ] oniotaiw or other, puts notions into IkijV ? ends,?an atmosphere which is very apt > make oiiiek lflood run qtiicko^, impulsive j(' earts hont higher, mrd uetive hrniiis works h, ard^ until those who intended to set V p typos for otlu-r people's though*. are sud- * found insisting otjlinviiii^wWfc* iroOtrlor* ^""' ? - " I " ' aft ?l> iti tvpc-. <"?? their own thought*.'' mtmmmm?MpfcCT*??w???fcn?n , i *v A. S4ITS1CA2T, 2 Home, Si^n, On?anv?flUt 4. Weoi *tiv* Rono . Sir ar*Ei NO IIUI-MAXUKR, (ITLI)bit, < I. VZIKB >s11 ^trVn. ' tiltkkoyi l.k wt m head?ltt#nepi?. i :*i m:i w ' T.ViU, 1 > V. A1A>RI( TT,SiM- A. l hfivltort \v BAMHmvu w&t ?ppr>ii:t- \x< V$Wdt-CMmi? k> hi* Kx<i' 11? n< .jr**t ><>voriir>r *?i l-illlk of {.y-UtvllKltti (.'Moiiol.'l 1 I will l>r> oboyi'ikApH tv*tfool< -1 n if .:^p. 'v ' J^ KX '' Colun 17,1 ')1M?i On] <r*, li i n rl^t?? M MwTK|?fc, fx & <1 tl if!MV>?<ttM<f, <*i-ee?Yilte ?_.f? rue, , . :v, I.X ("OVVaT'I, twot ? II Smith, ?S Walker, .JjtV 1.1 T> MfcKollAr, * ? I 11 Ednardk* IVfcFKiuie* *' 4 Oorinnny^vr C^hfUtn irukin*. * ** I 11 Ward, Ed3*IFF**ii1, It FWd Gfor;??-t<j\\i T P Gary, ** | :; M i.-'U'i- AkWnid John MeKcllar. "* I Al-t?>:>, j:\ Or Scr\t " 111 Capcra, W E iv?, < - ' > II Gan.iniiv, " t-nik^Vh ?iwfii-w itr?wiKbt. " -AW Purge#, (T 0 ll R A M Mc.Ufeur, 44Jf l .I KriG, " W Ai.Ktin, " f*3sL'*il IIAfarshul, <'uiuml-ia W Hunt, 44 J I.I Kvaivs G A CJfcK t)r ? Gat?m, N C ''W fc M GiDbart, A " "> TO(V? " W It ('or^o, Columbia, II X Urmm, (.'haiTlnu Blackwood, WilhVton.Nfra Stephens, Pond'ton 5 Walker G ?L C R It Mieifrtotoplien*, " ? -I AnJ.m ^a, Spirt'Muster Smith, Spurt ? A C JlobrP. ' T \V Trnynhnn, lliuuN W M Haft-i* C 4W Gorniutv Baltimore *' H V Krot kni.-m, < a feci 1 W Lowhdvn A 1'iiihUv r . .'r.ekijoji, A Family And {Charleston H s1<orr, AbLcViUe M Swectmsn, Lnirren*, 11 A Miinnc:h-?, t? CjM Modlo<-k, G A C K 1c K S Itowaml," PliiIT Tyrrell, * " I l? Jnhnaoh, .JX YjS V w, Al? ftMHWakirw^1' *' :!> Yov>\ ^ J F Smith, U* V . mjVm|)!w, CImtMua i iii..> >, <;.t <1 u I; J u&jflnt M?j Alcxudi r, Green I GREENVILLE THTTKL? uv joiin u'umoe. /ran AA?y 1 Itfi to TZfh.- ?^ Patrick lli.fl'ev, Ireland,|It 11 "Wnldrop, Jtdin Catrtribcfl, N. Yorl KG Elii.-*, il?bn.(W, " " I' l):tlrvui}.U- " x John Jtorriun, 'IrvlnudjT II Ilfanger.Chorttcrf'Idi A. Cantrel, Greenville]W .M Rogers, Alabama lames I la'lev, Ireland W It Wright, MorrisHug&fty, , *' JJolin^MTatKon, Green* Patrick Ration, 44 [O W Garrison, 1'iitcick Rafter, " f\V West, " Charles Rafter, " ill Glenn, ~ 'ami's Brittuin, NX] It llammonx, 14 John Greet", Henderson] W A1 Onrlcy, A Fuller, '. " 111 Go?al, " In iiwi5 Ilnffev, Ireland IN It IRuekwell. KiiiiroiuhV BIplcjV Henderson !) A Rlnekwell, " J fiawwrs and Mother,] I A Allen, T< iuv B- LA?Itevill? |L Ii Colter, A B Chitiin, " II llnnt, BuneoinlWa Ll \l '? ? * -* - ii'ifi . f n | v?iinn, ui-wik,^ x\ rvjuinemn, urocn* \V A McUu^h. Murii'ttiij List of Consignees at Greenville Depot, Front Mot/1 Of/* to ltrtlL .Tiu? CouoFi, Crittenden A Turner, G Ellis. I' X Co., T"S Wwtonhbrr.i, Col Tlio* .1 putton. It Jivhtoson, &\vun<li?!eA Irtdn, WKA I. Hill. ]>r J) A lliijjrvr, G \V G, W 1> Kuukin, Oowvr ASiiiglrton; E B Minks S Kxvimt!ak\ M?Alakiu ?iSunili, .1 -A J W I. Henry, MeMnkin A Burton, .1 W Viittom,- CtSs'cis Cox A M, M I' tVnliui.l, A \V HngOr, Jno H Ooodwin, A F Itluok, F \V Johnson,-l>r M K Enrlo, .1 M A Tu?j?in-, E r* Trenholin, G K Elford, 8 C Man i'n, fHiiwnii A I Fimtrin, Jane Stnner, J W Grnily, H L 11 i 1 *>i < J Huff,, 1 ><*MS llankol, It J MiJdU'toi^ I ""**< Garrison. Mbit-mr, K < J 1> Htvinprr, l.S William*, Aloxft^lorKL^'e, j ? Jno l.Cnthiiev, Tl) Koilli. tifcn] AT 'rKl'r,,,.., Jno U Williams, M?j li L- Porrv, l>r \>s0 ' C'liapmau A Carpenter It W II, j'p I!ru,',l8nA?)'# r?; R w "??*. n " r.ouX hnntli Hani A \ micr, Jno l5itc*l?oi\ IV I>acu*,\ J (t Slnralti'cd, W F iMtton *< MoRcc, ,\\ A Co., \V ! I Vat son, X. A. Fl"..\sTEH.A^'t. \ Provision Market. coKKKcifiiD sviiicWi.v i;on' Tlf:r ;KNTKuV'ni^: ?" W. GRADY, MERCHANT, ^ Gl?r.HXVI!.l.l Mnw ID ' ?,-v <-> Bacon, 7 a &ilLni*<t, t> ? n? Bllltcs', 12 a l-j;Jiolas?>s-, Kt'i?tw?lX) V* ? ??] i'mIm. s:t 4!ofXw?t IS a 14j K. Orion lis C'aru. icTiKice* c, ? 7 Fcfttftcrs ssvfeii^rtr, 7 <r i'? IL?U?;?, i? li.nnjtin;' 0*i; .?itils, c, a 7 Eaptht Female Colleger, > r 11' citizens of tl?n Town aivI District V rtr.-?nT^'~ 1. \il!u ?i-iv r>'?jiin?4o<l nioil in tliv-'.OofU'tltnii?cl.nt 11 o'clock, A. M., on MoKi>\vx ^2<jjitwl,, to t:ik?? into consuk-vnlin:! tli }<t0tiUuo iv, Orwn> villo of th?pi,?i>i>on'a IInjitut i'Yucilol'olio^o. it nil th-I roprti'tv of ceiling t!ic (jroctrfvUc Ai"iil"iiiy l.uuils tor that pui'i'ooo, 7; \. m'I I:K, j P. \ T. r. UitfCgjlAN, j S. ;MAL l.!>IX, \f e. r. r.i NT, J. n. mikum.**-, ir. \v. ims'.aY, 1 /. K i-ciiut, | ::\\ T. V. CQX, CO WW:- - i_ v < ? J. i i.Koni', . !'. JT I'. C. IH MAX,' V T. K. WASH I'. I'AlHLr, . Ak) A it. n. r. x. rowr.i'*, J.'MWtlli , ! W\ K. FASLr.l, / . I v.. I; sc, /^<<^ i. v. iir.-w'K#, i, \v. \vAi.ui.r, ??. <i. w^KTKHU.rt, r. n.*. ^ ? Mnv it?. 1*W 1 licijp Coo!! >|CKNES3 PREVENTATIVE SUiEALTH RESTORER. fMI*u<xvr:i> li-A'i'i:i: Ar.".\i:.vits?tii*> ?rrtr? t'rtnc.'flioiic* of which i* it> hciuj;\-nf~ iiblt^ rtrrmtgcd *? i>#> to form n hnni!^?nn? jnloo f fuvuil .!> . t. In il . <-< :> | : !'. ? !. r. n l < ji m: il?: <>! 1 )oIn-_r \,h' f..;- \ .-iiowMi i? so lowon;. The anno nAwliinCi iu.f, iirrni.-jtOiK'tit, lijili' ir.ul clojsmiCv', nt:< ? ;:i(}.r<>VfTin,'!>? ?rs t!i-- ah^ftiJ.-ui, ?i:n) li?-.t[>; aii'J, ih.-r-r.4P ?hi> f furnitiii'" is in iKoivju-h ?.f ..i 1 nil < !. iinlin.'is, Thy above iiia> Lo !'nint Mwr, V. h/*.-" .li iv.l.Trt RAMS 0 jii-ont^tl)!U^!rVs,7co-istantife^KcBj or KorTii' 1 J~ imrtm.-ni 4("t ? ???? ? 14-1, a i*'C. r>; ,<iicf, x,Mi0s?f it*-, tli ' ' ' *" . ..JH