BvtW ri? f f^5V' Cflimiw*, -tlw !?u siiu'd! t ?n?vItfv, vrho are oniu-efur'ooeupatid^ ? lfyw Mtobtefct ta pass away flic t??*i ftvodAj?otily sliiii in# * ray* ofctlic'imV-^ln the ?ouflj of your ?qutfljy hm\ mul emiatty us<' ' I^'tip.mpaiuu*?*, .tj'io. n,!u, ^fuuyhuW? tl^iSiT I Viing niipetlhr iic ?p.i^5iw.- umVor every lady'* . hounftt who' RrToippeHed to past# by, and before sh#- is unit".*'our <>t' hojtriug, indulge .your vulvar pruupnsitio.; by* remarking, Tf-fci ? ,fA ipK or "whnt n :- :stuck up air," and turning to riffce ??? ' of vour comi/HniiMu' to impure oMiini "Iidw I . ln-M lik<-t"> lii'." !>. horsss with that funinine I '"'for lito?' You poor f?>|s, d?*#t you know that her 4vtm-k up airs" was-etui o! bydicr having to pas* n ( rowd of**huin.m luutiwi" and don't you know that instead of eritieiaingft lady's "gait" you ought t?> b? at hfllne Ifierf&ug your //ttU? and that no sensible fuuitiM* wilt uhttrh ftOffcoa" with nay of you, as hmg as vou pursue your present ilishonorable Irusiu.- .or rather uo hii.siiies>.' I J>oyon?u;?;)'M you \v? ,tr r.nuleto li\e f*r -no other purpose than to l nf, aud hinder indtistiIoum people, asking umnenniti" ?^UL?tiotts or stuWling in their \t.ivi nud, del yotl tlrltik you are "deeidod'y sharp" when votl hail a cyiithrhien who is hurrying alxmt fiis business, ai'id ak him if he is "walking for wages !" To be sure ho is walking for . M !WfP4 ftrnl V/klV OlW\ A // o f , - ^. .. . ? - _ - -V-'?1 -tl w. , _^.v? ,u.<o you think it hotmfrblc j i to do nothing btflftuse ydtor. fathers have j ^ enough to .MfyjKirt.yOTt? knd do you know what tJiov have WAs got by tamest -try; AV"L "Hrrtft MMlfrr f qrdif Ai other -.uul sisters wore .sent uiiolthe %vorl<) to cw,k moaW nnd wu?h shirts for such worthless 1.^Iings je> you< And that when niglit comes what do wo sec you at i Why, in iout a giecory or Ii.?pior shop, of course. There you po t yourselves and make it a rule toa^k any working4uan who inuy ehauee to come in, and who , ' has earned a few .shillings iu .the comae of the day, to "treat,"-.and at the audio time I litre AS a reason ? _J| hu m uu> oiuy man j | '' In the house who u earning hnjr money."? Au?l tl'.-ll aftel you lime sponged eUOUgj?| liquor, off $clo*cr. fellotve" to make yoii 1 drunk, yOu ?illy forth and make "night >? hideous* with your beastly about*, ami final- . iL ]y I'm dovydAi some gutter with your equal- t Jy resjwetta eimoiis, t!^ hog-,. ? 2 ' Now, umryou u'heedful lot qffeu' ought to cally'bu.l Your briuton i t face ought to he covered witjidiame at the 1 idea of degrading poor huiuaiiuiatur< in this * inannei-, e-pe; k.'.iy, Svjieu you ttu it arfcoowl- ' etl^C that it iy uu awful burdek to tlo jfaj?? o Then go to--"Work like iueu, or nie, and thus luaky yotirsolve-i if some use. cl by giving the jointers a chanie to publish | yi>ur departure under the hgad if "suiculc" tl I ?ClaiOonr' .Ui rotate,*,. t Buying London and Paris. A rid i old Kdmtooaei planter, ik ing in the | tl rice making part tin- State, nftiJr having pi made a large fortune by living ia the lice t'r field* and avwiinps with bis negroes, and In mover go. n* iuiyvvlH?rt\ n?r ttoernjpanything outside of I?is ddmcn^ art*?*- - ?- ** , y ?^w n?r conclusion,. a? it fashionable ninomjr the |? AtfatiV-racy, to s?>n4 h? *on John tt*JE,,r,>lK'* n So, after U good 'ital of tim?, trull^U', awl (j( t u? ? v?-i\ on-.'it ' the- liist tiling in tlfy morning ami th- l ist j(j at HUjllt; hut as everything must have an (|1 . ml, Ml luul John's trip ! Ktin ]>< . Hi- u j.r tnrnediionie snl'oam) sound, 'tii.-hu.--u.-.' 1M of o?#JWo smacked pretty strong of thej riy m-gro oialoet, and his joy at. .hum's safe flr- svf rival knew no l*mmls. "Weil, John hhv* he,; .j,, "jyou hi a-n to Kurope, oh ' "Yes,sir,M\vas John's reply, ' , Ml: 44Woil, lio'.v you Ufa* nin ( vi)emj> votv nmv yuo, uivrr. if ! d?n'rt' j im "\VuAt'? 111* NaVK i TU.I Troy liu.l^ct ^wiy* a doctor in l.'?? * ' ? "^Tzffl jxwwsmvn mi unluvli.'i tliut In- WomiipiI n nml ihpt ft?rUk owm^ rvioc for twenty-two P yean. IVjJ.sitM :hi.H iiihlifftllu U lil IriHlitnon1* JtmiV, v?ft|pb |i;,.l U.-n in thr! "Ul ^miily iittjf ytfti^ftttQ orfly hnd tjiirly ny the instructions ftwtt ijbyorn-1 1 iiu'iit, there miirht ho a gObii Vuu on his ti*$jflfcnrts; Ijitednsho! is ho will Juno to wait, for fresh 1st ruction*' 1 frohvhis. gfrvrtilmpnt. aw? dchlnny serve a ^ood ; there uinore tl one tea" VerfWyy we ahooJu not l^ih a lVy n? to (Julian attaint, why a little mastetinaetivityiw'not ? ' ,....... ? *v. I*, uriHxuig jour irouurcdin-1 scnger.?, add gold mi*t to tbo value ?lie' j million j?ud a quarter dqKare. j 'lite Wlii^d triumphed nt the reeetit ie-1 Hon in SacrnipeutD City. 1 The Tnhtci con tinned to yield haiels.*i Iv, indeed were more rrosjjeroun tliAulr. nine time previous"; hut the minora in s MiHUIIHK'H li?Ui ivSrvtiV by {tt'O 1 1 of earthquakes. ^ |! Tlic Walker Hllilnister expedition vt: nearly broken ; the men e of course were not porniitted to^leave. How , ,vi( uw vmiueiige inuuts? the peace, we suppose?^nid o.vcivtui^J[fr|^ Ireland, Tht> young potato Top is everywhere gi j\viug must hi' iiriantly and \ iporously. A Mr. iCnyfli.-li, ot'Liinerii'jv', hasputrh sod the house properly trluch the Ewperc of Kutsin had in that tow n. The Timm Harfctit ivuOfU Mini ngrtcn 'hr* hI operations in that di*trh\ favored by the extreme fineness of the weather, have ccjt Carried on to an extent unequally for n tny jrenrs past. The Mayo Constitution states that jthe light of the population from that country, . specially those of the ''comfortable farmer'', ?nd artisan classes, almost-exceeds credibili-' Campbell has established an inA'srial school on his property at Bwrne/^u-; y Oulway, in ivliicii the children (>fUccon Monday night in '.lie >tiblin Music I fall, which was crowd qd to li? utmost of its capacity on the occasion. There are hq fresh accouitta of the pro-. tesa of cholera in the south of IrPimd, tlioi K'al impflrs.unlcing very sKght reference to' ic suhjwt. A fV'Hou* mortality, which how-j ver does not julpcar to arise in anv way tmi cholera, is observed iu the Cork w'orkoiise. Tiik CIoi.d Coin.?It will |: ? recollected that an Oct of <^ongrc.ks of Feb- \ \ ifttv. 18.">:t, directed the coinage of throe [ dlur gold pieces'at the mint and bnnudltw; (.4 ifbo'imcns of thU^oiidSfe having been sub- 11 itted to, and approved by, theSccretaiw of j < Treasury, the coins will b? immediately | it iu rtrpulation. , The obverse of this coin represents an j e?l head, with laf feathered cincture sym- , lie of America, the. word "Hherty" appear- tg on the hand encircling the head, ami the 'j K'ription "baited States of America" aur- v urtiingj^hc whole, ()u the reverse is a i ?ath ttmrpoved of -oure of the staple pro- <. <-ti.?ii>. <.f the baited States?vi/:, |, Itnn ' 1 '* * ' ? UH)MCO;tU (JfflC- , fcj nation arifl (lat<' Wing, in the centre. j fc A>< t-4i|?i|?:iT-f?l with til" oth.T gold Coiw,| t] Me viee* ami ui rattgcmciits are novel, but j ti rli/tps not losa n|ii>cpi>tmto, ami, together ji th the tihferenee m the diameter ot lite M ce, wijl make it remlijv' distfagulsliiwle J ingbe Mtmrt^r eagle, which approaches it HEjg?u!y in value. It is l(>-'20tiis < t an I. > ? "ii.1 tfftglis 77.4 grains? mm. v; * II, Hon. * W. Flokeni. j VVe iunl-rs|^iul that Col. Pickens lias jm?- or N>l,r*Ulnll. % l A .ligtfa.COfclitY, Arkail-, 3 luive n^uMirMod Uoft. A. it, Gub^mv^hI ^ fraction k?CQnga-??, mi'l fol in favor of the rvocrrvrii!ri)>'i i wui?n. U,< BS1SS that the |ct'tTO:ai imihut Sinitb 0*Brieu pruton in thf Howe of CoTiMliOto* iTJ>peIri* only :? common State trick, resorted to at a critical period, when U wh? desirable to conciliate the iiinh. Instead offlftfWgpJUW IU imai ir set a I lioeity, a don h oj&tM to O'lftieli, if he will ft]?(4y for it, imdi?ln doing so,Ue will sign ptuiet* recognising the Ewtfce of lm wntenre. {11Oi bftrliK.h lie- would C\rr consent to do?j Ifmo4* MoCntatn u.unuo.vo.?nrcj hnppv to lekjrtjfiom thaOt'orkvUle Kcmedyi that thiiiroa?l is in a liKttt prosjwnnis coil-J dition?fcnore so. pflMiaps, than any other1 road in the Slut*1. It is ontii ely out :ul has not yet beeh iu ojajratlon two Years. This is what we eiil! during a brisk business. If. any other road can heat it, we would like to hehr from it. SfAUTANlrVtlO A\t> Vmos ll.ti lroad.-?,1 We leivrn from the Spartanburg Spartan-1 that iroti has liecn tjid tor nearly two miles on the Spmtanbiitg uik! Union Knilrond, over whieh the cars now nm. In a few , weelt* tlife lilulf at Lakih'sMill will be parsed,; when 0 or 7 miles of track will be luid with- 1 out delay. The bridge contractor is at work with a stroiiLT force, lam to lay about 32-j miles hits t>eeti contracted for. Too Story; ?The muzzle of a finq.NeYH found land dog dropped otV in Kilhy street, when be stopped and fixed it on again, an?l held it :ueIv possible that he-has somo idea of the. danger which impends over, his Species, ami tiiinks, h.n.1f-is Coven and Samuel Walker, .Marshal, at Mai iett.a, (iebrjjdu, in which the for-j mor was killed. 'I lie circumstance- ate thus relajjod tftTfcere being iui old grudge hit wee u \ them, on the morning referred to, Oreeu [placed his horse and watch in the hands of a j nan whom he was owing, saying that he"] li ould cither kill Walker or Walker should i|ill him llint diiy. Shortly after, they met ,10 the tMpmre and passed some words when . Ifr. W. tinned. :ind ?>1V j i... ;ft