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TERMS OF THE NEWS. THB DAILY NIWS, by .mall ene year, $8; six months $4; three months $2 60. served In the city at EIOHTSEK ?XNTS a week, payable to the oar riere, or $8 a year, paid In advance at the office. Taa TRI-WKBKLT NSWS, published on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, one year $4; six months $3 50; three months $1 26 THX WEEELV NKWS, one year $2. Six copies $10. Ten copies, to one address, $IG. SuBSCRTPTiONB lu all casca payab e In advance and no paper continued after the expiration of the time paid for. KKKTITAMCZS should be made by Posto face Money Order or hy Express, if tbta cannot be done, protection against losses by mall may be secured by forwarding- a draft on Charleston pay? able to the order of the proprietors of THB KBWB, - or by s end in g the money In a registered letter. - NOTICES of Wants, To Bent, Lost and Found, Boarding, Ac, not exceeding 20 words, 26 cents eaoh Insertion; over 2.0, ami -not exceeding so words, 40 cents each insertion; over 80, and not exceeding 40 words, 60 cents each insertion. These rates are KBT, and moat invariably bo paid In advance. _. . ,," Address RIORDAN, DAWSON A GO., No. 149 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. WI^NESDAY, AUGUST 14,1872. NEWS OF THE DA T. T -Memphis has a "comer" DA chickens. -The'matrimonial market Is quoted dull at ? the watering places this summer, ffe -Tbe Ne*?fjYork Herald wants a monument to'Dr. Livingstone inCentral Park. -A monkey in alarie zoological garden slogs a beautiful tenor. This ls a mern, lor Darwin. -St. Louis begins to contemplate wonder? ing the proportions of its big bridge across the Mississippi. -An iowa woman has realized $50,000 from the insurance on the lives of two husbands, and they weren't very good husbands either. ~-Wisconsin has got 106 in the shade'. This - "ls a temp?r?tu'" that makes one indifferent * hbont the pries ot coal, and callous to the .warnings^ tH?, clergy. -NUsson'a.husband excommunicated him-, sell Church by being iaafcp ried In an Episcopal sanctuary. Nilsson 'ibjS* self isia'. Lfiiheran. ^ ' -Everything ls now ready lor the recon? struction of the Vendome Column in the Place Vend?me, at Paris. The plans are all pre? pared, the expenses being calculated at ten thousand- dollars, and the archiiect is only -walting for orders lo commeoce operations. ".'-A. correspondent of the London Times tolls a story of how he has been visiting at the house of a friepd in that city, who with* j I his wife and children are devotedly load of snakes. Tbey- naven a pet boa constrictor,"? pj thon and several small snakes, ali per foot ly taraeiflfcd allow them to play about the rooms and their persons like birds or .kitlens. The children fondle them with perfect confidence, twine -them around their necks and kiss them. -W. W. Corcoran bas sold his beautiful ' country seat adjoining Washington, known as Hate wood, for the som of two hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars, to an English gentleman, who contemplates ?laking it his prjrj0e residence. The proceeds of th? sale, with other benefactions, are lo be b?s>owed upon th is gallery of art which he has already presented to the City of Washington, and which 'has been the recipient of his munificence In other ways. -The year seems to be a most unusually hot one everywhere. In India the heat has been Secunden?*:sd-a hot place always-marking occasionally 107 deg., and 103 deg. for fifteen 'continuous days. In Paris old residents de? olan that they are grilling, and can only live by bathing; from Brussels we hear of 95 deg, In the shade, and In London lt has been 88 , deg., while the water In the public bath?, with? out amy aid from furnaces, bas been 76 deg. ( -The freaks of lightning grow more and 1 more remarkable every year. In Alabama it ' struck and killed a lady, leaving uninjured a ^ child In her arms. In the same State two I buzzards high 'up In the air were struck. I and their flight peremptorily arrested. But t the greatest achievement In this line yet < reported occurred In Tennessee, where a t man was struck by lightning and driven Into the ground up to his neck, without being ma? terially Injured. Perhaps, ihe electric fluid 1 will open an air line to China yet in this way. 1 -A new metallic compound, which bears i the somewhat fanciful name of Abyssinian, or ? Tahiti Gold, has lately been manufactured in c large quantity In Germany, for the purpose ol i 'fabricating Imitation gold jewelry and other t 'objects. This ls a brass composed of about r ninety-one part s of copper and eight of zinc. G The appearance of gold ls obtained by causing yj?very.thin sheet ot gold to adhere by passing "Jt through rollers. This gilded sheet ls then ( cut and termed Into ornamental articles by ' 'means of Ingeniously constructed steel lnstru- f menta. t . -There ls a horrid thing In Nashville. It ls, t " ? white "so m aching," which glides through a I , certain ravine near the city from nine P. M. to ? early morning. It has been repeatedly chased, ' both by boys and policemen, but manages to -elude capture-how we are not told. The ne? groes are greatly excited by its appearance. They declare lt to be the ghost ot a colored woman who was barned to death last lal! 'negress living near the ravine says that two headless persons come to her bouse repeated ly arid dance a demoniac waltz, which results /in overturning all her furniture. Two colored women who went by the haunted spot about midnight caw ihe ghost, and were so terrified I they run halt a mlle. One of them ls not cted to survive the fright. -The criminal authorities of Jackson, Miss e an important discovery and arrest last urday morning, by which it is supposed hat a gigantic swindle upon the State of Mississippi has been prevented. A deputy United States marshal, J. F. Cunningham by name, having been suspected ol some finan \clal consplKujV, was arrested just as he had received A.large box by express from New York. The box being seized, was iou ud to contain two large books of counterfeit State ^^arrants, a copper cut lac simile ol the State ^"JHpltor's signature, a^d a fae simile ot th? ^freat seal ol the Statt. The plates nod securi ties were all engraved in the best style by a bank note company la New York, and if the bonds had been put upon the market, the fraud wonld have been exceedingly difficult to detect. It ls thought that this discovery may throw some light upon the history o? the mil? lions o? spurious bonds o? Georgia, South Caro? lina and other Southern States that are now afloat upon the market. . ". -The escape of the Philadelphia ruffian, Marra, who shot Alderman McMullen, has been a remarkable and adventurous one, ?sd it is now Improbable that he will ever be captured. He has been at large about a fortnight, and, all??5gh his whereabouts have been from time to time discovered, no one seems able or roan McMullen, he plunged southward into Maryland, and, while in a swamp near Havre willing to tonch him.' After shooting Alder ,de-Grace, was spied by some citizens, who publlc-?plrltedly undertook to arrest, 'lim and secure the $2500 reward. Fully armed and pro? visioned, they m arched te the swamp about ona j o'clock on Sunday morning, determined to take the man prisoner or die in the attempt. When the party approached the swamp the leader sta? tioned around to prevent an escape, and then cautiously entered the thicket He got within a few feet of the lair of his intended prisoner, when h*e found that there were two Instead of one. While reflecting a moment as to how to proceed, the sharp report of a pistol shot rans out on the midnight air. Nothing daunted, our hero Instantly returned the fire, when the besieged made tracks in another direction. The valiant assailant ran around and met them and gave them another shot, when finding his aids demoralized, and him self alone lu a jungle with two assassins, he also concluded that discretion was the better part of valor, and left the desperadoes masters of the situation. The villains no doubt speedi? ly hunted another place of refuge, and have not been seen since. ? , . The Weekly Newe. The weekly edition of THE CHARLESTO^ NEWS, published every Wednesday morning, is a paper which can fairly claim to be one I of the largest, most enterprising and most J valuable weekly newspapers published in the Southern States. It is much larger in size I than the daily edition, printed on clear white paper, with large and new type, an* presents each week thirty-two columns of varied aud valuable reading matter. Tbe issue for this week contains a careful sum? mary of all the news of the week, important letters from THE NEWS corps of correspon I dents in all parts of the State, particulars of the recent startling revelations of the fratids of the Columbia Ring thieves, lacest returns from North Carolina, Charleston City news, I a variety of special articles on seasonable ' topics, and the latest, fullest and most accti I rate market and crop reporta ot any weekly paper in the State. It is the only weekly edition of a dally newspaper published in tbis*city, and with the aid of all the facul? ties and resources of THE NEWS eatablis?J ment it is becoming, with every issue, more and more of. a necessity to the planters, L merchants -.arid other residents of South ^Carolina and the adjoining States. A G lu noe ut the * le ld. The Bostou Post, the leading Democratic paper of New England, whose columns re fleet the views and are adorned by the pens j of the brightest minds in Massachusetts, gives a coup d'oeil of the present situation in Ihe following stirring style: "What a running to and fro there is, from end tc end of the Radical camp. AU is commotion and confusion-Grant rushing forth from bis gift-cottage at Long Brandi northward, Wilson tearing from Virginia to North Carolina and thence across to In? diana, the members of the Cabinet flying | different ways between Oregon and Maine, Colfax coming out only to ruo in again ont of the storm, Speaker Blaine cramming the maila willi pleading letters for help in his own district, Conkling bowing and smiling at the Democrats in hopes to propitiate them, Forney loading and firing bis battery with terrible precision into the ranks of his own party in Pennsylvania, a blue Saturday in Boston for the assembled managers of ] Massachusetts Grantism, Dawes offering al. m03t any terms to Butler ia hopes of paci? fying the party in bis own district, and the wm* I ..ImlnUllHlt if .. ..-..?..I r....w?>:~ unison to' make the laugh fit the opposite corner of Its mouth. Greeley is running like j wildfire everywhere. Whether North Caro. 11 lina goes this time for Grant or not, the four [ thousand warrants held over the heads of as nany white men, and the emptying j , >C a quarter of a million dollars from ne treasury into the State, with half he Cabinet and the candidate for the Vice- i j Presidency following after, have cot accom >lisbed what was hoped for, and thus are irokeo the hopes of the administration ut he start. The feeling uppermost is that ill is lost. Sumner discharges bis colum liads, and the effect of bis explosive shot is risible all over the country. Blaine tries to eply, Garrison drags up his rusty gun for a ?eturn fire, and the small arms of tie melt ng Grant force pepper away with all the ipi le possible; but the noise ends, the air ?lears, and the havoc in the Radical camp is i inmistakaule. Banks sends a round-shot i hat taara an ngly bole straight through the anks. One wing cries out 'Ku-Klux!' Io ? liter despair, and the other responds 1 treason* in accents equally deplorable, A io I rix declares he never called 'copperhead' n his life, aad Porter says he is not at liber y to tell how many Democrats are ready o pronounce for his master when tho right .ime comes. 'Graut's Own' is confident I ( ;hat no self-respecting Democrats aro going ,o vote for Greeley, though it said the Dem-11 )cracy were dead years ago. "The President has taken the stump for short experimental speeches, writes letters o Chattanooga, und all about, aod freely ;onsents to be interviewed on the subject of ? lis sentiments. He says he never wanted a second nomination, though Forney declares t was a part of the original bargain in 1868 | * hat be should have lt. East and West is in a | lerfect political uproar; North and Sooth are iompletely alive The Germans are coming iver to Greeley by thousands, with a steady ramp, from Wisconsin to New York. Maine j s cutting loose trr>~> ?be rotten hulk of a r 'ing Administration, New Hampshire is valklng straight out of meeting; Vermont sou its feet; little Rhode Island entertains Joele Horace with ita champion clam-bakes md biggest popular turnouts; Connecticut tas plunged head-foremost into the 'mid um mer madness;' and Massachusetts fairly lunis with the buzzing in the party whose "j enders are gladly leaving it every day. i> )vei the rest of the Union the tide is roaring {J n and threatening to submerge tbe last ves- , iges o? corruption, nepotism, and political J marlatanisra. Liberals of both parties are T ill awake to the issue in New York, and pr- f janizing for a sure victory. Cameron is wishing and pulling Hautranftin Pennsylva-. lia, while Forney assures them both that ! Juckalcw will carry all before him in Octo >er. The mass conventions of Democrats md Liberal Republicans in Ohio are some hing stupendous, reverberating in thunder a ones across the noble Buckeye State. Mor- ? on is fairly stunned by the shouts or the peo- b' ?le for Greeley in Indiana, and begins to r ose heart in the result. The great com- m notion Bends back its echoes from Wiscon In, Iowa and Minnesota, the ocean tide of evolution pouring over the whole Northwest 3 a resistless flood. *. . * ' * _ * "Well may the party that is fast going ito permanent eclipse manifest all this ommotioo. The managers find no comfort j io Kansas or in Carolina; they see their fruit prematurely dropping everywhere. They know that a withering frost awaits their remaining Lopes in October. Conkling is as anxious as Cameron; Morton 13 as much be? wildered aa Wilson; Boutwell directs his accountants to figure up as heavy payments on the debt as'they can, and count in all the.candle-ends and cheese-paring ever sold for the government, while he runs off to Groton to see how many potatoes there are to a hill on his farm, agitation and alarm prevail everywhere among the Radicals. Even Chandler and Ben Wade have already begun to swear. Blaine wishes he had let ?umuer alone, for the latter knows more than .the Speaker would care to have bim tell aloud. The leaky old craft is being abandoned by all the sagacious passengers, Moho Vre jumping on board' the new Liberal ship?y scores? The tide bas turned and is pouring in all one way. fftitte is no more help for Radicalistrf It has. courted defeat by deceiving ail sides *apd it is likely to get mo? o? it than any farly that was ever Luried under American soil. '. Wbat Carpet-Baggers Curt. ._ He World compiles from officiai sources a table Showing the cost of carpet-bag offi? cials compared with* nairVes : . Invernal Cost or Carpet-bag revalue col- collecting Percentage or Mates. leeton in inlett, costonam't 1871. * colleffed. Alabama*...$363,758 87 $83,00) Frac'nover 14& Arkansas.... 130,0? 47 ' ?0,000 Frac'n over 27 Florida "_ 121,030 66 " 22,000 Frac'n over 16X C. orgia:. 736,044 02 ?106,000 Frac'n over 13 Mississippi... 238,258 43 56,000 Frac'n over 23 N.Carolina..1,362,28819 13-1,000 Frac'n over lox S. Carolina.. 258,729 99 47,600 Frac'n over is,<4 Texa 360,880 42 84,000 Frac'n over24 Compare this with .the internal revenue expenditure where internal revenue is col? lected by natives or respectable residents instead comported adventurers* Revenue Cost lor ^ . , States.' collected, collectlonrvPercentage. 1871. 1871. Ill.$16,119,609 02 $298.600 Frac'n leas than 2 Ind.... 4,708,469 90 170,000 1 rao'n leas tuan 3>i Kv..T. 6,624.140 61- 197,000 Frac'n over 3 Md..?. 3,703,864 80 1O4J000 Frac'n over 3 Ma s.. 8.801,074 6S s?01000*Frac'n less than 3 Mo.... 6,095,075 89 140*000 ' 2\ N. Y... 28,879,452 06 767,000 Frac'n over wy? W. Va. 627,320 94 60,000 Frac'n over 3 . Tj^e difference is: I? West Virginia, a State where 3627,0^10 is collected, less money is expended than iff Mississippi, where $233,000 is collected ; and only $2000 more ?a eapendedin collecting .over $5,000,000 in Missouri than in rforth Carolina, where only $1,362,000 is Collected. . These are the kind of expenditures-w'th the $235,000 of the United States marshals in North Carolina-and these are the figures which the Daweses and Conklings Lake so much pains to conceal. R. sftntranol. H~^"FT"&ITS~& GO.?, (LATE WATERS,.PIERCE &, Co.,) BANKERS AND COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 66 BROAD "STREET, NEW YORK, Buy and sell contracts ror*Future Delivery or Cot ion, strictly tor a commissi JU, so that no Inter? ior patrons. Refer, by permission, to Union National Bank; ?eople'a Bank, New York. Correspondence solicited. aogl3-lrao JAY COOKE, MCCULLOCH A CO. NO. 41 LOMBARD STREET, LONDON. r0 REIGN EXCHANGE, COMMERCIAL CREDITS, CABLE TRANSFERS. CIRCULAR LETTERS 'OR TR A VE LL Kits, A VA 11. A DLK IN ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. mavivx JAY COOKE & CO., NO. 20 WALLSTREET. Staues, &t. ^OGTCJNG^ RANG?T^IL?D li?ATINa STOVES AT RETAIL. PI0TDHES LNO PRICES ?F THEM, WITH LISTS OF F?RNI UttB FOR COOKING STOVES, FURNISHED ON ,PrLICAT10N. WM. SHEPHERD * CO. augl4-DAW6rnos Drugs and .Slc?iniies. n J. L U H N, PHARMACEUTIST, M PU RT KR OF KINE CH KM IC ALS, PERFUMER! AND SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. Io. 450 KING STREET, CORNER OF JOHN. Now m Stock of my own Importation, .OW SON AND HAYDEN'S SOAPS i Tooth Brushes. I carbolic Acid, I Pattey'n Cold Cream, i Ingllsh Darby's Carminative, British OU, Roche's < Embrocation add Uhlorodyne. AGENT FOB TLDEN A OO.'S SOLID AND FLUID EXTRACTS. Pnarmacenttcal Preparations, Sugar-coated ? PIUS, AC. AGENT FOB | FORD'S SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. ? I AGENT FOB BOUTH CAROLINA FOB | ia. JEROME KIDDER'S ELECTRO MEDICAL MACHINE AND APPLIANCES, Surgical Instruments and Goods of foreign man ? facture imported to order. My Dispensing Department ls complete, em- j racing all New Remedies. A full assortment of Trasaea and Bandages al- ? ra vs on hand. ; PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS compounded ( MM) aer-nmov dav or night. lanlOwfml v ? RUSSELL'S SOOTHING CORDIAL I This Preparation H burhly recommended ? 1 many ot leading Physicians or Charleston, ? nd ls alwavs kept lor sale. Whole-ale And Retail, r y_DR. H. BARR.. No. 131 Meeting street. \ BRUSHES. ' A Fnll Assortment or the Best oo h Brushes " Nail Brushes Hair Brushes Flesh Brushes Shaving Brushes lorant Brushes. For sale by DK. U. BA KR, Np. 131 Meeting street. 8EEF, WINE AND IRON AND BEEF, WINE, IRON AND CINCHONA. 1 These elegant and excellent stimulating Tonics J re now getting Into general use, especially in ises or delicate females and chlldien. They may 3 had or DR. U. BAER, No. 131 Meeting street. A rull stock or Elixirs, and all the other new barmaceutlcal Preparations ,alwaya kept on v ind. -. 8 k/TARBLE DUST, fJL Sulphuric Add Bicarbonate or Soda Tartaric Acid Flavoring Extracts Cream or Tartar Alcohol, 96 per cent Ac., Ac, Ac. At lowest market rates. Bv ? DR. H. BAER, No. 131 Meeting street. I cl Spend IVotitts. pif THE NEWLY APPOINTED CITY GAUGER. CHARLES L. DoBOS, may be found at Messrs. Stephens] A Warner, Messrs. MantoneA Co., and Mr. Charee, East Bay. All orders will be promptly attended to. . augu-l* pm? CONSIGNEES PER STEAMSHIP SE i GULL, from Baltimore,*are hereby notified that she ls THIS DAY discharging cargo at Pier No. l, Union Wharves. All Goods not taken away at sunset will remain on wharf at Consignees* risk. MORDECAI A 00., angl3-2_Agents. pm- ST. JOSEPH AND DENVER CITY RAILROAD COMPANY, EXECUTIVE OFFICE, NO. 31 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK, AUGCaT IST, 1872.-The Coupons and Registered Interest, doe August 16th, 1372, on the Fitat Mortgage Eight Per Cent. (8 per cent.) Gold Bonds of the St, Joseph and Denver city Railroad Company, BOTH EASTERN AND WESTERN DIVISION, Will be paid at the office of th d Farmers' Loan ant Trust Oom. pan y of the<Clty or New York, upon presentation and demand, on and arter date, free of tax. . FRANOIS A. COFFIN, ang3-12 _ Assistant Treasurer. PS- IN COMMON PLEAS-BEAUFORT COUNTY.-Ex parte BAILEY A COMPANY In re K. J. DA VAN r, Commissioner, vs. the Trustees or the Collegee of Beaufort.-Pursuant to the order or the Hon. C. B. FARIUB, judge, In the above stated case, notice 1B hereby given to all and singular the Judgment Creditors of WILLIAM H. WIQG, that said Oonrt has limited and allowed ninety days from the date of this order in which said Creditors may prove their claims bi fore the un? dersigned, receiver, at bis office, in- the Court? house at Beau Tort. H. G. JUDD, a C. P. Receiver. Beaufort, S. c., June li, 1872._Jnn22-60 pa- rr is DIFFICULT TO -GIVE LS A I dozen Unes the reasons why SIMMONS'S HEPA? TIC COMPOUND, or LIVER CURE, should be pre? ferred as a corrective and alterative to-every other medicine In nae. Firstly, it allays fever; secondly, lt cleanses the bowels without violence J or pain; tnirdiy, lt tones the stomach; fourthly, lt regulates the flow of bile; fifthly, lt promotes healthy perspiration; relieves the sys. tem from unwholesome humors; seventhly, lt tranquilizes the nerves; eighthly, lt acts upon the blood as a d?purent, and, lastly, lt forms one of the mijft certain Liver Regulators known. Ready for use in large bottles. For sale by BOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS, aug9-fmw3 Wholesale Agents for So. Ca. .pm* ON MARRIAGE, -G* - Happy relier for Ydhng Hen from the effects of Errors and Abuses in early me. Manhood re? stored. Nervous debility oured. impedimenta to Marriage removed. New method of treat, meat. New and remarkable remedies. Book* aud Circulars sent free, In sealed envolopea. Ad? dress HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 'J Sootb Ninth street.*J?blladelohia, Po. oe ti n Joint Stock (Companrj. OFFICIAL RAFFLE NUMBERS OP THE CHARLESTON JOINT si OCR COM? PANY (pr the benefit of the state Orphan Asylum. ' CLASS No 93-TOMBAT M0ENIN0, August IS. 58- 8 -41-63 - 2-61-77-63-17-?3-29-70 CLASS MO. W-TUESDAY KVKSINO. AUKUBl 13. 4-27-52- 2-37-12-28-65-67-16-61-11 augu A. M ORO st), Sworn Oommusloner. ??ntfuumai. C^L?ITBITI?MAI^ BOARDING AND DAY 8CBO0L.-Exercises | will be resumed on TUESDAY, October 1st, 1872. For particulars, apply to the Principals, JANE H. REYNOLDS. auglO-0_SOPHIA M. REYNOLDS. p EACE CHURCH INDUSTRIAL OT SCHOOUr-Iustruoilon will be given and the use of machines allowed gratuitously on Thurs? day and Saturday morning, from 0 A M. to a P. M.. at the Depository. Chalmers street. Junio H?rrigs ot HtyoUsale. c OLLIER'S REMEDY FOR MAN AND BEAST. FOR MAN. Thia Linament has gained a lasting reputation where lt has been used lu moat cases which re? luire an external remedy, such as Rheumatism, soreness and Swelling of the Breast, Pain and Weakness In the Back and Joints, Sprains, Gr nines, Cramps, Numbness, Frozen .Limbs, Bites of insects. Old Sores, Fever Sores, Goitre or 3welled NecR, Paralysis, Wounds, Erysipelas, Bites or Reptiles, Headache, Wnire Swellings, Poison, Burns, all .swellings, Salt Rheum, Corns, Warts, Sore Ryes, Ran Rounds, Ac, AC. ? FOR HORSE. It ls warranted to core Lameness, Spavin, Big Bead, Big Jaw. Pounder, Sprains or the Shonlder, Leg, BaCK, Sinews, Fetlock. Slime Joint and Hock lolut, Splints, Wind Galls, Ringbone, String Halt, Swelled Legs. Cracked Heels, Thrush. Poll Evil. Saddle Galls, Old Sores, strains of the Round Bone and other Joints, Kolargement or the Back Juin t, and all Diseases of Hordes which are caus? ed by inflammation of the Muscles. CHARLESTON, S. C., Jane 17, 1872. Uesirs. DowiE, MoiSB A DAVIS : Qenflemen-l have nsed a number of bottles of roar Caller's h em edy for Horses, and from my exp?rience believe lc to be the best Liniment ever offered to the public. 1 have had for the past eleven years a stubborn case of salt Rhenm or Tetter on my bead and arm, which baa been treated by the most skilled Physicians of Georgia and south carolina without success. Two bottles or Culler's Remedy has effectually cured me. A. WILSON. Proprio'or Livery Stables, No, 148 Meeting street, Opposite Pavilion Hotel. LonrsviLLB, KT., May I860. ISAAC COLLIER, Esq., Glasgow 0. H., Barren Co., Ky. I take great pleasure in recommending Collier's Remedy as an almost indispensable article, and pery valnable to all who own or have charge of ?tock. It ls the bead have ever used ror sprains, lores, or Galls on Horses, some or the men con? nected with the Company have used lt for severe Burns and Sores as well as Rheumatic Pains, and or Binlses, Ac, and all say lt acts Hire magic. In Scratches on Horses lt ls invaluable. We use no ither Liniment. J. K. BURNS, For Adams's Express Company. F. A. MINOR, of York County, S. 0., writes us, inder date of October, 1860, as roiiows : "My lorse was considered worthle s, (bis case was Spavin) but since the free nseof your Collier's Remedy I have sold him for $i&o. Your remedy s doing wonders np here on man and beast. DIAMOND Han, ABBEVILLE DIST., S. C., ) Jnne 7, 1870. f ifesBra. Do wi E. MOISI A DAVIS, Charleston, S. 0.. Gentlemen-The box of drugs ordered on 31st Hay not arrived yet. We are anxiously awaiting t, particularly the Collier's Remedy. We have lad twenty calla for lt lu the last twenty days, t ls decidedly the nest medicine that ever waa ;ompouodpd for what lt professes to do. It has icen used In this vicinity for Rheumatism, and las proved more effectual than anything else. lr. G. F. S-cored hlmseir of a bAU case or tbeumatism by the use or two bottles. He DHU teen laid up over three months. He ,s now able to iractlce again. Many certificates can be procured , II this vicinity, and we write thia from A sense of luty to you. KAHN A MCADAM. 1 DOWIE, MOISE & DAVIS, PROPRIETORS, Charleston, S. O' jnn3-mw5mca B IDairbei, icnuirrj, ?rc. ALL, BLACK 4 CO Nos. 666 AND 687 BROADWAY, Niw YORK, rUl continue the sale ol then* Immense stock of ILVERWARE, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY and FANOY GOODS urlng the sommer months. All goods will be aid without reserve, at a great reduction, to lese the business. j Q n 10 _Mttting?._ KOF P.-PALMETTO LODGE, No. L . Regular Semi-Monthly CotnmoDlcailoa '1OM0ET, at half-past 8 o'clock, at Pythian Hall. By order of the W. 0. j. H. KENDALL, angil_ W. R. S. TE* TN A STEAM FIRE ENGINE COM /V'i PANI".-Tue Regular Monthly. Meeting .o? your Company will be neld THIS (Wednesday) EVSNINQ, 14th matant, at half past 8 o'clock pre? cisely. By order. HENRY UARNIGHAN, angl4_ secretary. GERMAN STEAM FIRE COMPANY. T&e Regular Quarterly Meeting of your Company wi? be held at the Engine-Honae THIS EVKNINO, at 8 o'clock precisely. By order. J. H. OSTENDORFF, augU _;_Secretary. {Dania. ?NTODT^^^^COOK. APPLY at northwest coiner of Yanderhorat and Thomas ttreets._\_augl4-l? WANTED BY A CAREFUL TENANT, a House of tea or fifteen rooms in the I southern part of the city. Address R., at this omce._ augi3-. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, A WET I NURSE, without a fihildv Apply at No. 3 j East Battery._angl2-4? WANTED. TO PURCHASE, ALL kinds of Hecond-hand Furniture, for which good prices will be paid. Address Lock Box No. 122, P. o._ augl2-mwa? WANTED, TWO YOUNG MEN, BE? TWEEN l?e years of eighteen and twen? ty, to go to Ed isto Island and attend to cotton warehouses. Salary, $l2to it6 per month, with board and washing, apply at ouce to key box No. 69, Charleston Poatofflee. j aug 10-1 WANTED, FOR A SMALL FAMILY, A Woman, to cook and wash and make her? self useful. Apply, with recommendations, at No. 104 Tradd street._aug2 ALAD? COMPETENT TO TEACH THE asnal Eogliah studies, Masic. French and jjaun, wianes a situation as TE ACHE a in a fami? ly, or would take a school. references given. Address M?as P. K., Adalrsville, Ga. Jal?24-lmo?_ AGENTLEMAN, WITH THE BEST testimon?ala, of good character and com? petency wishes a position aa Teacher In some ?ubllc institution, or aa private tutor In a family, o objections to going Into the conn try. can teach French, Latin, Ureek, Plano and the other branches or a good education. Salary of not so great consideration as pleasant association. Ad* dreas C. D. T., it the omce of this paper. maylO_ . . _ WANTED TO INFORM THOSE NOT acquainted with tue fact that the SOUTH? ERN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY issues Joint Llie Policies, insuring the lives of partners in business, so that, on the death or either, the I amount insured lor ls paid to tbe surviving party, lt aiao insures husband and wire on the same plan. EBEN COFFIN, Agent, Na 31 Broad street. mayl8 tost ana ?cuno. LOST, AN INFANT'S GOLD ARMLET, with Garnet set, between Judith and Hod? son streets. The nader will ne liberally rewarded, by leaving the same at thu orhce. ? angl41 STRAYED, MONDAY NIGHT, A WHITE and Orange setter Pup, about three months o.a. A (suitable reward will be paid fur her d?liv ery at No. 12 Legare street._ angl4-l LOST, ON THE 9TH INS'??NT, A Pointer. DOO, (white) with liver colored sputa. Any information lelia; this office will be rewarded. - _ augl2 mw2 lot Salt. CLOSING OUrSALE.-TAB FOLLOW? ING will be aoid at about one-half their va.ue, viz: One large FLAT, capable of carrying twenty-five cords of. wood, two Box carts, and one Northern balli Wood or Lumber Wagon. Ap? ply to WM. JOHNSON, root or Laarens street. aagl3 3_ FOR SALE, FOR CASH, A FIRST-CLASS BARROOM, at Georgetown, S. C. doing a good business, together with a Soda Water Foun? tain, Billiard and Bagatelle Tables, also Restau? rant la complete order. Toe owner desires to sell for the purpose or a change In business. For particulars, Ac, address "B. A. C.," NEWS office. Junl9-w8_ ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF SEWING MA0H1NRS repaired on reasonable terms ana at thu shortest notice. Also a lew good se ilintltnaa f..r tia! A vt.ry Low. J. !.. L UN'S Ku RD. Smith street, north ol Wentworth. TTTTRAPPING PAPER FOR SALE.-OLD YT NEWSPAPERS in large or small quantities. Price 60 CENTS PRK HUNDRED. Apply at tar Otto* ofTHK NRWh. # mavis PLANTATION FOR SALE -GREAT BARGAIN-PORT ROYAL RAILROAD. Tue subscriber, being about to leave me state, offers for aale that valuable PLANTATION, called the "Yeoman'sTract," situated In Barnwell Coun? ty, near Jackson's Branch, waters of Lower Three Buna, containing 9i9 acres. The line or the Port Royal RtiHrood ls In close proximity to lt, and thc splendid circular Siw MIP or Dr. J. c. Miller nut more than a mlle from the richly-timbered portion of Mle estate. - There are about 200 acres cleared, producing splendid crops or cotton and oro. Last year 4 comfortable rr ,me houses were erected by the proprietor on the mter edge or the body of umber, sud the locallv la remarkably healthy. The timbered portion (719 acres) pr?sents as floe a body or virgin forest as i he eye can meet with In thia State, varying from the smallest sized cap timber to the larg, st ranging size. To railroad contractors, lumbermen and mr pentine distillers, no Oner opportunity has ever been presented or realizing a fortune, as they hav<> 'De option or shipping to Savannah or Port | Royal, either by water or rail. . For farther particulars, apply to the subscriber, or to il. M. THOMPSON, Esq.. Attorney at Law, Wlillston, so. Ca. la whose hands are' tho titles. Winlaton, so. ca., August ist, 1872. ' aug3_ H. N. MILLER. So lient. TO RENT, HOUSE No. 55 SMITH STREET, with ten rooms, piazza, and large yard and garden. Kent $30 per mouth; aluo, a pleasant room on Sullivan's Island. Apply to 0. W. CROUCH, No. 67 Smith street. angi4-l? TO RENT, THE INGRAHAM HOUSE, corner or Wentworth and Smith streets. Uuuse and premises In good order, with fine cis? tern. For further information apply t? s. H. PICKENS, s. C. R.B. Office, corner of Zing and Ann sta eta._. angls-w TO RENT, THAT DESIRABLE STORE corner King and Liberty streets, with or without back Store, suitable for any kind of business. Will be re J ted from lat of september: For particulars apply at Store._angg-imo FOR RENT, ARCHER'S HALL; ALSO, comfortable ROOMS to wertby people from %i to lo. Apply at Archer's Bazaar, King street. augl2-mwf3* FOR RENT, THE STORE CORNER King and George streets; one or the best business stands la the city. Apply at Archer's Bazaar._ augl2-mwf3? TO RENT, FROM FIRST SEPTEMBER next, that desirable residence at the south? west corner or Rutledge and Bull streets. Apply to E. LAFITTE A CO., No. 4 Central Wharl. aug7-wrm6 Uoar?iriQ. TWO SINGLE GENTLEMEN, OR GEN? TLEMAN AND WIFE, can be accommoda? ted with board and pleasant moma lu a respect? able family. Address "H. A.," DAILY NBWS or "ce._angl4 ? SUMMERVILLE.-.-WANTED OCCU? PANTS ut private boarders ror three fine Rooms. Apply to R. L. w., No. 41 Hayue street, augormwa* T. T. CHAPEAU A CO. DIALS RS AND DISTILLER* OF TURPENTINE AND ROSIN, OFFICE No. 173 EAST BAT, CnAHLBSTON, S. a The highest prices paid ror Crude. apno-flmoR QHA8. HEBENROOD, STEAM TURPENTINE DISTILLERY, AT FORKS OF ROAD, CHARLESTON, 8. 0. Offices-No. 128 Meeting street, and corner Line and Meeting streets. ?"Highest prices paid in Cash ror Crude Turpen? tine.-5? mchlfl-emrwi _ jy?OSES GOLDSMITH & SON, OOLONNADE ROW, VENDUE RANGE Highest Cash Price paid ror WOOL, WAK Hides, Skins, Paper Stock, Iron, and all kinds of Metals. ALSO, Dealers In COTTON, Naval Stores and Scotch Pig iron. mayno-mwflyr gDTJ^rf??i ?STAND S?PPLIJBST 0 BE AT NEWS GREAT NEWS GREAT NEWS ; GREAT N? WS GREAT NEWS GREAT NEWS FOR THE ISLANDERS I FOR THE ISLANDERS ! FOR THE ISLANDERS.! FOR THE ISLANDERS ! FOR THE ISLANDERS ! FOR THE ISLANDERS ! S. H. WILSON & BRO., GROCERS, OF CHARLESTON, ' r latead dellverleg GROCERIES to auch of the Islanders aa patronize taem, at their respective j homes on the Island, without extra charge. We a hali taite pleasure in taking charge ot an) gooda bought in Charleston, not in oar line, to deliver to our Cus tornera. Any orders entrusted to onr care, either In our. line of business or not, will meet with prompt attention. WE OFFER YOU THE FINEST SELECTED STOCK OP GROCERIES IN CHARLESTON, AND Af PRICES THAT CANNOT BB UNDERSOLD. Soliciting your patronage, ? We are respectfully, S. H. WILSON & BRO., No. soe RINO STBHT, CHABLSSTON, 8. C. Setmng JUacljines. rJlfF~irEW FM PROVED WHEELER A WILSON SILENT SEWING MACHINE. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. . We are now selling these superior Machines on Ten Dollar monthly payments. , Adjusting and Repairing.done promptly. WHEELER * WILSON M> NUF'O CO., . aprS-lvr _ W?v OOO King strtwt. fliartos, CP egans, &z. pi ANOS AND ORGANS. Furnished at Factory Prices,, for cash, or bj j Monthly Payments on the moat liberal terms. CHARLES L. M CUL EN A HAN, Plano and Music Store, jul? 3Ui mo No. lei King street. Summer Resorts. "^yHTTE SULPHUR SPRINGS, GREESBRIER COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA, Famous for their ALTERATIVE WATERS and fashionable patronage, are now open. They are 2000 feet above tide water-affording entire relief Prom prostrating summer beac Capacity for two thousand persona. ? ? ? Charges-13 per day and $80 per month of thir? ty days. GEO.L. PEYTON * CO.. may2fl-wfm8a Proprietors. MOUNT VERNON HOTEL, Na 81 W. MONUMENT STREET, BALTIMORE MU., ON EUROPEAN PLAN.-This favorite es? tablishment, situated in ono of the most eligible positions in the city, en th? highest ground, and consequently well adapted for a Summer Resort, being comparatively cool in midsummer, mag? nificently rurnlalied with baths and other coo venlencea on every flour, ls now open for the re? ception of those contemplating a tour of pleasui e the coming aeuon. The cars run within a square of the house. ?. uacheu at all the stations. E.V. WESTCOTT, Proprietor. jnn8^moe 2tgrioiltitrol JKacrjirurrj. ->? C O T T O N GINS, Ac. THE CELEBRATED GRISWOLD GIN at $3 75 a saw, delivered at any Railroad depot In South Carolina. THE IMPROVED EXCELSIOR GIN, manufactured at Macon, Ga., at $4 a saw, deliv? ered aa above. THE MORRIS GIN, manufactured m Columbia, S. 0., warranted to | make as good lint, and as moch lint, to gin the Biecd as clean, and to rnn as light as any gin of same t-fze In the marltet, at $3 50 a saw. THE DANIEL PRATT GIN, manufactured at Prattville, Ala, at $4 a saw, together with CIDER PRESSES, WINE PRESSES] fAND AGRICULTOR AL IMPLEMENTSJOF ALL KINDS. For sale at above prices by J. E. ADGER A CO., Sole Agents. No. 02 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. Send for Circulars. JulylB-thstuimo Olgncnlto?, florticuUare, &t F RUIT TREES, SMALL FRUITS, ORNAMENTAL TREES AND PLANTS, CHOICE GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS, Ac A splendid stock or the choicest varieties. Send for descriptive catalogue and price Hat, All Trees well packed ao as to carry safely to my part of the United State'. SMALL FRUITS AND SMALL PLANTS, >f all kinda, sent by mall, postage paid, to any icstomce in the United States. EDWARD J. EVANS A CO., Nursery men and Seedsmen, july26-th4mti York, Pa. ff EN B Y';-C QB I A, 00-, Uv. 2?? VENDUEBANGE, OFFER FOR SALE: 7 -V io hhds. Prime 0. R. SIDES io" boxes Prime C. R. Sides , 10 boxes D. s. L. c. Sides 1Q 'b?Xes"D."S. C. R. Sides. .angl4 2 QAMPSES MIL LS. ' NEW FLOUR AND PEARL HOMINY. Having fl nts Qed repairs to oar MU?. we are now rally prepared to furnish the trade with CHOICE NEW FLOUR, Made or the best Southern Wheat, and . .'. * t PEARL HOMDTX,...,-^ Prepared from Choice Wnlt?\?orn,.at-prices to correspond with any or the principal mart eta. r,i??1L?AN0Y FAMLLY- FLOUR and PEARL . HOMINY for sale by all the principal grocers In the city. JOHN CAMft?EN 4-CO. MgMttwft J^IMEl LIMEI LIME! : ; s^a^^Trl^^ ^ ?jf ""","., JAMES Z. STOCKERS agg" 3_Nos, ?and il Vendue Range. _y JpLOTJB! FLOUR I FLOUR I fcM soo bbla. Super and Family FLOUR. For sale by ??"g9_ HERMANN RULWLSKLE.. J^IVERPOOL SALT. ?JSSLl^ ,LlVERPOOL SALT. ln. lnts tosnlt Pon^re- RAVENEL'A 00. jg A tl ; fl A Y I H'A Yt m*, ? . 3?2 bales Prime . Borth- River HAY, ian dm ir from Schoonor David Nichols. , Y -*v For sale by- HEBJ^NBULWlSKLB,*^ , angT_ - Barr's Wh?M ' pRLME WHITE CORN. looo bushels Prime White Marj land, CORN, ?att? able for milling. For sale by . . ' . aogl2mw2 ' HENRY OOBIA Ar Ody' ~> JOHN S. DURHAM'S. YEAST POWDER, For purity and strength, ls unequalled. Alt hoase ? r: .. . .' J.' .. :: :v isoi?-<t?.*.?l keepers who ase . lt once will have no other... Ask * you Grocer for lt, and tel? no other. Wholesale by' ' ' OTTO Fi WEITE PS. Jnlr28-mwf.smo IgPANISH CLARET WINE.' ' * 6 pipes "Catalonia" CLARET WINE at 76 cents ..' per gallon ? .??.T-, ? . 6 quarter casks "Margarita" Claret wWatAl per gallon. . _..::>? \ >. From Customhouse stores, ex Timoteo ; Xy'oni ? " Barcelona. For sale by N. M. PORTER* ' 1 . - .<. No. 288-ZlBgstree*,"' '. angia-mwfa ,Third,above Marketatroet. ^ Q;EO. W. WILLIAMS kr CO., OFFER FOR SALE, LOW FOR CASH, OB? AP? PROVED PAPER :. . ???gr' \ % 1,000 rolls Heavy Domestic BAGGING.- ,^?&?? i 100 bales Gunny Bagging ; 10,000 bundles Cotton Ties . " .. - .600 bags Rm Java and Lagoayra Corree 400 bois. Beaned Sagan - 60 hhds. Denterara and Porto Rico Sugars 200 h rids. ReboUed Molasses . ? ? keg? Nails-assorted elzes ... rrnti ' 600 boxes Adamantine candles I.ooosacks8alt,:* ' --:no. . . wo... loo hndfc.0. R. and Dry Salt Bacon i 10? bbla. Leaf Lard-. 600 bb ls. Hour-Family, Extra and Super Orango Rifle Powder, shot, Lead, ?tarca, _soaps, Ac . ,Jaly>hWaanps.. pOGNAG ANO LA ROCHELLE BRAN DY, IN U. S. BON D ED STORES. UXi'"' A. TOBIAS* SONS, No. 110. EAST BAYTr Offer for sale from U. S. Bonded Warehouse. - Choice COGNAC and LA ROCHELLE. BRAND T ' varlooi vintage*, la ' . . Quarter casks imh casks Eighth casks ?un> Oases of one dosen bottles each. \. JP AIR, PRIME AND CHOICE SUGARS; MORDECAI A CO., No. lio East Bay, offer ipr sale Fair, Prime and Choice GroceryJS?GARS. MORDECAI A 00. jp ALK IRK ALB. MORDECAI A 00., No. no East Bay- offer jot .ale an Invoice of "Falkirk" ALE, landing direct prom Glasgow, m Pinta. MORDECAI ? po.. T_> ORTO RICO. M OL4*6.8ES. MORDECAI A CO., No. liff Eari Bay, offer for Bale Choice Porto Rico MOLASSES, in' strong packagea. ? " - MOBDHOAre co: p RIME WHITE CORN. " ; MOBDEOAI Se CO., No. ll o K?st Bay, offer for aale Prime White CORN, in new sacks. MORDECAI A CO. QH?ICT5 HAVANA CIGARS. , ; MORDECAI A 00., No. no Em Bay, offer for sale an invoice or cnoico HAVANA'JIGABS, di; feet from Factory In Havana. . . ; " ^DAMANTINB OA N D L $8... 1000 packagea Adamantine CANDLES for sale by .... A..TOB1A?'S0NS,.i,J febas-amoa_^ . ........ -, _v ! VALENTINE'S PREPARATION ., OF I . MEAT JUICE. Jost received, a mrgeaopply or the above. Each bottle contains roar pound? or Beef, ex ciasi ve or fat; can be used with cold or .wann water; also can be taken with Oodliver Oil, and destroys the taste or tbe Oil. " -, fe??a The only rood ror delicate children. Thia ls much superior to the "Extracrof Seer,? heretofore offered to the pabilo,AS will be roan d opon trial. For sale by . Dr. H. BAEK, , J on 7 No. 131 Meeting street. maxvafattnx^ VE YOUR SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER IN CHARLESTON, : ^ AT LANGLEY'S..........~N?. WI KNO STRBBT.j #.; ENCOURAGE HOME LABOR I BEAD THE PW0W:" , " Linen Shirts, with finest Linen Fronts; only $860. & Wamsntta L. 0. nnlsh Linen 'Fronts and Cuffs, only $2 60. ? Lower grades In proportion. ? . Linen Drawers from Si 26 to f. Cotton Drawers from 76c to $l.. Night Shirts. Linen, $2 76; Night Shirts, .Cot?. r from $1 to $176. Lao les' Underwear made In the beat ra an ts* and at very low prices; also, Stitching and Tock? ing, of all kinds, done to order In the neatest style and at abort notice. ^ja, JjL Flour Bags made at prices that cannot be ^fW v by Northern houses. -, . . Children's Clothing, of all kinds, made to order. jtsT Call and examine work and prices, . . " At LANGLEY'S, No. 161, King street, July2a-lmo Near Clifford street.^ magical jBoDkg. , pop^uL^R^??^rc^?^ ? ' "" " ? Now (elect the Music Books needed daring thu " next aatnmn, and agreeably occupy your ? mer leisure la examining, playing and ein from them. * THE STANDARD I Price $1 60; $13 60 per doz. Destined to be the Banner Church M?sle Book or the season. Singerai leaders! teach? ers! "Rally round" the banner 1 SPARKLING RUBIES l Price 86 cents. . , For sabbath schools. None better. THE PILGRIM'S HARP I Price 60 cents. For Vestries and Prayer Meet toga. Unex? celled. Take with yon lor entertalnment?at summer resorts. THE MUSIOAL TREASURE I 226 pages or new and popnlar Songs and Pianoforte pieces, or SHOWER OF PEARLS, Fullofthe beat Vocal Duets. Or, OPERATIC PEARLS. ^ - FnU of the best Opera Songs. Or, PIANIST'S ALBUM. _ _ Full of the best Plano Pieces. Or, PIANOFORTE 0KM3. Full of tbs best Piano Pieces. Esch of the above live, books costs $2 60 m boards, or $3 In cloth. Bas more than 200 large oases full or popular music, and eltter book ls a most entertaining companion to a lover of masic. soeclmenaor tbe standard sent, Tor the pres? ent, postpaid, for $l 26, and ofthe other books for SfrVBB^DIT^NAOO., J 0.H.DITSONACO., Boston New. Tort. . . julysi-waa