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CITY AFFAIRS. Meetings This Du y. Washington Light Infantry Rifle Club, at P. M. St Joseph's Latin Society, at 8 P. M. Irish Volunteers, at 8 P. M. Mechanics' Union, No. 1, at - P. M. Palmetto Fire Engine Company, at 8 P. M. Auction Sales This Day. William McKay will sell at 10 o'clock, at his store, dry goods, notlocs, Ac. THER3IOMETR1 CA L. The range of the thermometer Saturday and Sunday, at the drug store of Mr. Joseph Black? man, on the south side ot Broad street, was as follows: Saturday-8 A. M., 82; 10 A. M., 84; 12 M., 84; 2 P. M., 82; 4 P. M., 82; 6 P. M., 81; 8 P. M 81 Sunday-8 A. M., 79; 10 A. M., 80; 12 M., 82; 2 P. M., 85; 4 P. M., 85; 6 P. M., 84; 8 P. M., 83. RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE The Protestant Episcopal Cemetery. A movement is on foot to establish a Pro? testant Episcopal Cemetery in the suburbs ol this city, which will be placed under the man? agement of an executive board, consisting of | eight laymen and the city missionary ol the Episcopal Church, who will regulate all mat? tera relating to the granting of the right of Interment therein. At a meeting of those In? terested, held on the 13th of July, the follow? ing genthmen were elected members of the board: A. H. Hayden, W. C. Bee, Wm. Aiken, Henry P. Archer, P. A. Mitchell, E. M. Grimke, J. S. Buist, Henry E. Young and the Rev. J. Mercier Green. Scholarships for South Carolina. Stu? dent?. The graduating class of the Parochial Schoo! of the Holy Communion go to enter Union College, Schenectady, where scholarships have been provided for them, through the llb-i eral I ty of the Rev. Dr. Potter and others, of j the Diocese of New York. A New Clergyman i*i?r the Diocese. The Rev. William H. Johnson, Just ordained at the Theological Seminary In Virginia, after a course of three years study, hos reported to the bishop of this diocese and entered upon j. his charge, the Church of the Messiah, north Santee, where be bad been expected for some months pa?t. Travelling Agent for the Record. The Rev. P. P. Stevens will spend the months of August and September itinerating through the middle and upper parts of the diocese in execution ot his offer to further the Interests of the Advancement Society and the Monthly Record. Rectors and ministers In charge will help the cause by communicating with him as to their appointments. A Charleston Clergyman Sails for En . rope. The Rev. C. C. Plnckney. rector of Grace Church, sailed from New York for Europe by the steamer of the 27th ultimo. In bis ab? sence the -vestry have arranged for services by the Rev. J. Mercier Green on Sunday morn? ings and special occasions. Honors to a Charleston Clergyman. It will give his many friends much pleasure to know that the Rev. James H. Elliott, rector of St. Paul's, has been distinguished by receiv? ing from Hobart College, Geneva, New York, the honorary degree of doctor of divinity. As the unanimous testimonial of a lime-honored chuten institution to a presbyter laboring In a distant section, it should be particularly grati? fying to all. CHARLESTON COUNTY TAX SALES. The following pieces ol real estate were knocked down to the State Saturday lor the taxes duo on them : Keith. Susan, 600 acres, Sixth Dis? trict.$186 71 Hart,' Hamilton J., 470 acres, Sixth District. 36 60 Lead belter, Thomas E., 875 acres, Sixth District. 37 33 This completes the sale. Parties whose lands have been knocked down to the State will be allowed ninety days to redeem. All lands remaining unredeemed at the end of j that time will be sold at public outcry. CAPTAIN DANIEL ZEIGLKR, ol st. Matthew's, died at his residence on the 29th ult. Mr. Zelglerwas in bis seventy-eighth year, and had been in feeble health for some lime pre? vious to his demise. He was a soldier in the war of 1812, and was a faithful and devoted eon to his State. . ' . I ? J THAT POST ROYAL RAILROAD.-The Beaufort I{ Republican gives the following time table: Traine leave Port Royal every once lu a while, reach Yemassee, lt possible, connecting E occasionally with attain on the South Carolina j Railroad. The whole under the direction of [ Divine Providence. The Tuesday's train did not get In until about twelve M. Wednesday. The valves ol the engine got out of order and put out tbs Ure." KEROSENE EXPLOSION.-J. M. Sawadske, a baker, residing at the northwest corner of j Columbus and Nassau streets, was severely burnt on the right arm by a kerosene explo? sion, last Friday evening. He was standing beneath a large lamp used for lighting his store, holding a small lighted lamp in bis hand. The former suddenly exploded, cover? ing hlB clothing with a shower ol kerosene, which Immediately Ignited from the lamp In his band. He extinguished the flaues by plunging Into a large tub ot water which lor tnnately stood near by. Yesterday he was doing well. BATHING PLACES FOR THE BOTS.-A notice was given by THE NEWS more than two weeks ago that a movement was on foot to secure suitable places on each river where the boys of the City would be allowed to bathe without Interference on the part of the police. The chief of police now publishes an advertisement In another column designating the extreme end of Broad stree\ beyond the rails, wllh Gadsden's Creek on the west, and Vardell's Creek with the Central wharves of John Fraser <fc Co. on the east side of the city, as recognized places for this purpose. Persons lound bath log elsewhere will be arrested and carried to the Guardhouse. CRUMBS.-No business of any importance: was transacted before Judge Graham Satur? day. On the 16lh two murderers are to be execu? ted in Richland, and on the 23d another mur? derer will expiate his crime In a similar way in Lexington. The Savannah papers are still growling about the failure of their Northern mails, and the facetious Advertiser savagely suggests that Mr. Postmaster Trott should get faster trotters. There was a grand display of the aurora bo? realis at Columbia on Friday night. The northern heavens were brilliantly illuminated. The supposition ls that the glorious news from North Carolina had something to do with le? the display having been gotten up ia honor of j, the event. J THE BLUE RIDGE SUIT. (lacer Tactics of Corbin-Effort to Throw the Road into Bankruptcy The Tidings from North Carolina. [FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.] COLUMBIA, S. C., August 3. The case of John M. Mackay vs. the Blue Ridge Railroad Company has been postponed on account of the amendments to the com? plaint made by Mr. Corbin, or I should rather Bay the postponement was first made at the request of the defendants; but the amend? ments will probably lengthen the time of post? ponement, as the defendants must be allowed, ii lliey desire lt, twenty days in which to file their additional answer to the amended com? plaint. Mr. Corbin's amendments are not such as his remerks before the judge at the time ho requested leave to make them led persons to expect. There are no new allega? tions of fraud on the part of the officials ol the road which were premised; nor do the amend? ments seem intended In the least for the bene frrol" the stockholders. On the contrary, Mr. Corbin seems to desire to throw the road into bankruptcy, in which event the stockholders must lose everything, of very nearly so. lt ls very difficult to seo how the interests of the City ol Charleston are to be conserved by putting the road into bankruptcy, and thus destroying lite stock ol which charleston owns a million dollars. This, however, ls a matter which the people and city authorities of Charleston can best deter? mine. The private stockholders here are very wroth, and say that Corbin is acting in the In? terests, not of the City ol' Charleston, but of Klmpton, D. M. Porter and one or two other holders ot the bonds of the road in New York. These parties, lt ls said, own a majority of the bonds of the road, and desire lo put lt on the market that tney may purchase lt lor a trifle, and own lt entire, leaving the present stock? holders in the cold. Here ls a copy of Mr. Corbin'^ amendment, which, upon the lace of | lt, unquestionably has a fishy look: STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OK RICH? LAND-COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. John M. Mackay vs. tho Blue Ridge Rail? road Company: Pursuant to leave of the court, here for thia purpose, first bad and ob? tained, the complalut In the above entitled cause is hereby amended, as follows: Section 3 Is amended so as to read as fol? lows: "That only asmall portion of the road of | said compauy has been constructed, to wir, about fifty nil i es, and the company was, until assisted by the State, as hereinafter men Honed, wholly insolvent; and now, notwith? standing the said assistance, In consequence ot the matters and things hereinafter men? tioned against the officers of said company, ls, as this deponent is informed and believes, wholly insolvent, having an outstanding in? debtedness of upwards of one million ot dol? lars, and, on the other hand, is possessed ol property and assets of all kinds and de? scriptions, not exceeding In value three hun? dred thousand dollars." And the fifth section of the prayer ol said complaint is amended as follows: At the end of said section add thetollowing words: ,4And pay and discharge, so far as the property and assets wilt do so, the lawful debts of the com? pany." D. T. CORBIN, City Attorney of the City of Charleston. The news lrom North Carolina 1B received with intense enjoyment and satisfaction by the good people here. It is the first piece of real cheering eood news that we have had since the war, and the hearts of our despond? ing people are much uplifted. The Radicals look mighty dolorous, and if tue Liberal move? ment cou i innes io show such rapid growth, you may look out for many Radicals to whirl over in the next few weeks. Several are already spoken of as showing a tendency that way. among them the most prominent colored politicians in this city. There ls nothing new here in State politics. Moses seems to Imve the bett chance for the Gubernatorial nomi? nation on the 21st. Qui VIVE. THE CRIMINAL CODRTS. United States Commissioner's Office. August Oldsen and John A. ^ugberry, sea. men, appeared before Commissioner Porteous last Friday afternoon and took out a warrant for the arrest of the first and second mates of | the brig Henry and Louisa, on a charge of as? sault and battery. The case was tried on Sat? urday; the evidence having developed the fact that the accused had been In reality assaulted j by the Bailors and acted only In self-defence, they were at once dlscLarged. A storekeeper from Pineville was up on a charge of selling tobacco without a license. His case was continued over until to-day. The Municipal Court. - Benjamin, Robert Morrison, Joseph Fraser, R: Lowudes, Geo. Lambert and Sam? uel Smith, vagrancy and sleeping In the mar? ket; two dollars each or thirty days. Michael Buckley, drunk; one dollar. E. Marlin, disor? derly: one dollar and peace bond. Trial Justice Courts. John Tennant, a white man, brought suit j on Saturday against the Marine River Phos? phate Company for salvage on a recovered lighter. The case was argued before Trial Justice Lovett, who decreed one hundred dol? lars and costs for the plaintiff. Notice of appeal was given by counsel for the company. William Mackey, charged with the robbery 3f Mr. Biscboffs premises, was committed to all on Saturday by Trial Justice Levy for ex? amination this morning. Joseph Meyers, charged with the robbery of j ir. R. Q. Plnoknej's premises, In Church itreet, was examined by Trial Justice Lovett? le proved his Innocence, and was discharged. A writ of habeas corpus was sued out Satur lay, before Trial Justices Levy and Schroder, for the person of Mary Hamilton, a colored woman who had been committed to jail the iiternoon previous, by Trial Justice Woolf, on a charge of. larceny. Woolf lefused to take ball, hence the writ. The woman was released on her own recognizance to appear before Woolf on the 13th Instant lor a further examination. POLITIC AL NOTES.-Lieutenant-Governor Ran si er addressed a meeting at George's S ta? lion, on the South Carolina Railroad, Satur? day. About fifty negroes listened to his Harangue. Sheriff Mackey addressed a meeting of ibout seventy-five negtoes at Summerville on the same day. Another meeting was held Saturday at Pughe's Swamp, on Goose Creek. Bowen, McLaughlin, Taft and Primus Green were the orators. The Mackeyites claim that they car? ried the day. Hotel Arrivals-August 3 and 4. CHARLESTON HOTEL. E. Richardson, Savannah; R. A. Whitfield anti wife, Tallahassee; E. R. Miller, W. M. Reid, A. B. Jones, L. F. Zulusky, Augusta; J. Phllyer, Lycomlng; C. C. Carpenter, wife and three children, C. Prior, Lookout Mountain; C. Ghen, S. Denlay, Clinton County; Mrs. C. Hall, Madison; W. T. Glenn, Pensylvanla; J. Lyons, New York; C. E. Molane, W. B. Wright, Allendale; C. H. Guild, Providence; J. G. Thompson; Beaufort; J. A. Condit, Orange; Dr. G. E. Hawes, Florida; Mles A. McKlnsiry, Mobile; W. Macrae, Macon; B. Anderson, Georgetown. PAVILION HOTEL. John Nettles, Lanes, Northeastern Railroad; R. E. McManus, Augusta; J. F. Baker, W. T. Graham, Grahamville; A. P. Postell, Savan? nah; John W. Gaillard. Northeastern Railroad; D. 0. Dreswell, Port Royal; F. Stelgleitz, Co? lumbia; George P. Cotchetf, Southern Express Company; S. F. Will, St. Stephen's; E. N. Speer, Georgia. THE WEATHER THIS DAT. WASHINGTON, August 4. Threatening weather ls probable lor the Atlantic and Gulf States on Monday, with ?asterly winds on the former and northeaster y on the latter. THE VSITED STATES CLAIMS COM? MIS SIOS. Claimsof the Charleston Loyalists. Mr. Theodore W.Parmele,the special commis? sioner lor South Carolina, of the United Slates Claims Commission has been sojourning for several days at the Charleston Hotel. Ho is here for the purpose of receiving claims against the United States lor stores or sup? plies taken or iurnished during the war for the use of the Federal army, as well as for the use and loss of vessels or boats employed In the military service of the United Slates. Colton claims do not come before him. The claimant has to prove two things: First, that his property was actually used, not destroyed, by the Federal arms; and second, that he was loyal to the Union during the whole war. Mr. Parmele lias taken about seventy-five claims iu South Carolina up to tho present time, aggregating an amount ot two hundred thousand dollars. Of this number thirteen claims representing forty-two thousand five hundred and fifty dollars, have been taken in this city. The following are the names of the claim? ants in this city: William Moran, John Moran, Patrick Brady, Edward Reynolds, Sabastian Zanoguera, Archibald McLelsh, John Kenner ty, Martin Caulfield, Michael McNamara, Pat? rick Hogan, Louis F. Klipsteln, Julia D. Red-1 ding and James B. Howard. The following persons will present claims for examination this week: George Jefferson, _Wukfer, B. Goodman, Daniel McSwiney, John Slattery and-Grant. THE SEW TORI! VEGETABLE ASP FRUIT MARKETS. The Dally Bulletin of Saturday, August 3 says: New potatoes are fairly active and steady. Our quotations are In bulk, In shipping order 60c per bbl must be added. We quote: Early Rose, Southern $1 75a2 12; Long Island $2a 2 60; Goodrich, Southern, $lal 12 per bbl. In ' vegetanleB cabbages are not very plenty and held firmly. Other articles without de? cided change. We quote: Green .corn $lal 25 per 100. Red onions, per barrel $2 50a2 76; do Connecticut $2 60a3 per 100 strings. Cucumbers, Long Island 25c per 100. Squash, marrowfat, Der bbl, Hal 50. New turnips $lal 50 per bbl. Cab? bages $8aH per 100. Beels, Jersey, $1 50. Tomatoes, Jersey, $lal 25 per crate, aud Long Island $1 60al G2 per basket. Egg plant $2 50 per dozen. Apples continue plenty and without essen? tial cnange of prices. Peaches are lalrly act-1 ive at about yesterday's prices. We Dotlce the arrival of a lew Concord grapes, from Virginia, which sold at 9al2c per lb. The Ca'.llornia pears that arrived the first part of the week are about all sold from second hands and a lively demand expected for the next car load, which ls on the way and will probably reach here during the coming week. Whortleber? ries are plenty and lower. Watermelons ar? riving freely and also lower. Muskmelons about steady. Pears In liberal supply but about steady. We quote: New apples $la4 60 per bbl, 25a50c per crate. Watermelons $30a I 35 per 100 for Georgia, and $12a20 per 100 for ? Virginia and Delaware. Jersey whortleber? ries $2 50a3 per bushel and SalOc per quart. Nutmeg melons $2a3 per bbl. Pears, common $2 50a3; do Bell $5a0; do Bartletts per orate $3a5. Peaches, Delaware $1 50a2 50 per crate, fl al 50 for baskets; and Jersey 40ca$l 25 per basket. BUSINESS SOTICES. DRY GOODS AT AND BELOW COST.-Closing | out sale at A. R. Stillman's Dry Goods House, No. 281 King street. Special attention ls call? ed to a small lot of Black Lace Points, which will ba sold very low. Black Alpacas at cost. Balmorals at 50c, 75c. and $1. Cassimereslor summer and winter sold at extremely low prices, at A. R. Stillman's, No. 281 King street. STOP and seo that Dolly Varden Sewiug Ma? chine at Singer oillce. aug5-nrwf3 A No. 1 DVEINU and Cleaning of Gents Coats, Vests, Pants and Panama Hats, at Ot o Sonntag's, No. 34 Wentworth street, near Ar? tesian Well. EXAMINE* the Singer bet?re purchasing a Sewing Machine. The Singer ls repaired at the office of the company In this city, and not sent to New York. aug5-mwf3 Is YOUR STOMACH UNEASY?-Many dyspep? tic Croesus would be willing, lt ls said, to give half his wealth for an eusy stomach. If this is a fact, why do any of our "solid men" con? tinue to endure the pangs of indigestion. Is it not patent to the whole community that Hos tetter's Stomach Bitters will cure the worst case of chronic dyspepsia in six or eight weeks? No occasion for the expenditure ol half a for? tune; a few dollars will annice to accomplish the object. Surely every man who ls not "sand blind" to the great utilitarian of the day must know that this celebrated vegetable specific promptly relieves all diseased condi? tions of the stomach, liver, bowels and ner? vous system, restores their vigor and Imparts regularity to their functions. Is your epigas? trium uneasy? Is the vulture,, gnawing at your liver ? If so, resort at once to the Bitters. aug5-mwf:ii)*w NOTICE.-Previous to removal to our new store, No. 275 King street, Browning's old Dry Goods stand, we will close out all ol our present stock at extremely low prices. FURCHOOTT, BENEDICT A Co., No. 244 King street. _ _ July22 CLUBS, SOCIETIES AND LODUES can have their Constitutions, Summonses, Bills, &c, printed neatly, quickly and cheaply, by leav? ing orders at THE NEWS Jon OFFICE. DRUGGISTS' LABELS AND WRAPPERS taste? fully printed, with appropriate cuts, at New York prices, at THU NEWS JOB OFFICE. DRESS GOODS I DRESS GOODS I-Louis Cohen ? Co. beg leave to draw the attention of the public to their Fresh Stock of Dress Goods, Just received, comprising the latest novelties and styles, and at prices fully twenty-five per cent, below their cost of Importation. A call ls respectfully solicited. Lours COBEN & Co., No. 248 King street. may 16 EUROPEAN and American Stereoscopic Views, $1 50 per dozen. HASEL STREET BAZAAR. aprl9 mwf BUILDING MATERIAL.-An extensive stock and large variety of Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Balusters, Mouldings, Ac, are kept constantly on hand by Mr. P. P. Toale, at his warerooms, No. 20 Hayne street and No. 33 Pinckney street. The above are all made at his own factory on Horlbeck's wharf. He keeps, also, French and American Window Glass, Stained Glass, Slate Mantels, Builders' Hardware, ?c., from the best manufacturera. mchS-fmwlyr PICNIC AND EXCURSION PARTIES will con sui - their interests by calling at TUE NEWS JOB OFFICE, when printed tickets or posters are needed. LAWYERS can have their Briefs printed in any style desired, at short notice, at THE NEWS JOB OFFICE. NOTICE.-Previous to removal to our new store, No. 275 King street, Browning's old Dry Goods stand, we will close out all ol our present stock at extremely low prices FURCHOOTT, BENEDICT & Co., No. 244 King Btreet. july22 THOSE Handsome Photograph Albums are now Bold at 60c. each. HASEL STREET BAZAAR. aprl5-m COTTON FACTORS ia need of Market Reports and Account Sales will do well to call at THE NEWS JOB OFFICE and examine specimens and prices. ENVELOPES, Wt 1 te pr Buff, good quality 10c. a package, or three packages for 25c. Hasel street Bazaar and East Bay News Room. febl9-m PLATINO CARDS, Linen, sixteen styles, 60c per pack. Hasel street Bazaar and East Bay News Room. _ _febl9-m TO THE PUBLIC. Having heard various reports In regard to rep a Irl ag singer Sewing Machines should they get oat or order, and other reports detrimental to the interest of the Singer Manufacturing Company, we take this opportunity to say: Since the oQlce hos been under my charge I have never sent a machine to New York to be repaired, and I very much donbt there ever being a Singer Machine sent to New York to be repaired since the office was opened In Charleston City, about 1st Novem? ber, 1870. All repairing on Singer Machines ls done at onr office in this city. Onr machin?is not simple, but probably less liable to get ont of order thnn any other. The fact or the matter Is, we have very little re? pairing to do, so there ls no necessity of sending our machines to New York. I will also state that I will prosecute all persons who make false statements in reference to the Sluger Sewing Machine to the full extent of the law. j. CLARK BEDELL, Agent Singer Manufacturing Co, CDbitnarn. CHEVREUX.-DeMjtea^^ 187A HBNRY MARIE, only and beloved son of E. F. and A. F. Unevreux. Born November 29, 1857. COlUttERCIAZ SEWS. IU puf btu Nsw YORE-Per steamship Manhattan-699 bales upland cotton. 46 tierces of rice, 139 balea domestics and goods, 269* bbls rosin, 33 bundles paper, 60 casks clay, 125 bbls flour, 76 bundles of staves, and 97 packages sundries. BALTIMORE-Steamship Sea Gull-tu bales cot? ton. 17 tierces rice, 308 bbls rosin, 60 casks clay, 65,000 feet lumber, 6 bales domestics, 12 bales vanilla. 2 bags wool, 12 bales rags, 37 pkga butter, 23 packages sundries. Tn? charleston cotton, Rice and Naval Stores Market. OFFICE CHARLESTON NBWB, SATORDAY EVENING, August 3, 1S72. COTTON.-There was rather a fair inquiry for this staple, but there was a general feeling of ? firmness among sellers, which Induced them to only offer at stronger rates, or to decline to sell for the present; the transactions were consequent? ly reduced to such lots as came within the views or bnyers; Bales about 176 bales, among which were li at 16%, ? at ic%, 34 at 17,9 at 18K. 32 at 18%, 27 at 19,14 at 19%, 8 at 19%; middling grades sold at about 19@l9%c ft lb. RICK -This grain was quiet and there were no transactions of note, the market showing a firm character. NAVAL STOBBS.-The receipts were 91 bb's of spirits turpentine and ?21 bbls rosin. There were no sales reported. Crude turpentine may be 1 quoted at $816 for virgin, $2 70 for yellow dip, and $l 80 for hard. Fas IQ UTS.-To Liverpool, by steam direct, nomi aal ou uplands, nominal on sea islands; via New fork, K<1 on nplands, %d on sea islands ; by sall, nommai on uplands, on sea Islands nommai. To Havre - on nplands. Coast wisc-t o New fork by steam $2 on uplands and - on sea Islands; fi 60 ?a tierce on rloe; soo ~ft bbl on rosin; by sall Kc *a lb on cotton; - "ft tieroo on rice; 60o ta barrel on rosin; $8 *? M on lumoer; $10 H M on Umber. To Boston, by aal), rte ?A ra on upland cotton; rosin ase; resawed starr $io?io 60; phosphate $5@5 60. To Provi? dence, by sall $10 ? Uon boards,Koa lb OD cotton; by steam $1 V bale on New York rates. TO nona 4 el phi a, by steam $2 fl on cotton; by eau, $8 V M on boards; $9 50@10 on timber; .|3 per ton en clay, and $8a$8 60 on phosphates. To Baltimore, by steam Kc fl tb by sall, $0 60@7 ? M On boards; $8@8 60 on timber; $8 26 n ton on phosphate rock. Vessels are in de? mand by our merchants to take lamber freights from Georgetown, S. C., Darlon and Satina River, (la., and Jacksonville, Fla., to Northers ports, ?nd $10012 ta M are the rates on lumber and boards. EXOHANOI.-sterling 60 day bills 24%@24%. DOMESTIC EXCHANGE.-Tho banks purchase sight checks on New York at par @ K premium, and sell at %@K premmlum. Outside they pur? chase at M6@K premium, and sell at s-ia g H premium. HOLD- 13K?014K. Marketa by Telegraph. MONEY MARKETS. LONDON, Angus: 8. Noon.-Consols 92%. Bonds 9 P.. FRANKFORT, AugUBt 8. Noon.-Bonds 98?;. PARIS, August 3. Noon.-Rentes &flf 12c. NEW YORK, August 3. Noon.-Freights quiet. Stocks very weale. Sold stong at 16K. Money firm at 4. Exehange, ong 9K; short io.1,'. Governments steady. Stat: non un steady. Evening.-Freights decidedly lower. Money Heady ai 4ur.. Sterling nominal. Gold 16%al?X 3overo menta and states dull and steady. Loans Increase $260,000; legal tenders Increase $1,250. ?0; specie decrease $4,600,000; deposits decrease f 3,600,000. Toe statement shows a loss of $2,375, 300 of i eserve. COTTON MARKETS. LIVERPOOL, August 3. Noon.-Cotton opened firm; uplands 9K; Or? leans lod. Bombay shipments since last report to the 2d 8000 bales. Later.-Colton firm and unchanged ; sales 12,000 bales; speculation and export 30Ou. NEW YORK, August a. Noon.-Cotton steady; sales 1782 bales: mid? dling uplands 21%; Orleans 21%. Evening-Cotton Bteady ; sa es 1872 bales; mid? dling uplands 21%, Orleans 2l%c. Sales of cot? ton futures to-day 11,200 bales, as follows": Au? ront, 20 K, 20%. September, 20 Mi. 20%; October, 10%. 19%: November, 18%, 19; December, 18%? BOSTON, Ausnst 3. Cotton quiet and steady; middlings 2l%c; gross receipts 2 bales; sales iou; stock 9000. _ . PHILADELPHIA, August 3. Cotton In moderate demand and a shade high? er; middlings 21%c 6 BALTIMORE, August 8. Cotton firm; middlings 21%c; gross receipts 20 bales; sales 32; stock 1070. ?s--? ., ,. . NORFOLK, August 3. Cotton dull; low middlings 20c; net receipts lo bales; exports coastwise 37; stock 412. _ . WILMINGTON, August 3. Colton quiet; middlings 20%c; exports coast? wise 12 bales: stock 347. 9 SAVANNAH, August 8. Cotton dull and noshing doing; middlings 20c net receipts 63 bales; Block 1591. ' _ , AUGUSTA, AUgUflt 3. Sales of cotton 103 bales; receipts 3; mlddllugs nominally 19c; low middling 18%c. MEMPHIS, August 3. Cotton firm; middlings 2la?i%o; net receipts 44 bales. r MOBILE, August 3. Cotton entirely nominal; low middlings nomi? nal; net receipts 2 bales; stock 882. Nsw ORLEANS, August 3. Cotton nominal; low middlings *l?%al9Kc; exports coastwise 124 oales; sales 160; stock 7369. QALVESTON, AOgUSt 3. Cotton nominal; good ordinary i9%a2oc; uet receipts 20 bales; stock 377. PROVISIONS AND PRODUCE MARKETA. LIVERPOOL, AUgnSt 3. Koon.-Breadstuff's dull. Beer SIB. cumber? land cut 28B. short middles 33s. Common rosin 9s. NEW YoRk, August 3. Noon.-Flour firm. Wheat quiet and un? changed. Corn steady. Pork quiet at $i3 60a 13 60. Lard dull; steam 8a9. Turpentine quiet at 50%a6l. Roslu lirra ac $3 a518 60 tor strained. Eveulng.-Flour ioal5c higher; common to fair extra $7 50a9; good to choice $9l6ai2. Wheat steady. Corn quiet and a shade Armer. Pork nominally $13 60. Lard KM er; kettle 9%. Navals and groceries quiet and firm. >T. Louis, August 3. Floor in fair demand and firm for m-dlnra grades; oth^r qualities lower tose.L Corn dull and drooping; No 2 mixed 39c-outside price. Whiskey better at 92c. fork dud and drooping ac $13 25. Bacon lu good demand jBhould- rs 6%c; sides 9a9%c. Lard in good demand for future delivery; hteam 8c, seller January and February. CINCINNATI, AugU8t 3. Flour steady; old $8al26. Coru dull and unset? tled at 44a46c. Pork dull and nomital, city and regular, $13 60. ',ani, demand light and holders firm; sales of bummer at 7%c; steam 8%c; kettle 8%c. Bacon in guod demand; shouloers 6%c; clear rib sides 8%c; clear sides 9%c, with sales. Whiskey in fair demand and io ?er at 90c. L?nsviLLB, Aagnst 3. Tobacco, sales 44 bbds; supply Hirht and prices tirm. Flonr steady ; extra ramify $6ao 25. Corn In improved demand; shelled and sacked soc. Pork steady at $13 25. Bacon very Arm; should? ers 6Xc; clear rib tides 8X; clear sides 9X. pack? ed. Lard ?rm; tierce BaO'ic; keg loxaiox ; order lots % higher. Wulskey steady ac 90. Boston Marketa. BOSTON, Jnly 31. COFFEE.-The market ror coffee has been qnlet daring the wet k, bnt prices are steady and stocks are beld with considerable firmness. The sales of Java have been at 20a22o, gold; Kio at lS)?al9c; Maracaibo at l6Xal9c; Ceylon at I7al8c. gold, and St. Domingo ls nominally ISalOc, gold. COTTON.-The demand ror cotton has been quite limited during the week and prices unsettled and almost nominal. Crup advices are still favorable and manufacturers purchase only In small lots, as wanted. Tue stock of the bette- grades ls qnlte small. The sales have heen at loane for ordinaly, 19a20c for good ordinary, 20Xa2tc foi low middling, and 22a22xc for middling includ? ing uplands and Quir, closing dall and unsettled. DOMESTICS.-There ls uot much activity to notice In cotton gooda, but there ls a prospect or more active movements at an early day. The de? cline in cotton will probably lead te lower figures, but no change of Importance has as yet taken place. Woollens remain about the same. There is more inquiry, bat sales have not beeu to any extent. CONNY BAOS.-Market quiet and prices are nominally lSaisie currency. CONNY CLOTH.-The demand ror thia article continues to fall short of expectation. Sales of ifioo rolls at lOalAXc per yard, currency, for prompt and August delivery. NAVAL STORES.-Spirits turpentine has ad? vanced, with Bales at &3af)jc per gallon, closing at &3054C. Tar la quiet at $4 26 per bbl. Rosin has been In fair demand, with sales of 600a700 bbla at $3 60ao per bbl for common and pale. Btes.-Kengoon has been qnlte active, and prices have advanced. Sales of 2000 bags at 7a 7?c per lb. Patna has been In fair demand at 7>,'a::,'c per lb. Carolina l-i scarce, and pilces range from s.^aioc per lb, as to quality. It ls now very generally admitted that the crop of rice will be, at beac, ten per cont, thurt of last year. Havana markets. HAVANA, July 30. Sugar irregular; No. 12 D. S. 10 reals. Ex? change Arm; on the United States, GO days, cur? rency, 2>ia2,? premium; short sight 3.Ua3^f pre? mium; 60 days, gold, 6j?a6 premium; short eight i">iai8 premium; on Parla 2J?a3X premium. Spanish bank notes is>? discount. Exchange Armer; a fnrther rise ls expected; on United states, 63 days, currency, 3 premium; short sight 4a4X premium; 60 days, gold, 16al7 premium; abort sight 17XS18 premia n; on London 29Xa33 premium; on Pam l3Xal3X premium. New Torie Coffee .Harker. NEW TORE, August 8. The Dally Bulletin says : The dcm ind ror Brazils has been active, and rab: aales are report? ed hero from late arrivals. The eale ls also re cor ? ed or a cargo at Hampton Ro ids last evening, swelling the business of the week to a pretty large Og ure. Lsguay ra has been moving to some extent and ls held with firmness, although the stock here ls liberal. Java la quiet, with small transactions, e ice pt in a Jobbing way. Toe salea a.e looo bags Laguavra ex "Emily." 888 bags do ex "Ventura,1' 2880 bags Rio ex "Btnparchns." and 4200 baga Rio, the cargo or thc "N. H. Knud? son," at Bampton Ronda. We quote ordinary cargoes 16Xal6X, fair cargoes l6X*n. good car. goes 17X&17X. prime cargoes 18al8X. Java, mats and bags, god 19a21, Singapore isa ic, Native ceylon 17al8X. Maracaibo i6Xal8X. Lagnayra isai9, St. Domingo l4at4X. Jamaica I0al7<-,', Cos? ta Rica 16al8, Mexican liais, Savanliia liais. New York Naval Stores Market. NEW YORK, August 3. The Dally Bulletin says: Receipts to-day 264 bbh rosin. 38 do spirits turpentine. There ls a light lnqalrv for spirits turpentine at about form? er prices, although at the close t-e market la somewhat Irregular. Sales 616 bbls (200 bbla to arrive) at 60a61c; 139 bbls to arrive at 49>"c. The stock of rosin in the yards, as published In our Issue of yesterday, was only 27,616 bbls. 8000 bois of which had been sold previously for export and soapmaker'a ase. Owlair to the above light sup? ply, prices have advanced, strained closing at $3 65*3 60, with the inside price bid for large lots, and small sales made at the outside Agares. Sales 1000 bbls at $3 60, and 60O bbls pale ar. $4 76a 6. Tar con tin nt a scarce and firm. Pitch in light Jobbing Inquiry, but holdera very Arm, tu sympa? thy With i he advance in strained rosin, but not quotably higher. Cotton nnd Naval si ore? Trade. Nsw YORK, August 3. During the week cotton has declined, with In? creased business for export and home consump? tion, and a railing orrin nales for rutare delivery. Sales ror the week reached ion,ano bales, or which 91,800 bales were for rature delivery and 14.600 on spot. Ol f-pot cotton, exporters took 9241 bales and spinners 6349 balea, with nothing eu specu? lation. The naval store trade has been fairly active all the week. The demand for spirits turp?n tine has been ror consomption and for rotins wholly specu? lative. The Expresa saya the result of the week in this latter commodity ia to show sales for future delivery Into three hands larger than can possi? bly be prodnoed, hence a corner has ruled and prices nader the stimulus are high and moving upwards. The control Is said to cover 30,000 barrels In the yard here and 8000 tn Boston, as also 28,000 m Baltimore and 5000 In Wllmlngl ton. Export, orders are known to be on tba market here and South for about bbls. hence prices In both common and floe rosins will be advanced Monday a^out 60 cents per bbl. Tar and pitch are quite dull. We quote spirits { 60Xc; flue rosins $6 26; common* do $3 60a3 76; tar $3 76, and pitch $3 60. New York Rice Market. NRW YORK, August 3. From the Dally Bulletin of Saturday, August 3: There ls a fair inquiry ror all grades, with liberal sales as noted, t u l prices range on sound lota, bot some sales ol Carmina and Rangoon, slightly oat of condition, have been made a shade below the market. The sales are 200 baga Rangoon, in bond, at $3 25, 40 tierces Carolina at 8Xa8Xc. oo tierces do at SXaSXo. 170 bags Patna at 7Xa8c, 826 bags Rangoon at 0Jia7Xc. Wilmington Market. WILMINGTON, Angnat 3. F rt BITS TURPENTINE.-The market has ad? vanced lc. Sales of 30 casks at 43c and 366 casks at 44c per gallon for Southern packages. ROSIN.-To-day the market has been quite ac? tive for strained, but the transactions were re? stricted for want of stock in first hands to operate with. Tho sales embrace 3256 bbls at $3 for strained, $3 12X for No 2, $3 25 ror extra No 2, $3 60 ror No l, $4 for low pale and $5 25 for pale. CRUOR TURPENTINE.-Market steady at un? changed figures. Recelpta and s .les i f 267 bbls at $2 60 for hard, $8 76 for yellow dip. $4 26 for virgin. TAR.-Receipts and sales 26 bbls at $2 90 per bbl. Augusta Cotton Market. AUGUSTA, August 2. There was no material change In the tone or the market during the week. The dullness pre? viously reported continued uninterrupted, while prices are nominally lower, saturday middling was l9Xa20c and to-day closeB at about 19, with low miudllogat 18X- Sales were qnlte Umlud, amounting only to 366 bales. There were no transactions at tho Excoange in futures. The stock, as counted thia evening, is 2011 bales, against 4169 bales at the same time last year, and recepta of the season to this date, as compared with the last season, (1870-71,) to the same time, show a falling off or 44.668 bales. The transac? tions or the week and prices ruling each day will bo found below. ** COTTON TRANSACTIONS FOR THE WEEK.* Receipts. Sa'es. Quotations. Saturday, July 27.101 66 19Xa20 Monday. Joly 29... 37 loo 20 Tuesday, July 80. 7 66 19J? Wednesday, July IK... 19 37 ]9Xal9X' Thursday, August 1_ll 12 19 Friday. August 2 . 6 76 19 Total.180 36G ?.Quotations arc lor Liverpool middling. Interior Cotton MarkcU. ORANOBBURO, August 2. Sales during the week 6 bales. We quote: Or? dinary 16c; low middling 17c; middling 17Xe. _ , UNON, Joly 31. Cottou Is worth 21 c. Receipts per Railroad, August 3. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILBOAU. 14 bales cotton, 41 bales gooda. 40 bbls and 80 sacks flour, 62 cms clay. 22 bbls spirits turpen? tine, 126 bbls roeln and crude. 2 cara stock. To Railroad Agent, Pelzer. Rodgers* c\ chapeau A co, Kinsman A Howell, Roach * Hoffest, Gold? smith A son. T P smith, Bullmann Brus, Dowle, Moise A Davis, J F Sohirmer, J N Robson. NORTHEASTERN RAILROAD. 10 balea cotton, 48 bbla spirits tarpentlne, 861 bbls rosin, cars or lumber, mose, Ac. To Barden A Parker. Whllden A Jones. Q lacKenbuah, Kstlll A co, E Webing, B F Simmons, P Slattery, E Bul!, Mowry A son, Order, and others. POUT ( ILKSl> iu. MOON'S rHASBS. New Moon, 4th. 4 hours 2a minutes, morning. First Quarter, 12th, 32 hours, 33 minutes, mor'ng. Full Muon, 18th. 3 houts, 34 minutes, evening. Last Quarter, 25th, 3 boure. 16 minutia, evening. Monday. 5..16 Tuesday.. 5..17 Wednesday.. 6.. 18 Thursday.... 6..19 Friday. 6.. 20 saturday.... 6..21 Sunday. 6..21 SUN RISES. SUN RETS. 6..64 6..63 6.. 62 6. .62 6..61 6..50 6..49 MOON ?. & S 8.. 3 8.. 02 9.. 2 9..31 9.. 59 10..28 ll.. 5 i flinn WATS Tl. 8..38 9..21 9..60 10..25 ll.. 4 ll..49 morn Passenger*. Fer steamship Sea Gun. lor Baltimore-R S Strobei. F E Schroder aod eon, 0 U Jessen, H W Gray, E Thompson, and J w Grant. Per steamship Manhattan, for New York Mrs R DeTrevllle and son, Mrs 0 H West. Jr, Miss West, S W Maurice, E Gauvelet, Miss O M Trott, L Welskopff and wife, John Fllghes, Thoa Green, G D Johnson, W T Green, Mrs O Hall, S Dunlap, O ? Carpenter and wife, Miss Cochran, O Prior, Miss Ellen bim mic ts, Geo Carpenter; 0 L Carpenter. W M Read, O B Jones, G E Bogga, J K Manran, W S Alston, wile ana child, P G Alston. M Dies tel, Mrs McPherson,. E Dies tel. J Bagln, A Farrar, Alfred Mitchell and wife, W O Jessup, wife, two cn lld ren and nurse, Mrs Foskett, Mrs Grogan, H N Shea, J J Johns. R Marshall, Miss J Dandnqnest. J C Rich, Mr Drew, N W Falrchllds, J Weah. M Fnrchgott, Mr Sanders, and eight deck. Per steamship Georgia, from New York-Miss E V Fairley, W D Porter, P P Toals, A Fainer, J N Curtis, Jas Yan Houten, Wm Van Houten, ? Van Honten, Jas Lyons, O H Gund. Per steamer Dictator, from Palatka via Jack? sonville, Fernandina and savannah. Ga-Mrs Holmes, B J Frith, J Johns, J 0 Rich, M A Dan, C A Fairchild, Mrs Jones, Miss F Holmes. Miss N Holmes, J W Bradway, G Marshall. Miss Jalla LlpenlK, R S Rutledge, and seven deck. MARINE NEWS. CHARLESTON, 8. C.AUGUST 5, 1872. uat 32 deg 48 min 83 sec. | Lon 79 de.? 67 mm ar eeo. ARRIVED SATURDAY. Steamship Georgia, Holmes, New York-lett last Wednesday. Mdse. ' To Wagner. Huger A co, A courtenay, D A Amme, Adams, Damon A co, G W Almar, Edwin Batee A co, B Boyd, H Bischoff it co, F M Bristoll A co, Holtmann Bros, C Bart A co, T L Bl'sell, W M Bird A co, J Bancroft, Jr, Bulcken A Wonltmann, Cameron, Barkley A co, H Cobla A co, L Chap?n, G Connor, W H Chafee A co, Dowle, Moise A Davis, Prof A Doty, Jr, I L Falk A co, D F Fleming A co, Fors y the, McOomb A co, S * B M fogurtle, Fnrchgott, Benedict A CO, B Foley, O Graveley, H Gerdts A co, W Gur? ney, ?j D Franke, Jos Gorham, Holmes A Calder, I H Hall A co, Jno Hnrkamp A co, I Hyman A oo, J Hyman, Jos W Harrisson, A Diing, Johnston, Crews a co, H Johnson, CH Johnson, G W King, Klines, Wickenberg A co, Kinsman Bros, Jno W Linley, Laurey, Alexander A co, A Langer. G J. Lohn, C Llebenrood, Locke A Craning, R H Mc? Dowell, E W Marshall A co, P F Murray, Martin A Mood, J G Milner A co, Mr Loy A Rice, S R Mar shall A co, M Marks, M Goldsmith A Son. Wm Mc? Kay, 0 S Norton, Melcher? A Muller, M H Nathan, D O'Neill, Bernard O'Neill, John F O'Neill, Order, D O'Neill A Sons, N M Porter, O P Poppenheim, O F Fanknln, Pani, Welch A Brandes, D Pani A co, Quackenbush. Estin A co, Kavenel A co, A L Tyler, Wm Shepherd A co, Steffens, Werner A Ducker, W F Saran, Capt Sinclair, Thomas A Lanneai., ? S Solomons, Southern Expresa co, J F Taylor A co, S Tuomson, Walker, Evans A Cogswell, Tlet Jen A Luden, P Wa Uh, Geo W Williams A co, P P Toale, Wagger A Monsees, P Wmeman A co, K ThomltoBnn A co, H Williams, O P Wleters, D A Walker, Whlttemore A Rhodes, Wm J Yates, and others. Steamer Dictator, coxen er, Palatka, via Jack? sonville, Fernandina and Savannah. 1 wagon, s boxes, 1 bondie, 1 cot, l roll. 1 bag, 1 bale hides, 1 saw, mdse and sundries. To Ravenei A co, P R Porter, W B Williams A Son, J O Bedell, J E Adger A co, Gourdin, Mattbiessen A CO, and others. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. steamer Planter. Foster, Peedee River via Georgetown.SC. 21 tierces rice. 276 bbls naval stores, mdse and sundries. To Ravenei, Holmes A co, Mowry A Son, Whiiden A Joues, Barden A Parker, H Bischoff A co, Bollmann Bros, Pringle A son, G A Trenholm, Knobeloch A Small, Dowle, Moise A Davis, S R Marshall A co, E Baies A co, Quackenbush, Estin A co, Walker, Evans A Cogs, well, and others. CLEARED SATURDAY. Steamship Manhattan, Woodhull, New York James Adger A co. Steamship Sea Gull, Dutton, Baltimore-Paul 0 Trenhoim. SAILED SATURDAY. Steamship Manhattan, woodhull, New York. Steamship Sea Gull, Dutton, Baltimore. Sohr Florence Balley, Balley, Baracoa. FROM THIS PORT. steamship South carolina, Beckett, at New York, August 3. ? steamship Virginia, Hinckley, at Philadelphia, August l. British ship Melita, Llgbtbody, at Quebec, 30th July. ?P FOR THIS PORT. Brig W M Parks, Dix. at New York, August 1. Sehr Lilly. Hughes, at New York, August l. CLEARED FOR THIS PORT. Sehr S L Davis, Bishop, kt New York, August l. SAILED FOR THIS PORT. Sehr Hyne, Babb, from Rockport, Me, July 30. MARINE NEWS BY TELEGRAP?. NEW YOEE, Augcst 3. Arrived, steamships Egypt and Leo. PORT OF GEORGETOWN, S 0. ARRIVED. Sehr S E Woodbury, Woodbury, from Baltimore, July 26. Sehr Carrie, Lewis, from Hertford, N C, Joly 25. Sehr S L Davis, Cottrell, from New York, 25tb .July. Sehr L A Edwards, Rowland, from New York, July 26. Sehr Carrie S Webb, Home, from New York, Joly 26. Brig Chas Wesley, Griffin, from Fall River, Mass, July 26. Sehr Ida Bella, Fidler, from New York, July 27. sehr WP cox, Newell, from Philadelphia, 29th July. sehr D Warren, Roberta, from Elizabeth City, N 0, July 29, Sehr sophia Hanson, Stack, from Baltimore, July 31. CLEARED. Sehr Carrie, Louis, for Hertford, N 0, July 26. Sehr Adolph, Hugel, for New York, with naval stores, July 31. Sehr L A Edward^, Rowland, for New York, with naval stores, July 31. LI8T OF VESSELS OP, OLEARBD AND SAILED FOR THIS PORT. LIVERPOOL. . The Georgiana, Mann, sailed.June 7 The Dokeof Cornwall, Keays, sailed.May 22 The Granton, Duke, up.Jane 10 WEST HARTLEPOOL. EKG. The Pegaras, Christiansen, cleared.May 15 DOMESTIC. BOSTON. Brig Edith Hall, Oliver, up.July 16 NEW YORE, Brig W U Parks, Dix, np.August 1 Sehr May Morn.-, np.Jnl? 1? tchr Minnie, Hudson, cleared.July 24 chr Minnehaha. Douglass, cleared.July 27 Behr S L Davis, Bishop, cleared.August 1 sc hr Etlwan, Prince, oleared.July 26 Sehr David Nichols, Wyman, cleared.Jnly 26 Sehr Lilly, Hughes, up.August 1 PHILADELPHIA. Sehr Wm P 0; x, Newell, up....July 17 Sehr Caroline Young, Young, cleared_Jnne 7 Sehr Ann s Cannon, cutten, cleared.July 3 BALTIMORE. Bohr LouisEhrman, Fooks, cleared...:-July 27 BANOOR, MB. Sehr Dr Rogers, Allen, sailed.July 1 BOCKPORT, MB. Sehr Hyne, Babb, sailed.July 30 .financial. RANKING HOUSE OP HEffBY CLEWS & CO., No. 32 WALL STREET, N. Y. Circular Notes and Letters of Credit for Travel? lers, also Commercial Credits issued, available throughout, the world. Bills of Exchange on the Imperial Bank or Lon? don, Nacional Bank of Scotland, Provincial Bank of Ireland, and all their branches. Telegraphic Transfers of Money on Europe, San Francisco and the West Indies. Deposit Accounts received In i lther Currency or Coln, subject to check at sight, which pase through the Clearing House as U drawn npon any city bank. Interest allowed on dally balances. Certlflcatea of Deposit issued bearing Interest at current rate. Notes and Drafts collected. State, City and Railroad Loans negotiated. CLEWS. HABICHT A CO., maySS-X No. ll Old Broad street, London. JAY COOKE, MCCULLOCH 4 CO. No. 41 LOMBARD STREET, LONDON. FOREIGN EXCHANGE, COMMERCIAL CREDITS, CABLE TRANSFERS. CIRCULAR LETTERS FOR TRAVELLERS, AVAILABLE IN ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. JAY COOKE & CO., NO. 20 WALL STREET. may23-x Cl 0 R NEW YORK. MEW YORK AND CRAJUiKSTOJf STEAMSHIP LINK. ~' _____ ESTABLISHED -1845. The splendid Sldewheel Steamship JAMES ADGER, T. J,> LockW id, Commander, .wUt aaa rrom Adger's South ifharfon SATURDAY, Au? gust loth, at io o'clock A. M., precisely. jar The JAMEB ADQEE ls handsomely andjcom rortably fitted up for passengers, and offers great Inducements to travellers going North. tar Through Bills of Lading given on cotton to Liverpool, Boston, Providence, and the New Eng. land manufacturing towns. For Freight or Passage Engagements, apply to angfi-6 . JAMES ADGER A CO.. Agent?. PHILADELPHIA IRON STEAM LINE. rpHE THE FIRST-CLASS IRON SCREW STEAMSHIPS EVERMAN, Captain-, GULF STREAM, Captain Hunter, i?< Are now regularly on the Line, insuring a first class sea connection between Philadelphia and Charleston, and m avance with Railroad Com? panies at both termini, afford rapid transportation to and from all points in the Cotton States, and to and rrom cincinnati, st. Louis, Chicago and the principal cities or the Northwest. Boston, Providence and the Eastern Manufacturing Cen? tres. tur Tho EVERMAN la appointed ta sall rrom Brown's Wharf on FRIDAY, Oth August, at loo'olock A. ?f. - ' - ?-The GULF STW?AM will follow. For particulars or Freight arrangements, apply to WM. A. COURTENAY, Union Wharves, W. P. OLTDEA CO., General Agents, Ne. IS South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. aug3 . P OK HEW YORK. ON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST -7, AT 6 O'CLOCK P. M. NEW ISON STEAM LINE-ESTABLISHED 1870, STATE-BOOMS ALL ON DECK. The Splendid New Iron S ide wheel steamship GEORGIA, Holmes, Commander, win sall for New York on WEDNESDAY, An?usc 7th, ai ?o'clock P. M., from Pier No. 2, Union Wharves, Through Bills of Lading to Liverpool and the New England cities as usual. Insurance by Steamers or this Une X per cent. For Freight or Passage Engagements, having very fine Deck Stateroom accommodations, apply to WAGNER, HUGER & CO,, No. 26 Broad street, or to WM. A. COURTENAY, No. l Union Wharves. augl_ poi LIVERPOOL, VIA QTJEENST?wS CARRYING THE UNITED STATES MAILS. THE LIVERPOOL AND GREAT WESTERN STEAM COMPANY wilt dispatch one of their first -class, foll power fron Sorew a wa m ships rrom PIER No. 46 N. H., EVERY WEDNESDAY, Catlin Passage. $80, gold.' Steerage Passage (Office No. 39 Broadway) 180? jurroncy. For Freight or Oabln Passage, apply to WILLIAMS A GUION, No. 63 Wall street, H.T. N. B.-Through Bills Lading to Liverpool laanerl ?y tho Charleston and New York Steamers,whioh make close connection with the above line. For particulars and rato of Freight apply to JAMES ADGER A CO., WAGNER, HUGER A CO, m av 6. Or WM. A. COURTENAY, pOR GARDNER'S BLUFF, S. 0., AND ALL INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS ON PEE? DEE RIVER. The steamer PLANTER, Captain J. T. Foster, ls now receiving. Freight at Accommodation Wharf, ana on WEDNESDAY MORN INO, at 6 o'clock. For Freight Engagements or Passage, having good accommodations, apply to the captain on board, or to RAVENEL. HOLMES A CO., -aug? _ No. 177 East Bay. ?pOR GEORGETOWN, S. C., KEITHF?ELD AND WAVERLY MILLS. The Steamer PLANTER, Captain J. T. Foster, ls now receiving. Freight at Accommodation Wharf, and wm on WEDNESDAY MORNING, at 5 o'clock. For Freight engagements or Passage, having good staterooms accommodations, apply to the Captain on board, or io RAVENEL, HOLMES A CO., Charleston, S. C., - Or to B. A. MUNNERLY1 A CO., ang6 _Qeorgeton, 3. C .pOR GEORGETOWN, S. C., TOUCHING AT ALL THE MILLS. The Steamer EMILIE, captain c. 0. white, will 'receive Freight at._ commercial Wharf, TO-MORROW", (Tuesday,) otn Instant, and have as above at 9 o'clock To-MoR Bow NIGHT. Apply on board or to _. w " SHACKELFORD 4 KELLY, aug5-l* Sonthern Wharf. WEEKLY LINE BETWEEN CHARLESTON, S. C., AND GARNDER'S BLUFF, PEEDEE RIVER, VIA GEORGETOWN, SOUTH ISLAND, WAVERLY AND KEITH FIELD MILLS. Steamer PLANTER.-..Capt. J. T. Foster. Steamer SWAN. Capt. H. S. Cordes. The PLANTER, leaves Charleston ? .?1K~?_ and the SWAN leaves Gardner's ??__p___i5i_. Bluff every TUESDAY NIGHT, connecting on me Rivera. Freight received at Accommodation wharf every MONDAY and TUESDAY, and must be^pre? paid. * . Shipments to the care of the Agents wilt be for? warded free of storage or commissions. For Freight or Pa-tsage, ap: <y to the Captains on board, or to RAVENEL, HOLMES A CO., aag5-2 _No. 177 East Bay. F 0 R FLORIDA, VIA SAVANNAH. The Splendid Steamer DICTATOR, Captain I* M. Coxetter, will leave ^ Charleston every TUESDAY BTJMltO, at^air past 8 o'clock, for SAVANNAH, FERNANDINA-.JACK SONVIbLB. PALATE A. AND ALL LANDINGS ON ST. JOHN'S RIVER. ?., ,-tr_ Returning. DICTATOR will leave PALATE A THURSDAY NIGHT, SAVANNAH SATURDAY MORN? ING, arnvlvlug here same afternoon. All Way Freight must be prepaid. For Freight or Passage, having splendid ac? commodations, apply to RAVENEL A CO., Agents, Corner Vauderhorat'e Wharf and East Bay. juiy27 _ jgOWLES BROTHERS & CO., LONDON, PARIS AND BOSTON No. 19 WILLIAM STREET, NEW YORK. CIRCULAR CREDITS for Travellers. avaUable throughout the world. Bills ol Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers ou any part of Europa la sums io amt. may2S-x