University of South Carolina Libraries
Thc Harbor Lights. Just at the harbor's mouth she stood; * Behind her was the beacon white, Which senas Its kindly warning forth From evening shade till morning light. Above her was the golden sun; More golden shone her tossing hair; The ocean's azur.-, at her feet, With her bine eyes could nat compare. Full sheer the cliff whereon she Btood. And, though her eyes were downward cast, I atm could row by boat anear And see their glory as I passed. Patiently there she watched her line, That saut among the golden weed. "Who would not be a Ash ?" thought I, "By soch sweet hands If doomsd^o bleed." Sweet hands, but browner taarf the rock , Whereon her pretty feet liga place; Which, browner yet, laid hold of lt with naked purity and grace. One day I dared to speak to her; * "What have you caught to day, my dear?" "Nothing but Just a thought or two; More thoughts than fish come swimming here." "And have yon caught this thought, my dear, That 1 love you and you love me r" I dared not speak the question ont; Such joys as that might never be. So every day I pass her by, Bat cannot bring my Hps to say : "My heart ls caught upon your hook, And cannot tear Itself away." Why sboald I speak ? She would not slip, From off the rocks into my boat, And say, "As thu* forevermore Let us together sit and float.'' She would not love-'tis not her time; But naught that she can do or say i .'an rob me of my right divine To love and worship her alway. 0, malden, at the harbor's mouth ! By day, with their distracting light, Your eyes will wreck more venturous heans Than ever beacon saved by night. THE CAMPAIGlf NEWS. Greeley Against Grant-A Paper for the People. The Presidential Campaign for 1872 has opened. It will be the most exciting that the country has ever known. The issues in? volved are extraordinary in character, and come directly home to every citizen. The overthrow of Grant and the election of j Greeley mean Honesty and Beform in the National Administration, the triumph or Law and the restoration of Peace and Harmony throughout our land, and a return to the, fundamental principles of government which prevailed in the better days of the Re? public The most intense interest will naturally be felt in the progress and result of the struggle, especially in the South, where the material prosperity of the people and their relief from organized persecution and rob? bery are involved. We mean that TOE CHARLESTON NEWS shall at this juncture in no respect fail to deserve the favor which has been accorded to it as an earnest, enterprising and outspoken chronicle of the events of the day. And, in order to place our several editions within the reach of all, we offer them for the period of four months, covering the interval from this time until after the election, at the following low rates : BAILY NEWS, one copy, four months_$ 2 60 J DAILY NEWS, Ave copies, four months... ll 00 DAILY NEWS, ten copies, four months... 20 00 TRI-WEEK.LT NEWS, one copy, four months. 126? TRI-WEEKLT NEWS, five copies, four months. 5 50 TRI-WEEKXT NEWS, ten copies, four months.10 00 WEEKLY NEWS, one copy, lour months., co WEEKLY NEWS, five copies, four months. 2 75 WEEKLY NEWS, ten copies, four months. 5 00 All subscriptions will begin from date of receipt of remittance. Send in your orders at once. Remittances may be made, at our J risk, by draft on Charleston, Postoffice order or registered letter. Address, RIORDAN, DAWSON & Co., Charleston, S. C. i SPEAKING ILL CF THE DEAD. [From the London Saturday Review,; It ls obvious that the old de mortuis rule is liable to some abuse, and that lt should be ap? plied only within certain limits. lu the first place, If lt were to be strictly enforced, lt would put a stop to a good deal of history. There might be some difficulty In determining J In a satisfactory manner bow many years or j centuries a person should be dead before his personal character and career on earth be? come a legitimate subject for impartial and outspoken criticism. Looking merely to moral consequences, we should say that it ls of more importance that conternoorary scoun? drels should be painted in their true colors than that strict Judgments should be passed on those who may be said to belong to history. There ls no reason to suppose that the alasm of a popular historian tor the charaoter | of Henry VIII has exercised a baneful influ? ence on the conjugal behavior of British hus? bands; but If Henry VIII had lived In our | own day, and had recently figured under disgraceful circumstances In the Divorce Court, there might be some danger lest the attempt to present him in an amiable and {deaning light should encourage Imitation and mmorality. It ls not very often that anybody resolves to shape his course after the example of a remote historical personage. If a model is chosen, lt ls usually sought In contemporary life. "ft has been stated that Gordon Bennett was very much influenced lu early life r.v j reading the autobiography of Benjamin Frank? lin, and lt ls possible that a laudatory narra? tive ot his own career might afford dangerous encouragement to aspiring youth. Funeral sermons are not unknown in this country, but they are happily a branch ot clerical enter? prise which has hitherto not been much culti? vated among us. It would appear that the press has been gradually usurping this lune- j tion of the pulpit, without much regret or Jealousy on the part of the occupants of the latter. What the lawyers would call the "common lorm" of funeral sermons ls appa? rently borrowed from the tombstones on which the most angelic qualities are Indis? criminately ascribed to anybody whose relatives are able and willing to pay for chiselling the Inscription. The epitaph ls a conventional mark of respect by which no bodv ls deceived; but it is not desirable that lt should be amplified from the pulpit. On the wro'e, lt would perhaps be well if a little of tnt.i charity which le lavished on the dead were reserved for the living. Ali personal J adementa should of course be cautiously framed and temperately expressed; but if lt is certain that a man was a rogue while he lived, there ls no reason wheu he dies to pretend that he was a useful and reputable member of society. It may not be necessary to gibbet his memory: If there was nothing flagrant or flaunting in his misdeeds, he may have a claim to silent pity; but If anything is to be said about him it should be the truth. Within certain limits, the maxim enjoining tender? ness for the reputation of the dead ls reasona? ble enough ; but it ls clear that it ls liable to 1 abuse If pushed too far, an ; that lt ls not de? sirable to outrage truth and to perplex and confound the moral sense of society by calllug black white and good bad merely because a man has happened to die. B.OBS1 rOOT AND DRAGOONS. Judge Mackey'* Talk willi President Grant. [From tue Chester Reporter.] At the Fourth ol July speech-making, Judge Mackey told his hearers that in a recent con? versation with President Grant, the President told him to say to the Republicans of South Carolina that be had sene lils infantry, his cav- j airy and his artillery down here to protect the ] people In all their rights of citizenship, but that unless there was a speedy change for the better in the affairs of the State, he would come with a stronger power and would thor- J oughly cleanse the Republican temple here ol che thieves and robbers which now Infest it to the shame ot the Republican party, and would, If necessay, remand the State back to a pro? visional government. Pretty strong language this, even for the soldier President. The Judge, however, was very much In earnest In bis condemnation of corruption and ineffi? ciency In office, and equally as much In earn? est In Impressing upon bis fellow-Republicans the lactthatthe remedy wes lu their hands,and If they tailed in the discharge of their duty, in electing honest and capable men to office, the responsibility was theirs, and the conse? quences above threatened they might expect. Ototrjmg, Qtoilorins, Ut. BARGAINS CLOTHING! MENKE ft MULLER, CLOTHIERS, NO. 323 KING STREET. THREE DOORS BELOW LIBERTY STREET, Respectfully announce to their friends and the public that they have marked down their entire Stock of Fine CLOTHING and FURNISHING GOODS to actual New York|! oost, preparatory toTemoval, on the first of September next, into their NEW BUILDING, AT THE CORNER OF KINO AND WENTWORTH | i STREETS. THE PRESENT 8TOCK MUST BE CLOSED OUT, AND THEY SOLICIT ACALLANDAN EXAMINATION OF THEIR GOODS AND PRICES. aprt-4mos Drp ?DD?B, &t. NO??C?? The subscriber having decided on giving np the Retail Dry Ooods Business, and being under en? gagement to surrender the Store No. 262 King Btreet on or before 16th next October, will be pre? pared on WEDNESDAY, 17th Instant, having thoroughly revised the prices of his entire stock, to offer ?, BARGAINS TO ALLIN WANT OF FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS CHARLES KERRISON, July 18-10 NO. 252 KINO STREET. GREAT CLEARING SALE OF ?RY GOODS AT No. 244 KING STREET. We have made Immense reduction In all of our goods arter having taken onr regular Inventory to make room for onr Fall stock. We will sell io cases or best PRINTS, only ll xe. 10 cases 3-4 and % Shirting for io and 12c. 20 cases 4-4 best Shirting at 16c. l case Wamsutta 20c. 3 cases a and 10-4 bleached and unbleached Sheeting, 35, 40 and 46. 2 cases Gingham, only 12c. 3 cases 4-4 colored Lawns, fast colors, 14c. 8 4 best Brown Table Damask, 60 and soc. 8-4 best Bleached, 66c-$1. Fine Woollen Table Covers, only SI 76. Towels, Napkins, Doylies, at extraordinary low gures. l case White Honeycomb Quilts, colored border, $126. 3 cases io, ll, 12-4 Allendale Quilts, $i 26, fi 37, $160. 600 pieces Mosquito Nets, 60c. A fine lot of Robinet, reduced 26 per cent. Full line of Marseilles Quilts. The balance ofosr DRESS GOODS will be offered at 25 per cent, less than imported price. : Special attention has been paid to this depart? ment to make lt the cheapest In town. OUR HOSIERY DEPARTMENT containing the finest assortment or LADIES and GENT'S HOSE, has undergone considerable reduc? tion. We are orierlng a very fair Hose for 12c. and l&c. Best English Hose 25,30 and 36c. OUR RIBBON DEPARTMENT, ls still supplied with au exhaustive stocit In every color and shade, to snit the present season. We are now closing lt out at prices which we guar? antee to be cheaper than any house South. All Parasols reduced 25 per cent. OUR CLOTH DEPARTMENT, containing the best assortment or DOESKINS. BROADCLOTH, OASSIMERES, SATINETS, and JEAN'S, bas been reduced in price. We offer great bargains in mis departmenl. 200 pieces White Matting, only 25 cents. Carpets below regular selling price. A full assortment of Ladies and Genfs Under? wear, Piques, Swiss, Jaconets, Nainsooks, Victo? ria and Bishops' Lawn, Mull, Check and Cross barred Cambric-all at reduced prices. 24r4 KING STREET. %gricnltgrgl iHqtf)intrp. WRIGHT & WARNOCK'S ANTI-FRICTION HORSE POWER PATENTED OCTOBER 10, 1871. We take pleasure lu presenting to the planters and public a Horse Power gotten up by Messrs. WRIGHT A WARNOCK, or Barnwell and Beau? fort counties, S. C.. which ls a most perfect ma? chine. The said Power will give greater speed at the expense of less power than anything vet In use; ls strocg, simple and durable. Can be used with equal ease lor ginning cotton, threshing grain, pumping water, Ac. Will, on a forty-saw jin In good order, with two mules, moderate galt, gin 1500 pounds lint cotton per day; brisk driving 2000 pounds. One mule can pull lt; light for two. lt sits In a frame in the house; can be arranged to gin with the gin and gear sitting on the ground. Another important reatnre or thia Power ls that Hie rising or railing or rue noor ol the house Joes not airect the working or the gear In any way. This Isa southern enterprise, rad no humbug Price $125, and freight, ready for putting up. C. ll. KIRKLAND and W. A. CLARK. Allendale, S. C., Agents for Sooth carolina. G. H. KIRKLAND, Agent for North Carolina. REFERENCES: Rev. Messrs. Joseph A. Lawton* and Joseph Bostick,* or the Savannah River Associa? tion, Allendale; Captain W. M. Bostick,'* Allen laie; Rev. Messrs. D. J. Simmons and F. Milton Kennedy, or the South Carolina Con terence ; Gen? ital Johnson Hagood, Barnwell Courthouse; Captain R. D. Senn, Columbi*; F. J. Pelzer, Esq., ind Messrs. Reeder A Davis, Charleston, S. C. ?Those marked thus have seen the Power at work. Jon8-tathHO?c4mos itmiroaoa. gO?TH CAROLINA RAILROAD. * CHARLBSTON, June 1, 1872. EXCURSION TICKETS to Greenville, Anderson ind Walhalla have been put on sale TO-DAY, and will continue on Bale until 1st September. Good to return until 1st November. Baggsge checked through. Price to Greenville and Return $17 80. Price to Anderson and Return $16 70. Price to Walhalla and Return $19 80. Price to Spartanbnrg and Return $16 80. Excursion Tickets also on sale to Catoosa Springs (Ga.)-price $24. The above Tickets on sale at the Line street Depot, and at the Charleston Hotel. S. B. PIOKENS. A. L. TYLER, Joni G. T. A. vice-President. gODTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. CHAKL.WON, a. a, May 19, 1872. On and after SUNDAY, Jtfay 19, the Passen jar Trains on the South Carolina Railroad will run ts follows: * FOR AUGUSTA. Leave Charleston.8.10 A ll arrive at Augusta.4.26 r M FOR COLUMBIA. [?eave Charleston.8.10 A II arrive at columbia.4.06 p M FOB CHARLESTON. ? Leave Augusta.:.7.40 A H Arrive at Charleston.8.20 p M Leave Columbia.7.40 A M Arrive at Charleston.8.20 p M AUGUSTA NIGHT EXPRESS. (Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston.7.20 p M Arrive at Augusta.0.00 A II Leave Augusta.7.40 r M Arrive at Charleston.a.46 A M COLUMBIA NIGHT BX PB ESS. (Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston. 8.20 PM Arrive at Oolnmbla.0.40 A M Leave Columbia. 0.60 p M Arrive at Charleston.6.66 A M BUMKXBVILLB TRAIN. Leave Summerville at. 7.26 A M Arrive at charleston at.B.46 A M Leave Charleston at.8.80 p M Arrive at sommerville at.4.46 p M CAMDEN BRANCH. Leave Camden.6.16 A M arrive at Columbia.10.40 A M Leave Columbia. 1.46 p M arrive at Camden.0.26 r M Day and Night Trains make close connections it Augusta with Georgia Railroad and Central Railroad. Night Train connects with Macon and Augusta Railroad. Colombia Night Train connects with Greenville ind Columbia Railroad, and with Charlotte Road to points North. Camden Train connecta at Ringville dally (ex? cept Sundays) witt? Day Passenger Train, ?and runs through to Columbia. A. L. TYLER, Vlce-Presldcnt, 8. B. PIOKENS. G. T. A. _jania N~ ORTH EASTERN RAILROAD OOM PANY. CHARLESTON, S. C., Jnne 8, 1872. Tra?na will leave Charlea ton Dally at 10.16 A. M. and S.oo P. M. Arrive at Charleston 6.00 A. M. (Mondays ex? cepted) and 3 P. M. Train does nor leave Charleston 8.00 P. M., SUN? DAYS. Train leaving 10.16 A. M. makes through connec? tion to New York, via Richmond and Acqala Creek only, going through tn 44 hours. Passengers leaving by 8.00 P. M. Train haye choice or route, via Richmond and Washington, or via Portsmouth and Baltimore. Those leaving FRIDAY by this Train lay over on SUNDAY lu Bal timora. Those leaving on SATURDAY remain SUN. DAT in Wilmington, N. C. This ls the cheapest, quickest and roost pleas? ant route to cincinnati. Chicago and other points West and Northwest, both Trains making con? nections at Washington with Western Trains ol Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. S. S. SOLOMONS, Engineer and Superintendent. P. L. OLEAPOR, Gen. Ticket Agent. may2l AV AN NAH- AND CHARLESTON RAILROAD. S CHARLBSTON, Jnne 13, 1872. On and after MONDAY, June 17th, the Pas* senger Trains on thia Road will run as follows: EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Charleston dally.8.30 P. M. Arrive at Savannah dally.0.46 P. M. Leave Savannah dally.1L30 P. M. Arrive at Charleston dally.. "A.M. DAY TRAIN. Leave Charleston, Sundays excepted.. 7.40 A. M Arrive at Savannah, Sundays excepted. 3.30 P. M. Leave Savanaab, Sundays excepted... it A. M, Arrive at Charleston, Sundays exo'ted. 6.60 P.M. Passengers from Charleston by 3.3o P. M. train make olose connection with Port Royal Railroad Tor Beaufort, (Sundays excepted.) Freight forwarded dally on through bills of lad lng to points in Florida and by Savannah line ot steamships to Boston. Prompt dispatch glvea to freights for Beaufort and points on Port Royal Railroad and at. as low rates BB by any other une. Tickets on sale at thia offloe for Beaufort over Port Royal Railroad. ' C. S. GADSDEN, Engineer and Superintendent s. O. BOYLSTON, Gen'i Ft. and Ticket Agent. Junl4_ QTigara, Eoaaccc, jzt. EMPEROR WILLIAM WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MANUFACTURING CIGAR AND TOBACCO HOUSE, IVd. 310 KINO STREET, THREE DOORS SOUTH OF SOCIETY STREET. CIQ ARS AND TOBACCO of all kinds. PIPES or every quality. Call and examine stock before buying else where. WILLIAM SCHRODER, Proprietor. N. B.-The Wheel or Fortune constantly on hand, invest 26 cents and try your luck. mch7-noAwlyr ftob?on's &brjerii0etnem. J. N. ROBSON, HAVING AMPLE MEANS FOR ADVANCES, A BUSINESS EXPERIENCE OP twenty years, and conaning; himself strictly to a Commission Business, without operating jn ula own account, respectfully solicits consignments of Cotton, Flour, Corn, Wheat, Ac. shippers ar produce to him may, at their option, have their consignments sold either In Charleston or New ?ork, thus haring the advantage or two markets without extra commissions. Reference?-Bishop W. M. Wightman. S. c.; Colonel Wm. Johnson, Charlotte, N. C.; Rev.'T. 0. Summers. D. D.. Tennessee; Bon. John P. King, Augusta, Ga.: Messrs. G. W. Williams A Co.. Charles, ton, S. 0. ; Messrs. Williams, Bl ru le A Co.. New fork. As the SPECIAL AGENT FOR THE STATE OF DUPONT'S GUNPOWDER, I will always keep a mil stock of all kind? at Magazine. The long experience of Messrs. Dupont in the manufacture of Gun? powder, makes lt unneces?ary to say more than that I guarantee the quality of every package. Price ta low as any other Powder in the market. Persons ordering please name DUPONT. MARYLAND STEAM SUGAR REFINING COMPANY. As Agent for the MARYLAND STEAM SUGAR REFINERY OF BALTIMORE, I will keep constantly sn hand a rull assortment of Crushed, Powdered, Granulated, A White. B. White, O Extra, 0 Yel? low; a so Amber Drips In barrels, which I offar at manufacturers' prices, freight added. Any change in price being reported daily by telegraph, thus giving the trade the advantage of lt ' Am also Agent for the celebrated orands of ; Family Klonr manufactured oy Messrs. DAVIS A EMMONS, of St. Louis, which I can recommend In every respect; pnt up In Ninety-eight Ponnd Bags md Barrels-BBST AND GOLD DUST, Choice Family, Home Mill Medium Family, Santa Marla Good Family. Also several of the best Mills in virginia, Georgia and Tennessee. As Agent for WBlTTAKER A SON'S CELEBRATED HAMS, Anderson H.'s Co. Beargrass Hams Fairbank, Peck A Co.'s Caddy Lard, Werk A Uo.'s Candles, Samuel i.eonard A Son Candles. Johnson i dementa corn Starch, James Beatty A Co.'s Crackers, Cakes, ac, soaps or alt varieties, Mackerel in Kits and half barrels, Ludlow Brand of Ganny Cloth, Baling Twine. AC, Ac; and aa I devote myself jxcluslvely toa Commission Business and all the goods are received direct fro n factory and neither jell nor ouy on my own account, would respectfally call the attention of the trade to my facilities for doing business, and the Inducements odored to purchasers. Having an experience of over twenty years, and having Just erected a large and commodious store in addition to my others, I am rolly prepared for business. ? ENGLISH SUPERPHOSPHATE OP LIME, import el direct from Liverpool,and guaranteed to contain twenty-fonr per cent, of Soluble Phos? phate of Lime. PERUVIAN GUANO, DIRECT FROM THE AGENT, WARRANTED PURE. For sale at market rates. BAUGH'S RAW BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE, FLOUR OF-BONE, DISSOLVED BONE, PLASTER OR GYPSUM. Always on hand, and as every shipment ls analyzed on arrival, Planters can rely on getting the lame article, and fully up to standard. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. The highly satisfactory and remarkable effects of this Guano in producing very largely increased crops or Cotton, Corn and oilier staple crops, has attracted the general attention or Planters and Farmers. J. IV. ROBSON, JunlS-tuths AGENT FOR THE STATE, Nos. 1 and 3 Atlantic Wharf and 68 East Bay, Charleston. ffttD ?Jnbluotlons. .pOGARTIE'S BOOK DEPOSITORY. NEW CATALOGUE. No. 28. STUDIES IN POETRY AND PHILOSOPHY, by J. 0. Shalrp, $1 60. Shalrp's ouituro and Religion in some or their | Relations, $ 126. Lange's New volume, the Book or Kings, $6. Dean stanley; History of the Church of Scot? land, $2 60. The Desert of the Exodus, Journeyings on Foot In the Wilderness of the Forty Years Wan? derings, undertaken in connection with the Ordnance Survey of Sinai and the Palestine Exploration Fund, by E. H. Palmer, M. A., with Maps and Illustrai lons, $3. Jesus, by Charles F.sDeems, numerous Illustra? tions, $6. Paul or Tarsus, an inquiry into the Times and the Gospel of the Apon tics or the, $1 60. - George B. Woods, M; D., LL. D. Historical and Biographical Memoirs, Essays, Ac, $6. Women Helpers In the.Church; their Sayings and Doings. Edited by William Welsh, $1 60. Robert and William Chambers ; Memoirs and Autobiographical Reminiscences, $1 60. The Autobiography or Stephen Collins, M. D., $1. Annual Record of Science and Industry for 1871. Edited by Spencer A Baird, $2. The Newspaper Press of Charleston, embracing a j period oi 140 years, by Wm. L. King, $2. I Astronomy and Geology Compared, by Lord Ormainwalte, $1. The student's Own Speaker, a Manual or Deci? mation and Oratory, by Paul Reeves, fl 26, Shakespeare, edited, with notes, by Wm. J. Roire, A. M. The first four parts of this unique edt Uon of Shakespeare, comprising Mere nam of Yenice, The Tempest, Henry Till, and Julius casar, bound in one handsome Volume, with Illustrations, $8. Alaine Edition of the Poets, to be completed in fifty-two Volumes, at 76 cents. Merry Maple Laves, or a summer In the Country, by Abner Perk, Humorous Illustrations, $2. THE LATEST NOVELS. LORD KILGORBIN, by Chas. Lever, cloth $i 60, paper $1. AcU's Tryst, paper 76c A Miller's Story of the War, or the Plebiscite, by one of the 7.600,000 who voted Yes, (from the Frenen of Erckmann-Chatrtan,) cloth $126,paper 76c. A crown for the Spear, paper 7?c. Baffled Schemes, paperj6c The Ganceiled WU', by Miss Eliza A. Dupey, paper $160. Eleonore, from German or E. Von Rothenpels, by F. Elizabeth Bennett, cloth $1 26. Her Lord and Master, by Florence Marryatt, paper 60c Grlf, a Story of Austrian Life, by B. L. Far geon, paper400. P?tronei, by Florence Mar? ry at t, paper 60c A Bridge or Glass, by F. W. Robinson, paper 60c Married Against Rea Bon, by Mrs. A. Shelton Mackensie, paper G oe. Albert Lunel, by Lord Brougham, paper 76c. Veronique, by Florence Marryatt, paper 76c Poor Miss Finch, by Wilkie Collins, paper 60c. A Siren, by T. Adolphus Trollope Music and Morals, by Rev. H. R. Ha wera, M. A., $176. Seven Mouths' Run Up and Down and Around the World, by James Brooks, $176. Three centuries or Modern History, by Charles Duke Yonge, $2. Ganot's Natural Philosophy - for general reader* and young , persons, translated with the author's sanc? tion, by E. Atkinson, $3. kW Persons residing In the country will please bear In mind that by mending their orders to ns for any Books published lu America,.they will .be charged only the price of the Book. We rey for the postage or express. Address ? FOQARTIE'S BOOK DEPOSITORY, No. 260 King street, (In the Bend,) aprta-rn; ha Onarleston. ,s. fl JAY COOKE, MCCULLOCH & co., No. 41 LOMBARD STREET, LONDON. FOREIGN EXCHANGE, COMMERCIAL CREDITS, " CABLE TRANSFERS. CIRCULAR LETTERS FOR TRAVELLERS, AVAILABLE IN ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. JAY COOKE 4 CO., NO. 20 WALL STREET. may23-x fotele. KIMBALL H OU SE H, E, CBITTJENDEN, PROPRIETOR, * TOE ONLY HOTEL IN TUE SOUTH HAVING THE "SAFETY PASSENGER ELEVATOB " OF OTIS, TUFTS, A CO., AND PRINCIPAL OFFICE OF WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY. BAGGAGE CHECKED IN THE HOTEL TO ALL POINTS. METROPOLITAN SUMMER RESORT ! ! THE H. I. KIMBALL HOUSE, AND PONCE DELEON 83?IlIlVGr, THE YOUTH RESTORING FOUNTAIN, ATLANTA, GEORG-IA. IN ADDITION TO THE NEW ESTABLISHED FACT THAT THE KIMBALL. HOU8E, ., AB regards size, ventilation, comfort, Its cuisine and general appointments, ls unsurpassed by any Hotel la America, tbe Proprietor begs co assure au who are in quest of HEALTH OR PLEASURE That bis arrangements are now perfected to render the KIMBALL HOUSE All that can be desired by those who Beek the combined attractions of a FIRST-CLASS HOTEL AND VALUABLE MINE? RAL WATERS ll Together with the pleasant temperature and m vlgoratlng breezes to be enjoyed at Atlanta, situ? ated on one of the most elevated portions ef Middle-Georgia, A band ot ACCOMPLISHED MUSICIANS Has been secnred to render approplate Muslo every evening. THE BALL ROOM, One or the most espacions, thoroughly ventilated, and brilliantly illumined u America, ls thrown open nightly for the enjoyment or guests. In addition to which ls a - BILLIARD ROOM, For the especial enjoyment or the Ladles. The wonderful curative properties of the PONCE DELEON Water are now folly established, as can be proven by testimony of those who have thoroughly tested and realized its efficacy. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS For the season for Families can be made on appli cation. jg-TIie Proprietor of the H. L KIMBALL HOUSE respectfully solicits that patronage, which he deems his eiforra to successfully cater for the appreciative taste of a relined public enti? tle him io. Jun24-lmo H. 0. CRITTENDEN. deming iflacjjinefl. HE NEW IMPROVED WHEELER A WILSON SILENT SEWING MACHINE. . TBE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. We are now selling these superior Mach ines on Teu Dollar monthly payments. Adjusting and Repairing done promptly. WHEELER A WILSON MANUF'G CO., apr?-lyr No. 200 King street.. B Watchtt, ttmtittt ALL, BLACK & co., Nos. 665 AND 567 BROADWAY, N8W YORX, ft will continue tte sale of their ImrnenEe stock of | SILVERWARE, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY and - rn F ANC Y GOODS nring the snmmer months. AU goods will be sold without reserve, at a great redaction, to lose the business. j anio ?pilcal. (COPTRIOHTKD ) 'ARUNEEL PEBBLE SPECTACLES . j . . have tba power of ARRESTING THE HEAT-RAY8 of solar or artificial' light before.they enter the.eye . The Zcnsei of the ARUNDEL PEBBLE SPECTACLES ARE VIOLET TINTED, TIT BO CONSTRUCTED TITAT WHEN APPLIED TO THE ETI ' APPEAR COLORLESS, Thc weaker and higher numbers of the" Arundel Pebble lenses ARE THE SAJMK TINT. ' They are the Most Brilliant and Beautiful . Eher Invented. --:0: MAXCFAOTUKED BX THE ARUNDEL PEBBLE SPECTACLE C0.> No. 9 MAIDEN LANE, New York. Factory : BTRSTTNG H AM, England. - KS-For tale ONLY by houses thai have our cert\flcati of appointment. CARRINGTON, THOMAS Sc CO., JEWELLEBS, 80LE AGENTS FOR CHARLESTON, S. 0. Jnn2a-tuths Droga at V}\)o\eeak. WHY SHAKE AND BURN WITH CHILLS AND FEVER? , THEY ARE ENTIRELY VEGETABLE. They contain no arienlc or poisonous ingre? dients or any I ind-nothing in the least degree Injurions to the system under any circumstances I -and may be administered wltn perfect safety toan infant. They never rall to care the most obstinate case when taken as directed. They care Imme lately. In no case will the pa t lent have more than one chill after the first dose, and in the majority or cases not even that. They accomplish thc Tjprk bj destroying the cause or disease, which no other remedy pretends to do. They are an effectual preventive, neutralizing the malarious poison lo the system, and thus averting Ita consequences. PHYSICIANS USE THEM IN THEIR PRACTICE lt ls almost universally the cass that physicians condema what are generally known as "Patent Medicines." MOISE'S FEVER AND AG?E PILLS, though unuet this head, the composition ls known to many, and sa palpable are their valuable cura? tive properties that a number or the first physi? cians in the South and Weat have adopted them lu their practice, and recommend them to their patients as the moat reliable Fever and Agne medicine known. NO ONE NEED SUFFER, be they everao mach exposed to Fever and Ague, If they will only take MOISE'S FEVER AND AGUE PILLS. To those who have contracted Fever and Agne, Instead of using Quinine, Arsenic, and other power? ful remedies, they will hud not only immediate relief, bot a positive cure in . MOISE'S FEVER ANO AGUE PILLS, which ls an old reliable article prapared from the private f?rmala or one bf the most experienced physicians in the Fever and Agas districts, who after many years of successful practice has made lt known to the proprietor. This article bas been oded in oases where every remedy has failed be* fore, and performed the most astonishing cores; being a vegetable' compound, lt removes the cause of the disease at once, and does not fur? nish, as many articles do, only temporary; relief. may&o taseno . ?_, ,_' CAUDICHAUDS SANDALWOOD A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR ALL DISEASES OF THE URINARY ORGANS. Thia ls a Solid Extract, and ls recommended ea peclally tot Druggists' and Physician s use lu pre? script ons. The quality and ontform strength la SSfiaSd. This" Extract; ls super torito copatt? and Cubebs, or plain Oil or i*ndaL TJiMai moat Separations or this class, lt does not wawa B The testimonials or hundreds in public and pri? vate lire, who have been catea by tins prepara? tion.could be added;.bat. the proprietor .wishes lt to stand upon ita own merits, and only asks al single trial to convince the afflicted of Its efficacy. Circulars and samples, can be obtained by Phy ?lCtonB 00 aPpl^S? MOISE A DAVIS. Agents for So. Ca., Charleston, S. 0. Also, SNYDER'S SHOWERING SYRINGE, re? commended by Physicians as the only perfect Female syringe In the market. JalyS stuth3mos _, TBE WARLIKE TROUBLE BREWING lu Europe concerns ns less, Individually, than the intestine commotions to which each one or us ls liable at this season of the 7*?j"-f or? nately. ail disturbances or the stomach, tho bowels and the liver, engendered by hot weather, sudden changes or temperature, or uuwholeBomo atmos? pheric conditions are speedily relieved by a dose or two of Tarrant1* Effervescent Seiner Aperient, which ls nectar to the thirsty palate, aadatthe same time tho flnestorali cathartics a healthful invlgorant and stomachlo, and Invaluable aa a means or preventing fever and congestion. The genuine article may be had ot all druggists. jalyll-12 ftgrtftm"ggldkygftfe gag: Ity A. TOBIAS'SONS. "VBLLOW CORN AT AUCTION. X THIS DAT, At. U O-Clock, we will sell ou Colon Wharf, Pier No. L .. v . .. 3000 bushels YELLOW CORN,-in three-brolrel sacks. - . i .> ??..,'.ri ?-. " Jar/M. By WM. MclLlT.'"": :,^ SHOP GOODS,-WILL BE ; SOLD THIS DAY, at bis Auction Salesroom. No. 46 Went? worth street, at io o'clock, pieces PRINTS, Shirt? ings, Dress Goods, Ready-made Clothing. Hats, Suspenders, Ribbons, Hosiery, Olores and cutle? ry- 1 . . .._joiyia annum 8alt*~~?taxn* Wu$*. Bj WM. MCKA?. QTORE FIXTURES AND HOUSEHOLD O Furniture, northeast corner Church and Chalmers streets, consisting or oas Fixtures. Conners, Glass Jars, Ac, Bureau, sideboard! Hair and Wood Seat Chairs, Bedstead, Marble Top Tables, Ac. will be sold on TOMORROW, Friday, at 10 o'clock. JnlyiS Bj W. T. LEITCH & B. K BRUNS, Auctioneer?, EARLE VS. PERKINS,-BY VIETTJE of decree and order in above case, I will sell at Public Auction, on THURSDAY, 8th pf August, at ll o'ciook A. M., at the corner'of Fast Bay and Broad streets, . All that Three-Story ERICK. TENEMENT on the south side of Princess street, known as Ho: 7,: ~ ALSO, ??>?.. i . lOJ Allthatother Three Story BRICK. TENEMENT adjoining the above, and known aa No. a. Terms-One-third cash; balancein one.and two years; deferred payment to beat Interest from day of sale, and to bs secured by bond "of mar. chaser and mortgage of premises. Promiseslo be Insured and polier assigned. PorchaaeT 'to pay for papers and stamps. . ?'? '. aST^t?Sl E. W. M. MACKEY, Jnlyi8-xh4 ?ci Sherill chariestoa oonniy:': BjLOW?DES & GRIMBAIL, Auctioneers. l.OJiwWO?L': VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT ATJOi TION. Wm. Lucas VS. R. S. Yennlrrg.-In the. Common Pleas for Charleston County.-in Eouliy. - u giana i.\ *:s In pursuance of an order of sala la the above case, to me directed, by the Hos. R. P. Graham. Jadge or the First circuit, i win offer for ?ale at Public Auction, at thsdpnstogce,-Broad street, Charleston, on THURSDAY, the 39th day of Au? gust, mi at il o'clock A,'M., v. i ol^Qf The following LOTS .or Parcels of LAND, situate lying and being tn christ Church Pariah, County or Charleston, near the rowtrof Monnt Pleasant; and having such metes and boanda- aa are set forth on a certain Plat or the Greenwich Milla property, m?de by Wm. Hame. Jr., surveyor, and recorded la the office of the Registrar of Mesne conveyance for charleston County, m Plat Book A, No. 1, page 76, to Wit: .. . ?''->; it J... Lots G, H, I and J, containing ten (loj: a*** each. ' - ... . ; r-!.. .: . )\-~JrT, Also, one Lot, containing fifteen and fl rey-two one- tundred tbs < 16, ? 2- too j acres. 7/ ?.,.-,.?? Also, one Los, containing eleven and four obe? nan di eds (11.04-1001 ?eres. 7' - .,^?:"'. Also, one Lot, containing eleven and nlnsty ronr one-hnndredths (H.?-ioo) acres. s :7' . In all, a bo nt seventy-eight and a hair acree, more or less, as by referenc - to the plat of sala lands, now to be seen at me office or Mesara. Lowndes A Grimbali, Auctioneers, Broad street, will more fully appear. Each Lot will be sold separately, -, .,?. Terms-One-half cash; balance m one jear, se? cured by bond or the purchaser, with interest from day of sale and mortgage or the premises. Purchaser to pay Referee for papers and! stamps. G. HERBERT KASS, jnlyl8-thT _ Referee. By J. A. ENSL0W <fc, CO. ?5 SCHOONER W. B. MANN, 236 TONS BURTHEN. ' . . OD'FRIDAY MORNING, lath Instant, at lo o'clook, win be sold m front or the Post?me*, ff * Hull or the Schooner w. u. MANN, with An? chors, Chains, Spars, Standing and Running KU ging.i Blocks, capstan, Windlass, and all on board said schooner aa 'she' lies at Port Royal City Wharf. A .->'.???..-:.v.-V jolyIT Bj GRUBBS & WILLIAMS, , Real Estate Agsnu and Auctioneer?. rflRUSTEES' SAE-E OF THE RICHMOND J. AND YORK RIVER RAILROAD. J By virtue of two deeds of trust from the Rich? mond and York Rivet Railroad Company to the late. Wm. H. Ma cf arlan d and the - undersigned, 'flated' respectively the otb of - September, 1869, and tba 1st oi January, 1806, the undersigned, surviving trustees, will, on WEDNESDAY, the 14th day Of August, 1872, at 13 M., at the auction rooms of Messrs. Grubbs A Williams, Richmond, Virginia, sell by Public Auction, - Tbs WWnr.R I.I wi'nt? flings tkwm?tt Company from the City or Richmond to Weac Point, together with the Franchises or the said ' Company, and the Equipments, Rolling stock. Machine Shops, Depots, Water stations. Bead, tied, Machinery, Tolls, Easements, and every other right, interest or estate conveyed by the said deeJs, excepting choses In action. , THE TERMS OF SALE will be GASH sufficient to pay all the coats of ex? ecuting the trusts of said deeds, and to pay the , Interest on the bonds outstanding under the died of 1869 aforesaid, estimated at about $35.000, and then a credit until the 1st of January, 1877, as to $48,000, with interest from the ist of July, 1872, at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, and then Caan snfflclent to: pay the Interest due on the bonds of the fl rat-class under the deed of 1888. aforesaid, estimated "at about $62,000, and a credit nntU the 1st of Janu? ary, 1888. as to $800,000; with Interest at the rate or 8 per cent, per annum from the 1st of July, 1872, payahle semi annually, and then Cash snf? flclent to pay the Interest due on the bonds of the second class under the mortgage of 1866 afore? said, estimated at about $166,000, and then a credit until 1st of January, 1877, as to $399,000, I with interest from the-1st of July, 1872,: at tho rate of 7 per cent, per annum, payable semi-an? nually, and then a credit until the ist of January,' i860, as to the residue of such purchase money, with interest at the rate of S per cent. per. an? num. As to so much of the purchase money aa may be applicable to the banda, secured by the deeds or trust aforesaid, the purchaser shall give his bonds corresponding with the said outstand? ing bonds, and as to the ref Woe of such purchase money, the purchaser . shall give his bond or 1 bonds, as may be determined upon after the sale; the purchaser's bonds to be secured by deed or trust on the property and franohltes sold'. capitalists w?T take notice that the effect of a sale and conveyance .by the undersigned win be to extinguish the Company aforesaid, and make j the purchaser a body corporate. For further par tloufars, apply to Messlears PAGE A MAURY, Counsellors at Law, Richmond. Va. R. H. MAURY, , J. PROSSER TABB, Surviving Trustees, sar Sale conducted by Messrs. GRUBBS A WILLIAMS, Auctioneers. ? - NOTICE TO BONDHOLDERS. 1 . i Holders of the Mortgage Ronda aforesaid will : report at once to Mesare, PAGE -A MAURY, Bloh j mond, Va., the number or Bonds held by them, the deed of trust by which they are secured, the I amount of each Bond, and the amount or interest, i due. Holders or DetachedCoupons as above. R. H. KAURT, . - . J. PROSSER TABB, . . juns Surviving Trustees. Sijirts ano formsjrju--<\ ojoo?fl. . SEASONABLE GOODS. ENGLISH AND BALBRIGGAN HALF HOSE. rr*. ?,"1 .,* t; . , ? . i\f . >-.-.. GAH?", MERINO, SILK AND THREAD mmmm AND DRAWERS Elegant Suspenders. WINDSOR 8OARF8, BOWS & TIES. DRESS SHIRTS, COLLARS AND CUFFS PAPER COLLARS DH GREAT VARIETY, WITH THE LATEST PRODUCTIONS OF ELEGANT NECK-WJEAB, AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. SCOTT'S STAR SHIRT EMPORIUM, MEETING STREET, OPPOSITE THE MARKET HALL, noni