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Cr REE],EY AS A POST. ? f Horace Greeley, the very same who is candi? date for the Presidency, is a writer of sonnets-at least he has written one. We presume but few or the present generation Uave ever read a line of Greeley's poetry, and we will not Keep them walt? ing. In a book or Typographical Miscellanies, pub? lished thirty-three years ago, when the Tribune waa yoong and Its editor vigor?os, we find tho following:! Sonnet-A Portrait ora Lady. BT HORACE ORERI.i^V. The blissful Jone of Lire : I love to gaze On its sweet wealth ol ripening loveliness. And lose the thought that o'er my saddening days Grim care has worn clnnds which will depress In spite or stoic pride and stern resolve : B< au ty like this the waste or life redeems 'Round lt-their soo-the coldest hearts revolve, Warm'd baos to youth and gladdened by Its beams. But lady i tn that mild, soul-speaking glance, Those lustr?os orbs, returning beaveu Its hue, I greet an earlier friend-forgive the trance ? Tts nature only. Imaged bere so trne That, brleny. I forgot the painter's art and hailed the presence of a Queenly heart. A ROYAL RADICAL ROW. The Waning Faotlon at Thirty-two Plnckney against Campbell-The Cry to Arm?, and the Campbellttes Driven from the Field-Trial Justice Plnck? ney Elected. lr ROM AN OCCASIONAL CORRESPONDENT.] ST. JAHF.S SANTEE, S. C., June 8. A meeting was held to-day at the Thirty - two-mile House, Sc. James Santee, by the rowdy Radicals, liberal and uniibera', for the purpose of electing a chairman of their party In the parishes. The meeting was organized by electing Moses Reid chairman, and P. B. Drayton secretary. Trial Justice W. G. Pinckney then assumed the duties of ibo chair, and explained the the object of the meeting, as well as a great many other things, which he has often done before, such as his original birth and training, also what he had done for hu people, alluding often lo "Old massa" and his government, abusing Normern men who had settled among us most bitterly, and appealing to the sympa? thies of his hearers at great le nu th. The party, however, being divided Into the Pinck? ney and the Campbell - parties, both leaders aspiring to the office to be Ailed, the Campbel lltes became Impatient, and called on the chair for tao election. *l'he chairman tried in vain to call the meeting to order. Pinck? ney still stubbornly ret used to surrender the stand, and bis opponents began interrupting him by interrogating him, and deni lng his as? sertions, and accusing him of repeatedly Bell? ing them out and of trying todo so now; also of being bought with bacon aud red corn by the candidates he supported. He in turn denied the charges in a profane and sacrile? gious manner. HP, however, in due lime ' gave war *nd allowed one of his opponents to take t ne stand, who bad not spoken long before no assailed Plnckney's character in ? such a way as to prove unbearable. Pinckney Interrupted him, and being backed by his fol- ] lowers, all talking so as to render any distinc? tion impossible, the excitement grew high aud i words ripened to blows. The speaker was pulled down from his stand, when he made 1 straight at Pinckney, and they closed for the opening of a general row. A rush was made by both parties at them and on them, also Into a room where there ls an armory of State guns. Rifles, pistols, knives and clubs were now flourished In fury, everybody doing or want? ing to do something lo somebody. The secre? tary lett table, books, papers, Ac., and leaped over the balusters on to his mule. Away home he went. Some were running to and fro, wild with excitement, and some with lear. Jabbeilng women with hoes charged the mob, and, Anally, the Campbellltes were driven from the field with no one hurt. Pinckney'a lace was somewhat bunged. The ' victorious champion now returned to bis stand, and calling his crowd around him, and with . heart and eyes too full to speak, rebuked his ? followers for allowing him to be imposed upon, and boasted of having shed blood for them, said he-was now truly a soldier of the cross. Be now went on with the business, and ac? complished his election without a dissenting ; voice (so much for a peace officer.) There , were a few white spectators, who considered it eqnsi to a theatre in point of amusement. Ba: on reflection ours is truly a sad condition. _ _ HOPE. A FATAL RAILWAY ACCIDENT. [From the Anderson Intelligencer.] A terrible accident occurred at the Ander- i eon depot on last Saturday afternoon, result- i Jug In the death of Mr. Sanders Smith, a well- 1 Known school teacher of this county. It 1 teems that Mr. Smith was desirous cf taking the train for Belton at halt-past two o'clock, \ and went to the depot for that purpose. He , was considerably lutoxlcated, and went near the edge ot the platform. The cars were i being shifted at the time, and the freight cars i were run out on the track next to the platfcrm 1 with the intention of leaving the hindmost 1 car. When this was "cut off" from the train, one of the hands called out "all right" 1 as ls customary, and it is supposed that Mr. Smith concluded that this signal meant to ; get aboard, which he attempted just as the i train moved rather briskly, when the car ; striking him. he was thrown down next to the platform, and-was caught between the car j and the platform, In which position he was ; turned round several times within c space of : lees than six inches, crushing him most norri rlbiy, and breaking bis lett arm aud right thigh. Although the alarm was Instantly given, the train could not be stopped until : me entire length ol the car was passed, with the unfortunate man being crushed within < this narrow space. His mangled body was taken Into the reception room of the depot, where he breathed his last in a short time. JOTTINOS ABOUT TBE STATE -Mr. Thomas McCarter, of Greenville, i picked up a roll of greenbacks and turned them over to the loser. -Mrs. Swan M. Douglas, of Charleston, relict of Mr. John Douglas, died on Thursday morning, the 13tb instant, at the house of her son, Mr. J. Forrest Douglas, of Chester. -On Saturday last the horse ol Mr. Wiley Moore, of Camden, took sodden fright, throw? ing to the ground Miss Moore and a chair in which she was sitting. The horse was stopped at the corner of Main street. -The Governor has reappointed E. R. Lesesne and S. T. Cooper, trial Justices for williamsburg County ; R. H. Carleton, for Beantort County, and appointed Milton Wal? lace a trial justice lor Dnlon County. -George Craft, a soldier belonging to the garrison at Chester, made his escape from the guard on Monday night. At an unexpected moment he leaped from the window of the guardhouse and made hasty tracks for a more agreeable locality. One shot was fired at him, but without effect. -4Doneral J. B. Kershaw, Captain W. L. DePass and Mr. A. M. Kennedy, of Camden, nave been Invited by the Lancaster Division of Sons of Temperance to deliver an address on Wednesday, the 19th Jone, on the great importance of temperance. -The postofflces at Blackville and Barn? well village have within the past week under? gone a change. Miss Mary Maher has taken charge of me office at Blackville, and entered upon the dalles of me office on Tuesday last. J. C. Buckingham has received me appoint? ment of postmaster at Barnwell, and takes charge on the 1st ol July. -Hiss Rebecca Sanders, aged seventeen years, daughter of Seaborn Sanders, Esq., living in me vicinity of Barnwell, was terri? bly burned several nights since by the ex? plosion of a kerosene lamp. The accident oc? curred while niling the lamp from a three gal ion can, which contained about a gallon ot oil. -A division of sons of temperance was or? ganized at Lancaster last Saturday by Deputy Grand Worthy Patriarch of South Carolina, Mr. W. T. D. Cousar, of Chester. Dr. W. J. Hle.kland, P. M. P.. and M. R. Kee. of Beaver Daua Division; D. 8. Henderson, W. P., D. B. Rothrock and W. A. R. Wilson, ol Chester Di? vision, assisted in the organization. -Two penitentiary convicts have escaped, one on Tuesday and the other on Wednesday of this week. The first one, lt ls stated, es? caped from the penitentiary, and ls number 772, known ns Bullhead. He mad?'a desper? ate effort for liberty and swam the Conga ree. He was in for seven years, for grand larceny. The omer was known as Peter, In for larceny. He escaped, from the guard while the squad was at work. -The cotton house ol Mr. Geo. Douglas, of Camden, was broken Into on Monday night and some corn and other articles abstracted. Oevthe. same night the cook of Mr. Douglas Was robbed of about fifteen dollars in currency. The thief entered her apartment, forcedopen her trunk and carefully removed everything until the money was lound. The things were then replaced in tne trunk. One night last week, the house of Mr. T. W. Pegues, of Cam? den, was entered and various articles of cloth intv feloniously taken and carried away. No clue to any of the burglars. OFFICIAT.. LIST OP LETTERS rematntng In tho Postofnce at Charleston, tar the week ending June 14, 1872, and printed officially in TUB DAILY NBWB, as the newspaper having tho largest circulation in thc City of Charleston. tar Office hours from 8 A. M. to 6K P. M. C Sundays, from SX to P. M. nj- Persons calling for Letters Advertised should state that they are "Advertised." STANLEY G. TROTT, Postmaster. WOMEN'S LIST. Allston, Mrs ii Fraser, Sylvia McCall, Mrs M A Frater, Julia McGee, Dinah Allston, Celia Ann McIntyre, Jose Barer, ChrWti- Gaimard, Eliza pbluc na Gibbs, Lucy McKay, Rame 1 Baumnnn, Miss Gladden, Char- la u lotte O'Grady, Caine darwell, Martha Grant, Ellzi rine Barkley, sarah Graham, Sarah Onman, Mrs Bacon, Fannie ?rohaai, Sinder Louisa Ball, Patsey Greeu, Mrs An- Parker. Mi~s o Bechtel, Maggie nie Patterson, Miss L Guy, Marla M AK Battling, Mar- flaren, Mrs P Pearson, Ann thu M Perronnean, Barnard. Rena Elasell, Mrs J Maggie Klrt, Elizabeth Edward Perkins, Dlanah Blake, Adeline Hassanmeyer, JPetnuovich, Ly Bode. Mary Marla. dial. Br?thens, Mary Harris, Hannah Penrner, Faa Brodlgan, Mary Harris, Mrs H Une Bracy. Nancy Harris, Margret Pernore, Fvor Brodie, B Hassett, Mrs M Phelps, Mattie Brown, Mary B Philops, Shanot Brown, Ailinn- (lessee, A Marv Polite, Mrs JasS da E Hendricks, Miss Polite, Sylla Burns, Maria F Poulnolte, An Burnett, Miss Uenney, Mary nie Mary Ann Recd, Mrs Jno Bryon, Hannah Holmes, Sallie R M Cardoza, Hen- Hodmaun, Mrs Richardson, netta Etta G Cl u enan Cbesnot, Liz- Howard, Isbella Kiels, Sylby zle Humphries,Har-^lioache, Mrs Channell, Maila rieitJ Jane Cheves, Mrs E Bugler, Hannah Rose, Alexan M Hanter, Mrs E der Clancey, Sn?an R Rogers, Amar E Huggins. Mary Int ha Coiner, Adeline Pnliis Kyan, Augusta Conyers, Louisa Jackson Mrs P Conroy, Marv J Joseph Roi.. Mrs P M C.tnu, MvryS Jenkins, Ma Ku-sell, Mrs 'Ju Coleshy, Ellen Jo n-on, Cloe ila Cooper, M.iada Kidder, Annie Ryley, Fannie Cotchett, Mrs M P Scott, Miss J Klnsell, Celia M Sherman, Mdtil Cross, Amelia G Lawrence. Am- du Cromwell, Miss ella ?Ingleton. Jane S J C Lu albert, Mrs S Singleton, Ab Daiwick, Annie A by E Uvertne, Annie Sielkien, MUS Daddln. Mary (.arnot e.Julla ? D Davis. M:!ey Lee, Mari ha simmons, Hat Davis. Amanda Lee. Jennie tie K Lee, Harriet Slnkler, Mrs Jo Devox, Elisia Lester, Ellen lia Donnen, Mollie Lord, Mrs Ann Smith, Miss L Downs. Emelia E Smith, Miss B Dodd, Maggie ?nay. Rosina Sundes, Mrs [lunn. Ellen Merry, Mis C Ann Dugan, Margret Means, Annie M rnomsln, Julia 1 Donhan, Lizzie s Ann A Mow. Elizabeth Walker, Mrs W Sagan. Eliza- Wehnens, Mrs U bethV KW Walker, David Edwards, Hat- Meyer. Gussie L tleD Mitchell, Mrs Washington. 1 Edwards, Kate Aron Pe mn er Parr. Nancy Morris, Miss C Watson, ida 1 Farnnm, Mrs S Weston, Jano Oliver Moore, Ellen Whaley, Janie 1 Ferguson, Pat- More, Hannah L Williams, Su- 1 ser Morse, Virginia i-au Ferric, Susie H Mo-eley, Mrs H Wilson, John Fields, Miss C W?lling, Mrs F 1 Flemming, Rox- Morran, Mrs, C etta (Church street) Wright, Miss Fogartle, Julia Murrey, Eltze Wright, Mary Foote, Mary E McCall, Mrs E Freeman, Ame-ttlormana, Mrs Vonn?, Jose lia B Two phlno MEN'S LIST. allison, J tl Oreen, James Mosaviston, N Albers, U Gregory, Ceo Nelson, Lewis Ablo, Jacob ?ray, Geo A bro, A ?lam, Lucius D Hart. Geo B R Antonio, Paren HamUton, ll F Ohme, W Armstrong, Wm Haris, Merin O'Neil, M L Baburdo, Gaet- Hescurts, Sam- Osterlioltz, ano my Fritz Batter. H O Bolly. C F Parad lao. Glan Bergman, Jno Bosch. M E narlo Geo (Jolson, J>oW Petsch, A II Benrman, H Hoyt, Enoa Perry A Harper, Bogga, S D Howard, Rich- Phillis, F D Bo get, Hlnrlch ard Polite, J W Bregmann, 0 Hutchison, L A Pouard, Jno J Brown, dil H Prince, Henry H Br?wn, Francis Hutcheraon, P C ' Frank 0.uluby, E J Brown, Israel W Hurst, W L Rantle, J W Brown, Joseph James Henery Ray, Janus Borck meyer, Jacobs, J allan Redding, W H Jno C Jacobson. O H Rhett, col Al Caines. Lewis Jenkins, James ired Capel, J J Rtgtflns. RP barney, John Jennings, Geo Salter, Wm Canedy, Wm Johnson, Henry Scarpa. J Cblsolm. J B Jonsson James Schultz, H Cot rn. Robert Jones, Capt Ed sere ven, W H Cole,TO 0 * -?cedy, John Ookely, Jno Jones, Cnarley .seel, charles Ookely. Come- Jones, P H ?eur.,ck. Elmo Hus Jones, S Seymour, R N Oochrum. Thoa Joiner, Wash- schmitt, Wm Coats, ?am'l J ington Smith, Wm Collins, Wm Kelley, Kev J W Smith, Silas Corker, Capt S Kennedy, Jno J -tewan, JasL ? M King, Timothy Starnberger, D Crysten, Jim S Stanley, James Cutter, Capt R Elser, Geo Stratton, J H M Klaren, V W stevenson, Wei Davis, L J Lawrence, H i lng ton Darvln, Preston Law, John Taylor, Isaac Oe LaCerda, Sr Law, John H 'mue, Johann D Antonio Leopold, Thos E Thirling, F W Deveau, Jacob Leary, Thon Thledng A Dillon, Patrick Leslie, C P Sen roder noby ne. Geo Levy, S Yates Thayer, Geo Dohrmann, Leech, John Tognl, J a Charles Mark, Antone Veuning, J R F Drayton, Mingo Marchai. Geo Ward, J M Drayton, John Mahnsohu, S Ward, L W DnPre, Dr John Martie, James Wallace, John G Mehrtens, Wm Walter, Wm G Edwards, Hen- Mertln, Al- Welch, Thomas rf pbonso Welbrock, D Eisner, C J Mellara, W W Wetherhorn, M Farris, Phillip Meyer, Chris-. Wetherhorn, A (col'd) tlan Whitehead, Foxworth, R P Middleton, San- Amos P Fraser, SH nv White. Cohen S Gadsden, James Mu ria, Alfred White, E W M M Monroe, Thoa wilson, John Gallagher, E F Moches, Sam Willingham, R Qeorgegan, Monna-rhan, H Owen William Wicking, W 0 Geltings, Dr Ed Murray, D Wine, Realer ward Murphy, Rich- Williamson, Oethers, Simon ard Alec Qeddls, Lewis Mye s, H B WUklbs, W L erac, Carles Myer, John Williams, Ed Gordon, L C McClure, Jno R ward Granet, Lanely IMcElveen, Sam wiiaon, WT Grent, J S |.Tongue, Robt A MT Persons depositing letters In the Postofnce will please place the stamp near the upper right hatd corner of the envelope, and they will also please to remember that wlthont the stamp a let? ter cannot be malled, but will be sent to the Dead Letter ornee. Clotrjing, tailoring, #r. BARGAINS IN CLOTHING! MENKE A MULLER, CLOTHIERS, NO. 323 KING STREET. THREE DOORS BELOW LD3ERTY STREET, Respectfully announce to their friends and the public that they have marked down their entire Stock of Fine CLOTHING and FURNISHING GOODS to actual New Tork cost, preparatory to removal, on the first of September next, into their NEW BUILDING, AT THE CORNER OF KING AND WENTWORTH STREETZ THE PRESENT STOCK MUST BE CLOSED OUT, AND THEY SOLICIT A CALL AND AN EXAMINATION OF THEIR GOODS AND PRICES. upr9-4mos JUnnicipal -Notices. ??.ESTIMATES WILL BB RECEIVED until the 22d Instant for the fr.rnishing, Utting and puting up Piping and nmary fixtures for ! gas In the beef and small meat Markets. For j specifications and information apply to the un? dersigned. Security will be required. WILLIAM KIRKWOOD, jan 16 Chief Clerk. I ps- MAIN GUARDHOUSE, OFFICE OF GRIEF OF POLICE, CHARLESTON, S. C., JUNE 11th, 1872-Tlie attention or all persons concerned ls hereby called to the ract, that on and arter thc 16th instant ail Dogs round going at large will be killed. JOHN C. MINOTT, junll8 ;_Chief of Police. ^MAIN GUARDHOUSE, QFFICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE, CHARLESTON, S. C., JUNE ll, 1872,- The attention of all persons concerned is hereby called to the following section of an Or? dinance la relation to smoking on the Battery, which will be rigidly enforced en and after thia date. JOHN 0. M HS OTT, Chief or Police. AN ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF ALL PERSONS ON THE BAST AND SOOTH BAT BATTE? RIES AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. SECTION VI. All smoKtng or any pipe or elgar within thc enclosure or Wnlto Point Garden, or the Batteries ar. relaid, be and Hies i me is hereby prohibited, and any person who shall violate this clause or inls Ordinance snail, for each nod every M?rente, forfeit and pay the sum or Ave dollars; to be recovered in me city Cour., the amount io be given to tho Informer. junll-5 itlisccliancons. We have opened a House In Pitt street, near Wentworth, where we shall sell ICE at the same price that we do at Hie nain Depot in Mar? ket street. The House will be open from S 30 A. M. to 7.30 P. M. A. 0AGE A CO. Jnnl4 6_ Summer Resorts. ~~;?rn^S WHO PROPOSE TO 8PEND THE SUMMER MONTHS IN THE COUNTRY, AND PROPRIETORS OF HOTELS WHO MAY WISH. TO FILE THE PAPER FOR THE USE OF THEIR GUESTS, CAN HAVE THE DAILY NeWS 8ENT RY MAIL FOR SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS PER MONTH. Gr OOD BOARDING AT AIKEN, S. C., u the ALLEN HoUSE dnrlog the ensuing ?nmmer Aiouihs. Apply early to Mrs. N. L. \LLEN. may27-lmo JJENDERSONVILLE, N. C. The undersigned has opened the RIPLEY HOTEL, in this place, for the summer, and can accommodate persona wishing to spend the sum? mer at reasonable rates. T. A. ALLEN, may 20-1 mo_Proprietor. MOUNT VERNON HOTEL, No. 81 W. MONUMENT STREET, BALTIMORE Mu., ON EUROPEAN PLAN.-Tots favorite es? tablishment, situated in one of the most eligible positions lo the city, on the highest ground, and consequently well adapted ror a Sommer Resort, being comparative y cool In midsummer, mag nlfJcicntly rurnlslied with baths and other con? veniences on every flo ir. ls now open for the re? ception of th me con'emplatlnga tour orpleasuie thu coming season. Tne cars mn wltnlo a square Df the h>me. dachen at all thc stations. E. V. WESTCOTT, Proprietor._jun8-4mo* gULLIVAN'S ISLAND. Tue MOULTRIEVILLE HOUSE ls now open lor the accommodation or boarders, permanent or transient. JOSEPH H. OPPENHEIM, Jane 1st, 1872-siatbs Proprietor. VT O T I O E. ine BATTERY BATHING HOUSE, orr White Point Garden, bas boen thoroughly reualred In all Its various departments, and witl be opened DU 13th instant for accommodation or visitors. The Soda Water and Ice Cream Departments will oe under the Immediate superintendence or the Proprietor. Thanking the pabilo for psst favors, I woold most respectfully solicit their patron? ise. M. MOMANMON, may7-tntha_? Proprietor. J^EW MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. TRI-WEEKLY LINE OF FOUR-HORSE COACHES FROM GREENVILLE, 8. C., TO ASHE? VILLE, N. C., Leave Greenville Monday, Wt dneaday and Fri? day at 7 A M. Arrive at Asheville next day by l P. M. Leave Asheville Monday, Wednesday and Friday Arrive at Greenville next day by 7 P. M. Leaving Greenville in the morning, go through to Flat Rock and Henderson ville In daylight. Fare to Flat Rock $?.; io Asheville $7. may3-2mo_W. P. BLAIR. QAPON SPRINGS AND BATHS, HAMPSHIRE COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA, VIA WINCHESTER, VA This delightful WATERING PLACE has been thoroughly reatted. and ls now kepi io tne oest modern style. Us waters are Alkaline, and have ? wide celebrity for their prompt and happy ac? tion la uyspepd-i, Disease* or the Kidneys and Bladder, tuoiudlng Calculus, In various Skin Dis? eases, and in their admirable effects on the he??ale Constitution, the air or Capon ls unsorpass d In a'! the mountains of Vlrglala for salabrliy, elas? ticity and- ryness. Its splendid Badu were de? clared by Slr Henry Bulwer. WHen un a visit here with Mr. Webster, os hardly equi led by anything he bad seen In Europe. For our pun ph ier, with rall particulars or rates, charges, Ac, apply to A. A. SOLOMONS A CO., Druggists, or to the undersigned, by mall. Jun8-imo FRAZIER A SALE. Proprietor*: THE HOT SPRINGS, ,JBATH COUNTY, VIRGINIA, Are now open to visitors. Hs waters are cele? brated for the cure of ritieumattam. o mt. Paraly? sis. Torpor of Liver. Chronic marr lue i or Dysen tqry, Diseas-a of the Uterus, Affection* of the Skia, especially or Syphilitic origin, and namer oas Ohreolc Diseases. THE BATHS Vary in temperature from 60 to 110 degrees Fahrenheit, and present every variety of Chronic Bath. They are moreover found to prepare the system for the b?n?fici?t action of waters found ai the various other Mineral Springs. MUD BATHS Have been constructed similar to those that are: largely used at the most celebrated spas lo Ger? many, and wntch give Bufferers the beueflt of the very valuable remedial agents contained in the Mineral Mud. These .??Pflugs oller CNSURPA83-: KD ATTRACTIONS to both the Invalid and Pleas-: ure-Seeker. The equipment and management are equai to those or first-class city h tels. Every moriera Improvement has been provided. Professor J. L. CADELL, M. D., of the Univers! ty or Virginia, Resident Physician. For Pam pblets and Circulars, address s. O. TARDY A OO., Richmond, Va., or J. A. AUGUST, Manager, Hot Springs. Bath i.onnty, Va, may#-2rno C ATOOSA SPRINGS. WONDERFUL FOUNTAINS OF HEALTH AND PLEASURE. THE BRIGHTEST SPOT IN THE SUNNY SOUTH. Are located in the Piedmont region, or Georgia, twenty-Ave mites southeast or Chattanooga, Tenn., and within two miles or the Western and Atlantic Railroad. These Springs, Arty two in number, embrace every variety or mineral water lound lu the ra? mona mouatalna ot Virginia-white, red and black sulphur, Alleghany, all-scaling and chaly? beate, magnesian, soda and Iodine; as also the waters characterizing the Monivale >pnngs, ol Tennessee, and Indian Springs, of Georgia; all or which are to be found here in abundance, within the compasa or this "Magic Vale," AFFORDING A CERTAIN OURE for Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Goat, Liver Com? plaints, Scrofula, all kinds or Cutaneous Ailee t ons, and In ract, every disease that human flesh ls heir to. THE HOTEL AND COTTAGE BUILDINUS are in thorough condition, newly painted, and entirely new appointments. THE TABLE WILL BE FIRST-CLASS in every particular. A magnificent ball-room, 100 by 30 feet, and elegantly fitted par.ors. Bil? liard and bar-room 75 feet lung, and a capacious bowling saloon. Direct telegraphic and postal communication. The buildings and grounds will be brilliantly il? luminated with gas, and every attraction win be afforded the visitors to Catoosa Springs. The above Watering Place will be opened to pa? trons June 1st, 1872. by W. C. HEWITT, Late of Globe Hotel, Augusta, Ga. may24-lmo HUrrj ?cobo, St. DEY GOODS ! MFGOOSS^! AT REDUCED PRICES ! No. 270 KING STREET, CORNER HASEL STREET, Mc LOY Ac RICE. 0 JUST RECEIVED AN INVOICE OP BLACK AND COLORED SATIN-STRIPED GRENADINE DE TERRE AND HERNANI. HERNANI A.TVJ3 SEWING-SILK 8I-IAWJTJS? Warranted Paris Dre, at Twenty-five Per Cent. Less Hmo Gold Cost of Importation. Our Stock is very Fall and Complete In Every Department, all of which will be Sold at Reduced Pi ices. MATTING! MATTING!- MATTING! Fresh MATTING jnst landed from Twenty-Qvc Cents per Yard np. ICE BLANKET.", from Fifty CeBts up. NO. 270 KING STREET, CORNER OF HASEL. ALEXANDER M'LOY. j. w. RICE. ]un31mo_ Robson's ftoocrtisement. j. TV. ROBSON, HAVING AMPLE MEANS FOR ADVANCES, A BUSINESS EXPERIENCE OP twenty years, and conaning himself strictly to a Commission Business, without operattog on nis own account, respectfully solicits consignments of Cotton, Flour, Corn, Wheat, Ac. shippers nf produce to him may, ut their opilon, have their consignments soi l either In Charleston or New York, thuB having thc advautageof two markets without extra, oom missions. R?f?rences-Hishop W. M. wightman. S. c.; Colonel Win. Johnson, cnarlotte, N. C.; Rev. T. O. Summers. D. D., Tennessee; Hon. John P. King. Augusta, Ga.; Messrs. G. W. Williams A Co., Charles? ton, S. C.; Measra. Williams, binde A Co.. New York. AB the SP* CIAL AGENT FOR 1 HE STATE OF DUPONT'S GUNPOWDER, I will alwnys- keep a mil stock orall klndi at Magazine. The long experience of Messrs. Dupont in th : manufacture of Gun? powder, makes lt nnneees.ary to nay more than that I guarantee thu quality or every package. Price as low as any other Powder In the market. Persons ordering please name DUPONT. MARYLAND STEAM SUGAR REFINING COMPANY. As Agent ror i he MARYLAND STEAK SCO AR REFINERY OF BALTIMORE, I will keep constantly on hand a rull assortment or Crushed, Powdered, Granulated. A White, B. Whlre, 0 Extra. 0 Yel? low; a so Amber Drlpa in barrels, which I ofLsr at manuracturera' prlco*, freight added. Any change lu price being reported daily by telegraph, thus giving the trade mo advantage of IL Am also Agent for the celebrated branda of Family Hour mauu'actnred oy Messrs. DAVH A EMMONS, or St. Louis, walch I can recommend in every respect; pur. np In Nluety-olght Pound Hags and Barrels-BKST AND GOLD DUST, Choice Family, Home Mill Medium Family, Santa Marta Good Family. Also several or the beat Mills ia Virginia, Georgia and Tennessee. As Agent ror WHITTAKER A SON'S CELEBRATED 0AM9, Anderson H.?s Co. Beargrass Hams, Fairbank, Peck A Oo.'s Oaddy Lard, Werk A Co.'s Canilles, Samuel ? eonard A Son candles. Johnson A Clements Cora Starch. Jame? Beatty A Oo.'s Orackers.Cakes, c, Snaps or all varieties. Mackerel in kits and halfbarrels. Ludlow Brand or Gunny cloth. Ballast Twine Ac.. Ao.; and as I devote myself exclusively to a Commission Business and all the goods are received direct rrous factory and neltner sed nor ouy on my own account, would respectful!* call the atieatioa of the trade to my facilities far doing badness, and the induce nents offered" to purchasers. Hiving an experience of over twenty years, and having Just erected a large aud commodious store In addition to my others, I am fully prepared for business. ENGLISH SUPERPHOSPHATE OP LIME, impor el direct from Llverpool.and guaranteed to contain tw:nty-roar par cent of Soluble Phos? phate of Lime. PERUVIAN GUANO, DIRECT FROM THE AGENT, WARRANTED PURE. For sale at market rales. BAUGH'S RAW BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE, FLOUR OF BONE, DISSOLVED BONE, PLASTER OR GYPSUM. Always on band, and as every shlpmont ls analyzed on arrival, Plantors can rely on gaiting the same article, and faliy up lo standard. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. The highly satisfactory and remarkable effects of this Guano in producing very largely increased crops of Cotton, Corn aud other stapl J crops, has attracted the general attention of Planters and Farmers. _ J. IV. ROBSON, AGENT FOR THE STATE, Junl2-tnlh9 Nos. 1 arni a Atlantic Wharf and 08 Bast Bay, Charleston. Sljirt? ano ?nrnisrjing (?oo?a. SEASONABLE GOODS. MEN'S FANCY HALF-HOSE GAUZE, MERINO, SILK AND THREAD ?1BRSHIRTS Al DRAWER} Elegant Suspenders. WINDSOR SCARFS, BOWS & TIES DRESS SHIRTS, COLLARS AND CUFFS PAPER COLLARS IN GREAT VARIETY, . WITH THE LATEST PRODDCTIONS OP ELEGANT NECK-WEAR, AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. S C OT T VS STAR SHIRT EMPORIUM, MEETING STREET, OPPOSITE THE AIARKET HALL, BOVIS Semino, ?Hatljincs. rriHB KBW ?MpTfo^?~D WHEELER & WILSON SILENT SEWING MACHINE. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. We are new selling those superior Machines on Tea Dollar monthly payments. Adjusting and Repairing done promptly. WHEELER A WILSON MiNUF'O CO., aprMyT No. 209 King street. C? ig ci rs ano Soba ero. EMPEROR WILLIAM 1 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MANUFACTURING CIGAR AND TOBACCO HOUSE No. 310 KING STREET, THREE DOORS SOOTH OF SOCIETY STREET. CM ARS AND TOBACCO Of all kinda. PIPES or every quality. Call and examine stock before baying else where. WILLIA.1I SCHRODER, Proprietor. N. B.-The Wheel of Fortune conatant y on hand. Invest 25 cent? and try your hick, mer. VncAwur_ PHOSPHATES. The Undersigned are CASH BUYER3 or ROCK PHOSPHATE OF LIME or Cond Quality, delivered in Liverpool. Unexceptionable references given on prospect or business. Apply to GEORGE HADFIELD * CO., MANURE CHEMICAL MANUFACTURERS, ' Llghtbody Street, Liverpool, England. may2fi-lmo BVUQQi anlV jggjrinntg - - ELGIN'S PH A NT O M The best Beautifier of. th? Complexion in the Harket i Ladles try lt, you will And lt so. .Sample Packages of THIS NKW AND BK A UTI PUL PACK POW? DER, free by all druggists. DOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS, Wholesale Agents, Charleston, S. 0. may8-mthsl8 _ WHY SHAKE AND BURN WITH CHILLS AN?) FEVER? M?B? THBT ARE ENTIRELY VEGETABLE. . ney contaia no ?menle or poisonous ingre? dients of any Uno-nothing in the least decree Injurions to tho Hynteni undor ?ny circumstances -und may be administered wita perfect safety toan infant. They never fad to care the mon obstinate case wheo taken AS directed. They cure Imme lately. Ia no case will the pa lient bave more than ono chill arter the first dose, and in tho majority of cas s not even that. They accomplish the work hy destroying lha cause of disease, which no other remedy pretends to do. They arr an effectual preventive, centralizing tho malarious poison in Ute system, aud thus averting Its consequences. PHYSICIANS USE THEM IN THEIR PRACTICE It IA almost universally the eas1; that physicians condemn what are generally kuown as "Patent Medicines." MOlsE'd FEVER AND AGUE PILLS, thoagh nader tuts bead, the composition la Known to many, and s > pa pable are i heir valu-mle cura? tive properties that a nura ber or the first physi? cians la the Sooth and West have adopted them In their practice, and recomneud them to their patients as the most reliable Fcv?r and Agne medicine known. NO ONE NEED SUFFER, be the? ever so mach exposed to Fever and Ague, if they will only take MOISE'S FEVER AND AGfJE PILLS. To tho* ' who have contracted Fever and Ague, Instead online Quinine, Amenle, and other power? ful remedies, i hey ?111 find not only Immediate relier, bm a positive cure m MOISE'S FEVER ANO AGUE PILLS, which ls an old reliable artlcro prepared from the private formula of one of the most experienced physicians la the Feyer and Ague districts, who alter many years of a access fal practice has made lt known to the pr prietor. This article has been used In cases where every remedy has failed be? fore, and performed tho mon astonishing cures; belog a vegetable compound, it removes the canse of the disease at once, and does not fur? nish, as many articles ?io, only' temporary relief. may30 thsfcmo_ THE PEOPLE HAVE CHOSEN.-THE experience of years has convinced an in? telligent pub ic that for all aliments Involving weakness and Irritability of the stomach, ob? structions In the bowels, a morbid condition of tbe liver and n. rvons debility, Tsnsnt'i Effervescent Seltxer Aperient ls the snrest, sa ret and swiftest remedy. Not merely agreeable, bat absolutely delici?os to the palate; it also possesses four medicinal elements which i ave never been united in the same happy proportions In any oiner preparation. It la the gentle st and mo it patuleas of cathartics, a won? derful tonic, and uuexcepttonable alterative and a certain corrective of au impurities which may exist in the blood or other fluids of the body. Decline all Imitations or the genuine article, bold by all dragglata._ may8-13 Professional. J/JR. R. B. HEWITT, No. 31 WENTWORTH STREET, CHARLE8TO N, S. G., Can be consulted on the folio win? diseases, and diseases of a kindred nature, free of charge ' and la strict confidence. Charges mode? rate and within the reach of ali. Of? fice hoars from OA. M. to 7 P. M.: RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA. In all arthritic complaints, as rheumatism, gout, neuralgia, AC , nih practice ls almost perfect. The most Intense pains are almost Instantly re? lieved, enormous swellings are reduced, limos which bave been contracted aod still for years are relaxed. Cases of twenty, tnlrty and forty years' standing have been cured by me arter all other means have railed A great accomplishment ls my triumph over pain by which I caa often, in a few moments, soothe and carry on tue mose excruciating suf? ferings. If this syjtsin did -nothing more than to relieve pata, lt woaid stand superior to any other system extant. CATARRH. S topped-np Head, Running of the Nose, constant Hawking and Spiting, constant Blowing of the Noaa, -.?fl . ? y?(] . .,? ij ;,!>- [J f-iij ? . Thousands sailer from that most annoying, dis agreeole and offensive complaint, catarrh, wlth out kui wing what lt la. uftentae secreted ma co .ic flowing down the throat, clogs op the lungs and lays the foundation for consumption. Tue moat skillful physicians fall to care lc. I care any case of obstruction, stopped-up head, discharges of greenish, thick, thin or glairy macons from tue nose, Internal or external, pain or [illness between - the eyes, constant blowing or the nose, tuftatnmatl m of the nasal passages, ulceration or schacldertan membrane, AC, In the coarse of a few days. DEAFNESS. Nervous Dearness, Noises in the Head, Otorrhoea, Olitla (Discbarge from the Ear,) Paralysis of Auditory Nerve. I am dally treating all affections or the ear with the most gratifying results. Some who had paid aurlsts nearly $1000 without benefit have been cured by me in a lew weeks at ur moderate ex? pense. MERCURIAL DISEASES. Mercury, injudiciously nsed, has oiled tbe earth with wrecks of-humanity. Thousands suffer from lea effects who haye beeu unconsciously drugged by their physician, lt ls vain to attempt the cure of the majority of diseases while lt remains in the body. Although I have heard of several so-called antidotes for mercury In tae human body, I have never yet seen a physician who could eliminate lt from the system. l can satisfy any patient or pbyslcan that I can absolutely abstract mercury, lead, zinc, and other mlueral poisons In every case. CANCERS. Noli-me-Tangere, Lnpuse, or Woir Oanoor, Sclr rhos Cancer, Fungous Cancer, Rose cancer, Spider Cancer. I make a great specialty tn the treatment or every description of cancer and Tumors. How many Cancers and Tumors are wronlully tremed by cer.ain charlatans styling themselves "Cancer Doctors.? After being pronounced Incurable, I will take any one of these cases In hand and make a per? manent care; My terms for treating Cancers, Ac, will be based on the age and condition ol the patient, and the positive certainty or care. may25-6mos LIVE AND LEARN, DIE AND FORGET ALL. THE SOUTHERN DYES HOUSE, NO. see KINO SusMr, Dyes and Cleans by means or steam, Gentle men's Ladles and Children's Clothes. Fine Laces and Lace Ourtains cleaned and done np with the Soft or Manufacturers' Finish; Lace And Crape Shawls and Kid Gloves Cleaned and Dyed. JW Goods received and returned by Express. Juna?-lyr L BILLER, Proprietor, GERHARD REECKE -, YT71 LL SELL>-THJ3?DAY* lora ?N8T.", V V at io o'clock- A. M., at Alie southeast, cor? ner or Queen and Mazjck streets, -v' The en tire Sro CK-or a well kept Family Groce? ry Store; and, Immediately after, Furniture, Ac. Terms cash. t b,- ? -.-J11-11* Auction .QaltB^^iutt?'t.WanB. , Bj E. M. MARSHALL & BBQ. OK THURSDAY, 20TH INSTANT/AT ll o'clock, wilibcsoidattnePostorflce, rue LOT at west corner of Tradd and Greenhill streets, measuring 40 by i40 feet. ' Conditions easy-made known at sale.1 - - junis-swtt? ' - . ? _??? .:. . Bj W. Y. LEITCH & R. S. BRUNS? . ? Auctioneers. THE LIFE ASSOCIATION OP AMERICA vs. Daniel H. Sllcox, Administrator of James E. Spear, et al. .,.?/..? By virme of an order directed to me by Hon. B. F. Graham, Judge coort common Pleas: for Charleston County, I will oller for sale, at ta? east end of Broad street, at ll o'clock, on THURS? DAY. 27th June, ....'...i All that LOT OF LAND with the Buildings there- . on, situated on the north bide of Sooth say street, Charleston Battery, In tue On^ of Charleston, known by the letter B in the Pla' or Lands drawn ' by James L. Branch, Surveyor, in June, i860, measuring and containing, according to the said Piar. 81 feet il Inches on the froncltoa on tho back line 31 feet iv, Inches, on the east line itt 20-100 feet, and on the west line 253 60 too feet; batting and bounding to .the north on Lands formerly of the Estate of W. p. Mpnefeldc, to the east on Lot ot Land lettered A on ? aid Plat, to the s )uth on sooth Bay street, and to the west oin'Lol or i>an is inte or John s. A s ne, now or the Estate - of James E. Spear. This Residence ls of modem construction, built of brick, doable piazzas, cistern, Ac JSonse contalas six rooms, with dressing rooms and . marble mantels In each room. Tcrma-o De-half cash; balance In one and two years, to be secured by bond of the purchaser bearing Interest from day of sale, payable semi? annually aud a mortgage of the property. The: premises to be insured by the purchaser and the policy assigned, with the bond and mortgage. Poi chaser to pay Auctioneers for papers and stamps. D. S. SjlLUOX, juni-tnrmwsmtnflthl . Referee. By W. Y. LEITCH <fc K. S. BRUJ?S, Auctioneers. LD. DESAUSSURE, RECEIVER AND . Agent in the case of Hey ward vs, Haaei,. c t al, vs. Daniel H. Sllcox, Administrator or James E. Spear, et al. \r - ,-. . >?-, ? By vin ne or an order directed to mo by the Moa. H. F. Graham, Judge or Court or Common Pleas ror Charleston County. 1 will offer for sale, at the east ead or Broad street, (PostoQlc?,) AMI o'clock, on THURSDAY, 27th Jane,' All that Lor OF L*ND, with the Mansion House (hereon, situate, lying and. being on tue north side or Sooth Bay street, (known as the Battery,) and. opposite White Point Garden. In the City of Charleston, measutlng and containing, on the front line 64 feet,. 7 menes, more or leas; on the back line 62 feet, and in depth 211 feet, be the sal i < lmeuslons more or less. Butting and bounding to ihe sooth on South Bay street; to. tne north on lands nu w or late of Mrs. M. A. Pett gro; to the east on lands of James E. Spear, and to the west on land of T. D. Wagner and W. K. Ryan, trustee of A. B. Ryan: ' - ' This desirable Residence contains 12 square room J, with tiiree atory piazzas, observatory, and upon the premises are large kitchen, cistern, and all necessary outbuildings. Terms-One-hair ca9h; remainder in one year,, to be secured by bond of the purchaser, bearing Interest from the day or sale, payable aeml-?ttdu olly, and a mortgage or the property. Tho pre? mises to be insured hy Hie purchaser >*pd the policy assigned, with, ,ihe-bond and mortgage. Parcnaser to pay auctioneers for papers and stamps. D. S. SILOOX a . )un4-tnrmwsmtaBthl - ?-itettree.) . By W. I. LEITCH k R, 8. BR?XS, Auction ec m. ... EARLE VS. PE REINS, a !J By virtae of deereo and order ia abovo case, I will sell at Pnbdc Auction on . HUttSDAY. ??7 tn instant, aMl o'clock A. M., at the corner of East Bay and Broad streets. - All that Three ?tory BRICK TENEMENT on the south aide of Princesa street, known as 'No. 7.' ? ALSO,' . ''-sc-lii All that other Three ?rory BRICK TENEMENT adjoining the aboy?, and known as No. 9. Terms-one third easn, balance in one and two years; deferred payment to bear interest'from day or sale, and to be secured by bond or pur? chaser and mortgage or premises. Premises tone injured and policy assigned. Purchaser to pay ror papera aud stamps; 1 --.-...:?!. ,-.>. E. W. M. MACKEY, Junl2-tu3thl . Sheriff OharlestoaCoanty. ByGRDBBS? yTlLLIAMS, Real Estate Agenu and /incttonem. TRUSTEES' SALE OP THE RICHMOND AND YORK RIFER RAILROAD. * Ur virtue of two ?leeds of trust from the Rich, mond and York River Railroad Company to the late Wm. H. Mcfarland and th- undersigned, Jared respectively the nth of September, ism, and, the Ut 01 January, 1846, the undersigned, surviving trustees, will, on WEDNESDAY., the 14th day-of August, 187J, at 12 M., at the auction rooms-or Messrs. Grubt? A Williams, Blchmond, Virginia, sell by Public Anotlon, " - ~ Tte WHOLE LINK OF RAILWAY of the said Company from the City of Richmond-to West Point, together with tne Franchises of the said Company, and the Equipments, Rolling stock, Machine Shops, Depots, Water Stations, Road Bed, Machinery. Tolls, Easements, and every other right, interest or estate conveyed by to? said deeds, excepting choies in action. - THE TERMS OF SALE will be OASH sufficient to pay all tho corta or ex? ecuting the trnats of said deeds. and to pay?be Interest on the bonds outstanding under toe deed or 1S69 aforesaid, estimated at about $35.000, and 1 hen a cred t unll the lat of January, 1877; ak to $48.000, with interest from the 1st of July, 1872, at the rate of 8 per eent per annum, payable semi-annually, and then Caan sufficient to pay the interest due on the bonds of the fl rat class nnder the deed of 1886 aforesaid, estimated'at about $62,doo, and a credit until the ist or Janu? ary, 1880 as to $300,000, with, interest at tne rate or 8 per cent, per annum "from the 1st of Joly, 1872, payable semi annually, antf then Cash sof acient to pay .the Interest due on us booda or the second class nnder the mortgage or 1866 afore? said, estimated at about $196,000, and then a credit until .lat or January, 1877, as to $299,000, with interest from the ist of Joly, 1872, at the rate Of 7 per cenu' per annum, payable semi-an? nually , and then a credit nntil the lat of January, 1890, as to the residue of s ch parchase money, wi' h interest at Ute rate or fl per cent, per' an - nam. As to so mach of the purchase money as may be applicable to the bonds, secured by.,the deeds of trust aforesaid, the purchaser shall give his bonds corresponding with the said ontaurad log bonds, and as ta the reddne or anon. purchase money, the purchaser shall give his bond or bonds, as may be determined upon after the sals; the purchaser's bonds secured by deed or trust on ?the property and franchises sold Capitalists will tike notice that the effect of a sale and conveyance by the undersigned will bo to extinguish, tho Company aforesaid, and make the purchaser a body corporate. ' For farther par-, tlculars. apply to Messieurs PAGE-A MAURY, Counsellors at Law, Richmond. Va.. . R H. MAURY, J. PROSSER TABB, Surviving Trustees. - Sale conducted by Messrs. GRUBBS A WILLIAMS, Auctioneers. NOTIOE TO BONDHOLDERS. Holders of the Mortgage Bonds aforesaid will report at once to Messrs. PAGE A MAURY, Rich? mond, Va., the number of Ronds held by thom, the deed of irast by which they are seen red, the amount or each Bond, and tho amount of Interest doe. Holders of Detached Coupons will reportas above. R. H. MAURY, J. PROSSER TABB, jans _Surviving Trasteos. .0 NITED STATES MARSHAL'S SAL?T United states vs. 44 boxes Manufactured looaoco.-United states or America, South. Caro? lina District. By virtue or an order of Bale to mo directed and delivered, from the Hon. Geo. S. Bryan. Judge or the District Court or the United States ror the Dis? trict aforesaid, I will expose for sale at pabilo auction, In front or the United States Courthouse, in the City of Charleston, on THURSDAY, the ?otb day of June, 1872, at ll o'clock A. M.,- . 1 I Olty-rour (44) boxes Manufactured TOBACCO. Terms cash. R. M. WALLACE, junll-tnsth3_ U.S. Marshal. FTHE DISTRICT COURT OP ..THE. United States for the District Qt South Caro? lina.-Ia re Laurens Railroad Company-, Bank? rupt.-in Bankruptcy. ? :-i t; xnhxrAC la obedience io an order in tue above-stated case, dated the 6th day of April,' 1872,' I ?Ul re? sell to the highest bidder, at public outcry, at tue risk of the Greenville and Colombia -Railroad Company, the LAURENS RAILROAD; at colum? bia. South Carolina,- m front of the columbia Ho? tel, at 12 o'clock, meridian, on the twentieth (20th) day of June, 1872, free from all Hens and lucum brances, including the track and road-bed,' Iron, rails, chairs, sprites, timbers, bridges, culverts, machine shops, water tanks, station-houses, and all locomotives, cars and machinery, and all and singular the property and assets, real and per? sonal, of every kind and description whatever, or the Laurens Railroad Company, together with all the rights, privileges, franchises and easements, lawfully held, ueed or enjoyed by the Laurens* Railroad Company, on th e following terms, to wit: Sixty-four thousand two hundred and twenty-two ($64.822 84) dollars eighty-four cents mnst be paid within thirty (3u) days after the day of sale; and the payment of the balance of the purchase mftn^y within twelve months from toe-nay of sale, with Interest thereon at seven per cent, per annum from that day, must be secured by the bond or the purchaser, and a mortgage of the en? tire property sold. _,.>, The bidder will be required to deposit wittie assignee, berore his bid ls accept?!rfg*g' and dollars, to secure compluw?n*}Rn,nlTg di? or sale herein set forth, and ?g? TD? g ". posit that sum the PTOPfffisa M. BAXTEB, offered ror salo. ?O^*~ assignee, may20