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THINGS IN BARNWELL. A Prosperous ana Well-Managed Cou n ty-Thc New Judge-Pardon?-Crops, Sic. [FROM OCR TRAVELLING C0RRKSP0NDSNT.] BLACKTILLE, June 1' Quite a number of flourishing little iowas have sprung up in the course of a few years on the line of the South Carolina Railroad, be tween Branchville and Augusta. There ls Bamberg, Grahams, Blackville, Williston Windsor and Granite vi; le. I should have i nc In tied Aiken in the above category were I not afraid that Its good citizens would have con sidered me Insulting. Blackville, however, was somewhat larger bet?re the war than it ls now. Foriy-six buildings In It were burnt by Sherman, but many of them have noe been rebuilt up to this time. Now, however, that ibe place has received considerable impor? tance by the removal of the courthouse from Barnwell, a number of new buildings are going up. The new courthouse is a neat brick bullring, two stories high, with a spacious court-room on the second floor. It was built under the immediate supervision of the county officers, at a cost of little more than seven thousand dollars. The lowest bid made by regular contractors was thirty-two thousand dollars. Arrangements are now being made io erect a jail nuder the same economical man? agement. The prisoners are now corjflned at .Barnwell, ten mlies distant, and the BherlfT is compelled lo entail upon the county the ex? pense of transporting them hither and keep? ing them under suitable guard during each term of the court. Barnwell ls much more blessed than her sister counties in having honest officials. The county ls out of debt, and has some money in the treasury besides. Judge Farmer, whom your readers will re? member as having succeeded to this bench ou i i beneath of Judge Platt, held bis last term of j co otk here during the latter part of May. He resigns his seat io Judge Maner, of Barnwell The new Judge ls very popular about here His election seems to have given general sails faction. Speaking ot Judges and courts, bringa to mind an instance ot Executive clemency ou record at this courthouse. During the February term of the Circuit Court, about twenty negroes, with a leader named Wililirm Nimus, were tried for riot. A jury of white uud black men brough: tn a verdict ot guilty against the whole number. Judge Farine: left a sealed sentence, to be opened at a sped lied time. His Excellency bavlng had bis at tention attracted to the case, forthwith sent pardon for each and every man of them which arrived before the sentence was opened Upon opening the sealed sentence it was lound looondemn three to imprisonment and dis charge the rest. The crops in this neighborhood are said to oe very floe, the cotton in some cases being knee high. Blooms were to be seen in the Held of a gentleman near here as early as Sat urday last. Corn ls also promising, as a gene ral thing. Several planters here have been endeavoring for some time past to sell their cotton crops now, at various figures from nine? teen to twenty-five cents per pound, guaran teeing to harvest and deliver the same at the specified time. A few are sa'd lo have suo ceeded. The prices mentioned were twenty* < ne. twenty-two and twenty-three cents; time of delivery, September,October and November, j | The principal merchants ol Blackville are J. A. Burck meyer, M. F. Molony, C. E. LarUgue, P. W. Farrell, Simon Brown, and Steed man A Wlesslnger. The weather is extremely hot, and Ice is Ive cents per pound. SPRITE. THE GROWING CROPS. Reports fron. the Interior Press, The Abbeville Medium says: ''Since our last issue various portions of our co?.nty have - beenrvlslted by rain, bnt the supply is inade quote to the demand. Many ot our farmers are getting dreadfully blue over the crop pros? pects. Some parts ol the county have not bad rain for Ave or six weeks." The Lexington Dispatch says : "During the past week a considerable quantity of wheat has been harvested in thlH county, and we L-arn that the yield is said lo be very good The cotton crop ls last Improving from the effects of the drought, which pre ven t Hs com? ing up for many weeks. Corn ls reported as looking well, where a good stand was obtain? ed early In the season. There bas been gene? rally light showers of rain throughout ihe county as far as beard from.'* The Spartanbunr Spartan says: "On Satur? day afternoon we had a small shower ol rain, preceded by a terrific wind, which set such a cloud of dust flying that it was almost Impos? sible to see across the street. With the ex? ception, however, of the blowing down of a i ;w treer no damage was done. On Sunday ? and Monday loUowlng we had retreating showers, which we trust have reached most of the neighborhoods of our county. The cot? ton crop is looking remarkably well, and Is quite as forward as for several years past." JOTTINGS ABOUT THE STATE -Mr. John China, a respected c.tizen of Sumter, died last week. -At the Edgefleld Court, Flint, charged with killing Bharpton, was acquitted, and the case of Brewer, charged with, killing a negro woman who shot his child, was dismissed. -The Lexington Dispatch says: "The sales of delinquent lands for taxes commented on Monday, 3d Instant, selling a few tracts each day since up to Monday last. We learn tbat very lew persons attended the Bales, and that the moat of the tracts sold tell to the State." -/.The trial of Wickham, who murdered Burke some time since on the steamer Nick King, and was remanded to the custody of the authovlties ot South Carolina upon a requis! - Hon from Governor Scott, bas been postponed. Some difficulty seems now to exist as to the procurement of witnesses. -The cry ls '?still they come." On Mr. Jas Huckabee's place nsar Lowndesvllle, in Abbe ville County, a gold mine has been discovered. An old miner some years since made the dis < o very, but nothing was ever done with lt, Recent explorations have shown the mice to i be very rich. The prospects are flue. The mine ls situated on or near Bocky River. -On last Bunday afternoon, as the congre? gation ot Nazareth Church, situated seven miles from Spartanburg, were returning home, Colonel T. J. Moore and his family made a very narrow escape from Instant death. When about three-fourths of a mlle from the church, a violent storm of wind and rain overtook them, and while Colonel Moore turned to one aide to fix the curtain ot his carriage BO as to keep the rain from beating io, a dead tree by the road side fell across the poles of his car riage, killing both horses, but leaving the in mates of tbe carriage unharmed. -On Thursday morning last, Mr. J. J. Brit ton's dwelling and corn crib, on his farm, six miles south or Sumter, were entirely consumed by fire. When discovered both buildings were partially in flames-tbe fire evidently bavlng Its origin simultaneously in both, and leaving bat little room to doubt that lt was kindled by Incendiary hands. The loss In ad? dition to the buildings, Involves all the corn on the place, (about one hundred and fifty bushels, > together with some peas and cotton seed, farm tools and implements, &c., cover* ed by about two-thirds insurance. Neither Mr. Britton or his family were on the place at the? time of the fire._ Poors, Sashes ano filinos. '?P?'P. TOALE, Manufacturer and Dealer in DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, STORE DOORS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BALUSTERS, FRENCH AND AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS, BUILDERS' HARDjfcAKE, SLATE MANTELS. OFFICE AND SALESROOMS, No. 20 Hayne street,. FACT OBY, HOBLBEC K'S WHARF. mch8-fmwly Special Notices. ^NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC-ME. D. B. ."?CHT/R ls no longer Vendor of Certificates for the Charleston Charitable Association. H. T. PETERS, sr., General Agent. Charleston, S. C., June IS, 1672. Juni4-l* "?ESrALL PARTIES ARE HEREBY NO? TiFIED not to receive a draft drawn on the 7th Instant, by James Adger, Jr., on Fros*, Adger A Ca, for $600, as the same has been lost or mis? laid and Its payment stopped. A reward will bc paid for the same if lett at our office. joan FROST, ADGER A CO. THE CHARLESTON CHARITA BLE ASSOCIATION, for the Benefit of the Free School Fund-Official Raffle Numbers: CLASS No.553-MORNING. 4 -29-13-43 - 45-42-24-22-41-18-73-CS CLASS No. 654-Ev USING. 16-59-22-78-70-12-34-43-72-47-57-38 As witness our hands at Charleston this 13th day of June, 1872. FENN PECK, JAMES GILLI LAND, Jnnl4_Sworn Commissioners. ?&* OFFICE MOUNT PLEASANT AND SULLIVAN'S ISLAND FERRY/ COMPANY, No. 36 BROAD STREET, CHARLESTON, JONE 11TH, 1ST?--NOTICE TO STUCK HOLDERS_The follow? ing Resolution, adopted ata meeting or the Direc? tors or the Company, held THIS DAT, ls published for the Information of all concerned : Resolved That a call be. and is hereby made, npon i lie .stockholders for the payment of ($16 SO) Sixteen 30-iuO Dollars per .-narc, bel?g the amount still subject to call, payment or the same to be made to the Treasurer on or before the 23d Inst. Payments will be received dally from io A. M. tos P. M., till 22d lnsiant. DUTSON LEE, jQni2-io Secretary and Treasurer. A STRONG APPLICATION OF the DOLLAR REWARD SOAP, cures Prickly heat and alt similar emptions, and Instantly alleviates he bite of Mosquitos, Fleas, Bed-bugs, Ac. Ac. DOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS, * Agents. Charleston, S. C ?BTB?RNHAM'S SUPERIOR YEAST POWDERS.-Having used Teast Powder In our families for several years, we give a decided pref ereace abuve all others to that prepared by EDWARD S. BURNHAM, Graduate or Pharmacy, No. 421 Ring street, near Calhoun street, Charles, ton, S. C. : King Mansion Boarding House, Julius Petsch, B. C. Webb, George L. Holmes, George s. reize r, M. D., John T. Wightman, D. D., William Smith, Master Machinist, S. C. R. R. apr&-Smos pm- O N MARRIAGE.-?* Happy relief for Young Men from the erfectb of Errors and Abuses In early lire. Manhood re? stored. Nervous debility cured, impediments co Marriage removed. New method or treat? ment. New and remarkable remedies. Books iud Circulars seat free, tn sealed envelopes. Ad. treas HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 2 South fflnthstreet. Philadelphia. Pa. nct12 pg** MEDICAL COLLEGE OP THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. CHARLESTON, i. G., MAY 20,1872.-The Faculty wm meet at the ried leal College, Queen street, on every WRDNES MY, at 12 o'clock, for the purpose of granting jlcenses to Apothecaries and Druggists In com iliance with an Act approved by the Genera issembly, March 13, 1872. Applicants can apply o the Dean dally, at Mr. Raibot's Apothecary Hore, No. 48 Broad street, between the hours of .0 and ll o'clock A. M. Graduates lu Medicine | \ md Pharmacy ott, on application, show their diplomas. Gr.O. E. TRESCOT, M. D., juns-mwfs Dean or the Faculty. Professional. QR. R. 'JJV H'B f I T T, No. 34 WENTWORTH STREET, CHARLESTO N, 8. C., lan be consulted on the following diseases, and diseases of a kindred nature, free of charge | and lu strict confidence. Charges mode? rate and within the reach of all. Of- i flee hoars from 9 A. M. to 7 P. M.: RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA. I In all arthritic complaints, as rheumatism, gout, I j leurai^la, Ao, thu practico ls almost perfect, j ? me most lotease pains are almost Instantly re teved, enormous swellings are reduced, limns which have been contracted and still tor years are 'eiaxed. Coses of twenty, tnirty and forty yens' itanding have been cured by me arter all other 11 neons have railed A great accomplishment ii my triumph over I ' >ain by which I can often, lu a few moments. I < ioothe and carry on the most excruciating suf? ferings. If thU Bystem did nothing more than 0 relieve pain, lt would stand superior to any ither system extant. CATARRH. stop ped-up Head, Running of the Nose, constant Hawking and Spitting, constant Blowing of the Nose. Thousands suffer from that most annoying, dls igreeulo and offensive complaint, Catarrh, with mt knowing what lt ls. uften tue secreted mu sou?, ti J wi n g down the tin oat. clogs up tue lungs iud lays the foundation ror consumption. ? The most skillful physlciaus fall to cure iL 1 euro auy case or <>o-traction, stopped-up lead, discbarges of greenish, tines, thiu or glairy nuuoup from tue note, internal or external, pain >r tallness between the eyes, constan t blowing ot he nose, luflammatl in or the nasal passages, ilceration or schuclderlan membrane, ac, In he coarse or a few days. DEAFNESS. Nervous Deafness, Noises la the Head, Otorrhoea, Otitis (Discharge rrom the Ear,) Paralysis of I ' Auditory Nerve. I om dally treating all affections of the ear with he moil gratifying results. Some who had paid tort-us ueany $1000 without benefit have been lured by me in a few weeks at a moderate ox leuse. |'.< MERCURIAL DISEASES. M Mercury, Injudiciously used, has Oiled the earth vit h wrecks or Humanity. Thousands suffer from ts effects who have beou unconsciously dragged L i ty their physician. Itu vain to attempt the enre a if the majority of diseases while lt remains in the i tody. Although I have heard of several so-called t .nttdotes ror mercury lu tae human body, I have lever yet Been a physician who could eliminate t from the system. e J i l caa satisfy any patient or physlca'n that I can ibiolutely abstract mercury, lead, zinc, and ither miueral poisons in every case. | t CANCERS. ioll-me-Tangere, Lupnse, or Woir Cancer, Sclr rh us Cancer, Fungous Cancer, Rose Cancer, Spider Cancer. I make a great specialty in the treatment or | \ ivery description or Cancer and Tumors. How many Cancers and Tumors are wronfniiy rested by certain charlatans styling themselves 'Cancer Doctors." Arter being pronounced Incurable, I will take iny one ot these cases In hand and make a Per? uanern cure. My terms for treating Cancers, Ac, will be lased on the age and condition of the patient, md the positive certainty of enre. may26-6mos hotels. p AVILION HOTEL, CHARLESTON, S. 0. G. T. ALFORD & CO., PROPRIETORS. mayl4_R. HAMILTON. Superintendent. WE LIVE AND LEARN, DIE AND FORGET ALL. ' THE SOUTHERN DYE HUI SK, No. 360 KING STREET, Dyes and Cleans by meana of steam, Gentle nen'B Ladles and Children's Clothes. Fine Laces md Lace Curtains cleaned and done np with the loft or Manufacturers' Finish; Lace and Crape |'c shawls and Kid Gloves Cleaned and Dyed. MST Goods received and returned by Express. Inn33-lvr_ r. RILLKR. Proprlntr?* FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RENO VATED iEATLT, PROMPTLY, AND AT MODERATE RATES, By J. L. LUNSFORD, febo smith Street, north of Wentworth. Summer Epsons. pm- NOTICE.-OUR READERS "WHO PROPOSE TO 8PEND THE SUMMER M?NTHS IN THE COUNTRY, AND PROPRIETORS OF HOTELS WHO MAY WISH TO FILE THE PAPEB FOR THE U8E OF THEIR GUESTS, CAN HAVE THE DAILY NtW8 SENT BY MAIL FOR SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS PER MONTH. Q_ OOD BOARDING AT AIKEN, S. C., At the ALLEN HOUSE daring the ensuing Summer Mouths. Apply carly to Mrs. N. L. ALLEN._may27-lmo JJENDERSONVILLE, N. C. The undersigned has opened the RIPLEY HOTEL, ta tins placo, for the summer, and can accommodate persons wishing to spend the sum? mer at reasonable rates. T. A. ALLEN, may20-lmo Proprietor. MOUNT VERNON HOTEL, No. 81 W. MONUMENT/ STREET, BALTIMORE Mi/., ON EUR 'PEAN PLAN.-This favorite es? tablishment, situated in one of the most eligible positions In the city, on the highest ground, and consequently well adapted for a Summer Resort, being comparative y cool In midsummer, mag? nificently lurniohed with bath* and other con? veniences on every flo >r, U now open for the re cept.oa of Ihme con1 emulating a toor of pleasuie thu coming season. The cars run wit nm a square of the n une. Coaches at all the stations. E. V. WESTCOTT, Proprietor. juus-tmo* -y^HITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, GREENBRIER COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA, Famous for their ALTERATIVE WATERS and fashionable patronage, are now Open. They are 2000 feet above tide water-affording entire relief from prostrating summer beat. Capacity for two thousand persons. Charges-$3 per day and $ sa per month of thir? ty days. QEO. L. PAYTON A CO.. mav29-wfm36 Proprietors. SWEET CHALYBEATE SPRINGS, (FOEMBRLY RRD SWEET,I ALLEGHANY LOU TY, VA. 1 hese Springs BO tong and favorably known for their valuable rome nnd Alterative Powers, botu as 5 Beverage and Bath, tiave been newly and completely refitted with convenient and comfor? table accommodations for four hundred persons. Route, via Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad to Alleghany Station, where elegant carriages be? longing to the Springs, will be In readiness for the visitors. . CHAROKS-$3 per day and $69 per one month. J. T. WILSON, Superintendent jan3-mwfimo_ "\TEW MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. TRI-WEEKLY LiNE OF FOUR-HORSE COACHES FROM GREENVILLE, 8. C., TO ASHE? VILLE, N. a, Leave Greenville Monday, wednesday and Fri? day at 7 A. M. . Arrive at Asheville next day by 1 P. M. Leave Asnevllle Monday, Wednesday and Friday 1 P. M. Arrive at Greenville next day by 7 P. M. Leaving Greenville In the morning, go through to Flat Kock and Hendersonvllle tn daylight. Fare to Flat Rock $6; to Asheville $7. may3-2mo _W. P. BLAIR. QAPON SPRINGS AND BATHS, HAMPSHIRE COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA, VIA WINCHESTER, VA. Tills delightful WATERING PLACE bas been thoroughly i edt ted. and is bow kept in the best modern style. Its waters are Alkaline, and have i wide celebrity for their prompt and happy ac? tion lu Dyspepsia, Disease* of the Kidneys and Bladder, inciudlug Calculus, in various Skia Dis? eases, and in their admirable effects on the Female Constitution, the air of Capon ls nnsnrpass d in ill the mountains of Virginia for salubrity, elas? ticity and .: ry ness. Its splendid Bath* were de? clared by Slr Henry Bulwer, wsen on a visit here with Mr. Webster, as hardly eqnjled by anything le had seen la Europe. For our pamphlet, with fall particulars of rates, rh.arges, Ac, apply to A, A. SOLOMONS A CO., Druggists, or to the undersigned, by mall. Juu8-lm'> F HAZIER A SALE, Proprietor*. THE HOT SPRINGS, BATH COUNTY, VIRGINIA, Are now open to visitors. Its waters are cele? brated for the cure of rheumatism. Gout. Paraly? tic, Torpor of Liver. Chronic Diarrhoea or Dysen? tery, DMcas a of the Uterus, Affection* of the Skin, especially of syphilitic origin, and numer JUS Chrauic Diseases. THE BATHS Vary In temperature from 60 to no degrees fahrenheit, and present every variety of Chronic Uar i?. They are moreover found to prepare the iystem for ino beneficial action of waters found it the various other Mineral Springs. MUD BATHS Have been constructed similar to those that are argely used at the most celebrated spas In Ger? many, and wolca give sufferers the benefit of the /cry valuable remedial agents contained ia the Mineral Mud. These springs offer UNSURPASS? ED ATTR iCTIDNs to both the Invalid and Pleas ire-Seeker. The equipment and management ire equal to those of nrst-clssi city b tels. Every nodern Improvement has been provided. Professor J. L. CABELL, M. D., of the Universl ,y of Virginia, Resident Physician. For Pam? phlets and Circulars, address S. C. TARDY k CO., richmond. VA, or J. A. AUGUST, Manager, Hot Springs. Bath ? onnty.Va. may22-2mo C ATOOSA SPRINGS WONDERFUL FOUNTAINS OF HEALTH AND PLEASURE. THE BRIGHTEST SPOT IN THE SUNNY SOUTH. Are located In the Piedmont region, of Georgia, twenty five miles southeast of Chattanooga, renn., and wi tran two miles of the Western and Atlantic Railroad. These Springs, fifty two in number, embraae ?very variety or mineral water lound in the fa noua mountains or virginia-white, red and Nack sulphur, Alleghany, all- .ealing and chary jeate, magnesian, soda and iodine; as also the raters characterizing the Montvale sprtngB, of Tennessee, and indi in Springs, or Georgia; all pr tftuchare to be found hore in abundance, within ?he compass or this "Magic Vale," AFFORDING A CERTAIN CURE or Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Goat, Liver Com ilaints, scrofula, all kinds or Cutaneous Affec ; ons, and in fact, every disease that human flesh a heb: to. THE HOTEL AND COTTAGE BUTLDINUS ire la thorough condition, newly painted, and jntlrely new appointments. THE TABLE WILL BE FIRST-CLASS n every particular. A magnificent ball-room, 00 by 30 feet, and elegantly fitted par,ors. Bil? lard and bar-room 76 feet long, and a capacious ?owling saloon. , Direct telegraphic and postal communication. The buildings and grounds will bo brilliantly il um I na ted with gas, and every attraction will be afforded the visitors toOatoosa Springs. The above Watering Placo will be opened to pa? rons June 1st, 1872 by W. 0. HEWITT, Late or Globe Hotel, Augusta, Ga. may24-lmo _ . . Jnsnratue. gOUTHERN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. ATLANTA DEPARTMENT. GEN. JOHN B. GORDON,.President. ASSETS January 1st, 1872..$1,241,017 40-100. The undersigned having been recently appolnt !d Agent tor Charleston or the above Company, rvlth the right to take risks in any portion or tooth Caranna, would Invite the attention or his 'rienda and the public generally to a few argu Bents In its favor. It la a PURELY SOUTHERN COMPANY, ind Invests all Its accumulations at the South. i ia ably managed and has a large capital, lt loea business on THE CASH SYSTEM ONLY, ind at rates as low as any other sound Company n the Country. Call at my office and allow me to show you the ong list or Policyholders, which ls the best evl lenee of strengt h in a Company. EBEN COFFIN, Agent for Charleston, s. C., No. 31 Broad street. GEO. U. OOFFW, Sub-Agent, apru th Atlantic Wharf. THE Insurance. LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE IlD STATES, NO. 120 BROADWAY, KEW YORK. WM. O.ALEXANDEK, HENRY B. HYDE, President. vice-President. Cash Assets, ------- $18,000,000 Annual Income, - - - - - - - 8,000,000 New Business for 1871, - - - - - 41,804,027 New Business from January 1st to May 1st, 1872, IN EXCESS of New Business in Cor? responding Months in 1871, - - - 6,041,450 The business of the EQUI TABUS ls conducted In the most curerai and conservative manner, ita leading departments or FINANCE. INSURANCE AND ACCOUNTS being under the direct supervision and management of standlug Commut?es, telexed from among the most emlaciit and reliable busi? ness men or the conntry. Its leading principles or action are PERFEOr SECURITY AND EQUITY TO THE ASSURED. It issues all kinds ot LIfE, ENDOWMENT AND JOINT LI PE FuLIOlES, on which Dividends will be paid Annually; or on THE TONTINE PLAN, First introduced bv thH Society, an t highly recommended and endorsen not only by the most cele? brated experts In L fe Insurance, but by me lend 1114 business Arms of tba Dulled mates. It receives Premiums and pa} s Losses IN CASH_ONLY! BOARD OF MEDICAL EXAMINERS: W. C. BAVENEL M. D., P. M. ROBERTSON, M. D., W. H. HUGER, M. D., W. P. ROBERTSON, M. D. Applications for Assurance may be made to GENERAL AGENT, WM. B. SHA W, Equitable Building, No. 20 Broad Street. Resident Agent, Local Agent, O. A. BOWE?, JULIUS L. KIOSKS, Or Messrs. James Ailger & Co., No. 34 Broad Street, jao6-wrmi5_ CHARLESTON. 8. C._ Orrj ?oo?Q, &t. DEY GOODS ! DEY GOODS ! AT REDUCED PRICES ! No. 270 KINO- STREET, CORNER HASEL STREET, McLOY St RICE. -o JUST RECEIVED AN INVOICE OF BLACK AND COLORED SATIN-STRIPED GRENADINE DE TERRE AND HERNANI. HERNANI ATVJ3 SEWING-SILK SHAWLS, Warranted Pana Dye, at Twenty-five Per Cent. Le.-s than Gold Cost of Importation. Our Stock ls very Full and Complete In Every Department, all or which will be Sold at Reduced Pilces. MATTING ! MATTING ! MATTING ! Fresh MATTING Just landed rrom Twenty-Qva Cents per Yard np. ICE BLANKETS, rrom Fifty Coats np. NO. 270 KING STREET, CORNER OF HABEL. ALEXANDER M'LOY. J. W. RICE. ]un3 imo_k_ Cigars ano Soba cia. EMPEROR WILLIAM WHOLESALE ANO RETAIL MANUFACTURING CIGAR AND TOBACCO HOUSE Na. 310 KING STREET, THREE DOORS SOUTH OF SOCIETY STREET. OIGARS AND TOBACCO Of all kinds. PIPES of every quality. Call and examine Stock before buying else where. WILLIAM SCHRODER, Proprietor. N. B.-The Wheel of Fortune constant y on band. Invest 26 cents and try your luck. mr.h7-r>cAxnvr_-j-_ Sljirts ano iFnmiaiiing ?oo&s. GOODS. MEN'S FANCY HALF-HOSE. GAUZE, MERINO, BILK AND THREAD Elegant Suspenders. WINDSOR SCARFS, BOW8 ?V. TIES. DRESS SHIRTS, COLLARS AND CUFFS, PAPER COLLARS IN GREAT VARIETY;, WITH THE LATEST PRODUCTIONS OF ELEGANT NECK-WEAR, AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. SCOTTYS STAR SHIRT EMPORIUM, MEETING- STREET, OPPOSITE THE MARKET HALL. noviR iflillintrrj, Strain ?oo?s, &t. gPRING 0PEN1NG1 Mna. M. J. ZERNOW, No. 304 KING STREET, Will open THIS DAT an assortment of MILLI- j NERY GOODS, Ladles' an.) Children's Ready Made Suits. Sole Agent for Mlle. DEUOREST'S PAPER PATTERNS. SHOULDER BRACES, STOCKING SUSPENDERS, and LILY BLOOM. DRESS-MARINO In all Its branches. Country orders will receive prompt attention. mnh2R-tnt QTTO A. MOSES, Pu. D Geological Surveys and Maps promptly and exactly executed. Phosphate and Ml u in g Pro? perties reported upon, and Working Plans fur? nished. Separat ng and Metallurgical Proc?s nee adapted to Ore Deposits. Special attention to CHEMICAL ANALYSES of FERTILIZERS, Drugs, Ores, Minerals, AC LABORATORY, dec23-stuth6mo No. 2s George street. Drrj ?0000, &t. FliRCllGOTT, BENEDICT & CO., No. 244 KINO 3THEET, Offer on Monday, June 3, previous to taking Year ly Inventory, their entire Stock at great sacrifice. The greatest inducement* of the season are offered: SO pieces Black SILK, at $1 and $126. 10 pieces Oros Oralo, $126 and $1 co. ICO Japanese Silk Oreases, only S8. All oar Japanese Silk? reduced to 75 cents. 10,000 yards of different new styles of Dress floods, from 16 cents. 60 Black Llama Lace Shawls, redorad 25 per cent., (bargains.) Oar entire Stock of White Goods has been marked down. loo pieces Swiss, 12, is and 20 cents. 20Q pieopsswigs. 26,30and 40 cents, loj i. ves Satin-Stripe Pique, 20 cents, formerly 26 cents. 200 pieces Corded and Dotted at 25 and. 36 cents, reduced from 40 and 50 cents. 601 pieces Nainsooks, Jaconets, Cambrics, Checked and cross-Ba rr ed Cambrics at greatly rod QC ed prices. Our Linen Department ia complete In all Its lines. 26 pieces Ladles' Dress Linen-4-4 wide-25 cents. 20 pieces Ladles' White 4-4 Bu ms te, from 25 cents . 20 pieces Gen ia' Brown Linen, from 20 cents np. A roll line or White Linen Dook, Linen Drill and Striped Linens for Men's and Boys' Suits-sold at great sacrifice. Oar Cloth Department has received additional supplies in the latest styles of CASSD?ERES, Broadcloths, Drab d'Bte, .tc., all of which hive undergone an extraordinary redaction in the prices. Wo offer this Une or good as great bar? gains, and cm convince customers thai the goods are the cheapest in this market. The most complete Stock of DOMESTIC GOODS can be round at our Establishment. The latest styles sf CALICOS, Percales, Lawns, Muslins, Ginghams, Drills, Brown and Breached Homespun, are offered at prlcea never beforo In thia market. Oar complete and well-assorted Stock of HOUSEHOLD GOODS ls the best and cheapen in the city. We are offering Hie following articles cheaper than any house lo this town: . ? ? . i NAPKINS, Doy iles, Towel?. Bleached and Un? bleached Tabling, Crash, White Linens,'Sheet? ings, Pillowcasing, ?0., Ac Particular attention hap, been paid to tho reduc? tion In the prices of: Ladles' and Gents' Sommer UNDERWEAR. Ladles' and1 Gents' Handkerchiefs, Bows, Neck? ties. A rall line of all Widths, Shades and Colors or Silk RIBBON at lower prices than ever before offered. .. An additional reduction or 20 per cent, has been made In the price or our complete line or BOSIERY; Ladles' Fine White HOSE. Children's Fine White Hose. Men's Fine White Socks. Boys' Fine White SocJss. Ladles', Men's and Children's GLOVES, la White and Colored, Lace and Linen Cons and Col? lars, Veils, Sets Sleeves and Collars, Fans, Parasols, Artificial Flowers, Straw Bats, Marseilles Fringes and Trimmings-all .at greatly reduced prices. FURCHGOTT, BENEDICT & GO ?uni ?? oll vin? wei ..???W.i j No. 244 KINO STREET, PHOSPHATES. The Undersigned ar a CASH BUYERS or ROCK PHOSPHATE OF LIME or Good Qualify, delivered in Liverpool. Unexceptionable references given on prospect or business. Applj to GEORGE HADFIELD A CO., MANURE CHE MIOAL MANUFACTURER3, Llghtbo/dy Street, Liverpool England. may2?-lmo Ototrjing, Sailorittj, #r. BARGAINS CLOTHING! MENEE & MULLER, NO. 323 KINO STREET, THREE DOORS BELOW LIBERTY STREET, Respectfully announce to their friends and the public that they have marked down their entire Stock of Fine CLOTHING and F tTBN? SHIN G GOODS to actual New York cost, preparatory to removal, on the first of September next, into their NEW BUILDING, AT THE CORNER OP KINO AND WENTWORTH STREET.'. THE PRE8ENT STOCK MUST BE CLOSED OUT, AND THEY SOLICIT A CALL AND AN EXAMINATION OF THEIR GOODS' AND PRICES. opr9-4moB tul ? -.. . '? SDrnas ano JHebicmea. THE PEOPLE HAVE CHOSEN.-THE experience or years has convinced an In ttltigeot public Hut for all ailments lnvolvlog weakness and Irritability of the stomach, oit strnoilons in the bowel?, a morbid condition of I tue liver and nervous debility, Tarrant'? EtTorveicent Seltzer Aperient ls tb? aarest, safest and swiftest i era edy. Not merely agreeable, but absolutely delicious to the palate; lt also possetses four medicinal elements which nave never been united m me same happy proportions In any other preparation, it ls the gentlest and mort pain lesa of cathartics, a won? derful tonic, and unexceptionable alterative and a certain corrective of alt impurities which may exist in the blood or other Holds of the body. Decline all imitations of the genuine article, sold by ail druggists. . i . ma?8-13 JJOWIE, MOISE Jk DAVIS, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS C H A RLE S T O N, S. C., Offer to the public SUMTER BITTEBS, THE GREAT SOUTHERN TONIO AND UNI? VERSALLY POPULAR STOMACHIC AND APPETIZER. Not merely to tickle the palate, but to Infuse health and vigor Into the enervated and diseased system, is the high purpose and Bure effect of i 80MTER BITTERS. Tu ls ramons restorative creates no sodden flash of excitement, to be suc? ceeded by increased debility and tenfold gloom. It braces the relaxed nerves and Imparts perma ment tone and regularity to the whole system. The rapid cures it has effected in Dyspeslo, Gene? ral Debility, Nervous Diseases andas an Appeti? zer and Strengthener, and as a preventive of I China and Fever, has rendered SUMTER BITTERS a name without equal In tue annals of m*dlolne .J^OISE'S LIVER PILLS, lor tne enre of Hepatitis, or Liver Complaint Dyspesla and sick Headache, and as a Cathartic ' and Ant I-Bilious Pi il have no snperlor. The na nierons known cures performed by these Pins have induced us, at the colic ita t iou of many who have experienced their banelcial and salutary ef? fects, to oller them io the public. Our LIVER PILLS are not held forth or recom? mended os universal cure-alls, but simply for liver Complaln's, and those symptom? connect ed with a deranged state or that organ. J^OISE'S PORE LEMON SUGAR. A ueilghtfai, cooling, healthy beverage, made from the juice of fresh Sicily Lemon B and .pure white sugar. Free from anything lojjrlons. Bet? ter than lemons for pic-nlej, camp-meetlngs,"bar becuesaud travellers, and a great necessity in the country where lemons cannot be bad for the sick. J^OISE'S WHITE WORM CANDY. an effectual, safe and pleasant remedy for Worms, in ali cases. Try lt and be convinced, lt ls really a specific, and in the best and most pala? table form to give children. It U not surprising that lt is fast taking the place of all other prepa [ rations for worms. . lt la a pleasant confection, and any child win taite it. Beware of dangerous? ly colored candy and nauseous compounds, and nae only MOISE'S POPULAR WHITE WORM CANDY. ; ? . : ' LM 01 S B '8 I *.. .MORNING STAR YEAST POWDERS.. .* THE BEST IN OSE? A barrel of Flour makes forty pounds more of Bread With MOISE'S YEAST POWDER. No time required for dough to rise, but bake ia a hot, quick oven as soon as mixed; save egg*, shorten? ing, milk, Ac, and ls a wonderful saving, aa- Sample packages free of charge. " m?yai-ft??mi?a "' ' '' _ f BELLOC'S CHARCOAL ? Approved by thc Imperial Academy j of Medicine of Paris ! #HODEL AmW?tk LOZENGES VM Hf It is especially to its eminently absorbent properties that Belloc's Charcoal owes its great efficacy. It is specially recommended for the following affections. GASTRALGIA DYSPEPSIA PYROSIS ACIDITY DIFFICULT DIGESTION CRAMPS IN THE STOMACH CONSTIPATION COLICS DIARRHOEA DYSENTERY CHOLERINE MODE OP EMPLOYMENT. - Belloo'a Charcoal is taken he lore or after each meal, inlheform nf Powder or Lozenges, in Ihe majority of cases, ils beneficial effects are felt after the Hrs! dose. Detailed instructions accompany each bottle ol'powder and box of lozenges. DipJI ia PIM, L FRERE, i9, rue Jacob I Agents In Charleston: "DOWIE, MOISE A J Wp?VlS, Wholesale Druggists. A IJIHE UNEQUALLED MACHINE. The HOME SHUTTLE uses the Straight Needle, makes the lock stitch, (alike on both sides,) has self-adjusting tension, and is thc only first clasa low price sewing Machine In the market adapted for every variety of mewing from muslins to heaviest cloths. Price $25 and $37. Agents war,tud. Send stamp for circular and sample of Sewing. T. L. BISSELL, General Agent, janil-rmwerr,o Charleston, s. a &nttism8alt9~~?jji* ?as. Bj TV M. McKAY. ._ r'O HANDSOME: COTTAGE j fiETS, Marble-Top ? Sideboards. Extension Dining Tables, Meat Saies, Ca ne-Seat Chair*. Mattresse*, O la as Candle Shades, Bookcases,'Books. Carpets, Stoves, AC; also, aa assortment of ? choice Brah n a Fowls, Pigeons. Ac., and one flue voting Work Mole. THIS DAY at io o'clock, at No. 46 Wentwor h street, will be sold the above." Junlfr By MILES DRAKE. THIS MOBNING,. AT 10 O'CLOCK, I will sell at my store, corner King and Lib? erty streets, A large and well assorted stock of Men's Al? paca, Jean, Melton, Oasslmere, Seersucker and Linen COATS, Dock and Drill Sacks and vests, Mohair Sdlts, Walters',Jackets, Linen Snits, Grasa Linen Sacks, Marseille*. Vests, Jean, Linen, Seer? sucker and Melton Pants, Shirts, Drawe.s, Crav? ats, Umbrellas, ac. ALSO, A One line of Men's and Boys' Wool, Felt and Straw HATS._ :. ' "Jnnl4 "Stadion 8aUe-jftUttre flltfgg;' lij G'Ul li BS & WILLIAMSj Real Estate Agents and Auctioneer*'. TRUSTEES' SALE OP THE RICHMOND AND YORK RIVE ti RAILROAD. : . By virtne of two deeds of trust from the Rich? mond and York River Railroad Company to the late Wm. H. Macfarland and tn- undersigned, dated respectively the 9th of Septemoer. i860, and the 1st o- January, 1868. tne undersigned, aarvlring trustees, wu), oa WEDNESDAY, rho Uta da/or August, 187J, at 13 M., sc the auction rcoma of Messrs. Grubba A Williams, Richmond, Virginia, sell by Punlie Auction, . . * , "',. The WHOLE LINE OF RAILWAY Of the Bald Company from the City or Ric h mond to Weat Point, together with the Franchises of the said Company, and the Equipments, Rolling Stock, Machine Shops, Depots; Water Stations, Hoad ted, Machinery, Tolls, Easements, and..every other right, interest or estate conveyed by.the said deeds, exception choies In action. TtiK TERM? OP ?ALE will be CASH safflolent to pay au the costa of ex? ecuting the trusts of said deeds, and to pay the interest on the bonds outstanding under toe deed or 1869 aforesaid, estimated, at about, and then a cred t un ll the 1st. of January, 1877, as to $48,000, with interest from: the 1st of Joly, 1873, at the rate of 8 per. cent per an. im, payable semi-annually, and then Cash surficlenc to pay the Interest due on the bonds of the first class under the deed of 1866 aforesaid, estimated- at about $62,000, and a credit nntU the lat of Janu? ary, 1886 aa to $300,000, with Interese at tne rate or 8 per cent, per annum from the lat of 'July, 18T2, payable semi annually, and then Cash sur lie ie ni to pay the Interest due on the bonds of, the second class under the mortgage of issa afore? said, estimated at about, $166,000, and men a credit until 1st of January, 1877, as to $299.000, with interest from the lac of July, 1872, at the rate of 7 per cent, per annum, payable semi-an? nually, and then a ctedlt until the ist of January, 1890, as to the residue of a .ch purchase money, wi h interest at the rate of 6' per cent, per j an? num. As to so mach of the purchase money as may be applicable to the bonds, secured by the deeds of trust aforesaid, the purchaser shall give bis bonds corresponding with the:eai<4 oniatand. lng bonds., and aa to the redd no ol auch purchase money, the purchaser shall give bis bond or bonds, as mav be determined npon arter the aale; the purchaser's bonds to be secured by doed or trust on the property and franchises sold.. - ,,.?1 capitalists will tate no tico that the effect or a sale an s conveyance by the undersigned will be to extinguish the company aforesaid, and. make uie purchaser a body corporate. For further par? ticular*, apply to Messleara PAGG A MA SKY, Connsellomt Lsw, Blohmond. Va. .... . ^5 H.MAURY, u' 0 .. . J. PROSSER TABB, ? - Som vlng Trastees. J49? Sale conducted by Messrs. G ROBBS A WILLIAMS, Auctioneers, -r .-,-:.?>?'. ?'.t7i: NOTICE TO BONDHOLDERS. ' i Holders of the Mortgage Ronda aforesaid will report 'at once ta Messrs. PAGE A MAURY, Rich? mond, Vs, the number of Bonds heh! by theo, the deed of trast by which they are secured, ,the amount of eich Bond, and the amount or interest due. Holders of Detached Co anons will report as above. ? . R. H. MAURY, ..-/,. J. PROSSER TABB, Jnn3_surviving Trust?es. PTHE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the District of Son th Caro- - ima_lu re Laurens.Railroad Company, Bank? rupt.-in Bankruptcy. in obedience to an order In the above-stated, case, dated the fith day of April,, 1873? I wm re? sell to the highest bidder, at public outcry; kt the risk of the Greenville and columbia Railroad Company, tho LAUREN'S RAILROAD, at colum? bia, S ?nth Carolina, in front of the Columbia Ho? tel, at 12 o'clock, meridian, on the twentlecb (loth) day of June, 1872, freefrom all .liens a ad lnoum trances, including the track and road-bed, iron, rails, chairs, spikes, timbers, bridges, culverts, machine shops, water tanks, station-houses, and all locomotives, cara and: machinery, and au and I singular the property snd a-sets. real and per? sonal, of every kind s?d description whateC; 01 the LasrauB Railroad Company, together with an the rights, privileges, franchises and easements, lawfully held, used or enjoyed by the Laurens Railroad Company, on the i olio win g terms, to wit: Sixty-four thouaaad two hundred and twenty-two ($64.222 84] dollars eighty-four cents must be paid within thirty'(3u| days after the day or aale;: and the payment of the balance of the purchase .money within twelve months rrom tbs day of sale, with Interest thereon at seven per cent, per annum from that day, must be secured by. the bond of the purchaser, and a mortgage of the en? tire property sold. ' . ' The bidder will be required to deposit with the assignee, before his bid is accepted, twenty thous? and dollars, to secure compliance with the terms or Bala herein set forth, and upon failure to: de? posit that sum the property wot at once be re offered for sale. j AMES M. BAXTER, ' ' may20_ ? '? ? ? Assignee. ?a?roao*. S AV ANN AH AND CHARLESTON RAILROAD. CHABT/SSTON, Jone 13, 1872. On sad after MONDAY, June nth, the Pas* seugerTrains %^&BS8tt^SH! **,fpllowi: Leave Charleston daUy..........V...... 8.80 P. M. Arrive at savannah, daily.9.4* P. M. Leave Savannah dally. .11.80'P. M. Arrive at Charleston dally.. ' -7 A. M. - DAY-TRAIN. Leave Charleston. Sundays excepted.. 7.40 A M. Arrive at Savannah, Sundays excepted. 3.30 P.M. Leave Savannah, Sundays excepted... ll A. M. Arrive at Charlestom Sundays exe'ted. 6.60. P. M. Passengers rrom Charleston by P. M. train make close connection-with Port Uoyal Railroad for Beaufort, (SundayI excepted.),,- .,<? Freight forwarded dally on through billa of lad? ing to points in Florida&nd by Savannah line of steamships to Boston. Prompt dispatch gives to freights (or Beaufort and -points on Port Royal Railroad and at. as low rates as by any other Une. Tickets on sale at thia, office for Beaufort over P?rtBov?l lia?rcSd. 'Uftfc'GADSDWi, StaiJi Engineer and Superintendent. S. O. BOYLSTO*. $en'l Fu and Ticket Agent. inni4. . M , \TORTHEASTERN RAILROAD'.' COM \J\ . I:-,- PANT. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, 1 CHAKL88T0N, JaneS,: 1872. f On and after SUNDAY, the 9th instant, the Night Express Trains on this Road will arrive dally at s A. M, and leave dany (SCKDAYS exceptTi1.? at 8 P.M. The Day Express will continue as at present. s. a SOLOMONS, jans ' _Superintendent. gOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. CHABLKSTON, Jnne'i; 1872. FXCCRSfON TICKETS to-Greenvll!e, Anderson and Walhalla have been put on sale TO-DAT, and will continue on sale until 1st September. Good to return until 1st November. . . Price to Greenville and Retnrn $17 so. Price to Anderson and Return $16 70. Price to Walhalla and Return $10 80. ? Excursion Tickets also on sale to Oatoosa Springs (Ga.)-price $24. Bagirnge checked through. 8. B. PIOKENS, A. L. TYLER, joni . Q.T.A_Vice-Prealdent. NORTHEASTERN RAILROAD COM PANT. 3,3*0.'. CHARLESTON, S.e., Feb mary li, 1B71. Trains will leave Charleston Dally at 10.15 A. M. and 8.O0P. M. ' ; . <i Arrive ax Charleston 6.00 A.M. (Mondays ex? cepted) and 2.46 P. M. Train does not leave Charleston 6,00 P. M., SUN* DAYS. Train leaving 10.16 A. M. makes through connec? tion to New York, via Richmond. and Acqnla Creek only, going tbrougb in u hours.' Passengers leaving by 6 00 P. M. Train have choice of route, via Richmond and Washington, or via Portsmouth and Baltimore. Those leaving FRIDAY by this Train lay over on SUNDAY ia Bal tlmore. Those leaving on SATURDAY remain SUN? DAY In ?Wilmington, N. 0. This ts the cheapest,; quickest and most pleas? ant route to Cincinnati, Chicago and other points West and No thwest, both Trains making con? nections at Washington with Western Trains of Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. S. S. SOLOMONS. Engineer and Superintendent. ' p. L. CLEAPOR, Gen. Ticket Agent. mav2i TJfTRAPPING PAPER FOB SALE.-^L? W NEWSPAPERS in larff ?"^^?1^ Price 60 GENTS PER HUNDRED. Apply ??0 Office Of THE NEWS. Tr