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Christabel's Song. V- - Hear me, 0 thrash, In the tree top above, Stay your sweet strains whue 1 Biog of my love; L Coo to your mate when my pasan ls o'er m ?\r? never heard sncb a soul-son g before. W L ark whirring ovt r so br wo and so shy. flash your rich warolinga that float down the sky. Soaring aloft, in the infinite bine. Bare I to my secret so tender and true. ' Hay's blashing beauties tbat perfume the air; Sooth wind caressing the flowerets fair, Tossing leaves, tossing leaves letting down light Crowning with glory the daffodils bright. Brooklets that over your bloomy banka swell, Dear little violets deep m the dell Share m my joy tn yvor beautiful bowers, Whisper it low to the sunny-winged hours. Listen all things tbat are tender and sw< et. Blossoms above me and flowers at my feet; Here as I stand mid the fragrance and dew, The portals of Peace open wide t > my view. Over my way dawns a wonderful light. Doubt's dreary shadows have all taken fig nt, Evermore, evermore love shall be mine. Love fond and faithial, love bait divine. nark I he is coming, the lord of my life. Coming to crown me with bil? as his wife; Down tn i tie valley the wedding bells peal, Echo's faint chimea through the glad woodlands a eal; Lasses and ladles with garlands so gay b rew our bright path to the altar to-day. Welcome him, welcome him, all thlnira so fair, Brooklet and blossom and bird of the air. LEA SE OF THE WILMINGTON AND WELDON RAILROAD. [From the Wilmington Journal ] On Friday last, at the meeting of the board ot directors of the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad Company, held in -Baltimore, the lease of that railroad to the Wilmington, Co? lumbia and Augusta Railroad Company for ninety-nine years, with the privilege ol a per? petual renewal, was agreed upon, and the terms of the lease will be formally referred to the stockholders at a special or at their next general meeting In this city. The Wllmlngi on, Columbia and Augusta Railroad Company con? tracts to take entire charge ot the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, pay the interest of Us bonds, and pay the bonds themselves st their maturliy, and pay to the stockholders five per cent upon their stock for the year 1872, aix per cent, for the year 1873, and seven per cent, for each and every year thereafter. These rates are to be paid to stockholders free j of all taxes and all other encumbrances. We | take lt that the stockholders of the Wilming? ton and Weldon Railroad Company wUl be well pleased with this lease as a financial operation, and the stock may be expected to j go rapidly up In price. PRESS REPORTS OF THE CROPS. The Abbeville Medium says: "Our farmers do not give us a very flattering account of their crop prospects. Most every part of our country ls suffering for rain and the season Is very backward, we have bad some very good showers of ralo in this community lately but | the high dry winds destroyed their nselulness. There is a very poor.stand of cotton in some' neighborhoods and, unless we soon have rain, the crops will be ahuri." The Sumter News says: "We hear that the Fork of Black River was visited on last Thnrs day alternoon with a terrine haU-storm. and that even after thu cloud passed over, and the rain bad subsided, hall-stones, as large as a j Guinea egg, could be shovelled np by the wag? on load." The Newberry Herald says: "Since our last I Issue, showers o? rain have lallen In various [ localities ot our county. Although the crops are not doing well, with favoring seasons, hence? forth and a late fall, lost ground may be re-1 covered." The Rarnwell Sentinel says: "We travelled last wtfcek through a large portion of country, and were pleased to see the crops ol corn and cotton looking well. The recent rains have ex? tended pretty generally over the State, and prospects for a good yield were never more favorable." The Marlboro' Times-says: "The weather hos been variable for some days past. Some showers have fallen, and one or two morning* have been quite cool. The crops are looking well. Grass ls growing rapidly, and li not weU attended to will soon give trouble." The Chester Reporter sa>s: "The. drought' which has retarded the growth of the crops was brought to an end on Saturday night last j by an abundant fall ot rain.- It came too late to be of any very great benefit to the crops of | small grain. These are i generally very un? promising. Colton and'corn are both now doing well." . ? ? _ _ JOTTINGS ABOUT THE STATE. -Senator Smalls addressed an enthusiastic "Radical meeting on St. Helena last week. -Mrs. Matthew Mnldrow, of Darlington, fell from a buggy and hurt herself severely. -Ylcey Buchanan was killed by Aleck Wil- J Hams, near Bennetts vi He, last week. Acci? dent. . . -The Colleton Republicans held a meeting last week, den on nod the State administration as a failure, and called a county convention. -The State Supreme Court convened on Thursday, Judges Wright and Willard pres? sent. There being nu special business, ad? journed to Thursday, Jane 6. -The Chewier Reporter says that John Lee, j a deputxaaPMia). has expressed his de ter ral-J nation to handcuff and tie white men that he may have occasion te arrest hereafter. -The roof ot the old house in Baanfort ] once owned by Captain Ed. Barnwell, known durlnjr^the war as the "Signal Station," caught lire on Saturday last about noon and vus soon put out. -Mr. John Bump, an employee of the South Carolina Railroad Company, had several ol his loes taken off by a Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad train, on Thursday, in Au? gusta. , The smoke-house o? Colonel John English, of Richland, was entered on Wednesday night, and robbed of a lot of bacon and flour. Connel E. has been Victimized in this manner several times. -Since the 22d instant Jonathan Moore, R. L. Harm -in, Jerome P. Moss, W. D. Parker, and W. H. White have been released from im grisonment on bond. On the 24th John E. arrcll, o? York County, waa re-arrested and committed to Jail. There are now seven pris? oners in the Y or k vi 1 le jail. -Mr. William Baxter Crosby was acquitted in Chester last week of the murder of James Shannon. Upon his discbarge be wan at once arrested by John Lee, colored, United States deputy marshal, on some supposed -Ku-Klux charge, and committed to jail. On Monday last he was permitted to give ball for his ap? pearance at the United States Court, and was: released from imprisonment -In the County of Lexington, Tuesday and1 W?dnesday, in the case of the State vs. Simon Black, Jake Johnston and Solomon Norphlet, j for the murder, in December last of Mr. M. H. Harman-,. Mr. Barnwell appeared for the State, and Messrs. Meelze and Rice as assis? tant counsel. Fdr the defence, Messrs. T. H. Cooke, J. W. Trade wei I, and B. I. Boone, the the two last named counsel from Columbia.; The case excited much interest throughout: Tuesday, and was given to the jury Wednesday morning. The Jory, after an absence of a little over half an hour, brought in a verdict ot guilty of murder against all three of the parties named. {Daters, Jetoeiru* $ft. STOCK OF STERLING SILVER, ? SIL YE R - ? LATED WABE AND k ;TABLE CUTLERS ?French and American Clocks, f IS TO BE FOUND AT JAMES ALLAN'S, p-o/ 307 KliVCr STREET?, decs-stnthoosm OFFICIAI.. LIST OF LETTERS remaining In the Postofllcc at Charleston, ror thc week endlpg May 3i 1872, and printed olllclally In THE DAILY NEWS. aa the newspaper having the largest circulation in the City of Charleston. S3- Office hours from 8 A. M. to SX P. M. On Sundays, from 5tf to e>? P. M. as-Persons calling for Letters Advertised should state that they are "Advertised." STANLEY 0. TROTT, Postmaster. WOMEN'S LIST. Allston, Char? lotte Archer, Emily Baxter, Hrs C E Bates, Lillie Rearo, Dianah Bell, Mary Bell. Mary Jane Bennett, Miss A Beamer, Jennie Behling, Annie Bland, Martha Ulacttinaun, Lit ile Bolus. Mary J Bonnet, Ra? chael Broasler, Lucre? tia Rene Brown, Sarah Bryan. Hannah Buck, Sophia C Cameron, Sere naT Calder, Susan Carr. Mrs A T Camplin, Mrs M A Carrel!, Adeline Canillo, Mar gret Chesborough, Mattie Corcoran, Mary Coie, Out ti rine Collins, sue Cole, Mrs J < oolin, Mrs E Cross, Mary L . Craig, Francis Dickerson, Bi nih Donneau, Mrs Vickie Downing, Mar? gret Donzolmann, Anna Drayton, Chris? tiana Drayton, Maria Bid warda, Mary Agnes Edgersoo, Sa rah Eoglehsrdt, Louisa Evans, Mrs R A Ferrett, Mrs D Fenwick, anna Jane Ferrlll, Annie Maria Fie k lin g, F liza Forbes, Miss K T Ford, Mrs M 0 Frost, Anna R Frazier. Teua Fuiler, Crace F Gadsden, Mrs LW Onnhrard, Mrs E Qeddes, Margret Qihs-n, Lizzie C Gibson, Mrs C D QordnB, Mattie Goodwyn, Sally O dorr, Betty Goldsmith, Rose H Oreen, Jennie f;r-en. Sarah L Hargrave, Bel eu Harrison, Janie Hey ward, Di anah Heyward, Christmas Heape, ida D HlciiluH. Nan?' Hllderbrandt, catherine Hicks, Angeline Hodges, Uracil* Holbrook, Es ther Holmes. Nancy Qugaeoln, Miss MA Jamtsou. Mary Jenkins, Dlanah Jessen, Cathe? rine Jones, Anna Johnson, Jose? phine J o a ut-on. Rosan? na O Johnson, Mar? ina Jordon, M H ti le Keenan, Mary Koobloc-h, Alice B Klencke, Johan oa Ryal!, Maggie La tllu. Mary E Landers, Brid get Leighton, Lou Llndstrlm, Sa? rah Marlon, Anna Mazingo, Ma? riah Maher, Kate Marcon, Har? riett Mauoney, Mrs M A Mehrtena, An? nie Merrance, Mar? gret Mitchell, Mag? gie Middleton, Mr. A Miks, Anna Mia i OOH, Mrs James Mouzcn. Nancy Montgomery, Mrs A B Morris. Char? lottes Murrin. Miss Annie Mosemann, Em mac Mood. Mist M K Mooltln, Harriet Ann Murray, Miss S A McAllster, Mary McAllster, Mrs Charles Mccormack. Mrs J Magill, Nancy McNeil). Mrs Jumes McMakln, Mrs Mary McVey, Mrs Nesbit, Eliza? beth Vol en, Mary O'Brien, Aun E O'Connor, Brid get ? O'Connell, Mag? gi? Oliver, Martha Parker, Sallie (2) Peck, Cecelia Se Phillips, Mrs C B Porter, Mrs M E Piivose. El i zo Prothro, caren? da Quinn, Eliza? beth B Qulmby, Edwin J Rahm, Mrs Ja, Ready, Eliza Rials. Celia Richardson, La? vinia Richardson, Rose Richardson, Hannah Rlcnarson, Lucy Richardson, ce? lia Robinson, Char? lotte A Robinson, Lillie Hobiuson, Mrs Rou Rodott, Mary Atina Russell, Jose? phine Samsen, Ann : Scott, Miss -ch roder, Mary B 'Schroder, Mrs Marl Scnneii, Mad me, King s reet Seyle, Mrs J F Settra, Miss or Mrs Jane Sheridan, E Iza -hirer, Eliza beth Simons. Mrs Ma " ry simons, Geor giana ^Ingleton, na M Singleton, ger singleton,' Edward Sims, Margret Smalls, Mrs Kev C Smallwood, Sa rah A smith. Marv P Smith, Anna R Smith, Rachel Smith,Charlotte Smith, Sarab -r,latia, Mrs J M Spencer, Ca he rlne Strolhart, Mrs James A Stewart, Martha Stewart, Cathe noe St( locke, Mrs Stafford, MtasO Soraptcr, Miss Ann Eliza Sullivan, Elly Summers, sele na Taylor, Mrs O E An Ba Mrs Fan Car Mrs Taylor, Susan Thompson, Jen nie rnompaon, Mrs J R Thompson, Mary Ellen Turner, nie Walker, rle Wayne, Henry Waring, Marla Walson. Emily Walllns, Corne? lla Waring, Mrs Theo D Welch, Mrs Ste? phen P Weston, Ade Hoe White, Maria vii a, lim iii Wilkerson, Jane Wild ams, Anna;! ft Wi dams, Julia A. Williams, Nan 1 cy Williamson. Ma ry J wilson, Mar? gret Wilson, Kate wilson Anna Witherspoon, Julia Wigntmann, Mrs CC MEN'S LIST. Afrler, Henry uibben, J E nulsen, 8 H adams, J F Glover. L F Parsons. W Ahurn, Dr Rob- Qoddoa, W H Pauley, Thoa D ere Golden, Beary Parker, Theo Aimar, Octa- (col'd) dore vms Graham, Robt Pa- ker. Nav Alison, J H Oreen, Boliag Parker, T F Albee A War- (cul'd) Hackney. B H ten. Green A Son Q,ue.-n. ?'rank Alston, John Chas flagland, M Alen. T J Gratton, J C Ramm, A B Angel, John uraluger. B E tteddy. r M Atti. Joseph urant, cB Recke, Chaces Alston, Morgan Orant, Captain Reade, Jno W Bartlett,Jr. Jno Hamilton, Ma Reid, Andrew Baker, Isadore con Kemp, conrad Bery Esq, Arron Harten, J B "leerson, Tuney Betreman, B F Hall, H S Rivers, Orchard Bestman, F Hastedt, H Kosls. JOBO Bing. Julius Ela'deu. J B R per, ? LI Blackwell, Thos H.zel. Samuel Robluann, J H Haskell, Jno N Ryan, E Bland, Edward Heddefly, Jas P Kyan. Thoa Blum A Sprle- Hilts, G M Salter, Moses B gell Hlbbera, LL, Gio Blase, 0 L Huger, Arthur vant Dcyian, James M . Sanders, w C bolls, John Hughes, Samuel sass, John Bovd, R F Jackson, Nor Schwabe, F liokaen, Julius nun Schiobohm, H Boy ml, J James, A H Scnnchert, L Brady. H H Jenkins, S J sch?tz, J Bruojes, w Jessen, Chris Schultze, fl, Brisbane. Scipio Han Scott, u Br a l. M ford, Fred- Jones, ? Anthony ?haw, D B erick Jones, WN Sheedy, John Brown, Mat Jones, James ?thea, Daniel Bryan, James Johnson,Angus- simmons, c K (coi'd) tus W Smith, Thos Brown, Peter Johnson A Co, mun, Ben Brown, Prince Wm Snowden, Tote Brown.Seamore Johnnon, Sam- Stootamlre, M Buck, W L u-1 H Stroble, Isear Bulwinkle, B Kahrs, Henry stryker, Jno Buckland, K nny. John steveua, Jno Frank U Kerrigan, Thos Stemart, Jno Eurlry, W fl Kelman, P B stunr H D Buero, A Kinney, John stiffens, r H Butler, N P Kintaw, Alfred Snrau, O E Buldt, D Kirsten, Henry >urao, W F Canea, Alexan- Kurier, A Tate, Simon der Lane. Edward Tennant, W 0 Carr, Thoa McG Laubock, H G Thake, Jno Carr, Rev WU- Leave, Solomon Thompson, J son Lockwood, Thompson, R T Carsland, F H Stephney i'hompson, R A Carachera, S Lawton, W 0 Thompson, Jno Ch> seer, Capt Lucas, A Ll M James U J M rracey, E Chlsium, Jno 0 Hack, Wade Prescott, W Clark, Jno M Maitland, Phelps Tysou, 'CS . Davis, CS A Co Usurluo, Cabed Davis, James T Marshall, Jno Vollner, 0 Oavey, James ?aver, J T Wattes. J Decamps, P E Manlgault, Jo- Walpole, Legare Days, timon sepn West, Thos B Deans, Daniel Mathews, WU- Webster, J)aoIel Dillon, Wa.ter liam Weller, J H c Doerzaph, Pani MelO, F Weber, Charles H Meloney, James Webb, W H Dow, Samuel B Melrose, W H White, Jno D Downs, G Meyers, John White, Prestlller Douglas, George Milds, j j ?hite, Selam Drew, Benjamin Michell, Astley Wit>e, Thos H OnPre, J FC il ills, nichard Wile, Pots Dolaney A Co, Mltche I, James wuschen, 0 Jno " Miller, Peter L Withers, James Bmmerley, W (forgan, Capt C. S John williams, Lq Entlemau, F Morgan, Rev elua Everts, Dr Or- Jessie Williams, E i lieus McEluos?, W Williams, Qos Parabee, John McOiunes,- ' WU- Williams, ?Finney.Nat liam : " Charles Fleming, Mich- Mcintyre, Hy- Wolflnger. John aid ram e Wreden, Henry Fubsou, B ? Welson, "B . Wrighton, Gaynon, Mich- Nichols, Juo B - Aaron ael Ohlckera, Hen Tates, James A arvey. Patrick ry >ouns, william Qall.atd, Tnos F.Z-dgler, G H tw Persons depositing letters in the Postoffice wUl please place the stamp near the upper right hand corner of the envelope, and they wiU also ' please to remember that without the stamp a let? ter cannot be maded, but win be sent to the Dead Letter Office. financial. JAY COOKE, MCCULLOCH & co., Jo. 41 LOMBARD STREET, LONDON. FOREIGN EXCHANGE, COMMERCIAL CREDITS, CABLE TRANSFERS. CIRCULAR LETTERS FOR TRAVELLERS, AVAILABLE IN ALL PA RTS OF 1 HE WORLD. JAY COOKE & CO., No. 20 WALL STREET. may23-x Oottttttj (Rates. "^?^NCTICE ?P^?T?T- COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE. FIRE-PROOF BUILD ?Nn, CHARLESTON, S. C., MAY 2'JTH. 1872,-No? tice Is hereby given that the personal property, or io mnch as may oo necessary, belonging to E. R. White, consoling of Marble and Stone, finished ind roogh, levied on for delinquent state and bounty taxes, for the years 1869, 1870 and 1871, viii be sold at public auction on the premises, No. io Meeting street on Wednesday next, the 5th lay of Jone, 1872 by thc County Treasurer, or his lepnty, unless the said taxes are previously paid, amounting to six hundred and nine dollars and wenty-flve centt, ($809 25) with costs. WM. GURNEY, County Treasurer, Charleston County. may30-ths2* Special Notices. WANTED TO HIRE, A GOOD table with Stalls for three horses and carriage oom f jr three wagons In the Immediate vicinity f Horlbeck-s alley and King streets. SAGERS SEWING MACHINE COMPAS'1 jnnl-2_ ?ST- THE CHARLESTON CHARITA ILE ASSOCIATION, tor the BeneQt of the Free chool Fun ri-official Raffle Numbera: CLASS No. 631-MORNING. 7-49-33-61-35-75-40-20-46- 5-17-70 CLASS No. 632-KVKNINO. G-ll-67-39-45-33-21-60-37-32-10-42 Aa witness oar hands at Charleston this mst ay of May, 1872. FENN PECK, JAMES GILLILAND, jool Sworn Commissioners. ?^TO CLEAN GREASE SPOTS FROM I ? our garments, me the DOLLAR REWARD OAP. DOWIE, MOISE, A DAVIS, Agents, | < Charleston, S. 0. YOUR HAIR IS COMING OUT r turning gray, do not marmor over a mlsfor uoe you eau BO easily avert AVER'S BAIR 'IGOR will remove the cause or your grief by re? aring yonr hair to Its natara! color, and herewith your good loots and good nature. J an l-si utn3 ^-PREMATURE GRAYNESS OF THE air should be prevented, and the best and surest reven i Ive ia HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN AIR RENEWER. Jnnl-BtnthS THE SUBSCRIBERS' STORES til be closed every SATURDAY AFTERNOON at 2 clock t'rom June 1, 1872, to October 1, 1872: STOLL, WEBB A AO., CHARLES KftRRISON, J. R. READ, Mc LO Y A RICE, T. KELLY, LOUIS COHEN A CO., FURCHGOTT, BENEDICT A CO. miy28-tnths3 NOTICE.-THE BRITISH BARK ILLS DE L'AIR, W. Jones, Master, from cardin", xs this day (27th) been eu tere J at the Custom ouse under the Five Day Act. All goods not ;rmltted at the expiration of that time will be mt to the pabilo stores. HENRY CARD. May 27, 1872--.8 6 Agent. ^BURNHAM'S SUPERIOR YEAST OWDERS.-Having used Yeast Powder In onr untiles for sovoral years, we give a decided pref renee above all others to that prepared by DWARD S. BURNHAM, Grad?ate of Pharmacy, o. 421 King street, near Calhoun street, Charles >n, S. C. : King Mansion Boarding Moase, Julius etsch, B..O. Webb, George L. Holmes, George s. enter, M. D., John T. Wightman, D. D., William mlth. Master Mach?n Ut, 8. C. R. R. apr5-3mos pm* BATCHELORS HAIR DYE.-TflSI uperb Hair Dye la the beat in the world. Per wily harmless, reliable and Instantaneous. No isappolntment. No ridiculous tints, or napleas ntodor. The genuine W. A. Batchelor'a Hair, lye produces Immediately a splendid black or' atnral brown. Doce not stain the skin, bnt laves the hair clean, soft and beautiful. The nly safe and perfect Dye. Sold by all druggists, actory ls Bond street, New York. mchs-tnthslyr-Dao ?S* CLEAR AND HARMLESS AS WA ?R-NATTANS'S CRYSTAL DISCOVERY FOR 'HE HAIR?-A perfectly clear preparation In one ottle, aa easily applied as water, for restoring to ray hair ita natural color and youthtul appear? ance, io eradicate and prevent dandruff, to pro note the growth of the hair and stop ita falling ?ut. It la entirely harmless, and perfectly free rom any poisonous substance, and will therefore ake the place of all the dirty and unpleasant 'reparations now lu use. Numerous testlmoula s lave been sent us from many of our most proud lent citizens, some ef which are subjoined. In very thing in which the articles now In use are ibjectlonable, WRYSTAL DISCOVERY ls perfect, t ls warranted to contain neither Sugar or Lead, '] lulphur or Nitrate of Silver, lt does not soil the lothes or scalp, ls agreeably perfumed, and nakes one of the best dressings for the Hair tn IBO. It restores the color or the Hair "more per eec and uniformly than any other preparation," md always does so In from three to ten days, rlrtually reeding the roots of the Hair with all | he nourishing qualities necessary to its growth ind healthy condition; lt restores the decayed ind Induces a new growth of the Hair more post ?iveiy than any tiling else. The application of; his wonterruldiscovery also produces a pleasant, md cooling effect on the scalp and gives the Hair t pleasing and elegant appearance. Price $1 a )Otlle. ARTHUR NATTANS, Inventor and Proprietor, Washington, D. OL For Bale by the Agent, Du. H. BAER, No. 131 Meeting street, Charleston, 3. O. 13VH-9tUthlV ^TON MARRIAGE.-*-* Happy relier for Young Men from the effect^ af Errors aud Abuses in early life. Manhood re itorod. Nervous debility cured. Impediments' to Marriage removed. New method of treat-!' oient, New aud remarkable remedies. Book?! ?nd Circulars sent free, In sealed envelopes. Ad. i lr ess HOWARD ASSOCIATION. No. 2 South Slnth atreet. Philadelphia. Pa. oe tia Clothing, (EarloriTig, &r. FOR SPRING AND SUMMER, 1872. MENKE & MULLER, CLOTHIERS, NO. 325 KING STREET, THREE DOORS BELOW LIBERTY STREET, Invite attention to their large aud splendU stuck Of CLOTHS, OASSlMERES, COATINGS, Suiting Cheviots, Linens, Ac, and the handsom? est selection of Pauts and Vest Patterns, which will be made to order under the supervision or a most skilful and fashionable cutter. CLOTHING FOR MEN, YOUTH, BOYS AND CHILDREN, of | every style and quality, and at very low prices. AND A COMPLETE STOCK OF GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, Which embraces tho celebrated STAR SHIRTS and the choicest novelties lu NECK WEAR. All orders promptly executed and satisfaction guaranteed. apr2-4mos ?rjirt? ana Jomi?rj?tg ?0000. SEASONABLE GOODS. MEN'S FANCY HALF-HOSE. GAUSE, ME BINO, SILK AND THREAD ENGLISH SILK UMBRELLAS. Elegant Suspenders. ROMAN SASHES. SCARFS & TIES. DRESS SHIRTS, COLLARS AND CUFFS; TBE CELEBRATED SPIRAL - SEAM DRAWERS, WITH THE LATEST PRODUCTIONS OF ELEGANT NECK-WEAR, AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. SOOTT'oS STAR SHIRT EMPORIUM, MEETING STKEET, APPOSITE THE HARKET HALL. novia Pin ?O0?B, ttl. FL RCIIfxOiT, BENEDICT & CO, No. 244 KING STREET. P PREVIOUS Jp TO J LT ? TAKING R E THE C C YEARLY INVENTORY, WILL O O SELL T T ALL T T X OF A B ??B B FINE E E SELECTED N IN" vT* ' SIOCK E * E OF D DRY D I AND I FANCY J c ; C GOODS T " T AT & & GREATLY C C REDUCED O PRICES. O (MigarG ano GI ob a:to. EMPEROR WILLIAM WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MANUFACTURING CIGAR AND TOBACCO HOUSE No. 310 KING STREBT, THREE DOORS SOOTH OF SOCIETY STREET. ' CIGARS AND TOBACCO ol all kinds. PIPES o? every quality. Call and examine Stock before buying [else where. WILLUM SCHRODER, Propr ietor. N. B.-The Wheel of Fortune conr .tant j on baud. Inveat 26 cents and try your lu' * mchT-DOAwiyr <SMfr karolina Bittet*: 8 ' bLD~~C AR? LI N A BITTE W?? Av P??LIGrBCTF TJli, TOJXIC.^ .' The Southern Country bas been sn iloode i wi ii Bitters and Tonic*, all pro fess I np to be panaceas for every disease ihat . n-si ts heir, to,-' t liar, u ls with.somfdiffldenre we place .our OLD (JAKOLINA Bl'TEBS before thc public. We (eel emboldened to "do so, however, from the rn ar Ked favor they have met with the patt n ve years, and the con'inn d demand from every action of the country where they have been once introducid, ls evidence that they possess some merit. CUBES GENERAL DEBILITY, WAIST OP APPETITE, DYSPEPSIA, . INDIGESTION, CHILLS. THE OLD CAROLINA BITTERS ARE NOT A VILE PANG Y DRINK, Bat are compounded by an Experlenc d Chemist! and contain tome of the very beat Tonics round Ur ;!ic Pharmacopoea. blended with select Indigenous root* and herns, together rormlug a most delight-; ul Tonie, and can be taken p-rrect saretv by the old and young. The delicate f-male, su rrerl nu rom prostration ana nervous debility, will find In the "OLD .CAROLINA BITTERS" a remedy that ?111 Kraduallv Htrensthen the system. Invigorate the spirits ond restore bloom to tho pale cheek. We lave never offered our bitters as a Cure for all Diseases, but, as a Kellabie Tonio, they have no equal n genera! debility of the system resulting from Intermittent, Typhotd. Malarial and Nervous Fevers. Taten In small doses, i he Ca ollna Bitters will be.found highly beneficial, and the patient will find Umseif with altered reelings afier he has taken!a few bottles. Try lt once and you will be convinced. For sale by all Druggists and.Grocers., and et Wholesale by tue Manufacturers, : PHILIS? WIPTEMAN ?fc CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, CHARLESTON, S. C. mch2tntba-3moan?o WITH CHILLS AND FEVER ? TH RY ARE ENTIRELY VRfl ETABLIS. They coolata no arsenic or poisonous ingns ?Lienta of any Kind-nothing In the least decree injin loua to tue system nader nny circumstances -?nd may be administered wita'perfect safety Co an infant. They never fall to caro tho most obstinate cosd ivhen taken aa directe 1. They care Imme lately. Ia no caso will tho na lient have more thau one chill after tbe llrst dose, ind in the majority of cas- s not even that. They accomplish the work by destroying the lanse or disease, which no other remedy pretends lo do. They are an effectual preventive, neutralizing the malarious poison in the system, aud tims averting its consequences. PHYSICIANS USE THEM IN THEIR PRACTICE; It ls almost universally the eros M h at physicians I condemn winn are gem rally known aa "Patent Medlcloea.? MOI.SE'd PEVKtt AND AOUB PILLS; ihoaeh under this head, the composition ls knowu to many, and s > pa pablo are their valu ?b e cura? tive properties that a number of the first physi? cians In the South aad West have adopted them lu their pructlce, and recomueud them to their I patients as the most reliable Fever aud Ague medicine known. NO ONE NEED SUFFER, be they ever so mnci exposed to Fever and Ague, If thry will only take MOISE'S FEVER AND AGUE PILLS. To thos? who have contracted Fever and Ague, Instead of using Quinine, Arsenic, and other power? ful remedies, they will And not only immediate relier, but a positive cure in MOISE'S FEVER ANO AGUE PILLS, which IB an old reliable article prepared from the private formula or <>ne or the most experienced physicians In the Fever and Ague districts, who alter many years or successful practice hos made lt known to the pr prietor. This article hos been used In eases where every remedy has railed bei lore, and performed the mon astonishing eures; being a vegetable compound, lt removes the cause or the disease at once, and does not fur nish, as many articles do, only temporary relier. may30 ?MNSO . } ?tliocdldTUoriG. ELGIN'S P H AN T O M . The best Bean tiner or the Complexion In the Market, Ladles try lt, you will (ind lt so. Sample Packages or rms Nsw AND BEAUTIFUL FACB POW ORB, free by all druggists. DO WIE, MOISE A DAVIS, Wholesale Agents. Charleston, S. C. maya-mtbslS professional. _?_i^. jyL IL B. HEWITT, No. 31 WENTWORTH STREET, CH ARLES TO N , 8. C., Can be consulted on the following diseases, and diseases or a kindred natur.1, free of chargo .nd lu strict confidence. Charges mode? rate and within the reach or all. Of? fice hours from 9 A. M. to ? P, M. : RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA. in all arthritic complaints, as rheumatism, gout, neuralgia, Ac, thu practice Is almost perfect. The most Intense pains are almost instantly re? lieved, enormous swellings are reduced, llm"4 which have been contracted aad stin for years are relaxed. Oases or twenty, thirty aud forty ye u sj standing have been cured by me after all other: means have failed -, I A great accomplishment U my triumph over palu by which I can oitan, in a few moments, ,'oothe ana carry off the most excruciating sar-' rvrlngs. II this syst m did nothing more than io ;eievepain, it wou.d stand superior roany otho." system exiont. CATARRH. Stopped-op Head, Running or the Nose, co danf Hawking and Spitting, constant Blowing or : the Nose Thousands soffer from that most annoying, dis agreeole and offensive complaint, catarrh, with? out knowing what lt is. tue secreted mn couf, flowiug down the tui oat. clogs up tue tungi aud lays the foundation for.consumption. Too most skillful physicians, fall to care lt. l care any case of ob tructlon, storped ut head, discharges of greenish, thick, thin or glairy mac?os from tue hose, internal or externa1, pale .or mimosa between the eyes, COLSUI t blowing o; th snose. lbdammutl m or the nasal palagea ulceration or . hchuclderlon mein nra ne, ac, li the co" "ii"80 of a few days. DEAFNESS. Nervous Deafness, Noises in Hie Head, otor rucea' Otitis (Disc large rrom the Ear,) Paralysis or Auditory Nerve. I am dally i rea tim all affect tous or the ear wit! the most giatifyii.'ii resin ?H. Someti? had pai<; aurhts neany $10oo without benefit have bei cured by me in a few weeks at a moderate ex T86" MERCURIAL. DISEASES. , j Mercury, injudiciously used, has filled th yean! With wrecks of -humanity. Thousands surfer iron : Its i ffects who have beeu unconsciously drugnei hy tneirphysician. sjth vain ro cur or tho majority of dise?es while lt remi-.lns ia th body. Although I have hearu ur scverar so-cailet intldotes tor meronry tu tne human body. I hav i lever > et seen a physician who could ?limin?t IL; from the system. - . 1 can satisfy any patient or phyolcan thal I cai o bsolotely abstract mercury, lend, zinc, am o Iber m?ueral pomona in every case. CANCERS. N oU-Tne-Tangere. Lupuso, or Wolf Cancer, Seit ?rliUB Cancer, Fanpons Cancer, Rose Cancer, Spider Cancer. i i mutee a great specialty In the treatment o I every desertion of Cancer and Tu nora. . Bn? many cancers and Tumors are wronfall trea ted ny cer ain charlatana styling themseive "Ca'acer Do tors." AI ter being pronounced incurable.! will tak any one of tbese cases in hand and make a pei mMi r-ieriw for treating Cancers, Ac., will b base d oa the age and condition of the patient and /be positive certainty of cure, ma y?s-6mos Drugs ano JfticomTus. L?GAISTA^ AXIONS. W. R. WA BUSS 4 00., OP PHILADELPHIA, oner the following assortment of Elegant Pre? parations, now asea by Physicians everywhere. Sena far Price List to Dr. H. BAKU, Charleston: iron and'lodoform Pills, a powerful Alterative and Tonio Comp. Phosphorus Pills, for Impotence, Loss of Nerve Power,.Ac. . ' . I Elixir Cinchonla Calisaya' Elixir Pyrophosphate of Iron Elixir calisaya, lr n and Bismuth Elixir calisaya, Serrated Elixir Ca.lsaya, Iron and Strychnia Elixir Bismatb .- . . . . Elixir Pepsin, Bismuth and Stroyhnla Elixir Yaierlahate of Ammonia Wine of Pepsin ' . . . . ? Bitter, wine of Iron Wino ot WU i Cherry ' ';'' I Ferrated Wine of Wild Cherry -' ::.:?.'.;.-.'. i i comp. Syrup ot Phosphates (or Chemical Food) ?>yrup or Uypophoaphttes (for consumption. Bron? chitis, Ac.) . ..: . ? . - Lozenges or Pepsin .and Iron , - Licorice Lozenges, cot&lnlng Vanilla, Tola,Ac Elixir Taraxacum Comp. This ls a new ana vaia ' u^io com bl ii aiton of the medicinal prop er tl ?a orthe iMadttiLjn, wild Cherry anu Gentian,' associated 'With Aromatics. lt ls a very agreeablenndefflclenc'remedjr, ? Aside from' ' Its medicinal virtues, lt ls u erm M? vehicle and for maiklng the bitter taste of Quinine. Elixir Gentian and Ima ' . Elixir Bromide or Potassium.. Syrup Pnosph. Quinine; iron 'and strychnia, (Ait? ken's Syrup) 'for Debility and Nervous Pros? tration, Indigestion Chlorosis, Ac Ellx. valetlanate of strychnia ' Ellx. Puo4ph. Quinine iron and Strychnia (of the greatest service where there u a tendency, to Paralysis) - .". Beer, Wine and Iron, an elegant combination, especially serviceable in cases of children and delicate ladles. . , . . ' In addition to the above, W. R. Warner A Co. manufacture a ru.1 lino of Fluid Extracts and Sugar-coated Pills, all of which are to be had at | Manufacturer's Prices, of ? ." ;?> ' D& H BAGA; No. 131 Meeting street, ; i mch23 d?W6mos, , r Charleston, a. a , BUGS AND MEDICINES. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. D . : DB. U. li AK R, No. 131 MEETING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C., r Invites attention tb the following Preparations or-his own Manufacture: . r , THE CELEBRATED^ GERMAN SOOTHING CORDIAL, FOR INFANTS TEETHING. : This ls the best Medicine for in rants and young Children ever offered to thc moue. Ic ls care? fully prepared Lom tho best Drugs according to a prescription furnished by a distinguished uer man Pnysician nf lanje and successiul practice, tad has been tried, and, approved hv nany or our best' physicians. lt ls specialty adapte 1 to tbe. diseases lucidon: to childhood dari?g the trying period of Teetnmg. and recommends lmed.for the cure of Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Colic, Griping In the Bowels, Summer Complaint, Ac lc contains no Anodyne ur-ocher injurious Drug, and should,' therefore, bs preferred, to the .?ooihtag Syrups that now norn the m ir kee, which are known to contain Opium, and are. there ore, more or less injurious. Thousands or.c.ul.dreu are murdered annually by soothing Syrups; in some cases, this ract has been published lu the newspapers, where the pny-lctau In attendance so stated la nu death' certificate. In tho numerous other oases, where the Innocents are murdered by this modern Herod or thc Nursery, the cause ls laid to a thous? and other causes-to all- but the right one. Mothers, bear this m mind, and use the German Soothing Cordial,' winch ls safe, efficient and satisfactory. Do not fall to try a bottle at once I . The booming cordial ls also an 'excellent Tobie, admirably adapted In cases of Debility-itlvlng' tone to tne system, recuperating the strength, and restoring the appetite. Price 25 cen ts a bottle. EXCELSIOR HAIR TONIC. This ls no Dye, but. a Tonio, and Hair Dressing'-' keeps the scalp clean, and promotes tbe growth of the Hair; contains no Nitrate o' Silver, uo Sul? phur, no Sugar or Lead, and no other Injurious Drug. Try lt. only 50cents a bottle. DR. BAER'S IMPROVED VEGETABLE CATHARTIC PILLS. Tho proprietor or these Pills confidently be? lieves that he. has succeeded, by a skilful com? bination of vegetable, remedies. In pro lacing a preparation that will bring health and happiness t J ttienarortnnate sufferer. In,.the following dis? eases, they have tuen .used by. thousands with most wonderful saccess: Bdiou's'Disorders and Liver Co upi dat. Dyspepsia or Indigestion,, Head? ache, Costiveness, Los* of Appetite, Neuralgia, Dropsy, Dysentery. Piles, Dlseaseo of the Mein, Pain in tho Side, Back and Limos, bick Headache, and all derangements of the stomach. Theje Pilla may be taken with perfect safety by any person and m ali situations in life. No family Bhonid be without them. . Price 25 cenia'A b ix.' ,. ;'r " BENZINE, (DOUBLE-DISTILLED.) ':'' For Cleaning Clothes add taking out Grease Spots Price 26 cents a box. A U "?ral discount to the trade on all the above Preparations. Dr. BAER ls Agent for the sale of FOUNTAIN SYRINGES, The best instrument of tho kind In use. NATrAN'S CRYSTAL DISCOVERY FOR THI HAIR. (Advertised in another part of THE NE wa.) PROF. WUNDRAM'S GERMAN REMEDIES For Rheumatism, Gout, D/?pepsIa, -Diarrhoea Dysentery, Asthma, Ac. Ac. W. R. WARNER & CO'S; ELEGANT AN! RELIABLE PHARMACEUTICAL PREPAR ?T??NS?v (Advertised in another part of THE NB wa.) - UNIVERSITY MEDICINES. - These preparations, comprising valuable reine dies for alniust every disease, are daily gaining li favor at toe sooth, while, in tbe Nortn and Wes) they, have for some j ears enjoy ed a large repute ttou and extensive sale. The" following aro som of the best kuown: -. . <:'. Comp. Extract Ol CANCER PLANT. Hydrated Oxy mel, for tough, Ac Strengthening Tonic'OT Poru. Five-Minute Piilu-Cnrer. ' ' _ . Ethereal Phosphorus, ((or weakness, Nerve FJ baustlon. Impotence, AC.) Amaranth for the Hair. Vic;oi ia Kegla lor the complexion. Headache Plds. May-appie ri ls. . All-Healing ointment. itlieumai lo Elixir. ti : . ? ? Ima Extract, (for Epilepsy, Fits, Ac.) Catarrh Specific Pile Fxtr.ict. Always .on hand a full assortment of Drugi Medlclne-i, chemicals, Patent Medicines-Maw tlc ami Imported; Fancy Goods, Perfumery. Ac all of which wlU oe sold at lowest market rate sample orders solicited from ibo trade. HOMOEOPATHIC REMEDIES. A lull assortment always on band. CUNDURANGO, The Great Sooth American Cancer, Remedy. 1FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RENO ? VATED NEATLY, PROMPTLY, AND AT MODERAT RATES, By L-L. LUNSFORD, leba Smith street, north or Wentworth. -X., DnUt? StsteMort^Is^ Hna.-In re Laurens Railroad OompanV.-Baa? rapt-in Bankrn|ixcy?Oi\:jU,> - .... In obed lene? to an order, la the a^ove stated tt?lio tb?lUB^l^[^^^aa^S?M?^^ risk of tho Greenville and O?krm >la Railroad cpmoaoy.?tie LAURENS RA 11, RU ? D. at Ootom bia, S .nth Carolina, in front, o? the col umbi? Ho? tel, .at w o'eIc^in?r.dfao, oo toe t went??tn (20.; ; ; day- of Jane. Wi, free from all liens a.d.lucan. branees,.lnclodlnjr toe traes and.roa i-bed., Iron, rails chairs; spikes, timben.: OrtOge^/cm???/ machina siiops, water tauts, statioo-n'onses, and all-locomotives, cars and machiuery, and all and singular the proDertj acd .a<Mt8. real and per? sonal, of everv kind and description whatever-of tue Laurena Railroad Company; together wlth-a?i " i he rights, prlviieacs.-Jfran elliss aod^aaiuieoLs, lawfully held, mea or enjoyed by tba -Laurens Railroad Company, on theiollsiriag tt?m8?*wr8: Sixty-four thousand two hundred and twenty-?o ($64 22184) dollars eighty-four ?in a moatbojjafd Within thirty (3ii) day*-after.tae day orisale; an/1 the payment of tho balance oOhe-pmcha*? money wttbln twelve months from the-day-Of sale, with Interest thereon at seven per cent. p?r annum from that day, mart be seenred by tte bond of the purchaser, an<ra mortgage ci. the en - eire property sold. H v:.o;.~.' ??.m.-. ---'ijit.-V The bidder will be required to depoeit with the . assignee bcrore his bia ts accepted, twenty thous - and dollars, to secure compliance wu h the terms of, sale herein set forth, and apon laUnre to'.de? posit that sum the properly will at once be re offered Tor sale. JAMES. H. BAX TER, . may 20_ ^Aaalgngs^" ?ST- ESTIMATES WILL BE BEOTf^EB until soth Ina tan t for 'Whitewashing the- Centre and Upper Markets. Applications lei. with the undersigned. WILLIAM KTRKW?OB?'1 mayas J ?./-?'!> l omef Cleric. t '? Stti?vitnr . " - ; PH?SPH?TEKT The Undersigned are CASH BUYERS Of1 ti'. ROCK i PHOSPHATE OF ?V?k . ,.v Of Good Qaauty, delivered in LlverpoOL^'^ Un except lo nab le references given on prospect of business. Apply to . ' f - : r. -, .CEORCE HADFIELD &, CQ., ; MANURE :CHEMICAL. MANUFACTURERS, ; ' Light bod v Street, Liverpool, England.: .'. m?y?S-imo- ' '. ? >\ ? :. v'-;**5^. r <araajjr ?^f^ig^^^gf . ?^ooo7oom . "? SECOND* I? ' . - 'i j-. .?..: . >.' :t ... iim'i . .lNr;Aro;'O^.TH?;,--;V-F? '! PUBLIC LIBRARY OF KEKTDCK?, AT WXi^l^J^f-^ By authority la the act Of the Legislature lacor porariDgahe PUBLIC; LIKU A KY OF JvENTUUKr, the Trustees wm give their .: . ; . ? y - SECOND GRAND GIFT CONCERT In tue great Hal! of the Public Library 'Building, . " lnftoulbTllle.'Xy .oa ';* ? ^'ij?wa SATURDAY. ! This magnificent ha !, known as'Wei-lger'Hall, ~ In the IsrgeSt; most cern rally located, and boator? ran jed ruf large amt fasbjoaaoie audiences of any iu Louisville, and is flited up lavnperb styjeciffiho building ha* a front ol lea feet ou Ponrth.,a..eot. By-a deptn-or^ ioet? Xeur.swrtesin! h?lgnt? and flited ap for a fhrer*, and contain about iro.ooa volumes and a museum ot 100,000 specimens;-nolr open and free to the gratuitous use and enj >y rueut of all citizens of every Si ate -lu the/Union. It ls tho purpose of the Trustees, by.ttiQ.'Grand Olft Concert now announced, to raisexli?jnooey with" waloo'io pay TOO bataneo or -the pa- coasts moneydue upon the Pabllc Ll omy bol wm g,-to enlarge tue library, a?d to so e /dow toe Institu? tion a? t o m?kelt self-sustaining and fore ver be . youd the necessity oi.calllng upon any ladtvuiaal who rifles the books for the LOU irlouttoa of a single cent toward Its support. -.. -,? .),.. , , a ,-,7 : ? ;, 101,0011 TICK IC TS OF ADMISSION .. .. wfltbe Issued at $10 each; hair tickets $5; quarter tickets $2 60; 11 wholo tickets for, $100; 23 for tm; 60 for $500; 113 for $1000; 286 for $25op-J576 tor $r;ooo. No discount on less than '$100 worth of tickets at a lime. rn-fl Dry.' Tickets wdl be sent, when requested, hy regis? tered letter. .The money.-for tnem may;boi?eoi by Adams Express Oomiaoy and lu0jnnectloas, Pastolllcd money order, registered letter, or bank draft. , . ; 0 ' " . -.- ; '!',,.". . The holder or each ticket, or fraction of.afttcxkt. (a nair or a quarter.) ls entitled to admisilon to the Concert and to me gift awarded to lt. During the Concert the .sum.of;. $500,000 ?fjSiLm^^ will bo given to the lioldere of tickets' by distri? bution T>y lot Of, ONE THOUSAND OlFrS, as ioho wa: . ' ?T.v-14 .1 ,L1ST0F OIFIS. ...... " One Grand O If <, Gaib............ $100,000 Ope ?rand Glfi, Caah. 5i?,O0O 1.......I.-$26,000Caan . , 1......?.........:.. 20,000 '.' 1.?........ 15,000 <. 1.-....10,000 " .. 1...:... ?,000. .1..........1. 8,00?!-?-":*9 1. 7,0?0 1.6.000 " ' i........................;.:..;. '6,ooo " ' 1....?.....-..i..;.... *,oooe?vf* 1. 3,000 4 G iris or $2.000 each.. 8,000 , 16 :'. 1,000, .ff.l^OM.,,'.' .' 20 ? WO ?f. .......... 18.000. ", - si " 800 .:ie,8otr''! 25 * 700- .......... \rjMTjW 35 ?' 600 " . 21.000 " T 45 " Sdi " .22,600 " 50 ' ?0 u . 20,000 . 60 ? 300 " . 18,000 ?4: 100. ,* 2JO ? .i0,000. ,?? , C12 " 100 ".61,2?,0 " i TetalLooo. a^^.Otfh.v..$6^?)!0^;.^^ This.Concert, ute the ilrat or thajactiof. Decem ber last, (which was sb'Oecldediy'saccessfal.'and at which 1 he flret grand-gift was drawn oy and ! paid to Mr. Joan R. Darf?, of Mempttls, Tenn;,) ls .for thc boaeflt of the , , The- FaTme^andrjrover^iBa^ aud the corporal rs and supervisor* ?re all rente stn tatt vc men. and areamoug-tTOraost-vejjpwca : We and -distinguished cWqenfl-or^ho atat^. Shonla any tlCKcia be left unsof&oa'the'day of the drawing, they will bo des tro ?ed. and ttre-ose tooasand gifts offered wal ail be drawn and pild, bnt dlmlntsned In value m prooortlon to the per .j centavo of nnsold tickets. For instance-, If only three-fourths of che tickets are sold, the capital 1 gift wai be reduced to $76,000, and ail tue Others innroportion. . . . . .,", The'Hon. Thoa. F. Bramlette. late Governor of Kentucky, has consented to represent tho trustees in tne management of inls second Grand Gift Concert, ana' he' will personally '-see"tha?Ttne f money irom the sarirof%ckets is deported with tne Treasurer; that .the (irawlngili fatrjy-con? ducted, and the gifts.jastly awarded and prompt? ly'paid. ' ' " . - ..."..*".' The drawing wl<l take place tn public,-, la.fnll view er the and ence, and.uuder. the immediate I supervision and direc-ion of theoroters and Trna 1 Ues or the Public Library hr Ken tacky; and tXe : fellowing named eminent and disinterested cltl > zeas, who have consented to be present and Seo tnataliUfairiy.done: TT'^r. . -r. Hon. M. ft? H ardra, Judge Coori Appeals, Kv. Hon. J. Proctor Knott late. M. C. - Lebanon Dis. a Hun, H. W. Bruce, Judge Mn th Jud ci al Dis., Ky. Qen. Ell H.'Murray,'U. ?. Marshal, Dis. Kji''-1' , Hon. B. Oberon, Chancellor Lou. Chancery Conrt. I Hon.' E. D. Mandiford, Prealdeni Farmers'and 1 flu Drovers'Bank. '' .' ~ - .-iSnolS .ioi?r '* Hon. Joua Barbee, Manager Royal Insnrance-Oo., f--. 'Liverpool. .?r^n'-uni'' > Col. Phil. Leo, Com. Att'y Ninth Judicial Dis.-. , S] Dr. 0. Graham. foimder.t?raaam*.OM e Col. Ji.sun P' Johnson, Manager Galt Tfoosa " Dr. T. a. Bell .piof.HeaTcal University, LonlSTllIe. Hon. J. G. Baxter, Mayor Louisville, ?- / H . Hon- T. L. Burnett, City attorney?;? !<,.jni' .-??f; Henry Woirord, iteasurer r??lBvine.J'' ' " 1 A. 0. Braonln,. President Ma?nlactnr?is' Bank. ?" Philip Judge, bfthe LoaiBviu? HoteTOo. . . - Jas. Bridgeford, Pres. 2dNa<tonal Bank. W;C.D. WhrpaVProDrletor Willard HoteL r.; J-i'1 Johusion, President Traders' Bank. - - , , H. Victor Newcomb, drm of Newcomb, Buchanan : . . Apo... ' ,. .'..,. - *". Henry Deppen, President German Bahk. . 1 Andrew Graham, Tobacco and Cotton Merchant,' Dr. Norvln Green, President L. S? OT!SliorVXWB ... R. L. ' ? - " ?> " -i i i'.-i"...i >.'/ . Vol. Rose, Agent Adams Express-Co, Mi . 2 EU T. D?rtRETi', Prr>ideiu,L ..V j s :, fi W. N. li AL ? E ll AN, Vlce-Pres ide n t, !. v JOHN 8. CAIN, Stcretary. . , . . FARMERS? Atib DROVERS BANK, Treai.? These who deare; farther information, crvfio wish to actas Agents for the'sale of TlcSeta. s < well as those desiring to purchase Tickets, shomu address ' . - . ' .><. -? > ?",:?,,. THOS. E. Il RA l-l LETTE, ti -?- ? : i Kj i" >r,.; - Agent Library or KentocKjE. - fifi Public LibraryJinihUog, Louisville, ay, H JOST CL culara, giving lull particular aent on appncatloo. . .. msy26-84Wi PrtceeoOENTSi PER HUNDRED. APPi^C^i otnceorTrlENEWS. -"^