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FESTIVITIES OF TSE SEASON. . Maroon o?. the German Firemen Yester? day-Picnics to Come. GERMAN STEAM FIRE ENGISE COMPANY. The annual picnic of the German steam Fire Engine Company took place yesterday at Mount Pleasant, the members, with a large number of the fair sex and other Invited guests, leaving the city at 10 o'clock A. M. The day was spent In shooting, turning, ?co., and la3t, but not least, In dancing, which was kept up with untiring vivacity. The dauclng . hall had been prepared for the event, and was neatly dressed up. At the close of the day the marooners procured lights, and the picnic ended in a most enjoyable ball, which lasted until a late hour, when the party took the boat for the city. WASHINGTON STEAM PIRE ENGINE COMPANY. The annual maroon of the Washington Steam Fire Engine Company will be given to? day at Mount Pleasant, under the manage? ment of a committee of arrangements, con? sisting of tb* following gentlemen: Messrs. L., chairman; T. Murray, Jacob Kno? beloch, C. F. Lynch and John McCaffer. The boat will leave the wharf, at the foot of Mar? ket street, at 10 A. M.. and 1 and 3 P. M. PALMETTO OU ARD RIFLE CLUB. The annlversiryof-ihls giillant organization occurs on the 28th of June, and will be cele? brated this year by a street parade, lo which lt ls expected that the Palmettoos will be es? corted by the Washington L'ght Infantry and the Sumter Bille Club?, and a picnic at Mount Pleasant, with target shooting, dancing, and the whole round ol amusements that gene? rally accompany such an occasion. CHARLESTON SOCIAL CLOU. The first annual picnic of this flourishing young organization will be given at Mount Pleasant on the 11th proximo, under the man? agement of Messrs. T. Ostendorff, C. Bell, J. Alley, J. Lockwood, P. D. Bell and D. C. Pregnali. _ A SHASHTNO PARAGRAPH.-A soldier, while reeling along King street yesterday with too much spirits aboard, burst through the glass I show window of Burnbanks drug store. He was taken out and assisted to the Guardhouse. A BABY PRINTER.-The other day, Sidney Alexia McMillan, son of the proprietor of the Marlon Crescent, set 5800 ems in nine hours. Sidney ls but eight years old, forty-seven inches high, weighs fifty-lour pounds, and has not been at regular work for much over a j month. He bas, however, been assisting in the office for two months, occasionally setting a stick or two of type. AN INVITATION FROM SAVANNAH.-An invlta .tlon has joe en received from the Savannah Sehnt zengesellscbalt by the German Bille Club Ot this city, to participate in the Sch?tzenfest | of the iormer, which will take p'ace In Savan? nah on the 17th, 18th and 19th of June nexr. The Charleston Sch?tzen will doubtless send a strong delegation to represent thom at this pleasant gathering in the Forest City. CHARLESTON MOUNTED CLUB.-A meeting o the members ot this club was held last evening at the Mills House tor the purpose of reorgan? izing. The affil rs of the club were discussed at length, and a committee ot five-appointed to examine Into the same aud report next Friday night, until which time the meeting ad- j journed. An election for officers will then take place, il the number of members war? rant lr, and also the st j le of sabre to be used will be determined on, alter hearing the re? port of Mr. Chapeau, who was appointed a committee of one to make the selection. CORRECTION-.-In the proceedings ol Council published yesterday morning the name of Alderman Brown rppeared In two places, instead o? the name of Alderman Bowen, tai the discussion relative to the Enter-1, prise Railroad and the employment of I counsel to test ita right to dig'up the streets. Alderman Brown was not present at J f the meeting, and lt ls but due to Alderman Bowen to say that be voted against the em? ployment of counsel at a cost ot two thousand dollars, in the first lestance, and bas always strenuously and uniform!y opposed the mea? sure. ACCIDENT AT STEINMEYER'S M ILL.-At about I C Tibie o'clock yesterday morning the cast-iron I 0 front of the fire-box supporting the boiler In 111 Stelmneyer'B Mill, at the foot of Beau?ain I 5 street, suddenly gave way and Iel!. Tne accl- ! ^ dent dislodged the boiler and broke the water I e pipes, and tbe hot water contained in the I1 boiler was forced ont by the steam and severe-1 D ly scalded a colored fireman who was stand-1 d lng ]ust In front of the boiler. Tbe wounded Ia man was promptly attended by Dr. Pro Hean, I9 who pronounced his Injuries very severe, and I 0 possibly fatal. The accident will probably In-1 terropt the business for about one week. I Q A DEVILISH ATTEMPT.-Last Monday night j 0 some scoundrel weot to a new wooden build-1 * lng in Queen street, near Elna:, where a family I * reside, and pouring a lot of kerosene oil from I 8< a bottle upon the floor near the door threw a I 0 lighted match Into it. The first attempt tailed. I [ and tbe house-bumers were alarmed In their I ? work, and left before tbey accomplished their I a' design. Tfie bottle of kerosene, the half-burnt I tl match and the oil upon the floor told the fain- I w Hy of the horrors they had escaped, and the I Q circumstance was at once reported to tbe offl ? Cl cen. Nothing bas since been heard ot the J parties._ j ri . - I ct CLUBS ANO STABS.-Not a single offence I at against the peace of the city was reported at I Cl the Mayor's court "yesterday morning from the j cl upper wards. From the lower wardsacolored J fri youth, named John Brown, found asleep In I by the market, was discharged, and the case of I pl twenty-seven barrels of fish, not removed I from Venolng's wharf, under the orders of the j m city registrar, was suspended until both par-1 H, ties could be heard. The streets are now re- J. markably quiet, except: certain portions ot ra East Bay and Meeting streets, where the work-1 to men on the Enterprise Railroad are makiog I things ring to the music of the pick and I shovel. ' I jj, UNITED STATES COURT.-In the District j de Court yesterday, before Judge Bryan, a wagon, I m two uorses, thirteen boxes of tobacco, ?tc, j B,' seiwd on Information for violation of the In- j pe ternal revenue, were relessed to the claimant I pa on his giving bond to the clerk In the sum of I J10 three hundred dollars to abide the final ludjr- I iii ment j Sa United States vs. Joseph M. Gayle, defend- 18 ant. Verdict for the plaintiff for six hundred qu and seven'dollars and eighty-four cent?. ad William K. Flint was tried and found guilty Ne of violating the internal revenue law, and the 11 penalty lu his case was fessed at four hun- Gc dred dollars. j JJj The petition of Charles w. Fawcett bank I to* rupt, of Fairfield, was referred to Registrar P? Clawson to report. f* Tbe petition of the assignee of J. D. Mell- ??' wain," bankrupt, for the sale of lands of A. J. 0N Kebler?and John J. Knox, was granted with to! the consent of tbe defendants. cr John D. C. Luders, of Altona. Germany, ap- if peared in person and filed bis notice of inten- ba tlon to become a citizen of the United States, be The Juries were paid and discharged, subject g0 to the call of the court, and the court adjourn- Q"J ed until ten o'clock this morning. ' a4 TBE COUNTY CONVENTION. List of Delegates Elected. Pursuant to the call of the chairman of the executive committee, meeiings were held last evening in five of the various wards of the city for the purpose of electing delegates to the County Convention, which meets this morning at eleven o'clock In the Hibernian Hall. The meetings were all harmonious, and the business of the evening was dispatched with an alacrity and precision which showed but lillie difference of opinion as to the issues ot' the day, and augurs well for unanimity of | action at the convention to day. " WARD 1. Meeting held at the South Carolina Hall, Mr. Henry Gourdin in the chair, and Mr. Wm. M. Sase secretary. Delegates elected: E. Mc Crady, Jr., H. ?. Young, W. R. Steadman, Thaddeus Street, Joseph McFall, Marlow Cochrane. WARD 2. The meeting, which took place at the Hi? bernian Hali, was organized by Mr. W. H. Easterby being called to the chair, and Mr. John A. Moroso being requested to act as sec? retary. The following delegates were then elected: Henry Hall, Walter Webb, John A. Moroso, S. S. Solomons, J. B. P. Alley, C. O. Trumbo. A motion that no delegate tn the County Convention shall be eligible to 'he State Convention was moved, and, after a short discussion, rejected by a large majority. WARD 3. Meeting held at Market Hall. Captain A. 0. Stone In the chair and Mr. P. T. Morey, secre? tary. Delegates elected: Hugh Ferguson. John F. Britton, John Hanlon, L. D. Mowry, Alva Gage, A. J. Mlms. WARD 4. Meeting at Archer's Hall. Mr. John F. Ficken in the chair, and Messrs. Robert j Chlsolm, Jr., and B. E. Kinloch, secretaries. On motion, it was resolved that no delegate from this ward to the County Convention shall be eligible to the State Convention. The fol? lowing were nominated as delegates, and elected without opposition: E. R. Walter, Theo. Boag, E. L. Levy, B. K. Kinloch, B. 5. Bruns, E. R. White. WARD 5. Meeting at Oppenheim^ Hall. Colonel J. D. Aiken in the chair, and Mr. H. H. Oppen? heim, secretary. On motion of Major A. B. Rhett, it was resolved that no person be eligi? ble as candidate for the County Convention except he be, present at the meei lng, or a good excuse be given lor his absence. The follow? ing gentlemen were put In nomination and elected viva voce: P. Brady, Charles Foster, A. B Rhett, A. J. Crews, J. B. Steele and W. P. DeCosta. CHRIST CHURCH PARISH. At a meeting ol' the citizens of Christ Church Parish, held at Mount Pleasant on Monday last, the following were elected dele? gates: G. E. Kinloch, M. W. Venning, Dr. I ] Fred. Horlbeck, Wm. Edmooston. 11 DECORATING THE CMON SOLDIERS' GRAVES. The ceremony of decorating the graves ol the Union soldiers, who fell lu this vicinity and ?re buried at Magnolia Cemetery, will take place this alternoon at half past four. The programme will consist of a prayer by Rev. Mr. Fox, an appropriate ode 6ung by Sunday school children, aa ode read by Rev. Mr. Fox, the decoration of the graves by children, a | j dosing ode, and the benediction. A train (viii leave Ann street depot at 4.15 P. M. and return at 6.30. The military companies and :lvic societies have been invited to attend. Persons wishing to contribute flowers are ] I respectfully requested to leave them at the residence corner of Smith and Bull streets before 10 A. M. to-day'. SAILING OF THE GEOKG?A-A SUMMER CARGO. This capacious steamship, ol the "Iron Line," vent to sea yesterday morning with a very arge and valuable cargo, and cabins full ot tassengera. Our readers who are apt at estl nating .quantities can amuse themselves by Igurlng ihe total IQ cubic feet of this "sum? ner cargo," and will, no doubt, come to the on elusion that Charleston ls about the only ?ort, South, that ls In the way of furnishing uch a bulk of freight for a single New York teamship. Tbe exports by ibis steamer, vhich can be found In its proper column, ls o Delusive of the advantages of thia port over lelghborlng ports, whose trumpeters are iways at work disparaging '-the City by .the ?ea." When either ot them can send to New Tork sixteen hundred bales of cotton and the normous bulk of other cargo, taken out by he Georgia, we shall be pleased to make a cte of lt. The South Carolina ls the next iBpatch on the "Iron Line," and passengers nd shippers will note that she Is appointed to ail from Union wharves on Tuesday after con, June 4tb, at six o'clock precisely. THE IRISH FESTIVAL.-In the hurry of laking up the record of the target shooting n Tuesday afternoon, for the award of prlzps, few errors were made by the committees, 'filch have since been rectified and which hould also, as a matter ol Justice to the marks len, be corrected In the published reports, u the case of the Carolina Rifle Club the ag? r?gate number of centres made bythe clnb hould have been stated as 231 Instead of 211; ie numbor made by Mr. J. W. Lewis, who .on the first prize, 100 Instead of 98, and the umber of Mr. E. A. Smythe's score, which irrled off the second prize, 75 instead of 73. The prizes for the tilting at tho bead and E ng by the Charleston Social Mounted Club A insisted of a silver mounted bridle and spurs. w id a riding whip presented by tbe Irish Rifle lub, and a floe bridle and a handsome saddle oth presented by Messrs. Chapeau <tHef oo, saddlers. They were won respectively r Sergeant Peiper, and Messrs. Doyle; H. Ap? er and M. Hogan. ' . The marksmen of the German Rifle Club ed the celebrated Happoldt and not ihe ipsburg rifles. The former are made by Mr. H. Happoldt ?f thi? city, who won the eene l prize and also the flretaf the prizes offered the German Rifle Club, scoring 179 centres. THE NEW YORK VEGKTABLE MARKET_Thc ?Hy Bulletin of TueBday, May 28, Bays: S?SJ??'?f0 m*rket >s dull and heavy for old ar??n9- 7ne f,'ature of vegetan ? T1 P,re8ent ap'*ar9 10 b? centred In .rmuda onions, ana ther^iB an acilve spec alive demand. The bulk ol the stock sp? ars to have been quietly bought np ov a lew rties whose Intentions, we are told, are to kiloran advance: the marketat the close excited, and prices too uncertain to quote liably. In other kinds peas are a tri lower, but with this exception there no marked change in values. Our otations for potatoes are In bulk- in Ipplng order 50c per barrel must be ded. Bermudas are held at $8 from dock, iw Southern $5a6. We quote old as follows: 7oa2 25 per barrel for Peach blows; $1 50al 75 r Jb.arlfeI.,i0^Ear,y Ro8e; U?1 50 for eany *JSi,1^1 75 per barrel for Jackson, i tes; $1 75a2 for Prince Alberts. lu veee J?J?* W>" green peas: Norfolk, $3 60a4 e bbl; do Maryland. $5.50*6. Carrots $3 59 1 per barrel Radishes 50a75e. lorVrsey d Lpns Mand, per 100 bunches. Russia .nips $3a$3 50 per barrel. Parsnips$1 EES dons, 50ca$l lor red, and about he same for lite So nach $1 50 per barrel. Bemuoa?om?? -s $la$l 2oper box; do onions _ l?r !? TR,hu^arb ? P*r 100 hunches. Jersey ?nd ne Island asparagus G*10c.: do. Ov>tr Bav ri ^r W?- Sprouts*L 60 per wei. String beans $2 50*3 per crate. Cucum od ln2neral,J,p0ur aort hard to ?Sf od would probably bring $4a5 ner cratn' mrner squash per ?ate, $2 25a2 50? New Sri pe?abWPe bUnChe8: New ca? ? V, O] hi si ct m te bi loi th di (0 wi or. Si t? AMUSEMENTS. Ac-ail filly of Music The Skiff aud Gaylord Troupe of minstrels, burleequers and contortionists, attracted ano ther lair audience ut the Academy of Music last evening, and kept them la good humor with a rich bundle of comicalities. A mat nee will be given this afternoon, and the final per? formance In Charleston mis evening. The Tour of Ku rope. Colonel Johnston very kindly entertained the children of (he Orphan Asylum with his Panorama of tbe Old World, at Hibernian Hall, yesterday afternoon, and the Mille folks ap? peared highly delighted with the trip, and the Interesting lecture with which the Colonel is in the habit of accompanying lt. Last even? ing another exhibition was given to a large and appreciative audience, including the la? dies of the Confederate Widows' Home. The few Panorama, Next Monday evening, at Hibernian Hall, the new panorama ol the United States, which is emphatically a home enterprise, having had its incepllc . and birth in Charleston, will be.exhibited for ihe first time In public. The paintings are spoken of by those who have been favored with a private view as remark? ably truthful, effective and artistic,- and the range of views presented is particularly in? teresting to Charlestonlans. The opening scenes of the panorama are devoted to the most striking localities In this city as they ex? isted bef jre the fire and the war had made such havoc with Its beauty, then are given life-like paintings of cities and scenery in various parts of the country, and finally a series of sentimental and humorous sketches, including some pictures of great beauly and Borne that aro irresistibly comical. CRUMB?.-State Auditor Gary is ID town. A brisk shower commenced ut half-past eleven ta-t night, accompanied with vivid and frequent Sashes of lightning. Colonel Johnston announces a mal loee ex? hibition of his panoramic lour ot Europe for to-morrow afternoon. BOND SCRIP FOB TAXES.-The following communication was received In this city yes? terday by the county treasurer: OFFICE AUDITOR OF STATE. / COLUMBIA. 8. C.. May 28, 1872. j Wm. Ourney. Esq, Treasurer Charleston Countv, Charleston. S. C : Sm-Proceedings havlug been commenced In court lo test the question as io whether the State ls bound to rec? Ive '-revenue bond scrip" In payment of past due ia?e.?, you ur?* heieoy directed to receive none of said "ncrlp" on ?aid account until the question has been settled. Very respectfully. EDWIN F. GART. State Auditor. Hotel Arrivals-Blay 20. PAVILION HOTEL. A. C. Appleby, Colleton; M. Bischof, Macon; Et. 8. Barker, Barnwell; H. Spanier, Atlanta; a. Vance, Augusta. CHARLESTON HOTEL. Edwin F. Gary. Columbh; Thomas B. Jeter, Jalon; P. L. WlgglD, Beaufort; S. St. John, H. 3. Plait, Mrs. Dening and child, Augusta; H. Browning and wife, Misa M. Browning, Aiken; E. W. Johnson, E. C. Green, S. C.; D. Bead, ady, servant and child. James Hunter, Mrs. ?V. A. Avrry, H. L. Stevens, Savannah; P. W. Hiller, Washington; S. C. DePass, Memphis; Samuel Lowder, Philadelphia. Meetings This Day. Amateur Literary and Fraternal Associa don, at 1 P. M. Irish Volunteers, at 8 P. M. Cleburne Society, at 8 P. M. Auction Sales THU Day. Jeffords & Co. will sell at 9 o'clock, at their itoreB, sugar-cured hams. Miles Drake will sell -at IO o'clock, at bis tore, clothing, hals, <fcc. William McKay will sell at 10 o'clock, at his tore, shop goods, shoes, ?fcc. Henry Cobla & Co. will sell nt 9 o'clock, at heir store, hams, shoulders, kc. P. B. Lalane & Co. will sell at half-past 9 .'clock, at their stores, cheese, butter, &c. BUSINESS NOTICES. NEW Goons FROM NEW YORK.- Messrs. ?toll, Webb & Co. ate again In the il eld, ahead f all competitors, with a large and carefully elected assortment of dry goods from New rork, which they offer at remarkably low ates. JOHNSTON'S TOUR OF EUROPE.-Last mall? ee Friday afternoon. Everybody receives a resent. No blanks. FAMILIAR SCENKS AND WELL-KNOWN LOCAL riES can all be visited by going to Hibernian [all on Monday night. Only 50 cents. MR. LBE, proprietor of the Pavilion Hotel tables, bas just received another of those ouLiiioiinted Clarence Carriages. They were irnlshed by the old carriage house of L. Ihapln, No. 193 Meeting stree!, and are not quailed In style and finish by any in this city. JOHNSTON'S TOUR OF EUROPE gives a present ) every body Friday afternoon. Last marl? ee. RECEIVED per Norwegian bark Dratipner, ogllsh Bass's Ale and Rhine Wine, on draught. Iso, Philadelphia lager beer, fresh every eek, by A. Tiefenthal. maj30-3 "CARRY THE NEWS TO SARAH !" "What news?" 'hy, the Great Panorama of tbe Uni i ed States peas at Hibernian Hall on Monday night. LADIES, why will you do your sewing by ind when you can buy a sewing machine on ich easy terms? The Singer Sewing Ma? tine Company are selling their celebrated achines on the instalment plan, and their rms are so very liberal that anybody can ly one. They Invite tho ladies to their par r, No. 186 King street, where lt will afford e agent a great deal of pleasure to show the fi?rent styles ol machines; also, sam) les ew) of work done on them, whether you ?sh to purchase or not. maj30-ihm2 FRESH and fragrant is the verdict ol every ie who has used Hoyt's German Cologne, has njet with suco, a popular reception that r. A. H. Hayden has been compelled to in? essa bia orders, and those persons who sp? ecials a pleasant delicate perfume can i accommodated at the corner of King and isel ?treets. PREVIOUS to taking Inventory of stock Furch itt, Benedict & Co. offer unprecedented bar tins In all of their departments, containing Iks. Dress Goods, Domestics, Fancy Goods, bbons, Corset?, Handkerchiefs, Ladles' and mia Underwear, Housekeeping Goods, Car? ls, Matting, ?c. may27 BnsiNEss ENVELOPES.-I HK NEWS Job Office now prepared to furnish good envelopes, th business cards printed thereon? at $4 r thousand. Send your orders. Every ir chant and business man should have his Pd printed on his envelopes. YE THIRSTY MORTALS, ATTENTION!-Gard? y's celebrated Soda Water, at lbe East Bay iws Room. Branch of the Hasel street es bl lah ment. apr 16 WORTH THE ADMISSION ALONE.-What? A look at -Ihe City by the Sea," Monday night at Hibernian Hali. PREVIOUS to taking inventory of stock Furch gott, Benedict & Co., 244 King street., have marked down all of their goods, and- offer greater bargains in all ol tbelr departments than ever before, maj27 T-* FIFTY CENTS is all that is asked for admis? sion to the grand nierai exhibition of the age at Hibernian Hall on Monday night. DRESS GOODS ! DRESS GOODS !- Louis Coben it Co. beg leave to draw the attention of the pub;ic to their Fresh Stock of Dress Goods, just received, comprising the latest novelties and styles, and at prices fully twenty-five per cent, below their cost of importation. A call-ls respectfully solicited. Louis COHEN ?t Co., No. 248 King street; majl6 NOTICE TO TOURISTS.-Stereoscopic vlewB ol Charleston and vicinity for sale nt the Hasel street Bazaar. dec29 BTLL HEADS printed on fine paper at $3, $4, $5, $6 50 and $8 50 per thousand, according to size, at THE NEWS Job Office. MARK TOUR CLOTHISO!-Order your Stencil Plates at the Hasel si ree t Bazaar and East Bay News Room. octl4-th GAMES ! GAMES !-Magic Hoops, Building Blocks, Alphabet Blocks. HASEL STREET BA? ZAAR. febl5-th TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. At the regular meeting o? the Palmetto Guard Rifle Club, beldon tht 28th instapr, at Ar? chers Ball, the followlug preamble and resolu? tions were unanimously adopted: Since tho formation of this Club deatn has claimed several members from onr ranks, and we are now sgiin called to mourn the loss of a com? rade. Sud leniy, and with scarcely any warning, the snmm ms came, and T. D. Clancy passed from the portals or life into that unseen booree whence ; o traveller return-. To chose he left re hind rem Uns tho sad dury or paying a tribute to his memory; therefore, belt Resolved, That In thc death of Theo. D. Clancv this Uub liss mst a member endeared to them by p -st associations, and one whose luterest in the ur?ni za I >n had neveras td. Resolved, Tnat this Cl o crear the usqal badge of mourin og on tbe next parade. Resolved, That the f ingoing preamble and res lu ions be soread Upon toe Minutes, anda ci'py of the same he forwarded to tho family '.f oar deceased comrade, and be published lu tue dally papers. Fxiractfrom the Minutes. A. S. nora LAS, Secretary and Treasurer. CO HI UER VIAL NEWS, Exporta. NRW YORK-Per steamship Georg's- 221 bans of sea Hand and 1357 baies up and cotton, 162 bales do nestles an 1 goods, 18 tes rice, 600 norn navsl store-, 60 casks dav. 60 bandies paper, 149 bbls potatoes, Mttboxts vegetables ona lui pkgs sun? dries. The Charleston Cotton, Rice and Naval Stores Market. OFFICE CHAKLKHTON WRWS, I WEDNESDAY EVENING. May 29. 1872. f COTTON.-This article was In good and well sus? tained demand at full and firm, and In some cases rather b t er prices. Sales about 600 b iles. Bay 48 at 21, 12 at 21 ii, 33at22H. 23 a' 22H. 120 st 23. 80 at SSM, HO ac 23H. 81 at 23H, 6 at 23H. 43 at 2? 40 at 24a. l extra staple at 25,5 extra staple 26c fl lb. We quote : LIVBRPOOL CLASSIFICATION. Ordinary to good ordinary.21 ?23v? Low middling.23H@ Mld'ling.24 @ Strict middling.nomlual Kies-The market was quiet but steady. Sales u tierces of clean Carolina at 8c ? lb. We quote common to fair at 7H@8C, good sa@B>?C ? lb. NAVAL STORES.-Receipts 156 bbls splrlis and 795 bbls rosin. Sales of spirits 250 bbls at 53o for mixed, and 54o fl gallon for regalar packages. Rosin-sales 300 bbW cn the hasls of $7 for win - dow glass, $6 for extra pale, $?.> 26 for pale, $5 for low pale, $3 for extra No 2, $2 85 fur No 2, and $2 75 for strained, crude turpentine may be que ted at $3 76 for virgin, $2 so for yellow dip, and $l 90 for hard. FBKIOHTS.-To Liverpool, by steam direct, nomi? nal on uplands, nominal on sea islands; via New fork, >,\i on upland H , Xd on sea Islands; by sall, 'id on uplands, on Bea islands nominal. To da vre - on uplands. Coast wise-to New york by ?team $2 on upland 1 and - on sea Islands; $1 60 fl tierco JU rice; ny sall Ho fl tb on cotton; - fl norco on rice; 60c fl barrel on rosin; $8 fi M on mimer; $10 fi M on tlmbor. To Boston, by sall? ie 9 ts on npland cotton; rosin 65c; resawed cuff $9 60?10 60; pnospnare $5@6 so. To Provi? dence, by sall $9 fl M on boards, He fl lb on colton; by steam $1 fi bale on New York rates. To Phllatelphla, by steam $2 fl on cotton; oy sall, fSBItoa boards; $9 60@io on timber; $8 per ton un clay, and $8a$3 co oa-phosphates. To Baltimore, by steam HO fi D by sall, $0 60@7 fi if on boards; $8@8 60 on timber; $3 26 fl con on phosphate rock. Vessels are in de aland by our merchants to take lumber freights from Georgetown, S. C., Darlen and Sauna River, ia., and Jacksonville, Fla., to Northern ports, md $io?i2 9 M are the rates on lamber and toards. Kron ANGE.-sterling 60 day bills sajtf&ftSX. DOMESTIC EXCHA' ? 2.-The banks pur h ise ught checks on New iork al par, and Bell at %? H premium. Outside they purchase at M6M>X fi cent, premium, and sell at 3-i6@H premium. 0OLD-13@14. Markets by Telegraph. MONEY MARKETS. LONDON, May 29. Noon -Consols 93H- Bonds 9i)J?. Evening.-CODSJIS ?3H. Bon is 90H. NEW YORK. May 29. Noon.-Freights steady, stocks very weak. ? 3?M steady at 18. Money easy ac 6. Exchange- j oog 9H; short 10H. Governments steady, state . louds dull and quiet. South Carolinas very ; weak. Evening.-Montw 4a5. Sterling quiet and Arm. ; Sold active aud higher; for- lgn oanKers buying at ^aH. Governments closed strone at advance iii round. S.ates dull and heavy. TenneBsets ure i e 1 at 73. New South Carolinas 32. Freights lrmer. COTTON MARKETS. . LIVERPOOL, May 2 >. Noon.-Cotton opened strong; uplands llHd. Means liJid. La<cr.-cotton strong; sale* 20,000 bales; ex ion and speculation fioco Kvenlt g-Cotion closed Barong; nninnds ltHa lHd. Ot leans ll ??alt gd; Bales -JJ.OOO; specuia- ' ion and export 60.0bates. NEW YORK. May 29. ' Noun.-Cotton n- ml ally higher; Biles 633 mles; uplands and Or.eans both v6,*?c. t Evening.- Cotion stead, teales 23.330; mlddllrgs 1 !8,>?c ?sale? of cotton fa'lires to-ua? 2A.800 bales 1 u i.llows: May, 25 7 16a26 * ; June, SC 7-10 *2?H? 1 l'y, ::> ^s2513 IC; August, 26Hs2<H: S -piembcr, <? ajimSHi ucto' cr, *0Ha21H; November, 19l5-iGa lu; December, 19^. BOSTON, May 29. Cotton, ml dungs 26^c: gross reeeipts 64 tales; sales 21,0 ; stock 15 soo. , PHILADELPHIA, May 29. Cotton arm; middlings 26ac BALTIMORE. May 29. Cotton qnlet and firm; mlduimv 25Ha?&Hc; net ecelpts 83 bales; gros? 097; exports coastwise 180; sales 6o4; stock 47i8. NORFOLK. M*y 29. Cotton Arra; low middlings 23?c; net receipts - 0 bales; experts coastwise 138; sales 60; stock 671 bales. WILMINGTON, May 29. Cotton firm; m'dd lin gs 24c; exports coastwise G balea; sales 74; siock 2131 . , SAVANNAH. Msy29. Cotton quiet and flrm;'mlddd gs 24c; net re elpta 420; Bales 175; stock 9.61 nales. AUGUSTA, May 29. Cotton Arm and In fair demand; offerings : Ivht; middlings 23j?c; net receipts 88; sales 176 .das. . MEMPHIS May 29. Cotton very Arm; middlings 24 24Xc; receipts 01 bales. MOBILE, Mav 28. 1 Cotton qnlet ; middlings 23Hc; net receipts 28 liles; sale, 500; Btock Pi56. NEW ORLEANS. May 28. Cort?n strong; middlings 23sc; uer, receipts 3< bales; gross 48t?; sales 2500; stork ?1.880. O.LVBSTON, May 28. cotton qnlet; good ordinary 2o>ic; exports 1 oastwlse 168 bales; stock 6604. I PROVISIONS ANO PRODUCE MARKETS. .. ; . LIVERPO A., May 29. Noon.-Breadstuff's quiet. NEW YORE, Msy29. Noon.-Flour dull and declining. Wheat dull an<] heavy. Corn dull and uuonanged. Pork quiet; rata-s $13 4s. Lard dud; steam 9#i9%o. Turpentine quiet and ur rn at ?JUOJC. KOBIU Urin: ?traine . $3 60 KveolDg--Floor dall anl drooping; common to fair e?traf8?6aiu75; good to choice $10 80ai3. Whiskey Ole. Wneat favois buyers; nhl >pera and millers Insist on lower rates; $i 68al 73 for No. 2; red Western $2 06a210; amber Western $2a21&; white $2<i2 IC . om lower at 71a72c. Pork dull and heavy at $ .3 50nl3 OD. Li rd dui and unchanged. Navals firm. Tal.ow quiet at OHOK'*. BALTIMORE, May CO. Flour quiet and arra. Wheat dull: red Western $2.i210. Corn-waite 79; yellow 72; mixed corn Tia:J.. Oatsstron?; Southern 58*61. Provisions duli with declining tendency. Whiskey excited at 93. CINCINNATI, May 29. Flonr quiet and unchanged. Corn active at 52a 63. Pork nominal. Oilier* quiet and unchanged. Whiskey 80. LOUISVILLE, May 29. Flour dull; family $7 25. Oom, Backed 63c. Pork $12 60. Bacou steady. Whiskey t8c. ST LOUIS, May 29. Flour easier, bnt not qnotasiy lower, corn dull and lower; No 2 mlxco Mosaic. Whiskey Sic. Pro visloni dull. Pork $12 26. B-con un eh toged. Nsw ORLEANS, Hay 29. Sngar qalet; fair 8J?c; good fair 9Xc; prime lo^c. Molasses dull; some thin reserves sold at ! 30. Codee 16>4al9u. Havana Market.* HAVANA, M av 25. SUGAR-stock In warehouse!) at Havana and Matanzas 438,000 boxes and ?8,C0O hhds; receipts of the past wees at Havana aud Matanzas 63,uoo boxes and 8400 hhds; exponed during the week from Havana and Matanzas 38,000 noxes 640O hhds, Including 8600 boxes aud 6000 htids to tho United sta es; market firmer; Nos 15 to 20 Dutch standard lltfa!4)? rs per arrobe. M lasses -ilga rs Arm aud stock scarce; sales Nos 8 to lo at 8)i?9 rs per arrobe. Muscovado sugnr, inferior to common 9a9?? rs per arrobe; fair to good reflnlog nuoyantat \>%?9J? rs per arrobe; grocery grades lilian^ rs per arrobo. Molasses mai ket qalet and we..K; prices unchanged. LUMBER.--white pine nominal; pitch pine $38a 39 per M. Shooks-box steady; hogshead weak; for molasses 20 rs. Empty hogsheads active st $.i 7.1. Um>p> nominal. FRBIOBTS-Firm; to Northern and Fou'hTR parts ta me United Stitr-s per box if sogar Sit a iain; per nhd of sugar $5 75aS76; pirhhdof mocases $4 25a5; to Falmouth und orders 47B Od to 62- 61. rxCHANGE-Excited; cn OnPel States, 60 dava, currency, par to hi d Broun'; 60 day*, gold, 13a is .y premium ; snore- sight 14Xal& premium; on London 2a?a27 P'emlum; on Paris lo^ail premi? um; spanish bank noies ll di; con ut. New York Naval Stores Marker. Nsw YOKE, May 28. Receipts to day 116 bbl-? crudrf turpent ne, 7216 do rosin, no do spirits turpentine. Spirits tur pentlue has ruled very qilei to day, but he price "rm, closing a' 04c for merchantable order. Sales 02 bb ls at. 63 hi a?4c. Rosin excee Ingly dull, and we did not hear of a single transaction. Prices nominally unchanged. Tar and pitch qalet and unchanged. New York nice Market. NEW YI RX, May 28. The Dally Bulletin, of Toesda. saya: The regu? lar trade are taking enough steele for a few days' wants, and the aggregate business In thu way make* s fair showing, toonga the market cannot be called act ive ? Holders auk former prices, and a e p etty steady, bm otP r all the at..cte required. Wf haar to-day ofojly ab jut 200 bags foreign at 7a7??c for Rangoon. 7,^c fur Patna, and small lots carolina at 9a9J?c. Wilmington Market. WILMINGTON, May 28. SPIRITS TURPENTINE.-Marset H arm and sales of 376 i a-k-i ba-i been effected at 54c per gallon for j Som hem packages. HOSIN. - -n les i?79 bbls at <2 76a2 81 for strained, $2 8.i for ow-No 2, $8 for No 1. $4 fur low pale and tb 60 for extra pale. M ir ket ls firm and bas ad va need 60 Der t>bl for strained. CRUDS IURPKNTINB.-sales or 480 bbls as fol? low?: 860 bolt at $2 60 for hard, $8 80 for yellow dip and $4 80 for virgin, and 130 bois at $2 60 lor hard. $3 8* lorye le v dip and $4 86 fur virgin Market is firm and hs.s advanced 6c tor yellow dip ann virgin. TAR.-Sales of 3T4 bbl' at $3 60per bbl. COTTON.-sales ol 8 bales late yest, rd av evening M follow*: 2 ai Tihi. 6 ut 23, and 1 si rict mid? dling at 24XC per pound. Interior Cotton Markets. ROOK HILL, May 26. Under the Inflaence of continued excitement la New Y rk we report onr market advancing; mid? dling 23c; sales of ti<9 week 10 bales. MONTGOMERY, May 27. Market firm with good demand; good ordinary j 21 Kc; strict good ordinary 22>?c; low middlings 22\'c: middlings 230. - Receipts per Railroad, May 29. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. 339 bales cotton, 109 bales goods. 213 bbls naval stores and l car stock. To Kailroad Agent, Bar? den A Parker, Kinsman Sc Howell, Wmlden ? June?, Mautone & cu, A s Smith, Frost, Adger A eu, O ? Waiter & co, W C Bee k co, Baumelst r 4 Zerbst, Jno Campeen * co, D O Hld, H O Doscher, c D Ahrens, Ladd, Martin Sc Mood, and W H Joues Sc co. NORTHEASTERN RAILROAD. ll bales cotton. 676 bbln naval stores, car* lum? ber. tub icco, md.-e, Ac. To Barden ? Parker, Whllden A Jones, RTWalker. Kinsman Sc Hovell, S ? Money, A J saunas, Mowry Sc soo, Holmes, Calder A co, W C Bee A co, J R Pringle Sc Son, W ? Courtenay Sc co, J Hyam Sc co, RH Brasswell, W B p Hin reel. Butler ? Son, J Welters, i c M a; lo? nee, SAC Railroad Agent, and other?. Passengers. Per steamship Georgia, for New York-Capt and Mrs J B Eaton, Thoa Bed Turd, nurse and child. Miss Hattie Btd'ord, Miss H O Alliier. Miss L O Hooke Mian L Butiernelii, Miss Smith, Mrs Bceler, M s Seeiy. T R Lovett, James M Nelson. Mrs a 01 mes, Master Holmes, J H Patterson and wlie. Miss M A Patti-raoo, M B Patterson, Master J H Patterson, Miss G F Pearson, R Austin, Miss Williams, Mr Arnot, Mrs Snell, Miss snell. J H .sullivan, Rev T R Gaines, Miss Church, Mr and Mrs Church and two children, C P Leslie, M J Leslie. Miss Adams, Thoa Wil lama, Mr and Mrs Rice. Geo Woodruff. F F Peck, Miss McPherson. Miss Kelly, Mrs Clothier, G Kley, R Perkins, J Mauagauir, J BSmlih. J LSmiih, Mrs J M Wnl Bcy, Mrs Ford, H C Bennett, Aird W Brunning. Kr and Mrs H Brunnlag, Wm McDonald, Mrs i T Denning abd cb,ld. R F Gurney, John Bum n ger, c Buianger, Mra wil ou, two children nnd nurse. Miss Anna Leslie, Mr St John, J P Miles, a jd 3 In the steerage. Per steamer Water Lily, from Edlsto, Enter? prise, Rockville, and Way Landings-Dr R Lebby, J Mitchell, Jno King, D U To wits. POUT CALKS DAK. MOON'S PHASES. New Moon, 5*.h. IO hours 4 minutes, evening. First Quarter, 14tn. 2 honra, 0 minutes, morn'g. Full Moon, 21st. i hoar, 39 minute*, morning. Last Quarter, 27th, 4 hours, 8 minutes, evening. MAY A JUNE. Monday. Tuesday..... Wednesday. Thursday... Friday. saturday... Sunday. SUN RISES. 4.. 64 4 64 4 63 4. 63 4 63 BUN SETS. 7.. 1 7.. 2 7.. 2 7.. 2 7.. 2 4 62 7.. 3 4 62 7.3 MOON R. * 8. morn. 12.. 6 12..47 1 V3 1. 61 2..23 2.. 63 HIOII WATBR. ll..21 12.. 29 1..24 2..26 3..24V 4. .18 6.. 8 MARINE yu wa. CHARLESTON. 8. C.MAY 30, 1872. .at 88 ileg 46 mm 83 aec. | Lon 79 deg 67 mm 27 sec. ARKlVcD YEsTEltUAl. Br bark Perseverance, Cook, Cardiff-days. Hatiroad Iron. To Order. Brig Mlnnio Abbie, Harding, Boston-12 days, ddse. To M Goldsmith Sc Son. steamer Water Lily, Togllo, Edlsto, Enterprise ind Way Landings. Mdse and snndrle-.. To ? Manet', Fraser ic 1 HI. J o Gieen, H U Robinson, ; Claclu -, Wilson Bro, M Mccarty, S A Woodside, lamer?n. Barkley A co, F O'N- Ul. Klinck, Wick mber? & co, t S lld., and others. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamship Giorgia, Holmes. New York-Wag 1er, Huger * co. W A Courtenay. Sehr J W Hinton, simmons, Alexander, Va-J L Enalow Sc co. SAILED YESTERDAY. Steamship Georgia, Holmes. New York. Brig Black s wau, Winslade, Martinique. FROM THIS PORT. Steamship Sea Gull, Dutton, Baltimore, May 19. (.pan brig Merced ita. Oliver, Barcelona, May 9. Sehr Ellas Moore, DeGroot, Baltimore, May 2'. CP FOR THIS PORT. The Amazon, McDonald, at Bristol, Eng, May 4 to proceed to Cardiff to load. Sehr Alatoaka, Fooks, at Baltimore, May 24. CLEARED FOR THIS PORT. Sehr Nellie Clark, Darling, at Portland, Me, May 16. MARINE NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. NEW YORK, May 29. Noon .-Arrived, the steamship Cruunc.-ry. Ar ived out, the steamsnl 1 D itscbiaud. LI?T OF VESSELS UP, CLEARED AND SAILED FOB THIS PORT. LIVERPOOL. Tie Annie, Davis, sailed.March ie lr bark Onward, Evans, up..April 12 The Georgiana, -, np....: April 17 The Dake or Cornwall,-, up.. .May 8 NSWPORT, BKS. The Essex, Smith, tailed./.Marco 26 BRISTOL. KN G. The Amazon. McD maid, np..May 14 Bi nark Areli tree;, Duidlington, up........ May 4 B0NB38. Tue Athene, sorensen, sailed.....Maren 19 SWANSEA. The Brenton, Rich, saned.-..March:20 The Bachelor, Tooker, sailed/......March"Sf BTE. The Heinrich, Wu tier, sailed.April '8 , DOME ST IC. NBW YORK, Br bark A K Clements, Kelly, cleared.May 23 Bria C irollne Cray. Snow1, ?teared.M*y 23 Sehr Florence Rogers. Sh'?bpard, cleared..May 17 Sctir F Shay, Hatching, np...:.'..May 20 scar Daybreak, -, np.....May 24 FeiLAOKLrillA. Br bark Jas Holmes. Wise, cleared.May 17 Br b^rk Maria, Sheldrake, cleared.May 17 Bark Tidal Wave, crosby, cleared.May 18 Sehr E A Hooper, Hooper, cleared.May 21 . BALTIMORE. Sehr Matonka. Fooks, np./May 24 sctir J H Stickney, FOOKS, cleared.May 20 Sehr Henry Allen, Tatem, cleared.May 16 BOCKPORT, MB. Sehr L T Knight, McIntyre, sailed.May 3 PRO y'IDKNCK. Br bark Jeanie Armstrong, Brown, BIM..May 18 PORTLAND, MB. Sehr Neille Clark. Darlmg, cleared.May 25 2Vntn sement?. ^NNUAL MABOON OF TBS WASHINGTON STEAM FIRE ENGINE COMPANY, AT MOUNT PLEASANT, ON THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1 873. Members and Invited ernesta will please assem? ble on Monnt Pleasant Ferry Boat at io o'clock A. M. An Accommodation Boat will leave at 1 o'clock. Members and invited guests can obtain Pas? sage Tlckets'on presenting cards of Invitation at the office ot the Ferry Company. COMMITTEE: L. CAVANA UGH, Chairman. T. MURRAY, 0. F. LYNCH, JACOB KNOBELOCH, JOHN MoOAFFER. may30-l_ C?atcbc?, Jemeirn, Ut. . THE CHOICEST STOCK OP JEWELRY, STERLING SILVER, SILVER-PLATED WABE AND TABLE CUTLERY French and American Clocks, IS TO BE FOUND AT JAMES ALLAN'S, No, 307 KING. STREET) Sima*? Cijtinualf, Ut. C~ GUYOT'S TAR CONCENTRATED PROOF LIQUEUR Mr Guyot has succeeded in depriving tar of its insupportable sourness and bitterness, and in rendering it very soluble. Profiting by this happy discovery, he prepares a con? centrated liqueur of tar, which in a small volume contains a large proportion of the active principle. Guyots tar possesses all the advantages of ordinary tar-water without any of its draw? backs A glass of excellent tar-water without any disagreeable taste may be instantaneously obtained by pouring, a teaspoonful into a glass of water. Any one can thus prepare bis glass of tar water at the moment he requires it, thus economizing time, facilitating carriage and obviating the disagreeable necessity of hand? ling tar. Guyots tar replaces advantageously se? veral more or less inactive ptisans in the treatment of colds, bronchitis, coughs, and catarrhs. Gnyot's tar is employed with the greatest success in the following diseases : AS A DRAUGHT. - A teasponfal in a glass of waler, or two tablespoonf uls in a bottle. BRONCHITIS CATARRH OF THE BLADDER COLDS * . OBSTINATE COUGHS IRRITATION OF THE CHEST . PULMONARY CONSUMPTION WHOOPING COUGH DISEASES OF THE THROAT AS A LOTION. - Pure or diluted with a little water. AFFECTIONS OF THE SKIN ITCHINGS DISEASES OF THE SCALP Guyot'.s tar has been tried with the greatest success in the principal hospitals of France, Belgium, and Spain. Experience has proved it lo bc the most hygienic drink in time of epidemics. Detailed instructions accompany each bottle Depot io Paris, L. FRERE, 19, roe Jacob. ' - Agents In Chariesttn, DOW.E, MOISE* L DAVIS, Wholesale Druggists. J illisrelloneons. Y^TT^ET^ O O L E it s, BATH TUBS, CREAM FREEZERS AND SPRINKLING POTS, At T. CAMPBELL'S, No. 138 Meetlog street, may22-wf6 Opposite Pavilion Hotel. pHE UNEQUALLED MACHINE. The HOME SHUTTLE asea the Straight Needle, sakes the lock stitch, (alike on both sides,) has elf-adjasting tension, and ls the onlv first class ow price sewing M ichlne In the market adapted or every variety of ,>ewlng from muslins to leavlest cloths. Price $25 ana $37. Agents wanted. Send stamp ror circular and ample of Sewing. T. L. BISSE LL, General Agent, j anil-fin wemo Charleston, s. Q, _ Shipping._j? JOB LIVERPOOL, The Aretelas* Brinah barkALIOE 0., Cap-^ tain Ulx. wants soo balea Cotro'i to com-SZH p?ete Cargo, and w?l sall with dispatch- ?. Apply to II KN KV CARD, , may23 Accoramod itlon WnarL R NEW Y ORK. ON TUESDAY, JUNE .4,., AT "6 O'CLOCK P. M. : Vi:'! . NEW IRON STEAM LINE-ESTABLISHED 1870, STATE-ROOMS ALL ON DECK. I The Splendid New Iron Sldewheel Steanuhlp SOUTH CAROLINA, Beckett, Commander; "will sall for New York on TUESDAY, Jnne 4th,.a:6 o'clock P. M.. from Pier No. 2. Union Wharves. Through Bills of Lading to Liverpool and the New England cities as usual. . .. ., . Insnr -nee b ? Steamers of this. Une hi per cent. Far Freight or Passage Engagement, Having very One Deck Stateroom accommodations, aprily 1 to WAGNER, HUOEK A co.. NO 2? Broad street, or te WM. A. COURTENAY.NO. l Union Waarvea.. maySO_ . ' ?. FOE NEW TOBE. f . ?- ? - -.:..??? . S KW YORK AND.. CIL1RLK8TON STK A BTSHTP: JUNK. W ESTABLISHED 18?. " The splendid Side wheel Steamship MANHAT? TAN, M. S. vVoodhali, Commander, will sall from Adger's sooth Wharf on SATUBDAY, the'1st ol Jone. atoo'clock P.M. ? . MW The MANHATTAN ls one of the fascist ?team* ships ou the Atlanilo Coast, andie u?nd-etueY fitted up for passengers. MW Mahne Insnra nee by this Une half per cent. MW Through Bills of Lading given on cotton to Liverp ol, Boston. Providence, and the New Eng*, land m ?nofacturlng towna " "' - For Freight or Piss*ga- .Engagements, apply to . may27 6 JAMBS ADOBE A CO., Agents.. milE PHILADELPHIA IRON A . LINE, il STEAM .. .' ?:.) i i. THE FIRST-CLASS IRON SCREW STEAMSHIPS VIRGINIA, Captain Hinckley, .GULF STREAM, Captain Hunter, J Are now regularly on the Line, Insuring a first. ' class sea connection between Philadelphia ant. Charleston, and in alliance with Railroad Oom* panles at both termini, afford rapid transportation ! co and from all points In the Cotton States, and to and from cincinnati, st. Louis, Chicago and the principal oitles or the Northwest. Boston, Providence and the Eastern Manufacturing Cen*. tree. ' ..' MW The VIRGINIA ls appointed to sall from Bro wu's Wharf on FRIDAY, May 81st, at 1 o'clock . PM *?r The ??LF STRE AM Will follow, i For particulars of Freight, arrangements, apply I to WM. A. COURTENAY, Union vf uar ves. W. P. GLYDE A GO., General Agents, No. 12 South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. may26_,_._. ; . ' OR B A L T I MOB E.' F FREIGHTS RECEIVED DALLY, AND THROUGH BILLS LADING ISSUED PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON, THE CIHES OP THE NORTHWEST; . ? LIVERPOOL'AND BREMEN. " ? ? ? - M . .. -:-r> . i The Fine ' Steamship FALCON, Haynle, Oom* I mander, will sail for Baltimore, on SATUBDAY, 1st ? Jun?', at nalf-paet 2o'oiock P. M. MW Philadelphia Freights forwarded to that, city by railroad from Batlmore without addi? tional insurance, and Consignees are allowed ample time to sample and sell their Goods from '? the Railroad Depot lu Philadelphia. For Freigut or Passage apply to PAUL 0. TRENHOLM, Agent, . may29-4_so. 2 Union Wharves. REDUCTION IN PASSAGE BATES I ' ANCHOR LINE STEAMERS. - i& i SAIL EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. . Passengers booked to and from apy ^fjfjCfc . Hillway station or Seaport In Ureat^aMMiS Britain, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Heumars., Germany, France, Holland, Belgium, and the ' United States, . ' " ' Cabin Fare from New York to London, Liver- - pool, Glasgow and Derry by Wed Des nay's Steam* i era $09. By Saturday's steamers $65 and $76. EX JU KSIUN TICKETS. $1-0. Intermediate, $83; steerage, $24, all payable In . Currency. Parties sendinz for their friends in the Old . Cou.i try can purchase tickets at lo west ratea. - ' F jr further p ari ic u i a rs apply t o the Agents, HENDERSON BROTHERS, Kal Bowling Green, N. Y., OrtO DOUGLAS NISBET, i Soutaern Wharf. aptll-3mo8DAW_Charleston.S.O.- ? pACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMP Y'S THROUGH LINE TO ' CALIFORNIA. CHINA AND JAPAN. ' FARES GREATLY REDUCED. ' Steamers ol the above line leave Pier No. 42, North River, foot of Canal J__ street, New York, at 12 o'clock noon, or tu? mm > and 80th of every month except when these i dates rall on Sunday, then the .-aturday preceding. ? AU departures connect at Panama with t-team era for south Pacific and Cen ti al American ports. Departure of I6tb touches at Kingston, Jamaica, For Japan and China, steamers leave San Fran? cisco first of every month, except when lt falls on sunday; then on the day preceding. No california steamers touch at Havana, bnt go direct from New Yor.% to Asp in wall. One hundred pounds baguage free to each adult? Medicine and attendance free. For Passage Ticket? or other information a#piy . at the COMPANY'S TICKET OFFICE, on the wharf foot of Canal atreet, North River, New vork. July26-lyr_F. R. BABY. Agent pOR LIVERPOOL, VIA QUEENSTOWN CARRYING THE UNITED STATES MALLS. THE LIVERPOOL AND GREAT WESTERN STEAM COMPANY wm dispatch one or their first-class, fml power (ron screw steamships from r ' PIER No. 46 N. R., EVERY WEDNESDAY, c, Cabin Passage $80, gold. Steerage Passage (Office No. 29 Broadway) $83, mrrency. For Freight or Cabin Passage, apply to WILLIAMS & GUION, No. ?3 Wall street, N. Y. N. B.-Through Bills Lading to Liverpool Issued ly the Charleston and New York Steamers, which make close connection with the above line. For partlouiars and rate of Frelzht apply to JAMES AUGER A CO., WAGNER, HUGER A CO., mavB Or WM. A. COURTENAY. F OR FLORIDA, VIA SAVANNAH. The splendid sieamera Ml Y POINT..Cantaln MCMILLAN wm leave Charleston every TUESDAY ETKNING, it half past 8 o'clock, ?OR FERNANDINA, JACKSONVILLE, PALATKA, IND ALL LANDINGS ON ST. JOHN'S RIVER. Return ?rig, CITY PDINT le+ves Palatka FRIDAY ?OKNTNQ and Savannah SATUBDAY MUSHING, irrlvtng here SATUBDAY AFTERNOON. to For Freight or Passage, having Hrst-Class Tc* ommndatlons, apply fo , 7 RAVENEL A CO.. Agents, . Corner Vanderhorat's Wharr and East Bay. mayie