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Lines on the Death or James R. Prin? gle, Jr., by C. A. n. How hard It ts to kiss the chast'ning rod; How bard to give our treasure up to Ooo; How h i rd to lay our loved ones 'ut ath the ch urch yard sod. The heart bowed down beneath Its weight of woe, Rebels In bitterness against the blow, Which crashes hope, and laya Its household Idol low. And when the reaper, with resistless power. Enters, unchecked, wltblu the gardeu bower. Where God has planted many a lovely dower, And with ruthless hand the blossoms blight, Aa on the stem t ey bloom lu beauty bright, 'Till only o;i? la left to cheer the aching sight. How with parental love, and tender care, We on our hearts that single flower wear. Guarding lc from each emily Dlast and wintry air; Until as years roll on, ire fear no ill. We dream not suns can wilt or frosts can kill, So hardy seems the plant we chet Uh fondly still Ah, then when comes the ever-dreaded foe, And cats it down with sharp unsparing blow, Who can meet out the depth of our unspoken woe 1 'Tis there with them, the stricken ones, who weep O'er him, now resting in bis dreamless sleep Within the tepulchre, so cold, and dark, and deep. Their much loved son, their pride, their hope and stay; The last one left to cheer life's wintry day Or many suus and daughters, long since pass'd away. Hay He, who can the waves or anguish still. And with sweet peace the mourning solrlt Hil, Cheer the bereft ones, in their tune or grief and 111. TO ADVERTISERS. The proprietors of THE NEWS and The Cou? rier find lt indispensable to the accurate and pro?opt management of their business, and for the protection of advertisers, that the practice of sending advertisements from one newspaper office to the other be discontinued. They, therefore, give notice that no advertise? ments received at the one office will, In any case, be sent to the other. At the same time they beg leave to request advertisers to hand In their favors at as early an hour as possible, In order to facilitate their proper arrange? ment. THE SEASON IN SUMMER* 11-Ll'. Important Improvements In Progress New Comers and New Residences-A I < Charming Sammer Resort for Charles- I t Ionian?. I - [PROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT ] SuuuERvrLLR, May 14. I, This popular summer resort is now being J1 rapidly filled with rusticating Charlcstoniany. Ia addition to those families which have regu? larly resorted hither lu summers past, others 11 are wheeling into line, and the present indica tion ls that the place will this season be more ; crowded than ever. After the heat and toil of ( business hours are over, the banker, the bro- ( ker, the factor, the gr. cer, the lawyer, In fact men from every department of business lite, c repair here lo recruit their energies for the 11 morrow's work. The invigorating Influence 11 of the pine breezes, laden with the penunie of a thousand kinds ot wild flowers, the whisper? ing trees, and the exceedingly ceol nights, is weil known and widely appreciated. A ?arty ot Northern ladies and gentlemen are sojourning at one of the principal board? ing houses. They spend their ofternoons In playing croquet or rambling about the woods, and appear to be having a delightful time. Several Charleston merchants have recently purchased dwellings here, and some of these are now being enlarged and improved. A prominent lawyer of Charleston, long a resl- ( dent of this place, ls about to commence the erection of a new and more spacious residence ' on the site of his present one. The town I council likewise appear to be waking up; all t low spots within the corporate limits are being thoroughly drained, new streets luid our, old ones straightened, and sidewalks thrown up, and In these and other ways the elly fathers are mani! ?sting a spirit of energy and enter? prise which is commendable in the highest degree. In addition to chickens, eggs and I ( other varieties ol rural fare, the tables are I \ supplied with an abundance of fine fish from 1 the head waters of the Ashley near by, where they are taken in unusual numbers this season. Quite a curiosity, which attracts the atten? tion of most visitors to Summerville, is the. poultry yard of Mr. Evert E. Bedford. Il con-11 talas a large number of different kinds ol fancy fowls, ducks and pigeons, and some of, the varieties are very beautiful. i Mr. Bedford is an indefatigable and very successful chicken fancier and columbarlao, and lt ls a peculiarity of his fowls that they are always thriving and flourishing, and oi the eggs which he disposes of to other poultry ? raisers that they seldom fail to produce floe 1 lusty pullets of all the beautiful varieties of Brahmas. Cochins, Dorkings, dec. 1 The crops and gardens in this vicinity bad been Buffering considerably on account of the want of rain, which prevailed here until last 11 Saturday, but the heavy rain with which WP were visited on the morning of that day ha? wonderfully revived everything, and now the vegetation of all kinds is looking very promis-. lng. X. |1 THE CROPS IN SUMTER. Their Condition and Prospects. I[PR0M OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.] BiSHOPVrLLB, S. C., May ll. In compliance with your request of planters for accounts of the crop prospects, I embrace a leisure moment to make a brief report. The seasons have shifted from one extreme to the other, from very wet to very dry weather. From the middle of April to the present date no rain scarcely has fallen. Corn came up well after lying in the ground several weeks, I < but ls small and suffering for want of rain, | < stands somewhat broken In placet- by the bud worms, the cool mornings being favorable for their depredations. Persons who planted cot- ! ton from the 10th to the 20th of April got pret? ty fair stands, but many, hindered Tn their ( preparations by the bad weather in February ana March, were backward In planting, and ' have now to walt for rain to bring un their e cotton, a serious loss of time being thus In- / curred. j Where stands were obtained the cotton is dying considerably, causing gaps, and unless rain comes very soon, it is feared those ol us who got stands will be in a worse condition -than those who did not. The young cotton has Bcarcely any root, and the earth drying below lt causes the plant to wilt and die. The area planted, as compared with that of | ] last year, la about ten per cent, more, but therjLiB, perhaps, half the ceed still in the ground. There ls a partial rise ol sweet potatoes and upland rice, where planted early. Our gar? dens are "growing beautifully less" every day under the Influence of drought. When it is considered how wholly depend? ent we are upon the seasons R would be too 11 presumptuous In any one to make a prediction as to the probable yield of this cotton crop, and, indeed, no calculation at this early date would be worth the paper upon which they were written. H. A. J. JOTTINGS ABOUT THE STATE. -The farmers are con:plaining of the dry t season. It ls beginning to work serious in- j < jnry to the young crops. | : -Almost a murder occurred about eight miles above Columbia, on the Winusboro' road, on the 7th Instant. Two women, named Henrietta Brown and Margaret ---, work? ing for John Gibbes, colored, got into a dis-1? pule, when Henrietta struck Margaret a tre-1, mendous blow on the head with a rake, breaking In the skull. -Three colored mun-Ellas Caldwell, Bob Biggera and Joe Hutson-were engaged oue 11 day last week blasting rock In a weil on the | < premises of W. B. Byers, a lew miles distant from Rock IIill. They were at the bottom of the well fastening the fuse, when one ot the Iron tools with wbioh they were working struck fire from the rock, the fuse ignited and A terrible explosion took place, severely I \ wounding Ellas and Joe, and slightly injuring 11 Bob, who hastily climbed out ol the weil and .called for assistance. The wounded men were taken out and are receiving proper medical attendance. Ellas had his leg broken. Joe waifearfuHy injured, having both Jaw-bones and " his collar-bone broken. Both of the unfortunate men were badly burned by the powder, A SEW DEPARTURE. tineen Victoria Scored as a Sabbath Breaker. A London letter writer speaks of the offence which Queen. Victoria 'has given to the Ortho? dox Church people of England by recent ex? cursion and festivities on the Sabbath. When she started for Baden-Baden, not long ago, ber pretiy yacht actually set sail across the Chan? nel on the first day of the week, and Hie Evangelicals were struck with horror. The most pious of the newspapers, the Rock, ?poa whick rock the Evangelical wing of the Church is built, remonstrated bitterly against her Majesty thus breaking tho Sab? bath, without the excuso of any call of mercy or charity, her v sit being purely one of pleasure, and the thing excitea such a gen? eral mourning among the-Orthodox thin the Momio!; Advertiser (Hie established oigan of liquor snups and Evangelical religion) In? vented a new calendar to try and prove that the Queen had somehow voyaged on the Sao bith without Invading it-a theory alus, which only excited laughter when the tele? graph ?howeii that her Majesty began her travels with the Sabbath, und did not pause during a siugle one of Its twenty-four hours. But what was the horror when, alter all this discussion, this mourning, thisgrlel, th . n nouncement came that her Majesty had lued on Sunday also for her return journey. .. We were obliged last week," said the church or? gan gravely, M to call attention to the needless disregard of the Lord's Day shown by ihe Queen in choosing it lor her Journey to Ger? many. It was no urgent summons on a matter of i..e and death which called her Majesty to the Coutineni, and the choosing ol sii"h a day cannot, but be regarded as a deliberate Insult to the religious ieellogs ot millions of loyal Fubjects. Hutt insult, it appears, is to bo re? peated, and, 'according to present arrange? ments,' the Queen's yacht will arrive at Ports? mouth on Sunday afternoon. Il is to be hoped, however, that those in authority will yet, see fit to convey to her Majesty an Intima? tion of the regret and pain which these bab bath-breaking pleasure trips are regarded by a Christian people. To royally thc country looks for au example." It ls Intimated thal the Queen did intend to set an example, and purposely selected Sunday for travelling in order to show her sympathy with the free Sunday people. The remonstrances of the church newspapers were ol uo avail, and she S within a lew days afterwards gave them fresh (] cause for complaint by giving a grand dinner party at Windsor Castle on a Sabbath, during i which the boom of the cannon drowned the music of the church bells. Ca.HDIDi.TKS FOR TUB M ETHODtST EPISCOPA? CY.-The Methodist bishops have advocated in Increase of their number to twelve, which would require eight to be elected by the Gen? irai Conference now in session, for which . .here aro about an hundred candidates. 111 Unong those mentioned ns prominent are the 'c jecretarles of the conference- Rev. W. L. Harri.?, P. D., of Ohio; Dr. Erastus 0. Daven, Detroit, president of the Northwestern Uni? versity; Dr. Cyrus D. Foss, ot New York; Dr. Sdward G. Andrews, of Brooklyn, ex-presi lentof Cazenovlu Seminary; Thomas M. Ed-j ly. ol Baltimore Conlerence; J. P. Newman, >t Washington, who is at least as well known i politician as he is In the ministerial capa? city; also Dr. L. C. M ?alack, ol the Louisiana I Conference, and Dr. Alonzo Webster, of South I A Carolina; Drs. W. F. Warren, of New England, | L )tis Gibson, of California, Stephen M. Merrill, if Ohio, and S. M. Reid, of Michigan. It Is ilso suued that some of the colored confer suces and people arc asking for a bishop of heir race, and Rev. Jos. Lynch, of Mlisissip ?I, secretary ol' State ol that commonwealth, md Benjamin R. Brown, of Washington, are .iked of._ _ THE CHARLESTON NEWS-1872. Che Chcnpest and Beat Newspaper In thc South. MAKE UP YOUR CLUBS ! Thc extraordinary favor which THE CHARLESTON NEWS has received from the peo >le of South Carolina and thc adjoining States, irompts us to renewed efforts to keep it up lo he highest standard ol modern Journalism, ind enables us to Ter our several editions it the following BATES TO CLUBS FOR 1872. THE DAILT SEWS. )ne copy, per year.$8 00 five or more copies, per year, (when ordered together,) each. 7 00 THE TRI-WEEKLf NEWS. )oe copy, per year.$ 4 00 .""Ive copies, (when ordered together.) addressed to each subscriber, ut $3 50 each.-.. 17 60 Pen copies, (when ordered together.) addressed to each subscriber, at $3 each. 30 00 THE WEEKLY NEWS. Ungle copy.$ 2 00 ?ive copies, (when ordered together,) addressed to each subscriber. 8 00 ?ive copies, (when ordered together,) addressed to one person, at one post? ?nico. 7 00 Pen copies, (when ordered together,) addressed to each subscriber. 14 00 Ten copies, (when ordered together,) addressed to one persou, at oue post ofllce. 12 00 Dwenty copies,(when ordered together,) addressed to one person, at one post office.. ... 20 00 And larger clubs at the last named rates. THE WEEKLY NEW3 will contain all the i m )ortant editorials i f thc DAILY; a careful and somplete summary of the foreign and domes ,1c news; latest news by telegraph from all tarts of the world; lull and reliable stock, inancial, and general market reports; a synop ilsofthe proceedings ol Congress and Stale legislatures, when In session; proceedings of identifie, agricultural, religious and literary locicties; all important legal decisions of Slate ind Federal courts; reviews ot the most Inter? ning and important new books; and, indeed, iverything of interest to the family circle, the merchant, farmer, professional man, mechanic ind laborer. STATE AND GENERAT, CORRESPONDENCE.-Our ?otamos show that THE CHARLESTON NEWS ias a large and able corps of regular corre? spondents from all parts ol thc State, and j rom the chlei centres of news of the world. During the year 1872 we shall employ a still arger number of the best news writers. MARKET REPORTS.-All our editions will con aln full market reports from all the chief ?entres of trade. The money must accompany every order. Remittances may be made at our risk in Irafta, postal money orders or registered otters. Specimen copies of any of our editions Bent )n application. Postmasters, and others, who get up clubs >f ten or more, will be entitled to a tree copy "or twelve months. Address RIORDAN, DAWSON & Co., Charleston, S. C. tcgol Notices. ESTATE NOTICE.- ALL PARTIES having claims against the late EDWIN D. .>?TON, will present the same, duly attested, ind those Indented will make payment to A I'? ll STINE T. SMYTHE, Esq, Attorney at Law, io. 85 Broad street. SUdAN L. KNSTON, m iyll-f3 Quadded Executrix. RHE STATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF CHARLESTON-Court or Com? bon Pleas.-W. A. COURTENAY, for Union ?vharves, et al, Plaintiffs, vs. the City Council uf Charleston, Defendants.-Order Tor lujunctlon. In hearing read the rworu cnmplaln. lu this ac IOD, and the affidavit o? W. R. MORRIS, and on uotion of BUIST & BUIST, Plaintiff's Attorneys : c ls ordered and adjudged that the defendants, he City Council of Charleston, their officers, .gents and employees, be en joli ed and retained rom erecting, or causing to be erected, In Pluck ley street. In the City of Charleston, the tank or irough, set forth in the complaint, for the pur? pose of niling the same with water n orn the Arte lian Well, in the said City ol charleston, to be ised Indiscriminately by all persons and ani? mals in the said city, or from filing the same with water from said An?alan Well or otherwise, until :he further order of the (?outt. (Mgned) R. F. GRAHAM. May 2, 1872. I certify that the within ls a true COOT or the original order ror Injunction, or Hie in tits office. A C. RICHMOND, C. C. C P.,* maya Charleston County, Cloding, (EaUonng, Ut. FOR SPRING AND SUMMER, 1872. MENKE & MULLER, CLOTHIERS, NO. 325 KING STREET. THREE DOORS BELOW LIBERTY STREET, Invite attention to their large and splendid Block or CLOTHS, CASSIMERES. COATINGS, Salting Cheviots, Linens, Ac, and the handsom? est selection or Pants and Vest Patterns, which will be made to order under the supervision or a moBt skilful and fashionable cutter. CLOTHING FOR MEN, YOUTH, BOYS AND CHILDREN, Of every style and quality, and at very low prices. AND-A COMPLETE STOCK OF GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, (Thieu embraces the celebrated STAR HIRTS and thc choicest novelties In NECK WEAR. . AU orders promptly executed and satisfaction ruarantecd. apr2-4mos Summer Resorts. o T~"?"O~ET The BATTERY BATHING HOUSE, oft White 'oint Garden, has been thoroughly repaired in di Its various departments, and will bc opened m 13th initant for accommodation or vl-i'ors. lie Soda Water and i o Cream Departments will ie under the immediate superintendence of the "ropnetor. Tua iking thc public for past favors. would most respectfully solicit their patr?n ge. M. Mc M.AX MON, raay7-tuths _Proprietor. L L E N AIKEN, S.C. HOUSE, Persons desiring geutcel BOARDING durlug lie summer and rall mouths will, by early ampli? ation to thc snbBCiIber at this place, sccnie lt. mayis-lmo_M s. N >NCl L. ALLEN. WTfiW MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. Ri WEEKLY LINE OF FOUR-HORSE COACHES FROM GREENVILLE, S. C., TO ASHE? VILLE, N. C., eave Greenville Monday, Widnesday and Fri? day at 7 A. M. rrive at Asheville next day by 1 P. M. eave Asheville Monday, Wednesday and Friday 1 P. M. .rrlve at Greenville next day by 7 P. M. caving Greco ville in the morning, go through to Flat K?cK and Ucndersunviile ta daylight. Fare to Flat Rock $5; to Asheville (7. may3-2mo_W. i?. rtLAfR. Semino, fUntljiue?. hHB NEW IMFROTKD WHEELER & WILSON SILENT SEWING MACHINE. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. We are now selling these superior Machines n Ten Dollar monthly payments. Adjusting and Repairing done promptly. WHEELER* WILSON MANUF'G CO., aprS-lyr_No. 200 King street. Rotels.* DAV I L ION B O T B L, CHARLESTON, S. C. G. T. ALFORD & CO PROPRIETORS. raayU R. HAMILTON, Superintendent. Book aub Job printing. MEAT ! QUICK ! CHEAP ! THE CHARLESTON NEWS JOB No. 149 EAST BAY, IS PRE PA KED TOJ TURN OUT JOB PRINTING >F EVERY DESCRIPTION. IN THE MOST SATISFACTORY STYLE, UPON BRIEF NOTICE. AT THE LOWEST RATES. H il OFFICE, IN ALL, ITS DEPART? .HEM'S, IS ONE OF PHE MOST COMPLETE IN THE SOUTH SPECIAL ATTENTION IS GIVEN TO ?RDERS FROM THE COUNTRY GIVE US A TRIAL! JJEE UNEQUALLED MACHINE. The HOME SHUTTLE uses the Straight Needle, aakee the lock stitch, (alike on both Bides,) has elf-adjnstlng tension, and ls the only il rat class ow price Sewing Machine tn the market adapted or every variety of mewing from muslins to leavlest cloths. Price $26 and $37. Agents wanted. Send scamp for circular and ample of Sewing. T. L. BISSELL, General Agent, janU-rmw6mo Charleston, S. 0. Nero publications. T~"^^^"JXYMNAL'? IT "TWENTY CENTS. We have received a large supply or Hie various Cilitloua of thc N1C??' HYMNAL. The new 32 mo. edition at io cents, 31 cents and 40 c? nrs; 18 mo. edition at 40 cents, oo cents, $i and upwards. FOGA RUE'S BOOK DEPOSITORY. NEW CATALOGUE, Ko. 27. NOTITIA EUCHARISTIC^, a Commentary, Ex? planatory, Doctrinal and HlBtorical-on the order tor the A .ministration or the Lord's supper or Holy Commuul- n, according to the use or the Church or Englaod, with au appendix on the onice tor the communion or the sick, by W. E. scudamore, M. A., 10 cents. Chi lal lu Modern Life. Sermons preached In St. Jamea's Chapel, by Kev. Stutrord A. Brooke, $2. The Kt formal loa of the Church of England, Its ulstory, and results, (1614-1617,) by Kev. Julia Henry Bloat, $6. The Conservative Rerormation and Its Theology, as represented lu Hie Augsburg Confession and in the History and Literature or the Evangelical Lutheran Church, by Krautb, (fi. Student's Hebrew and Chuldee Lexicon to the Old Testament, by Uenj. Davis, Ph. D., Ac, $6. Haralietics and Pastoral Theol igv, by Wm. Q. T. Micdd. D. D., tujuh edltlou. ja 60. rheOfflceand Woik fi the Christian Ministry, by James M. Happlu, Vale College, $3 50. A History of Philosophy from Thales to the Present Tlm-\ by Dr. ?berweg, vol. j( jj|Btoryor the Ancient ana Medieval Phllos iphy, $3 50. "Tho speaker's u alimentary," the Holy Bible according io the authorized version (A. Jj. loll) with au expl?nalo y and critical commentary and a revision ot tue translation, by Bishops and other clergy of the Anglican Church, edi ed by F C. Cook. M. A.. Canon of Exeter, vol. 1, parti, Ccnesls-Exodu-$5. - Systematic Theology by Charles Hodge, D.D., vols, l and 2, each $4 f>0. Stauuton's Ecclesiastical Dictionary, $4. Hagenbach's Ulstory of the church in the 18tli and i9th Centuries, 2 vois., $6. Ma-son's Life of Milton, with the Hiatory or his Times, vol. 2.1618-40, $4 60. Tne Agreement of science and Revelation, by Rev. JOB. H. Wythe. M. D., $175. The Life or John J. Crittenden, with aelectlons from lila correspondence and tweedies, edited by ms daughter, Mrs. Chapman, vol. 1, $7 60. The Science or Wealth, a Marmal or Political Economy, embracing the laws or trade, currency and tluance, for popu ur reading and use as a text book, by Amasa Walker, L.L. D., $1 60. What to Do. and Wny. and now to Educate each Man for lits proper Work, by Nelson Slrer. $1 75. Throe Centuries of English Literature, by Chas. Duke Yonge, ol Queen's College, Belfast, $2. 'l lie Life and Times or Henry Lord Brougham, written by himself, now complete in 3.vols., $6. %* raper and Envelopes, in boxes, French, English and American, a variety of styles, a unusually low prices. NEW NOVELS AND LIGHT LITERATURE RE? CEIVED BY STEAMER EV KR Y WEER. 49- Persons residing In the country will please bear In mind that hy ending their orders to us ror any Books punlislied lu America, they will be charged only Um p ice of thc Boole. We pay for the postage or expies-.. Address FOGA RT! E'd BOOK DEPOSITORY, No. 260 King street, (lu the Bend,) aprit-tutha Charleston. S. U (Cigars ano ftobauo. EMPEROR WILLIAM WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MANUFACTURING CIGAR AND TOBACCO HOUSE No. 310 ICING STREE P, THREE DOORS SOUTH OF SOCIETY STREET. Clo A ita AND TOBACCO of all kinds. PIPES of every quality. Call and examine Stock before buying else where. WILLIAM SC fl RODE K, Proprietor. N. B.-Thc Wheel of Fortune constant.y on band. In v. st 26 cents and try your luck, mell? nev wu r Shirlo aub furnishing ?oo?g. UN DE RW EAR FOR A Y ! Attention is invited to my Immense Stock of INDIA GAUZE, SUMMER MERINO LISLE THREAD, CHINA COTTON AND MUSLIN UNDERSHIRTS. FANCY CHEVIOT, AND PERCALE SHIRTS AND COLLARS. Gent's Half Hose for Summer Wear in Great Variety. THE LATEST STYLES OF COLLARS, LINEN AND PAPER, TIES AND BOWS. AT E SCOTTS STAR SHIRT EMPORIUM, MEETING STREET, OPPOSITE THE MARKET HALL, nov if OJottliis, Jtoeitn, Xi. THE CHOICEST STOCK OF JEWELRY, STERLING SILVER, SILVER-PLATED WARE AND TABLE CUTLERY French and American Clocks, IS TO BE FOUND AT JAMES ALLAN'S, No. 307 KING STREET, decO-atnthemoa ?lb karolina Bitters. OLD CAROLINA BITTERS! A. DELIGHTF UXu TONIC. The Southern Country has been so flooder) wl<h Bitters and Tonics,all professing to be panaceas for every disease that . n. sh 1B heir to," that it 1B with some diffidence we place oar OLD CAROLINA BUTEItS before thc public. We feel emboldened to do BO, however, from the marked favor they have met with the past Ave years, and the continu d demand from every section of the conntrj where they have been once introduced, is evidence that they possess some merit. CURES GENERAL DEBILITY, WANT OF APPETITE, DTSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, CHILLS. THE OLD CAROLINA BITTERS ARE NOT A VILE FANCY DRINK, Bot are compounded hy an Experlenc-d chemist, and contain some of the very heat Tonics found in the Pharmacopoa, blended with select Indigenous roots and herns, together formlos a most delight? ful Tonic, and can be taken with perfect safety by the old and young. The delicate female, sofJerlDs from prostration ano nervous debility, will find in the "OLD CAROLINA BITTERS" a remedy that will itraduallv ht rena then the system, invigorate the spirits and restore bloom to the pale cheek. We have never offered onr bitters as a cure for all Diseases, but, as a Reliable Tonic, they have no equal in general debility of tho system resulting from Intermittent, Typhoid. Malarial and Nervona Fevers. Taken In small doses, the ca oil na Bitters win be round highly beneficial and the patient will find himself with altered feelings after he has taken a few bottles. Try lt once and yon will be convinced. For sale by all Druggists aud Grocers, and at Wholesale by tue Manufacturers, PHILIP WIIVEM: A.TV ?Sc CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, CHARLESTON, S. 0. rach2tnth9-3moHDAO CUBES NERVOUS EXHAUSTION PROSTRATION, WEAKNESS, AND FEMALE DISEASES. Drugs at lUljclcsale. IJ1HE ATTENTION OF PHYSICIANS AND DRUQQIST3 is solid tea to the elegant PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS MANUFACTURED BY JOHN WYETH & BROTHER, PHILADELPHIA. They are rustle with scrapulons eire and ex? actness, and their facilities for manufacturing en? able them to offer these preparations of the purest qnallty, and at less rate than they can be prepar? ed for lu small quantities. They are in dally use by our best practitioners In all parts of the coun? try, and consist In part or: IXTRAOT OF BEEF, CITRATE OF IRON AND SHERRY WINE Extract or Beef and Wine Extract of Beef and Wine, Iron and Cinchona Tasteless Cod Liver OH Tasteless Cod Liver OH, Ferreted Wine or calisaya Elixir Pepsin and Bismuth Elixir Pepsin, Bismuth, Strychnia and Iron Liq. Bismuth Elixir Torraxacnm, Compound Syrup Lach. Phos. Limo Elixir Bromide Sodium Compound Syrup Plins. Manganese Syrup Super Phos. Iron Kl I.\u- calisaya Bark, Iron and Bismuth Ellx. Phos. Iron. Quinine and Strychnia Elixir of Gentian, Ferrate.1 Elixir Pepsin, Bismuth and Strychnia Elixir of Calisaya Bark Compound Syrup of Bypophosphitcs Bitter Wine of Iron Ferreted Wine or Wild Cherry Bark Elixir Valenanate of Ammonia Elixir Valorlanate Ammonia and Quinine Elixir Bromide Potassium Elixir of the Pyrophosphate of Iron Comp. Finid Ext. Buchu and Parelra Brava Compound Syrup of Phosphate, or Chemical Food Feiratcd Elixir of Cinchona Wine or Wild Cherry Bark Elixir Valerlanate of Strychnia Wine of Pepsin Elixir of Bismuth Elixir of Hops , Ferreted Cordial Elixir Elixir Calisaya Bark, Iron and Strychnia. All or the above preparations will be supplied at thc manufacturers' prices by DOWIE, MOISE & DAVIS, WHOLESALE AGENTS, CHARLESTON, S . C. reli2R.ttuhs.lmo4 ii antone*. QOTJTH CAEOLJJ^RAILEOAD. CHARLESTON, S. C., December 23, ifni. On and arter SUNDAY, December 24, thc Passen? ger Trains on the south carolina Railroad will ran as follows: FOR AUGUSTA. Leave Charleston.8.10 A M Arrive at Augusta.4.25 r M' FOR COLUMBIA. Leave Charleston.8.10 A M Arrive at Columbia.4.06 F M FOB CHARLESTON. Leave Augusta.7.40 A M Arrive at charleston.8.20 F u Leave Columbia.7.40 A u Arrive at Charleston.8.20 p it TUROUOU WILMINGTON TRAIN. Leave Augusta.8.00 A M Arrive at Ringville.?.oo A M Leave Ringville.12.30 F M Arrive at Augusta. 0.30 p M AUGUSTA NIOtIT BXPRBSS. (Sundays excepted.) Leavo Charleston.8.30 F M Arrive at AuguBta.7.30 A M Leave Augusta.6.00 p M Arrive at uharleston..'..6.66 A M COLUMBIA NIUUT KXIMKSS. (Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston.7.10 F M Arrive ul Columbia.6.80 A M Leave Columbia. 7.00 F u Arrive at. Charleston. 7.00 A M SUMMERVILLE TRAIN. Leave Summerville ut. 7.25 A M Arrive at uharleston at. 8.46 A M Leave charleston at.3.3i) P M Arrive at >animcrvli)e at.4.46 F M CAMDEN BRANCH. Leave Camden.6.16 A M Arrive at Columbia.10.40 A M Leave columbia..:. 1.46 F M Arrive at Camden.6.26 P M Day and Night Traine make close connections at Augusta with Georgia Railroad and Centra) Railroad. Night Train connecta with Macon and Angnata Railroad. Columbia Night Train connecta with Greenville and columbia Railroad, and with Charlotte Road to points North. Camden Train connecta at Ringville daily (ex? cept Mundays) with Day Passenger Train, and rons through to Columbia. A. L. TYLER, vice-President. 8. B. P10KF.N8. Q. T. A._jan? ~ A V A N N AH AND CHARLESTON RAILROAD. S CHARLESTON, starch 30, 1872. On ana after SUNDAY, March s 1st, the Pas? senger Tra?na on this Road will run as follows: EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Charleston dally.8.30 P. H. Arrive at savannah dally.8.45 P. M. Leave Savannah dally.11.80 P. M. at Charleston dally.7.20 A. M. DAY TRAIN. Leave Charleston, Sundays excepted.. 8.16 A. M. Arrive at savuunab, Sundays excepted. 4.16 P. M Leave Savannah, Sundays excepted... 8.oe A. M Arrive at Charleston, Sundays exe'ted. 4.06 P. M Freight forwarded daily ou through billa or lad lng to points In Florida und by Savannah Une o: steamships to Huston. Prompt dispatch given tc freights for beaufort and points on Port Hoya Railroad and a os low rat PS as by any other line Tickets on sale at this offlco for Beaufort over Port Royal Railroad. C. a. GADSDEN, Engineer and Superintendent. S. C. BOYLSTON, Gen'l Ft. and Ticket Agont. nprl_ QT TO A. MOSES, Pu. D' Geological Surveys and Maps promptly and exactly executed. Phosphate and Mining Pro pi riles reported upou. and Working Plans fur? nished. Separat ug and Metallurgical Proc?s ses ndaptedoto Ore Deposits. Special attention to CHEMICAL ANALYSES Of FERTILIZERS, Drugstores, Minerals, Ac. LABORATORY, deczi-fltm hflmo_Nn. 23 George street FURNITURE REPAIRED AND KENO VATED NEATLY, PROMPTLY, AND AT MODERATE RATES, By J. L. LUNSFORD, reba smith Street, north of Wentworth. Drago arto ?Heoicines. FIRST-CLASS MEDAL ALF. LABARRAQUE AND Co QUINIUM LABARRAQUE Approved by the Imperial Academy of Medicine Thc Quintana Labarraqne is an eminently tonic and febrifuge Wine, destined to replace all the other preparations of Peruvian Bark Thc Bark W ines usually employed inme dicinc are prepared from Barks which vary considerably in the degree to which they possess the desired properties. Besides, owing lo the manner in which they are pre? pared, these Wines contain scarcely more than thc traces of active principles, and these always in variable proportions. The Quinium Labarraqne, approved by the Academy of Medicine, constitutes, on the contrary, a m?decine of determined compo? sition, rich in active principles, and on wich Physicians and Patients can always rely. Thc Quinium Labarraqne is prescribed wil II groat success for persons of weak con? ti! ulion, or for those del) i li lated by various exhausting causes or past sickness ; for youths fatigued by loo rapid growth; for young girls whose development takes place with difficulty ; lor women in childbirth; and for aged portons enfeebled by years or illness. lt is the beat preservative against Fevers. In eases of Chlorosis, Anemia, orGreensik ness, lilis Wine is a powerful auxiliary of Hie ferruginous pr?parations. In conjunction, lor example, with V.u.1.1 T'S PIUS, thc rapidi? ty of its action is really marvellous. Peral in Paris, L. FRERE, 19, rue Jin1). Agents lu Charleston: DOWIB, MOISE L A DAVIS, Wholesale Druggists. Drrj (Socos, ??i. NO. ?44 KING STREET, Wooli respectfully announce to their friends and customers that they are now opening in a l their Departments unusually large and elegant assortment of SUMMER GOODS At the following remarkable low prices : 20 pieces of New and Elegant Japanese SiLKS, Plain and striped, in Blactc and colors, for only 75c 10 pieces Rich Lyons Taffeta Silks, $1 and $l ?5 10 plei e Qi os Grain, $1 37, $1 60, $1 75 io plrccs Superb Oros Grain, $2 and $2 60 2 ruses Blacic Alpacas at reduced prices coo pieces of latest styles Dreaa Goods, 20, 26 and 30c. A splendid selection of Llama Lace Shawls and Llama Lace Sacka, with and without sleeves, from $10 up 1 case Black Iron Grenadine, only 26c. 1 case assorted stripe Greuadlne, only 20c. 2 pieces 8-4 Black Silk Grenadine io j pieces Satlu Stripe, White Figures, only 25c. 20 pieces Diagonal Piqu", 40 and 60c. 60 pieces Figured and Ho were I, 30 and 36c. 26 pieces Bony Varden Piques, Elegant 1000 pieces ol swiss. Jacouet, Chees, cam? bric, Bishop and victoria Lawn, Nain aooK. Grear, bargains. 1690 piece? Moquno Net, only 76C 100 pieces B >t>binet very low io pieces 8-4 Turkey Red Table Damask, only $1 26 lo pieces s-4 Bleached Damask, 75c. 26 Unbleached "amass, 40 and 60c. 2U iii z n cents' Undershirts, only 50c. 20 dozen Gents' Undershirts, only 76c. and $1 20 dozen Ladles' Undervesta, only 75c. 60 dozen French Corsets, 76c loodozeu assorted best Ourseta si and $2 60 dozen Ladles White Gloves, 16c. 100 dozen Ladies White and Colored Gloves, 25c. 150 dozen Ladles White Hose, 12>? to 60c. 100 dozen Gents, half Hose, only 20c. 50 dozen English half Ho-e, 26c. Lawn HandKerchlefs, good quality, only 65c. per dozen 20 dozen Fans, only soc., worth $1 20 dozen Kans 75c., worth SI 60 10 dozen Fan-i, St. worth $2 60 60 rons White Matting, 27 >i and 80c. 60 rolls Check and Fancy Matting, 33, 40 and 45c. RIBBON DEPARTMENT. we have Just opened a fresh invoice of Plain, Bolled and Groa Grain RIBBON, comprising all the fashionable shades at very popular prices. HOSIERY AND PARA80L8. We call particular attention to the above goods, wale h will be found real bargains, offer? ing an opportunity seldom met with In thia city. OUR CLOTH DEPARTMENT, This department we have made a specialty, aud bimi: continue to devote particular care and attention to ir. The lateat noveltlea have been received, and buyers will Und an assortment of | goods varied, extensive and unusually cheap. We desire to call earnest attention to this depart? ment, as we shall endeavor to render it more at? tractive each week, and will guarantee that no j bouse lu the city caa excel lt la quality or In prices. jun.iuutui tv iUi4 No. 244 KING STREET. WRAPPING F APEE FOR SALE.-OLD NEWSPAPERS In large or small quantit?s. Price CO CENTS PER HUNDRED. Apply at the office of THE NEWS, may la Portion ggfcB^TOs W?j. By LAUREY, .?LEXAJTOERITCO. NEW ORLEANS SUGAR, HG?B?'JL DEBS, Hams and Strim. ".iPl\,DA,v, leth instant, win be sold, before oar T e??? .89 East Bay. at io o'clock,. ' ? Jj0}"- Choice New Orleans SUGAR Jo? rWved8.h?Uldera' HamB and Strtp8' CoDdliions cash. mayle Bj LAUREY, ALEXANDER & CO. TOBACCO. TRIS DAT, laih Instant, win be srid,before our Store, No. 86 East Bay, at io o'clock, by or? der of the Collector of Internal Revenue, 8 boxes TOBACCO. - Conditions cash. _mayl6 By PAUL BL ALANE & CO. WILL BE SOLD THIS DAY, BEFOSE oar Store, No. lil East Bay, at half-past 9 o'clock-, 2 crates CROCKERY, Consisting of Chambers, Tea Pots,' Pitchers, Bowls, Ac LT-fc?-. Conditions cash._;_may 16 By JEFFORDS & CO. HAMS, SHOULDERS, BUTTEE, &a We win /tea la front of oar store; at o o'clock, 37 barrels Choice Canvassed HAMS 400 Bright Shoulders 100 tnbs Choice New May Butter. may!6 By WM. McKAY. DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. Will be sold THIS DAY, at bis store, 45 vt entworth street, at 10 o'clock. The contents or a TAILORING ESTABLISH-. MENT, consisting of FI vE FRENCH OASSIMERE, TWEEDS, Aa, AC. ALSO, A general assortment or Piece Goods, Clothing, Hosiery, Notions, Ac. mayie . By HUTSON LEE, Auctioneer. VALUABLE PHOSPHATE WORKS FOR SALE. wm be sold at the east end of Broad street, THIS DAY. 16th May, 1872, at ll o'clock A. M. The PROPERTY or the Farmers' Fertilizer Com. pany of South Carolina, consisting of : - . -; A TRACT OF LAND, hali mlle from the City.of Charleston, containing 60 acres high Land, 17 acres marsh, with right or way twenty Jeet wide Lom public road to Works,and ten feet:.when Railroad Track is graded to Join South Carolina Failroad; npon which have been erected, in a most thor ugh and workmanlike manner, One FRAME MILL, three stories high, 46x80 One Brick Engine-Roller House, 25x40 feet, with brick chimney. Four Brick Kilns, for drying Phosphate Rock, and two Wimrve?. -i ....... The MACHINERY, which bas been most care? fully consti neted, consists of : One ?u-horse power tNGINE, complete. ' Four pair of stones. Two crushers. One Poole A Hunt Patent Mixer. Shaf> lng, Elevators. Belting, Ac, Ac Located on the Ashley River, where the richest Phosphate Deposits aro found, in Immediate prox? imity to the City of Charleston, with Bntflctent depth of water at thc wharf to accommodate the ?ai g rat .vessels entering this harbor, connected, by the S. e. and N. E. Railroads, with the entire > ou tit and West, built expressly for a Phosphate Manufacturing Work, and never having been, used, thia Property offers unsurpassed lndnce menis to any party desiring to embark In this lu? crative business. . . I?n?t* Terms of sale-One fourth (JO cash; balance in three(3) equal payments, at 3, 6 and 9 months, secured by bond of the purchaser, bearing en at the rate of 7 percent, per annum, and mort? gage or the property. Buildings to bo Jnsared and policy assigned. Purchaser to for all necessary papers aud stamps. ' The Property eau be Inspected by part?as de? siring to parchado at any time prior to the tala. may!9_. _... . ?. y.-: Auction Sale8~~Jutnr? JBarj?. \ By J. DRAYTON FORD. ri ROC ERY AND RESIDENCE IN LINE VT STREET-STORE AND RESIDENCE IN TKADDSIREET. Wilt be sold at the east end of Broad street, in the City of diaries ton, on TUUK3DAY, the 2Sd of Hay, 1872, at public outcry, at il o'clock A. M.. The GROCERY STORE AND RESIDENCE at? tached, at the southwest corner of Line amt St. Pinup streets, in charleston. The Lot measures about seventy-three feet on Line, by about for ty? rl ve feet on sc Phillp street, be the same more or less. Thia ls a desirable location for a Grocery Store. ALSO, The LOT OF LAND, with THREE-STORY BRICK STORE AND RESIDENCE, on north side of Trail rt street, next west of Bedon's alley, known as NO. 26, measuring on Trodd street about thirty feet, aud lu depth about sixty-eight feet, more or less. Tula property ls now rented ut a very remunera? tive rate. Terms, for both pieces of property, are-Oner third to be cash ; baiauce by bonus payable in one and two years, secured by mortgage? of prop? erty, Interest on bonus to be semi-annual. .The Store and Residence to be insured for credit por? tion, and policies to be properly assigned. Pur? chasers to pay J. D. FORD for papers and stamps. mayi6-thstn4_ , . By A. C. MCGILLIVRAY, Auctioneer. EW. M. MACKEY, SHERIFF OF . Char.eaton Ouunty vs. B? C. DeLarge et al. t>i virtue or an order or court, made in the above stated case by the Hon. K. F. Graham, Judge of the First Circuit, to mo. directed, will be Bold, on THURSDAY, the 23d of May, 1872. Tu fr o nt of the Postofflce, Broad street, Charleston, at ll o'clock A. M., All that LOT OF LAND, with tte- buildings thereon, situate oa the sontn side of Princess street, City of Charleston, and known In a plan ol ctuu les Parker, surveyor, made by order of the City Council, In January, 1316, and resarveyed by William Hume, surveyor, In February, 187i>, by the Nu. 6; measuring, la front on Princess street 21 feet 4 incoes, on the south Hue 21 feet 9 inches, and in oeptb, oa the east and west line?, 40 feet l inch be aa>d dimensions more or less; bouudlng north on Princess street, south on Lands of-, east on Lot No. 7, and west on Lot No. e. Terms-One-haif.eaah; balance in one year, se? cured by bond of purchaser, with lal crest T om day of sale, payable semi-annually, and mortgage of the premises; bud tings to be insured and poli? cy assigned. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. E. V. M. MACKEY, mayl0-thmth3_'._S. 0.0. By A. C. Me?ILLlYRAY, Auctioneer. ANN ELIZA MATHEWS VS. J. S. K. LEGARE, Executor of Mrs. E. B. White, et at. . by virtue of an order of the Hon. R. F. Graham, to me directed, will be sold, on THURSDAY, the 23d day of May, matant, In front of the Court? house, at Charleston, alli o'clock A- M. ail that LOT OF LAND, on the southeast corner ofTradd and Greenhill street*, measuring and containing thirty-eight feet on Tradd street py oue hundred and fifty-three feet on Greenhill street wltu a quantity of old bricks thereon, the property being ?old to change investment. - Terms-As mu Ji cash as will puy the expenses or sale and or the proceedings In (hts case; bal? ance oa a credit or two years, with Interest from day of sale, payable annually. ' bj. W. M. MACKEY, may6-th3 Sherlif of Charleston County, i Auctioneers' grioate gales, Ut. TSSSf* Y. LEITCH & R. S. BR?5S, Auctioneers. AT PRIVATE SALE-THE HAND? SOMEST Residence in the City. That elegau t and s p ac tu u s Mansion at i he north fast corner of Rutledge and Montague streets, with fine grounds, Kitchen, Stable and outouUd inga: Lot measures .35 feet front by 218 feet In depth on Montague street. > or full description and terms, arp'y at our Otlke, Ko. 36 Broad btreet. mayu-tutnsS ?ttns?al Books. mH?c^MINGCH^ BOOK, TO BE READY JULY 1ST. THE STANDARD. By lu 0, Emerson, of Bo J ton; and H. R. Palmer! of Chicago. PRICE $16 Ot As the previous works of these gentlemen have had very marked success in the East and in the Weat, the coming Book cannot fall to be the Success of the Season. Specimen Pages sent (free) on application. Managers of Sabbath Schools are becoming more and more convinced that the beaut Lui Singing Book, GLAD TIDIN?S, (Price 30 centajpaper, 36 cents bound) ls one or the very best Books? WINNER'S NEW SCHOOLS F?RTHS Plane-forte, Cabinet Organ, Guitar, Cornet, Violin, Fife, Accord?on, German Accord?on, Clarionet, Flute, Flageolet, costing but 76 costs each, are Just what are needed for cheap and at? tractive instruction books. Charming Song, THE GATES AJAR, Thomas40. The above Books and piece, sent, postpaid, sn receipt of retail price. ?Tcn?t?ft OLIVER DIT*?N * GO., I C. D-MTSONA CO. Boston. 1 ftew IU"' mcb27-wsiyn>*w