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HOMJCTDE IN GOOSECBEEK. A Colored Man Accidentally Shot-Riot In 1 he Country-Arrest or tbe Partira Implicated. S. C. Brown and S. 0. Wiggins, two white men, were brought to the city yesterday af? ternoon under arrest and taten before a trial Justice on tne charge of being implicated in the killing of a colored man named Tbarin Grant, on last Monday, in St. James Goose creek. From the affidavits upon which the prlsonere aie confined and their own state ments the following facts are taken: Last Monday afternoon, about two o'clock, Brown and Wiggins, who are planting a place on Goosecreek belonging to the Rev. Mr. Miles, went out shooting fish in the creek. After they had been gone some time their powder gave out and they returned to the house for more. While returning they met Grant and talked with him some time, he laughing with them and claiming the load In the gun as his own, aa he had loaded it with his own ammu? nition in Mr. Wigglns's absence. The two prisoners proceeded on their hunt and cap? tured a large fish. They then started back, and the gun was placed In the bottom of the boat. They soon got back to where Grant was Bitting on the edge of the canal, and Brown states that be was busily pushing the boat along when ruudenly the gun was discharged and he saw Grant double np and fall over. Wiggins states that he had the gun, without knowing it was loaded, pointed towards Grant, who told bim to be careiul and hold the muzzle down. He was doing this when the piece was discharged. Wiggins then j napped out of the boat and waded to Grant, pul his arm around him and said, "Ob, Grant, you know it was an accident." Grant merely said "Oh, my God, I am shot," and died al< , moat immediately. The load of shot had gone clear throngh his breast. The prisoners, see ing he was dead, leit the body where it tell, and, takingta wagon at the house, drove to Porcher's Stationl on the Northeastern Rsi! road, for the purpose of taking the train to the city and, delivering themselves up to the prpper authorltiee. In the meantime the body was found by some colored people, who speedily spread the news abroad. The color? ed people were highly excited, and a large 11 crowd armed with guns, knives, poles, &c, | i started In pursuit of the prisoners. The lat? ter were found at the station, and were im? mediately taken into custody by the mob The more infuriated presented their guns and knives, and wanted to klil the two prisoners outright, but fortunately others who were more moderate In their views succeeded fa restraining the mob. 1 Surrounded by the crowd, the two white men E were then taken from the depot towards the 1 scene of tbe accident Their captors pressed i upon them on every side, and, while passing through a field, Brown wa.? struck and knock- j ed senseless by a blow upon the back of the e htiad. The crowd carried the men before the t father of the deceased Grant, and they here t stated how the killing had been the result of accident. The father heard their statement, f and must haye been; persuaded it was an acel- i 'dent, as for the time he was judge and jury, i and any extreme sentence from him would, i doubtlessly, have been executed by the inluri- i ated crowd. Yesterday morning the prisoners were conveyed by their captors to the depot, and brought under guard, to Charleston, as first stated. I ( An Inquest will probably be held over the | ( body of Grant, and the prisoners are held to await the result of the Investigation.* j ? THE BIEL OF HEALTH.-The city registrar reports 18 deaths for the week ending April 27, viz : 5 whites and 13 blacks and colored. FOB NEW YORK THIS MORNING.- The palace state-room steamship Georgia, Captain Cro well, will leave Pier No. 2 Union wharves this morning at ten o'clock. Passengers are ex? pected to be punctual. CLUBS AND STARS.-Joseph Jones, arrested s for disorderly conduct and abusing the police i on the street, was fined two dollars. I Two applicants for lodgings were accommo? dated anti discharged next morning. FOR PHILADELPHIA ANO NEW- ENGLAND CITIES.-The steamship Virginia, Captain Hinckley, wlll^sall from Brown's wharf for f, Philadelphia on Friday, Sd May, at twelve i O'clock M. Through bills of lading will be is- - sued to Providence, Boston, Fall River and other Eastern points on accommodating terms. Farm truck received up to hour of j sailing. tjjgSK OF THE CATHOLIC SUNDAT SCHOOLS. The third annual picnic ol the Catholic Sunday Schools of this city takes place to-day at the Schutzenplatz. The train will leave the Ann street depo t. o? the Boutb Carolina Railroad at half-past eight o'clock in the morning for the Platz, and the steamer of the Mount Pie', ant and Sullivan's Island Ferry Company leaves Atlantic wharf for the same place at one and half-past three o'clock In the afternoon, re? turning at two and half-past six o'clock. I ' Tickets can be 'procured from the pastors of ' 1 the several Catholic Churches, c at the depot. The picnic will probably ire th. largest and ' one of the most enjoyable of the season. -?- i THE NEW CLOCK.-The flftt object of In- 1 terest which met the view of our business 1 community yesterday, as they came down Broad -street, was the ladder in front of the Postofflce, and the workmen at the top of it I engaged in closing up the ugly orifice in the < front of the renovated building with the dial of a handsome clock. After considerable de? lay, the public will be gratified to learn lhat a i standard clock ls at length being placed in the i front pediment of the Postofllce, and In a few i days standard time wiil be pnce more re-esta? blished in Charleston. The clock Is the muni? ficent gift of the Chamber of Commerce. ] Their committee have been persevering in t their efforts, and their final success will be I hailed with unieigned satisfaction by the CRUMBS.-The projected visit to this city of the Cape Fear Steam Fire Engine Company, of WHmington, N. C., has been abandoned. A special meeting of the Chamber of Com? merce iB called for two P. M. to-day. The ohlldrea of the Trinity M. E. Church Sunday School will have a picnic at Mount Pleasant next Friday. The steam fire companies are practicing every night for the tournament on the 8th Instant. The Mills House stables will continue open aa heretofore, notwithstanding the closing of the Mills House to-day. The regular meeting of the Board of Trade will take place this evening, at half-past seven o'clock. A meeting of the general committee of the Sunday-school Convention wlf! be held at the hall of the Young Men's Christian Associa? tion at eight o'clock this evening. The colored citizens of Charleston will cele? brate the ratification of the fifteenth amend? ment to-day. There will be a procession and an oration by Wm. E. Burke. The TJ. S. Grant Cavalry company celebrate their anniversary, by giving a picnic at Oak Grove, near the' Four-Mile House, to-day, and a grand bail at the Military Hall to-night. See advertisement for committee' from whom ticket? may be procured. MEETING OJ? COUNCIL. A regular meeting of Council was held last evening at the usual hour. Present-The Mayor, and Aldermen O'Neill, Bowen, Smith, Voigt, Gage, Garrett, Kenny, Sweegan, Glo? ver, Michael?, Johnston, Moran, Pelzer, Sig wald and Slmonds. PETITIONS. Of A. McLeiEh, lor the remission of the pen? alty for not paying taifs promptly for the year 1870. Referred to the committee on re? trenchment and relief. Of numerous citizens, praying Council to re? sist the Injunction which had been taken out to prevent the removal of the Artesian Well troughs to the south side of Pinckney street,. between Church and Anson, as, in the estima? tion of the petitioners, the location chosen by the committee was most eligible, and tbe best suited to the convenience ol the public. Re? ferred to the Mayor to transmit to the city at? torney. Alderman Peizer stated as information that the proposed change was objected to by the congregation of Trinity Church, and Alderman Johnston stated that lt was objected to by George W. Williams & Co. Of John F. Taylor & Co., for permission to make a one story addition to the western side of their machine shop in Pritchard street. Pe? tition granted. Of C. Dryer, offering to sell lo the Council copies of his "Birds-eye Views of the City of Charleston," particularly of the schools and public buildings. -Referred to the Mayor, with power lo act. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. On retrenchment and relief, reported un? favorably on the petition of John Christopher for a reduction ol his license tax. Adopted. The same committee reported favorably on the petition of Mr. Bredeman for the remis? sion ol two-thirds of his laxes for 1871 in con? sequence of his property having been destroy ?d by ure. Adopted. ? Tee same committee reported unfavorably Dn the<>etitlon of Rev. John Moore, D. D., to have the pastoral residence attached to St. Patrick's Church relieved from the payment of taxes. The attention of the committee was ?ailed to the fact that the penalty for not ? ay ing the tax promptly had been attached, and :hey suggested Its remission. Report adopted, ind penalty remitted. The same committee reported unfavorably on the petition of D. L. Glen to be refunded ;he taxes paid on his unfinished building, adopted. The same committee recommended addi? tional compensation to be paid James Allen 'or cleaning out the drain in Bums lane, lt laving been filled by a storm, bet?re being in ?pected, which necessitated another cleaning, deport agreed to, and referred to the Mayor or settlement. On aceounts, reported bills of the Gas Com? pany and Almshouse, amounting to $2390 77, is correct, and recommended they be referred o the city treasurer lor verification 'and. set. lement Adopted. . * On public buildings, Institutions and grounds, reported that they bad carefully ex imined the Charleston College building and ipproved of the repairs recommended in the ?eport of the surgeons read at the last meet, ng. They recommend that the engineer pre? pare the details of the repairs required, with ipecificatlons, to be approved of by the cc m nlttee, and also that an observatory, noe to :ost more than one hundred dollars, be erect id on the top of the colkv iii din g. Adopted. The committee also st atea that they had en? raged to have the High School painted and ;epa!red as recommended at the last meeting )f Council. Upon assessments, reported unfavorably on ;he petition of Captain Harms lor a reduction >f the assessment upon his property. They tad brought the matter before the board of iqualization who thought the assessment low. Adopted. On streets, reported on the petition of a lumber of citizens lor the widening ol Friend Street, that owing to the difficulty of obtaining i right of way, they recommended the accep? tance by the city of the ground donated by Colonel Sere ven,. along the entire length of his lot, at the corner of Tradd and Friend streets, for approximately effecting the Im? provement. Adopted. The same committee reported favorably on he petition of Mr. Larouseilier and others !br anew sidewalk on the east side of Rut. ledge avenue, between Spring and Bogard streets. Adopted. The same committee reported that they found Rutledge avenue In the bad condition Jescribed in the petition of numerous resi? dents for Its repair, and recommended that :he matter be referred to the Mayor, with power to confer with the city attorney, to as? certain the duties of railway companies to ieep their track in repair preparatory to plac? ing the avenue in a condition becoming one of the most ? opular streets In the city. Adopted. BILLS. Alderman Kenny brought up a bill to abol? ish the detective force and provide for its du ,ies being performed by the regular po? lee. The bill took Its first readiug. Alderman Moran read a bill to alter and imend the ordinance to regulate licenses for 1872, so as to make the City Railway Company pay one hundred dollars for each car running nstead of a gross sum of one thousand dol ars. Bili ordered lo be printed. MISCELLANEOUS. Thc Mayor read an invitation extended lo the Council by the committee of arrangements Df the Steam Flre'Department lo witness their parade on the 7th instant. Accepted. Alderman Voigt called attention to the nu? merous complaints of citizens caused by the 'ast driving along the streets, and respectfully requested the Mayor to see that the ordinance < on the subject be enforced by the police. Pursuant to resolution, the city sheriff re? ported tax executions in his office to tue imount of $100,000 for taxes due on property n the city. Referred to the committee on ivays and means with power to act. . RESOLUTIONS. Alderman O'Neill moved that the city treas? urer be authorized to pay, from the funds in he treasury, the tax for Slate licenses due by :he city officials. Alderman Simonds objected, as he did not see how the city officials could be lawfully required by the State to take out licenses. Alderman Pelzer moved, as an amendment, that the payment be made provided that the ?ity attorney deems the officials liable. Alderman Voigt objected to the resolution in toto, as he did not f-ee why the city should idvance money to pay the taxes of its officials, svho were quite as well able to pay for their licenses as any other citizens. He moved that both resolution and amendment be laid on the lable. Carried. On motion of Alderman Bowen, lt was re? solved that hereafter It6hall bethe duty of the ;ity recorder, in conjunction with the chlet of the fire department, to investigate the origin of ali fires which may occur within the corpo? rate limits of the city, and make detailed re? portai the same to the Mayor. Adjourned. G. W. WILLIAMS & Co.-M-ssrs. G. W. Wil? liams, Wm. Birnie and J. R. Robertson, the surviving members of this firm, have associ? ated with them, as partners in their Charles? ton and New York henses, Messrs. James Bridge, Jr., Frank E. Taylor and Robert S. Cathcart"/ THE FLORAL FAIR. The Floral Exhibition, under the auspices of the Agricultural Society of South Carolina, opens at four o'clock this afternoon at the Byan Villa, at the corner of Calhoun and Rut? ledge streets. A large number of choice plants have already been received, and the collection of paintings, hung In the Tilla, promises to be especially fine. The Post band will be in attend? ance durlDg the evening, and when the exhi? bition, closes the street cars, on both lines, will, by the courtesy of President Riggs, be in walling to carry the visitors home. A more delightful spot than the Ryan Villa cannot be found in Charleston, and the arrangements of the committee are so admirable that both visi? tors and exhibitors will certainly be satisfied. The plants in pots are placed under the awn? ings on 'he grounds, where they will receive careful attention, and cannot be injured; and tbe cut flowers will give their lustre to the eulte of rooms lu the villa." The committee will send for any flowers or objects of art which lt may be desired to ex? hibit, If word bo sent lo them, this morning, at the Ryan Villa or at Holmes's Rook House. Charleston is overflowing with flowers, and it is hoped that the exhibition will be worthy of the floral reputation of the city. If all who have choice flowers will contribute a small contingent, the exhibition cunnot fail to be BucceEBlul. THE CHARLESTON SCHOOLS.-Ey the tax Im? posed upon the property in the city by the school commissioners $31,^79 40 have been collected for the support o? the city echool?, and ulODg with the other city taxes paid into the city treasury. $15,000 of this amount has already been paid ont, and the balance 1B on deposit in bank awaiting the disposal of the superintendent. THE RURAL CAROLINIAN FOR MAT.-This sterling agricultural magazine has a very at? tractive table of contente. The proprietors mention the fact that they have distributed a quantity of cuttings of the white fig, which they obtained at great expense irom Symrna. These trees yield the well-known "Symrna fig" ol commerce. If the cuttings which have been planted grow as they ought to do, the rooted trees will be distributed next winter among the friends of the Rural Carolinian. THE INFERIOR COURT-BEFORE JODOK LEE. The sealed verdict in the case of Jas. Lad son, indicted for assault with Intent to kill and assailli and battery, was not opened on account of the absence of one of the jury through sickness. The court was occupied all day in the trial of the cases against Borneo Green and Henry Draine tor grand larceny. Roth cases were at leDgth given to the re? spective juries with Instructions to bring In sealed verdicts. Adjourned until ten o'clock this morning. THE FUNERAL OF THE LATE EDWIN D. EN STON took place at three o'clock yesterday afternoon, at the residence of the deceased, corner ol'Blake and Drake streets. The Rev. Jno. T. Wightman performed the funeral ser? vices, which were largely attended by the numerous friends and brother members of the societies of which the deceased was a mem? ber. At the conclusion oi the service the re? mains were escorted to Magnolia by a large concourse of Masons, Odd Fellows and fire? men, and there Interred In the family burial lot. ._ _ THE NEW YORK VEGETABLE MARKET.-The New York Bulletin of Monday, April 29th. makes the following report of the prices of vegetables in that city : The arrivals of old continue free, and with but a moderate inquiry prices are weak. New notai oes are in lair supply and sell at $9al0 for Bermuda, and about $9 for Florida. S wee is are steady. Seed sweets are plenty and dull at $3a3 25, Our quotations are In bulk ; In shipping order 50 cents per barrel must be added. We quote : $2 60a2 75 per barrel for Peachblows; $2 50a2 75 per barrel lor Early Rose; $2a2 25 for early Goodrich; $1 25a2 per barrel for Dyrlghts; SI 75a2 per barrel for' Jackson whites; $1 75a2 for Prince Alberts. Sweet potatoes $4a4 50 for Delaware kiln dried. In vegetables, red onions are very dull and lower. Carrols are Irregular. Southern green peas, which opened la-t week at $11 per crate, are now selling at $1 50a2. We quote : Carrots $1 75J2 75 per barrel. Radishes flao per 100 bunches. Cabbages, $7a9 per 100. Celery $1 50a2 50 per dozen. Russia turnips $1 50a2 25 per barrel; white do., $2 25. Pars? nips $3. Onions, 5Cca$l 50 for red, and about $5&7 per barrel for while. Sprouts $3 per bar? rel. Spinach $4 50a5 per barrel. Bermuda tomatoes 85^950. per box; do. onions S3a3 25 per crate. Southern kale $2 50a3 50. Florida string beans $6a8 per crate. Hotel Arrivals-April 30. PAVILION HOTEL. G. H. Gllbreath, Wm. Smith, New York; Thos. Morgan, Georgetown, 8. C.; O. M. Corn? well, J. 8. Darly, Chester;Hen). Greig,Monck'B Corner. CHARLESTON HOTEL. J. G. Pruden, C. L. Ross, Jas. Selby, E. C. Schanck, Mrs. Wm. Thomson and three sons, Mrs. J. Jarvis, G. W. Ridgway, R. G. Stewart, New York; Wm. A. Highton, Newark,N. J.; J. B. Ezell, Columbia; W. S. Easton, Baltimore; F. K. Devane, Florida; R. W. Payne, New Or? leans; E. C. Green, Sumter; Jos. Ruxbaum, Philadelphia; J. E. Owens, T. Hamilton, T. H. Crosby, Baltimore; A. S. Williams, E. B. Rem? ington, Mrs. R. Sanford, E. H. Sanford, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Dewey, New York.; W. M. Greene, G. W. Greene, F. M. GreeDe, Provl dence; W. B. Mowry, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. N. Salters, Miss Carie Salters, F. A. Judson and wife, W. Saltos, L*. SaltuB, J. F. Turner, Brooklyn; J. B. Hoyt and wife, New York; Mrs. H. L. Pinckney, Statesburg, S. C.; Fred. Williams and wife, Baltimore; John Kerrigan, Savannah; J. S^Fraser, Christ Church. * MILLS HOUSE. L. R. Cornell, wife and family, D. Renshaw, wife and family. F. McDermott, Mrs. K. Wella and daughter, New York; Mrs. C. H. Richard? son, Miss Nettle, Brooklyn, N. Y. Meetings This Day. Stonewall Lodge, K. of P.,-at hall-past 7 P. M. General Committee ot'*;. S.' Convention, at 8 P. M. Pioneer Fire Company, at 8 P. M. Hope Fire Company, *at half-past 7 P. M. Wagener Artillery Club, at 8 P. M. Our Social Circle, at half-past 8 P. M. Homestead Building and Loan Association, at quarter-papt 8 P. M, Young America Fire Company, at 8 P. M. United Irish Association, at 8 P. M. Medical Society, at 8 P. M. ? Stockholders People's Bank, at 12 M. Board of Trade, at half-past 7 P. M. Chamber ol Commerce, at 2 P. if. Grant Cavalry, at 8 A. M. Landmark Lodge, at 8 P. M. Auction Sales This Day. Leitch & Bruns will sell at half-past 10 o'clock, at their office, safe, trunks, pianos, Ac. R. M. Marshall & Bro. will sell at half-past 10 o'clock, fine portraits. ? William McKay will sell at 10 o'clock, at his store, contents of a retail dry goods store, and will continue his sale of Tn dian goode this evening. Miles Drake will sell at 10 o'clock, at his store, contents of a country store. OWENS AT THE ACADEMY_Seldom have we Been a more delighted audience than that which emerged last Dight from our bright little theatre alter witnessing the Ollapod and Solon Shingle of Hr. John E. Owens. The charm of | Mr. Owens's acting liles in its exceeding natu? ralness. Not a taint of exaggeration was to be detected throughout the performance, and the mellow humor of the Btar awoke a genu? ine response alike from the brilliant and crowded pit, and from the tickled throng in the heights of "Mount Rascal." The support was exceptionally good in both pieces; and the overflowing house is, In itself, a guarantee that this brlel first engagement of Mr. Owens in Charleston will prove a signal triumph. For to-night we have the great bill of the He!r-at-Law and Toodles. PRESENTATION.-A handsome gold-headed cane was presented to Captain W. H. Gannon, commander of the steamer Pocosln. last Mon? day afternoon, by Messrs. C. <fc F. Deignan, in recognition of his prompt and efficient assist? ance to a vessel belonging to the Meters. Deignan during the storm on the 23d instant. The cane is of ebony and bears the following Inscription : : Presented to Captain W. H. Gannon. : : by : : CAF. Uf le?an, : : in recognition of nts timely aid In saving onr: : Ves-el and cargo, ; : April 23,1872. ; n usi A KS s NOTICES. NEW SPRING GOODS at A. R. Stillman's Dry Goods House, No 281 King etreet. A fresh lot of White Piques, striped and figured, at 25 cents. Brocade Striped Piques and Yosemite Stripes-beautiful article, all cheap. LIFE-SIZE Portraits of Bishops England, Reynolds and Lynch, will be sold at auc? tion this" day by Messrs. R. M. Marshall & Bro? ther, No. 33 Bread street, at half-past ten o'clock. DRESS GOODS, In every style. Grenadines, Japanese Cloths, Cballie Poplins, Alpacas, Mourning Dress Goods-a great variety at any price, at A. R. Stillman's, No. 281 King street. A NEW INVOICE ot Llama Lace Shawls, splendid designs, will be offered at low prices at FurcLgotf, Benedict & Co., No. 244 Sing street. Also a fine selection of Shetland White Shawls. _ _ apr29 ONE DOLLAR CASSIMtHES-a large stock of all kinds. Cuban Tweed, a Tweed in plain colors and stripes for boys' wear, at 50 cents very good-at A. R. Stillman's No. 281 King, street._ FURCHGOTT, BENEDICT & Co. offer fifteen pieces of Black Stripe Japanese Silks, at only 75 cents per yard. apr29 THE LATEST STYLES of Summer Cloths for boys' and men's wear have been received at Furchgott, Benedict & Co. apr29 BOBBINET, Lace and Pavilion Gauze, every kind, at A. R. Stillman's, No. 281 King Btreet. Louis COHEN <t Co., No. 248 King street, beg leave to direct particular attention this morning to their extensive assortment of real Llama Lace Points; Spring Silks, Silk Ties, Silk SasL es, and a large line of Black Silke, ranging in price from 90 eents to $7 per yard, inclusive. Also, lull lines ot Black Hernani Grenadines from 15 cents per yard to $4. A call is cordially solicited. Louis COHEN*; Co. aprl?-lmo COLORED MUSLINS, 121 cents. Linen Lawns for suits, in all colors, plain and figured. Some new fresh pretty Prints, at 124 cents, warranted fast colors. At A. B. Stillman's, No. 281 King street. PARCHEESI ! PARCHEESI I-A royal game of | India. Hasel street Bazaar, and East Bay News Boom. apr20-w FEATHER DUSTERS, 40 cents each. HABEL STREET BAZAAR. aprl7-w YE THIRSTY MORTALS, ATTENTION!-Gard? ner's celebrated Soda Water, at the East Bay News Room. Branch of the Hasel street es? tablishment. _ _ aprlG BUILDING MATERIAL.-An extensive stock ami large variety of Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Balusters, Mouldings, ?c., are kept constantly on hand by Mr. P. P. Toale, at his warerooms, No. 20 Hayne Btreet and No. 33 Plnckney street. The above are all made at his own iactory on Horlbeck's wharf. He keeps, also, French and American Window Glass, Stained Glass, Slate Mantels, Builders' Hs ra ware, ?c., from ibe best manufacturers. mch8-fmwlyr DEPOTS EUROPEAN and American Stereoscopic Views, $1 50 per dozen. HASEL STREET BAZAAR. _ aprl9-mwf CHEILLET'S PARIS KID GLOVES-every pair warranted. These Gloves will be taken back even alter wear, for any imperfections, such as tearing or ripping. [Paris, 20 Rue de la Paix. London, 53 Regent Btreet. New York, 929 Broadway. [ Boston, 9 Temple Place*. FURCHGOTT, BENEDICT ? Co., sole Agents for Charleston._' nov3-6mos NOTICE TO TOURISTS.-Stereoscopic views of Charleston and vicinity for Bale at the Hasel treet Bazaar. dec29 (?lotl)irtg, QCttilorttig, FCR SPRING AND SUMMER, 1872. MENKE A MULLER, CLOTHIERS, NO. 325 KING STREET, THREE DOORS BELOW LIBERTY STREET, Invite attention to their large and splendid Stock Of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, COATINGS, Suiting Cheviots, Linens, Ac, and the handsom? est selection or Pants and Vest Patterns, which win be made to order under the supervision of a most skilful and fashionable cntter. CLOTHING FOR MEN, YOUTH, BOYS AND CHILDREN, of I every style and quality, and at very low f prices. AND A COMPLETE STOCK OF GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, Which embraces the celebrated STAR SHIRTS and the choicest novelties in NECK WEAR. AH orders promptly executed and satisfaction guaranteed._apr2-4mos fS- BATCHELORS HAIR DYE.-THIS superb Hair Dye ls the best in the world. Per? fectly harmless, reliable and instantaneous. No disappointment. No ridiculous tints, or unpleas? ant odor. The genuine W. A. Batchelors Hair Dye produces immediately a splendid black or I natural brown. Does not stain the skin, but leaves the hair clean, soft and beautiful. The only safe and perfect Dye. Sold by all druggists. Factory 16 Bond street, New York. mchB-tuthsiyr-nac A CHANCE FOB SPORTSMEN. THE UNDERSIGNED HAYING RECEIVED DIRECT FROM EUROPE AN INVOICE OF FINE EIVGMLiISH G-TJIV?, WISHES TO DISPOSE OF THE LOT IN ONE GRAND RAFFLE OF 300 CHANCES, AT $5 PER CHANCE. PRIZE. VALUS. 21st. Doable Muzzle-loading Gan. $30 22d. Doable Muzzle-loading GOD. 80 23 L Double Muzzle loading OTM. 80 24rh. Double Muzzle loading Gan. 26 25th. Double Muzzle-loading Gan. 26 26th. Double Muzzle-loading Gan. 26 27ih. Double Muzzle-loading Gan. 26 28th. Double Muzzle-loading Gun. 26 29th. Donble Muzzle loading Gan. 26 30ih. Slbgle, Boy, Fine. 20 81st. Single, Boy. Fine. 16 32d. ?Ingle, Boy Fine. 16 83d. Fine Shot Pouch and"Powder Fl isk..... 6 34rh. Fine Shot Pouch and Powder Flask.... 6 35th. Fine Shot Pouch and Powder Platt.... f 38ih. Fine shot Pouch and Powder Flask.... 6 37th. Fine Shot Poach and Powder Flask.... 6 3sth. Fine Shot Pouch and Powder Flask.... 6 39th. One Hand Home i hattie Sewing Ma? chine. 26 40th. One Hand Home Shuttle Sewing Ma? chine. 40 There will be forty (40) Prizes, or one chance In SEVEN AND A HALF lnsnres a Prize. Prizes areas follows: PRIZE. TALUS. 1st. Donble Centre-lire Breach loading Gun complete.$126 2d. Doable Muzzle-loading, very fine. 1.5 3d. Donble Central Ure Breech-loading Gnn. no 4th. Doable Fine Muzzle lOAdlag Gun.- 76 6th.. Double Breech-loading Gan, Pin Cart? ridge. 76 6th. Donble Muzzle loading Gan. 66 7th. Double Muzzle-loading Gun. 60 3th. Double Muzzle loading Gun. 60 Otb. Double Muzzle-loading Gun. 60 10th. Donble Muzzle-loading Gun. (0 11th. Doable Mazz e-loadlng Gao. 40 12th. Doable Muzzle loading Gun. 35 13th. Double Muzzle-loading Gun. !6 14th. Double Muzzle-l ad mg Gan. 36 16th. Double Muzzle-loading Gan. 36 16th. Double Muzzle-loading Gan. 36 17th. Double Muzzle-loading Gnn. 86 18th. Doable Muzzle-loading Cnn. 80 19th. Doable Muzzle-loading Gun. 80 20th. Double Muzzle-loading Gan. 30 Parties wishing chances will please address T. L. BISS?LL, Charleston, S. C. The The Guns can be seen at his office, No. 255 Ring street, chances are made up. Raffle will take place as soon as the aprl-mwflmo Drngs at iDrjoksalc. *?? ENTIR'ELY VEGETABLE. Universally Popular Stomachic and Appetizer. They contain no arsenic or poison one Ingredients nnnnn TVTTDI.BBOT? or any kind-nothing in the least degree lnja CURES DYSPEPSIA, _ rlous to the system under any circumstances PREVENTS CHILLS AND FEVER, and may be administered with perfect safety to CREATES APPETITE, an Infant. . RESTORES THE NERVES, They never fall to cure the most obstinate case CURES DEBILITY, when taken as directed. PTTRTPIES THE BLOOD They cure Immediately. In no case will tbcrpattettt PT^TYVRFH TOWP TO THE STOMACH ' nave more lhao one C?lU after tUe d08e? *** RESTORES TONE TO THb STOMACH, ln the majority oreases not even that. . PLEASANT TO THE TASTE They accompdah the work by destroying the EXHILARATING TO THE BODY, jg?. 0r disease, whloh no other remedy pretends And ls the most to do. . _ AW ___ They are an effectuai preventive.nentrailzlng the I?OI*TJll<A.ri BITTERS malarious poison In the system, and thus avert Now before the public. Try lt and be convinced, j lng its cons?quences. DOW I E, MOISE & DAVIS, PROPRIETORS AMD WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, CHAKLESTO V, g. C. feb29-wfmDC&w8mo8 1 HE DOLLAR REWARD SOAP ! THE ONLY SOAP IN THE WORLD THAT WASHES FLANNELS WITHOUT SHRINKING THEM. Washes with bot, cold, hard, soft, or salt water. Removes Pitch, Tar, Paint, Grease, Printers' Ink Sweat, Leather or Fruit Stains. Superior to Castile Soapfor Toiler, purposes. Il APPLE VE ?t KNIGHT, Manufacturers, NOB. 1631 and 1688 KID GE AVEN UK, PHILADELPHIA, PA. aprl-lmoD*c DO WIE, MOISE & DAVIS, AGENTS FOR CHARLESTON, S. C. 0t)irt0 an? fnrnisrjing ?ooba. FOR A Y ! Attention is invited to my Immense Stock of INDIA GAUZE, LISLE THREAD. CHINA COTTON AND MUSLIN UNDERSHIRTS. FANCY CHEVIOT, SUMMER MERINO AND PERCALE SHIRTS AND COLLARS. Gent's Half Hose for Summer Wear in Great Variety. THE LATEST STYLET OF COLLARS, LINEN j AND PAPER, TIES AND BOWS. E SCOTT'S STAR SHIRT EMPORIUM, MEETING- STEEET, OPPOSITE THE MARKET HALL. novl8_ iUnsical Books. T^E^^WO^D^^EACE J^ILEE - CHORDS BOOK, ' Ia the book to be med at the coming Great Festival. It U now In the hands or tbe 20,000 singers who are to compose the choir. % The music was carefully selected by the Music Committee, and the book will be a popular and useful book for use In all Musical Societies, and should be In the hands of all In the audience at the Coliseum. It ls the very best kind of Liberes to 175 OCTAVO PAGES. PRICE 76 CENTS. Exquisite Song and Choru?. THE BEAUTIFUL DATS THAT ARE PAST. Howard, 35. THE HOUR OF SINGING. By L. 0. EMERSON and W. S. TILDEN. Has been adopted promptly, on examination, by a large number of teachers of HIGH. SCHOOLS, For which its happy arrangement of Theory,. Exercises, and 1,2, 3 and 4 part Songs, admirably adapt it. Price $1. Capital Song fer Young Singers, MAUDIE AND THE BLUE BIRD. Hickleton, 30. The above Books and Songs sent, postpaid, en receipt of retail price. OLIVER DIT50N A CO., I CH. D1TSON A CO., Boston. New York. mch27wslyrP4W iUiscilltnuons. AT $3 60 EACH. SOLE AGENTS, S. H. MARSHALL A CO., No. 314,"corner King and Society streets. apr!8-thstulo _ O TT O A. MOSES, PH. D' Geological Surveys and Maps promptly and exactly executed. P?osphate and Mining Pro? perties reported upon, and Working Plana fur? nished. Separating and Metallurgical Proces? ses adapted to Ore Deposita. Special attention to CHEMICAL ANALYSES or FERTILIZERS, Drags, Ores. Minerals, Ac. LABORATORY, dec23-stath6mo No, 38 George street. Ort} ?er?os, 4ft. FLRtilGOTT. BENEDIf T&CO NO. ??44 KING STREET, WILL OFFER OS MONDAT, APRIL 28ih, and daring the coming week unprecedented bargains In COMPRISING 10 pieces Rich LYONS' TAFFETA SILKS, at ?1 and $126 10 pieces Gros Grain, fl 37 and $1 76 10 pieces Superb Gres Grain, $2 and $2 60 io pieces Elegant Japanese Black Stripe, only 76c. 60 Japanese SHS Dress Patterns, $8 60. 2 cases Assorted Summ?r Dress Goods, 26c. ' A lot of Elegant Alpacas at reduced prices Aslendld selection of Llama Lace Shawls from $10 to $60 60 Elegant Shetland Shawls, $2 60 and $8. DOMESTIC AND LINEN DEPARTMENT. 20 cases br BLEACHED, from io to 20c-a saving of 8 cents per yard is guaranteed io cases Fast Colored Prints, latest styles 2 lases Figured and S:riped Percales, 18, 20 and . "2ic io pieces 8-4 Bleached Linen Damask only 70c, worth $1" 100 dozen Napkins, $1 2{j ' * 60 dozen Lioylies, 76c. 1 case of all Shades Linen Lawns, 25c. 2 cases Buff and Figured Lawns, 15c. WILL BE SOLD AT<*ERY LOW FIGURES: 100 pieces Swiss Muslin 60 piece i Plain and Striped Nainsook 60 pieces Plain and Striped Jaconet 26 pieces Victoria Dawns 200 pieces or Striped, Bordered, Dotted and Fig? ured Piques loo pieces Bobblnet 2000 pieces Mosquito Net, only 75c. RIBBON DEPARTMENT. We have Jun opeaed a fresh invoice of Plain, Bolled and Gros Gram RIBBON, comprising all , the fashionable shades at very popula^prices. HOSIERY AND PARASOLS. We call particular attention to the above goods, which will be lound real bargains, offer? ing an opportunity seldom met with in this city. OUR CLOTH DEPARTMENT. This department we have made a specialty, and shall contlnne to devote particular care and attention to it. The latest novelties have been received, and buyers will find an assortment of j goods .var?e!, extensive and unusually cheap. We desire to call earnest attention to this depart? ment, as we siiali endeavor to render it more at? tractive each week, and will guarantee that no house in the city cai excel lt in quality or in prices. lou.iunni tu? j No. 244 KING STREET. Q if N D U B A N G O 1 The undersigned has just received a supply of the Great South American cancer Remedy, CUS DURANGO. H. RA BR J?*!? No. 181 Meeting street. By W. T. LEn?K& R. ?BRUNS, " ' Auctioneers. "'?'.'.-. '5 .tTtTLL BE SOLD ?TBBST MORNING! TT is: instant, ar hair-pail lo-o'clock, at?nr Office, . . : . , -,..) - Lot of TRUNKS Lot of Booka '? Mahogany Bcokcaae . - _Two Pianos. Ac._. mayl By W. T. LEITCH & Ri 8. BUMS,' ' Auctioneers. LABGB IRON SAFE - WILDER'S PATENT. The above will be sold THIS DAT, May 1st Instant, at our Office, at half-past io o'clock. may!_ By R. 3L MARSHALL & BRO. , LIFE-SIZE PORTRAITS OE BISHOPS ENGLAND, REYNOLDS and LYNCH at Auction. THIS MORNING, May 1st, at half-past IO j'ciock, will be sola, at our Sale ii ooma, No. 88 Jroad street, The above PORTRAITS, tws of which are ele tantly framed. TermB cash._mayl By WM. McK?T. CONTENTS OP A RETAIL DRY GOODS STORE. THIS DAT, at 10 o'clock, win be sold, at No. 45 ?Veutworth street, i -c An assortment of Shop Coeds consisting of Remnant Pieces PRINTS, 8-4 and 44 bleached shirtings, Handkerchiefs, Ribbons, Cauco Shirts, leady-Made Clothing, Bats. Men and Women's shoes, and a general assortment of Notions. mayl_ By WM. McKAY. rMPORTED CHINESE, JAPAN AND L INDIA GOODS. * Will be eo:d TRIS EVENING, at half-past. 7 j'ciock, at Spear's store, King street, opposite Hasel Btreet, A large collection of Japan, China and India CJOODS, composing many rare and valuable arti Bles. . For particulars see catalogue at store. mayl _ ?7 MILES BRAKE. CONTENTS OP. A COUNTRY STORE? THIS MORNING, at 10 o'clock, I will sell at ny Store, corner King and Liberty streets, " The Entire CONTENTS f a Country store, con? ns ting in part of pieces JEANS, Women's Balmo als and Gaiters, Men's Calf Boots, Brogans and Jifords, Undershirts, Drawers. White'Shirts. * "oats, Pants and Vests, Handkerchief' Head aandkerchiefs, suspenders, Half Hose, Gloves, Pomade, Comba, Balmoral Skirts. Pipes, Razors? Bottons, Thread, calicos, Dress Goods, Ac, Ac. Terms positively cash. ALSO, ' Oar Regalar WEDNESDAY Sale or Men's and Boys' CLOTHING, Shira, Drawers, Dress Goods, Wool, Felt, straw and Panama Hats, jost rc :elved per Steamer, mayl amnion ?aie*>"?fntart fllagi By WM. MeKAY. DESIRABLE FDBNITTJBE OP A FAMI? LY declining Hoasekeeping. Will be Bold at No. 83 society Btreet, near Meet? ing street, on THURSDAY, 2d of May, ari? o'clock, * The nmtum contained in Bald house, consist? ing of handsome Parlor Sets Marble Top Bed Boom Sets. Dialog-Room Furniture, Carpets, Ulrrors, fine Engraving', Plano. Sewing Machine, Kitchen Furniture, and a general assortment of. well-kept boose-furnlshlng Goods. aprSO, By F. P. SALAS, * .. " Auctioneer. TTTTNES, ALMONDS, MOLASSES AND Vf SDG 4R, IMPORTED BY W. P. HALL. On THURSDAY next. May 2d, at ll o'clock. A. M., will be offered for aale at Pub lo Auction, in the Warehouse corner of Queen nd Philadelphia streets, ,._i T. 28 whole pipes Catalonia Claret WINE T. io half pipes Catalonia Claret Wine . 80 barrell Sweet Garnacha Wine V. B. 2 qoarter pipes Sweet Malaga Wine V. R. 8 kegs Dry Malaga Wine ' P. Verges. 12 quarter pipes Dry Malaga Wine 70 sackB Soft snell Almonds 26 sacks Filberts 10 cans Red Pepper 80 hhds New Crop Muscovado Molasses 180 bbls. New Crop Muscovado Molasses 80 hhds. Grocery Muscovado Sugar 20 hhds. Grocery Centrifugal Sugar. Conditions of Sale-AU sums andar IMO, cash ; from $500 to $1000, thirty ?aya; above $1000, sixty day s, with approved city endorsed note, apr? By W. Y. LEITCH Sb B. S. BRUNS, Auctioneer?. TTTILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION, V V on THURSDAY, the 2d day of May, 1872, at" he Poatofflce, In the City of Charleston, at II o'clock, A M. All that LOT with a nae FOUR STORY BRICK STORE, In Hayne street, South' side, known by tM No. 0. Said building ls about 20 feet iront by 60 feet deep, with Cistern and small yard. Immediate possession given. Terms-One hajf cash; balance in one year, with Interest, secured by bond i f purchaser, and mortgage of the premises. Purchaser to Insure building and assign policy, and to pay ns for pa? pers and stamps. aprtf-swtb.8 W. Y. LEITCH & R. S. BRUNS, Auctioneer?. PO.-ITTVE SALE OF BEAL ESTATE FOR DIVISION. Win be sold on THURSDAY, the 2d or May, at ll o'olock. at the Old Poatofflce, The following DESIRABLE REAL ESTATE : That 2X SIORY WOODEN DWELLING, with doable piazzas, Kitchen (slate roof.) jrood cis? tern, Bltoated at the southwest corner or Inspec? tion and Wharf ?st rec ts. Dwelling contains 4 square and 2 alfie rooms, besides Pantry and Dressing-room. Lot measures ?4 feet iront by 60 feet in depth. - ALSO, That one STORY WOODEN DWELLING, Weat of above, formerly osed as a store. Lot meas? ures 86 feet front by 60 feet in depth. ALSO, AU that LOT OF LAND, with the buildings thereon, formerly used as a Cooperage by Robb's Mill, situated at the Northwest corner of Inspec? tion and Wharf streets, measuring In front 120 feet on Wharf stree" by no feet In depth. ALSO, That VACANT LOT adjoining the above to the West, measuring 30 feet front on Inspection street by 120 feet in depth. ALSO, That VACANT LOT at the Northeast corner or Concord and Inspection streets, measuring 80 feet front on Inspection street by 120 feet in depth on Concord street. Terms-For Dwelling at corner of inspection* and Wharf streets one third cash; balance one and two years, with interest, SE cured by bond and mortgage. Property to be Insured, policy as? signed. Ba'ance of property one-half cash; ha? lance ia one year, with interest. Puren ase r to pay ns for papers and stamps. apr-.7-sm.wth4 'Auctioneers' Private Saks, Sft. By J. FRASER MATHE WES, Ko. 56 Broad street. AT PRIVATE SALE, A WHITEHALL BOAT, (Ingersoll builder,) nearly new; has been recently painted and put in thorongh order, with Oars, Rudder, Ac., complete. apr2?-mwI8 Pianos, QPrgans, &z. SIXTY-FIVE FIRST PRIZE MEDALS AWARDED THE GREAT SOUTHERN PIANO Manufactory. WM. KNA?E & CO., ? MANUFACTURERS OF .. GRAND. SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANO FORTES. BALTIMORE, MD. These instruments have been before the public - for nearly thirty years, and noon their excel? lence alone attained an nnpnrohased pre-emi? nence, whleh pronounces them unequalled ia TONE, TOUCH, WORKMANSHIP - AND DURABILITY, ay All onr SQUARE PIANOS have oar New im proved OVERSTRUNG SCALE and the AGRAFFE TREBLE. ?r We would call especial atttentlon to our late Patented Improvements in GRAND PIANOS and SQUARE GRANDS, found In no other Plano, whleh brings the Piano nearer perfection than hu yet been attained. ' EVERY PIANO FULLY WARRANT ED FOR FIVE YEARS. ?-We are by special arrangement enabled to furnish PARLOR ORGANS and ' MELODEONS of the most celebrated makers, Wholesale asd Retan at lowest Factory Prices. Illustrated Catalogues and Price Lists prompt-, ly furnished on application to WM. KNABE A CO.. BALTIMORE, MD, Qr any of our regular established sceades. octi7-taths6mosD*w 4