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LAWS OF THE STATE. ACTS OE THIS GENERAL ASSEMBLY OE SOUTH CAROLINA. Published by Authority. AK AGI to Charter the Greenwood and Augusta Railroad Company. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives ot the State of South Carolina, now met and Bitting in General As? sembly, and by the authority of tbe same : That, for the purpose of establishing a rail- j road, on the most practicableioute,from Green? wood, io the State of South Carolina, to Au? gusta, in the State of Geonrio, which com- j pany, when formed, with the conditiDns herein prescribed, shall bave corporate existeooe as a body politic in perpetuity. Seo. 2. That this charter, with tbe right* and privileges incidental thereto, is hore by j granted to and vested in J. H. Jennies, A. M. Aiken, S. P. Boozer, P. H. Bradloy, C. L. Blair, J. D. Talbert,W. E. Bradley, Nick Merriwethet, J. D. Neill, Wm. L. Parks, J. L. White, Wm. E. Blake and G. J. Sheppard, or the State of | South Carolina, and ltotxxrt ll. May, Thomas Phinizy, John D. Batt, Edward Barry, Austin Mallar ky, W.. A. Ramsey, T. Jefferson Jen? nings, Joseph T. Smith and Wm. P. Crawford, of the State of Georgia, and J. A. Barker, Law . renee Cam, Everidge Cain, T. M. Talbert, of ? State of South Carolina. SEC 3. That for the purpose of raising the . necessary capital stock of said company, it shall bo lawful to open books of subscription, in the State ot South Carolina, in the Counties of Abbeville and Edgefleld ; and, in tho State of j Georgia, in the Counties of Bichmond and Columbia; and in such cities and towns as may? be deemed for the nest interest of the corpora- j tion, under the direction of the corporators, to an amonnt not exceeding one million doliera, ($1,000,000,) in shares of twenty dollars ($20) , each, to constitute a joint capital stock, for the purpose of constructing and carrying into op? eration the aforesaid railroad, or any part thereof. And it snail be the duty of the said < corporators, or a majority ot them, to opsn 1 books of subscription as soon after the ratifica? tion of this act as may be practica bio, of which t twenty days' previous notice most bo given in ( any newspaper or newspapers of the States aforesaid; and the subscription books shall be kept open for sixty days; that on each share of IF stock subscribed, the said subscribers abai! | - pay two dollars, ($2.) or its equivalent, in cur? rency, to thc corporators, who shall give a cor-' : tifioate for the some; and, on the non-payment I of said instalment, the subscription shod he 1 void; the corporators shall deposit tho money < received by them unsaid cash instalments in l a solvent bank, in any of tbe States aforosaid, ] and at the expiration of every thirty days, ? .That when the bum of one hundred and fifty i thousand dollars ($150.000) are subscribed, the J . said corporators or a majority of them, shall I give notice of the time and place of meeting 1 for organization in some public newspaper in each of the States aforesaid. But if the su tn of one hundred and fifty tbouaand dollars ($150,000) shall not be subscribed within the first appointed time, the said corporators may, for the purpose of further subscriptions to the capital stock, keep the books open for such "time, and at such places, as they may deem proper : Provided, That the corporators shall not keep the books open for a longer period than one year, at the expiration of which time the right to solicit and receivo subscriptions shall vest in tbe president and directors or I said company. SEC. 4. Whenever the said sum or one hun dred and fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) is subscribed, in the manner heroin prescribed, the subscribers, their executors, administra-1 : fors and assigns, shall be, and they aro hereby, I , declared to be, incorporated into a company, I, by the name of the "Greenwood and Augusta 11 Railroad Company," anet may organize as here- 11 . in provided. I ? Bea 5. The said company, by its name above I ? mentioned, snail have perpetual succession of 11 members, shall hold real and personal proper-1 < ty, may sue and be sued, may plead and be im- j i pleaded, may have and use a common seal, I ; which they may break and use at pleasure, and j i moke all such by-laws, rules and regulations SB 11 they may deem necessary for the well ordering J i and con ducting the affaire of the company. I j Ssc. 6. At the first meeting of the said,com-1 j pony, to be called by the corporators, as above j j stated, and at all subsequent meetings, it shall I : be lawful for any stockholder to be represented 11 by proxy, whose appointment shall be in writing, signed by such stockholder; but 1i person not a stockholder shall not represent 11 ?ooh proxy. A majority of two-thirds of tho < . stockholders present, or represented by proxy, 11 are empowered to transact any and all business I ] connected with the company. At the first I j meeting of stockholders, and annually there- ! i after, at such time and place as may be ap- I < pointed by the by-laws, they shall eleot, by I f ballot, to serve one year, and until another I % election, a president and ten directors. Mo \ person shall be elooted president or director I f who is not the owner of twenty shares, which I \ must nave been held for' three months prior to 1 his election; but this does not apply to the first election herein provided for. In the oleo. I I tion of president and directors, in the estab- I < liahnaent of the by-laws, and all other acts to I f be done by the stockholders, in their corporate I ] capacity, each stockholder shall be entitled to 11 one vote for every paid up share of the stock 11 subscribed by bim. 11 Sic. 7.. That, for the purpose of acquiring 11 such lands, or right of way, as they may re- 11 quire for the location and construction of said J g railroad, with euch depots, warehouses, sta-1 C tiona, wharves and other necessary establish- I c ments, or for extending or altering the samo, I t tho said company sholl have every right, pri- I o vilegeand power heretofore granted to, and a which now is or has been used or enjoyed by I t any railroad company heretofore incorporated n in either of the States aforesaid; and shall, j e also, be entitled to the use and benefit of every l a process and proceeding provided by law for en-1 c soling railroad companies, in either of tho g States aforesaid, to obtain such lands, or a rights ofWoy, aa they require, in cases in which t the consent of the owners cannot be obtained, j And the said company shall have the same ex- I c elusive right of transportation on their rail-11 road which is possessed and enjoyed by any I s other railroad m either of the aforementioned j g States. And persons trespassing, intruding, I t or wilfully destroying any of the property of I a the said company, shall be liable to all penal- c ties to which persons wilfully destroying a damaging or obstructing any other railroads,' a or parts or parcels thereof, are made liable by o any law in either of the States aforesaid. And the said company shall have the same pre- ai aumptive right and title,and to the same extent vi to lands through which their railroad may be m built, in absence of any agreement with the ei . proprietor or proprietors of such lauds, which le is possessed or enjoyed by any other railroad, ot in the States mentioned above, as to the lands te through which their railroad may have been, ec or may be constructed, in absence of any con? tract with fie owners thereof. ol Szo. 8. That it shall be lawful Tor the said tc company (o increase their capital stock to any tl .amount not exceeding two million dollars et ($2,000,000) by receiving subscribions for ad- re ditional shares,' on such terms and conditions tv ss they msy tbink proper to prescribo, and I pi also to borrow money for the purposes afore- j tr said, on each terms and at each rates of inte est as they may think proper. BEC 9. 8ubscriptioD8 to the stock of sa company shall be payable by instalments Eve dollars ($5) on each Bharo, af ter payit first instalment as aforesaid, and at intern of not less tban ninety days, under such reg lation8 as may be prescribed by the by-law Public notice of the time and place ot paymei of each instalment shall be given at lea twenty days beforehand; and in case any ii stalment or any share remain unpaid for tl Bpace'of thirty days after the time tor paymei thereof, the shares shall be forfeited and ves ed in the said company, and the defanltin stockholder released from all obligations t pay (he amount unpaid on the forfeited shan The s li a res of the capital stock of said com fiar shall be personal property, and shall be ai signable and transferable, in euch manne and under auch regulations, as may be pr scribed by the by-laws. SEC 10. The president and directors of tt company shall have authority to execute a tho powers hereby granted to said coinpan: subject to such limitations and restrictions a may bo imposed by tbe by-laws. There mu? bo an annual meeting of the stockholders, i such time as may be appointed by tbe by-la wi at which the president and directors sha make a report, in writing, of the affairs an condition of the company, which report sha be published in a newspaper of each of tb States aforesaid. Other meetings may b called by the president br directors, when tbe deem it expedient, and also when twenty stock holders, representing three hundred shares shall demand the same in writing. The corpo rators herein appointed, shall ?ive a writtei account of all funds received by them, and o. the disposition of the same, at the first meet ing after the ratification of this act. It sha! be la wini for the stockholders, at any meeting to remove the president and directors, or an; of them, from office; and elect others in theil stead. The president and directors shall hav< authority to draw out the money deposited ii bank by the corporators for subscription tc the stock of the company : Provided, That tb? jame is only used for the interest of said com pony. SEC ll. This act shall be in force for thc erm of forty years from the ratification there >f, and shall be deemed, and hereby declared, i public act: Provided, That the work, for thc ixecution whereof the said company is formed, i h al I be commenced within two years from thc irst day of January, one thousand eight buu Ired and seventy-two, and bo completed with n eight years thereafter: Aud provided, ur th cr, That said road shall be subj ec t to tbe provisions of an act entitled "An act to de dare the manner by which the lands, or the right of way over the lands of persons or cor? porations, may be taken for tho construction ind uses of railways and other works of inter? nal improvement," ratified September 22, A. D. 16G3 : Provided, That nothing herein con? tained shall be BO construed as to exempt the laid company from the payment of taxes. Approved March 13,1872. AN ACT to Incorporate the Citizens* Building and Loan Association of Charleston. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bepresentatiycs of the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in General As? sembly, and by the authority of the same : That William B. Heriot, Hutson Lee, B. S. Rhett, H. L. P. McCormick, William B. Steed man, William Thayer, L. D. Mowry, T. A. Wil? bur and Y. J. Tobias, together with auch other persons as now aro, or hereafter may be, associated with them, be, and they are hereby, declared a body politic aud corporate, for the purpose of buying and holding real estate in the County of Charleston, South Carolina, and making loans of money secured by mortgages of real estate and the hypothecation of bonds, stocks and other choses and personal property, to its members and stockholders, and others, by the name and style of the Citizens' Building md Loan Association of Charleston. The cap? ital stock ot said association to consist of two thousand five hundred shares; but aa soon as ono thousand shares ore subscribed thereto, the said association shall organize and com? mence operations. Said abares to be paid by successive monthly instalments of ono dollar on each share, so long as the said association shall continue; the said shores to be held, trans? ferred, assigned and pledged, and the holders thereof to be subjeot to such fines, penalties md forfeitures for default in their payments, LS the regulations and by-laws of the said as? sociation may proscribe. SEO. 2. That the said association shall have inch number and succession of officers and nembers as shall be ordained and chosen ac :ording to the rules and by-laws made or to be node by them, for their government, and shall lava power and authority, from timo to time, md at all times, to mako all suoh rules, regu R lions and by-laws as are not repugnant to the ?oust i tut ion and the lows < if tbe land; to have ind keeps common seal, and tho same to altor it will; to sue and be sued, implead and be im ploaded, in any court of law or equity in this State, and shall have and enjoy every right and privilege incident and belonging to corporate podiee, according to the lows of the land. SEO. 3. That tho funds of the said associa ?ion shall be invested, either in the purchase >f real estate in tho County of Charleston, South Carolina, which shall be rented out or eased, or sold and conveyed to the members md stockholders ot said association, upon such erms and conditions and estates, as from time o time may be prescribed by its mles ond by ows, or ba loaned out and advanced to the nembers and stockholders thereof, upon the ecurity and hypothecation of real estate in Charleston aforesaid, or bonds, stocks or hoses in action, or personal property, on such erms and conditions, as from time to time lay be proscribed by the rules and by-laws foresaid. And it sholl and may be lawful for he said association, to hold and enjoy, for tbe autual benefit of its members and stockhold, rs, all Buch lands, tenements, hereditaments nd appurtenances os moy be bona fide pur based by and convoyed to it, or as moy be mor t :oged to it by way of security upou its loans nd advances, or as may be bought by, or ranaferred and conveyed to it at eales under adgments or decrees at law or equity for se? aring and recovering, or in compromise set lement of any debt or debts due to it, and to ell, alien, barter, exchange, convey, mort? age, or otherwise dispose of the same, from ime to time, and whenever deemed necessary nd expedient. The stockholders in this asso iation shall be severally liable for all debts nd obligations created or contracted by the ssoeiotion, to an amount double (he amount f their stock. SEC 4. That if any of the funds of the said jsociation shall remain unproductive or unm? ated and uncalled for for the space of two ion tbs, by its own members and stock hold- i ?s, it shall be lawful for said association to i nd out what Jioneys may be on hand to | hers than stockholders, at such rates of in- i rest as may bo agreed on, to be safely invest- \ I, and to be repaid within one year. i Seo. 5. That whenever the funds and aesets t 'tho said association shall have accumulated t < such an amount, that, upon a fair division c 'creof, each stockholder, for each and every c lore of stock held by him or her, shall have ? ceived, orbe entitled to receive, tho sum of i ro hundred dollars, or the value thereof in r .operty or assets, and such division and dis- t ibution shall have been made, then the said i association snail cease and determina: P Tided, however, That in case the said aasoc lion ahull not bave dosed ira operations a affairs, as above provided for, within a abor period, then this act sholl not continue in foi boyond ten years. . " SEO. 6. That this act shall be deemed a pi lio act, and be given and received in evidei without being specially pleaded. Approved March 13,1872? AK ACT to Incorporate the Darlington La Joint Stock and Loan Association, of Di lington County. SECTION L Be it enacted by the Senate a House ot Representatives of the State of Sou Carolina, now met and Bitting in General J sembly, and by the authority of the same : That Bichord H. Humbert, T. C. Cox, 8. Keith, J. A. Smith, William Braloy, J. A. W lianuon, P. C. Fludd, Alfred Hort, Edna ! Mickey, A. P. Ford, Bicb'd Ford, F. J. PUR Adam Bristow, Wm. Grant, J. D. Warley, a. Singleton and J. W. Thomas, together wi auch other persona as now are, or bereafc may be, associated with them, be, aud they a hereby, declared a body politic and corporal for the purpo; e of buying and holding real e tate in the County of Darlington, or at ai point within the County, or the State or Soul Carolina, and making loons of money, securi by mortgages of real estate, and the hypoth cation of bonde, stocka and other choses in a lion, and personal ita members ar stockholders, by tho name and style of tl Darlington Land Joint Stock and Loan Ass dation, of Darlington, South Carolina. Tl capital stock of said association to conbist five thousand shares of the value of twenty-ffi dollars per share; but as soon as two thousai shares shall have been subscribed thereto, tl said association shall organize and commem operations, said shares to be paid by succe sive monthly instalments of one dollar on ear. share, so long as the said association Bbs continue; the said shares to be hdd, transfe red, assigned and pledged, and the holdei thereof to be subject to such ?nes, penaltic and forfeitures, for default iu their paymeuti as the recul?t ions and by-laws of the said asst ciation may prescribe. SEC. 2. That the said association shall hav number and succession of officers and mea hers, as Bb all be ordained and chosen, ncc ore ing to the rules au I by-laws made, or to b made, by thom for their government; and sha have power and authority, from time to time and at all times, to make such tules aud bj laws a?, are not repugnant to the consritntio and the laws of the land;' to have and keep common seal, and to alter the same at will; t sue and be suod, implead and be impleaded, ii any court of law or equity in this State; am shall have and enjoy every right and privilege incident and belonging to corporate bodies, ac cording to the Iowa of the land. Ssa 3. That the funds of the said associa tion shall be invested either io the purchase o real estate in tho County of Darlington, Bout! Carolina, or in any county or sub-division o the State of South Carolina, which shall bi rented out or leased,or sold and convey od, to thi members and stockholders of said association upon such terms and conditions as, from timi to time, may be prescribed by its rules and by laws, or be loaned out and advanced to th? members and stockholders thereof, upon th? security and by hypothecation of real estate ii the Coanty of Darlington, or any other sub division of the State aforesaid, or bonds, st OJ ki or choses in action on personal property, or such terms and conditions as, from time U time, may be prescribed by the rules and by? laws aforesaid. And it shall and may bo law? ful for the said association to hold and enjoy, for the mutual benefit of its members a nc stockholders, all such lauds, tenements a .c hereditaments, as may bo bona fule, purchased by, and conveyed to it ; or os may be mortga ecti toit, byway of security, upon its loans and ad? vances; or os muy be purchased by, or trans? ferred and conveyed to it, at Bales under judg? ments or decrees at law or equity for securing, or rec miring, or m compromise settlement ol any debt or debts due to it; and to sell.alien, bar? ter, exchango, convey, mortgage, or otherwise dispose of the same, from time to time, and whenever deemed expedient. SEO. 4. That if any of the funds of tho said association shall remain unproductive or unin? vested and unneeded, or uncalled for, for tho space of two months, by its own mcmbora and stockholders, it shall be lawful for the said as? sociation to lend oat what moneys may be on band to others than stocklioldsrs, at such rates of interest (on euch security, whether of mort? gage or real estate, chosos inaction, or other personal property) aa may be agreed on, to be safely invested, to be repaid within one year. SEO. 5. That whenever tho fonds and assets of the Baid association shall have accumulated to such an amount that, upon a fair division thereof, such stockholders, for each and every share ot Block held by him or her, shall hove received, or be entitled to receive, the sum of two hundred dollars, or the value thereof in property or assets, and such division and dis - tribution shall havo boen made, then the said association shall cease and determine: Pro? vided, however, That in case the said associa? tion shall not have closed ita operations and affairs, as above provided for, within a shorter period, then thia act shall not continue in force beyond twenty years. SEO. 6. That if any officer or sub-officer of the said association shall use the moneys of said association, other than those prescribed by this act, he shall, on proof thereof, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and sentenced to pay' a fine of twico tho amount of monoy so appro? priated, and imprisoned for a term not less than six months. SEC. 7. This aot shall bo deemed a public act, and be given and received in evidence without being specially pleaded. Approved March 13,1872. AN AOT to Alter and Amend the Charter of the Town of Pendleton. SECTION 1. Beit enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and Bitting in General As? sembly, and by the authority of the same: That all persons, citizens of the United States, who now reside, or may hereafter re? side, in the Village of Pendleton, snail be deem? ed, and are hereby declared, a body corporate md politic; and the said village shall be called iud known by the name of Pendleton; and its limits sholl be ?eld and deemed to extend for me mile in every direction from the Formers? Hall. SEO. 2. That the said village shall bo gov? erned byan an iutendant and four wardens, who shall be elected on the fourth Monday in , in September, and continue in office until the , jeqond Monday in September next, or until j iheir successors arequalifiod, on which day, as , veli os on tho second Mouday in September of ? .very year thereafter, an election shall bo held ] br an intendant and fonr wardens, at such j )lace as the intendant and wardens shall des- f gnato, thirty daye' notice being previously T :iveu; and that all male inhabitants of the 8 aid village, who have attained tho age of , wenty-one years, and have resided therein c bree months previous to tho election, shall be T uti tied to voto for the Boil intendant and war- " lens; the election to be hold from ten o'clock 8 n the morniug until two o'clock in the o'feer- 8 icon; ani when the polls shall bo closed, the aanagers shall count the ballots, and proclaim ? he election, and give notice thereof, in writ- u og, to the persons elected; and that the in- n tendant and wardens,?for the time boin?, el always appoint turee managers to hold tbe suing election; that the intendant and w dens, before entering upon the duties or th offices, shall take the following oath, to w "As intendant or warden, of Pendleton, 11 support and defend the Constitution of I United States, and this State, and equally a impartially, to the best of my skill and abili exercise tbe trust reposed in me, and will 1 my best ondeavor to preserve the peace, t oarry into effect, according to law, tho purp< of my appointment. So help me God." SEC. 9. Ihat in ciao a vacan ey shall occur the office of intendant or wardens, by dea resignation, removal from office, or absei from tbe Slate, an election snail be held the appointment of the intendant and warde as tho caso may be, thirty days'previous not beiug gi von; and in the case of sickness temporary absence of the intendant, tho w dens, forming a council, shall be empowei to elect one of themselves to act as intends during the time. SEO. i. That the intendant and wardens di elected and qualified shall, during their te; of Berrico, severally and respectively, be ve ed with all tbe powers of trial jnstices of tl State, within the limits of the said village, < cept in trials of ci vd oases; that the intends shall, os often os occasion may require, BU: mon the wardens to meet him in council, majority of whom shall constitute a quoit for tbe transaction of business, and shall known by the name of the Town Council Pendleton; and they and their successors office sholl have a common seal, and shall ba power and authority to appoint, from time time, such and sa maay proper persons to : as constables as they shall docm axpedie and proper, which constables shall have the power, privileges and emoluments, and subject to all tho duties, penalties and rBgnl tions provided by the laws or this State for t office of constable; and the intendant and wt dens in council shall have power, under th( corporate seal, to ordain and establish all sn rules, by-laws and ordinances, respecting tl streets, ways, market and police of such v loge, as shall appear tn them proper for tl security, welfare and convonionce of the v Iago, and tor preserving health, peace, ord and good government within the same; and tl said council moy affix fines for offences again such by-laws and ordinances, and appropria them to the use of the corporation; b no fine sholl exceed twenty dollars; and wbi linos shall oxceed ten dollars, they moy bo r covered in the Court of Sessions for ?nderst County; and when they arcot the amount ten dollars, or under, they may be recoven before the intendant and wardens: Provide Nothing herein contained shallempowor tl aaid corporation to ordain or establish any b laws or ordinances, inconsistent with, orr pugnant to, tbe lows of this State; and ail sue by-laws and ordinances shall, at all times, I eubjoct to the r?visai or repeal ot the Legis 1 ture. Bsa 5. That the said intendant and wa dens shall bave power to abate and re moi nuisances within tbe said limits, and to class fy and arrange the inhabitants hobie to polit duty, and to require them to perform sue duty as often as occasion may requiro, and t enforce tbe performance thereof,under the san: penalties os aro now, or may bo hereafter et tabhsbod by law; and that the said intends! ond wordens, or any of them, upon view then of, or upon complaint lodged, on oath, ai hereby required ond authorized to issue wai rants against all offenders, and cause them t be brought boforo them, or bim, and, upon a examination, shall cither release, admit to bai if the offence be bailable, or commit to Jai such offenders, SB the case may require; on the sheriff of Anderson County is hereby re quired to receive and keep the person so com initted until discharged by due courao of lan And that the said intendant and wardens shall collectively and severally, hovo cognizanc within tbe said corporate limits, in all crimi nal cosos, as justices of the peace and quorun have according to law. SEC. 6. That the intendant and wardens o the said town shall have full and only power ti grant or refuse license to retail Bpirituom liquors within the said - limits, which lioensi shall be granted in the same manner, andnpoi the same conditions, os they are now, or ma; hereafter be, under the laws of this State, ex cept that the town oounoil sholl have power t< regulato the price of license to keep toverni and to retail spirituous liquors: Provided That in no instance tho price of a license so tc keep taverns or retail spirituous liquors sh al be fixed at a less sam than is established bj the lows of the State; ond oil the powers form? erly vested in the commissioners of roads arc hereby granted to tho said intendant and war? dens within tho said limits; and all moneyt paid for licenses, and for fines and forfeituroE for retailing spirituoua liquors, keeping taverns and billiard tables within tbe said limits with? out license, shall bo appropriated to tho use of said corporation. Seo. 7. That the said intendant ind wardens shall hove power to compound with persons liable to work on said roads, streets and alleys, to release such persons as moy desire it, upon o fair equivalent therefor, to be applied by them to tho use of tho said corporation; and no person residing within the said limits shall be liable to work on any rood without said lim? its, or to be taxed or assessed for the same. SEO. 8. Thotthe Iowa councilor Pendleton shall hove power to impose on annual tax upon the keepers of billiard tables sud ton-pin alleys, or in any other pin alleys, within the discretion of said council, and to grantor refuse license for tho some, upon suoh terms and conditions, ond subject to such regulations, as they moy by ordinonce establish. They shall also have power to imposo a tax, within their discretion, 3u oil Bales made by itinerant traders and auc? tioneers, ou all publio drays, wagons, car? riages, omnibuses, and other vehicles kept for aire,'and on the owner or possessor of all dogs, hogs, sheep, goats and rattle kept within the :orporate limits of said town. The said town council shall have power to impose an annual iax on the amcunt of all soles of goods, wares, norcbandiee, and, also, on the amount of in? come arising from all factorage and mechani ;al employments, faculties and professions, in ?luding the profession of dentistry: Provided, Thatnotax shall be imposed in any one year o exceed the rate of twonty cents on each hun Ired dollars of the value of such sales and in lome; and the said town council sholl also have ?wer to impose a tax upon all persons who ihall open any room or car for the purpose of oking daguerreotypes or other likenesses, witb n the corporate limits of said town; and the laid town council Bhall hovo the power to im tose on annual tax, hot excoeding twenty cents m overy hundred dollars of the value ot all eal estate lying within the corporate limits of aid town, the real est ito of churches and chool associations excepted, and for that pur lose they shall appoint threo freeholders, rea lout theroin, to assess the value or said real state, upon oath, and return Ibo assessment, ri thin one month, to said council, for taxation, nd to till any vocany occasioned by tho death, esigoation, refusal to servo, or removal from ffico of the said assessors; and any person rho shall refuse to act as assessor, upon being ppointed by tho council, may be fined any um not exceeding twonty dollars; and the lid council shall havo power to regulate the nee of license upon all public shows and ex? tortions in said town, and to erect a powder lagaziue, aud to compel any person holding lore than twenty-five pounds of powder to store1 the sarao therein, and to make regale? lions for rates of storage thereof, and for keep? ing and delivering the same; and the said town conned shall have power to enforce the payment of all taxes and assessments levied nader the authority of Ibis act against the property and persons of defaulters, to the same extent, and in tho same manner, as is provided by law for the collection of the general State tax, except that execrations to enforce the payment of the town taxes shall be issued under the seal of the corporation, and directed to the town mar? shal, or other person specially appointed by the said town council to collect the same; and all property upon which a tax shall be levied and assessed is hereby deel ired and made lia? ble for the payment of same in preference to other debts due by the persons owning such property at the time of thc assessment, except debts due the State, whioh shall be first paid; that the said town council shall have power, with tbe consent of the adjacent land owners, to close all Bach roads, streets and ways with? in the said town, QB they may deem necessary, by Baie ot the freehold therein, either at pub? lic or private sale, as they adjudge best for the interest of the said town; and they shall have power to lay out, adopt, open and keep in re? pair all such new streets, roads and ways, from time to time, as they may deem important or necessary for the improvement of said town: Provided, That no new street, road or way, shall be opened without first having obtained the consent of the land owner or owners through whose premises any such now street, road or way may pass. SEO. 9. That this aot shall be taken and deemed as a public act in all courts of justice, and shall continne in force until repealed. Approved March 12,1872. AK ACT to Incorporate the Town of Town ville, in the County of Anderson, ' SfcCTioN 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bepresentatives of the 'State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in General As? sembly, and by the authority of the same: That all persons, citizens ' of the State of South Carolina, who are now, or may hereafter become, inhabitants of the Town of To w o vii le, in the County of Anderson, shall be deemed, and aro hereby declared, a body politic and corporate, and that said town shall be called and known by the name of Townville; and its limits shall bo deemed and held to extend one half mile in every direction from the Townville Baptist Church, in said town. SEO. 2. That the said town sh all be governed by an intendant and four wardens, who shall be elected ou the first Wednesday in April next, on which day, aa well as on the first Wednesday in April of every year thereafter, an election dhall be held for an intendant and four wardens, who shall be citizens of the State of South Carolina, and shall have been resi? dent in the said town for sixty days immedi? ately preceding said election, at such place in aaid town aa the intendant and wardens shall designate, ten days' notice, in writing, being previously given. That H. B. Yandi ver, B. F. Qantt, W. J. Harbin and J. W. Spearman, be, and they are, appointed a board of managers, to hold the first election under this sot. That all male inhabitants of tho said town, of the age of twenty-one years, who have resided therein sixty daya previously to said election, shall be entitled to vote for said intendant and wardens; and tho election shall be held from nine in the morning until three o'clock in the afternoon, when the polls shall be closed, and the managers shall publicly count the votes, and proclaim the eleotion, and give notice thereof, in writing, to tbo persons elected; and that the intendant and wardens, for the time being, ebal! appoint the managers to bold the ensuing election, at least twenty days prior to the day of election; that the intendant and wardens, before entering upon the dutiespf their office B, shall take tho following oath, to be administered to the officers first elected by Borne officer duly authorized to administer an oath, and by the outgoing intendant to the in? tendant and wardens thereafter elected, to wit: "AB intendant (or warden) of Townville, I will equally and impartially, to the best of my skill and ability, exercise the trust reposed in me, and will use my best endeavors to preserve the peaco and carry into effect, according to law, the purposes of my appointment. So help me God." SEO. 8. That in case a vacancy should occur in the office ot intendant, or any of the war? dens, by death, resignation, removal from the State or town, or from any other cause, an elec? tion shall be held by the appointment. of the intendant and wardens, or wardens, as the case may be, ten days' notice thereof, as aforesaid, being given. And in oase of the sickness or temporary absence of the intendant, the war? dens forming a counoil shall be empowered to elect one of their number to act as intendant, during suob sickness or absence. SEO. A That the intendant and wardens, duly elected and qualified, shall, during their term of service, severally and respectively, be em? powered to preserve the public peace, within the Umita of said town; and the intendant shall, os often aa occasion may require, summon the wardens to meet bim in council, a majority of whom shall constitute a quorum for the trans? action of business, and shall be known by the name of the Town Council of Townville; and they and their successors in office shall have a common seal, aud shall have power and author? ity to appoint, hom time to time, each and so many proper persona to act aa marshals and policemen as they shall deem necessary and proper, which officers shall have all the powers, privileges and emoluments, and be subject lo all the duties, penalties and regulations pro? vided by the laws of this State for the office of constable. And the intendant and wardens, in council, shall have power and authority under their corporate seal, to ordain and es? tablish all such roles and by-laws respecting the treets, ways, publio wells and springs, or fountains ot water, markets and police of the said town, and for preserving health, peace, order and good government within the Borne, as they may deem expedient and proper; and the said counoil may affix fines for offences against auch by-laws and ordinances, and ap? propriate the same to the use of the corpora? tion, but no fine shall exceed twenty dollars; all lines may be recovered by an action for debt befoce the proper tribunal. SEO. 5. That the said council shall have pow? er to abate and remove nuisances within the limits of said town; and, also, to olaaaify and arrange the inhabitants liable to police duty, and to require them to perform suoh duty OB occasion may require; ond to enforce tbe perfor? mance thereof by appropriate penalties: Pro? vided, always, nevertheless, That the said town council shall have power to compound with persons hable to perform such duties, upon euch terms as they shall, by ordinance, estab? lish. SEO. 6. That it shall bo tho duty of the in? tendant and wardens to koep all atreote and ways, which may be necessary for publio use, within the limits of the said town, open and in good repair; and, for that purpose, they are horeby invested with all the powers, rights and 1 privileges granted, or that moy hereafter be i granted, by law, to the county commissioners, i within the limits of raid town. And, for any j neglect of duty, said intendant and wardens i sholl bo liable to the pains and penalties im- i posed by law upon tbe county commissoners ' for like neglect. And they are hereby, individ- i nally, exempt from tho performanoa of road I and police duty; and the inhabitants of said t town are hereby exoused from road and police c duty without tho limits of said corporation. a Sxo. 7. That the said intendant and war dens shall have power to compound with per Bona hable to work on the said streets anc ways; sod to release such persons tberefron as may desire it, npon the payment of snot Bums of money ss said intendant and wardeni may deem a fair equi valen t therefor, to be ap plied by them to the nae of the said corpora Hon. Ssa 8. That the said town council' of Town ville shall also be empowered to retain, posses! and enjoy, for the nae and benefit of aa ic town, all snob property ss they may now bc possessed of or entitled to, or which shall here after be given, bequeathed to, orin any mannet acquired by them m their corporate oapaoily and to sell, alien, or in any way transfer th? same, or any part thereof: Provided, Th< amount of property so held, or stock invested shall, in no case, exceed the sum of ten thous and dollars. SEO. 9. That the said town council of Town ville shah also have power to impose an anuna tax on all real and personal property within th< corporate limits of said town, except the prop er ty belonging to obufcbce snd schools: Pro? vided, Said tax shall not exceed ten cents oi the hundred dollars. SEO. 10. That the intendant and wardens ol the Town of Townvilie shall have power to reg ulate Bales at auction within the limits of sale town, and to grant licenses therein to auction eera: Provided, That nothing herein contain ed shall extend to sales by or for sheriff, coro? ners, clerks of courts and judges of probate, executors and administrators, assignees referees and constables, or by any other per son, nuder the order of any court. SEO. ll. That the intendant and wardens o: the Town ol Townvilie shall have power anc authority to require all persons owning a loi or lots therein to keep in repair the sldewallu adjacent to their lots, respectively; and for de fault in this matter, shall have power anc authority to impose a fine not to exceed ten dollars. SEO. 12. That the power to refuse or grant licenses, to keep a tavern, or to retail intoxi? cating drinks, be, and the same is hereby, vested in the town council of Townvilie; and that they be, and are hereby, also invested witt all necessary power, by ordinance or ordi? nances, to suppressor to regulate the sale ol intoxicating drinks, to bo drank at the place where sold,.or in or upon any of its appurte? nances, or in or upon any of its highways, streets, lanes, alleys, commons, kitchens, stores, shops, pnblio buildings, booths, stalls, or outhouses of the said town, or within one half mile of Ihe limits ol' the said town: Pro? vided, That DO rule or regulation shall-bc made inconsistent with the constitution and laws of this State. Sao. 13, The said town oonnoil shall have power, under the hand and seal of the inten? dant, to issue executions, directed to the mar? shal of the said town, to collect all taxes and Anea imposed by said council by virtue ot authority ia them vested by this sot, and thc marshal of said town is hereby invested wits all the powers and authority conferred by law upon constables, to enforce the satisfaction ol such executions, in the same manner, and tc the same extent. SEO. 14. That the said towa council shall have power to appoint a clerk sod treasurer, annually, and to define their dat les and re? sponsibilities. SEC. 15. That tbis act shall be deemed and taken to be as s public act in all the courts of justice in this State, and shall continue of force until repealed. Approved March 13,1872. An ACT to Incorporate the Churches of An? tioch, New. Hope, Bethel Urove and New Bethany, of L?ureos County, South Carolina. SECTION 1. Se lt enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Sooth Carolina, now met and sitting in General As? sembly, and by the authority of the same: That the churches Known by the names of Antioch, New Hope, Bethel Orove and New Bethany, of Laurens County, Sooth Carolina, be, and the same are hereby, incorporated, and the corporators thereof are hereby vested with all the rights, privileges and immunities con? ferred on certain religious institutions, by an act ratified the 16th day of December, 1851. Approved March 13,1872. . ' AM ACT to Incorporate the Gethsemane Baptist Church, of Chester County. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now mot and sitting in General As? sembly, and by the authority of the same: That Bev. Barney Humphries, Willi a Black? well, Edward Allen, James Smith, James Wil? liams, and their associ?tes and successors be, and they are hereby, declared to boa body pol? itic and corporate, under the name and style of the Gethsemane Baptist Church, of Chester County, and may have a common seal, with power to alter the same at will. Ssa. 2. That said corporation shall have power to purchase and hold any real or per? sonal estate, not exceeding in value the BU m of ten thousand dollars, and to sell, convey and dispose of the same, and, by its corporate namo, lo sue and be sued in any court of this State, and to make such rules and by-laws, not repugnant to tbe laws of the land, as they may deem necessary sud expedient. Ssc. 3. That tb is act shall bo deemed a pnb? lio act, and bs and continue in force until re? pealed. , Approved March 18,1872. AH ACT to Incorporate the Mount Bethel Church, of Laurens County. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bepreeentatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in General As? sembly, and by the authority of the same : That the Mount Bethel Church, of Laurens County, is hereby incorporated, with all the rights and privileges awarded to religious de? nominations in this State. SEO. 2. That the said Bethel Church sbsll have power to purchase, receive and hold any real and personal estate, not exceeding in value the sum of twenty thousand dollars, and to sell, convey and dispose of the same, and, ty its corporate name, to sne snd be sued in any court of this State, and to moke such rules and by-laws, not repugnant to law, as it may con? sider necessary and expedient. SEO. 3. That this act shall be deemed and taken to be a pnblio act, and shall continue in force untd repealed. Approved. March 13,1872. AN ACT to Ionorporate the Grand Division of the Sons of Temperance of Sonth Carolina. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in Gen? eral Assembly, and by tho authority of the same : That Oliver Hewitt, W. W. Pemberton, Thomas J. La Motto. W. B. Timmons, W. T. D. Dousar, G. G. Patrick, E. E. Sell, B. D. Towns? end, A. M. Kennedy, Bev. J. Claudius Miller, J. W. Turner, L. V7. Kennedy, M. W. Felder, Lt, lt. Bice, S. H. Tindal, and others who now ire, or may hereafter become, officers and nembers of the Grand Division of the Sons of temperance, and their successors, officers and nembers, be, and they are hereby, declared to ie a body corporate and politi;, by the name ind style of the "Grand Division of the SonB if Temperance of the State of South Carolina,'' nd that the said corporation, by its corporate name, sue and be ailed, plead and be Im- i pleaded, in the courts of this State, and shall be enabled and empowered in law to purchase, have, hold, enjoy and possess chattels, lands, tenements or real estate, of what Und and nature soever, and the same, or any part thereof, to sell, alien or convey, at their will and pleasure: Provided, That the property so held shall not exceed the annual value of fifty thousand dollars; and the said corporation shall have power to make a common seal, with power to change sod alter the same as often ss they shall deem necessary. ' N BEC 2. And be it further enacted, Thatdhis ' aot shall be deemed and taken to be a public aot, and shall continue in force until repealed. Approved Marc h 13,1872. As AOT to Incorporate the Prospect Baptist' Church, of Laurene County, Sooth Catalina. SECTION L Be it enacted by tbe Senate and House of Bepre genta ti vee of the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in General As? sembly, and by the authority of the same: ' That from and immediately after the passage of this act, all persons who now are, who here? after shall or may become, members of said society, shall be, and they are hereby, incorpo? rated, and are hereby declared to IM s body corporate, by the name and style of the "Pros? pect Baptist Church," and by the said name shall have succession of officers and members, and have a common Beal. > ?I* Ssa 2. That the said corporation shalt have power to parchase, receive and possess any real or personal estate, not exceeding in value the sum of twenty-five thousand doUars, ott to^ sell the same; and by its corporate name to sae and be sued In any court of this State, and to make such ralee and by-laws, not repugnant to law, as may be thought expedient. : . Ssa 8. That this sot be deemed s public act, and continue in force un iii repealed. ' Approved March 13, 1872. . . . ; ... ; AN AOT to Amend sn Aot entitled "An Aot to . Grant, Bene w and Amend the Charters of certain Towns and Villages" therein men? tioned. " . ' SECTION L Be it enacted by the Sen cte and House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and Bitting in General. Asr sembly, and by the authority of the same:...' That section 12 of an aoNntiUed "An act to grant, renew and amend the charters of certain towns and villages" therein mentioned, be amended by inserting between the words "offi? cers," in the ninth line, and "the," in the tenth line, the following: And the said intendant and wardens sholl have po wer to bring before them, when sitting in council, all offenders agabist the by-laws and ordinances o? the said town, and to punish by fine the sams; ?nd. in the case such person so fined shall f iii to pay the same, the said intendant and wardens shall have the power to compel the offender to work , upon the publio roads or streets, snowing, s fair valuation for such work, until the finie be cancelled. SEO. 2. That all acts or parts ot acts incon Bistent with tho provisions ot the above act, be, and the same are hereby, repealed. ' i?' Approved Marob 18,1872. . ; AK AOT to Incorporate tbe Zion Baptist Church, of Columbia. ? - .vi SECTION 1, Be it enacted by the Senate and Hoode of Representatives of the State of Sooth Carolina, not met and sitting in General'As? sembly, and by the authority of the same: That from and immediately after the passage of this act, Isaao Goodwin, A. 8. Night, A; Worthy, Daniel Golden, Peter Jefferson, and all other per sons who now are, or who hereafter shall or . may become, members of ? the said church, shall be, and they are hereby declared to be, a body corporate, by the name and style of the Zion Baptist Church, and by their said name shall have succession of officers and members, and have a common seal. SEO. 2. That the said corporation shall have power to parchase, receive and possess any real or personal property, not exceeding te value the sum of twenty thousand dollars, or to sell the same; and by its corporate name to soe and be sued in any court of this State, and to make such rules and by-laws, not repugnant to law; as may be thought necessary and expe? dient. ? Ssa 8. Thia aot shall be deemed a public act, and shall continue in force twenty-five years. 1 Approved March ld, 1872. ~~~TT AK ACT to Incorporate the American Union Liters ry Club of Gadsden, Richland County, y South Carolina. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bepresentatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in Gen? eral Assembly, and by the. authority of the same: That ?sop Goods on, John T. Gilmore, Peter Shiver, Robert Campbell, James Scott, JefL Tacker, Ellison T. Weston, Hsrkles Scott, Moses Scott, Stepheney Scott, Alick Marshall, Kit Mills, together with other persons who now are, or hereafter may be, assoc isled with them, be, and they are hereby, declared a body corporate, under the name and style of the Amen can Union Literary Club of Gadsden, Richland County, Sonth Carolina, and shall have succession of officers, and shall have a common seal. . SEO. 2. That the said corporation shall have power to purchase, receive and hold any real or personal estate, not exceeding in value the sum of ten thousand dollars, and to Beu, con? vey and dispose of the same; and, by its cor? porate name, to eue and be sued in any court of this State, and to make snob rules and by? laws, not repugnant to the laws of the land, as it maybe considered necessary and expe? dient. SEO. 8. That this act shall be deemed and taken to be a public act, and shall continue in. force until repealed. Approved March IS, 1872. > _ --4 AK ACT to Incorporate the Aiken -Light In? fantry, ot Aiken, South Carolina. SECTION 1. Be lt enacted by the Senate sind House of Representatives ot the State of South Carolina, now met and sluing in Gene? ral Assembly, and by the authority of th 8 same: That Pater Waggels, Alexander Williams,' Joseph Robertson, Joseph Knights, and their associates and successors, are hereby made and created a body politic and corporate, under the name and style of the Aiken Light Infantry, of Aiken, 8; C. SEC. 2. That the said corporation, hereby created and established, shall have succession of officers and members, according to Us by? laws, and shall have power to make by-laws, not repugnant to the laws of the land, and to have, use and keep a common seal, and the? same to alter at will, to sue and be sued la any court of this State, and to have and enjoy every right, power and privilege Incident to such corporation, and it ls hereby empowered to take, hold, retain, possess and enjoy all such property, real and personal, as may be given, bequeathed or devised to it, or may be, lu any manner whatsoever, acquired by the said corporation: Provided, The amount so held shall not exceed the sum ot ten thousand, dollars. SEO. 3. That this act shall continue Ul force . for the space of twenty years, and the same' shall be taken and deemed a public act. Approved March 9, 1872.