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CHARLESTON, TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 9, 1872. - J ?^-I?A-.? I ??-?Viii .."?kam? ninan/} if? rtrwmtfOM I LAWS OF THE STATE. I ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Published by Authority. AK Aol to Incorporate tho Union Baptist Church, of Laurens County, South Carolina, BXCTIOB 1. Be lt enacted by the Senate and . House of BepresenUtives of tbe State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in Gen? eral Assembly, and bj the authority of the same: Thai, from and immediately after the pas? sage of this not, all persons who now are, pr who hereafter shall or may become, members of the said society, shall be, and they are hareby, incorporated, and are declared to be a body corporate, by the name and atyle of the Union Baptist Church, and, by the said name, ?hall have succession of officers and members, andhave a common seal. Ssa 2. That the said corporation shall have ^ power to purchase, receive and possess any ; seal ox personal estate, not exceeding in value .. tho som of twenty thousand dollars, or to Bell tho asmo; and, by its 'corporate name, to sue and be sued in any court of this State; and to make such rulee and by-laws (not [repugnant to law) as may be thought necessary and ex? pedient. SEO. 8. This sot shall |be deemed a public act, and shall continuo in force until repealed. Approved March IS, 1872. AK ACT to Authorize the Formation of t and to Incorporate the Spartsnbnrg and Aiken Railroad. ; Whereas, it Is desirable that there should hie -J a connection by railroad between the town of Aiken and the town of Edgefleld, the village of Ninety-six and tbe towns of Laurens and Spar- j - tan burg, In thia State; therefore, j j : SZCTICN 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and I - House Of Repr?sentatives of the State or Sont h Carolina, now met and sitting in General Aa Bembly, and by the authority of the samo : j That the formation of a corporate company I ia hereby authorized, for the purpose of con-1 8(meting a railroad to connect the town of I Alke?: the town of Edgefleld, the village of Ninety-six, the town of Laurens, and tbe town I 1 of Spsxtanbnrg, with the privilege of extending tho same to the town of Hamburg, in snob marm er aa" may be determined by said com? pany. ?wo. 2. That for the purpose of raising the I ' capital stock of said company it shall be lawful I ? to open books at the town of Spartanburg', I ?f under the direction of G. Cannon, J. H. EVSDB; Alfred Tollison, D. B. Duncan, S. Bobo, and Joseph Walker; at the town of Laurens, under I Y. J. P. Owens, J. W. Fowler, Joseph Crews, j Dr. John Henry, and H. L. McGowan; ai I . tho village of Ninety-six, under Thoa. Tal- I bert, Dr. W. A. Limbeeker, J. A. Stuart, I . Thomas Lake, Augustus Griffin, and P. B. River? ; at the town of Edgefleld, nuder Law renee Cain, M. L. Bonham, William T. Gary, j . A. J. Norris,. Dr. John A. Barker, and Panis I Simpkin; at the village of Aiken, under J. N. j Hayne, E. J. 0. Wood, B. B. Elliott, 0. D. Hayne, E. Ferguson, J. 8. Shuck, P. G. Bock well, and Henry Sparnick; in tbe city of Au guata, under John J. Cohen, James A. Gray, Josiah Sibley, Charles W. Harris, Dr. J. A. Miller; and at snob other places in the counties of Spartanburg, Laurens, Abbeville, sedgefield, and Aiken, sad under the direction of snob other pensons, aa the commissioners in the re? spective counties herein above named may I designate, for the purpose of securing soc-I ecriptions to an amount not exceeding two I . million five hundred thousand dollars, in I . shares of ono ? hundred dollars each, to cons ti-1 -tate a Joint capital stock for the purpose oft constructing and carrying into operation the j ?sid railroad, and, on each share of individual stock, the subscriber shall pay to the commie eioners, who shall ba authorized to take the same, the sum of five dollars, lawful money of j the United States. Bro. 3. That when the sum of one hundred 4 thonsand dol?ais shall have been subscribed, m the manner before specified, the subscribers Sh all bo, and they are hereby, declared to be a j bo ly corporate, to be known by the name and j Btylo of the "SpartanbuTK and Aiken Railroad Company,* and may meet and organize said j company, at such time and place as may be designated by the commissioners for the town I of Spartanburg, hereinbefore named. I - Ssa 4. That for the purpose of organizing I ?aid company, all mah powers as are conferred I by the charter of the Greenville and Columbia I Bxflroad Company, and the commissioners at Greenville, shall be, and are hereby, conferred upon the commissioners herein appointed st the town of Spartanburg; and all the powers, I rights and privil?ges granted by said charter I and its amendments to the "Greenville and I Columbia Railroad Company," shall be, and I they are hereby, granted to the "Spartanburg and Aiken Bai ho ad Company," and subject to Hke restrictions aa are therein contain od, ox- I oept as to tho capital stock, the sum necessary I to rnthonzo the organization, and the amount of shares, except so fax as may be necessary to j conform to the BpecisI' provisons of this set: Provided, however, That nothing herein con-1 tataed shall be so construed as to bind the State to subscribe stock in said company, or make any appropriations to enable the said company to build said road, or m any manner to loan the credit of the State thereto: Pro- I grided, furto or, That nothing herein contained I shall be construed as to exempt the company from the provisions of sec. 1, chap. 43, of the General Statutes. . i Ssa 6.,That said Company is authorized to re?oive subscription to ita capital stock in binda or labor, as may be agreed upon between ?aid company and ?aid subscribers, and may acquire by grant, purchase, lease, or other? wise, any estate, real or personal, whatsoever, and the same hold, use, sell, convey, and die pose of, as the interest of said company re? quire. Approved March 12,1872. Ax. ACT to incorporate the Savings Bank of Aiken. I Whereas there exists a olass of persons who, from want of experience, are incapable of in? vesting their small incomes and oarninga, and j as it is desirable to encourage economical and provident habits in all olassos, and especially in the yoong, the laboring sod the dependant; therefore, SECTION 1. Beit enacted by the Senate and Bouse of Representatives of the State of Soath Carolina, now met and sitting in General As? sembly; and by the authority of tho same: That Ellery M. Brayton, Charles D. Hayno, Frank Arnim, Samuel A. Gilman, Henry Jones, fi. B. Elliott, P. fi. Rivera, John Williams, S. J. Lee, W. H. Jones, H. J. Maxwell, and their successors and associates, be, and they are. I ?hereby, constituted a body corporate and politic, to receive deposits of money at interest, to loan and invest the same, and to issue cer? tificates of deposits under the name of the Pavings Bank of Aiken, and by this nan invested with the following powers, righi privileges, and subject to the following r tiona: Ssa 2. - That the capital shall be twenty sand dollars, with the privilege of incn it to any amount not exceeding two hn thousand dollars. Thia capital shall be i pledged for the security of deposits. Seo. 3. Each share of stock shall bo om dreddollars, and the stockholders shall v all meetings in proportion to the unml their shares. ' * SEO. 4. The stockholders shall have pot make rules, regulations and by-laws fo management and direction of its affairs, I cor dan ce with the laws of tbiB State, .tm their properly constituted offioers; they have power and authority to do every necessary and proper for the safe and sue fol management of the Bank. SEO. 6. That thia institution may go int oration as soon as fifteen thousand della the capital stock shall be paid in, and nt fore. Sxo. 6 That the stockholders of the said p oration shall be liable to the amount of respective share or shares of stock ia said poratioD, for all its debts and liabilities, : note, bill or otherwise: And further, Nc rector or other officer of said corporation borrow any money from said corpora And if any director or other officer ebal convicted, upon indictment, of directly o: directly violating this section, he aha] punished by fine or imprisonment, at the cretion of the court. The books and aoeo of said corporation shall be open to suba tion under such regulations as may be seri bed by law. SEO. 7. That this act shall be deerae public act, and continue in force for the t of twenty years. Approved Haren 13,1872. ' AK ACT to Incorporate tho Lancaster Biflen SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate House of Representatives of the State South Carolina, no iv met and sitting in Gem Assembly, and by the authority of the >iami That B, W. Cousart, F. A Clinton, A. E son, 0. L. Jones, Bandall H. Sappe, Wm. Kenna, J. F. G. Mittag, and John ?. Dons and their associates and successor*, are lu by made and created a body poli ti J and coi rate, under the name and style of the Lam ter Rt Semen. Ssa 2. And said corporation shall b power to make by-laws, not repugnant to. laws of tho land, and shall Lave succession officers and members, according to their el . Hons; and to keep and o je a common seal, i the same to alter at will; to sue and be sued any court of tbiB 81 aie; to have and en. every right, power and privilege incident such corporations; and it is hereby em pow ed to acquire, retain and enjoy all such prop ty, real and personal, as may be given bequeathed to, or purchased by it, and to st convey or mortgage the same, or any p thereof, at will. Ssa 3. That the said corporation may, fri time to time, invest their moneys, assets, any property whioh it may acquire, in su real or personal property, lands, Blocks, or sureties, in such sams, and on such terms a: conditions as it may deem proper, and to ei cute bonds, ?co., ander its corporate se Provided, That the maximum value of i property held and owned by said corporatii shall not exceed twenty-five thousand (25,00 dollars. Ssa 4. That this sot sh all continue in for daring fifteen (15) years, and may be given evidence without being s peri illy pleaded. Approved March 12.1872. AH ACT to Incorporate the Gowerville Lodg No. 107, Ancient Free Masons, of Sooth Ca olina. SECTION 1. Be it onad od by the Senate ai House of Representatives of the State i South Carolina, now met and 'sitting in Gen ral Assembly, and by the authority of tl same: That the officers and members that now ari or hereafter may be,their associates and suooei sors, shall be known in law under the nam and style of the "Go wo ns ville Lodge, No.. Itt Ancient Free Masons, of the State of Sont Carolina, " and, under their cor pora to caps cit] to hold any personal or real estate, and to se or dispose of the same at pleasure; to sue am be sued, plead and be impleaded; they ma enjoy all the rights and privileges aa gran te? to such Uko corporations by law, with libert; to have a common seal, and aller the same a will; to enact auoh ralea and by-laws for tb government of their order, not repugnant t the laws of the land. Ssa 2. That this act be deemed a public aot and remain in force until repealed. Approved March 12,1872. AK AOT to Charter the Village of Lisbon. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate anc House of Reprea ont a ti vea of the State of Soutt Carolina, now met and sitting in General As? sembly, and by the authority of the same: That from and after the passage of thia act all and every person or persons who shall have resided in the corporate limits of the village ol Lisbon, ia the County of Darlington, Stat? ol South Carolina, for two months, are hereby declared to be members of the corporation hereby to be created. That the said persons shall, from and after the passage of this act, become a body politic and corporate, and ebal! be called and known by the name of the vil? lage of Lisbon, and ita corporate limits shall extend one-half mile from "the cross roads," so-called, in every direction. Ssa 2. That the powers and duties of tho officers of the village, the government of the I same, and all things pertaining to the obarter of said village, shall be the same, as provided for in an act entitled "An Aot to Incorporate the Town of Florence," approved March 9, 1871, excepting only tho corporate limits. - Sea 3. This act shill be deemed a public act, aud continue in force until amended or re? pealed. Approved March 13,1872. AK AOT to Reeharter the Mountain Lodge, No. 15, of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of Greenville County, South Carolina. SSOTIOK L Be it enacted by the Senate and House Of Representatives of the State of Sooth Carolina, now met and sitting in General As? sembly, and by the authority ot the same: That all persons ?who now are, or hereafter may become, members of Mountain Lodge, No. 15, of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, or Greenville County, Sooth Carolina, be, and the same are hereby, declared and constituted a body politic and corporate, by the na me and style assigned. Ssa 2. The Lodge aforesaid shall have suc? cession of officers and members, according to ita by-laws; and shall have power to make by? laws, not repugnant to tho laws of the land; and to have, use and keep a common seal, and the same to alter at will; to sue and be sued m any court of thia Stale; and to have and enjoy ? every right incident to incorporations. It is hereby empowered to retain, possess and en? joy all snob property, real and personal, as it may possess or be entitled to, or which shall hereafter be given, bequeathed to, or io any manner acquired by it; and to sell, alien or transfer the same: Provided, That the amount so held shall in no case exceed the anni of twenty thousand dollars. I .SEO. 8. Thia aot shall be deemed a publio act, and continue in force until repealed. Approved March 12,11372. AK AOT to Reopen a Publio Highway in Rich? land County. Be it enacted by the Senate and Ho ne o of Representatives of the State of South Caroli? na, now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same: That the county commissioners of the County of Richland be, and they are hereby, authorized to cansa to be reopened the old Gadsden road, commencing at a point near Jones's Crossing, on tbe MoCord's Ferry Road, and ending at the Gadsden depot, on the South Carolina Railroad. Approved Marah 12,1872. AK AOT authorizing James G. Thompson and Wife, Elizabeth Thompson,. to Adopt the Child of Mary Couch, give it the Name of James Lawrence Orr Thompson, and make it bia Lawful Heir. SECTION 1, Bc- it enacted by the Senate and Hones of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in General As? sembly, and by the authority of the samo : That James 0. Thompson and his wife. Eliza? beth Thompson, be, and they are hereby, authorized and empowered to adopt the child of Mary Conch, to give it the name of James Lawrence Orr Thompson, and to make it their lawful heir. Approved March 12, 1872. AK AOT to Renew and Amend the Charter of the Town of Lowndesville, Abbeville County, South Carolina. SECTION L Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Sooth Carolina, now met and ai, _g in General As? sembly, and by the authority of the same : That from and after the passage of this act,, all citizens of this State, having resided sixty days in the Town of Lowndes ville, shall be deemed, and are hereby declared to be, a body politic and corporate, and the said town shall be called and known by the name of Lowndes vilie, and its corporate limits shall extend one half mile within its present limits, to be fixed as a centre by a majority of the inhabitants of said village. I Ssa 2. That the said town shall be governed by an intendant and four wardens, who shall be citizens of the United States, and shall have resided in this State twelve months, and shall I have been residents of the said town for sixty I days immediately preceding their election, who shall be elected on the second Monday in September, 1872, and, every year thereafter, on thu first Monday in April, ten days'publie notice thereof being previously given; and that all I male i n ha bilans of the age ot twenty-one years, citizens of the State, and who shall have re sided in this State twelve months, and in said I town for sixty days immediately preceding the election, shall be entitled to vote for intendant and warden;. Ssa 3. That the election of intendant and wardens of said town shall be held in some convenient house, or in some convenient pub lio place in the said town, from six o'ciook A. M. until six o'clock P. M., and, when the polls shall bo closed, the managers eball forthwith,! count the votes and proclaim the election, sud Rive notice, in writing, to the persons sleeted, j The intendant and wardens shall appoint three managers to hold the ensuing and I any subsequent election. Whenever there I shall not be an intendant and wardens, or in tendant and ward en, from a ny canse whatever, it shall be the duty of the olerk of court of J Abbeville County to order such election forth with, and appoint three manager? for the I asme. The managers in eaoh case shall be toro they open the polls for said eleotion.take an oath fairly and impartially to conduct the same; and that the intendant and wardens, before I entering upon the duties of their respeotive J offices, shall take the oath prescribed bv the j Constitution of tbiB State, and also the fol- j lowing oath, to wit: "As intendant (or] warden) of the Town of Lowndes vi 'le, I will equally and impartially, to the best c f my ability, execute the trust reposed in mc, and I will nae my best endeavors to preservo the I peace and carry into effect, according to law, tho purposes for which I have been elected: So help mo God." The said intendant and warden. shall hold their offices from the time of their election on til the first Monday in April ensuing, and until their successors shall be elected and qualified. j SEO. A That if in any case a vacancy shall oe cur in the office of the intendant or any of the warder s, by death, resignation, removal, or otherwise, or in case of a tie in said election, an election to fill suoh v&cany shall be held by the appointment of intendant and wardens, or warden, as the case may be, or the clerk of court of Abbeville County, if there should be no intendant or wardens, ten days' notice thereof being previously given; and In caso of the sioknoss or temporary absence of tho intendant, the wardens forming a council shall bo empowered to oleo t one of their number J to act in his stead during the time. ? SEO. 6. That the intendant and wardens, duly elected and qualified, sh all, during their term of earvioe, severally and respectively, be vested with all the power and jurisdiction of magistrates within the limits of said town, and the intendant shall, and may, as often as he may deem necessary, summon the wardens to meet in cono eil, any two of whom, with the in-1 : tendant, may constitute a quorum to transact business; and they shall be known by the name j of the town council of Lowndes ville ; and they, and their successors hereafter to be elected, may have a common seal, which shall be affixed to all the ordinances; and the said town oouncil j shall have authority to appoint, from time to time, as they see flt, such and so many proper persons to act as marshals or constables of the said town, as tho said town connell may deem necessary and expedient for tho preservation I of the peace, good order and police thereof; which persons, so appointed, shall, within the limita of said town, have the powers, privileges and emoluments, and be subject to all tho ob? ligations, penalties and regulations provided by law for the office of constable, and shall be removed at the pleasure of the said town coun? cil; and the said town council shall havo pow? er to establish, or to authorize the eatablis ment of tue market-house in said town; and the said town council shall have full power and authority, under thou- corporate seal, to make all such mles, by-laws and ordinances, respect? ing the streets, roads, market-house, and the business thereof, and tho polioe system of said town, as'shall appear to them necessary and proper for the seourity, welfare and conven? ience, and for preserving health, order and. good government within the same; si said town oonnoil may impose fines for o? against their by-laws and ordinances, a propriate the same to the public use i town; and the ?aid oonnoil shall hare the power whioh magistrates now have, to o the attendance of witnesses, and require to give evidence npon the trial before tl any person for a violation of any ofthei laws or ordinances; but no fine abc ve th of twenty dollars shall be collected by the council, except by snit in the Court of mon Pleas : And provided, also, That n shall exceed fifty doilarft; and, also, that m g herein contained shall authorize th council to make any by-laws or ordinanc consistent with, or repugnant to, the la this State; and all the by-laws, rules snd nao ces the said oonnoil may make shall, times, be subject to r?visai or repeal b; Uanoi al Assembly or this State. Szo. 6. That tbe said intendant and dens shall have fall power to abate and rei nuisances in the said town; and it shall ali their duty to keep roads, ways and s tr within the corporate limits of the said t open and in good repair; and, for that pnr| they are invested with all the powers he: fere granted to commissioners of roads; shall have tull power to classify and arri the inhabitants of said town liable to st road or other public duty therein, and to i the performance of such duty, under snch sities as are now, or shall hereafter be, scribed by law: Provided, That tbe said t conned may compound with persons liabli perform such duty, upon such terms, ant the payment of such sums, as may be es li sh ed by laws or ordinances: And prov! also, That the individuals who compose said town oonnoil shall be exempt from performance of road and police duty; and inhabitants of said town are hereby exe from road and police duty without the cor] ato limits of said town. Bio. 7. That the power to grant or rel license for billiard tables, to keep tavern retail spirituous liquors, within the limiti said corporation, be, and the same is here vested in the town council of Lowndes vi And the said town oonnoil may grant Ucee to retail spirituous liquors to suoh perse and in suoh quantities, st such rates, i upon such terms and conditions, as the s oonnoil may deem best and proper. And said intendant and wardens shall have the i and only power to impose s tax on all shows exhibitions for gain or reward, within the c limits. And all money paid for license for tailing spirituous liquors, keeping taverns i billiard tables, and the tax for all shows gain or reward, within said limits, shall be i propriated to the pnblio use of said corpo tion: Provided, That in no instance shall t price of a h censo to keep tavern or retail sp i tuons liquors be less than tbe amount thai established by the State: And, provided furl er, that the intendant and wardens duly ele ed, shall not have power to grant any liceo i to keep tavern or retail spirituous liquors, extend beyond tbe town for which they ha been elected. . SEO. 8. That the said town Council Lowndesville shall have full power and anthe ity to require all persons owning a lot or lo in said town to make and keep in good reps sidewalks in front of said lot or lots wbenev the same shall front or adjoin any of the pu! lie streets of said town, if, in the judgment the connell, such sidewalks shall be necessar the width thereof, and the manner of constru tion, tobe designated and regulated by tl town council. And for default or refusal I make and keep in repair such sidewalks, th oonnoil may cause the same to be made or pi in repair, and require the owner to pay tl price of makin : or repairing: Provided, Th E such contracts for making or repairing be Ii to the lowest bidder. SEO. 9. That the said town oonnoil of Lownde! ville shall have power to arrest and commit t jail, for a space of time not exceeding twelv hours, and to fine not exceeding twenty dol lars, or, in hen thereof, to work the pu bli roads, streets, bridges, Sea., within said coi po ra te limits, twenty days, any person or pei sons who may be guilty of disorderly condon ia said town, to the annoyance of citizen thereof; and it shall be the duty of the marsha of the town to moke snoh arrests, md call ti his assisnonce the posse corni ta toa, if no ces saryj and, upon failure to perform such dnty be shall be fined in a sum not more than twon ty dollars, for each and every offence. Bza 10. That the said town coanoil ol Lowndesville shall have power to grant or re? fuse licenses to parties within the limits ol said town, and the parties lo whom such li ce nsos are granted shall be subject to such regulations os may, by ordinance, be establish' ed. They shall alf o have power to impose and collect an annual tax upon the assessed proper? ty of said town: Provided, No tax shall be imposed, in any one year, to exceed the rate of ten cents on each hundred dollars of suoh as? sessed property; and that the money so raised shall be applied to the use of said town. The said town council shall have power to enforoe the payment of all taxes levied by said town council, to the same extent and in the same manner as is now, or hereafter may be, provid? ed by law for the oolleotion of the general State taxes. SEO. ll. That the said town council of Lowndesville shall have power to regulate sales at auotion within the limits of said town, and to grant licenses to auctioneers: Provided, Nothing herein contained shall extend to sales by sheriff, clerk of the oonrt, judge of probate, coroner, executor or administrator, assignee in bankruptcy, or by any other person, oat of the order or decree of any court, justice of the peace or magistrate. BEC 12. That this oct shall be deemed a public act, and shall continue in force until re? pealed. Approved March 13,1872. AH ACT to Alter and Amend the Charter of the Town of Greenwood, South Carolina. ' SECTION 1. Beit onaoted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in Gen? eral Assembly, and by the authority of the same: That all persons, having resided twelve months in Town of Greenwood, in the County of Abbeville, are hereby declared to be a body politic and corporate, by the name sud style of the Town of Greenwood, and its corporate lim? its shall be an irregular polygon, the vertices of whose angles shall be at, or near, the follow? ing points, to wit : 1st. A large pine tree near J. B. Tarrant's residence, on the Abbeville road. 2d. A point on the New Market road, in a flat just beyond James Cresweli's residence. SJ. The point on tbe road that leads to W. A. Blake's, whero the Greenville and Columbia Railroad crosses. 4th. The first small branch on the New Ont road, beyond J. W. Ry car d's. 5th. The Hollow bridge, on tho Abbeville road, just beyond J. H. Oldham's residence. 6th. The junction of the Cokesbary and Stoney Point road. SEO. 2. The said town shall be gore an intendant and four wardens, who i elected OD the second Monday io Januar and in every year thereafter, ten days' being previously given; and all male tanta of said town, who are qualified nc constitution of this State to vote for m of the Legislature, and who have resided in twelve months immediately preeed election, shall be eligible to the office ol dantor wardens. Male inhabitants, w qualified to vote for members of the I tare, and who shall have resided with limits of the corporation for sixty days ix ately preceding the election, shall bee to vote for said intendant and wardens. Ssa 3. The election of intendant an dens of the said town shalt be held a convenient publio plaoe therein, fro o'clock in the morning until six o'clock evening, and when the polls are closec managers shall forthwith count the VON claro the election, and give notice in writ the parties elected. It abai! be the d the clerk of the court for Abbeville Cou give legal notice and appoint the manage the first election. And the intendant ant dens, for the time being, who shall be k is the "Town Council of Greenwood," give the legal notice and appoint three pe to manage all subsequent elections, who manage and declare the same as herein pro (or the first time of election. The man shall, before they open the polls for any election, take an oath fairly and impartis jonduot the same, and the intendan wardens, before entering upon the d sf their office, shall take the oath scribed by the Constitution of this E md also the following oath, to wit: intendant and wardens of Greenwood, 1 equally and impartially, to the best c mili ty.exer ciso.tho trust reposed in me, am use my best endeavors to preserve the j uid good order, and carry into effect, aa ing to law, the purposes for whioh I been appointed or elected. Sb help God." And if any person elected inten and warden shall refuse to serve as sud shall forfeit and pay to t fie" town cou QC Greenwood the sum of twenty dollars, foi use of said town: Provided, That no pe shall be compelled to serve more than year in any term of three years. SEO. 4. In oas? a vacancy should occt the office of intendant or warden, by de resignation or otherwise, an election to such vacancy shall be held by the appointa of the remaining members bf the town cont ten days' previous notice having been gi' md in case of aickn: BS, or temporary absc of the intendant, the wardens formings cou shall have power to eleot one of their nam intendant, pro tem. Ssa 5. That the intendant and ward inly elected and qualified, shall, daring tl tenn of service, severally and respectively rested with all powers of Justices of the pei within the limits of said town, except for trial of small and mean cases, and the int J ant shall, as orien aa he may deem necessi summons the wardens to meet in council, i three of whom shall constitute a quorum transact business; and shall be known by t name of the "Town Council of Greenwoo ia aforesaid, and they, and their success n office, may have and use a common se which shall be affixed to all their ordioano md by their said corporate name may sae a be sued, plead and be impleaded, in any coi }f law or equity in this State. The said to council shall have full power, under ita carpo it e seal, to make all snob rules, by-laws and or oances respecting the roads, streets, marl? md police of said town, aa shall appear them necessary and requisite for the securii welfare, good government and convenience the same, and for preserving the health, pea md good order thereof; but no fine above t 3um of twenty dollars shall be collected by sa souncil, except by suit in the Court of Coi mon Pleas for Abbeville County: Provide That no fine exceeding fifty dollars shall be ii posed, and that nothing herein contained shi Authorize the said council to maio any by-Iai inconsistent with, or repugnant to, the laws this State. SEO. 6. That tho intendant and wardei shall have the full and ouly power of grs ntit licenses for billiard tables, to keep taverns, .< retail spirituous liquors, within the said limit whioh licenses shall be granted in the san manner and upon the same condition as the now are, or may hereafter be, granted by tl county commissioners under the laws of th 3 ta te; and the powers vested in the count sommissioners are hereby granted to the sai intendant and wardens within the said limiti md all money paid for licenses, and for fine md forfeitures for retailing spirituous liquor) keeping taverns and billiard tables within th said limits without license, shall be appropri ited to the publio use of said corporation. SEC. 7. That it shall be the duty of the sai intendant and wardens to keep all roads, way md streets within their corporate limits ope; md in good repair; and for that purpose, tbej are invested with all the powers granted fa county commissioners; and for neglect of dutj therein, they shall be liable to the same penal ties as are imposed on commissioners. The in tendant and wardens shall have power to oom pound with all persons liable to work on e>ak roads, ways and streets, to release such personi as may desire it, upon the payment of such Bum as they may deem a fair equivalent there for, to be applied by them to the use of saie corporation; and no person residing within thc said Inuits shall be liable to work on any roads without the said limits. SEO. 8. The intendant and wardens shall have power to appoint marshals, who shall bc duly sworn in, and invested with all the pow? ers constables have by law, and whose Juris? diction and authority shall be confined within the corporate limits of said town. SEO. 9. That for any wilful violation or ne? glect of dnty, malpractice, abuse or oppres? sion, the said intendant and wardens, severally, shall be liable to Indictment, and, upon con? viction, to be fined at the discretion of the court, not exceeding one hundred dollars, and removal from office, besides being liable for damages to any person injured. SEO. 10. AU acts and parts of octa heretofore passed in relation to the incorporation of tho Town of Greenwood, ba, and the same aro hereby, repealed. Ssa IL This act shall be taken and deemed to be a public act, and shall continue in force for tho apace of tweDty years from and after its passage. Approved March 13,1872. AN ACT to Amend an Act Entitled "An Act to Alter and Amend an Act to Incorporate the Town of Marion, and for other Purposes therein Mentioned." SECTION L Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bepresentatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in Gen? eral Assembly, and by the authority of the same: That Section 2 be amended, on the ?th line, by etriKlDg one "tnree-iounua, wu uie<wt*ug in lien ?hereof the word "one.* That Section 8 be ?mended, on the 5th Une, by striking ont the word "January," and inserting in fien thereof the word "December." That Section 4 bo amended, on the 5th Jihe, by inserting, between tbe words "therdjt M and *1he,"joh 5th line the words "it sha I be the duty of tho indendant and wardens to canse ail bar? rooms, saloons, and oth?r places for the sale of liquors by retail, to be closed during the progress of suoh election, and until six o'clock in the morning of the dey thereafter; and dur? ing the time aforesaid the sale of all intoxi? cating liquors are prohibited. ' Any person or persons violating the provisions of this sec? tion ?hall be punished by a fine not exceeding thirty dollars, or by imprisonment not exceed? ing thirty days in the county jail, or by both snob fine and imprisonment, at the discretion of the town council.'' Approved March 13, 1872. As ACT to Establish a Pnblio Ferry in Fairfield County. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Bonse of Representatives of tbe State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in General As? sembly, and by the authority of the same: That the ferry commonly known as "Rocky Mount Ferry," across tbe Catawba Ri ver. in Fairfield County, shall be, and tho same is hereby, established a public ferry, and vested in James Johnson, lus heirs, executors and assigns until repealed, with the privilege of ooUeoting the foUowiog rates of toll, to-wit : For each wagon drawn by four horses, mules or oxen, seventy-live cents; for each wagon drawn by three horses, mules or oxon, sixty five cents; for each wagon drawn by two horses, mules or oxen, fifty cents; for each wagon, carriage or buggy, drawn by one horse, mule or ox, twenty-five cents; for each man on horseback, ten cents; for each foot passenger, five cents: Provided, That ohildren going and returning from school, and voters going to and returning from the polls on election day, shall be passed free. Approved March 12, 1872. r AN AOT to Incorporate the Sumter Land Joint j Stock and Loan Association, of Sumter J South Carolina. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bi present a ti vos of the State of South j Carolina now met and sitting in General As-1 sembly, and by the authority of the same: That Wesley Westbury, W. H. Gardner, A. L. ?ingleton, Richard Canty, Monday Douglas, Hamp Spencer, J. M. Tindal, Butler Spears, Samuel Lee, R. A. Wilson, Frank Washington, I Mat. Brooks, Enoch Archey, James Jackson, Henry Cain, W. W. Ramsey, Hannibal Bennett, James Smiley, Jackson Simmons, W. E. John sion, F. J. Moses, Ji* David Boyd, R. M. Andrews, Jack Bowen, Bun-ell James and Ben- j JaminLawson, together with such other per-1 sons as now are or hereafter m iv be associated I with them, be, and they are hereby, declared a body politic and corporate, for the purpose I of buying and holding real estate in the Conn ty of Sumter, or at any point within the county or State of South Carolina, and making loans I of money, secured by mortgages of real es tate, and by the hypothecation of bonds and I stocks, and othor choses in action and per- I sonal. property, to its members and stock- j holders, by the came' and style of tbe Sumter Land Joint Stock and Loan Association, of I Sumter, South Carolina. Tho capital stock of said association to consist of twenty-five hun- I dred shares; but os soon as one thousand I shores shall have been subscribed thereto, the I said association shall organize and commence operations; said shares to bo paid by succ?s Hive monthly instalments of ono dollar on each j share, so long as the said association shall continue; the said shares to be held, trans ferred, assigned and pledged, and the holders thereof to be subject tb such fines, penalties and forfeitures fordefault in their payments as j the.regulations and by-laws of said association j may prescribe. SEC. X That the said association shall have number and succession of officers and mern- I hers as shall be ordained and chosen according to the rules and by-laws made, or to be made by them, for their government; and shall have power and authority, from time to time, and at all times, to moke such rules and by-laws as are not repugnant to the constitution and tho laws of the land; to have and keep a common J seal, and to alter the same at will; to sue and bo sued, impleod and be impleaded in any court of law or equity in this State; and shall I have and enjoy every right and privilege inci dent and belonging to corporate, bodies, ac cording to the laws of the land. j SEC. 8.' That the funds of said association I shall bo invested either in the purchase of real estate in the County of Sumter, South Carolina, or in any county or sub-division of tho State of South Carolina, which shall be rented out or leased, or sold and conveyed to the members and stockholders of said associa? tion, upon such terms and conditions as from I tima to time may be prescribed by its rules and by-laws, or bs loaned out and advanced to tho members and stockholders thereof, upon the security, and by hypothecation of real es- j tate in the County of Sumter, or any other J sub-division of the State aforesaid, or bonds, stocks or choses in action on personal proper ty, on such terms and conditions as from time I to time may be prescribed by the rules and by? laws aforesaid. And it shall and may he law ful for the said association to bold and enjoy, fur the mutual benefit of its members and stockholders, all such lands, tenements and hereditaments os may bo bona fide purchased by and conveyed to it; or aa may be mortgaged to it by way of security upon its loans and ad? vances; or as may be purchased by, or trans? ferred and conveyed to it, at sales under judg? ment or decrees at law or equity, for securing or recovering, or in compromise settlement of any debt or debts dne to it; and to soil, alien, barter, exchange, convey, mortgage, or other? wise dispose of the same, from time to time, j and whenever doomed expedient. SEO. 4. That if any of the funis or the said association shall remain unproductive, or un? invested, or uuneodod, or uncalled for, for the space of two months, by its own members and etockholdors, it shall bo lawful for the said as e oe ?ali ou to lend oat what moneys may bo on hand to others than stockholders, at anch rates of interest, (on such security, whether of mortgage or real estate, choses in action, or other personal property,) as may be agreed on, to be safely invested, to be repaid within one year. SEC. 5. That, whenever the funds and assets of tho Baid association shall have accumulated to such an amount that, upon a fair division thereof, suoh stockholders, for each and every share of stock bold by him or her, shall have received, or be entitled to receive the sum of two hundred dollars, or the value thereof in property or assets, and such division and dis? tribution sholl hove been made, then the said association shall cease and determine : Provi? ded, however, That in case the said associa UUU DUAU Axv/w iwni viwn? -j affaire, as abo VB provided for. within a shorter " period, then thu Aot shan conlinne in ?oree until repealed. . i Approved MArth 18,1872. As Ara to Establish a Canse wi y over Big Balt kehatohie Swamp, at WaJnut Pointr'ooansot ing the Counties of Col ie ton and Beaufort. : I SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate tad| House of Representatives of the State of South j Carolina, now met and sitting In ' General Ai* sembly, and by the authority of the same: That on and after the paessge of this set it shall be competent tor the parties, heroinafter named, to establish and construct a good and substantial causeway across Big SsJtkehatehJs swamp, at Walnut Point, eounecting the Coan ties of OoDeton and Beaufort. v . Ssa 2. That the cause way herebyauthoris od to bo established, be, and. the earn* is vest? ed in c. F. Petit, G. W. Petit, John Burnett and Wm. Nettles, and their associate* and ma cess ora, for the term of fourteen <1*> years: Provided, said company, or corporation, shall | comply with the requirements hareinaftsr- j named. "- ? SEC. 8. That it shall be the duty, and it is j hereby made one of the provisions of this I charter, that the causeway herein contemplai-- | od to bo es tablishod shall be construoted within | twelvemonths from the passage of this aol | shall be built of good aud sound material, and '* always be kept in good repair, and shall be, When cons tract e J, at least twelve (12) inohas abovo tide water, and its abutment? be of sash j a character as to resist, in the event of a fresh* Sj et, its being washed away; and for the bettar j carrying out pf this .provision, it is hereby made the doty of the c o m mi saloner of roads of i the counties, heretofore named, to inspect said .. causeway in course of construction, and after ; completion, and see that the foregoing sped- i fled requirements be compiled with. Ssa A They shall be authorized to ask, de? j maud and receive, for crossing the said cause? way, whon completed, the. following: rates 'of toll: For each foot passenger, the sum Of five : cents; each passenger on horseback, ten oenia; J each carriage or vehicle drawn by one horse? ' twenty cents; each carriage or vehiole drawn by two horses, thirty cents; eaoh carriage or' . - vehicle drawn by four horses, fifty oentsjeaoh jj loose horse or mule, fl ve cents; head of cattle goats, sheep or hogs, two cents: -Provided, r. however, No toll sha il be exacted from ? min? ister attending his I circuit, offlora in the dis- ' charge of their duties, voters attending tbs poll, and children going and returning from school. Approved March 18,1872. AH AOT to Incorporate the Bull River and Port " Royal Railroad Company. ; (SECTION 1. Bait enacted by the Sena to and House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now mot and sitting in Oserai As? sembly, and by the an thori ty of the game : That for the purpose of establishing a rail? road from som.o point on Bali River toa juno- | tion with the Port Royal Railroad at a paint at.... or near Whale Branch, a charter, -with tba rights and privileges inoidental to the slrae, be, and the same is hereby, granted to, ?nd vested in, D. C. Wilson, Robert Smalls, J. G. Thompson, W. J. Whipper, J. M. Grotat, N. B. Myers, F. E. Wilder, J. B. Bascbmb, W. M. French, Samuel .'Green, P. L. Wiggin, 8. B. Thompson, Alfred Williams, M. Pollitzer, P. Coxum, W. E. Towne, J. S. Brown, J. 8*. Mob ley, and their associates; and when a company . shall be formed, in compliance with the oondi tionshereiu prescribed, it shall be known by the name of the Boll River a-d Pert Boyal Railroad Company, and shall have a corporate existence, as a body politic, in perpetuity. Sse. 2. That the capital stock of said compa? ny shall be one million ($1,000,OOO), dollars, ia shares of twenty-five dollars each; and, in or? der te raise the said capital stock, it chal? bs lawful to open booka of subscription in nish places, and at* such times, as may be deemed for tho best interest of the corporation, under the direction of the corporators. The times and plaoes for reoeiving such s nbs erip tiona to be determined by a majority of the corpora? tors, but should snob majority fail to fix such . times and snob places, they may be axed by any four of the corporators hereinbefore named, they having first given duo notice of tho same in sny newspaper published in Beau? fort or Charleston Counties; and said aobsnrip tion books shall be kept open for twenty, days from such time, and at such plaoes, ss said corporators may determine, When fifty thous? and dollars shall have been subscribed, the ' said corporators, or any four of thens;shall give notice, by publication for at least ten days, of the time and place of meeting, for organisa tion. SEO. 8. Whenever the said BUM of fifty thousand dollars shall have been sabioribsd, the subscribers, their executors, administra? tors, and assigns, shall be, and they are here? by declared to be, in cor pora ted into a company, with all the rights, powers aud privileges con? ferred upon the "Port Royal Railroad Compa? ny," by an act entitled "An aot to charter th? Port Boyal Railroad Company," ratified De? cember the 21st, A. D. 1857: Provided, That nothing heroin contained shall be so construed as to exempt said company from the provisions of seo tion 1, of chapter 08, of the geaeeal statutes. ..XSJG. SEC. A. That said "Bull River and Port Boyal Railroad Company" shall have power to morl| gage its property and frauohiaes, and issus bonds, at such rates of interest, and Upon such terms and conditions, and for snob uses ant purposes of said corporation, as the board of directors thereof may deem expedient. Ssc. 5. That no other ^railroad shall be con? structed, with a terminus, er point of begin? ning, within ten miles of the line of said "Bull River and Port Royal Railroad" fora period of ten years. SEO. 6. That the said company shall have the right to build bridges across navigable rivers: Provided, They sh all put in good and sufficient draws, and shall construct neoesstry stations and turnouts, and shall have one or more tracks to the road, with snob gauge as will correspond with that of the ?Port Boyal . Bailro?d." SEO. 7. Nothing herein contained shall be se construed as to exempt the said company from the payment, of taxes. SEC. 8. Said railroad shaJl be commenced within one year, and completed within seven years, after the passage ef this aol. Approved March 12,1872. As ACT to Repeal the Charter of the Tillage of Laurensville. SECTION L Be it enacted by the Senate and House o? Bepresentativo? of tho State of South Carolina, now met and sittiuc in General As? sembly, and by the authority of the same : ; That the charter of the Village of Lanress ville,and all acte or part- of acta pertaining thereto, be, and thoaame are hereby, repealed. Appr?vod Masch 13, 1872.