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LAWS OF THE STATE. ACTS OW THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OE SOUTH CAROLINA. Pub ll s ii ed by Authority. AN ACT to provide for a General License Law. SECTION 1. Be lt enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting In Gen? eral Assembly, and by the authority of the same: That every Individual or copartnership re? siding in the counties of Charleston and Blch land, designing to carry on or exercise the business of stock broker, exchange broker J and bill broker, shall, and they are hereby re? quired to pay into the tresury of their respec? tive counties, ior the use of the State, the 6um - ?f one hundred dollars, payable quarterly, as follows : Twenty-five dollars on or before the J first day of April, 1872; twenty five dollars on pr belore the first day of July, 1872.; twenty five dollars on or before the first day ol Octo? ber, 1872; and twenty-five dollars on or before the first day of January, 1873; and li residing lng any other county of this State, the Bum of fifty dollars, lo quarterly instalments, on or before the first day of April, July and October, 1872, and January, 1873. The provisions of this section shall be, and are hereby, estend? ed to real est?te brokers and to merchandise brokers. A Teal estate broker ls hereby de? fined'W be one who engages in the purchase or sale of real estate for a commission or other profit; and a merchandise broker one who en? gages in the purchase or sale of merchandise for a commission or other profit. Bice. 2. Every person or company designing to carry on or conduct the business of keeping I a billiard room, bowling saloon or ten-pin alley In this State, shall be required to pay into the treasury cf their or his respective comity, for the use of the State, the sum of twenty-five dollars for every billiard, table, the Bom of twenty-five dollars for every alley, and the som of tea dollars for every bagatelle table, the same to be paid lo quarterly in? stalments, on or before the first day of April, July and October, 1872, and January, 1873: Provided, however, That th's act shall not be construed to. apply to billiard tables, bowling | saloons or ten-pin alleys used in private reel-1 dences lor private use. ? 8xo. 3. Every hotel, Inn, livery stable, tavern or saloon, shall be classified and rated according to the rental value thereof, and I every keeper or keepers of the same shall be required to pay Into the county treasury of the county In which such hotel, Ino, tavern or kaloon ls kept, for the use of the Slate, the sums, according'to. said, rental values, as fol? lows, to wit: In' all cases where such rental value, per year, shall be ten thousand dollars or more, such bote), Inn, tavern or saloon j shall pay the sum ot' three hundred and seven- j ty-flve dollars; when the rental value is seven thousand five hundred dollars, and lesa than tea thousand dollars, the sum of three han-1 dred dollars; when five thousand dollars, and less than seven thousand five hundred dollars, the sum of two hundred and twenty-five dol? lars; when three thousand five hundred dol? lars, and lesa than five thousand dollars, one hundred and eighty-seven dollars and fifty cents; when two. thousand five hundred ] dollars, and less than three thousand five hundred dollars, one hundred and fifty dollars; when two thousand dollars and less than two thousand five hundred dollars, one hundred and thirty-one dollars and sixty-six cents; when fifteen hundred dol?an and leas than two thousand dollars, one hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents; when one thous? and dollars and lesa than fifteen hundred dol? lars, ninety-four dollars and seventy-five cents -A wn?n sev'e? hundred and fifty dollars and less than one thousand dollars, seventy-five dot- I lars; when five hundred dollars and lesB than j "seven hundred and fifty dollars, sixty-seven dollars and fifty cents; when four hundred dol lars and lees than five hundred dollars, sixty j dollars; when three hundred dollars and less I than four buodred dollars, fifty-two dollars andfllty cents; when two hundred dollars and less than three hundred dollars, forty-five dol Jars; when lets than two hundred dollars thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents. The above amounts shall be paid in quarterly In 8 tal men ts, on or before the first day of April, July and October, 1872, and January, 1873. j j SEC. 4. Every person, firm or company who I shall engage in or exercise the business of I selling or vending any goods, wares, merchan? dise, wines, distilled or malt liquors, drugs or medicines, except such as are sold by auction, j under licenses granted them, and except such as are sold by regularly licensed hotel, inn, tavern, or saloon keeper, shall be required to pay Into tho treasury o? the county in which be or they shall design to conduct or carry on such business, for the use of the State, the sums as ioliows, to wit: Those whose annual sales amount to three hundred thousand dol lars and upwards, shall constitute the first ? class, and pay two hundred and fifty dollars; those to the amcunt of two hundred thousand dollars and less than three hundred thousand dollars, the second class, and pay two hundred dollars; those to the amount of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and less than two hundred thousand dollars, the third class, and pay one hundred and seventy-five dollars; those to the amouat o: one hundred and twenty-five thousand dol? lars, and less - than one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, the fourth class and pay one hundred and fifty dollars; those to the amount ot one .hundred thousand dol? lars, and less than one hundred and twenty five thousand dollars, the filth class, and pay I one hundred and twenty-five dollars; those to the amount of eighty-five thousand dollars, and less than one hundred thousand dollars, the sixth class, and pay one hundred dollars; those to the amount of seventy-five thousand dollars, and less than eighty-five thousand dollars, the seventh class, and pay eighty dol lars; those to the amount of sixty-five thous and dollars, and less than seventy-five thous and dollars, the eighth class, and pay seventy dollars; those to the amount ot flfiy-flve thous? and dollars, and less than sixty-five thousand dollars, the ninth class, and pay sixty dollars; those to the amount ol forty-five thousand dol? lars, and leas tbau fifty thousand dollars, the j tenth class, and pay fifty dollars; those to the amount ol thirty-five thousand dollars, and less than, forty-five thousand dollars, the eleventh j class, and pay forty dollars; those to the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars, and less than thirty-five thousand dollars, the twelfth class, and pay thirty dollars; those to the amount of twenty thousand dol lars, and less than twenty-five thousand dol- j lars, the thirteenth class, and pay twenty-five I dollars; those to the amount of fifteen thou? sand dollars, and less than twenty thousand dollars, the fourteenth class, and pay twenty dollars; those to the amount of ten thousand dollars,and less than Alteen thousand dollars, the fifteenth class, and pay eighteen dollars; those to the amount of seven thousand five hundred dollars, aud less than ten thousand dollars, the sixteenth class, and pay fifteen dollars; those to the amount of five thousand dollars, and less tban seven thousand'five hun? dred dollars, and all lees than twenty-five hun? dred dollars, the seventeenth class, and pay five dollars: Provided, That the sale of malt or spirituous liquors shall not, by this sec? tion, be authorized .in measures less than J those of a quart; and that nothing herein c tal ned shall be construed to extend to pb: clans, surgeons, apothecaries or chemists, to any malt or spirituous, ?qubra which tl may use ic ine preparation or making u] medicines for sick, lame or diseased perso And provided, further, That every seller vender of wines, distilled or malt liquors, measures not leBs than one quart, either w or without other goods, waree, merchandl commodllie8 or effects, as aforesaid, shall p fifty per cent, In addition to the rates abo specified, for the respective classes; and ev( license granted under this act shall dlstlnc specify whether the party obtaining the Bai ls or ls not authorized thereby to sell or ve wine, spirituous, distilled or malt liquors. T above amounts shall be paid In quarte: Instalments, on the first day of April, Joly a October, 1872, and January, 1873. SEO. 5. If any person or persons shall ha more than one store in which merchandli as described In the foregoing section, ls sc or vended, snch person or persons shall be i quired to pay the respective amount abo specified, according to class, for each a: every store. SEO. 6. Every individual, company, or ct poratlon, other than national banks, carryli on or conducting a banking business In tt State, shall be required to pay Into the coun treasury of the county In which be or th1 shall carry on or conduct such business, ? the use of the State, the following respect!' sump, to wit: For every bank, the capital which its less than and does not exceed Hf thousand dollars, the sum of one hundred ai twenty-five dollars; for every bank, il capital of which does not exceed oi hundred thousand dollars, but ls great than fifty thousand dollars, two hundn and fifty dollars; for every bank, tl capital of which does not exceed one nuntin and fifty thousand dollars, but ls greater tba one hundred thousand dollars, three hundn and seventy-five dollars; for every bank, tl capital of, wile h does not exceed two hundn thousand' dollars, bat ls greater than one hui dft?d and ntty.thousand dollars, Ave hundre dollars; for every bank, the capital of whlc does not exceed two hundred and fifty thou and dollars, but ls greater than two hundre thousand dollars, six hundred and twenty-ih dollars; for every bank, the capital of whic does not exceed three hundred , thousand dc lars,-but ls greater than two hundred and AH thousand dollars, seven hundred and fifi dollars; for every bank, the capital of whlc does not exceed three hundred and fifi thousand dollars, but is greater than tb? hundred thousand dollars, eight hundre and seventy-five dollars; for every bani the capital of which does not exceed fou hundred thousand dollars, but 1B greater tha three hundred and filly thousand dollars, on thousand dollars; for every batik, the capital < which does not exceed four hundred and fifi thousand dollars, but is greater than four hut dred thousand dollars, eleven hundred an twenty-five dollars; for every bank, the cap] tal ol which does not exceed five hundre thousand dollars, but is greater than four but dred and fifty thousand dollars, twelve hui dred and fifty dollars; for every bank, th capital of which does not exceed five hundre and flt ty thousand dollars, but Is greater tha five hundred thousand dollars, thirteen hun dred and seventy-five dollars; for every bank the capital of which ' does not exceed si: hundred thousand dollars, but ls great er than five hundred and fifty thous and dollars, fifteen hundred dollars; foi every bank, the capital of which does not ex ceed Blx hundred and fifty thousand dollars but ls greater than six hundred thousand dol lars, sixteen hundred and twenty-five dollars for every bank, the capital of which does noi exceed seven hundred thousand dollars hm ls greater than six hundred and fifty thousand dollars, seventeen hundred and fifty dollars for every bank, the capital of which does nol exceed seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars, but Is greater than seven hundred thousand dollars, eighteen hundred and seventy-five dollars; for every bank, the capi? tal of which does not exceed eight hundred thousand dollars, but ls greater than seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars, two thou? sand dollars; for every bank, the capital of which does not exceed eight hundred and fifty thousand dollars, but 1B greater than eight hundred thousand dollars, twenty one hundred and twenty-five dollars; for every bank, tbe capital of which does not exceed nine hundred thousand dollars, but ts greater than eight hundred and fifty thousand dollars, twenty-two hundred and fifty dollars; lor every bank, the capital of which does not exceed nine hundred and fifty thousand dol? lars, but ls greater than nine hundred thous? and dollars, twenty-three hundred and seven? ty-five dollars; for every bank, the capital of which does not exceed one million dollars, but is greater than nine hundred and fifty thous? and dollars, two thousand five hundred dol? lars; and for every additional filly thousand dollars of capital, er fraction thereof, In excess of one million dollars, one hundred and twen? ty-five dollars. The above amounts shall be paid la quarterly instalments, on or before the first day of April, July and October, 1872, and January, 1873. SEC. 7. Every railroad company or corpora? tion In this Stale shall be required to pay into the treasury of the county In which Its princi? pal office within this State ls located, for the use of the State, the following respective 6ums, to ?lt: Every company or corporation, the length of whose main track and branches together is greater than two hundred and fifty miles, the sum of twelve hundred and fifty dol? lars; every one the length ol whose main track and branches together ls two hundred miles, and not exceeding two hundred and fifty miles, eleven hundred and twenty-five dollars; every one the length of whose main track and branches together ls one hundred and fifty miles, and less tuan two hundred miles, one thousand dollars; every one the length of who.-e main track and branches together ls one hundred miles, and less . than . one hundred and fifty miles, eight hundred and seventy-five dollar^; every, ono. the, length of whose main track and branches together is seventy-five miles, and lesB than one hun? dred miles, six hundred and tweniy-flve dol? lars; every one the length of whose main track or branches together ls fifty milee, and less than seventy-five miles, three hundred and seventy-five dollars; and every one the length of whose main track and branches to? gether Is less than fifty miles, one hundred' eighty-seven and a half dollars. The above amounts thall be paid in quarterly Instal? ments, on or before the first day of April, July and October, 1872, and January, 1873. SEC. 8. Every person or company selling or vending commodities or merchandise of any description whatever, at or by public outcry, shall be deemed an auctioneer under this act, and he or they, if carrying on or conducting such business In the Counties of Charlesion or Richland, shall be required to pay Into the treasury of such county, lor the use of the State, the sum of one hundred dollars; and if In any other county of this State, the sum of fifty dollars. The above amounts Rhall be paid In quarterly instalments, on or before the first day of April. July and October, 1872, and Jan? uary, 1873. SEC, 9. Every person, company or corpora? tion, carrying on or conducting the business of digging, mining, manufacturing or chang? ing into new forms for use as fertilizers, any mineral or phosphatic deposits IQ thia State, shall be required to pay into the county treas? ury of the county in which be or they ehall carry on or conduct ec ch bus ines?, for the use of the State,' the sum of five hundred dollars, the same to be paid in quarterly Instalments, on or before the first day of April, July and October, 1872, and January, 1873. SEO. 10. Every person engaged In the pro? fession or calling of attorney at law, solicitor or lawyer, physician or surgeon dentist, Insur? ance agent or architect, In this State, shall be required to pay into the treasury of the coun? ty In which such persons resides, for the use ol the State, the sum often dollars; all photo? graphers, daguerrean artists, In Charleston and Bichland Counties, twenty-five dollars each, and lor all the other counties In the State, ten dollars each; and every person holding any office whatsoever, eltber elective or appointed, all officers of corporations and societies who receive a salary, shall be re? quired to pay into the treasury of the county In which such persons reside, for the use of the State, on or before the first day of April, A. D. 1872, the sum of one dollar for every one hundred dollars' salary receivable, or to be received, from such office. Any person en? gaged in the business of selling by sample, or any person soliciting orders, shall pay the sum of twenty-five dollars. The above amounts shall be paid in quarterly instal? ments, on or before the first day of April, July and October, 1872, and January, 1873. SEC. IL Every company or corporation, carrying on or conducting the business of tel? egraphing, or forwarding dispatches by tel? egraph, in this State, shall be required to pay into the treasury of the county in which its principal office within this State Is located, for the use of the State, the following respective gums, to wit: Every company or corporation, the length of whose main line and branches together is fifty miles br less, fifty dollars; every one, the Igngth of whose main line and branches together does not exceed one hun? dred miles, but ls greater than fifty miles, sev? enty-five dollars; and for every additional fifty miles, or fraction thereof; the sum of twenty five dollars: Provided, however, that the above rates shall apply to a single line of wire; and every company or corporation as aforesaid shall pay twenty per cent., In addi? tion to the rates above ppeelfled, for every ad? ditional wire. The above, amounts shall be paid in quarterly Instalments, on or before the first day of April, July and October, 1872, and January. 1873. SEC. 12. Every express company or corpo? ration carrying on or conducting the business of forwarding or carrying parcel?, packages or goode, or merchandise of any description over any of the railroads or public highways of this State, shall be required to pay Into the treasury of the county In which his or Its principal office within this State is located, for the use of tbe State, the sam of two hundred and fifty dollars. The above amounts shall be paid in quarterly Instalments, on or before the first day bf April, July and October, 1872, and January, 1873. Sxo. 13. Every person, company or corpo? ration carrying on or conducting any ot the above occupations or business ls hereby re? quired to make a return, under the provisions of this act, of his or their respective occupa? tion or business, under oath, to the auditor of their respective counties, between the first day of April and the first day of June, A. D. 1872, and between the same dates on each and every succeeding year thereafter; and every person, company or corporation carrying on or conducting any of the above occupations or business ls hereby required to pay Into the treasury of bis or their respective counties, for tbe use of the State, on or before the first day of April. July and October, 1872, and Janu norr 1A7? and nt r.hA same time on earth anr>. ceeding year thereafter, the sum required by the foregoing provisions of this act to be paid into the respective county treasuries, on his or their respective occupation or business. SEC. H. It ls hereby made the duty ot each and every county auditor in this S ate, on or before the first day of April, July and October, 1872, and January, 1873. and ai the same time on each and every succeeding year thereafter, to make and deliver to the treasurer ol his county a duplicate list, and at the same time transmit to the State auditor an abstract ot the returns made to him under the provisions ct this act. SEC. 15. It shall be the duty of the treas? urer of each and every county lu this State, upon the receipt of the first quarterly In? stalment of the sum or sums specified to be paid upon any occupation or business under the provisions ol this act, to give to the per? son, company or corporation paying the same a certificate to the auditor of his county, specifying the sum paid, and the occupation or business on which the same was paid; and, said auditor, upon presentation to him of such certificate, ls hereby authorized and directed to Issue to the person or com? pany or corporation presenting the same, a liceuse authorizing him or them to carry on or conduct such occupation or business for the period of one year from the first day of April: Provided, That the quarterly instal? ments heretofore provided for shall be paid when due, or such license, so issued, shall become null and void; for the issuing of which license said county auditor shall re? ceive the sum of twenty-five cents from the person, company or corporation receiving the same, as compensation for taking the returns and issuing the licenses provided for in this act: Provided, That any person, company or corporation who may commence any of tbe occupations or businesses specified In this act alter the first day ot April, A. D. 1872, or of I any succeeding year, shall take out a license from the lime of commencing such occupation or business until the first day ot April next thereafter, for which he or they shall pay a Bum proportionate to the number of months intervening between such periods. SEC. 16. The county treasurer of each and every county shall pay. or cause to be paid, monthly Into the State treasury, all moneys received by him under the provisions of this act; the State treasurer shall receipt therefor to county treasurers, in the same manner as ls provided in section 102 of an act entitled "An act to provide for the assessment and taxation of property," passed the 15th day of Septem? ber, A. D. 1868. SEO. 17. Any person or persons carrying on or conducting any occupation or business named in this act, without having first com? plied with Its provisions, shall be deemed guilty ol a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be sentenced to pay a fine not less than double the amount of license imposed upon such busl ness or occupation, and be im? prisoned in the Jail of the counly in which such offence is committed, for a period of not less than six months, or either or both, at the discretion of the court; and every company or corporation carrying on or conducting any occupation or business named in this act, without having first complied with Its provis? ions, shall be fined In a sum not less than double tbe amosLt of license Imposed upon such business or occupation, and the attorney general and solicitors are hereby authorized and directed to take all legal proceedings necessary for the collection of 6uch fines. Approved March 13, 1872. BILL HEADS printed on fine paper at $3, ti, $5, $6 50 and $8 50 per thousand, according to size, at THE NEWS Job Office. coaatsBOZAi?irswa. Exports. LrvBBPOOL-Per Am ship Eddystone-183 bags sea island cotton, 2844 bales upland cotton, 1018 bbls rosin.Per British bark Sarah M Smith lie bags B^a Island cotton, 2MB bales upland cut? ten, 140 bbls rosin, 200 tons phosphate rock, and e packages. The cn ar loton Cotton, Rica ana Narai Scores Market. OFFICE CHARLESTON NEWS, WEDNESDAY EVBNING. March 20, 18T2. COTTON.-The inquiry was qolte limited, with a qntetand dnll market. Sales about 275 bales, say io at 20, loo at 2~>x, io at 20%, 17 at ion, l at 21, le at 2i j;,- 29 at 21K, 17 at 21K, 82 at 21 x, 20 at 2l\c. We quote: LITERPOOL CLASSIFICATION. Ordinary to good ordinary.20 @2\x Low middling.21X@ Middling.22 er? stritt middling.i-ominal RICE.-This grain was at firm rates. Sales 120 tierces of clean Carolina, say io tierces at 8 1-10, 110 at sue fl rb. We quote common to fair at iX?iX; good 8>4'@8?ic NATAL STORES.-There were no sales reported. Crude turpentine may be quoted at $6 6c@e 00 for virgin, $5 for yellow dip, and $3@3 10 for hard. FREIGHTS.-To Liverpool, by steam direct, nom 1 nal on uplands, nominal on sea islands; via New Tork, Md on uplands, ld on sea Islands; by sall, 6-16@Xd on uplands, on sea islands nominal. To Havre - on uplands. Coast wise-to New Tork by steam Mc on uplands and lc on sea islands; $2 fl tierce on rice; by sall Mo . * 0Q cotton; - fl tierce on rice; 40c ft barrel on rosin; $8 y M on lum:>er; $10 9 Mon Umber. To Boston, by sati? re V lb on upland cotton; rosin 65c; res a wed tuir $9 60310 60; phosphate $6@6 60. To Provi? dence, by sall f 0 y M on boards, Xe $ rb oa cotton; by steam $1 fi bale on New York rates. To Philadelphia, by steam X<? * rb on uplands; by Ball, $89 M on boards; $8 50@io on timber; $8 per ton en clay, and $8a$8 60 on phosphates. To j Baltimore, by steam Ko V ft by sall, $8 50@7 ft M on boards; is@s 60 on timber; $8 26 fl ton on phosphate rock. Vessels are In de? mand by our merchants to take lamber freights from Georgetown, S. C., Dsxien and Sat ilia River, na., and Jacksonville, Fla., to Northern ports, and $io@i2 ft M are the rates on lumber and boards. EXCHANGE.-sterling 00 day bills 1D@19X. DOMESTIC EXCHANGE.-The banks puronase Bight checks on New York at x off to par, and sell at M premium. QOLD.-0Xg)10X. _ Markets by Telegraph. MONET MARKETS. LONDON, March 20. Noon.-Consols 92K- Bonds Q?x. PAHI8, March 20. Noon.-Bourse heavy. Rentes 65i 77c NEWYOBK, March 20. Noon.-Stocks steady and slightly better since Ute opening. Gold heavy at 9X?0X- Govern? ments dull and steauy. Money arm at 7. Ex? change-long OK; -oort lox- Freights steady. Evening.-Freights dall and unchanged. Money closed easter at 6a7. Sterllog ojfaox. GoldOMa 9%. Governments x off. States generally quiet and steady. COTTON MARKETS. LIVERPOOL, March 20. Noon.-Cotton steady; uplands lix, orleans llXAll*. Later.-Cotton unchanged; sales 10,000; specu? lation and export8000 bales. Evening.-cotton closed dall; nplands Hall Wd, Orleans nxalixd. NEW YORK, March 20. Noon.-Cotton opened easier; np ands 22Xc, Orleans 21%c; sales 2U0 bales. Evening.-Cotton quiet; sales 2722 bales; np? lands 22XC, orleans 22Xc Sales for future de? livery 7600 bales, as follows: Marci) 22 1-10 uzi April 22 M6a22X; May 2211-10; June 23>?a23 l ld.' BOSTON, March 20 Cotton quiet: middlings 22Mc; net receipts 1C3 bales; gross 243; sales 300; stock SOLO. PHILADELPHIA, March 20. Cotton quiet; middlings 22\o. BALTIMORE, March 20. Cotton steady; middlings 22x ; net receipts 303 bales; gross 436; exports coastwise 140; sale? 181: stock 11,330. NORFOLK, March 20. Cotton steady; low midd inga sic; net receipts 871 tales; expo:ts coastwise 32; sales KM); stock 1P4S. WILMINGTON, March 20. Cotton quiet and t>teady; middlings aixe; net receipts lol bale*. SAVANNAH, March 20. flAllan ?jni?fc -.1 fl .na j m 1.1,1 lina? llM.IIKnt net receipts 600 bales; exports to Great Britain 20C0; coastwise 100; sales 6U0; stock 61,833. AUGUSTA, March 20. Cotton dull; middlings 2lc; net receipts 260 bales; sales S25. MEMPHIS. March 20. Cotton quiet and weak; middlings 22a22Xc; re? ceipts 031 hales. MOBILE, March 20. Cotton dull and easy; middlings 2l%c; net re? ceipts 220 bales; gross 232; tales o00; stock42,oi3. Nsw i KLEAN3. March 20. Cotton quiet and weak; middlings 22>.c: net re? ceipts 1707; gro-s 199:; exports to Great Britain 2880; Barcelona 1009; Hamburg 285; Havre 216; sales 10; stock 178,300 bales. GALVESTON, March 20. Cotton quiet; good ordinary 20c; net re? ceipts 251 bales; exports coastwise 02i; sales 300; BtOCk 86,665. PROVISIONS AND PRODUCE MARKETS. LIVERPOOL, March 20. Noon.-Breads tuffs are quiet. Tallow 62a83s. NEW YORK, March 20. Ncon.-Flour rather more steady. Wheat held little higher and very quiet. Corn a shade Armer. Pork firm; new mess $13al3 60. Lard steady; su-ara 0K> Turpentine weak at 89Xa70 Rosin dnll and nominal at $4 05a410. Evening.-Floor unchanged. Whiskey Inactive at 88 J.RS7C Wheat a shade firmer and very quiet; winter red Western $1 65al 60. Corn active and lc higher. Rice firm at 8x*&Xc- Pork lower at (12 ooal3. Lard dnll. Ta luw steady. CINCINNATI, March 20. General markets dall and unchanged. Whiskey lower. LOUISVILLE. Marok 20. Provisions firmer, but not quotabry higher other? wise. Havana Market. HAFANA, March 16. SUGAR.-Stock in warehouses ar< Havana and Matanzas 237,000 boxes and 20,000 hhds; receipts of the week at Havana and Matanzas 6t),600 boxes and 0500 hhds; exported during the week from Havana and Matanzas 29,f00 boxes and 3900 hhds, Including 13,600 boxes and 3000 hods to the Uni? ted state?. Sugar active, owing to the desire to ship before the holidays, principally to Europe. Nos 10 to 12, Dutch standard, sxwx reals per arrobe; Nos 15 to 20, Dutch standard, u,-?al3K reals per arrobe. Molasses sugar quiet and weak at 7X*8X reals per arrobe for Nos 8 to io. Mus? covado augar, inferior to common in fair demand at 8Xa9 reals per arrobe. Fair to good refining firm at 9>?a9>,' reals per arrobe. Grocery gra tes quiet and steady at lO^aiOK reals per arrobe. Molasses-clayed 5>{a5X reals per keg; Mucova do bxubx reals per keg. Freight* firm; small craft in demand for the United State; per box of sugar to Northern and Southern ports in the Untied States $1 25al 60; per hogshead of sugar to Northern and Southern ports In the states $4 50a6 75; per hogshead of molasses to Northern ami southern ports in the United States $3 76a $4 26; to Falmouth and orders 40s to 42s Od. Ex? change weak, and a decline ls expected. On the Cotted States, sixty days, currency, X*X pre? mium; do, sixty days, gold, io >? - ll premium; short sight, gold, nj?ai2Jf premium. On London 24a24,l4 premium. On Paris 8X premium. Wilmington Market. WILMINTEON, Marek io. !RCRUDE TERPENTINE.-Sales or iou bbls at $3 30 for hard, and (6 30 lor yellop dip and virgin. Mar? ket qu er and bas declined 66 cents since last re? ported sales. TAR.-Sales of 146 bbls at (2 80 per bbL Market qniet and steady. CORK.-Sales of 8425 bushe s at S9X cents per baa bel Receipts by Hallroad, Mareil ZO. BOUTS CAROLINA RAILROAD. 862 bales colton, 70 bales goods, 80 casks clay, 96 bbls molasses, and 2 cara stock. To Railroad Agent Peizer, Rodgers A co, G W Williams A co. A J Salinas, W C courtney A CO, H Bischoff A co. Mowry & Soo, Frost, Adger A co, Witte Bros, A B Mulligan. Treuholm A Son. Roach A Moffett, WI-* A co. A S Smith, Murdaugh, Mathews A co. Tledeman, Calder & co, G Foilln, w u Bee A co, T P Smith, J N Robson, Sloan A Selgnloas. NORTHEASTERN RAILROAD. 49 bales cotton, 66 bbls naval stores, cars lum? ber, wood, rough rice, tobacco, mdse, Ac. To W s Marshall, Caldwell A Son, Whl'den A Jones, A S Smith, W o Courtney A co. W K Ryan. T P Smith. Pelzer. Rodgers A co, Kinsman A Howell, Wilcox, Gibbes t co, Frost. Adger A co, Ravenel A co, A J salina!, Barden A Parker, Trenholm A Son, G W Wiiliaiis A co, H L Chianina, W C Bee A co, C Lelbenrood, Chapeau A co, W P Dowling, O Ciaoasen, Quactenbush, Es;ill A co, E Welling, Railroad Agent,and others. Passengers. Per Bteamer city Point, from Palatka via Jacksonville, Firnandlna and savannah-H R Birdsall, Rev M Veils, wife and child. Mr sutton and wire, Mr Sv?n and wife, Jos Andrews. John Andrews, E Lawrence, H Lawience. B W Pctti? M1B9 H Carian, ?r Halle, Mrs Flanders, Jos Brad? ford, Mr Wright and wife, O V Hillyer, Col Lud? low, DrLudwig.A M Means. Miss Rutledge, Col Sword and son,s Jones and lady, and lCdeck. Per steamer Water Lily, from Edlsto, Enter? prise and Way Landings-Dr H B Lee, lady and child. Hrs Toomer, Col J E Edinda, ladv, children and a err act. O Balley, Col Wm Gregg, Dr Hart, O ll Olsen, H M Balley, H A To wies. Rev W S Lee, E C Wha ey, Major Whale?, Rev O Prentiss, W H W Gray, G fcteveoB. Per steamer Emilie, from Georgetown, s 0 R H Nesbit, Hrs Allan and child. Mrs Thurston and child, B H Ward and wife, 0 F Lltchfleld, O E Sampson, A Horgan and wire Mrs Hawkins, J P Alston, Urs Kent and child, J Hughes, A Isenn. H H Homer, Mrs Bolger and child, Sarah Small, w J Ham, G Potter, Dr R B Huger, S E Luca?, 0 A Far? ris, and 6 on deck. MARINE NEW8. CHARLESTON, S. C.MARCH 21, 1872. Lat 36 deg 46 min 88 sec t Lon 70 deg 67 nun 27 seo. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Norwegian bark Ebenetz-r, Mathlesen, Beau? fort, S 0. To Henry Card. Has come to this port l?r repairs. Sehr J E Simmons, Young, Philadelphia-6 days. Coal To H F Baker A co. dchr Ann S Deas. Garbatti, West Point MIIL 207 tes rice. To Wm C Bee A co, and Cohen, Hanck el A co. Sehr Ogeechee, Reynolds. Back River. 1123 bushels muan rice To W C Bee A co. Steamer city Pcior, McMillan, Florrlda, Ac 8 bales cotton, 1 plano, 22 pkga mdse. To Rav enel & co, Plnckney Bros, W B williams A Son, W B Smith A co, Witte Bros, E McCrady, R Moreno, and others. Steamer Water Lily, Togllo, Edlsto. Enterprise, Rockville, and Way Landings. Cotton seed, mdse and sundries. To D Nisbet, Stoney A Lowndes, J Colcock & co, Dr H B Lee, JOH cia-ssen, O M Olsen, A Stelling. Johnston, Crews A co, S R Mar* shall A co, W H Welch, Witte Bros, T P Smith, H Bischoff A co, Cunningham A Brewn, W McKay, Dr A W Eckel A co, and others. Steamer Emilie. White Georgetown. S C. 102 tierces rice, 4 bales cotton, loo bass of rice flour, pea sticks, mdse and sundries. To snack elford A Kell v, P H Huguenin, J Meltzler, Wm M Lawton A Sons, Miss Hume. O F Litchfield, Wm C Bee A co, Caldwell A Son, N Emanued, B Boyd, 0 Thomas, J R PrlDgle A Son, G A Trenholm A Sen, and others. Sloop Columbus, -, Cooper River. 00 bush? els rough rice. To W 0 Bee A cc Sloop Greenleaf. Nicholas. Santec 803 bushels rough rice. To W O Bee A co. Sloop Gecr?e, Joan, f-antee. ino bushels of rough rice. To wc Bee A co. Received from Ch ls ol m'a Mill 86 tierces rice. To Frost, Adger ? cc CLEARED YESTERDAY. Ship Eddystone, Park, Liverpool-J A Enslow A co. British bark Sarah M Smith, Bishop, Liverpool Henry Card. Sehr Old Chad, Mc. lin tock, West Indies-Paul, Welch A Brandea. Sehr Anna shepard, Newton, New York via .jacksonville-H F Baker ? co. SAILED YESTERDAY. Sehr L'lly, HogheB, New York. Sehr Saarbruck. Clark. Boston. Scar Fanny Elder. Bich, a Northern port. Sehr Old Chad, Mcclintock, West Indies. FROM THIS PORT. Sehr F Merwin. Pearce, at New York, March 17. CP ron THIS PORT. Sehr James Wall, Grover, at New York, 18th March. CLE ARED FOR THIS PORT. Behr Kate Fos'er, Rosebrook, at Baltimore, lath March. MARINE NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. NBW YORK. March 20. Arrived, steamships Huntsville, Zodiac and Al? bemarle. Evening.-Arrived, the Francis Wright, Ocean Queen, Merrimack and Batavia. Arrived out, the City of Bristol and Siberia. MEMORANDA. The sehr Effie J simmons, Harrington, from Bucksviile. S O, for Thomaston, Me, arrived at Viney ard Haven March 16. LIST OF VESSELS UP, CLEARED AND SAILED FOR THIS PORT. LI VI RPO OL. Nor bark Draupner, Ingoldsen, cl'd.Jan 8 Br bark Lucy, Jones, cleared.Jan io The Avondale, Adams, up.Janis Br bark Fuie de I'Alr, Jones, up.Feb 20 QUEENSTOWN. ?Ship Nautilus, Spencer, sailed.Feb 16 CARDIFF. The Ane voca, williams, sailed.Feb 2 Br bark Harvest Home, Dickey, sailed.Jan 18 The Carl N Dobeln, Stenan, sailed.Jan 10 Sehr Henrietta. Burnett, cleared.Dec 18 The Medway, Robertson, np.Feb 20 MONTEVIDEO. Bark Rio de la Plata.-, sailed.Jan 28 MILFORD. The Lalla. Goody, Balled.Feb 27 DOMESTIC. BOSTON. Brig Erle Sears, np.Feb 27 Sehr A E Glover, Terry, up.March 18 NSW TOKE. Sehr B N Hawkins, Wyatt, cleared.March 16 Sehr J S Ingraham. Packard, up.March 2 Sehr James Wall, Grover, up.March 18 PHILADELPHIA. Sehr Sidney Price, Godfrey, cleared.March 3 BALTIMORE.' Sehr Kate Foster, Rosebrook, cleared...March 18 Sehr Louisa Frazier, Sttelman. np.March 0 Sehr M steelman. Steelman, cleared....March 12 NORFOLK, VA. Sehr Hannah G Band, Hand, sailed.March 16 Cigars, Sobarco, Ut. WILLIAM UL or PBCBSIA, EMPEROR WILLIAM WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MANUFACTURING CIGAR AND TOBACCO HOUSE, No. 310 KING STREET, THREE DOORS SOUTH OF SOCIETY STREET. CIGARS AND TOBACCO of all kinds. PIPES of every quality. Call and examine stock before trading else? where. WILLIAM SCHRODER, Proprietor. N. B.-The Whrel of Fortune constantly on hand. InvfBt 25 cents and tty your luck. mch7 DCiwlyr lerolrgt Sitoerrocire, Ut. THE CHOICEST STOCK OF JEWELRY, STERLING SILVER. SILVER-PLATED WARE AND TABLE CUTLERY, French and American Clocks, IS TO BE FOUND AT JAMES ALLAN'S, lVo. 307 It I IV Q STREET, deco-stuthemoa iFnm?nrti &t. WHAT SHALL WE SLEEP ON P " .:o: THE WONDERFUL AND BEAUTIFUL WOVEN WIRE MATTRESS ! A PERFECT SPRING BED WITHOUT SPRINGS FOR S ALE AT Nos. 175, 177 and 179 KING S iT BEE T", CHALRIL.?SXOIV, S. C. DANIEL H. SIL <C ?X, FURNITURE WARDROOMS. P. S.-FTRNITCRE OF ALL KINDS ALWAYS ON HAND, AND AT PRIORS TQAT CANNOT FAIL TO PLEASE, T reb24-stuthlmoD*o -fertilisers. THBEE VERY SUPERIOR ARTICLES ARE OFFERED BY THE SULPHURIC ACID AND SUPE R PHOSPHATE COMPANY, OF CHARLESTON, S. C., viz: ETIW.A.N OIJ^NCK A comp'ete MANURE, adaoted to COTTON, GRAIN AND TOBACCO, bell? tbe well-known article heretofore offered at th? very high grade of 16 PER CENT. DISSOLVED BONE -PHOSPHATE OF LIME, with the addition, ne heretofore, of PERUVIAN GUANO, AMMONIA AND POTASH'. Price $66 per ton, if paid on or before the 1st of April next, and $eo per ton payable lat November, 1872. ETIWAN CROP FO??. . : . :: C ."' ??? .. . ti '.; j.j: ? . -, io A new article of about the same high grade or Solnble Phosphate, compounded with the elementa of Cotton Seed In snch a manner as to insure one of the BEST FERTILIZERS FOR COTTON ABO GRAIN, at a lower price than the ETI WAN GUANO. Price $40 per ton, if paid on or before the 1st of April next, 146 per ton payable 1st November, 1872. ETIWAN DISSOLVED BONE. Averaging from 18 to 20 rer cent, of DISSOLVED BONE PHOSPHATE, and thoa enabling the Planter, by composting, to obtain two tons of ti alf in ai tirade at a saving- or ONE-HALF COST AND FREIGHT. Price 836 per ton, If paid on or before the lat of April nen, $40 per ton payable Ut Ho y ?rjj tjor 18 "2 " ' * Take notice tbat all these FER! I LIZERS are of the highest grade ol SOLUBLE PHOSPHATE, and moat help for more than oue year. . W. C. BEE & CO., General AflfentSj dec20-thstn . II CHARLESTON, B.C.. ATLANTIC ACID Thu Article, prepared by the ATLANTIC PHOSPHATE COMPANY, ander the direction of :their Chemist, Dr. ST. JULIEN RAVENED, for composting wtth Cotton Seed, ls now offered at the Reduced Price of $38 per ton cuan, or $31 per ton payable 1st November, >8T2, Free of Interest. Orders Oiled now will be considered as Cash 1st March. 1872. or on Time as doe lat November 1872, thereby enabling Planters to han! lt at a time when their Wagons and Mules are Idle. PELZER, RODGERS & CO., General Agents^ dec8-4mos Bit G WS'8 WHARF, CHARLESTON, 8.0. ^arbtoore, 3,gricnltnral implements, &t. HART & CO Are AGENTS for A Complete Turning Plough, with Scraper, Sweep, Shovel, Bull Tongue and Turning Plough. $13 50 COMPLETE! We have also a Full Assortment of One and Two Horse Ploughs, Both Cast and Steel, of AVERT & SONS. AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. FAIRBANKS SCALES. BURDICK'S HAY & FODDER CUTTER. We are also in Receipt of a Full Line of SWEDES IRON. ENGLISH IRON, HOOP IRON, PLOUGH STEEL, TURPENTINE HACKS, TURPENTINE TOOLS, MILL STONES, HOES, TRACES, NAILS, ROPE, PLOUGH LINES, GUNS, PISTOLS, POTWARE, TINWARE, WOODWARE, BEST FISH LINES, SEINE TWINE, FISH HOOKS, BOLTING CLOTH. O O 39 Hayne Street, and Corner of Kine: and Market janl8-etuth3mosD?o CHARLESTON, S. C,