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TERMS OF TBE NEWS. Tm DAILY NEWS, by mail one year, $8; six months M; three months $2 60. Served in the ?lty| at EIGHTEEN CENTS a week, payable to the car Hers or $8 a year, paid In advance at the office. TBS TRI-WEEKLY NEWS, pnbllBhed on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, one year $4; six xnontbs $2. TH? WBBKLY NEWS, one year *a. - Six ?optes $10. Ten copies, to ono address, $15. SGBSCBiPTioKs in ali cases payable in advance, and no paper continued alter the expiration of the time paid Tor. , ". ' , NOTICES of Wants, To Rent, Lost and Found, Boarding, Ac, not exceeding 20 words, 25 cents each insertion; over 20, and not exceeding 30 words, 40 cents each insertion; over 30, and not exceeding 40 words, 60 cents each Insertion. These rates are NET, and must invariably be paid In advance. RBMITTAKCKS should be made by Postoflice Money Order or by Express. If this cannot be done, protection against losses by mall may be secured by forwarding a draft on Charleston pay? able to the order of the proprietors of THE NEWS, ?r by sending the money in a registered letter. Address RIORDAN, DAWSON A CO., No. 149 East Bay, Charleston, a O. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY ll, 1872 NEWS OF TBE DAT. ' -Gold at New York yesterday closed at lOJalOJ. _The New York cotton market closed weak and nominal; uplands 22jc; sales 334 bales. _At Liverpool cotton closed dull; uplands ll i .i. ; nearly due from Savannah or Charles? ton lld.; shipping at New Orleans ll id. Man? chester advices less favorable. -Tennyson ls writing a poem on the subject of the Prince of Wales's illness. -The Nilsson troupe during her engage? ment of thirteen nights at Cincinnati received $40,000. -The sentence of Watson, the English cler? gyman who murdered his wife, has been com? moted to penal servitude for life. -It ls stated that the London Tablet, Catho? lic official organ, announced on the very morning of the death of Archbishop Spald? ing that he was to be made a cardinal. _-Eliza Bennett, of Cape May, New Jersey, was'barned to death one day last week by the j upsetting of a coal oil lamp, which she had set on the floor before her while unlacing a boot. -A Boston physician says he has a patient in'choTge, married at fourteen, and who at Srirtv-seven had been the mother of twenty ve living children, and never more than one Child at a birth. -There ls a prospect of a lively contest be? tween Nasf, with his administration cartoons J in, Harper's Weekly, and Morgan, the new acquisition of Frank Leslie's Illustrated News? paper, with his anti-administration carica? tures. Morgan is no mean rival of Nast, and I a ??r flgh t may be expected. -The number, of deaths In Philadelphia, last week, from small-pox was one hundred and elgfcty-three, which ls a considerable increase overthe previous week's report. The.whole number ot deaths from all causes last week I waai seventy-three more than the previous one. Under the head, ?kA-.i.Revolution In Paris," j the London Globe says: '-The Trois Freres Proven?aux bas closed tn consequence of the expiration of the lease. This simple announce ment will cause more emotion among Euro, pean'and American epicures than could the destruction of a hundred palaces or monu- J meats." -The friends of amnesty seem to have a renewed confidence In the success ot the House bill now on the table ot the Senate. They do not doubt tbat Sumner will again Offer bis Civil rights amendment, but they I think that a sufficient number will be found to vote it ont as not germane to the bill, and, I having .made their record on ihe question, will furnish the- requisite two-thirds vote. -The Japanese Government apparently in-j tends to become intimately acquainted with tho m tl ? t iry systems ol various countries. Not only are youthful Japanese to be initiated Into the1 "mysteries of West Point, but the Charg? d'Affaires of that country at Paris has recently made application for the services of a body of French officers and soldiers to proceed to Japan. The French Government ha? acceded to the request, and those desirous of going are J requested to. enter their names; The pay offered ls attractive. ' ' - Cincinnati has a retail trade protection agency, the office of which ls to collect "little bills" for small tradesmen. In extreme cases, the agency "wagons" a man, the process being to send to the debtor's; residence or place of I business a gorgeously-painted wagon, con gpi cu oust y lettered, "Protective Agency-Bad j Debts Collected," accompanied by two col lectors big enough to deter the mortified vic tim from attempting personal violence. It ls claimed that a few applications will "fetch" the worst cases. I -The great Boston peace J ubi lee Is a fixed fact. Mr. P. S. Gilmore; the great Jublleelst, j says so. His visit to Europe to recruit for minstrels has exceeded expectations. The English Grenadiers are coming. P. S. G. also received the strongest assurances from the monarchs of Belgium, Austria, Russia andi Prussia that their best military bands will be boxed up and sent over In due course, to add their brass to the native production. lu June next-always providing tho $160,000 are guar- j afiteed-all Boston will gather to the Cotise-j um, and the doubters of the grand enterprise I will hide their heads in shame. ? . J T -A Paris letter ol January 12th, to the Bos- j ton. Evening Journal, Bays: "Much surprise was manifested among the Americans on Fri day last, when it became known that the cele-1 brated Dr. Helmbold, of Buchu fame, had been conveyed to the insane asylum at Charenton, j and it ls said at the instigation ol bis wife. Two j Trench physicians pronounce him insane, while one of our celebrated American doctors ls of an opposite opinion. During a short con? versation with the doctor a few days ago, he expressed himself as being weary, and thougbt -he should go to eome retired place and endea? vor to recruit Excepting a peculiar expres? sion of the eye, he showed no symptoms of in? sanity. Various rumors are, of course, being circulated." -Late English newspapers report the as? semblage in London of a meeting ol employ? ers In the shipbuilding, machinists and iron tradea, at which over three hundred leading firms were represented. They came from ali parts of the kingdom, and irom statements made by each, ol the number of persons em? ployed by his establishment, it appears that tiie aggregate was over one hundred thous ' and men. They determined to constitute themselves Into a defensive association, to re? sist BtrlkeB by their employees. They an Bounced that In their action they would be .'strictly but resolutely defensive." At present the hours of labor in England amount to fluy fonraweek, and the workmen in vaiious places have demanded a reduction to el"ht and a half hours a day, this being a prelimi? nary movement to a demand for eight hours as a day's work. The action of the employers Ts believed to have been taken with a view to resist these demands. -Th? musical critic of the Louisville-Cou? rier Journal ls making himself ill over the de (.allure ol Nilsson. Hear him: "It has been ?lten said thar nothing could be more difficult than to write calmly and soberly of Misa Nils? son, with, the echoes ot her voice still ringing In the ear, and the fervor of her manner still quivering in the heightened senses. How much more difficult ls it then to write dispasslon I ately, with nothing but ihe memory of her to ! fill the next day and the next; and the next . year, and tbe next-forever. To most of us 1 the farewell of last night was a farewell that shall not know another greeting. Indeed, there ls an alloy in the pleasure we have had rn knowing her-this of resolving the dally sight of her Into what mu? always be a sad? dened memory. It is what the parent, the friend, mu3t feel-and we say it most rever? ently-when death has divided friend from friend." Give him air, gentlemen, give him j air. Some Ice water and a smelling bottle that way, quick I The Conspirators Un m a sk td. Notwithstanding the virtuous denials of the Savannah uewspapers, wa have now a plain avowal of tho fact that the Central Railroad of Georgia is endeavoring to lease the South Carolina Railroad. From whom does this declaration come ? No leas a per? son than Mr. John H. Jame?, Mayor of At? lanta, who runs James's Bank, and has an interest in a street railroad besides some eifhteen hundred shares of South Carolina liai 1 road 3tock i From bim we have full confirmation of all that has been said in this paperas to the plans of the public enemy. If the people, with the twanging declama? tion of Mr. John H. James ringing in their ears, refuse to believe that the commerce and trade of Charleston are in imminent jeop? ardy, they will richly deserve the fate j which, unless they m0Te promptly and vigorously, is unquestionably in store for this city and State. The leader in the attack upon Charleston is Mr. William B. Johnston, ol Macon, who affects, we believe, to have no desire to in I jure this people in any manner. This gen? tleman was present at the meeting of stock? holders of the South Carolina Railroad Com? pany, held yesterday,'in this city.. At a nod from him, Mr. Cubbedge, of Macon, offer? ed a resolution requiring the Board of Direct? ora to call a special meeting of the stock? holders to consider any proposition that might be made to lease the road npon the basis of a guaranteed dividend of five per j cent or more. This was instantly seconded by Mr. John H. James, the connection be? tween the members of the triumvirate being so plain that we are justified in assuming that Mr. John II. James is the authorized spokesman of the party. What, we may ask, were the admissions made by Mr. John H. James? Far from denying that the Central Railroad or Geor? gia desired to lease the South Carolina Rail? road, he took os the foundation of his argu? ment the fact that a lease of the road, with a dividend guaranteed by Ute Central Bad road, would cause the price of the stock to advance, and put two and a half million dollars in the pockets of the stockholders It is true that he said that the lessees would not and could not injure Charleston ! And why? Because, according to Mr. John H. James, the Directors of the road could pre? vent any discrimination against Charleston ; and because, if there, were any discrimina? tion against Charleston, the Port Royal Railroad could be completed for less than the profit which the stockholders might ex? pect to realize upon their stock. We might ask Mr. John H. James whether he would be willing to pat his profits into the Port Royal Railroad if be found Charleston going to the dogs ? SJ unsophisticated - and disinterest? ed a person would not, of course, refuse to offer up John H. James, and his street rail? road, upon the altar of the City o? Charles? ton. For the rest, we would say that it is an absurdity to tell a body of intelligent gentlemen that any means could be devised of preventing the Central Railroad, as a lessee of the South Carolina Railroad, from injuring South Carolina and Charleston. Mr. John H. James admits that the present management of the road have done all that men could do to extricate it from its diffi? culties, and place it upon a sound footing. Ii the road is now in a position to earn, in the future, a dividend of five per cent., this can be done by the present management as well as by the proposed lessees. And, in that case, with the certainty that interest and sentiment vnll combine to urge the man? agement tb strain every nerve to increase the business of Charleston, and give even greater transportation facilities to the peo? ple of the State. In other words, the pres? ent management can do all that the Cen? tral Railroad can do in the way of making dividends. But the Central Railroad offers to guarantee a dividend. That dividend will either be earned or it will not. If it can be earned, it will be made and declared by the present board without the hazards of a lease. The stockholders, as absolute own? ers of the road, will get their dividend, and see their stock advance in price. Where, in that case, is the advantage of a lease ? But the dividend, proposed to be guaranteed, may not be earned ; in which event the Cen? tral Railroad will be paying out of its own pocket a dividend to the stockholders of the leased line. Would they do this because of their unselfish love for Charleston ? No ! They would do it because, by stilling com? petition and advancing rates, they could gain more upon the Central Railroad and its connections than they would lose by the South Carolina Railroad. They can, in short, afford to pay two or three hundred thousand dollars for a few years to save themselves from a.pompetitiOD which last year wrested from the Central Railroad nearly half a million of dollars. And .this would not last They would ruin Charles? ton by turning Its business to Savannah, and would theo find an easy way to cause the South Carolina Railroad to be sold out, and tbe stock and the lease to be extin? guished. But Mr. John H. James did not stop here. He went on to say that Mr. Moses Taylor, of New York, was worth thirty millions, and if he were aroused would buy out the South Carolina Railroad if he had to pay par for the stock. We have a better opinion of Mr. Taylor's sense. But the monstrosity of the threat is none the less evident I Here comes Mr. John H. James to Bay to the people of South Carolina, "We are rich "and you are poor. Take the crust we throw "to you, or you shall have nothing at all. " The temper of this people has wonderfully changed if these threats have any effect. We can be led, but we are bard to drive. Now come back to us tho words of Light Horse Harry Lee, whom the Tories tempted as Mr. John H. James and bis colleagues would tempt this people. He said to them, "lam a poor man; but your King, with "his millions, is not rich enough to bny "me!" And this is a fight for homeB and firesides as mach as was the war in which ?Sumter and Marion fought The alien and stranger are upon us. Goths and Vandals would strip us of our birthright Every consideration of interest and patriotism, of hard cash and public spirit require this people to defeat Messrs. Johnston and James, and their allies of the Central Ring. To-day the fight may be renewed. The Ring must once more be handsomely re? pulsed. And, in the meantime, every citi? zen, according to his means, should put his money into South Carolina Railroad stock-to be bought and held for the guard? ing of our trade, to be so held that all the wealth of purse-proud millionaires shall not steal it away. What it is worth to them it ia worih to ns. If the South Carolina Railroad is worth seven per cent to ih?> Central Ring, it is richly worth ten per cent., and more, to this State and people. Tue Rice Daly. [From the Xew York Tribune,] . We imported In 1866 no less than 76,209,397 pounds of rice, and the first quality sold for 13} cents per pound. We have imported a lets amount In each subsequent year, because our home product, which was 20,113,GOO pounds in I860, has risen rapidly and pretty steadily since, till lt amounted, In 1871, to 92,000,000 pounds. Meantime the price ot the first quality has fallen to 9 cents per pound. Our rice 1B grown by the seacoast negroes of South Carolina, Georgia and Louisiana, who tire charged with Inveterate idleness and beg? gary. They grow this important crop where little if anylbing would be produced if rice were not. Can't Congress be persuaded to let them alone? Rostet ter's Ditter G. "^TALLT^HE YEAR ROUND, AND IN all parts of the world, the elements of disease are present in the air, thc soil and the water, in a greater or lesa degree, and therefore the Great Vegetable Antidote to these Invisible enemies of health, HOSTETTER'3 STOMACH BITTERS, is Invaluable as a houBeh?d medicine at all seasons and in evtry latitude. At no period of the y^ar ls a regulating and corrective medicine more needed than toward the close or winter, when the sun aud rain are beginning to break ip the winter blockedo, and from the softening soil arises that terrible miasma, wo! h weighs like an incubus upon the vital machinery and depresses the ani? mal spirits, lt is then that the seeds of intermit, tent and remittent fevers, or rheumatism and rheumatic gout, of obstinate stomach complaints, or disorders or the liver and bowels, and a whole host or pulmonary and nervous complaints are sown. The best, the surest way to prevent thia disas? trous seeding is ti invigorate and refresh the sys? tem with a cour.-e or the B.tiers. ff this precaution be takeu now, there will be no danger of thu miaamaslc germs taking root In the fluids and tissues of the body, and bringing forth terrible fruit m the spring. Now ls the time for preven? tion. Remember that vigor la the only safeguard against the virus of disease, and that Ho Heller's Bitters ls the purest, the safest, the most powerful and perfect lnvlgorant ever admlulsiered, either as protective medicine or a remedy. A change of season approaches which almost always proves more or less disastrous to persons of a weak, ner? vous organiza iou. Brace up at once with the leading Tonic or the a ge. Purge fi om the blood all morbid matter, strengthen the nerves, and regulate and purify the secretions with the Vege? table Elixir, which combines the Juices or the finest medicinal roots, herbs and barks, with the most wholesome er ail diffusive stimulants. febl2-mwf8DAO' gbatttiiongu SOLFEGE CLASS.-MRS. P. JTRAR^OT ? will, In compliance with the request of muuy persons, commence a solf?ge cia?. at 6 o'clock, ou Thursday nex\ 22d instant, for children norn the ages of 8 io 14 years, at her residence, south west corner Smith ana Montague streets. Terms-$ 12, in advance, per quarter. febl4-wfm6 _ Jj! EM ALE COLLEGE, REID VILLE, S. C., RF.V. THOMAS WARU WHITE, PRESIDENT, OPBKS 5TU FBBBUARY, THE CHEAPEST FEMALE COLLEGE IN THE SOUTH-CLOSES LAVT OF NOVEMBER. (TEN CALENDAR MONTHS.) BOARD. The Boarding Department h under the manage? ment of an experienced gentleman, Mr. J. S. HAMMOND, and the charges placed at the lowest possible ligures-$12 60 per month-including Washing, Fuel, Lights, ana Servants' attendance. TUITION. At $1, $2, $3 and $4 per mcnth respectively for the Elementary, Primary, Intermediate and Col? legiate Departments. Latin, Greek, Freuen and German taught in the Collegiate Department without any extra charge. Music $4 per mouth. Matriculation Fee, $2 (fur the year.) SITUATION. The Village of Reidvllle 1B situated In a high, dry, healthy tecilon of tue State, distaut twelve mites irom Sparenburg Couithuusv on the one bide, ana twenty irum the City of Urenvllle on tue oilier, ami ls lu dully mall communicailun willi both places. A public conveyance leaves Spartanburg Court? house ou Mobdays, Wednesdays and Fridays; Greenvll e Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, passing Immediately by the Village, gotug and re? turning. Youug Ladies from abroad board In the house prepared lor their reception-a large, commodi? ous, comfortab e building-and are under Hie special care of the Pilnclpalof the Instil uilon. Pupils received at au> pet iod, aod are charged only from the time at which they enter. For further information add. ess W. A. HARRISON, Secretary Board of 'i rusteea, I e.dviile, S. C. N. B.-The President will leave me Mckerson Hotel, Ct lumbla, on FRIDAY MUKSINO. first of March, and luke lu charge any pupus Imendct Jut- Kew vibe. The Co lege Omnibus meets pupils at >p.ittanourg Counhuuse, aud takes them out I FREE OF COST. itb:2-3 jWwtings. ROYAL AND SELECT ? MASTERS. The Annual Assembly or the Grand Council or Royal and ?elect Masters of the State of south Carolina will b J held THIS DAT, at hair-past 3 o'clock P. M., at HolmeB's Lyceum. ALEX. LINDSTROM. febl4-? - Qrantl Recorder. PALMETTO LODGE, No. 1, KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS.-Regular Semi-Monthly Com? munication To NIGHT, at 7 o'clock. A large at? tendance ls expected, as business or Importance will be transacted. By order of the W. 0. J. H. KENDALL, febl4 ? _,_W. R.S. FRANKLIN LODGE, No. 96, A. F. M - Owing to tlie Annual Communica'lon or the Grand Chapter of R. A. M, lu the Masonic IJall, llolmes'a Lyceum, Wentworth street, the Regular Communlca ion of Franklin Lodge. No. 99, A. F. Ja , will be postponed until SATURDAY, tue I; th instant, at -7 o'clock P. M. By order of the W. M. JOHN WINGATE, , ie bu_Secretary. LAFAYETTE ARTILLERY CHARITA? BLE ASSOCIATION.-An Adjourned Meet? ing of the Associ?t! n ? ill be held at our Hall, comer or King and Hasel streets, THU EVENING, at 7 o'clock. Punctual attendance ls requested, as business of great Importance will be broaght up lor consideration. By order. JOHN GONZALEZ. feM4_Secretary L. A. 0. A. GERMAN STEAM FIRE COMPANY. The Anniversary Meeting of your Com? pany will be held at tbe Englne-Honse, THIS AF? TERNOON, at S o'clock pleasely. Election for (juicers for the ensuing year wi 1 take place. All members are requested co be punctual. By order of the President. feb!4_ MAX BELlTZER. Secretary. WABD 4-AT A MEETING OF THIS Ward, held on Tuesday evening, 13th instant, at Military Hall, for the purpose of elect? ing SL\ Delegates to the County Convent lon, lt being impossible to do any business, by a mo? tion the meeting adjourned to meet at 3 o'clock THIS AFTERNOON. ALEX. WILLIAMS, President. R. H. WILLOUGHBY, Secretary._febu-* OFFICE OF THE SOOTH CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY, CHARLESTON, S. C.. JANUARY 31. 1872.-The Annual Meeting er trie Siockboluers of this Com? pany will be held at their office, on WEDNESDAY 2lBt February proximo, ?t-i2 o'clock M. WILLIAM H. PE HON NE AU, Jan31-wA_Secretary. THE VALLEY RIVER MINING COM? PANY OF NORTH CAKOLlN'A.-A Meeting or the stockriders of the Valley River Mining Company or North Carolina will be held on FRI? DAY, the 23d February next, at 12 o'clock M, at the office of Mordecai A Co., East Bay, Charleston, " 0. T. A. WILBUR, Jan24-w5fl_Secretary and Treasurer. ?Jants. ASTED, ATNcT??LADSON COURT; a Washer and Chambermaid. Also a Mau Servant._febl4 2? El VE HUNDRED DOLLARS. OFFERED, free of interest, for a Situation by an ex? perienced young man. .Salary resonabie. Ad drena -Business," Onice DAILY NEW*. febl42? WANTED TO KNOW WHAT B. WHITE intends to do with all the FUR NH URE be li pl;isg up In his Store, No. 83 Uasel street. Answer.-Go there and see lt leaving for all parts of the State. Conclusion.-He rnust stli cueap. febl4-3 WANTED, A HOUSE OF FOUR square rooms, within ten minutes walk of Cliarlestou Hotel. Address, stating location, K-y Box No. 378. _feb 13--? ALADY WISHES A SITUATION AS COPYIST, Ladles' Companion, or Govern? ed. R?f?rences given. Address ?, Pottom ce Key Box, .NO. 86._fe bl 3-2* WANTED, ONE HUNDRED MINERS, at the works o: the Charleston M. mug and Manufacturing Conpany, at Ten-Mile lilli, .-outti carolina Railroad. From $1 60 to $3 per day can be made._febiu-i2? WANTED, A SITUATION TN A Wholesale or Counting-house, by a native of tnls city. Has considerable acqualuiance lu ihe up country, and wau d be willing to travel. Has been tn the grocery and cotton business. Ad . dress R. T. G., NRWS office._Janl7-wfm WAN1ED, TO PURCHASE FOR CASH, a small House ls the central or western part or the ci: v. Address "Q," at this office, stat? ing luca'lon, terms, Ac. _fe08 WANTED, EVERYBODY TO KNOW that the cheapest and best warranted Sewing Machine in the wirket ls the HOMfai SHUT iLt, price $26 and $;*7.. Can be seen at thu Gene? ral Agency, NO. Ol Ha?ei street, oppo.-lte Express canoe. T. L. BIJSELL._Janl-.'-fluio WANTED, EVERYONE TO KNOW that FLETCHER & GURNEY, at the Little Store around the Corner,. No. 93 Market street, have constantly on band a splendid assortment Ol .New York and Uorne?le POULTRY, GAME AND EGGS. Also a line lot of sugar-Cured Hams, Prime Goshen und Family and Conn' ry Batter, Beef ana Pork sausages, Cheese, should? ers, Side.', Lips, t'ellei j, Eggs and Lard. GAME a specialty. Their motto : The Best and Cheap? est. Remember-the Little Store round the Corner. Jan23_ f?QrTC A MONTH, EXPENSES PAID, up O / ZJ Male or female Agents_Horre and nullit lurmahed to sell our UNIVERSAL CEMENT, Combination Tunnel, Button Hoie cutler and other articles. Circulars iree. Address Novelty Company, Saco, Me. novl4-78 Cost an? ionno. L^S^TXP?JRITF^TEEL SPECTA? CLES, In Red Mo. occo case. The finder will oe rewarded by leaving them at No. 237 King street._febi4-t? FIVE DOLLARS REWARD.-STRAYED or s olen fi om No. los fradd street, a seo:ch Terrier Pup; yellowish brown aud about ?.even mon ins ola. Answers to the of Pear. Apply at this ottlce._ieb!3 LOST ON KING, NEAR RADCLIFFE STREET, a Gold Chased Earring, with red ?.une. A rewan * 111 be given by lcavlug lt at No. 621 King street._ieb!8-2? LOST OR STOLEN FROM W. W. McCLOUD, on James Island, un the 20th oi January a Black JbNNY MULE, three years old and sixteen banda high. $:6 dollars reward will be given for the same. lebl3-2* ?For Sale. FOR SALE, SIXTY HEAD KENTUCKY liri ke M UL ns, for Timber and Plantation use, cheap lor cash ur city acceptance. P. WE6T. febl4-4? ,_ FOR SALE, A HOUSE AND LOT ON Suilivan'd Island, eligibly locatea. Apply ut this office._fcbll-i* FANCY FOWLS AND PIGEONS FOR SALE.-20 pairs of choice Wnite Fantails, carriers, KuUlesliiru, Trumpeters, ie.; also Willie Bantams and Game Fowl*. Apply to F. G. MI CHEL, No. 146 dining s reef. febu-wi* MULES ! HORSES i MULES 1 - I have Just received sixty (60) head or uuasESAND MULE', consisting of fine Saddle and Harness Horse?, flue Timber and Turpentine Mules; arno, Dray, Care and Farm Mmes. 1 will be found ut A. Wilson A Co.'n stable, opposite Pavlllun Hotel, corner Wentworth and Meei lug streets, where I will Bill low lor cash, or ou terms lo suit purchasers. cHAa. D. MCCOY. ti ft bl4-10_ LOW-PRICED HORSES.-A FEW LOW PKI?D.D HORDES fur Bale at CP y Raliway stables, corner King and Shepherd streets. feoi2-3_ _ FOR SALE OR RENT, A STORE IN Huyne htreet, running through to Market street. Apply to LBSEsNE A UlLlS, No. 23 Broad st. eet._Janl7-w FOR SALE, FINE CJTTON SEED, very prolific Co ton, and brought $116 per P und this season. Apply to FRASER? DILL. Adger'a North Wharf. Ieb2-fmwl0? MULES AT KENTUCKY MULE LOT, KING STREET.-Well broke Hantatlon aud Timber cirt Mules; low, for cash or city ac? ceptance. R. OAK MAN. _feb 10-8? Ko Sent. TO RENT, THE THREE-STORY BRICK . HuUsE No. 27 Vanderhorst street. Apply at INo. 4 Hudson street. ?ebl4-wtu2? tfnsuuas ?ar?s. E ARLE ? BL YTHE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, GREENVILLE, S. O. ?9- Practice In State and Federal Courts. JW* Special attention given to collecting and Bankruptcy._Jan26-lmo I^URNITURE REPAIRED AND RENO *- TATED NEATLY, PROMPTLY, AND AT MODERATE RATES, By J. L. LUNSFORD, fe?o Smith Street, north or Wentworth. QRAND ll ASQUEE ADE BALL OF THS GERMAN RIFLE CLUB, FEBRUARY 29, 1872, AT TB H ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Tickets or Admission may be obtained from the following Committee: F. Ansel, H. W. Ifollenbaner, F. Kellaer, D. Goetgen, F. Heicz, W. Fischer, D. Nordmeyer, Theo. Melchers and R. laser tel; also from Mr. F. Yon Santen, King, nrar Market streets. febl3,15,20,22,26,27,2S,29 ^CADEMI OF MUSIC. First Appearance In this city of the Undisputed and Regal Queen of English Tragedy, the Great JANAUSCHEE, Supported by her New and Most Brilliant NEW YORK STAR COMPANY. MONDAY, February 19.Mary Stuart. TUESDAY, February 20.Deborah. WEDNESDAY, February 21.Chesney Wold, (An Adaptation or Chas. Dickens's ?Bleak House.) Tn ORS DAT, February 22.Macbeth. Admission $i; Reserved Seats 50c extra: Fami? ly Circle 60c; Gallery 25c. The Sale of Reserved > eats wl'l commence on THURSDAY MORNING, loth Instant, at the Acade my of Music_febl2-0 * Bmospapers. pROSPE CTUS. CHARLESTON DAILY REPUBLICAN. We propose to Issue on MONDAY next the first number of an Afternoon Paper In the City or j Char.estou. This Journal will > e a revival or the Charleston Dally Republican, nuder better auspices, we hope, ac d on a surer basis. We are slad to announce, as an earnest of success, that the enterprise has met with the most cordial as? surances or support from Democrats as well as Republicans. The principles of . his paper will be thoroughly Republican, and we will strive to square Its course with the doctrines of that gr< at party which saved the nation In Its hour or peril, made lt honorable at borne and respected abroad, which bas enlarged the limits of ci vd liberty within our own borders, and furnished Lew Ideas on the subject to the world. We shall strive to illustrate that liberality or sentiment, which believes t>.at men may disagree with regard to public measures, without the ran? cour of bitter hostility; and we will always be ready to extend the largest charity towards opin? ions which we may even deem unwise If only we are convinced that they are honestly entertained. We believe, and will maintain, that the preaent State Administration has contributed largely to the Improvement of all our people-especially of the humbler classes, both white and colored, to whom lt has, by wise and wholesome legislation, afforded an eqnal chance In the race of life, and Bureand just protection in all their rights and privileges. Whild we will not attempt to deprecate the ex? alted qualities of that class which, up to the late revolution, ruled the state-qualities, Indeed, of I which we are Justly proud-yet we cannot con? sent to sacrifice the welfare of the ma's of the people to any individual developmen', however splendid and pre-eminent. We wm contend that the civilization of this state, np to the rise of the Republican party within tts borders, was narrow, excludive an i sei a s ta ; and that lt tended, in equal degrees, to the elevation of a few and to the de? pressen of the many. We hall at present with Joy, and will strive to foster it in the future, the rise of the lower classes of the State, both white and colored, from their long humility n< der evil Institutions to full citizenship and comp ete man? hood. We rejoice In the abolition or slavery as removing a moral stigma from our national char? acter, and lifting an incubus from our industrial pnrsultB. We will spare neither labor nor expense to make the Dally Republican a lively and Instruc? tive aheet, and we will strive to adapt lt to the tastes and necessities of all our people. The Weekly Republican will be Issued every Sat? urday, and will contain, In a 'dicion to the news of the week ano full editorial matter, an abund? ance of well selected light reading, which will make lt aa accept ible companlun In every house? hold m the State. In conclusion, we call upon all liberal, moderate and ml in h teaed men, and especially upon all true Republicans, to lend UJ a prompt and fall sup? port. SUBSCRIPTION RATES BY MAIL. FOR DAILY: Dneyear.$7 00 Six mouths.4 00 Three months.2 00 By carriers lu the city 15 cents per week. FOB WEEKLY: Dne year.$2 00 Mx months. 1 26 ADVERTISING RATES: Business Notices 25 cents per line. special Notices l* cents per line. General Advertising $1 per square (one Inch.) special inducements to those wishing to Adver? tise by Contract. Address, DAILY REPUBLICAN, P. O. Box No. 407, Charleston, s. C. ?3- Office corner Meeting and Market streets, np subs, (at the old stand.)_febl3-5 financial. pLANTERS' AND MECHANICS' BANK OF SOUTH CAROLINA. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. This Bank ls now prepared (by the terms of its imeuded charter) to RECEIVE DEPOSITS In such sums as may be offered, and allow interest upon them at thc rate of six per cent, per annum, the Interest to be added to depo.-lts at stated pe? riods, and thus form a part of the principal, or paid to the depositor, whichever may be pre? ferred. WM. E. HASKELL, )an29-mwi2_Cashier. THE SOUTH CAROLINA LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY. CHARLESTON, January 20,1872. The attention of Depositors in the Savings De? partment of this Company ls particularly Invited to the great safety accompany log the Deposits of Savings made in this Institution. These Deposits are regarded by the Board of Directors as a Special Trust, and are invested only in sound and valuable Seem Rles. In addition to this careful Investment, Deposi? tors have, aa a further security, the Capital of the Company, which ls liable for their Deposits and the lmerest, thereon. Interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, either paid In cash QUARTERLY, or passed to credit and compounded. . F. A. MITOHELL, Jan222mo Cashier. Gr. DrRQB, (?nemicots, S?z. _ x7~IJ~~H N , PHARMACEUTIST, IMPORTER OF FINE CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY AND SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. No. 450 KING STREET, CORNER OF JOHN. Now m Stock of my own Importation, LOW SON ANO HAYDEN'S SOAPS, Tooth Brushes, Carbolic Acid. , Pattev's enid Cream, English Dalby's Carminative, British Oh, Roche's Embrocation and uuiorodyne. AGENT FOB TILDEN A CO.'S SOLID AND FLUID EXTRACTS. Pharmaceutical Preparations, Sugar-coated PIUS, AC. AGENT FOB FORD'S SURG10AL INSTRUMENTS. AGENT FOB SOUTH CAROLINA FOB DB. JEROME KIDDER'S ELECTRO MEDICAL MACHINE AND APPLIANCES, Surgical Instruments and Goods of foreign man? ufacture imported to c rder. My Dispensing Department is complete, em? bracing ail New Remedies. A full assortment of Trusses and Bandages al? ways on hand. PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS compounded with accuracy day or night. Janluwfuily ttegelable (EraUs. QRATES 1 CRATES 1 CRATES I I hereby give notice to all parties In want of VEGETABLE CRATES that i am prepared to get themo.t In large qua. titles, and al would do well o c L and examine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. Orders respectUiily solicited and promptly filled. Lumber ol all if ?> erip no. s ana Plastering La bs constantly ou banu. JOHN U MALLONf-'E, Office and Yard, Horlueck's Wharf", East sid'. Washington street, febl Near Northeastern Railroad., . ?rocmt0, ^iffgors, Ut. g E E D BI 0 E . i 00LD SEED RICE, of good quality, for sale by SHAOKELFOKD A KELLY, ?ebl4 2 Southern Wbarf. W 1 L S O N S G AS ED LIQUORS. Having long Been the necessity of placing a pure and nc adultera ted stimulant before the public, for MEDICINAL PURPOSES, we have de? termined to pack the following favorite brands of J LIQUOR In cases, consisting of one bottle each of PINET, GASTILLON & OO.'S BRANDT, PRIVATE STOCK PORT, "PALE FAMILY" SHERRY, "OLD Y%LYET? BOURBON, JAMAlOA?RUM, "CABINET" OIN, LOCH KATRINE (SCOT.).WHISKEY, Which we win sell at ten ($10) dollars per case. To our friends we will say that we guarantee tfie I pnrlty of the above, iney are endorsed by oar leading Physicians, and are, without any doubt, FIRST-CLASS GOODS. SRND OBDXB8 TO WILSONS*' GROCERY, BOX NO. 383, CHARLESTON, S. 0. 49* No Charge for Delivery, -es. UST RECEIVED AT LINLEYS CHEAP STORE, NO. 190 KINO STREET. 10 FIRKIN'S STRICTLY CHOICE ORANGE 1 COUNTY BUTTER, Which will be sold at the low figure of THIRTY-FIVE CENTS PER POUND, on THREE POUNDS FOR ONE DOLLAR. irmotrjpgs. ?pERROT?PES EXTRAORDINARY I Knowing the want long felt in this city for a FIRST-CLASS FERROTYPE GALLERY, we have elegantly flttel up, with new and costly appara? tus, Ac, the Gallery known as the EAGLE GAL? LERY, In Spear's building, King street, opposite Hasel stree/, and, until further notice, will make Pictures at the following prices, hitherto unheard of m this city, viz: FOUR FOR ONE DOLLAR. EIGHT FOR ONE DOLLAR. SIXTEEN FOR ONE DOLLAR. : THIRTY IWO FOR ONE DOLLAR. Finished In the best style in a few minutes at SO UD ER'S FERROTYPE GALLERY, NO. 266 KING STREET, Over Spear's Jewelry Store, nest to SOUDER'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. Don't forget the number, 265. EAGLE GALLERY. febl2-12 Walton, JcrotirSf &t. B ALL, BLACK & CO., Nos. 606 and 667 BROADWAY, N. T., LARGEST IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN SILVERWARE Precious Stones Bronzes,'Clocks Marble Statuai? Oil Paintings Gas Fixtures, AND ALL KINDS OF FINE JEWELRY At the Lowest Prices. nlyis-lyr j?Biloing jfiqigtioi._ ~ Q JJ m x I'S, (SUCC88SOB TO E. N. RHODIE,) LUMBER AND TIMBER DEALER, WEST END BROAD STREET, CHARLB8T0N, S. 0. On hand, and receiving, a genera) assortment o EOISTO RIYER LUMBER AND TIMBER, IK SIFTS. YELLOW PINE LUMBER AND TIMBER, CUT TO ORDER feb7-lmo AGENT FOB MILLS. WE LIVE AND LEARN, DIE AND FORGET ALL. THE SOUTHERN DYE HOUSE, NO. 359 KING STBKST, Dyes and Cleans by means of steam, Gentle? men^ Ladles aad Children's Clothes. Fine Laces and Lace Curtains cleaned and done np with the Soft or Manufacturers' Finish; Lace and Crape Shawls and Kid Gloves C eaned and Dyed. ?y Goods received and returned by Express. Jun2J-iyr ^ B.LLER, Propnetor. ? &tocmttf fifrgflti, Gt._ ?gOLL. BUTTEE,. SWISS CHEESE, ^ R ECEIVE D PEE RECENT ARRIVALS: 1 barrel choice Fresh NORTHERN F?TTER la rolla io firkins Strictly Choice. Goshen Batter _._ 10 i nbs Choice anti Medium quality Butter l case superior Quality swiss Cheese 1 case Limburger..Cheese. Eidam Cheese, Sa ? Sa? go Cheese, Imitation English Cheese. EuiiUsh Dalry Cheese, Patent Cheese and Mild Factory Cheese, For sal? by N. M. PORTER, No.236 King street, Jebli 1 . Third door above Martel street. Q.OSHEN AND WESTERN BUTTER. Landing and for sale by ADOLPH NIMITZ, febl3-3 _;_No. 208 East Bay, J? ACON, FLOUR, SUGAR, COFFEE, ?C. 25 hhds. Prlme-O. R. SIDES 20 hhds. Prime Shoulders loo boxes D.*8.-Clear Ribs, Long and Short Clears 50 boxes E>. S. Shoulders loo tierces Leaf Lard 200 bbl a. Flour . 50 baa. Sugar . 60 sacka Rio Coffee 100 firkins Choice Butter 60 boxes Factory Cheese. For cale by JEFFORDS A CO., feb!2-6 _Nos. 17 and lg Vendue Hange. Jg AC ON," FLOUR, ?c Choice BACON C. R. AND SHOULDERS, Choice Dry Salt Meats, Flour, Lard, ingar, Cheese, Molasse1?, Soap, Butter, Salt, Barrel Pork, t Fish, Axle Grease, Ac, Ac. Choicest Brands WESTERN 3. C. HAMS, can* vasaed. Also Breakfast Bacon constantly oa hand. We invite purchasers to examine our Stock. MACQUEEN A REECKE, Nos. 21 and 23 Vendue Range . rot s lmotutbs2mos. S E E D BICE. 4000 bushels Gold 1 ORETI RTnv 1000 bushels White J SBB? W0B- , Prepared with great care and remarkably HM Iron volunteer. For ?ale by W. 0. BEE A CO., Adger's Wharf. . feb7-wfm6_ Q OALl COAL! GOAL i ico tons Best SYDNEY COAL, in lots to suit pur? chasers, for sale cheap to close consignment. Apply to HENRY CARD, febs _Accommodation Wharf. ., J^IVERPOOL SALT, , LIVERPOOL SALT, in fln? sacks and good or? der; for sale in lots to snit purchasers. _feb3_ RAVENEL A CO. p RIME EASTERN HAY ? For sale In lots to suit purchasers, per bark Windermere, at Southern Wharf, te bl JOHN H. HOLMES. A CO. gALT! SALT! S'ALTP ii so sacks Liverpool SALT, now landing iron. Bark windermere, for sale cheap from wharf In lott, to suit purchasers. : ?.; Apply to HENRY GARD, febB _Accommodation Wharf. a" ORSFORD'S SELF-RAISING BREAD>. PREPARATION. GANTZ'S SEA FOAM. For sale by W. H. WELCH. - fcbio_ . . M DAVIS'S DIAMOND HAMS, AT 16c KER POUND. , : Extra Sugar-cured PIG HAMS, (nnbagged,) at ISo per pound. Good Sugar-Cured Pig Hams, warranted, at l2A?o per pound. ' ?'. For sale by . . W. H. WELCH, Corner Meeting and Market streets. Goods Delivered Free of charge, i ? . Jj-ORTH CAROLINA CORN WHISKEY. at 412 pei Garton, a Specialty. Guaranteed Pure. ** . WELCH'S GROCERY. Goods delivered free of charge, declP _ JQRIED FIGS, IN DRUMS AND BAS? KETS, at Cost Price, at _ WELCH'S GROCERY. jg??GAR AND MOLASSES. 78 hhds. New Orleans SUGAR 48 hhds. Demerara Sugar . . 146 bbiB. New OrleanB M?lasses. In. store and for sale by O. F. WEITERS,, Jan24 _No. 189 East Bay. ?i' UND U- RANGO I The undersigned has Just re eel ved a supply or the Great South American cancer Remedy, CUN DCRANGO. H. BAER,, JA.19 _No. 181 Meeting street. C?cpartncT6t}ips ano ?tscointion?. MT^EKLE I" IS THIS DAY AD- , ai MITTED a member, of our Firm, to data from the 1st inst<nt, under the Firm name or MCRDAGGU, MATTHE WE-t A CO. feolS-a M?BDAUQH A MATTHEWS. THE STATE OF SOUTH' CAROLINA, CHARLESTON COUNTY.-certificate of Lim? ited Partnership between THEODORE G. BOAG, or tho City of Charleston, in the o nnty and Stae aforesaid,.and ANDREW M. JACKSONS of Augusta, In thu State of Georgia.- - To all whom these Presea ta shall come they are to certify that agreeably to the act of the Gene? ral .assembly, of the State aforesaid, entitled An Act to authorize the formation of Limited Part nenihlpa, passed on the 20th day of December, 1837 ; and another, entitled An Aot to extend the duration of An Act authorizing the formation of Limited Partnerships, passed on the 18th dar. of December. 1848; and another Act extending tho same until repeal* d, passed on tbe20thday of December, 1866, THEODORE G. BOAG, o? the City of Charleston, in the County and State afore? said, and ANDREW M. JACKSON, of Augusta, in the state of Georgia, have formed a Limited Part? nership, as follows: First. The Partnership is to be conducted under the name or firm of THEODORE G. BOAGv I second.. The general nature of the business in? tended to be transacted la that of a General Fao toiage and Commission Bualneas, in the said City of Charleston. Third. ANDREW M JACKSON, residing In the city or Augusta, in the State of Georgia, la the Special Partner, and THEODORIC G. BOAG, re Biding tn the city Charleston and State aforesaid, ls the General Partner. : Fourth. The Bald ANDREW M. JACKSON, the Special Partner, has contributed In cash the full and jase sam or Five 'thousand. Dollars tc the common stock. , - Fifth. Tne said Partnership to commence on the twenty-fourth day of January, 1872. and win terminate OB the first day of January, 1878. ? i In witness whereof the said Partners have hereunto set their bands and seals, at Charleston, this, the twenty-fourth day of January, A. D. 1872. THEO. G. BOAG. II.8.1 A. M. JACKSON, [us.j Signed, sealed and delivered la the presence ot Bj S. DURYEA, E. M. WHITING _Jan25-3a flgjgttl JXot?tts. T~~HE : STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF CHARLESTON-Court of Com? mon Pleas.-C. I?. BUKCKUYEK, Afalanee,, WT G. WH ILDES* A CO.. against S. N. STEVENS-Sum? mons for Money Demand-[Complaint notierted. J To S. N. STEVENS, defendant In thia act',Ofl: TOD. are hereby summoned and n quired to an? swer the complaint in this action, which bas beeb Oled In the office of the Clerk of the Court of Com? mon Pleas for the said County, and to serve a copy of your answer on the subscribers at thelr omoe. No. 21 Broad street, within twenty days after the service of this summons ont you, exclu* elvo of the day of service., .o . ., , ir you fill to answer tn is complaint w thin the time aforesaid, the plaintiff w?l take Judgment against you for the sum of $129.27-100, wllh inter? est at the rate of one per cent, per month, from ist October, 1869-$7126, with interest at the rate of one per cent, per month from 2lst October, 1869, and cos s. Dated February 6,1872. PRESSLEY, LORD A INGLESBT, , Plaintiff's Attorneys. To the Defendant, s. N. STEVENS : Take notice that tue summons lu this action, of which the foregoing ls a copy, was died lb the office of the Clerk or the c< ort of Common Pleas or Charleston Connty, on the ath dav of February A. D. 1812 PRESSLEY, LORD A INGLESBY, feb7-wfl _ Plaintiff's Attorneys. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COL ' LETON COUNTY-By D. H. FARMER, Esq., Probate Judge... whereas, E. CONNOR made suit to me to grant h'm LettersDlsmlssory from the Estate and ef? fects or W.O. GRIFPITH. These are therefore to cltti and admonish all aud singular the kindred anet creditors of the Bald W. G. GRIFFITH, de? ceased, that they be and appear before me. lo the Court of Probate, to be held in. Watten oro', on MONDAY, the 12th day of February, .A. D. 1872, after publication hereof, at ll o'clock in the fore? noon, po show canse, ir any they have, why the said Lofera should not be granted. Given nn ?er my hand and seal, mts 15th day ot January, A. D. 1872". D. H. PARMErt, ? Jaul7-w5 Probate JudgaT