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TERMS OE THE SEWS. TH? DATXT *??W8, ny mau ono year, is; six months $4; taree montas $210, Served in ?nc city at EMWTBKN OXKTS a wees, payable to the car rien, or $s a year, paid in advance at Ute office. Tax TRI-WKS5L7 NITS, published oa Tuesdays, Taara days and Saturdays, one year 14; six montos j 2. ' THI WBKKLY NIWB, one year ir Six copiai io. Ten copies, to one ad ctr ees, $is. StrnoBiFTiONBln all cases payable in advance, and no paper continued arter tne expiraron o: lite time paid fer. NOTICIS or Wanta, To Rent, Lost and Found Boarding, Ac., not exceeding 20 words, 25 centB each insertion; over 20, and not exceeding 30 words, 4Q cents each insertion; over 30, and not exceeding 40 words, 60 cents each Insertion. BSDOTTAMCSS should ne made by Postofflce Money Order or by Express, ir this cannot bc done, protection against losses by mall may be secured by forwarding a draft on charleston pay able to the order of.the. pr opne tors bl TEX Nxws, .rhy sending the money in a registered letter. Address RIORDAN. DAWSON A CO.. Np. 149 East Bay. Charleston, S.O. SATURDAY, FEB RU Ail Y 3, 1872. NEWS OF THE DAT. -Gold closed yesterday at & j. -Cotton closed steady In New York ; up? lands 22| cents ; sales 2269 bales. r-rlM Liverpool cotton closed quiet ; up? lands' li?d, Orleans ll jd ; sales 15,000 bales. . ;T-The Rev. Dr. Peabody, of Cambridge, Massachusetts, preached the annual sermon before the State Legislature at its recent as-1 sembilng hom the text, '-Tuou shalt not steal." -The other evening a genUeman accidental? ly gave a bootblack a five-dollar piece, mistak? ing lt in the dusk for a cent. The boy dis? covered the error at once,, and what did the I Dobie Hi tie fellow do? Quietly put it In bis pocket and say nothing? No, spurred by ai better impulse, he called all his comrades and generous y spent every penny of lt In peanuts j and lemon beer. -?-A singular scene in ihe New York Stock I Exchange ls thus noticed in the Tribune: "So J marked was the absence of orders in the Stock Exchange Saturday that the members of the I board spent much of their Urne In athletic and other amusements, such as running, jumping! sliding upon tho -floor, singing snatches of I mn ike. Only occasionally was. this sort or j spprt ^ an order to buy or sell f something. These'dull days are all well I e Dough, if we do a't have top many of them." I : -A. politico-sent ?mental complication lu Eu-1 xopeaa "high life"- is suggested in the gossipy I announcement that one of the Russian Grand I Dukes, son of the Czar, has rashly fallen In I love with the daughter of the Prussian Gene- j ral Yon A?venBleben, who recently visited St. I Petersburg with her lather. The lady is said j1 to-.?be boUi charming and accomplished-a circumstance which, if marriage be proposed by the Grand Duke and objected to by the Em-1 perorv would only make the matter worse for the love-lorn imperial suitor. I -Heretofore dogs.have been credited with I being in all cas?s the original prop ?gators of hydrophobia, and thousands of innocent j canines have been on this account doomed to j death. But now. there ls said to be a victim of 11 that terrible malady In Chicago who was never II bitten by a dog. He ls a Ger m au, twenty-eight 11 'years of age, named Reiter, and goes into I j spasms and convulsions at the Bight or thought I ? of water.' His paroxysms are described as dreadful, and the doctors can do nothing for ! bim. -An experienced grocer in Kalamazoo, who j ' has watched the manouvres and strategy of j1 rais for many seasons, solves the problem of 1 htfw rate carry eggs up a p?Ir of stairs. He j ' declares'that he has Been a rut go to a basket ot j1 eggs, take one In his paws, roll over on his 11 back-, resting the egg on his abdomen, holding I, lt there by his legs, flap his tall as a signai that I, all was ready, and out would come two other I. rats, seize the first one by the tall, and drag j | him up stairs on his back, egg and all. J -According to Dr. Toner, ihe eminent sta- j Ustician, who has prepared a diagram In re gard to the relative longevity of the sexes, and j1 a curious table, showing the number of children j i born to each i ho us ind women between the j j ag. s of fifteen and fifty, there are but half as j I many children born to the number of women < mentioned now as there were in the year 1800.. , Dr. Toner's table further shows that there has been ? regular decrease of births every decade^ j According to his theory, the depopulation of the world is but a matter of time-say of a lew thousand years. -A. plot of land In London, opposite the Mansion House, the public residence of the lord mayor, ls said to have been recently let I at a ground-rent almost equal to one pound per square, foot per annum, which represents I a capitalized value of about a mi lion and a ball sterling per acre, or seven million five bon dr ed thousand dollars. If In New York, on the leading avenue ol business, Broadway, two hundred thousand dollars be paid lor a city lot twenty five feet by one hundred for I the fee simple, the price is thought high. Six? teen times the area mentioned will be about an acre, and sixteen times the purchase In? stanced will be put three million two hundred thousand dollars-less than hali the value of j . the Mansion House plot. -A manifesto has been Issued by the Count de Cham bord to the French people. The Count claims, as of yore, the "right di? vine," and says: "I shall never abdicate my claim to the throne of France. I shall never forsake the monarchical principle which I have preserved Intact for forty years, and which ls the last hope of France's greatness and libei ties. Cte saris m and anarchy threaten France because her sal - ? vatloD ls sought In personal questions and not in principles. I shall ever uphold the Sag of France and aid in restoring the ancient pres? tige of her armies. Time passes, and allian? ces and reorganization are urgent. The hap? piness of Franco is my only ambition; and I will never consent to become a revolutionist where I am a legitimate King." -A New York paper says: "Stokes rests hie curled head on lace-bordered pillo WP. The odor of bia cell permeates the entire Tombs. He orders in perfumes by the box, and every time the soup and hash for the common crimi? nals ls toted past his door he breaks a bottle Of musk. In a cilmt on-faced dressing gown, embroidered s ippers and silk socks he smokes the Urne away, altogether the gayest blt of a criminal that ever lodged In Murderers' row. I don't think th? man extraordinarily Intelll ; gent. How that unfortunate wife of his must feel at Sandy Hook, oa her return home. When the pilot goes aboard all ihe late papers are eagerly Bought, and, among strangers, her heart-probably filled with dar!: uncertainties, that poor weman will first learn that the father of ber child is in the cell of a murderer. -A New York correspondent, under date of the 27jjUagf5*t^writes: "The coopers' strike ST beginning toSwlousIy embarrass those ;, branches ol business which lt Immediately effects, and, in order to consider the situa? tion, a meeting of merchants and others was held this afternoon, at the Produce Exchange, Mr. W. P. Bensel In the chair. Mr. Ben-1 tel said the coopers were under the in-j flue D ce of the International?, and would neither work themselves nor permit others to work. 'They have threatened to stop the commerce of-New'York If their terms are not acceded to,' but, he add^d, lt 'remains to be Been whether they will succeed or not. He concluded by submitting a series of resolu? tions in favor of memorlalixing the Legisla? ture for an Immediate re-enactment of the con? spiracy law, the repeal of the eight-hour law, and the odious law relating to apprentices; also, that the Chamber o? Commerce and the Builders' Association be requested to unite In the movement. These resolutions were adopt-1 ed, and a committee was appointed to w?lt on the bodies above named. Mr. Hiscox, Gene? ral Bead and others made addresses advocat- j lng the employment o? negroes and Chinese li nothing better could be done. Much impor? tance is attached to this meeting, as the first j formal combination of capitalists and employ? ers against the Trade Unions. If the Chamber of Commerce and the Builders' Exchange act in harmony with it, interesting results may be anticipated. The committee is expected to report in the course of the ensuing week." The Metropolitan Police Bill. This iniquitous bill, in its different forms, has as many lives as a cat It is put care? fully ont of the way, and is thought to be buried where the legislative resurrectionists cannot enter in and steal, when lo ! it leaps to the front again, only the more hideous for ita temporary disappearance. The last state of this bill is worse than its first. As now introduced by Mr. Bowes, the bill appoints three Police Commissioners for the City and County of Charleston, who shall organize a police and detective force, at a cost of seventy-one thousand dollars, the powers of which police shall extend over all parts of the State. The unanswerable ob? jection to this bill, as to all bills of the kind, is that it takes from the persons most inter? ested-the people of the City of Charleston -the regulation or the Municipal Police, and places them, and their lives and prop? erty, at the mercy of any board of. commis? sioners whom the Legislature may appoint, or the black majority outside of the city may choose to elect As we have repeatedly shown, the present manner of appointing and governing the City Police is satisfactory to all the citizens, save two or three dis? reputable office-seekers. The City Council is composed of whites and blacks; so is the police force. The City Council is partly! Conservative and partly Republican ; so is the police force. ?No single complaint has j been made against Council or against the j force. No charge of partiality or injustice is brought against either officers or men. Not one word is said against the present j system, and yet it is proposed to rob the citizens of Charleston of one of their most valued rights-that of regnlating, through their representatives in the Council, the force of police which is responsible for the maintenance of good order in the city. Under the proposed law, the cost of the. police force would be nearly doubled. The bnrden of debt and taxation is already hard to bear, and ic is determined to make it still more oppressive. We must pay Beventy tlve thousand dollars for police, in order that the friends of this and that aspirin* politician may be in a position to put in the right man when the day of election comes. Besides ibis, the Bowen bill leaves the citi? zens of Charleston no more control over the election of the commissioners, who are to rule the Metropolitan Police, than it gives do the people of Ashantee The immense negro majority outside of the city will al? ways swamp the Conservative vote within the city limits. In plain English, the negroes sn the islands and in the parishes aro to Blect the Police Commissioners Tor the City and County of Charleston. What manner of men they will elect the bill itself indicates. Artson, Aaron Logan and Minott are to be the commissioners until the General Elec? tions'in October. The three are colored men. Of Minott and Artson. we know little, irood or bad. But Logan, who is a mem? ber of the Legislature, from Charleston County, is one of the most insolent and ig? norant negroes in the State. His judicial pranks in Christ Church Parish cannot be forgotten. Under cover of bis authority as a trial justice, he dragged respectable citi? zens from their bornes on frivolous charges, and paraded them over the country under the guard of negro constables. It was he who attempted to send a planter to jail for not removing his hat with sufficient speed when he crossed the threshold of the shanty which served Logan os an office. This black Dogberry was the plague and pest of the neighborhood. And, upon two ?occa? sions, he was only saved from triai and conviction by his influence in the coun? ty, which influence the State authorities were not willing to see exerted in opposition to their plans. These three men are to-1 have control of the police until the General Elections, when they will be re-elected. They can so distribute their favors during the six months preceding the election os to make their own nomination and re-election absolutely certain. We say, theo, tbat the new Police Bill is a monstrous wrong-false in principle, and hurtful in detail. It is false in principle; because, without provocation, it gives the regulation of the affairs of Charleston City to the custody of the colored voters of Charleston County, who know nothing of our condition and care nothing for our well? being. It is hurtful in detail; because it in? creases the cost of the police, because it enables the police to be used as an elec? tioneering committee all over the State, and because it gives the direction of the police to three men who represent neither the property nor the intelligence, nor the ' good raith of the County or the City of Charleston. M. THIERS is almost too wary a politician to have made so dangerous a declaration as that imputed to bim in our London tele? grams. If' the statement be true, we may expect lively times in France, for the "Red9" will not give np tbe Republic without a struggle. _ A Hint for a New Tax. A man has been fined five pounds in Eng? land for usiDg a crest to which he was not en? titled. Being out of envelopes, he had bor? rowed two of a neighbor, a solicitor, who rejoiced In armorial bearing*, and the envel? opes being stamped with his crest, this was the Illegal use for which the fine was Imposed. No one can display a coat-of-arms In England without a license, and the luxury of heraldic devices ls expensive. If everybody who uses a crest In America without being entitled to lt were fined twenty-five dollar.?, lt would make a respectable addition lo the revenue. J. nu xs**** The Bear ?nd tfc.e Lion. The vast but quiet movements orVBussia down through Central Asia have at length, is reported, caused the British Government to bestir itseli for the protection of Its Inter? ests in that section. The stealthy manner In which Russia has extended its possessions has prevented much notice outside of those peo-, pies most directly interested. In one cam? paign the past summer, a territory equal In extent to Great Britain itself was added to the the Czar's Empire, with millions of inhabi? tants, and an immense amount of productive soil. This is only one of the many extensions that Russia has been making, absorbing here a Khanate and there a tribe; and as Central Asia ls quite out of the range of usual informa? tion and communication, and the people are thoroughly accustomed to occasional subjuga? tions and changes of allegiance, the progress ol the Colossus of the North has caused Utile notice. The report that the greater portion of the Anglo-Indian army is moving to the North, and that the British Government ls making up dispatches on the subject, indicates that at length the Jealous fears of that nation are aroused as the Bear creeps down toward the quarry already under the Lion's paw. THE Columbia Carolinian ls informed that the debt of the Blue Ridge Railroad Company, which the Ring wanted the State to assume, amounts not to five or six hundred thousand dollars, but to eight hundred thousand dol? lars. _ _ _ THE Columbia Phoenix learns that Messrs. Butler, Chadwick A Gary hare invested five thousand dollars in the stock of the State Agri? cultural Society. {jostlttcr's Sitters. ^FRAUDULENT MIS REPKES ENTA TION?.-Among the pernicious frauds of the pei tod there is one which especially deserves the reprehension of all who place a proper value on health and life. The swindle referred to consls s in the attempts of Irresponsible parties, lu differ? ent sectl: ns of the United Stites, to force upon the market vile astringent compounds manufac? tured out of damaged or worthless drugs and ft ruse liquor, as prepara ions possessing the rare medicinal virtues of the mest popular and effica? cious of all vegetable tonics and alteratives-HOS ! TETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. The concocter! of these "local bitters" are, in thetru.stsence or the phrase, public enemies. Their fiery potions Inflame the stomachs, stupefy the brains and shatter the nerves of those who are unwise enough to accept them as substitutes for the famous Vegetable In vi goran t, that for twenty years has been knowij' throughout the (Vo'tern Hemisphere as a s andard article. The fame of HOSTE TIER'S BITTE RS as a heal h proser ring, vitalizing medicine, ls as wide as the world, and the miserable attempts of ui edy nostrum m ingers to supplant lt would be treated with elient contempt, were it not that s rloas consequences sometimes follow the use of the nefarious compounds In question. Who? ever recommends any of them as remedies for Dyspepsia, Blllousqeaj, Constipation, Intermit? tent Fever, Rheumatism, or any other complaint for which HllBTEtTER'S BITTERS ls a known specific, 1B guilty ol a moral, If cot a legal mlsde m<anor. At this season, when the ennis re? leasing from the earth, ia the form of unwhole? some vapors, tho active principle of disease, a course of HOSIETTER'3 BITTERS will be of the utmost service to persons with feeble constitu? tions._jan29-mwf3DA0 iFinancial. S~^?i~CMWLTNA~^ . , 4ND BONDS WANTED. Apply to .* J. M. SRACKELFORD, feb3--.? Broker. No. 2? Broad streer. JJ0ND3 AND STOCKS. SOUTH CAROLIN V RULHOAD STOCK, Greenville and Columbia Railroad Guaranteed Bonds, Greenville and Columbia Railroad Guaranteed Certificate?, Northeastern Railroad Cet t. fl citas, Spartanbnrg and Uatoi .Railroad Guaranteed Coupons, Wanted by J. H. WILSON, feb3-2_Na: 5 Broad street. JJ ll. DEL EON",'. ! :? . ~: REAL ESTATE, STOCK AND BOND BROKER AND AUCTIONEER, No. 24 BROAD STREET: Speclal attention given to the Sale and Pur? chase of REAL ESTATE, Stocks, Bonds and all kind of S.euri;K-s, at Private sale or Auction. Loans negotla'ed ana advances made on Se? curities placed in my hands for sale. Jan30-tuthsimo *? JgONDS, COUPONS, &c GOVERNMENT, STATE, CITY AND RAILROAD BONDS ANDJCOUPONS Cncnrrent Baak Notes Mutilated Currency ' Gold and silver Land Warrants Dealt regularly In. COLLECTIONS. COLLECTIONS OF DIVIDENDS, COUPONS AND COMMERCIAL PAPER-Sigh: and Time-upon all points In the United States, made upon the most favorable terms, and pro.eeds promptly ac? counted for. 49" All business attended to with fidelity and dispatch, by A. C. KAUFMAN, dec? tuths No. 25 Broad street. THE SOUTH CAROLINA LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY. CHARLESTON, January 20,1872. The attention of Depositors In the Savings De? partment of this Company ls particularly Invited to the great safety accompanying the Deposits of Savings made in thia Institution. These Deposits are regarded by the Board or Directors as a Special Trust, and are Invested only In sound and valuable Seem Rles. In addition to this careful Investment, Deposi? tors have, as a farther security, the Capital or the Company, which ls liable for their Deposits and the interest thereon. Interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum, either paid in cash QUARTERLY, or passed to credit and compounded. F. A. MITCHELL, Jan22-2mo_Cashier. CITIZENS* SAVING ? BANK OF SOUTH CAROLINA. CHARLESTON BRANCH, No. 8 BROAD STREET. All Moneys deposited in this Bank, on or be fore the FIFTH DAT of each calendar month, will draw interest (six per cent ) ror that month aBlf deposited on the first instant. Collections In all parts or the State promptly at tended to, there being Branches of tbla Bank at the most prominent points. D. RAVENEL, JR., jan31-5 Assistant Cashier -Jnroranrt. M ARINE INSURANCE. COASTWISE AND FOREIGN MARINE RISKS taken at reasonable rates In the Oi'IENT MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, o? New Yorfe, and upon lberal terms. HUGER A RAVENEL, Jan27-stuth8f5 No. 8 Broad street. T. V7. STANLAND NAVAL STORES BROKER, MARSHALL'S WHARF, EAST END CALHOUN STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. janll-lmo ?Heetings. DAN LODGE, No, 93, L O. B. B.-A Regalar Heeling will be held ac the asnal tune and plac?. Candi'aien for higher Degrees will please be pnnctaal In attendance. By order or the Presiding < nicer. feb3-?_ASHBR D. COBEN, Secretary. CHARLESTON TYPOGRAPHICAL SO CIETT.-Attend the Regular Meeting of j oar Society, THIS EYSNING, at half past 7 o'clock, at the northeast c:r"cr St. Philip and Be icrain streets. Br order. JAMES BONAN, feb3 _Secretary. VIGILANT STEAM FIRE ENGINE CQM ItmY.-Attend an Extra Meeting of y oar Company Tnn ETBNINO, st 7 o'clock. A full at? tendance ia desired, aa business of Importance will be submitted. By order. E. 0. CHDPEIN, feb3_Secretary. OMET FIRE ENGINE COMPANY. Attend your Resalar Monthly Meeting, at Market Hall, MONDAY EVHNING, at 7 o'clock. Members will come prepared to pay arrears. By order President. G. W. REISER, feb3-2_Secretary. ATTENTION 1 RANDOLPH RIFLE? MEN.-Yon are hereby summoned to attend the Regular Monthly Meeting of j our Com nany on MOND ST EVENING, the 5'h Instant, at Milli ary Hall, at 7 o'clock. Pnnctaal attendance ls re? quested accord! g to mles. By order. ~ W. H. ROBERTSON, feb3-l?_.?_Orderly Sergeant. LADIES' FUEL SOCIETY.-THE REGU? LAR Moniblv Meeting ol the Fuel Society will be held at the Deposltuiy, Chalmers street, on TDB8DAY, the 6th Instant, at 12 M. feb3 sm2 CHARLESTON MECHANIC SOCIETY. The Seventy e ghta Anniversary Meeting or (he C iarle ton Me.h mic Society will oe held at the Md i C nb Hali, ov r M ;s-rs WI s n's Gro? cery, in King s r.-tt, on MONDAY, the 6th Feb n ary, at 12 o'clock M. joisEPH GUY, febl-thsm3_Secretary c. M. S. OFFICE CHARLESTON GASLIGHT COMPANY, JANUARY 24,1872.-The annual Meeting or the Stockh lders or this Company will be held on MONDAY, ihe 5th or February, 1872, at the Hall of the Planters' and Mec ?anles' Back, East Bay, at 12 o'clock M., when a statement of the affairs of the Company will be submitted, and an Election held for Pre- Iden t and Eight Directors to serve for the ensuing year. W. J. HERIOT, secretary and Treasurer. jati 24-11_ THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stockholders of the South Carolina Rali ruad Company aDd of the Southwestern Railroad Bank will oe neld at the Southwestern Railroad Bank, Broad street, on FEBRUARY 13th, proximo, at 11 o'clock A. M. On the following day an election will bc held for Flfieen Directors of the Railroad Company and Thirteen Directors of the Bank. Stockholders will be passtd over tho road, to and from the meeting, free of charge. The proposed Amendment to Article 1, Section 1 of the By-laws, changing the time of the annual meeting, "by striking out February, on second line, and ln-ertlng Apill," will come np for ac? tion at i h's meeting. J. R. EMEKY, jan 13 Brawn secretary. IDants. W^ANTEDr^?^C?MPETEN'f WHITE Nu rs?, willing to go into the country. Apply at No. 14 Meeting street, corner Lightwood alley. ? _reb3-2? ?\k?TANTED, TWENTY LABORERS. VV Apply at Etlwan Works. 0. A. OBJSOLM, Superintendent.._'_feb2-l? WANTED, A GOOD COOK. APPLY in Rutledge avenue, corner or Mill street. ieo3-t?_ WANTED, A RESPONSIBLE PART? NER In an honorable buslnesa al-eady established, and which pays ?ell in inls city, to whom nearly all tba capital necessary will befur nlshed. Best ot reference will be given andre* quired. A 'dress "BuBloess," onice bf THE SEWS , stating where the pany ea-i be seen. fco3-3? WANTED, TWO CIGAR-MAKERS. Apply at No. 17 liny ne street. feb2-2* WANTED TO PURCHASE FOR CASH a Small HOUSE, with six or eight rooms. Address A. B. C., Charleston Postofflce. feb2-2? WANTED, FIVE HUNDRED CORDS of Split Oak. Hickory and Pine Wood. Ap? ply to G. ORGE W. KING, No. 8 Gillon street. feb2-3_ WANTED, A WOMAN TO COOK AND make herseir generally useful. Apply at No. gg Coming street._rebl WANTED, SECOND-HAND FURNI? TURE of e.cry descrlpilon, ror which highest ca-h prices will be paid. Address Po it onice BOX No. 122._ rebi-tus.uwi* TXTANTED, EVERYBODY TO KNOW Tv that the cheapest aud peet warranted Sewing Machine In the market 1B the HOME SHUT? TLE, price $26 and (87. Can be seen at the Gene? ral Agency, No. 61 Uasel street, oppo tte Express Office. T. L. BI^SELL._Janl2-6mo WANTED, EVERYONE TO KNOW that FLETCHER A GURNEY,-at the Little Store around the Corner, No. 93 Muket meet, have constantly on hand a splendid assortment of >ew York and Domestic PODLTRY, OAME AND EGGS. Also a One "lot of Sugar-Cured Hams, Prime Goehen and Family and Conn; ry Butter, Beef and Pork Sausages, Cheese, should? ers, Sides Dips, Celle; j, Eggs and Lard. GAME a specialty. Their mutto : The Best and cheap? est. Remember-ihe Little Store round the Corner. Jan23 *q7K A MONTH, EXPENSES PAID, Wt) i t) Male or Female Agents.-Uor.-e and uuint furnished to sell our UNIVERSAL CEMENT, Combination Tunnel, Button Hole Cutter and other articles, circulars iree. Address Novelty company, Saco, Me. novu-T8 ?ost ano ionn?. LOST, A GOLD BRACELET. A LIBE? RAL Reward will be paid by leaving the Burne, ir found, at this office, or No. 45 Broad street. . feb8-lr ifor Sal*. FOR SALE, A FIFTEEN-HORSE STA? TIONARY ENGIN", In perfect order. Ap ply to ROBERT G. ClilSOLM, OhlSOlm'S Mill. Itb3-l_ FOR SALE, A FINE OPEN BUGGY and a Set of No. 1 Harness, Chapeau A H ffron make, and very little used. Win be sold low. Apply at No. 88 Meeting stree', next to Mills House._feb3-stuth3? MULES.-TWO CAR LOADS OF KEN? TUCKY MULES, JuBt arrived, at K entucky Mule Lot, King B rc et, for cash or city acceptance. R. OAKMaN. _Jan31-4? FOR SALE, A FINE ROSEWOOD PIANO, one Melodeon one Sewing Machine, by R. M. MARSHALL & BRO., Brokera, No. 33 Broail street._Jap3i-wfs3 FOR SALE OR TO RENT, A SI ORE AND DWELLING, at Branchville, S. C. in? quire of D. LOEB, No. 6 Liberty street, Charles? ton, f. C. t febl-ihstu?* FOR SALE, A BARGAIN-THE SUB STAN TI AL BRICK GHDRCH BUILDING, corner Hasel and Anson streets, orfereu low ir applied for immediately, at c. VOIGT, Chairman Vestry, No. 86 Market street._JanI0-ws7 FOR SALE AT BONNE AU'S DEPOT. Northeastern Railroad, two well-finished BUILDINGS, suitable for a country store, and residence attached. Also a SHED eighty feet long, by twenty-eight feet wide, tue upper part floored, lined ann sashed. Apply to JOHN C. MALLONEE, Office and Yard Hoilbeck's Wharf, Washington street, east tide Northeisiern Rail road._ _Jan27-stath FOR SALE. AT MY STORE, No. 229 Klug street, a lot ol beautiful Japanese LACQUER WORK, just received on consignment, di rec t from Japan, some of the specimens are or the highest order of Japanese art, and far su? perior to any goods of this description hereto? fore offered in this city. F. VON SANTEN. next dour to Academy of M?sle._Jan20-s HORSES AND MULES, ALSO SOME Une Saddle Ponies, for sal? at low rates, at HOGAN A- HORIS'S Stables, Northwest corner King and Spring streets. Jan2t>-6* (E?ncationai. KING'S MOUNTAIN MILITARY SCHOOL. YORK VILLE, S. C.-The first session of the schoal year, 187A will begin on the 1st of February, anil ead on the 30th of Jane. TERMS.-For School expenses, 1. e., Tuition, Board, Washing, Fuel, Lights, Books, Stationery, Ac, $135, payable la advance Circulars contain mg lull lnfirmation may he obtained upo 1 apph catlou to COLONEL A. COWARD, dec9-8tnth2moa Principal and Proprietor. J^/JOUNT Z ION SCHOOL, WliNNSBORO?, S. C. The Spring Session opens Monday, January 29,1872. The course of instruction affords thor? ough preparation for any department if univer? sity study or for business life. The Virginia Military Institute has recently conferred upon this Scncol an Annual Prize Scholarship, cover? ing the entire cours! in that institution. . Address M. M. FA URO W, Jan9tuthslmo Principal amaefments. ^CADEJ?T OP MUSIC NOTICE.-The public ia respectfully Informed that in compliance with nnmeroos requests, THE THEODORE THOMAS GRAND CONCERT ORGANIZATION OF SIXTY,DISTINGUISHED PERFORMERS, will Give a GRAND EXTRA MATINEE, ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 3D, at 2 o'clock: on which occasion a New and Bril? liant Programme will be presented. Admission ONE DOLLAR. Children hali price. 43-No extra charge for reserved seats. Seats can now be secured at the Box Office ol the Academy. The Grand Pianos used are from the celebrated Manufactory of Steinway A Sons. a^-Doors open at 1 o'clock. To commence at 2. feb2 OA DEMY OF MUSIC. THEODORE THOMAS'S UNEQUALLED CONOR RT ORGANIZVTTON OF SIXTY DISTINGUISHED P dB FORMERS, Pronounced by tue entire Press the largest and most perfect Concert Troupe which has ever un? dertaken a tour either lu this country or in Europe, will give TWO MORE GRAND CONCERTS ! FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 2d. S?TURDA Y EVENING, FEBRUARY 3d. The following celebrated soloists will appear, Miss MARIE KREBS, The young and brilliant Planiste. Mr. BERNHARD LISTEMANN, Violin. Mr. LOUIS SCHREIBER, Gorne:-a-Pl8ton. Signor LUIGI ROCCO, Harp. Together with the UNRIVALLED ORCHESTRA OF OVER FIFTY PERFORMERS. Reserved Seats In Orchestra and Dress Cir? cle.$1 60 Admission. 1 00 Family circle. 76 Gallery. 50 Private Boxes.$10 and $16. mw SPECIAL NOTICE TO TBE PUBLIC-Tho S rtet ?ars will be n wal In ; after the Concert as follows: The Klog street line at Meeting and Manet, and the Rutlecge avenue line corner of Wentworth and King. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, GRAND MATINEE Doo? open at quarter past 7. To commence at 8 O'clock? * Th ' Grand Pianos used are from the celebrated manufactory of Steinway A Sons. :Jan36-9 ^CADEM? OF MUSICS FOR SIX NIGHTS, A?D ONE MATINEE. The Renowned and Popular " WYNDHAM COMEDY COMPANY. In their Unrivalled Performances of *' ELEGANT' MODERN COMEDY! Pronounced by all who have w.tnessed them THE PERFECTION OF ACTING. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6th, Robertson's Exquisite Domestic Comedy, CASTE! AB Performed Entirely and Perfectly ONLY BY THIS COMPANY. Box Sheet now op n. feb: B LIND TOM CONCERTS T AT HIBERNIAN HALL, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATUBDAT, EVENINGS. January 31, February 1,2 and 3. The Celebrated Negro Boy Pianist, BLIND TOM, The Great Musical Prodigy of the age, and most Marvellous Musical Genius living. Before he ls withdrawn permanently from be? fore the public, rt ls a duty you owe to yourself to see and bear this great, lncomprehensloie wonder, of the nineteenth century. Admission 50c.; Reserved Seats 75c. Doors open at 7 o'clock; Concert to commence at 8. Reserv? ed Seat Tickets for Bale at HOLMES'S Book Store. jan29-6_ HE FOURTH ANNUAL GRAND MASQUERADE OP TUE GERMANIA BUND, Wi l be-given at THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, MONDAT, FEBRUARY 5, 1872. %. Tickets or Admission ONE DOLLAR. Tickets can be had or the following Committee: J. F. LILIENTHAL, Nos. 12 and 14 Market street. J. H. OETJEN, F. W. MtiYER, corner Meeting and Ca'.honn streetB. " JACOB KNOBELOCH, Noa 143 and 145 East Bay. G. C. S CH M ETZ KR, Ja, No. 394 King street. F. D. C. KRACKE, Ju, corner Rutledge and Donghty^streets. H. W. TJDEMANN, C. H. on EN*, coruer Qaeen and East Bay. W.E.KLEIN. ' The Committee may unmask any one, ll BO dis? posed. No one s llowe? to leave the Hall masked. Tickets lor sale at F. VON SANTEN'S, No. 229 Ktngstreet, next dcor to the Academy of Music; at W. KNOBELOCH'S, No. 467 King street, and at the King Wilhelm Cigar Store, and at D. FITZ GIBBON'S, corner King and Cannon streets. No Tickets sold at the door. Janll-tbstu7tuw2febl,2,3,6 ?)rna9, (Ctjemicais, &t. ?rT J. L U ~BT~TT PHARMACEUTIST, IMPORTER OF FINS CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY AND SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. No. 450 KING STREET, CORNER OF JOHN. Now in Stock of my own Importation, LOW SON AND HAYDEN'S SOAPS, Tooth Brashes, Carbolic Acid, Pat tey's Cold cream, English Dalby'B Carminative, British Oil, Roche's Embrocation and chiorodyne. AGENT FOR TILDEN A CO.'S SOLID AND FLUID EXTRACTS, Pharmaceutical Preparations, Sngar-coated ' PIUS, Ac. AGENT FOR FORD'S SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. AGENT FOR 80ITH CAROLINA FOR DR. JEROME KIDDER'S ELECTRO MEDICAL MACHINE AND APPLIANCES, surgical Instruments and Goods of foreign man? ufacture Imported to order. My Dispensing Department is complete, em? bracing ail New Remedies. . A full assortment of Trusses and Bandages al? ways on hand. PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS compounded with accuracy day or night. janiowfmly GTiqars, Sobacto, Stt. ?1 MARLESTON WHOLESALE AND RE? TAIL MANUFACTURING CIGAR AND TOBACCO HOUSE, No. 810 Koro STREET, THBBE DOORS SOUTH OF SOCIETY STREET. MEERSCHAUM PIPES a specialty, therefore can sell at prices to surprise you. Suitable for Christmas Presents. ALSO, An extensive and complete assortment of. all articles in his line ef business ls kept constantly on hand, giving a facility of tilling, without de? lay, all orders extended to him, accompanied with cash; or draft on responsible houses In the city. Purchasers are requested to examine his perfect Stock before trading elsewhere. WILLIAM SCHRODER, Proprietor of Emperor William Cigar Store. novl w LIVE AND LEARN, DYE AND FORGET ALL. THE SOUTHERN DYS HOUSE, NO. 359 KINO STREET, Dyes and Cleans, by means of steam, Genna men's, Ladles' and Children's Clothes. Fin? Laces and Lace Curtains: cleaned and done up with the Soft or Manufacturera' Finish; Lact and Crape Shawls and Kid Ole vea Cleaned and Dyed. . .j tar Goods received and returned by Express. Jon23-iyr L BILLER,.Proprietor. , MtotetieB, tiquoxs, &t. pATAPSCO HAMS. 16" tierces Choi ce S. 0. Patap: co BAHS. Landlog per Falcon, and for sale bj PAUL B. LALANE A CO., feb3-stnih3_No. 17? East Bay. jpISH ROES! P.SH ROES I To close consignment of the above we will sell, m lots of 10 dozen and upward, at low rates. SHACKELFORD A KELLY, feb31_ Southern Wharf. -yERY PRIME SEED RICE. looo bushels very Prime SEED RICE, very pore, and lree of red. Apply to J. R. PRINGLE A SON, jan27-stuth No. 6 Adger's North Wharf. I L S O N S' CAS ED LIQUORS. Having long seen the necessity of placing a pore and nt adulterated stimulant before (be public, for MEDICINAL PURPOSES, -we have de? termined to pack the following favorite brands of LIQUOR In cases, consisting of one bottle each of PISET, CASTILLON A CO.'S BRANDY, PRIVATE STOCK PORT, "PALE FAMILY? SHERRY, "OLD YELYET" BOURBON, JAMAICA RUM, " CABINET " GIN, LOCH KATRINE (SCOT.) WHISKEY, Which we will sell at ten ($10) dollars per case. To our friends we wm say that we guarantee the purity of the above, They are endorsed by onr leading Physicians, and are, without any doubt, FIRST-CLASS GOODS. SEND ORDERS TO WILSONS' GROCERY, BOX No. 383, CHARLESTON, S. C. No Charge for Del,very. -Qt rj7HE GREAT GROCERY DEPOT, NO. 190KING STREET. - . LINLEY'3 CHEAP STORE, NO. 190 KING STREET. THE GREAT CROCKERY DEPOT, NO. 190 KING STREET. THE GREAT GLASSWARE DEPOT, No. 190 KING STREET. THE GREAT FRENCH CHINA-DEPOT. No. 190 KING STREET. THE GREAT TOY AND FANCY GOODS ? DEPOT, NO. 190 KING STREET. LINLEY'S CHEAP SIOBE, No. 190 KING STREET. THE GREAT HOUSE-FURNISHING DEPOT, No. 190 KINO STREET. NOTICE.-The Business heretofore condaeted at No. 388 Kitg street will oe discontinued on the 16th of JANUARY, 1872, and the undersigned will be pleased to see his customers at the NEW STORE, No. 190 King street, J03N W. LINLEY. ??3al Notices. XfOTICE.- ALL PERSONS HAVING Ll claims against the Estate of the late WM. I B. SEABROOK, of James Island, win present them, duly attested, and all persons Indebted there'o will make payment to MeEsrs. CHAMBER? LAIN A SEABROOK, Attorneys, at their office In the Courthouse, In Charleston, on or before the 6th day ol February, A. D. 1872. ?LIZABETH MAY SEABROOK, Jan24 ws4_Administratrix. ESTATE JAMES L. LEGARE, DE-" CEASED.-Received January 26th, 1872, from Thomas Jones Legare, on hts application for Administration. Twenty-Five Dollars, expenses preparing and Hiing Petition, Ordere, Oaths, Cita? tions, printing Bond and Sureties, Qualifyi g Ad? ministrator, Administration Papers, -Recording Certifying and Stamp Luty on proceedings. ($25.) GEORGE BUIST, Jan27-law3?_Probate Judge. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF CHARLESTON-Court of Cora mon Pieas.-ROBERT DOUGLASS and ERl H. JACKSON, partners, doing business nnder the name of DOUGLASS A JACKSON, Plaintiffs, against EDWARD R. MORRIS, Defendant To ED WARD .K. MORRIE, Defendant In this action : You are hereby- summoned to answer the complaint in tuts action, which ls filed in the office of the Clerk of the court of Common Pleas, for the said Connty, and to serve a copy of your answer on the sublet Iber at bis office, No. 40 Broad street, Cbarlestun, 8. C., within twenty days after the service of this sommons, exclusive or the day of service. If yon fall to answer this complaint within the time a oreaaid, the piclnturs will take jadgment against you for the sum of eight hundred and thirty-one 88-100 dollars, with Interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum, from the fifth day of December, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one, and costs. THOMAS M HANCKEL, Plaintiffs' Attorney. Dated December 2d, 187" A. c. RICHMOND, a a P. To EDWARD R~ MORRIS :. Take notice that the summon s In this action, of which the foregoing is a copy, was filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common P.eas, for the County of | Charleston, at charleston, In the State of South Carolina, on the fourth day of December. A. D., 1871. THOMAS M. HANCKEL, dec30-86_Plaintiffs' Attorney. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA CHARLESTON COUNTY_Court of Common Pleas.-JOHN 'HANOKEL and EDWIN D. EN* J3TON, Plaintiffs, against EDWARD R. MORRIS, Defendant. T> EDWARD R. MORRIS, Defendant in this action : Yon are hereby summoned to answer the complaint In this action, which ls filed in the or '?ce of the Clerk of th?Opurt of Common Pleas, for the said County, ancrTo serve a copy of your answer ou the subscribers, at his office, No: 40 Broad street, Charleston, S.O., wlttin twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, jr jiu falito answer this complaint within the time herein specified, the Plaintiffs wm take Judgment against yon for the Bum of two thousand ave hundred and fifty-one 95-100 dollars, with interest at the rate of seven per cent, per annum, from the thirtieth day of November,, one thousand eight hundred and seventy, and COB a. THOMAS M. HANCKEL, Plain lffs' Attorney. Dated December 2d, 1871. A. C. RICHMOND, C. C. P. To EDWARD R- MORRIS : Take notice that the summons in this sctlon, of which the foregoing ts a copy, was filed In the office of the Clerk af the coure of Common Meas, for the Connty of charleston, at Charleston, In the State of South Carollaa, on the fourth day of December, A. D., 1S7I. THOMAS M. HANCKEL. dtc30-s6 Plaintiffs' Attorney. ?roctr?fl, IvflOXB, Sf t. HB?C O N. ? 20 b nd a. Cho'ce Baltimore Smoked O. R. SIDES 36 hlids. choice Western Smoked ?. R. Sides 20 boxes i holce Western D. s. C. R, Sides 20 boxes Choice Ballimore D. S. Shoulders. Fer sale byDENBY COBLA ? CO. rew-i jg ACON, LA ED, POTATOES, Ac 60 fi nd?. Choice Western 0. B. SIDES AND SHOULDERS. 2? tierces of Davis's and Beanrrass Hams, sa boxes Bulk Mams,Sld?s and Shoulders. 60 cases containing assorted packages or Lear Lard. looo bois. Fotatoe8 and Onions, assorted qualities* looo sacks I lverpooLSalt. 26 hhds. Dry New .Orleans Sugars, Ac, Ac In store and for sale by feb8-l BERNARD O'NEILL, East Bay. ?J^IVERPOOL SALT. LIVERPOOL SALT, io fine sacks and good or? der, for Bale lu lots to suit purchasers ? reba_RAVBNBL A CO. p KIM E EASTERN HAT. For sale in lots to suit purchasers, per bark. Windermere, at Southern Wharf, febl JOHN H. HOLMES A CO. B UTTER! BUTTES! 160 kegs Choice GOSHEN BUTTER, landing'MUM? in Store, and for sale by JEFFORDS A CO., fcbl-6 Nos. 17 and lg Vendue Ran ge. _ DAVIS'S DIAMOND HAMS, AT 16c FER. POUND. Extra sugar-Cored PIG HAMS, (unbagged,) at 16o per pound. Good sugar-Cured Pig Haais, warranted, at 12>io per pound. For sale by .W. H. WELCH, Corner Meeting and Market streets, goods Delivered Free of charge._^ ?JHOICE SMOKED TONGUES, AT b*\ CENTS EACH. Soused PIGS FEET, at : WELCH'S GROCERY. JURIED FIGS, IN DRUMS AND BAS* KETS, at Cost Price, at _WELCH'S GROCERY. J^ORTH CAROLINA CORN WHISKEY.. at $2 per Gall?n, ? Specialty/ Guaranteed Pure? at WELCH'S GROCERY. Goods delivered free of change. deo? C U N D ?B A H G O 1 The undersigned has just received a supply of the Great South American Cancer Remedy, CUN ? UR A NGO. H. BAER, I?al9 ._No. 181 Meeting street gUGAR AND MOLASSES. 78 hhds. New Orleans SUGAR 48 hhds. Demorara Sugar 146 bbls. New Orle J D9 Molasses. In stote and*for sale by o. F. WEITERS, Jin24 ? ? ? ; . ?.? . Ka 189 Bast Bay; - QOGNAG ?ND LA ROCHELLE BRAN? DY, IN U. S. BONDED STORES. A TOBIAS' SONS, No. 110 EAST BAY, Oller for sale from U. S. Bonded War ehouse, Choice COGNAC and LA ROCHELLE BRANDY, vanouB vintages, in ' Quarter casks FtfUt casks Eighth caska AND . Cases or one dosen btttlea each. maya?_. j ;. . . ?'? . ^ ^DAMANTINE CANDLES. A. TOBIAS' SONS, Agents for Superior Branda ADAMANTINE CANDLES, offer forsale 16,14 and 12 ounces, In whole and half boxes. t-U xi i_' A. TOBIAS'SON&. , QHOIOE WHITE JELLING CORN AND FLOUR, LANDING THIS DAY. MORDECAI A CO., No. HO Ha??- Bay,, offer for sale invoices Choice White MILLING CORN and Extra FLOUR, landing this day. angMao JJARMONY'S SHERRY WINE.' ^a. A. TOBIAS' SONS, No. no East Bay. offer jB* sale an Invoice or Choice HARMONY'S PflF SHERRY WINE. A. TOBIAS' SONST? 'rn . ang8-emo_ .? - ?? ? QHOICE HAVANA CIGARS. MORDECAI A CO., No. 110 East Bay, Offer for sale an invoice of Choice HAVANA. CIGARS, direct from Factory in Havan?. augs-emo JgjNGLISH PORTER AND ALE. J A. TOBIAS'SONS, Agents of Messrs. Edward A George Hlbber;, of London, offer for Bale Hlb bert's PORTER and Bass's PALE ALK-pinta and quarts. augs-omo . GtopartneMlnjis ano ?iBBoln?Um?. D^SOLUTIOTOF CO-PABTNEBSHIP. *> The erm bf JNO. 8. FAlrtLY A CO. was dis- ^ solved on the 81st of December, 1871, by 1t-? own. limitation. JNO. S. FAIRLY ls aloa ?tborized to sign in liquidation. JOHN S. FAIRLY. RUTLEDGE WILSON, H. M. HAIG. I The undersigned having purchased the in forests of BC I'LL DOE. WILSON and H. M. HAIG in t he late firm or JOHN S. FAIRLY A CO., will con? tinue the Fancy and Millluery Goods buslnesa under the same firm name, to date from Jan? uary 1,1873. JOHN 3. FAIRLY, feb3-stutn3 >_WM. MCBURNEY. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS TB IS DAT associated with him Mr. ARTHUR FL LOCKE, for the transaction of a general Commission Busi? ness, under.the firm name of JOHN H. HOLMES A CO. JOHN H. HOLMES. - Southern Wharf. Charleston, S. 0., February 1, 1872. febl-thatn3_ THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA CHARLESTON COUNTY.-Certificate of Lim? ited Partnership between THEODORE G. BOAG., or the City, or Charleston, in the u nntj and 4 Sta e aforesaid, and ANDREW M. JACKSON, of Augusta, ia the State of Georgia. To all whom these Presents shall come they ara to certify that agreeably to the act of the Gene* ral Assembly, or the State aforesaid, entitled An Act to authorize thejormitlon of Limited Part? nerships, passed on thu 20th day of December. 1837; and another, entitled An Act to extend tte duration of An Act authorizing the formation of Limited Partnerships, passed on the 18th day of December. 1846; and another Act extending tho same until repealed, passed on the 20th day of December, 1866, THEODORE G. BOAG, of the city of Charleston, In the County and State afore? said, and ANDREW ht JACKSON, or Angosta, ia tue state of Georgia, have formed a Limited I'jgfcjtv nersalp, as follows: 9r5$ First. The Partnership ts to be conducted unTer 1 the name or Him of THEODORE G. BOAG. Second. The general nature of the business uv - tended to be transacted is that or a General Fac? to: age and Commission Business, ia the said City or Charleston. Third. ANDREW M. JACKSON, residing In the city or Augusta, In th a State of Georgia, li the Special Pagner, and THE ODO RH G. li GAG, re? siding lu tlfe city Charleston and State aforesaid, is the General Partner.... * . . Fourth. The said ANDREW V. JACKSON, the Special Partner, has contributed lu cash tue rall and just sum of Five 'xhousand Dollars to the common stock. r Fifth. The said Partnership io commence on the twenty-fourth day or January, 1872. and will terminate on the first day or January, 1878. In witness whereof the said Partners have hereunto set their bands and seals, at Charleston, this, the twenty-fourth day of January, A. D. 1872. THEO. G. BOAG. TL.B.} A. M. JACKSON. [L.8.1 # Signed, sealed and delivered lu ihe presence ot B. S. DURYEA, E. M. wHmso. Jan26-30 fajgetablii Crates. ?RATES 1 CRATES ? CRATES 1 I hereby give notice to all parties in want of VEGETABLE CRATES that I. am prepared to get them oat in large' quantities, and a:l would do wellto cai and examine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. Orders respect fully solicited and tromptly nTIe<T. Lumber of all detcrlpuo-s and Plastering La'ha constantly on hand. JOHN tl' MOLLONEE, Office and Yard, Elorlbeck's Wharf, East sid- Washing ton street, febl Near Northeastern Railroad. T?TIL LI ? M PER GU S O N,* FLORIST AND GARDENER, SPRIGS STREBT NSAB RCTLIDOB. - . A choice assortment of ORNAMENTAL TREES, Roses, Shrubs, Fruit Tree?, Bouquets, Camellas, Flowers, Greenhouse Plants, Ac. . Catalogues can be got on the premises. * Jan24-36 M