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(f IT Y AFFAIRS. .lit ct In gs ThliDay. Palmetto Guard Rifle Club, at half-past P. M. SutntOT Social Club, at 7 P. M. Auction Sales TM* day. Jtilch & Bruns will sell at ll o'clock, at the old Posloflice, real estate. R. M. Marshall & Bro. will sell at ll o'clock, at the east end of Broad street, real estate. J. Drayton Ford will sell at ll o'clock, at the old Posloflice, real estate. Lnurey & Alexander will sell at ll o'clock, in the Bonded Warehouse, Eliott street, dam? aged cotton lies, Ac. Henry Cobla & C>. wiil sell at half-past 9 o'clock, at their store, butter, sugar, &c. John G. Milnor & Co. will sell at half past 10 o'clock, at their store, doth caps, ladies' cloaks, Ac. T. M. Cater will sell at half-past 9 o'clock, at his store, butter, lard, Ac. PERSONAI_R C. LogaD, E-q., editor an1 proprietor of the Klngstree S'ar. is in the city. _ _ THE SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN has suspended publication-temporarily, it is hoped. Cause financial pressure. EUROA OF THE TYPES.-In our account yes? terday Et the celebration of Mr. Bergmann's school the types played Ead havoc with the name of Master C. H. Pau*s- one or the pupils who won marked distinction on that occasion. GERMAN ENTERTAINMENTS.-The Freunds cbaftsbund will have an. entertainment at their hall on Monday evening. The Bruderlicherbund will also hav? one on Thursday evenlDg next. R COLD STEEL.-On Tuesday morning a collis llon occurre d near the Pavilion Circus, on the Citadel Gr^en, between a white boy and a col? ored boy. Bol h parties drew their knives, and wc uki no doubt have made mince meat of each other, bad not the watchful Clubs and Stars intervened and escorted them to tbeGuard? house. They were brcught before the Mayer yesterday mornlrg, and the case was referred to a irial justice for investigation. INQUEST_Coroner Taft held an lnqnest yes? terday afternoon over the body o? a co'ored boy named Jerry White, who had died sud elenly that morning in (he hospital of the jail. The prisoner was serving out his term under sentence from a trial justice, before whom he had been convicled of larceny. The jury, after hearing the evidence of the physician, found that the deceased caine, to his death from "phthisis pulmonal!?," commonly known as consumption. THE^ORPHANS' CHRISTMAS TREE.-The in? mates iff the Confederate Widows'Home, to gelbeiwith a large number of their friends, were made happy cn Tuesday evening by the festival of a Christmas tree. It was beautifully dressed and decked with tapers ?url presents lor the children. Aft? r the gilts had been dis? tributed, the company, including the inmates, sat down to a well filled toard in the dining room of the institution, and closed their festl t irai-tn discussing the oainlles spread before them. ANOTHER KEROSENE EXPLOSION.-A little before nine o'clcck last evening a kerosene lAp exploded at the house of a colored wc -Lamed Harriet Donga?, in Archdale street, oppQblie West, by which her s tin was seriously burned. The young man, about twenty-one years old, WSB sining alone near the table, when the lamp upon it exploded with a report like a gun. Ha. was covered with ihe burning oil, and had it not been for the aid which the noise of the explosion and ihe screams of the other inmates of the house drew to the scene, he would probably have been burned to death on the spot. Tbe flames were extinguished at once, and the sufferer escaped with bad burns upon bis hands and face. They are pilnful, but not supposed to be fatal. CHRISTMAS TRIE AT SCHOOL.-Some weeks men. who had the cau*e of the poo?T!WP>art, determined to establish a Mission Sunday Scbon at the Mariners* Church, In the lower " part of the city, for tue exclusive benefit ol the poorer classes who were deprived of other instruction. The school bas been in opera? tion bat a short time, bat has already prove J a gratifying success. It now cumbers nearly fifty scholars, who evince an increasing inter esv It was determined that the merry Christ? mas time should not pass without the echool having their Christmas tree. Mr. J. B. War? ren, the 8uperinlcndi-tt, undertook this pleas lng task, and the school was assembled last night at the Bethel Church to enjoy the sight of the tree, and receive the gifts that hung from the branches. A screen obscured ihe vitw until the arraDgemems were completed, when lt was removed, and the tree exposed with its spreading bianciies and tempting m fr? r After a short address by the superin? tendent the children sung "Shall we gather at the River," and other hymn? The tree was then illuminated and the gifts distributed to the children, who*e names corresponded with the numbers affixed. Among the glfis 1?re comfortable articles of dress, and the en k collection happily combined the useful ra the ornamenial. After the distribution the children sang another hymn, and were dis? missed with a few remarks from the Rev. W. B. Yates, and carried with them a happy re? collection ol their first Christmas tree, and an antiei: a ion of another next year. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Angular meeting of the Chamber wa* held' lost evening, Presld.-nt S. Y. Tupper In the chair. Tne report ot the committee upon proposed amendments to the constitution was adopted. An appropriation was made for the erection ol a memorial of Hie late president ol' the Chamber, Mr. Robert Mure. The following gentlemen were elected iuc:r ber3 of the Chamber: Messrs. J. N. R ?bson, H. H. Raymond, Dr. Lunn, V. J. Tobias and E. Perry. The resignation of Colonel L. W. 8pratt was accepted. Mr. C. F. Hanckel read a highly interesting paper in relation to the condition of the rice inter?s', and the proposed reduction of the Import duty on rice. After a discussion, in which the liveliest consideration for the welfare of the rice plant? ers was expressed, the whole matter was re? ferred, on motion of Captain W, A. Kelly, to a special committee of five, with Instructions to consider the question ot memorializing Con? gres?, and report to the Chamber. The chair appointed Messrs. W. C. Bee, C. F. Hanckel, W. A. Kelly, E. H. Frost and Wm. Lebby. Mr. Cameron submitted a memorial in re? lation to the estab'i?hment cf a National Ex? chequer of the United States, with a capital ol $100,000.000. The matter wa?, on motion, re? ferred to a committee of five, to report at a special meeting. The chair appointed Messrs. Georke S. Cameron, Wm. M Lawton, C. F. Handel, George A. Trenholm and William Ravecel. AMUSEMENTS. The First Moulton Concert To-Night. The first Moulton concert takes place to? night, when the lair lady who charmed Ros? sini and took New York by storm will make her appearance before a Charleston audience. It is not often that beauty and vocalism meet, and when they do the public are prompt to place the posesor upon a high pedestal In the temple of fame. Of Mts. Moulton the New York Woild says: Mrs. Moulton's method is quite a? admirable as her voice. For exactness of execution we must accord her unusual praise. For chaste brilliancy and voluble eas-* In the use of all the ornaments of her art che must take rank with the most gifted cantatrice of our time. Her shake is as clear and rapid as a bird's trill, and she commands every gradation of force willi easy mastery, while her pianissimo notes are shaded to the most delicate tint of sound without losing their brilliancy. In all the graces of expression Mrs. Moulton ts an adept. Just intonation, great taste, a natural grace of delivery, a wondai fal volubility and pl'aocy ol voice, and an exuberance of emotion, give to her singing a charm which more than compensates the absence of decla matoty power or vocal strength. This is hearty praise, and ihe successful tour which Mrs. Mou ton has made through the Northwest and South proves it to be well de? served. There is no doubt ttat Mrs. Moulton is an extraordinary dinger, and no lever of music should miss tbe present oppor? tunity of hearing her in all the ripeness of her talent. Signor P. Ferrnntl is well known in Europe as a fine artist. He is said to have a splendid baritone voice, and was a treat favorite with both Rossini and Lablache. Mr. Wehl! is an embvTt pianist, and Mr. Brookhouse Bowler, as Charleston knowe, is a sweet singer of ballad music. The concert proaai-es to be an admirable one in every rrspect, am.' it is not surprising that the miisic-.'oving public should be on the tip-toe of expectation. The Academy. The last appearance of the Watkins Troupe at the Academy last evening drew a large au? dience, for whose entertainment the dramatic romance Kathleen Mavourneen was perform? ed. The play itself is full of striking pictures and noble sentiments, and the two principal characters. Terence and Kathleen, were sus ta'ned in their best ftile by Mr. and Mrs. Wat? kins. The audience testified their approbation by frequent app'ause, and the troupe termi? nated their engagement here in a highly suc? cessful and fl tttertng manner. The Circos. The large pavi ion on the Citadel Green was again crowded last evening. Among the au? dience were a large number of ladies and children, and Dan and his company gave a performance which folly sustained his high reputation and merited the enthusiastic ap? plause lt obtained. The programme ls changed each night, and at a second visit spectators are not greeted wlih the same sights they have witnessed before. Tnis evening the celebrated Indian act wil: be on the bill lor the grand entry, and, dur? ing the pei formate?, the '.melancholy Dan-e' will introduce both of his trained horses, "Ex? celsior, Jr.,v and "Stephen A. Douglas." On Saturday afternoor. Mr. Rice has invited the managers of tBe Orphan Asylum lo be pres? ent with the orphans, when he will have a programme arranged with special reference to their amusement. The public are also re? quested to notice that the prices of admission 1er the remainder of the week will be fifty cents for adults; cr-ildren under ten years ol age twenty-five centp. AUTOMATIC TELEGRAPHING. The Go'it anti Slock Telegraph Compa? ny Lay iii? lr Wires In Charleston The Way lt Works. One of thesigr.s of the times and ol the prosperity and go-ahead spirit of Charleston ls now to be seen In the wires of the Cold and Stock Telegraph Company, which traverse the business portions of the city. The enterprise has been conducted by Mr." Easter lin, the en? ergetic manager of theWestein Union Tele? graph Company in this city, and the lines only await a transmitter to be put In working order. Tis? wires lea 1 from the office of the tern Union to the offices ol the various criber?, where the Company place one of Edison's priming telegraph instruments of the sime paient as linse used in New York and other Nonhern cities. By means cf these Instruments tbe mer? chants receive at their office, by telegraph, a neat message, printed ia plain English, re? porting the condition of the markets. These same messages have hitherto been carried around by toys, and the outside merchant rm y estimate the disadvantage they labor un? der when sales are heavy, the market excited, and five minutes may make all the difference between a serious loss and a heavy gain. These are but branches of the Gold and Stock Telegraph Company, which has its headquarters ia New York, and they have been Introduced here by this company In conjunci?n with the Western Union Company, Charleston being one of ihe cities selected for the location of a branch. The wires are worked at the maia office of the Western Union, and all market dispatches come directly through. The instrument s are no inenmbrance In the merchant's office, an i seem more of an orna? ment than oriierwlse. They are circular, about ten inches in dianoeter. and require no operator in the merchant's office to work them. Tne work ls all done at the main office of the Western Union, and ihe message comes out tor the merchant printe:! on a small strip of paper in numbers and capita! letters. A neat gla=s case covers the Instrument as it rests upon a shelf or table, keeping it crear and In good working condition. The mechan? ism of the instrument is beautiful, and, like al! good inventions, it seems a wonder that no? body ever thought of the same thing before. Tue wires have all been laid, but as these Instruments are only receiving instruments, they cannot be worked until the transmlttor arrives and is set np in the main office of the Western Uulon. It ls expected In a few day?, and tbe wires will all be working by the 1st of January. Wires have been run to the offices of Messrs. James Adger & C >., Pelzer, Rodgers A Co., Porcher & Henry, Mowry & Son, Geo. W. Williams <fc Co., and other prominent mer? chants, and we shall no doubt see the day when every first-class house in this eily will have ?ts private telegraph. MAN STABBED.-On last Friday night Mr. Henry Harper was severely stabbed In four or five places. He received his wounds In a general brawF^e believe. The difficulty took place in Kirby Township, about sixteen miles from Marion. CLUBS AND STAKS.-Josephine Brown, lodged for being drunk and raising a disturbance in Elliott street, was sentenced to pay a fine of two dollars, or spend ten days In the?House of Correction. C. Redenhard, for lying down at the corner ot Reid and Meeting streets, was visited with a similar sentence. Both offenders paid up. THE DAT OF FORTUNE approaches. The Academy of Music, with the other grand prizes of the Scheme, will be drawn for Jan? uary 8th. Get your tickets in lime, from Eben Coffin, sub-agent, at No. 29 Broad street. BUSINESS NOTICES. REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION.-Messrs. R. M. Marshall ft Brother will sell this day, at auction, several very desirable pieces of Real Estate. S?e their adveitisement under auc? tion column. WE DO SOT BELIEVE that Charleston is one iota behind its rivals in prosperi y; but many do believe it, and this depresses our material interests and lowers the price ot labor, living and rents. It lias but one advantige-that with these things cheaper, we can make our blank books and do our printing cheaper at home than abroad. So buy your blank books from Walker, Evans ft Cogswell, who are the only firm who make their entire stock of | blank books in the South. doc28-l THE CHEAPEST AND BEST BLANK BOOKS IN Charleston are made and for sa'e by Walker, Evans ft Cog-we!!, No. 3 Broad street, Charles? ton, S. C._ ?iec28-l " THAT assortment of Sewing Silks and Cotton has arrived at Singer Sewing Machine Agency. No. 197 King street. DONT FAIL lo take a chance at that hand? some Music Box to be drawn for at Von San ten's next Saturday. Only a few chances are left. GENERAL HAMPTON'S EULOGY ON GENERAL LEE.-Address on the life and character of | General Robert E. Lee, delivered on the 12th of October, 1871, before the S ciety of Confed? erate Soldiers and Sailors, in Maryland. By Lieutenant-General Wade Hampton. Published by request of the society, in neat pamphlet form; price 30 centp. By mail on receipt cf I price. For sale by WALKER, EVANS ft Coos- f WELL, Charleston, S. C. dec'27-2 To BUSINESS MEN.-Save your money by purchasing your Blank Books at ihe East Bay News Room. decl4 REMOVED.-John Commins has removed from No. 131 Meeting street to No. 308 King street, five doors above Wentworth. Any person wishing good substantial Boots and Shoes-no paper bottoms-will please give a call. A few cases of Ladies' Winter Slippers (flannel lined) at $1 50 per pair. declS-mwlC_ THE "HOME SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE'1 uses the Straight Needle, makes the Lock Stitch (alike on both side'.) and ls one of the most useful and iashionable Cmistmas Gifts you could present to your lady friend?-$25 and $37. _ _dec8-fmwl0 ALL THOSE in need of Broadcloth?, Cash? meres. Doeskins, Beavers, ftc, will do well by calling on us to take advantage of the twenty five per cent, reduction of prices in this line of goods. Tailors are invited to price the goods. Samples given. FURCHGOTT, BENE? DICT ft Co. ENGLISH SADDLES.-For sale, 24 fine Eng? lish Saddles and 100 McClellan Saddles. Will be sold low to close consignment. John Com? mins, No. 308 King street, above Wentworth. decl9-tulhsC LAIUS'S will find a full assortment of Harris's "Seamless" Kid Gloves at J. R. Read'?, Nc 263 King street. _decl2-lutbs GAMES AND PICICRE BOOKS, at popular price?, at Hasel street Bazaar. decl4 "KEYLESS WATCHES.''-WC have just re? ceived per steamer Ville de Paris from Havre an Invoice of fine Gold Stem Winders and Chronograph?, from the celebrated factory of | Palek Philippe ft Co., Geceva, to which we desire to call the attenilon of purchaser?. CARRINGTON, THOMAS ft Co., Jewellers and di? rect Imporiers, No. 256 King street. decl9 ONE DOLLAR WRITING DESKS.-Superior tc any sold heretofore. HASEL STREET BAZAAR, and EAST BAT NEWS-ROOM. dec20 DEPOTS CHEILLET'S PARIS KID GLOVES-every pair warranted. These Gloves will be taken back even alter wear, for any imperfection?, such as tearing or ripping. i Dari?, 20 Rue de la PA*. L mdon, 53 Reirect street. New York, 929'Brondway. j Boston. 9 Temple Piuce. FURCHOOTT, BENEDICT ft Co.. sole Agents for Charleston._ _ nov3-6mos CHEAPER THAV EVER ?-Writing Desk?, Photograph Albums and Packet-Books, at Hasel street Bazaar. _ decl4 CROQUET ! CROQUET ?-The cheapest In the city. HASEL STREET BAZAAR. dec20 WILSON'S CASED LIQUORS.-Having long seen the necessity of placing a pure and un? adulterated stimulant before the public for medicinal purposes, we have determined to pack the following lavorlte brands of liquor in cases consisting of one bottle each of Plnet, Castlllon ft Co.'s Bran ly, Private Stock Port, "Pale Family" Sherry, "Old Velvet" Bourbon, Jamaica Rum, "Cabinet" Gin, Loch Katiine (Scot.) Whiskey, which we sell at len ($10; dollars pjr case. To cur friends we will say i hat we guarantee the purity of the above. They are endorsed by our leading physicians, and are, without any doubt, first-class goods. Send orders to WILSON'S GROCERY, Box No. 383, Charleston, S. C. No charge lor deliver? ing._ decl8-12 FURSA-FI-RCHOOTT. BENEDICT & Co., No. 244 King street, offer extraordinary bargains in Furs. Few more cases of all kin ls and prices received, and will be sold at extremely low prices. CHEAP FRENCH KID GLOVES.-For one but ton, dark and light, $1; ft>r two bul ton?, plain, $1 25; for two button?, embroidered, $1 50. At Read's, No. 203 King street. decl2-tulhs P. P. TOALE'S MANUFACTORY AND WARE ROOMS of builders' ma'crialof all descriptions are the mo?t extenMve and complete in the Southern States, and strangers interested iu such matters should not fall to pay them ti visit. The factory is situated on Horlbeck's wharf, near the Northeastern Railroad depot, and the warerooms are located at No. 20 Hayne street and No. 33 Pincknpy street, within half a minute's walk of the Ciiarleslon Hotel. auclS-lhstu FOR THROAT DISEASES and affections of the chest, "Brown's Bronchial Troches'" are of | value. For coughs, Irritation of the throat caused by cold, or unusual exertion of the vocal organs, In speaking in public or singing, they produce beneficial results. dec2G-tuths3_ PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS CHEAPER THAN EVER. In velvet and leather bindings. 75 cents; old price 90 cents. In velvet and leather bind? ings, 85 cents; old price $1. In velvet and leather bindings, $1; old price $1 25. In velvet and leather bindings, $1 20; old price $1 50. At Hasel street Bazaar and East Bay News Room. may4-th B Hulloing illatcnal. LT I LHOE^RS*T D EP^r7 94 CHURCH STREET. LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER, Slate, Tile. Shingles, Laths, Hair, Gravel, Chimney Tops, Sewer Pipes. Encaustic Tile, Marbleized Slate Mante s A beantirnl substitute for marble, at reduced rate?. UuiSl ?? M. GR1MKE, P. O. BOX 374. ?rn ?coils ari? Notions. BLACK SILKS GO TO J. R. READ'S. FOR PLAIN COLORED SILKS, IN POULT DE SOIE AND JAPANESE, J. R. READ'S. FOR BLACK ALPACAS, ANO BLACK CASHMERES. J. R. READ'S. FOR BLACK MOHAIR CORDS, BLACK SATEENS AND BLACK MERINOS. J. R. READ'S. FOR BLACK SILK VELVETS ANO BLACK AND COLORED VELVETEENS. J. R. READ'S. FOR RICH DRESS GOODS ANS MEDIUM PBICED DRESS GOODS. J. R. READ'S. FOR Gr L O V E S, (HARRIS'S "SEAMLESS" KID GLOVES,) ALSO, FRENCH KID GLOVES IN VARIETY", One arni two Battons, $i. $1 25 and $1 50. J. R. READ'S. FOR H O S I ER Y. J. R. READ'S. FOR RIBBONS, FANCY NECKTIES, HANDKERCHIEFS, LACES AND EM? BROIDERIES. J. R. READ'S. FOR GENTLEMEN'S SCARFS, NECKTIE?, LINEN SHIRT FRONTS, HAND? KERCHIEFS AND GLOVES. J. R. READ'S. FOR LUE Al LH COLLARS. SETS AND SLEEVES, INFANTS' CLOAKS AND ROBES. J. R. READ'S. FOR TABLE DAMASKS, NAPKINS, TOWELS AND WHITE LINENS, LINEN" AND COTTON SHEETINGS. _J. R. READ'S._ FOR FUNNELS, L01CL0TH, CORSET8 AND UNDERVE ST 8. J. R. READ'S. FOR CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, LADIES' SUITS, CHILDRENS' CLOAKS, LADIES JACKETS, SACQUES, Ac. J. R. READ'S, oct27-tuthsemos No. 263 KING ST. HOLIDAY GOODS. FliRfOliOTT.DB'EDII'TitfO.. : No. 244 KING STREET. ? A moat magnificent selection or GOOD5 salta ble for : HOLIDAY PRESENTS : In all of oar Dry and Fancy Gooda Departments. ? CUSTOMERS AND STRANGERS : will fled lt to their lotereat to Inspect : OUR STOCK AND PRICES. : and see fjr themselves the : INDUCEMENTS : we are ottering ? FURCHGOTT, BENEDICT & CO. ! F?RCBGO??, BENEDICTA CO. Fancy Tartan SILKS and Mik VALOURS, only 90 cent? Casca Black and Colored Alpaca, only 20 and 25 cents rieces Black Gros G'ala Silk, best make, only $1 50. 31 loch dtie Black Velveteens reduced from $i 76 to $1 25 The best selection of Shawls. Jackets. Nublas, Cloaks. Ac. at greatly reduced prices._ FlUCHGOTT, BENEDICT & CO. HOUSEKEEPING DEPARTMENT. A fine Hoe of Bleach and Browa SHEETINGS. Table Damasks I 10 4Kleache4 Napkins Sheet Igg, Towels I on'y 40 cents Worsted Tablecloths yunga Woven Talle end P.nno Covers._ FCRCio??,nDicr&co. FLANNEL AND BLANKET DEPARTMENT. 1 case of Scarier. Opera FLANNEL, only 40 cents 2 cases or io-4 White D.aikets $3 75 l case of California 13-4 B.ankets. itiiebest manu ractared.) only $12-worth $20._ FURCHGOTT, BENEDICT & CO. OFFER AT VERY LOW FIO?KBS Ladles' and Geots' COMPANIONS, Watch and Cigar Stand*. Card Hoses. Knitting Boxes, Wri? ting DcBks, Albums, Ac, Ac, Ac, Ac. FOR FUR AND CLOTH DEPARTMENTS, SEE BUSINESS NOTICE. FURCHGOTT, BENEDICT t& CO. Attention ls called to onr Large and Wei Selected Stock or wniTE GOODS RIBBONS FEATHERS Cloths Sashes Flowers Handkerchiefs Bows Hats Gloves _Plomes_Scarrs. FURCHGOTT, BENEDICT & CO. CARPETS I CARPETS I CARPETS WILL BE EOLD AT GREAT REDUCTION. CARPETS I CARPETS I CARPETS Strangers please notice that a'l or oar Gooda are Delivered Free or charge to Bny part or the ?state. FURCHGOTT, BENEDICT 4 CO., nov20 No. 244 KING STREET. Unction Sales-~?qu (Dap Bj HENRI COMA & CO. BUTTER, SUGAR, ?fcc THIS HAY, at half-past 9 o'clock, la front or our store, we win sell, 15 il; kins BLUER 10 barrels Sugar - Sugar-cure l Hams - Bacon Shoulders. Conditions ca-h._dec23 Ky T. M. CATER. WILL Bt? SOLD BEFORE MY STORE, 1HISD\Y, at half-past 9 o'clock 100 tubs UCTTfcK-all Iresi and just lauding 30 tu s Leaf Lard 100 bois, (?olden Drips 20 bids. White Wine Vinegar 6 era-es open Crockery-such as Bowls, Ewers and Basins, Plaies, Jugs, Ac , Ac. Condi lojscash. dec28 By JOHN d'. HILNOR & CO. BLACK AND FANCY CLOTH CAPS, Lidie?' Cloaks, Clothing, Nubias and Dry Coot's THIS DAY. 25th instant, a: half-past io o'clock, we will sel at our Store. No. 135 Meeting street. 50 dozen Assorte! doth CAPS, (M-n's and Boys'.) Ladles' Blue* Cloih Cloaks, on account or Manufacturers Ca-simere and Black Cloth C^ats, Pants and VestB, Nubias, Ho"ds, Tnckeu skirt?, Balmorol skirts, Hoop skirts, White and Gray Merino Uudeishlrts, Swiss Mus? lins, Black Satinets, Printed Satinets, Jeans, Bleached and Er ;wn shining, Plaid w. ol shawls, with a general assortment of Durable Goods io close Invoices. Conciliions cash. _?lec23 By LAUREY & ALEXANDER. UNDERWRITERS' SALE OF COTTON TIES, damaged on the voyage or importa non. THIS DAY, the 28th inst., will be sold In the Bonded warehouse In Elliott sireer, at ll o'clock, on account or the uuderwi Pera and all concerned, 5102 bundles COTTON TIES AND BANDS, dam? aged on board sehr. Marlon on ber voyage from Liverpool totnU port. Conditions cash._ dec28 By R. M. MARSHALL & BRO. Brokers and Auctioneers. SMALL DWELLING ON A FINE LOT, DRAKE STREET. THIS DAY, the 23th instant, at ll o'clock, will be sold ar end Broad street. The WOODES DWELLING in Drake ?tree*, east side, second north r,r Amherst, containing rooms, 'l he Lot ls fl:tv nine and a hall feet by one hundied and twenty-tour feet deeo. Terms m ide known on day or s ile. dec28_ By R. M. MARSHALL & BROTHER, Brokers and Aacllomcrs. LOT NORTHEAST CORNER ANSON ?cd Gulgoard streets.-A Gool Investment. THIS DAY, the 29th Instant, at ll o'clock, will be sold at east end Broad stree?, The atiove desirable LOT, well fenced, and hav? ing a small Building thereon, measuring 80 by 113 feet, more or less. Terms-Half cash; balance in one and two years, secured by bond and mortgage or the prop? erty, with Interest semi-annually. Purchaser to pav R. M. M. A Brother for papers and stamps. dec28_ By R. M. MARSHALL & BRO., Broken and Auctioneer?. THE STEVENS MANSION, IN BAY Street, at Auction.-Clear Titles Guaran? teed. THIS DAY, the 28th Instant, at ll o'clock, will be sold at east end or B o id sireer, AU that LOT OF LAND on Bay street, next north or Amherst, measuring leo feet from and rear, by 160 feet deep, mor . or less, together with th? Buildings thereon, all of brick, consisting i f a very large and elegant three story Man-Ion, with piazzas to the s- uth, and commanding a One view or thc Haroor. Ir contains 12 upright room?, besides pantry and bath rooms, gas and water pipes through the house, kitchen of 6 room?, carriage house and stable, al', bellt of Une gray brick. Terms-$1BC0 cash; balance In one, two and three year?, secured by bo:, d and mortgage or the property, with interest semi-annually; buildings to be Insured and policy assigned. Purchaser to pay R M. M. A Bro. io: papers and stamps. dec29_ Bj J. DRAYTON FORD, Auctioneer. CLEMENTINE H. BERNARD VS, RICUARD H. CAIN. By virtue or the Judgment or Hon. R. F. Gra? ham. Judge of First Circuit. In above case, will be sold THIs MORNING, the 28th day of December, A. D. 1871, at the oil Postorace, at ll o'clock A.M., F All that LOT OF LAND situate on the northwest corner of Rutledge avenue and Fishburn street, in the City or cnarieston, measuring and con? taining lbs reit on Rutledge avenue, by 430 feet ou Fishburn street, 103 feet t n Legare street, and 4.:o feet on the north line. Bu ting and bounding lottie ea ton Rutledge avenue, to tr.eaoutn.on Fishburn street, to the we->t on Legare street, and to the north on Lot Ema Pat of Lind belonging ti the Estate or T. N. Gad-den, made by R. T. Payne, Surveyor, loth March, 1812. Terms-Une hil?-cash, and the re-ldue on a credit if one year, with interest from day of sale, secured by bond of the purchaser and mortgage of the premises. Purchaser to ray for s amps and papers. G. L. BUIVT, dec28 Referee. -fcrlilHere. jpLAC?IUC G UAN? ^ COMPANY'S COMPOUND ACID PHOSPHATE OF LIME, FOR COMPOSTING WITH COTTON SEED. PRICE-$25 CASH, WITH USUAL. ADVANCE FOR TIME. This article ls prepared under the superintend? ence of Dr. ST. JULIAN RAVENEL, expressly for Composting with Cotton Seed. lt was introduced by this Company two years ago, and its use has fully act. sted its value. 200 to 250 pounds of this article per acre, properly composted with the same weight or cotton seed, furnishes the planter wltn a Fertilizer of the high? est excellence at the smallest cosr. A Compost prepared wlih this article, as by printed direc? tions furnished, contains ad the elements of fer? tility that can enter imo a First C a-s Fertilizer, while its economy must commend Its il-eral use to planters For supplies and printed directions, for Compusilng, ap;.lv to J. N. HOBSON, Agent Pacific Guano Company. Nos. es East Bay and l and 2 Atlantic Wharr. Charleston, S. C. JNO. S. REESE A CO., General Agents. UOV27-3mo8D4C O L U B L E PACIFIC GUANO. S PRICE, $15 CASH, WITH USUAL ADVANCE FOR TIME. Experience In the nae of this GUANO for the pas? six vears lu this slate, lor Cutron and Corn, hai so far established its chiracter Tor excellence as to render comment unnecessary. In accordance with t:ie estart i-hed policy of the Companv to furu:s i the best Concentrated Ferti? lizer at (he Inwrst c ist to consumers, this Guano is put Imo maik-i this season at the above re cuced price, which the ls enabled to do by reason o its large facilities an ; the reduced CJBt of manufacture. The supplies put Into market this seaBon arc. as heretofore, prepared under the personal superin? tendence of Dr. St. Julan Ravenei, Chemist of the CotiiPHnv, at Charleston. S. C.. planters may re-t assured that Its quality a id c mpositlon ls precisely the .-ame as that heretufore Bold. At Hie i'resent low price, every acre planted can i e fertilized with 200 pounds f?uano ata cost not ex -eeding th- pre-e t value of 30 pounds of colton, while experience has shown that under favorable condition or season and cultivation, the crop ls Increased by the ap .llcatlon Irom two to three Told the natural capacity or the sol), hence under no condition could its application fall to compensate for the outlay. Apply to J. N. ROBSON, Agent Pacific Guano Company, Nos. OS East Bay and 1 and 2 Atlantic Wharr, Charleston, s. C. JOHN S. REESE A CO., General Agents. nov27-3mosD4c 0 Bu0ines0 Orbs. TTO A.'ToTEs7Tn. D. Geological Surveys and Maps promptly and exactly execuied. Phosphate and Mining Pro? perties reported upon, and Working Plans fur? nisher. Separat ug and Mera'lurgical Proces? ses adapted to Ore Drposlts. Special attention to CHEMICAL ANALYSES Of FERTILIZERS, Drugs, OreB. MineralsrAc. LABORATORY, dec23-Btuihamo_No. 23 George street. WE LIVE AND LEARN, DYE AND FORGET ALL. THE SOUTHERN DYE HOUSE, NO. 359 KING BTREET, Dyes and Cleans, by means of steam, Gentle? men's, Ladles' and Children's Clothes. Fine Laces and Lace Curtains cleaned and done up with the Sort or Manufacturers' Finish; Lace and crape Shawls and Rid Gloves Cleaned and Dyed. iff Goods received and returned by Express. jnn22-lyr L BILLER, Proprietor. Unction SoUa-?r)i0 HJap By W. T. LEITCH & R. S. RR?N?, Auctioneer?. SMALL RESIDENCE No. 20 MAZYCK STREET. Will be sold THIS D*Y. the 28th In9t., at east end of Broad street, at ll o'clock. That two-story WOODEN HOU-E and Frick Kuchen, skoaled and known as No. 20 Mazyck street. House contains fonj square rooms, and on the premises are all necessary outbuildings. Lot measures 27 by 125 feet. Also on tue premises Ki den on brick foundation. Terras-one-half cash; balance In one year with Inter sc. Pnp^rty to be Insured aod policy as? signed. Purctiaser to pay us for papers and stamps. dec2 Bj TV. Y. LEITCH & R. S. BRUNS, Aurtlonotn ESTATE SALE, BY ORDER OF ADMIN? ISTRATOR of John McGee-Two story Brick Uoiidlugoa Vendue Range, running throngh to Accommodation Wnarf. Will be i o d THIS DAT, the 2Sth instant, at ll o'clock, at the Old Poatofllce, That two-story BRICK BUILDING, on the east end of Colonnade Row. Veodne Bange, running through, to accommodation Wharf. Lot meas urea 2i feet on Vendue Range, by 54 feet In depth. Terras cash. Purchaser to pay ns for papers and stamps. dec28 By W. Y. LEITCH & R. S. BRUNS, Auctioneers. KEAL ESTATE ON WHARF, INSPEC TI ON an I Concord streets, opposite to Ma and River Phosphate Works. Will be sold, THIS DAY. the 28th Instant, at li o'clock, at the Old Po9tcfnce, Tnat DESIRABLE LOT. on the northwest cor? ner or Wharf aid lnspectton streets, containing a large two-story Wooden Building, capaole or be? ing made la residences. Lot measures 40 fee: rront o i Wharr street. b< 95 reet In depta on In? spection street, more or less. ALSO, That LOT OF LAND, with one-story Wooden Building, north ut the above. Lot measures 40 ?eet front oa Wharr street, by 95 reet la depth, more or ICES. ALSO, That LOT OF LAND, with large Slid, to the north of t ie above. Lot measures 40 leet front by 95 feet In depth, more arks*. ALSO The Bh ICRS on that iar^ e Cistern,paid to contain some 50.0UU b.-icK, on the ab n e premises, formet ly known as Cl tern to Robb's Mill, said Cistern, ca? pacity 3o,ooo gallons, to be temoved In twenty days. II desired the property will be said aa a whole. ALSO, ? That DESIRABLE LOT, at the northeast cor? ner ol Concord and Inspection streets, and one th rd of two-story Wooden Building in the rear. Lot measures 40 reet rront on concord street, by ti feet in depth on Inspection street AlSO. That LOT and one-third of two story Building In rear, adjoining the above to the nortb. Lot measures 40 feet rront on Concord stiegt, by 84 feet in depth. ALSO, That LOT and one-third of two-story Bnilding ia lear, adjoining ihe above to tha north. Lot measures 40 feet iront by 84 reet lo depth. Terms-O e hair cakh; balance lu one year with Interest. Purchaser to pay as for papers and stamps._dec28 By W. T. LEITCH & R. S. BRUNS, Auctioneers. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE by order or the > x t utor. " wm be sold THiS DAY. the 28th instant, at li o'clock, at the Old Postomce, tue following desi? rable HEAL ESTATE: That Tnrce and a Half S'ory BRICK STOKE and RESIDENCE, with slate loof, doable piazzas aod Kitchen, situated at the southeast corner o? East B iv and Adger's Sooth Wharr. Said Dwel? ling cou ains 4 square and 2 attic roams, besides a large store. Lot measures 24 feet front on East Bay by sa feet In depth on Adger's Wharr. ALSO, That Two and a Hair Story BHICK STORE? HOUSE on the north aide of Vanderhorat's Wharr, running throngh to Adger's Wharr, (formerly oc? cupied by Mess c. Cape? A Heyward.) Lot measures 24 reet front on Vandtrhoist's Wharf by 93 feet on alley running through to Auger's Wharf. Terms-one third cash; balince In one and two years, wita interest. Pa cnaser to pay aa for papers and stamps. AT PRIVATE SALE, That Two aod a Hair S ory RESIDENCE, on brick r> linda' ion, with floe Billiard Room, Kitchen and stable, and situated at the northwest corner of President and Bee streets, with ene Garden, sufficiently large for Horticultural purpo-es. Lot measures In front on Bee street 3(0 feet by 240 reet la depth on President. For terms apply to No. 35 Broad street. dec28 By W. T. LEITCH & R. S. BRUNS, Auctioneers. DESIRABLE HOUSES AND LOTS IN inspection and Wharf streets, in the viet iil y of Marine and River Phosphate Works. WU. be sold THIS DAY, the 28th itistaut at ll o'clock, at me Old Postodice, The following hEAL EsTATE: The elegbiv situated t*o and a hair story WOODEN DWELLING, with slate roof and kitchen, on the southwest corner cf Wharf and Inspection streets. Said premises contains foar KUI.ire r oms and two attica, besides pantry, diessngro ma and double piazzas. Mt meas? ures 64 reet front on inspection, by 60 feet In depth on Wharf street, more ur le- s ALSO, That one (tory DWELLING west of the above. Lot measures 35 feet front oa Inspection, by 59 reet in depth, more or less. ALSO, That two story FRAME BUILDING, adjoining the at ove. on the west, containing fro o twelve to nfie+nrooms. L t measates29 feet front on In? spection street, by 120 leet In depth, more or less. ALSO. That two story FRAME DWELLING adjoining, an I similar to the above, OD the west, c ntatning lu like manner from twelve to fifteen rooms. Lot measures 80 feet fronton Inspection st re. t, by 120 feet in depth, more or less. Terms-For Dwel lng at the corner of Insprc tlon and Wharf Btieets, one-third cash; ba'anoe In one and two year with interest. Balance of property, one-half cash; balance In one year, with intercut. The entire property to be insured and poilcv assign, J. Purchasers to pay os for papera and stamps._dtc28 Bj W. Y. LEITCH & R. S. BRUNS, Auctioneers. SALE UNDER THE DIRECTION OF the "Commissioners of the Slaking Fand of souti C'a-oltna." will be sold THIS DAY, the 28th Instant, at ll o'clock A. M., at the north side or the Old Post crace. The ro.lowlng PARCELS OF LAND, the same having been returned as property of the State of >outn Carolina, subject to the reservation con? tained in U'esti'-'jolnKl notice: I. ot-.e TKACT OF LANU. situate, lying and wi : g ls thc rari-h or st James' Saut e, rormerly occupied br-w escoat, and now by C. G. Mc Cav, containing 2500 acr<-c, more or less. it One ACKK OF HIGH LAND, more or less, on tl c west, end or Line t-treet. eald to be occupied by authority or the city council of Charleston. 3. On Spring street, LOTS designated by plats as numbered 2:5. ?7?, 271, 272, 273, and parts of LO S 67 and 110 4. On Prest tent s reet, LOTS designated by plats numbered 10,12, 24, 232,234 and 172. 5. On as non street. LO I'S designated by plats numbered, and PARTS OF LOTS 121 and 126. 6 On Alway street. PARTS OF LO 1S designated by plats numbered 131 and 135. 7. i in FiUtld atreet, PARTS OF LOTS designated by plats numbered 68 and 91. 8. on Pine atreet. LOTa designated by plata numbtl td 269, a- d PARTS OF LO I'S 137,141 and 143. 9. On Lily c m?, LOTS deslguated by plats numbered 94, 95 and loo. 10. On May court, PART OF LOT designated by plat numbered 105. II. On Cnestnut street, LOT designated by plat numbered 113. 12. on Bee atreet, PART OF LOT d; lgnated by p u' numbered 201. 13. on Chlnquepln street, PARTS OF LOTS des? ignated by plats numbered 189,191,107. 208 and 209. 14. On Aller, oort LOTSasdeslgoated by plate numbered 227, z*o, 229 aod 230. 15. On Cannon court, LOT designated by plats numbered 205, and part of Lot numbered 196. 16. LOT OF LAND at the northeast corner of Spring street and Westcoat's court. 17. LOT OF LAND at the uortheast corner of Spring and President streets. 18. On CUestnut street, Lots 150, 151, 152,153, 154, 168, 113. NOTE.-The above mentioned Linds, together with others, were heretofore advertised to be aold on the 15th instant. Portions ot the lands were then told; theseremaln. TheCommlss oners fore bore to offer these Iand3 for tale last Friday, for tlierea?on that aa to some 1 hat were advertised questions were made as to the matter or title, which suggested me propriety ot giving time for run her luvest igatlon. Tnese questions have since ueen carefully examined, and all doubtrul items omitted, and it is confidently believed that every piece of land described in the Hst herewith be? longs to the state or South carolina. AI the same time it la hereby respect fully re? quested that if any party, other than the State," have acquired valid title to any or the lands de? scribed in the foregoing advertl8ement. every Buen party will Immediately come torward to the Special commissioner, at the office or Messrs. WHIPPER, ELLIOTT A ALLEN, No. 91 Broad Btreet, Charleston, and make the Barns appear, assured that his rights will be scrupulous* re? spected. Terms of 5ale-Three hundred dollars and under cash; over three haadrcd do Urs, one-third cash, and the balaoce in one and 1*0 jears, wl h In? terest, tecured by bond and mortgage or the property. Purchasers to pay tor papers and "tami.!?. W. J. WHIPPER, 0ec28 Special Commissioner. jkncnon Sales--Suture Darji. "^VVTTTLEITCH &R. S. BRUNS, Anctlonecni REFEREE'S SALE. - ' THOMAS A. JOHNSON vs. R. B. ELLIOTT. By virtue of a judgment for sale In this case, made by the Hon. R.F. Graham, Judge of the First Circuit, I will offer for sale, by Public Auction, OB FRIDAY, the twenty-ninth day of December, A. ? D. 1671, at ll o'clock In the forenoon, at the Old Pos office, at the foot of Broad street, m Charles? ton, All that TRACT. PIECE Ot PARCEL OF LAND, with ail the Dwellings and outbuildings thereon, situate, lying and being in that part of the County of Charleston, lately krown as the Parish of St. Andrew's, in the said State, on the north side of the Dorchester Road, near the Junction with the State Road, and containing thirty and one half acres, more or less; batting and bound? ing east on Lands now or late of John Heart, northeast on a running parallel to?ndose hundred feet from the South Carolina Railroad, weat on 1 ands now or late < ? - B-own and Johnson, and ?oath by tbe Dorchester Road afore? said; the said Tract being more particularly de? scribed lu a plat, thereof made by John A. Mlche', surveyor, and dated the first dav of March, A. D. 1856. on the following terms, that is lo say, one half cash; the balance payable in one year, se? cured by bond of the purchaser and mortgage of the property sold; the bond bearing interest at seven per cent, per annum from the day of sale. Purchaser to pay Referee for papers and stamps. JAMES SIMONS, dec7 thmen_Special Referee. By R. M. MARSHALL & BRO., Auctioneer*. REFEREE'S SALE. Executors of JOHN H. T. e KER, decease!, against the Dev.sera and Legat ?.es of J. H. TUCKER By vlrtne or a decree made in this case, by the Honorable B. F. braham, Judge of the First Circuit, 1 wi l offer for sale at public Auction, on THURSDAY, the 11th day or January, A. D. 1873, at ll o'clock, In the forenoon, at the o'd Poet office, at the foot of Brjs-t stree'. In Charleston, 'thc folio win? REAL EsTATE, > ltuate In George? town County, belonging to the Estate or the late John H. Tucker, to wu : The PLANTET ON known M WUT Brook; also, the Plantation known as Litchfield; ai no, the Lands on sandy Island; alio, the Plantation known as Glenm re; also; the Plantation known as Holly Grove; alto the Planta lon known aa Moreland. Amore acenrate description of these Planta? tions will be gtven In a future advertisement. Terms-One third cash; remainder In one, two? and thro years, to be secured by bond or bond? of the pur.- nasers, bearing Interest at the rate of seven per cent, per annum, payable annually from the day of sale, and a mor gage of the prop? erty purchased. Purchaser to pay Referee for papers and stamps. SAMUEL LORD, Ja., Referee. S3~ Georgetown paper please insert once a ??ek for three weeks._decl4-thatnl3. %nr,lionecrg' jjnggtg Soleo, Stt._ _ Bj LOUIS D DeSAUSSURE, No. 33 Broad street. SOOTH BATTERY RESIDENCE. -FOR SALE, the Three Story Wooden RESIDENCE, on the north side or Sonth Battery, between Meet? ing and King streets, containing twelve rooms,. three piazzas, gas, cistern. Ac, brick Kitchen, Gar? r?a: e-House and Stable. Lot M feet front by 241 feet deep. The premises have been recently put In good re? pair and improved, decio-stnthe By LOUIS D.~DeSAUSSURE. AT PRIVATE SALE, THE TWO-AND-A HALF STORY WOODEN RESIDENCE, OB high brick basement, on west side or Pitt street, one door sonth or Bnll street, containing tlx lane and two small rooms. Un roof, with gas and cis? tern, also a larve kitchen, wlih six rooms and slated roof, stable and carriage house, and tiro good wells of water. Premises In good order. On . the Lot ls a good flower garden; Iron renee on street. Lot measures 63 feet 8 Inches front by 1M feet de->p. Apply as above, at No. 23 Broad street. decl2-toths6_ By LOUIS D. DeSAUSSURE, No. 33 Broad street. AT PRIVATE SALE, THE TV70 STORY BRICE STORE, on east side of East Bay street, No. 74. Lot 29 ft et 6 inches front, by lie fee: deep._decU-thi By LOUIS D. DeSAUSSURE, No. 33 Broad street. FOR SALE, THE THREE STORY BRICE HOUSE, No. 16 Church street, conta nlng ll rooms, double plszz ts, Brick Kitchen; measures 39 feet front by 137 reel deep. ALSO. The LOT OF LAND on the west side of Kins street, between Broad and Queen stieets, mea? suring 47 feet io inches front, ny 178 feet 7 Inches deep, a Hew feet tobe uken off to widen thw B'rot._dec!4 thi By LOUIS D. DeSAU? SURE. AT PRIVATE SALE, THE THREE STORY WOODEN RESIDENCE on east side ut King street, near south Bay, containing6 up? right room?,-pantry, dressing room an? high basement, 2 plazzis. 2 kitchens, carriage honse, Ao. Lot measures 79 feet iront, by 150 feet deep. decl4-ih4_ By LOUIS D. DeSAUSSURE. FOR SALE, THE LOT OF UND ON the east side or King street, adjoining Mr. Lacafsagne to the north 27 feet 8 inches, by 291 feet deep; foundation or old bul ding and cistern. deci4-tn4_ By LOUIS D. DeSAUSSURE, No. 33 Broad street. FOR SALE, THE LOT OF LAND ON the west elde of Rutledge avenne, (sonth of residence of Mr. Wm. Lucas,) with two small Brick Buildings. Lot measures 100 feet front by 176 feet IQ Inches in depth._dec!4-th4 By LOUIS D. DeSAUSSURE. FOR SALE, THE LOT OF LAND AT the corner of Broad, Logan and New streets, measuring 4fl feet on Broad street. deol4-th4 By LOUD3 D. DeSAUSSURE, No. 33 Broad street. FOR SALE, THE LOT OF LAND ON the southeast corner of Broad and Sav? age streets, measuring on Broad street 126 feet and on Savage street 168 feet._decl4-th4 By LOUIS D. DeSAUSSURE. A T PBIVATE SALE, THE LOT OF OL LAND In Council street, measuring 160 feet front by 145 feet deep._decl4-tti4 By LOUIS D. DeSAUSSURE. AT PRIVATE SALE. THE LOT OF LAND on the sonth side of Charlotte street, between Elizabeth and Alexander streets. ALSO, The LOT OF LAND on the west side of Church street, measuring 75 feet front, 63 feet on back line, 139 feet on s out h line and 133 feet on north line._deci4-th4 By LOUIS D. DeSAUSSURE, No. 33 Broad street. FOR SALE, THE LOTON SOUTH SIDE or Vendue Range, with burnt building. Lot measures 20 feet by 45 feet 6 Inches, and opens on two streets. decl4-tb4 ?To.let m? fancy) (Po.?s. FRENCH, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN EXTR'A'GTS, SOAPS, POMADES, HAIR OILS, !&C. JEAN MARIE FARINA'S, VIOLET'S AND AIMAR'S PREMIUM COLOGNE WATERS AT AIMAR'S, Corner King and Vander horst streets. dec20-12 -