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CITY AFFAIRS. t -? Mceiinn? Thli Day. Ladies' Mutual Aid Association, at 12 M. Marion Fire Company, at 7 P. M. Eagle Fire Company, at 7 P. M. Homestead Baildlng and Loan Association, at half-past 7 P. M. Marion Lodge, at 7 P.M. Strict Observance Lodge, at 7 P. M. * ^Medical Society, at 7 P. M. Aaction Sales Tbls Day. Macqueen & Blecke will sell at 10 o'clock, Buchheit's bakery, Ewt Bay. Leitch & Bruns wid sell at 10 o'clock, In Broad street, near Rutledge, lurnlture, Ac. Miles Drake will sell at 10 o'clock, at his store, clothing, hats, Ac. Wm. McKay will sell at 10- o'elockalat his store, furniture, peach trees, Ac. tar Now ls the time to think about adver? tising holiday goods, and reflection should be followed by judicious action. OUR PRICES CURRENT - We especially Invite the attention of our merchants to THE NEWS > a* Prices current, issued this morning. Made up with the utmost care", and handsomely printed with entirely new type, it forms, with the business card of the house forwarding it, the most attractive and welcome weekly i commercial circular that can be used. Price, for ten copies or more, with business cards, two and a half cents per copy; single copies five ?nts. THE COURTS.-The Court ol General Ses? sions acl the Mayor's Court were not held yesterday, and the offenders had a reprieve until this morning. JUDGE THOMAS P. STONEY.-This gentleman, whose successful career ia California was de? scribed a few days ago, volunteered at the beginning of the war in the Marion Artillery, commanded by Captain Ed. L. Parker, and sw not in the Washington Artillery, as first stated. ? PERSONAL,-Captain J. H. Miller add Major McNalr.(fatherly of Norfolk, Va.,) general agents ot the Southern Life Insurance Com? pany, are el the Mills House. The "Southern. Life" ls a prosper?os company, because it 1B Managed and represented by live men. THE- SOUTHERN AND ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH COMPANY.-The line of this new company 1B completed to Augusta, Ga., at which point an Ioffice was opened yesterday, and ls now ready for basinets. Charleston to Augusta, fen words, forty cents. 1 CRUMBS.-Alderman Mlnort, of Columbia, pitched into a cc'ored man and brother on Wednesday. No results. Senator Y. J. P. Owens succeeds Senator ' Joseph A. Green, deceased, as chairman ol the finance committee ol the Senate. A telegram In another column gives the re? sult the Derby drawing. GOOD FOR TUB New DETKCTIVES.-The drum? mers whom-the nish of business has attracted to the city, feeling that a strict watch ls kept upon their movements, seem determined to prosecute their business in a law ful manner. Dnring the past few days Alteen licenses have been issued to these nomadic business men, arid the applicants are still coming. MATTER OP CRITICISM.-On Wednesday night, at the Academy of Music, David Burns, a colored youth, who was watching the per? formance from the neighborhood of the sky 1'gut, was arrested by the police for being dis ojjerJy. David maintains that he was merely applauding something good, but the officer says the applause did not oome in at the right place. The case will bo heard before the Mayor this morning. THE ACADEMY OP MUSIC.-Notwithstanding the disagreeable state ol the weather last evening, the Templeton Troupe were once more greeted with a fine house, and the blust? ering wind and rain without only seemed to make the audlenoe more appreciative within. "The Captain of the Watch," a sparkling com? edy from the French, was received with im? mense applause. ' May-the-Fay, in her song and - dance, created quite a sensation. Leon Brothers, the clog danoo of Miss Jennie Wor? rell, and Harry Jackson's "Little Major," were loudly applauded at the close. To-night the bill ls entirely changed. ? -'-*" SHARP WEATHER YESTERDAY.-The sadden fall of the thermometer daring Wedaesday night astonished many who were not expect? ing the cold which followed yesterday morn? ing, and the past forty-eight hoars exhibit a striking contrast of temperature. On Wed? nesday, at eight o'clock ia the morning, the thermometer stood at sixty, and later in the day rose to sixty-three. Yesterday morning lt opened, at eight o'clock, at forty, twenty degrees lower than at the same hour on the previous day, and reached the highest point at t wei ve o'cl oct, when the quicksilver showed iorty-six degrees. At eleven o'clock last night it stood at forty. THANKSGIVING DAY was not. generally ob? served yesterday among the business commu? nity. The banks were all closed, and seve~_ of the offices along the wharves, but most of the large houses on the Bay and Hayne street were opened, and the streets were filled as usual with drays and goods. King street es? pecially presented an animated spectacle as the throngs ol feminine pedestrians, with flushed faces and sparkling eyes, circulated arnonK the busy stores. With one or two*ex? ceptions, the churches remained closed, and, altogether, the indifference exhibited on the eubject was in marked contrast with the strict observance of the Day of Thanksgiving appointed last week by the Mayor. PICNIC OF THE RIFLE CLUBS_The Sumter and Washington Light Infantry Rifle Clubs spentjpesterday at Bose's farm in practicing with their rifles and the usual concomitants of a military picnic. The ptlzes for ihe marks? men, after an exciting match, were awarded as follows. In the Sumter Rifle Club: First priro,. a handsome dressing case, won by T. Bac t; second prize, a pair of gold sleeve buttou?, V. Johnstone; third prize, a revolver, Wm. Hard; fourth prize, a pencil case, Lieutenant Mc Crady. In the Washington Light Infantry Rifle Club : First prize, a splendid diver goblet, won by T. H. Honour; second prize, a gold mounted palmetto Slick, J. H. Renne ker, Jr.: third prize, a Smith & Wesson revolver, N. H. Porter; fourth prize, a massive tin cup, R. H. Bomar. The last prize was presented by Mr. S. F. Zernow, of tho Palmetto Guard Rifle Club, In a short and humorous address, which added not a li trie to the good feeling cf the occasion. .? * When the shooting was over the Clubs ad? journed to the building, where an inviting collation was spread. The festivities lasted until the falling shades of evening reminded the marooners of tbeir homes In the city. The Carolina Rifle Club also took advantage ol tho day, and spent it at the Shotzenplatz in practice. Their shooting was generally , and .the club boasts of some first-rate hots. They returned to the eily late in the 'ternoon, baring also wound up the sports of he day with a handsome collation. ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY/.-At the one hun? dred and forty-second anniversary meeting of this SQpiety, held yesterday at the 8outh Carolina Sall, the following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year: W. G. DeSaussnre, president; .Douglas Nisbet, first vice-president, vice T. J. Kerr, resigned; Samuel C. Black, second vice-president; Campbell Douglas, treasurer; Robert 'M. Gor? don, secretary. SUPREME COURT, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29. The following cases were, heard : Silas John? ston, commissioner in equity, plaintiff in error, vs. S. R. Crooks et al, defendants in error. Mr. Jones for plaintiff in error, Mr. Fair on the same side. Mr. Melton submitted argument of | Mr. Carroll for defendant in error. Biease A Baxter, for another, vs. Simeon Pratt, To be submitted on printed argument. Mr. Baxter | for appellants. Mr. Fair lor respondent. Eme? line Bradley, appellant, vs. Peter Rodelsper ger, respondent Mr. Fair for appellant. Mr. Baxter for respondent. ' Ex parte Joel W. An? derson et al. Mr. Fair for appellant. Mr. Jones for respondent. Mr. Fair in reply. The cases of R. B. Gordon et al, vs. Sutton Gold Mining Company, and H. C. Harris, adminis? trator, vs. Alfred Stillwell, were continued by consent. Ex parte John J. Ward. Petition for admission to practice. Mr. Mciver for petitioner. The proper evidence being filed, Mr. Ward was sworn and enrolled asan attor? ney, solicitor and counsellor pf the Supreme Court. At two P. M. the court adjourned until Fri? day, December 1st, len A. M. Hotel Arrivals-November 31. CHARLESTON HOTEL. G. H. King, New York; J. H. Miller, H. Mc- j Nair, Augusta; D. Buel, Mrs. Bael, Cblcago; | W. D. Magee, Moniicello, Mo.; D. W. James, New York; M. P. Usina, Savannah; E. Frank? lin, Augusta; E. T. Harris, Wikes County, Ge.? E. B. Tate, Elbert County, Ga.; G. W. Dimick, N. R. Ensign, Savannah; J. B. Ezell, Colum? bia; N. W. Coleman, Walhalla; H. G. Robin? son, D. M. Salisbury, Providence; Mrs. E. G. Harrison, J. R. Harrison. C. Kaufman, New York; E. Heath, Massman, Philadelphia; M. Cohen, Sumter; 0. M. Sadler, Sou% Carolina; J. D. Parker, Adam's Run. PAVILION HOTEL. George wAb, wire and child, Savannah; Rev. Jno. W. McKay, wife r_d three children, Graham's, S. C.; M?ES M. Coburn, Branchville; G. H. Bliss, Brook'yn; R Salters, Florence; J. B. Chandler, Master J. B. Chandler, Kings tree; W. A. McCrea. Kin gs tree; E. A. Bron? son, Jno. J. Bronson, Barnwell Sentinel; H. B. Zour, Barnwell; C. H. Camp, Montmorency MILLS HOUSE. General Getty, General W. Dimick, C. S. A.. N. R. Ensign, Sa /annah; J. C. Balley, Green v?le; John Russell, wile and son, New York; ; J. C. Weatherby, South Carolina; E. 0. Ely, Oswego; W. L. DePass, J. H. Holland, Cam? den, S. C. BUSINESS NOTICES. Ip YOU want a fine Dress and Business Snit made, go to Menke A Muller, No. 325 King street._ deci-2 CHETLLBY'S PARIS KID GLOVES-every pair warranted. These Gloves will be taken back even after wear, for any Imperfections, such as tearing or ripping. Paris, 20 Rue de la Paix, n--**- LondoD, 53 Regent street. "I\TS Newyork< Broadway. . Boston, 9 Temple Place. FCRCHQOTT, BENEDICT A Co., sole Agents for Charleston. : _nov3-6mos ENGLISH SADDLES.-For sale, 24 fine English Saddles and 100 McClellan Saddles. Will be sold low to close consignment. John Com? mins. No. 308 King street, above Wentworth. novl4-tuf6 GROCERIES, LIQUORS,* WINES, AC_The un? dersigned, having reopened his store, at tho northwest corner of State and Chalmers streets, wou'd respectfully inform bis friends, and the public generally, that he ls now pre? pared to furnish the above, of the finest and best quality. JOHN F. BAKER. nov28-tuf2 LADIES purchasing Winter Dress Goods can save money by examining our stock, which is filled with every variety .and shade, and at very low prices. We are also showing com? plete assortments in every other department j at No. 287 King street. STOLL, WEBB A Co. nov28-6_ A VERY large and handsome assortment ot Overcoats at Menke A Muller's, No. 325 King street. _ decl-2 A GRAND CHRISTMAS GIFT.-The finest Im? ported Musical Bo:c ever brought to. this city for raffle at Yon Santen's Bazaar, King street Two hundred and fifty chances at two dollars a chance. List rapidly filling ap. PRICE LIST of a few articles at Furcbgott, Benedict A Co.: Fine 5 and 6-Inch Sash Rib? bon, 90 cents and $1; fine English Half Hose, 20 cents a pair; Gents' fine Travelling Shawls, $4 50; 6-4 Sealskin Cloaking, (only) $1 per yard; 10-4 fine White Blankets, only $3 50; Ladies' fine Bows, latest styles, 75 cents and $1. FURCHOOTT, BENEDICT A Co. REMOVAL.-John Commins has removed from No. 131 Meeting street to No. 308 King street, five doors above Wentworth. Good substantial Shoes kept as usual. novl7-fmw9__ To THE LADIES.-Messrs. Stoll, Webb A Co. are opening a lot of Delaines and Poplins from auction, which they will offer at fifteen and twenty cents per yard. Call early and buy a cheap dress, at No. 287 King street. nov28-6 WAVERLY HOUSE, No. 256 KINO STREET, (IN THE BEND,) CHARLESTON, S. C. Mrs. A. J. KENNEDY begs to announce that "The Waverly" has not been closed during the preval? ence of the fever, but has%een renovated ano paint? ed throughout The location of "The Waverly" ls the best of any hotel in charleston, being in the lm . edlate vicinity of the leading retail stores and public promenade, malting lt a pleasant place for strangers to stop while m Charleston. The reoms are large, well furnished and exceedingly -rel! ventilated, and the table all that the most 'astldlous could desire, commercial travellers . Ul and this house a home. The propriettesa ./oula most respectfully solicit a share of that patronage which has heretofore bee so liberally bestowed. MRS. A. J. KENNEDY, novl5-wfmlmo Proprleireas. AXTON HOUSE, BEAUFORT, S. C. S This House, situated on Bay street, commands a fine vie* or BEAUFORT RIVER, and many or the Sea islands. The travelling public will find here a desirable and CONVENIENT HOME, and the Invalid will find no better or more health? ful climate on the SOUTHERN COAST o spe nd the winter. The Honse ls within five minutes' walk of Steamboat, and hf teen minutes walk of Railroad communication. A good LIVERY STABLE ' 1 has ju9t been added to the House. Western Union Telegraph Office on first floor. M. M. K1NQMAN, nov22 Proprietor. _Jnagtaiti*._ jpHEN?x DURANCE COMPANY 6F BROOKLYN, NEW ?ORK. CAPITAL.$1,000,000 Ca-h Assets on 1st November, 1871, ac market valuations.$1,922,077 30 Chicago losses cannot exceed $350,000, of which $214,188 bas been paid np to 14th November, 1871. FIRE AND MARINE RISES taken as hereto? fore In this sound and responsible Company. S. Y. TUPPER, Agent, novl8-12 East Bay street. ^NDES INSURANCE COMPANY OP CINCINNATI, OHIO. CASH CAPITAL.$1,000,000 FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANDES INSURANCE CO?. PANT, NOVEMBER, 1871. Cash on hand, in bank and lu transit. $ ^36,034 84 Bonds-United States,*) State, City and ? County.f Market value. 390.078 84 Railroad Bonds.j Market value. 8,900 00 Collateral Loans). 99,soo 00 and J Accrued Interest... 49,00000 First Mortgages, ). 697,196 63 Bills Receivable. 9,347 66 Book Accounts (Premiums and s gen cy Balances). 38,096 50 Amount received from Stockholders by Assessment. 600,000 00 $2,078,146 46 Liabilities with Chicago losses, $850,000. FIRE AND MARINE RISKS taken as hereto? fore in this responsible Compsny. 8. T. TUPPER, Agent. noviS-12 East Bay street. INTERNATIONAL LNSUEANCE COM? PANY OF NEW YORK. CASH CAPITAL.$300,000. STATEMENT CP THE INTERNATIONAL I NS URAN CR COMPANY, NOVEMBER 2D, 1871, Cash in Leather w^'dCturer's Na ^ tiona: Bank. $152,420 61 Tash on hand. 2,448 90 U. S. 6 20 Bonds, (Market Ta ne).... 22,250 00 U. S. 10-40 Bmd4, (Market value).... 109,260 00 u. s. 6 per cent. 30 year Bonds, (Market value). 889,812 60 U. S. 0 per cent. 1681 Bonds, (Market value). 11,626 00 Virginia State Bonds, (Market value). 20,000 00 Alabama State Bonds, (Market value). 8,970 oo Georgia state Bonds, (Market value). 18,400 oo South Carolina Bonds, new, 6 per cent. $20,000, (Market value). 7,600 oo Market National Bank Stock, (Market value'. 2,688 00 Real Estate. 200,000 oo Loans on United States Bonds. 287,476 oo Loans on Bond and Mortgage.. 110,400 oo Premiums in conns of transmission. 110,611 88 Debts for Premiums. 27,606 17 All othej Securities. 17,078 66 Total Assets.$1,466,720 01 LIABILITIES. Including all losses at Chicago now in process of adjustment..$606,016 FIRE RISKS taken as heretofore in this respon? sible Com vany. S. Y. TUPPER, Agent, . novis-l: East Bay street. H E GEORGIA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, 07 COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. INCORPORATED 1859. T CAPITAL AND ASSETS.8494,939 55 Untouched by the Ohlcago and other disasters, continues to furnish Indemnity against LOSS BY FIRE on all insurable property, at adequate rates. J. RHODES BROWNE, President. D. P. WILLCOX, Secretary. Applications received and Policies issued by HUTSON LEE, Agent, octlS-6wf9 No. 36 Broad street. rJBIED BY THE GREAT CHICAGO TEST. The following first-class Companies are offered as security to all who desire to obtain value re? ceived fbr money paid In premiums on Fire ln> a oran ce Policies: -ETNA, OF HARTFORD, C05iN. Assets, July 1st, 1871, aa rollo we : dash Capital.$ 3, ooo, oo o Ca, h Surplus. 3,047,873-$6,047,878 Losses by Ch.cago fire leas than.. 2,000,000 $4,017,878 Income received during 1870.$8,972,894 HARTFORD, OF HARTFORD, CONN. Cash Assets, October 1st, 1871, as follows: Cash Capital.$1,000,000 Cash Surplus. 1,785,877-$0,785,877 Losses by Chicago fire ess than. 1,200,000 $1,586,877 Income during 1870.- 1,776,618 i A. H. HAYDEN, Agent, No. 272 KINO STREET. SW J. L. HONOUR, Sub Agent, East Bay. oct20-fmw2mos Eniioring. N EW FASHIONS. MENKE & MULLEK, MERCHANT TAILORS, NO. 325 KINO STREET, Invite attention to their large and splendid STOCK OF CLOTH, C LOTHIN O, FURNISHING GOODS, &C. READY-MADE SUITS for all ages, from the smallest boy to the largest man. Dress and Business Suits of all descriptions. Elegant overcoats, Pea Jackets, Derby and Plain sack Suits, Flue English Walking Coats and Suits of all celors, Single and Double Breasted I Black Frock coats. Black Doeskin and Fancy Caa slmere Dress P.mts, Velvet a. Miks, Cloth, Castor Beaver aud Casslmere Vests, manufactured under our own observation. We are therefore Bure of a good flt and durable work. OUR TAILORING DEPARTMENT Is sunpiied with the finest selection or BROAD? CLOTHS Doeskins, Castor Beavers, Chinchilla Diagonals, Meltons, and all styles or Casslmerea for Buslnea Suits. Velvets, Silas, Plnsh and Cash? mere Vestings. And a variety of hands me Pan? taloon Patterns, which we make up to order by measure at the shortest notic, and guarantee first class and proper workmanship. FURNISHING GOODS. This Department ls supplied ?Lh the celebrated STAR SHIRTS, Imported and Domestic Merino Shaker Flannel, Ad-Wool Underwear Geoda, Half Hose, suspenders. Handkerchiefs, Linen and Pape-Cuffs and Cottars, Imperial, Alexander ana Courvotsicr'8 Kid Gloves And a fa l assortment of BucksKin, Dogskin. Beaver and Cass. Gloves. And a very large assortment of Silk, Alpaca and Scotch Gin. ham Water-Proof [140] Umbrellas. Our Stock has been selected with the greatest care, and price m irked very low lu plain figures. Our motto ls quick sale? and small profils, fair dealings. Gooda may be returned If not satisfac? tory, buyers lu our line will find lt to Uit-lr ad? vantage to give us a eau. octl9-3mos , Cotton Sice, Ut. O O O C H TIE. SLOAN & SEIQNIOUS, Agents, COTTON FACTORS, BROWN & CO.'S WHARF <5rn ?00^*1*^_ jpraCHGOTT, BENF^IcTaTcb., No. 241 KINO STREET, STILL CONTINUE TO OFFER EX? TRAORDINARY BARGAINS IN EACH DEPARTMENT, AND PRICES WILL BE STILL FURTHER REDUCED FROM LAST WEEK. . ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER.27, WE SHALL OFFER UNUSUAL ADVANTAGES. AND THE PUBLIC WILL FIND DECIDED FACILITIES IN PURCHASES NOT TO BB MET WITH ELSEWHERE. DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. 150 JAPANESE SILK ROBES, all Colon, $8 76, previona $10 60. 60 rolls Irish Silk Poplin?, 90 cents, previona $125 loo pieces Japanese Tartan Plaid, Plain, Figured and Striped Stilts, rich Bright Colors, io cents, worth $160 10 pieces Black Ores Grain Silk, only $1 60 8 cases of Mohair Delaine?, -o cents. Constantly on hand a full Une of MOURNING and other Seasonable D R ESS GOODS. nov20 JpURCHGOTT, BENEDICT & CO., KO. 244 KING STREET. CLOTH DEPARTMENT. The best selection of French. German and Eng? lish BROADCLOTHS, all Bhades. Doeskins, Oasslmeres, Beavers, Clea tings, seal Skins. Merchants and Tailors will and lt to their ad? vantage to give na a call A Uberal discount al lowed them._novSQ ?prjHCHGOTT, BENEDICT & CO., No. 244 KING STREET. FURS! FURS! FuBBl loo sets (Cape and Muff) $8-worth $8. 300 sets (Cape and Muff) from $8 to $86. 10 real As'rachan White Jackets. 60 sets Children's Fara Muffs and Capes only $2 26. All of our Furs warranted to be perfect. nov2Q_ ?pURCHGOTT, BENEDICT & CO., No. 244 KING STREET. DOME 8. TIC D E P A R T M E N T. l case Good 10-4 SHEETING, bleached, ta cents. 1 case 9-4 Sheeting. 86 cents. 1 cue 10-4 Unbleached sheeting. 36 cents. a cases PUlowcaslng, best quality, 20 cents. 2 cases 4-4 Longcloth, 12# cents. A tull line ofTOWELS, Napkins, Table Damasks, Table Covers, Crash, very cheap. nov20 Jp?ROHGOTT, BENEDICT & CO., No. 244 KING STREET. SHAWL AND CLOAK DEPARTMENT. 1 case Gent's (Double) TRAVELLING SHAWLS, only $4 60. The latest fashions of Single and Double Shawls, at very low Agares. Cloaks and Jackets, latest styles, In large variety. Nubias, Hoods, Breakfast Shawls, ad at reduced > prices. nov20 .pUBCHGOTT, BENEDICT & CO., No. 244 KING STREET. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT, EMBRACING SASH RIBBON. Velvet Ribbons, T.lmmlng Rib? bons, Searls, Neckties, Bows, Ac, or the latest styles Imported. Ladles' Hats, Artificial Flowers, Plumes and Feathers, In great variety. Great Inducements to MlUlnen._nov20 ?pURCHGOTT, BENEDICT & CO., NO. 244 KING STREET. CARPETS! CARPETS! CARPETS! 100 pieces Ingrain and 2 and 8 Ply CAR- ) PETS, Will be 60 pieces Tapestry Bru'seis, ) sou 20 pieces Body Brussels, I Cheap. Rags, Mats, Od Cloth, J Samples given, and Goods delivered free of charge to any part of the State. No trouble to show Gooda Merchants, Milliners and Tailors wlU do well by examining and prloing our Goods before order? ing from Northern markets or baying elsewhere. Buying or Importing and manufacturing bonses only, we are enabled to seU as cheap as any Jub biog House North, and we most cordially invite aU to convince themselves or the fact. FURCHGOTT, BENEDICT A CO., No. 244 King ?treet, i ^...^^ " fi No. 437 King street, f Charleston, s. C. No. 22 White street, New York, nov20 Na 3 Bay street, JacksonvUle, Fla. 0t)iYtS ono Jrnrnieqms Qtooos. TH*E BEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK OF MEN'S UNDERCLOTHING IN THE SOUTH. SILK, MERINO, AND ALL-WOOL SHAKER FLANNEL SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, WITH THE VERY LATEST NOVELTIE8 IN ELEGANT NECK WEAR, AT SCOTTS STAR SHIRT EMPORIUM, MEETING STREET, Opposite the Market, novia JJUSSELL'S SOOTHING SYRUP. A Fresh Supply rejelved and ror sale, wholesale anil retaU, by Da. H. BAER, No. 131 Meeting street. $at0, dope, SUTH, &. C. C. PLUNGE, No. aOl KING STREET, Begs leave to inform his Wends and patrons tbat he has now on exhibition a COMPETE STOCK Of HATS, CAPS, FURS, &C, CHILDREN'S HATS A SPECIALTY. All nf which he offers on the most liberal cash terms. As to the superior quality of his Goods, he chal? lenges the scrutiny of the most fastidious, deci-imo 4r*rtiii?er0. JACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S COMPOUND ACID PHOSPHATE OF LIME, FOR COMPOSTING WITH COTTON SEED. PRICE-$25 CASH, WITH USUAL ADVANCE FOR TIME. This article ls prepared under the superintend? ence or Dr. ST. JULIAN RAVE.vEL, expressly for Composting with Cotton Seed. It was lntrodnced by this Company two years ago, and lu asa has rolly attested Its Taine 200 to 2C0 pounds or this article per acre, properly composted with the same weight or cotton seed, tarnishes the planter wltn a Fertilizer of the high? est excellence at the smallest cost. A Compost prepared with this article, as by printed direc? tions furnished, contains all the elements of fer? tility that can enter into a First c ass Fertilizer, while its economy must commend Its llheral ute to planters. For supplies and printed directions, for Composting, apply to J. N. ROBSON, ' Agent Pacific Guano Company, Nos. 68 Bast Bay and l and 2 Atlantic Wharf, Charleston, s. C. JNO. S. REESE A CO., General Agents. nov27-smo8DAC S 0 L U B L E PACIFIC GUANO. PRICE, $46 CASH, WITH USUAL ADVANCE FOR TIME. Experience In the use or this GUANO for the past blx years in this State, lor Cotton and Corn, ha? so rar established its character for excellence as to render comment unnecessary. in accordance with the established policy of the j Company to furulsn the test Concentrated Ferti? lizer at ihe lowest cost to consumers, this Guano ls pnt into market this season at the above re ouced price, which the Company ls enabled to do by reason o. its large faculties ana the reduced cost of manufacture. The supplies put Into market this season are, as heretofore, prepared under the personal superin? tendence or Dr. sr. Julian Haven el, Cliemlat of the Company, at Charleston, S. C., hence planters may rest assured that Its quality and c imposition ls precisely the same as that heretofore sold. At ihe present low price, every acre planted can be fertilized with 200 pounds Guano at a cost not exceeding the present value or so poonda or cotton, while experience has shown that under favorable condition of season and cultivation, the crop la increased by the application from two to threefold the natural capacity of the soil, hence ander no condition could its application fall to compensate for the outlay. Apply to J. N. ROBSON, * Agent Pacific Guan ) Company, Nos. 63 East Bay and 1 and 2 Atlantic Wharf, Charleston, ?. C. JOHN S. REESE A CO., General Agents. nov27-3mo8D*c 3 U B E GYPSUM Containing NINETY-NINE AND TWO-THIRDS (90??) PER CENT. Soluble Matter. Warranted .reo from all Impurities. Prepared in nils iuy,and for tale at the low price of Ff Ff EIL.? DOLLARS per ton, CASH. JOHN U. HOLMES, Commission Merchant, novl7-f_Charleston. 8. G. BOWEN & MERCER'S SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME AND AGRICULTURAL SHELL LIME. ALSO, WEST VIRGINIA LUBRICATING OIL, Of Superior Quality, for sale Cheap by P. C. TRENHOLM. ncv21-mwfi7 ISITORS TO CHARLESTON V SHOULD BE SURE TO STOP MILLS HOUSE DURING THEIR STAY IN THE CITY. This elegantly appointed HOUSE, which was temporarily cloted during the prevalence or the rever, has now been reopened arter having un? dergone many Important Improvements with a view to the increase l comfort of the guests. Mr. D. C. BURNETT, Proprietor of the Ottawa House, Montreal, Canada, will, lu connection with Mr. PARKER, conduct the MILLS HOUSE In a style second to that of no Hotel In ti.e country. novl5-lmo J Statiion 0ol*0~~8|tf Wa\). MACQUEEN & SIECKE WILL SELL THIS. DAY, THE FIRST day or December, 1871, at 10 o'clock A. M., Toe ENTIRE STOCK OF BUCH HE.T'S BAKE? RY, East Bay. consisting lo part of: 1500 pounrta FRENCH PILOT BREAD 1 Machine, Soda Biscuit Cutter 1 Machine, Square Pilot Bread Cutter l Machine, Spanish Bread Cut er 1 Mdchlne. Butter Cracker cutter Bake Oven, Fixtures, Ac. 80 Bread Pana 2 Bread Troughs 2 Work Benches Bois. Floor Moulds, Cutters, Ac. Also entire FIXTURES OF THE STORE and Bake house. Showcases, Counters, Shelvin?, Ac. Terms cash._deci By W. Y. LEITCH & B. S. BRUNS, Auctioneers, ELEGANT NEW FURNITURE, BRUS? SELS and ingrain Carpeta, Plano, Pictures, Lace curtains, Ac. wu; be sold THIS DAY, lat December, at 10 o'clock, in Broad street, (sonto side, a lew doors from Rutledge street,) HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, consisting in part, of Hair and Cane Sear, Parlor and Arm CHAIRS. Sofas, Chromos, Oil Cloth, stair Carpeting and Rods, Brussels and Ingrain Carpets, Extension Table, castro Table, (Marble-top) Crockery, Glassware, Marble Top sideboard. Bedsteads, Bureaus, Wardrobes, Lace cumins, Hair and Moss Mattresses, Pilasters. ALSO, Oneset Walnut Bedroom FURNITURE,Marble top. ALSO, One 7-Octave PIANO, Parlor Finish, (new.) The above Furniture has only been la use thirty dava. Terms cash. The house will be opened for the I inspection or vlsltcrs on Wednesday and Thurs? day, from 12 to 2 o'c ock. decl By MILES DRAKE. THIS MORNING, AT 10 O'CLOCK, Il will sell, at my Store, corner King and Liberty streetB, A large assortment of MEN aud BOY'S SATI? NET end CASSJMERE SACKS, Black all-Woo), Frock Coats, Velvet coate, Ch?nchela aud Beaver Overcoats, Casstmere and V-lvet Vests, Derby Frocks, Ladles' c.oaks. Shawls, Araba Balmoral Skirts. Men's Undershirts, Drawers, w h tte Shirts, Hali Hose, Suspenders, Cravats, Ac, Ac ALSO, A one line of Men's and Boys' WOOL AND FELT HATa, of all siyles and colora._deel By WK. McKAY. FIVE HUNDRED EMPTY BAGS, FUR? NITURE. Cooking Stove, Showcases, Ac I will Bell THIS DAY, Friday, at No. uo Meeting street, at lu o'clock, 600 Three-bushel BAGS, 2 showcases, l Counter, lot Household Furniture, I large Meat Safe, Cook? ing Stove, and a lut of fine Peach Trees, and a large lot of Sundries. deol Staction Sale3-~.fmure marja. BTAT^CTMCGILLIYRAY, Auctioneer. PATSY BROOKS, ET AL, YP. E. 0. JONES, Executor, et aL By virtue of an order of the Hon. Judg-3 Gra ham, made In this case, I win sell at Pubic Auc? tion, near the Exchange, east end of Broad street, on TUESDAY, the 12th December next, All that LOT OFLvND, with the two and a half story Dwelling, Shop and Outbuildings, situate on the east s de of Meeting street, tn the city of Charleston, next ? oath of the Foundry of the late W. 8. Henerey, measuring In front on Meet* log street 80 feet by 148 feet In depth, more or less. Bounding north on Landa of the late W. 8. Henerey, south on a Lot numbered 0 in apian oi Landa of the late Robert Swetolae, MW or late of Willis, and west on Meeting street. Term?-One-half cash; balance in one year, with IL teres t from day of sale, payable annually, secured by bond of the purchaser and mortgage of the premises. Buildings to be Insured and poiloy assigned. WM. J. GAYER, novl7-f?tnl_ Referee. FIRST-CLASS RIVER BOTTOM LAND Io a high and healthy part of the State for sale, with Flour, Grist ana Saw Milla, Cotton din and Thresher, and a successful stand for a Coun? try Store. Will be sold for partition, to the highest bid? der, at bpaxtaaburg, a. c., on the flrst MONDAY In January, 1872, If not previously oontracted for at private sale,., The wen known Plantation or CAMPOBELLA, belonging to the Estate of the late Major H. J. Dean, containing 1341 acres. It is situated on the great thoroughfare be? tween Spartan burg, S C., and Asheville, N. c., seventeen miles north of Spartan burg, ana twenty-five miles northweat ol Greenville and five miles from Gowanevllle. The place ls one of the mott desirable in the up? country, being unsurpassed (or health, and al? most unequalled for the quantity and quality of lu Reed-Bottom tobe In a heal by locality, with ?tood Mills, bringing an immediate and never - al II r g return for the capital invested-having 2,0 acres of best Reed-Bottom In one body, within one fence, in a high state of cultivation, never having railed even in seasons of greatest drought to bring a good crop, while the land is constantly Improv? ing, and the whole well ditched and drained. ALSO, loo acres of best Creek-Bottom, fresh and un c i ? ii red The remainder of the Tract ls well wooded, in original growth, and no green timber has been cnt on the place In sixteen years. Tnere are five Settlements on the place, suitable for tenants, snd ample materials of both wood and stone are In sight of the Saw MUL The Flour and Grist Mills are well built, flrst story or stone-has three sets of bolting chests, three run of mill stones, and make as good flour as any made south of Baltimore They have been rebuilt, as well as the Saw Mill, within a few years, and all have a good run of custom. The near completion of the Air-Line Railroad will add to their value The Mills win oe < ontracted for separately (as also the Lands in lota to salt purchasers,) at pri? vate aa lc Terms-Cash ls preferred; bnt if more conve? nient tc purchasers, lt will be sold for one-half cash-one-fourth m six months, and one-fourth tn twelve months, with Interest from day of sale, and bond and mortgage to secure the payment of the same. Title indisputable. Persons wishing to examine the place will be directed at the Mill to Henry F. King. Esq.. or William J. w. laen on the place Any Information desired can be obtained by applying personally at Spartanborg courthouse to Edward J. Dean, or Dr C. E. Fleming-or by-letter to the Executrix, MKS. MARY OWEN DEAN, nov3-f 9 Lock Box 29, Spartanborg, li. 0. Dinas, ?i)<micalf, Ut. ROSADALI S. EOS AD ALIS is the best Blood Purifier. aoSADALIS, a sure cure for Scrofula. SOSAPALIS, endorsed by Physicians. RG3AD ALIS, a potent remedy for Bheumatism. aoSADALIS, a Eemedy tried and true. aOSADALIS, the best Altera? tive extant. aoSAD ALIS endorsed by the following : Dr. R. WILSON CARR, of Baltimore. Dr. T. 0. PUGH, of Baltimore Dr. THOS. J. BOYKLN. of Baltimore Dr. ATDURGAN. of Tarboro', N. C. Dr. J. 8. SPARKS, of Nicholas vile, Ky. Ur. A. F. WHEELER, of Lima. Obie Dr. W. HOLLOWAY, of Philadelphia. Dr. J. L. McCARTUA, of South Carolina and many otnera, See ROSAD ALIS ALMANAC K?8ADAL1H, endorsed by Rev. DABNEYBALL, now ot Marj ,and Conference, formerly Chaplain in the Con? federate Army of Northern Virginia. ltOHA DAI.IH ts Alterative Tome and Diuretic, and acts at one and the same time upon the BLOOD, LTVEB, KIDNEYS and all thc SECRETORY ORGANS, ex? pelling all impure matter and building up the Bystem to a healthy, vigor?os condition, KU8ADALI8 IS SOLD FY ALL DRUGGISTS. DOW1E, MOISE A DAVIS, l Wholesale GOODRICH, Wi NEMAN A CO.. J Agents ia Dr. H. BAER, ) Charlea ton" maroij ?^TE?T?KS^ WERNEB & D?CKE?? Anctlonnri. BT OE DEB OF IEE ADMINISTRA? TOR, win be ?old on WEDNESDAY next, tne 6th December, at ll o'clock A? M., at Na - King street, anlese previously sold at Private Sale, ' Tbat No. 1 GROCERY STORE, belonging ta the Estate of Dass Bros., consisting of a fall and com Eic-e stock of choice and fresh Groceries, wines, lenora, Cigars, Tobacco, Paney Goods, Wood, Hollow, Crockery and Glassware, as a whole mak? ing one of the most complete and eligible busi? ness stands in the city. Terms on day of sale. decl By W. Y. LL ITCH & lt. S. BRUNS, Auctioneer?. VACANT LOT, AT CORNER OP Owen and Archdale streets, .will be sold on T?r SD A Y, 6th December, at ll o'clock, at the east end of Broad street, That VACANT LOT, situated at the northeast corner of Queen and Archdale streets, measuring in front on Queen street 88 feet, by loo feet in depth on Archdale. Terms cash. Purchaser to pay us for papera and stamps. ^ deci-fmtuS Bf W. ?. LEITCH AR, g, BRUNS, Auctioneer?. SMALL DWELLING NORTHWEST corner of Wilson and Magazine streets, wm be sold.ob TUESDAY, 6tn December, at ll o'clock, at the East end of Broad street, tne fol? lowing property: That TWO STORY WOODEN RESIDENCE, situ? ated at the northwest corner or Wilson and Maga? zine streets. ; Lot measures39% feet on Magazine street, by 138 feet on Wilson street. House con? tains 4 square room,*, with pantry, Ac. Terms-one-half cash ; balance m one and two year?, with interest, seemed by bond and mort? gage of the property, Insurance and assignment of policy. Purchaser to pay us for papers and stamps. decl-f-mtos SALE OP STOCK, CORN, FODDER, Ac. I wm sell on WEDNESDAY,the 20th December, at the Plantation on which I reside, three miles from Mats'Bluff Depot, on th? Wilmington and Manchester Railroad, HOBBES. Motes, cows. Hogs, Corn. Fodder. Farming Utensils, Cotton seed, Aa Thc CUtle are the finest in this sec lon of the State. Twins cash. The Plantation wul be rented at the same time. It contains some 600 or soo acres of fine Cotton and Corn Land. JNO. N. MCCALL, Agent; deci-lTnao_ Marr Blurt OR ANGEB Uh G CO UN TY-IN COMMON PLEAS.-Mary B. Treadwell, Administra? trix, va. John H. Fanning et aL-Complaint to Mar.-hal Assets, Ac. By virtue of an order of the said Court in this action, I will seU at Orangebnrg Courthouse, on MONDAY, the 4th day or December, daring tho legal hours or sale, The REAL ESTATE In this county, ef which the late William R. Tread we 1 died seized and poe sens? ed, consisting of the follo wing Tracts of land In the Town of Orangebnrg: 1. TRACT or 12 acres, bounded north by lands or Thomas Oliver, east by lands of South carolina Railroad company, G. Gowan and estate of Geom H. Elliott and Railroad avenue, sooth by Russell street and west by lands or W. M. Hntson, Eta. This Tract will be intersected by two streets, and wi i be sold in eighteen lou of convenient alia 2. The HOTEL TRACT, situated at the corner of Russell and Broughton streets, and bo anded on the other sides by lands af Mrs. W. B. Treadwell and D. Louts. This will be sold In six Lots, two or them fronting on Russe 1 street, and one or these with a good store airead, erected thereon, ihree of them fronting on Broughton street, and thO re? mainder constituting the Hotel, with ample Sta? bles and Building?, and yard and garden room, being one of tho most eligible pieces of property In tue Town of Orangebarg. 3. TRACT or 120 acres, bounded north by lands of Mrs. Ano Andrews, east by broughton street, south by river and -- street, and wost bf Elver street. This Tract wul be sold in ? Lots, and will be mt*rsected wit h streets properly locat? ed, rendering the Lou available as Town Lota, A nordon will be sold tn. a tract of 8 aaren, and another porUon In a Tract of about 20 acres. A fine Brickyard ls on one of the traots. A portion ot these Lott wm be sold on the dav Indicated, to soft purohasers. Piata of tho said Real Estate can DO inspected at the Sheriff's office. Terms-One third cash; balance on a credit of one, two and three years, secured by bond sad mortgage of tho purchaser, with Interest from day ef sale, payable annually on the whole amount, anni the whole bond ls folly paid op and retuned, and to pay for papers, recording and sumps. Purchaser to have privilege of paying all own, and K any purchaser comply, the premises so purchased by he party falling to comply tobe sold on the SM me day, or some convenient sale-day thereafter, upon tne same terms and at the former purchaser's risk. H. RIGG?, S. O. 0. Sherie's office. Orangebarg Courthouse, 8. C., November ll, 1871._deo 1-3 Bj W. Y. LEITCH & K, 8. BBUHS, SALE UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE "Commissioners Of the Sinking land of Sooth Carolina." Will be sold on FRIDAY, December luth, at ll o'clock, at the north side of the OM Post?nico. The following described PIECES OR PARCELS OF LAND, the same having been returned aa the Property of the "State of South Carolin*,? sab? je? to the reservations contained in tat notts? hereto subjoined: 1st. One TRACT OF LAND situate, lying and being m Groomsville, St. James Goose Creek, 28 mUes from the city of Charleston, and known as the "Brick House Tract," containing 210asrsM, more or less. . . 2d. One TRACT OF LAND situate, lying and being In the ParUh of St. Jame? Santee, formerly occupied by - We&coet, and nov by O, G. Mc? Coy, containing 2600 acres, more or lean. sd. TRACT OF LAND known as the "Powder Magazine," in the City of Charleston, Parish of S t. Philip's and St. Michael's. 4th. Tnat very desirable LOT OF LAND at the northeast corner of Line and Xe?bng streets, with Residence and all necessary outbuildings, now occupied as a farm and roaidence; measur? ing on Mealing street 160 foot bp-900 feet on Line street, rann lag east and west. Thia property can be subdivided into Building Lou, and offers a good opportunity for an investment of cap!tsL Its contiguity to the terminus of the South carolina and City Kati ways renders it a very desirable in? vestment. 6th. ONE ACRE OF LAND on the west end Of LINE STREET-high land. This property ls said to be occupied by authority or the City Connell of Charleston. 61 h. A MOIETY OF LAND upon Morris Island, formerly used as a Lazaretto and Hospital ALSO. 7th. THIRTEEN LOTS OF LAND OD SPRING STREET, designated by Plata and numbered 63, 07,110, Ul, 112,118, 270, 289,125, 124, 123, 1SS>M84. ALSO. 8th. NINETEEN LOTS on PRESIDENT STREET, designated by Pi ats numbered 10,12,14. ie, 18,24, 30, 82, 232, 234,238, 238, 170,171, 172,178,174,178. ALSO. 8th. THIRTEEN LOTS on NORMAN STREET, designated by Plats and known as numbers 10,81, 231, ?S3, 48, 61, 62, 228, 229, 280,280, 261, 399. ALSO. I 10th. TWELVE LOTS on ASHTON STREET, designated by Plats and known as Lou numbered 123, 124,126,128, 129, 180, 76, 76, 77, 78, 46. ALSO. 11th. TEN LOTS upon ALWAY STREET, desig? nated In Plats and known as numbera 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 136,134,183, 187. ALSO. 12th. THREE LOTS upon FLVDD STREET, designated npon Plats as numbers 108,97,91. ALSO, 18th. Upon PINE STREET, 7 LOTS designated upon Plat as Nos. 266, 215, 68,137, 141, 148, 146. ALSO, 14th. Upon ROBERT'S COURT, 7 LOTS, desig? nated opon Plat as Noa 6!, 62, 63,264, SAS, 266. ALSO, 16th. Upon T ILLY COURT, 16 LOTS, designated as NOB. 82, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 100,101,102, 103,104, 106, 107, 108. ALSO. 16th. LOT on LINE STREET, north side, between Bose Lane and Rutledge street. ALSO. nth. Upon MAY COURT, LOTS ( .eslgnated as NOS. 104,105,107, 108. ALSO, 18th. Upon CHESTNUT STREET, LOTS desig? nated aa NOB. 115,117. ALSO. 19th. Upon BEE STREET, LOTS designated SS NOS. 119, 200, 201, 202. ALSO. 20th. Upon CHINQUAPIN STREET, LOTS desig? nated as Nos. 191, 189, 207, ALSO. 21 Bt. Upon CANNON COURT, LOTS designated SS NOB. 193, 194, 196, 196. 193, 230, 204, ALSO, 22d. LOT OF LAND at the N. E. CORNER OP SPRING STREET and WESTCOATS COURT. ALSO, 23d. LOT OF LAND, at the northeast cornet ' ' Spring and President streets. ALSO, 24th. Several other LOTS in the City ; paroo - lars given hereafter. NOTE.-The Titles to all the above advertised parcels of Land are regarded as good in the state or Sooth Carolina. If, however, in any case, any other party has acquired valid title to any of the said Lands, every such party ls hereby requested to Immediately come forward and make the same appear to the Special Commissioner, at the office or Messrs. WHIPPER. ELLIOTT A ALLEN. No. 91 Broad street, Charleston, on or before tho thirteenth day ef De.ember next, Terms-One-third cash; balance in one and two years, with interest, secured by bond and mort? gage of property, i ur chasers to pay for papen and sr amps. W. J. WHIPPER, nov25 _ Special Commissioner. BY HOLMES & MACBETH. AT PRIVATE SALE, A PAIR OF FINE Young North Carolina MULES-Bound and gentle, and: driven In a carriage for the last six months. App y at HOLMES 4 MACBETH, Na 81 Broad street. nov27