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COMMERCIAL NEWS. .The Charleston Cotton, Klee and Naval Stores Market. OFFICE CHARLESTON NEWS, 1 WEDNESDAY ETENINO, November 15,1871. ? COTTON.-T?e d. maria for thu staple was mode? rate, the stock light, with a good, steady tone to prices. Sales about, soo bales, viz: 4 at 16, 23 at 16%'. 31 at 16X. S3 at 17.??*, 53 at 17J?, 60 at 17>i, 89 at 17X, 181 at 17XC we quote : LIVERPOOL CLASSIFICATION. Ordinary to goo 1 ordinary.15 @17>4 Low middling.lTX@n>i Middling.17X?1TM Strict middling."X@ RICK.-There was a good demand at firm prices. Salea about. 300 tierces or clean Carolina, sa* "5 tierces at ea, 9 at 6X. 120 at 7, 60 at 7%, 35 at 7;4, 25 at 7?,'c P lb- We quote common to fair at e>i @7>?. good :X9<X& NAVAL STORK*-There were no sales reported. FREIGHTS.-To Llv.vpool, by steam direct, nominal on uplands, nominal on sea islands; by sail, Xd@7-16d oa upl.inds; via Sew York,.Vd on uplands,- on sea islands. To Havre nomi? nal. Coastwise-to New York by steam, Xe on uplands and lc on sea Islands; $2 fi tierce on rice; by sall Xe p ft on cottou; - P tierce OS rice; 40c p barrel on rosin; $7@8 ?Mon lum? ber; $9<?>10 on Umber. To Boston, by sall, Ko P ft on upland cotton. To Providence, by ?all fs a Mon boards, .?ic? ft on cotton;by ?team ii P bale on New York rater. To Phila? delphia, by steam vc p ft on; by sall, $7 vp M on boards; $9 on timber; $3 per ton en clay, and $3a$3 50 on phosphates. To Baltimore, by .team ?ic P ft by sall, $6 50@7 p M on boards; $8@3 25 P t n oa phosphate rock. Vessels ate in demand by our merchants to take lumber freights Crom Georgetown, S. C, Darlen an 1 Satllla River, Ga., and Jacksonville, Fla., to Northern porta, and $io@i2 p M are the rates on lumber and boards. EXCHANGE.-Sterling 60 day bills 19 ?,' DOMESTIC EXCHANGE.-The banks are pur? chasing sight checks at X@X orr, and sell at par. There ls no business doing In time bills. GOLD.-11(3)12. Marketa by Telegraph. MONET MARKETS. LONDON, November 15-Noon.-Consols tz%. Bonds SIX Afternoon.-Consols 93X for both. PARIS, November 15-Noon.-Rentes 56* 22c. KEW YORK, November 15-Noon -Freights s eady. StocES dull and steady. Gold etea-ty at ii V. Governments steady. Exchange-long 8, short 9. Evening.-Freights shade Armer. Money closed at 7 sharp; discounts 9al2. Sterling. Arm Gold llV'aiiv Governments dull and steady. States transactions limited until second call wiea Ton nesseea were very firm; new South Care '.oas weak but rallied at last call to last night's prices. COTTON MARKETS. LIVERPOOL, November 15-Noon.-Cotton open? ed steady ; uplanda 9 va, Orleans ova. Later.-Cotton steady and unchauged;sales for speculation and export estimated at 4000 bales. Evening.-Cotton closed steady; uplanda o ??a ; Orl- ans 9 v i. Shipping at Charleston cr Savan? nah av. nales 16,000 bales; speculation anu ex? port 4000 bales. J>KW YORK, November 15-Noon.-Cotton quiet; uplands 18XC, Orleans I93,c; sales 1500 bales. Evening.-Cotton closed active and easier; up 1 ands I8?ic; Orleans I9j{c; eales 6015 bales. Sales of futures to-day, 6900 b les as rollaws: Novem? ber 18 3-16; De. ember 18.?*. 18 5-16, is v, is 9-32; January is*. 180-16; February 18X; March 19, 18 16 IS; April 19% 19 3-16, 19 5 16 IO*. SAVANNAH, November 16.-Cotton quiet; mir', d tugs i7i?c; net receipts 3 99 bales; experts to the Continent 19U, coastwise 621; sales 650; stock 69,053. AUGUSTA, November 15.-Cotton Orna; mid? dlings K.-?c; receipts 1000 bales; sa es soo. MOBILE, November 16.-Cotton very Arm and asking higher rates; middlings lTXc; net receipts 1748 bales; exports coastwise 18; salea 1000; stock 30.066. ?NEW ORLEANS, November 15.-Cotton strong; middlings is vc; net receipts 2S62 bales, gross 3026; sales 1600; stock 93,719. PROVIDIONS AND PRODUCE MARKETS. LIVERPOOL, November 16-Noon.-Red winter wheat lis Sdalls 9J. Flour 25a30s. Evening. -Cumberland cut 348. Pork 47s. teer 67s. Koala 13a; fine 24?. NEW YORK, November 15-Noon.-Flour held 10c higher. Wheat a shade firmer. Corn scarce and very firm. Pork quiet at $13 10al3 20. Lard ? tfady ; ?team 9*a9Xc. Turpentine quiet at 67X aSSc. husln steady at $4 75 for strained. Evening-Flour firmer. Whiskey active at 93% ?94. Wheat closed duh and declining. Corn scarcely so firm. Rice quiet. Pork steady. Lard heavy; Kettle 9j,aicc. Navals quiet. Tallow steady. BALTIMORE, November 16.-Flour in better de maud. Wheat active and Arm. Corn active; white 70a79c; yellow 70872c. Oats quiet. Provis-, lons unchanged. Whiskey 93%c. Interior Cotton Market?. COLUMBIA, November 14,-Salea of cotton to? day Tl bales; middling 16?Vc. WlXNs>BORO\ November 14.-Since our last re? port 343 bales or cotton have been sold in t ls market at pric.i ranging frcm levais vc per pound. COLUMBUS, November 13.-Marttet Arm; low middlings lOJic; Liverpool middlings 16Xc; New Yoik middlings 16\c; sales l83_baies; receipts 364; shipments 269. MON! GOME RT, November 13.-The market ls very Arm, holders not offering; low middlings 17c; middlings 17S'al7Jic. Wilmington Harket. WILMINGTON, November 14 -SPIRITS TURPEN? TINE.-No sales that we could bear of. ROSIN -Sales or 2088 bb)B at $4 for strained, $412M for low No 2, f 4 26 tur No 2, $4 60 ror ex? tra No 2. and $6 for pale. CRUDE TURPENTINE.-Sales or 440 bbls at $3 60 fer hard, $5 25 ror yellow dip and $6 85 for virgin. TAR.-Sales of 42 bbla at $2 95 per bbl. COTTON-Sales of 124 bales as follows: 3 at 17c, ?2 at I7%c, 24 at 17 vc, and ss at 17%c per lb. New York Rice Market. From the Journal or Commerce, Monday, No vember 18 : The market la Arm, though lhere is not much doing, small lots only arcTn request, but values are maintainer* by^Aa small supplies. We notice Bales or 30 tierces Carolina at suasse, and 125 bags Rangoon 7a7 vc K?W York Naval Stores Market. Prom the Journal of Commerce, Monday, No? vember 18: The market for spirits turpentine ls very quiet. A few small lo s are selling to cou - sumers at lower prices, embracing 66 barrels at 68c. The price or fall parcels in yard ls entirely nominal. Resins-thc rtsrket ls very Arm but quiet. Sales embrace 700 rbis pale at $7 50a9 50. We quote strained at $4 75a4 87 V, No 2 at $6a5 40 No l at $6 75a6 75, pate at $7a?, extra pale at $8 25aio. Tar ls la moderate demand. A sale ls reported or26 barrels wilmington at $3 75. Kew York Coffee Market. From the Jonrnal or Commerce, Mondav, No? vember 13: There 1B no very decided cha?geto ?ote In Brazils; there ls a fair Jobbing trade, and in some Southern cl ti s there ls more inquiry for lines, but here the transactions 'rom first hands are light an i prices are somewhat nominal. We notice sales of 1775 bag* S titos, ex Flamsteed ; in New Orleans700 bags Rio, ex Assan Valle , OD private terms, abd to arrive there 3500 bags do ex Leopoiaine, at l6Xc, gold in b ind. East and West India coffees are aull, but we dot learn that valuea have raised. Havana Market. HAVANA, November ll.-I-COAR.-Stock la warehouses at Havana and Matanzas, 114,975 boxes and 200 hhds; exported during the week from Havana and Matanzas, 7775 boxes, or wh'ch 7200 were to the United Matea: market dud- NOB 10 to 12 Dutch S andard, 9 va 0 real?; Nos 15 to 20 Dutch Standard, ll V&13V rt als; Molasses sugar "as reals for Nos 8 to IO; Mus* ovado sugar' fair to good refining, 7Xa8u; real?. Lumbar White pine nominal at *39 SS; pitch plue quiet and steady. Freights dull. Exchange-On United States. 60 days, currency, i Val v dis? count; short sight v discount; do, 60 . ays. sold, 7A7X premium; on London, I6ai6 v premium; on Parla 4 premium. Receipts per Railroad, November 15. SOUTH CAROLLNA RAILROAD. 16S6 bales cotton. 121 bbls naval stores. 140 bbls flourk. To ?allroad Agent, ?. J -?alina?, W w Smith, Pelzer, Rodgers A co. Reeder A Davis, Witte Bros. Frost x Adger, Chus L> lrxmrood. Mur daugh A Mathews. Dowling A co. Mowry A Son Geo H vvalter A co, Wm c Bee A co, A S smith Geo w Williams A co. A B Mulligan, R A Pringle W C Courtney A co. Sloan A selgnlous, L . De Saussure, Trenholm A son. smltn & Chapeau, w K Ryan. Pringle A Son Wo Dukes A co. eo H Ingraham Son, E J Wlss k co, W B Williams A Son, Jno ll huck' i. Gaillard A Minot t. H Kl tte A co, Grae-er A Harmon. John Campeen A co, J M Fredsberg, Gl&ghorn. Herrlag A co. NORTHEASTERN RAILROAD. 150 bales upland and ll bags sea Island cut on. 125 bbls naval atores, car? l> mber. wood, rou eh Ice rei?, co'n, potatoes, fun iture, rod-e, Ac. to Fr. st A 'dger. W K Ryan. Geo W williams * ?, Mowry A Soi. Pelzer, Rodgers A co, Barden A farker, G A Tretiholm A Son. A J ?allua-, G H ?Val'^r A eo, Kavenel Aco, Th<w P smi'h, ?. > Jauh. iTingle A Non, U 0 Hudglus, - Fas*, S I> St ney, Money k Lowndes, w 0 B?e A <.<. J C Mall n e, E celling. Caldwell A SOM. E Willis Whlldeu A jones, Ciagho n. Herring ,t c Km? , man k Howel, Mentone A co, R ed?-r A I) .vi? F I I Klent worta, J A Quack? hush. H Bul wu, kin W'M ! | Lawton k >on. G illard A Minot1, II. w nt k Bro D Paul k co. J Cosgrove, Wm Gurney. L Cohen ? co, and Railroad Agent. Passengers. Fer steamship Manhattan, from New York R Munro and wife, Gov Aiken, wire and servant, K Malsteadc. MUs M Chapman, Mrs E P Emmons, Geo Gray, ll VL Sprigg. C Miller, J Myers, John Archer. Miss Noyes, Mrs Jervey, child and nurse, H Koge;s, Misa E R Bot urne, Mrs S B Welch, Jas Kiley, 1) Munro, E Barnes, W W Herring, Austin Drake, F Police, F Webmann. Miss B Gerdes, Miss C A Lord, J Schulken. B G Wilkins and wire, Mles I smith, A Strong, J W Goldstein, A Getty, and 1 steerage. Per steamshlo Falcon, from Baltimore-Miss M Kennedv, Mrs E B Francis, Mrs B Hogan, Mr G S Nul!. Per steamer Citv Point, from Palatk3. via Jack? sonville, Fernandina and ?avanuah-v J Grum, A White, T S Clss'.er, C S Buck, and 2 deck._ PORT CALENDAR. MOON'3 PHASES.* o-;-"r. st::. 7 hoars. 34 minutes morrunc New M Km 12 o. ll hour. 49 minutes, morninz. F's' -:2T:cr iorh.3 honr*. 27 moated, morning. pilli Muon, 26th, 8 hours, 33 minutes, evening. 5 :.OVKSI B ?R. 13? Monday. 14 Tuesday. 15. Wednesday.. l?jThur.sdav 17. Friday. 15,saturday.... 10 Sunday. 8t;K KI3B3. 6.. 30 6 30 6. 31 6. 32 6. S3 6. .34 6. 35 4..58 4..58 4 67 4 t6 4 66 4 55 4 55 8.. 1 8.. 50 7..50 8..54 10.. 2 ll..12 morn. MARINE NEWS. CHARLESTON, S.C.NOVEMBER 16. ;.atS2 deg 46 min33 sec. I Lon 7?deg 57 min :7 sec. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship Manhattan, Wooihuli, New York left Saturdav. Mdse. To Jas Adger A co, J E Adger A co, DA Amme, S C RaUroad Agent, N E Railroad Agent, southern Express co, J Archer. J App e, MAA Ashton. Jas Allan, T M Bristoll A co. E E Bedford. H Bischoff A co. Edwin Bates A co, C Bart A co. FOB Tner, W M Bird A co, B Boyd. E P Butts, A Buero, H Bulwlnkle, T S Budd, Brewer A Eohnke, U R Banks. Mrs C H Bird, Dr H uaer, U Brown, S Brown, Jos Blackman J U Boesch, Cameron. Barkley A co, T M Cater, Chase & entino, I oils Cohen A co, W H Chafee A co,. C Claclus, charleston Hotel, T Campbe 1, J H Duck? er, Crane, Boylston A co. Dowle, Moise A Davis, E Daly. M Drake, H A Dnc, J M Eason A Bro, Ellas Bros, G H Eyse .bach, Edgerton A Richards, Frost A Adger, B Foley, Jotin S Falrlv ic, Furchgott, Benedict A co, D F Fleming A co, D Fitzgibbon. B Feldmann A co. Gourdin, Matthlesseu A CO, D Goldstein A Son, J H Graver A- c >. U Gerdts A co. C S Gadsden, N A Hunt, J w Harrison, J H Hillen, Hart A co, I H Hall A co, AH Hayden. J Harkamp A co, Haibeson A co, F s Holmes, J Heins, Ch - s Hickey, D BJHasslton. U Harrie, agt. C N Hubert, Johnston, Crews A co, A Johnson, Jaeger Bros, O B A A ? Jo nsoo, Jeir mis A co, ?1 H J. hns n, Kim ck. Wkkenberg A co, Chas Kerrison. C Ker? rison, Jr, A co, II Klatte A CU, W Knobeloch, J P Kiep, Kanapaux A Gonzalez, U W Kriete, Dr lt A Kinloch, C L Korn ? hr-ns, P B Lalane A co, Wm Knobloch. Jr, Laurey A Alexander, J H Lawton A co. J W Llolev, G J Lu tm, c Lltschgl, A Langer, Dr W T Linn, A*R Lewitn, J H Lopez, J ll Muller, Jno G Mllnor A co. W Matthie.-sen, McLoy & Rice, Mrs M A Mebrtens, Wm Marscher, Mantoue A co, Macqueen A Rlecke. vevers A uetjen, D McPher? son, B O'Neill, D O'Neill A Sonn. D O'> elli. Osten dorn A co. Paul Welch A Brandes, J C Ojeman, E Perry, C PPcppenhetm, W u Porter, W F Paddon, J A Qaackenbush, J Hell, J N Robuon, Ravenel. Holmes A co, Dally News, E B Stoddard A co, Steffens. Werner A Docker, stol!, Webb A co, Wm Shepher 1 A co, Oito F Wleters, Walker. Evans A Cogs wt 11, J steiner, H Slegllng, Street Bros A co, S S Solomons, L schnell, H stender, W A Skrlne. A K Stillman, Shackeirord A Kelly, M Trlest, J F Taylor A co Tledeman, Calder A co, S Thomson, R Thomllnson A co, Terry A Nolan, C Voigt. Wm Ufferhardt. Thomas A Lanneau, agu, S H Wilson A Bro, Wm H Welch, Wagener A Monsees. Wm G Whllden, agt, 0 W Wi. eking, W J Yates. Sunday, ll 45 P M. 25 miles south or Hatteras, exchanged signals with steamship c ha npion, hence for New York. The Manhattan arrived at the Bar on Mon? day night, at 8 o'clock. steamship Falcon. Haynle. Baltimore-left 1 Uh Instant. Mdse. To Mordecai A co, P C Trenholm, Macqueen A Rlecke, Rev D J Qugley, J G Mllnor A co, C Kerrison, Jr, A co, Mantoue A co. D Paul A co, Steffens, Werner A Duck r, G J Lnbn, J H Graver A co, EE Bedford, G Foll?n. C Claclus, J M ShacKeironi, Kanapaux A Gonzalez, E Bates A co, B O'Neill. U Klatte A co, T A Beamish, H Bis? choff A co. O F Wleters, J N Robson, Hart A co R u McDowell. Filas A Bros. D O'Neill A sons. W n Welch, Hollina-, a Br a. C Ltllenihal A co, J Heine. J P Brown, J D Alk> n. Goodrich, WlnemHn A co, F C Borner, D Fitzgibbon, L Lorentz. F Neumay? er, W U Chafee A o, EH Stelling, J Wiley A co, Tledeman, Calder A co, Klinck, Wlckenberg A co, Stoll. Webb A co. British bark Orange Grove, McLean, Matan zas S cays. Ballast. To R Mure A co. Steamer City Point, McMillan, Pa'atka. via Jack? sonville, and Fernandina. 54 balee cotton, 139 bales wet cotton, 85 packages mdse and sundries. To Ravenel A co, Witte Bros, Geo H Ingraham A Son, W B williams A Son. G w williams A co, W M i aw ton A Sons, Fraser A Dill, Plnckney Bros, Beeder A Davis, Barden A Parker, Pani, Welch A Brandes. Boat from John's Island. I bag sea Island cot ton. To R Roper. Boats from Christ Church, l bag sea Island cn ton. ToR Roper. Boats from James Island. 12 ibags sea island cotton. To Fraser A Did. Boat from John's Island. 4 bags Bea Island cotton. To Fraser A D il. Boat from Stono. 5 bags sea Uland cotton. To Fraser A DID. Received from Habenlcht Mills, James Island. 17 bags sea Island cotton. To W O Bee A co, and Fraser A DHL Received from Chlsolm's Mill. 37 tierces rice. To W K Ryan and D McPherson. Received from Bennett's Mill. 31 tierces rice. To G H Ingraham A ?son. SAILED YESTER?AT. Steamship Charleston, Berry. New York. Bark Annie Kimball, Simson, Liverpool. Bark Mendota, Perry, Havre. Brig Le-vis L Squire, Horton, Liverpool, sehr Lilly, Hughes. New York. Br sehr Dandy, Ballard, Nas -au, N P. Sehr M H Stockham, Cordery, Philadelphia. British sehr Equator, Ranger, Harbor Island, Bahamas. Sehr Sarah Wood. Hickman, Philadelphia. Sehr Geo B Somes, Prav, New York. MARINE NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. LONDON, November 15.-The steamship City of Brooklyn ran down the steamer Ida In the Mer? sey. An officer 01 the Ida was drowned. KEW YORK, November 16.-Arrived, steamships Silesia, Cuba and Magnolia. Evening.-Arrived, steamships Ocean Queen, Coba and Huntsville. Arrived out, steamships Baltimore. Hermann, France, St Lanr, and bark M E Seed, from Charleston. MEMORANDA. Wejare requested by the captains of coasting steamers and salli g vessels to call the attention of the proper authorities to the urgent necessity of placing the buoys nf St Helena bar in rd er, so as to prevent accident and to give the vessels trad? ing in those waters such dispatch and security as is afforded by the buoys being In their proper places. The sehr Henrietta, Leavltt, from Bucksvuie, S C, arrived at Philadelphia November 12. LIST OF VESSELS DP, CLEARED AND SAILED FOR THIS TORT. FOREIGN. LIVBHPOOL, Br ship Colonist, Boarsrnd, np.Oct 21 Br ship Magdala, Mack, un.Oct 24 t???mt? Bel-late. Williams, sailed.Oct 16 u*^8*oeskummen'n, Westergaard, MM.? ct 17 Tne Windermere. Yeoman, salh-d.,_Oct IT The Uamir ja, Btrkland, sailed.Oct 26 NKWPORT. ?NO. Br bark David McNntt, Lockhart, sailed.. .Sept 28 The Preso, Jenkins, sailed.Sept 29 BRISTOL. ENG. Br bari Architect, Doddridge, sailed.Oct 17 FLEETWOOD ENG. Ship John Sidney, Bartlett, sailed.Oct 13 OABDirr. Br bark Perseverance. Cook, up.Oct ll HALIFAX, N S. Br ship City of Halifax, tlc- lhenny, up.Oct 20 ANTWERP. Br bark Celeste, Fullerton, up.Oct 21 HAVANA. Br bark Isabella Harmer. Corner, sailed... .Oct 23 Span bark Tio, Rentena, cl'd....Oct2S DOMESTIC. BOSTON. Bark Acacia, Robinson, op.Oct 23 KKW YORK. Steamship Fall River. Holmes, np.Nov 7 Sehr Matilda BP oks, Jones, cleared.Nov 10 Sehr L S Davis, Bishop, up.Nov 10 PHILADELPHIA. Sehr J Ricardo Jova, Little, cleared.Nov 9 sehr S L Russell .-rnUh. cleared.Nov 7 Sehr Vraie. Mason, cleared.Nov 2 Sehr N V W Williams. Si monH, cleared.. .Nov 11 Sehr Bessie Morris. Wien cleared.Oe. 14 S br Anule s Gaskin. Gaskill, up.oct 26 Sehr E C Rommeil, Adams, np.Nov 4 BANGOR, ME. Sehr F Segnr, Grogan, ele red.Nov 2 gTJPBRIOR COLOGNE WA' Manufactured and for sale by Dr. H. BABE. 131 Meeting street jTolT~L IVERPOOL. The first-class Iron Brig CARLOTA, Por-.?IA tuondo, Master, wanting only soo bales toSJBst complete cargo, will meet with dispatch for trie above port. For Freight engagements apply to novl5 6 _ROBERT MURE A CO. ?pOR FORT SUMTER, BATTERY WAGENER, FORT MOULTRIE, AND ALL OTHER INTERESTING POINTS AROUND TUE HARBOR. The fast, safe and comfortably appointed JLk Yactit ELEANOR will leave Southern wharfsSBt svKKY DAT, at io o'clock morning, and 3 o'clock afternoon. For arrangements, apply to CAPTAIN THOMAS YOUNG, novia On Board. JjlOR LIVERPOOL. The Al American ship OLIVE S. SOUTH-^IA ARD, J. S. Theooal I Master, having a largeSBI. portion of ber Cargo engaged and going on board, will be dispatched for the above port. For Freight engagements, apply to OCU2 B. G. WILKINS 4 CO. F OR FLORIDA, VIA SAVANNAH, TWICE A WEEK. The splendid Steamers DICTATOR, _ . ??H?^ Captain L. M. Coxet'.er, and CITY jgfiESBSSL POINT, Captain Geo. E. McMillan, wm ami aa ioi 10 ws: The Die-ator will leave Charleston every TUBS PAT EVENING, at 8 o'clock, and City Point every FRIDAY EVENING, at 8 o'clock, for Fernandina, Jacksonville, Paiatka, and all Landings on Sr. John'a River. These Sieamers connect with rail? road at Yocot f?r St. Augustine, and at Palatka with steamers lor Enterprise. Close connection ls also made with steamships at Cedar Keys for New Orleans and Havana, and shippers can rely on no detention of freights to New orleans, and at low rates. For Freight or Passage, having first-class ac? commodations, apply to RAVENEL A CO., Agents, Corner Vanderho*st's wharf and >ast Bay. Through Bills of Lading given to New Orleans. nove_ -f^EEKLY LINE TO SAVANNAH, GA , AND SEMI-WEEKLY TO BEAUFORT. S. C. The Steamer JPIUOT BOY, Captain W. T. MCNELTY, Will leave Accommodation Wharf _ . ?flr^a. every MONDAY MORN NO, at 6 o'clock, isSaUSSE for Savannah Beaufort, Hilton Head and Span lsh Wells, Returning will leave Savannah every , TUESDAY MORNING. Will leave for Beaufort, Pacific and Chlsolm'a Landing-* every THURSDAY MORNING at 8 o'clock. Returning will leave Beaufort every FRIDAY MORNING. Freight received WKDXEJDATS and SATURDAYS. Must be prepaid to Way Landings. Oeods consigned to care of Agents will be for? warded free of HI orage or commission. For Freight or Passage, apply to KAVENEL, HOLMES A CO., No. ITT East Bay. fl, anos. SIXTY-FIVE FIRST PRIZE MEDALS AWARDED THE GREAT SOUTHERN PIANO Manufactory. WM. KNABE & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT*" PIANO FORTES, BALTIMORE, MD. These Instruments have been before the public tor nearly thirty years, and upon their excel? lence alone attained an un purchased pre-eml nonce, ^hieh pronounces them unequalled la TONE, Toura, WORKMANSHIP AND DURABILITY. *3~Ali our SQUARE PIANOS have our New Im ?roved OVERSTRUNG SCALE and the AGRAFFE REBLE. MW We would call especial atttent lon to our late Patented Improvements In GRAND PIANOS and SQUARE GRANDS, fiund Inno other Plano, which brings the Plano nearer perfection than has yet been attained. EVERY PIANO FULLY WARRANT? ED FOR FIVE YEARS. as-we are by special arrangement enabled to furnish PARLOR ORGANS and M KLODEONS of the most celebrated maters, Wholesale a d Retail at lowest Factory Prices. Illustrated Catalogues and Price Lists prompt? ly furnished on application to WM. It<fc CO., BALTIMORE, MD. Or any of onr regular established agencies. octi7-tnths6mo8DAW_ ?niloing material. B?i LDERS' DEPOT, 91 CHURCH STREET. LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER, Slate, Tile, Shingles, Laths, Hair, Gravel, Chimney Tops, Sewer Pipes. Encaustic Tile, Marbleized Slate Mantels A beautiful substitute for marble, at reduced rates. 00131 E. M. GRIMKE, P. 0. Box 8T4. r>ooi*s, SASHES AND BLINDS. P. P. TOALE, Manufacturer and Dealer, Bas removed hu ornee to and opened his prin? cipal SALESROOMS at No. 20 UAVNE STREET and No. 33 PIN CRN h Y STREET, where he takes pleasure In ottering to the public a full stock of his own manufacture of DOORS,sANHES,BLINDS MOULDINGS. NEWELS. BALUSTERS, Ac. WOOD TURNING In all Its branches. A specialty made of FRENCH and AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS, at WHOLESALE and RETAIL. MW Orders for stock of irregular size work re? ceived either ar. thc Salesrooms, No. 20 HAYNE STREET.or at the FACTORY on Horlbeck's wharf. angl5 tuthBSmrw_ AT PRIVATE SALE, MARL BLUFF PLANTATION, on Rocky Creek Swamp. Oraugeburg District. South Carolina, 15 miles from Blackville, on South Carolina Railroad, Au? gusta Branch, and li miles from Orangeburg Courthouse, on Columbia Branch Road. Charles? ton and Augusta and Charleston and Columbia Railroads, containing 1928 acres or land, 238 or which ts cleared and under good fences; about to acres more cleared, but not under fence-all or which la Orot class Cotton and Corn Landa; the balance ls drat class Timber Land. A arst-clais circular saw Mill (water,) In order for Immediate use, ou a constant stream. Lum ber to hand, and can be rafted to Charleston from the Mill. Also, a good Grist Mill. Has a comfortable house with six (6) rooms, outbuild mgs all in good condition, stables, barn, Ac. six its) framed negro honses In good order. It als? has a Marl Bed on lt which makes lt very advan t-ineons to agricultural purposes for making ma i,uri-s, Ac. The best of titles can be given. An; informarlo:, either In writing or in person can b+ ad by application to Dr. b RAER. No. 131 Meet tr Mtrtf-'. ?'hnrli-<ti.n O Innlft FINE FRENCH EXTRACTS FOR THE BATO* ERCHIEF. LUBIN'S, OUI BIS*, MOUTLLERON'8, *C For sale, lr quantities to suit purchasers, by DB. H. BAEK, mtv*- No. 131 Meeting street. POR li ? W ? ORK. MSW YORK AIT? CHARLESTON STEAMSHIP LINK. ESTABLISHED 1845. The splendid side-Wheel Steamship MANHAT? TAN, M. L. Woodhall, Commander, will sall from Ad tr er's Wharf on SATURDAY, the 18th Instant, at lo o'clock A. M. gr Through Bills of Lading Riven on Cotton to Liverpool, Boston, Providence and the New Eng ,and manufacturing towns. 49* Insurance half per cent, bj this Une of Steamers. For Freight or Passage, having spacious and elegant deck Staterooms, apply to novl6-3 JAMES AlHiKK A co.. Agents. rJlHE PHILADELPHIA IRON LINE. I THE FIRST-CLASS IRON SCREW STEAMSHIPS GULF STREAM, Captain McCrery, VIRGINIA, Captain Hunter, Are now regularly on the Line, Insuring a first class sea connection between Philadelphia and Charleston, and In alliance with Railroad Com? panies at both termini, afford rapid transportation to and from all points In the Cotton States, and to and from Cincinnati, St. Louis, Chicago and the principal cities or the Northwest, boston. Providence and the Eastern Manufacturing Cen? tres. ?- The GULF STREAM ls appointed to sall from Brown's wharr on THURSDAY, November 16 th, at 6 o'clock P. M. ay The VIRGINIA will follow next week. For particulars of Freight arrangements, apply to WM. A. COURTENAY. Union Wnarves. W. P. CLYDE A CO., Agents, No. 12 South Dela ware Avenue, Philadelphia. novl3-mtnth3 JjlOR NEW YORK. ON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16TH, AT 6 O'CLOCK P. M. NEW IRON STEAM LINE-ESTABLISHED 1870. The Splendid New Iron Side Wheel Steamship SOUTH CAROLINA. Beckett, Commander, will eau for New York on THURSDAY, November 16th, at o'clock P. M., from Pier No. 2, Union Wharves. Through Bills of Lading to Liverpool by WILLIAMS A GUION STEAM LINE. To Genoa, Trieste, Naples, Leghorn, Christiania. Gotten burg. and to Glasgow, by ANCHOR LINE STEAM? SHIPS. To New Enzland Cities as usual. Ins ii ance by steamers or this Line H per cent. For Freight or Passage Engagements, having very fine Deck stau room accommodatlo s, apply to WAGNER, HUGER A CO., No. 28 Broad street, r to W. A. COURTENAY, No. 1 Union Wharves novl3-mwth3_ jp o ? BALTIMORE. FREIGHTS RECEIVED DAILY, AND Til ROC BILLS LADING ISSUED TO PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON, THE CITIES OF THE NORTHWEST, LIVERPOOL AND BREMEN. The fine Steamship FALCON, Haynle, Com? mander, will sall for Baltimore, on SATURDAY, November 18, at ll o'clock A. M. Kr Philadelphia Freights forwarded to that etty by railroad from Baltimore wimont addi? tional insurance, and Consignees are allowed am? ple time to sample and seU their Goods from the Railroad Depot In Philadelphia. For Freight or Passage apply to PAULO. TREN HOLM, Agent. novi3-e No. a Union Wnarves. .piOR UVERPOOL, VIA QUEENSTOWN. CARRYING THE UNITED STATES MAILS. THE LIVERPOOL AND GREAT WESTERN 4ff?&> STEAM COMPANY <ff^ wm dispatch one of their first-class, full po wei Iron Screw steamships from PIER No. 40 N. R., EVERY WEDNESDAY, A8 FOLLOWS: WYOMINO.Capt. WHINNKRAY.NOV. 16. at 8>i A M MINNE30TA,?apT.T.W.i-Tceraan,Nov.22.at2)? PM IDAHO, Capt. PRICB.Nov. ?9, at 7,s A SI MANHATTAN, Capt. J.B.PRIC8, Dec. 1, at - COLORADO, Capt. T. F. KKBBM AN. Dec. 8, at 1PM Cabin Passage 880, gold. Steerage Passage (Otnce No. 29 Broadway) $80, currency. For Freight or Cabin Passage, apply to WILLIAMS A GUION, No. 63 WaU street. N. Y. N. B.-Through Bills Lading to Liverpool Issued by the Charleston and New York Steamers, which make close connection with the above line. For particulars and rate of Freight apply to JAMES A DOER A CO., WAGNER. HUGER A CO., maye Qr WM. A. COURTENAY._ pACIFIO MAIL STEAMSHIP OOMPTS THB0?QI1 LINS TO CALIFORNIA, CHINA AND JAPAN. FARES GREATLY REDUCED. Steamers of thc abovo line leave Pier No. 42, North River, foot of Canal]_ street, New York, at 12 o'clock noon, of the lett, and 80th or every month (except when these tates fall oa Sunday, then the saturday preceo ug. All departures connect at Panama with steam? ers for south Pacific and Centrai American porte. Departure of 16th touches at Kingston, Jamaica. For Japan and China, steamers leave San Fran jtsco flrat of every month, except when lt falls on Sunday; then on the day preceding. No California steamers touch a: Havana, but go direct from New York to AspinwaU. one hundred pounds baggage free to each adult, Medicine and attendance free. For Passage Tickets or other information apply it the COMPANY'S TICKET OFFI?E, on the wharf foot of Canal street, North River, New York. F. R. BABY, Agent. jaiT26-lyr_ J^ACE CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADES, PAPER HANGINGS, AO W . J . TRIM Bas on hand a large and carefully selected stock Of UPHOLSTERY GOODS, WINDOW tj?A?ES, Pa? per Hangings, Decorations, Ac. CONSISTIDO IN PART OP : A fall line of WINDOW HOLLANDS AND SHADES Swiss, Nottingham and Muslin Curtains Brocha, Reps, Terrys and Satin DelAlns All Wool Damasks and Watered Moroens French and English Cretonnes and Chintzes Linen Coverings and Stripes, Bindings, Ac Embroidered Piano and Table Covers Victoria, Dining and Centre Table Covers Tollanettes, OH Cloths, Table and Desk covering! "J""' Centre Tassels. Fringes and Gimps ?. -, Walnut and Rosewood Cornices .* d Picture Nails nrJr w ot u i...,, , MOSS Mattresses Few aad Pulpit Cosu.una. July ?4* K0"843 KU?Qtil'REET' 01 TnE BEND? 5 cm in s ?HacInnef. SINGER STILL TRIUMPHANT ! FIRST PREMIUM AT ATLANTA FAIR, uCTOBER, 1871, FOR BEST FAMILY" MACHINF. PREMIUM AT THE MACON FAIR, OCTOBER, 1871. FOR FAMILY MACHINE, WITH BEST AND MOST USEFUL ATTACHMENTS. FIRST PREMIUM AT THOMASVILLE, NOVEMBER 2, 1371, FOR BEST FAMILY MACHINE. GOLD MEDAL AND THREE SILVER MEDALS AWARDED THE SINGER AT THE AU? GUSTA FAIR, NOVEMBER, 1871. EXAMINE OUR MACHINES. H. D. HAWLEY, GENERAL AGEST FOR SOUTH CAROLINA, GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. J. CLARK BEDELL, DOV14-tnths RESIDENT AGENT, CHARLESTON, S. C. ?remo PriJ.e EHstribntion. THE SOUTH CAROLINA IHM um Atv. i ' FOR THE PROMOTION OF IMMIGRATION TO THE 80UTH, BUTLER, CHADWICK, GARY & CO., Agents1 CHARLESTON, S. C. A SERIES OF CONCERTS WILL BE GIVEN UNDER TUE AUSPICES OF THE South Carolina State Agricultural and Mechanical Society, At the Academv of Mnaic Charleston. S. C.. commencing January 8. 2872, at wrlch Drawings .will take place and Distributions nude to Tlcket-Uolders of the eti'ire Academy of Music Bunning, at Charleston. S 0 . and ca h In various amounts making In all TWO THOUSAND lOL'R HUNDRED AND FIVE GIFTS, estimated at $500,000. 150,000 SEA80N TICKETS OF ADMISSION, AT FIVE DOLLARS EACH. ALL ORDERS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. For references and full particulars send for Circulars. The Dr iwing cf this Great Southern Enterprise win be conducted under the supervision of the fol? lowing well known gentlemen: General A. R. WRIGHT, of Georgia. Colonel B. n. RUTLEDGE, of South Carolina. General BRADLEY T. JOHNSON, of Virginia. Hon. ROGER A. PRIOR, of New Y'ork. Remittances can be made to us, and the Tickets will be sent by Return Mall, by BUTLER, CHADWICK, GARY & CO., CHARLESTON, S. C General M. C. BUTLER, JOHN CHADWICK. General M. W. GARY. Tickets can be procured of E. SEBRING & CO., and J. L. MOSES, General Agents, No. 34 Broad street. nova Cotton Zics, Ut. OOOOH TIE. SLOAN & SEIGNIOUS, Agents, COTTON FACTORS, BROWN & CO.'S WHARF ii? mu (Engines, Jnacrjmerrj, &c. STEAM ENGINES Keep constantly or hand, and ready xor Imme? diate delivery, STATIONARY, PORTABLE AND AGRICULTURAL ENGINES, and can rnrnlsh, at short noilce, any description of Engine not kept regularly in stock. CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, Or approved Patterns and dur?rent sizes, ready for delivery, and fitted with either Ratchet or Screw-Head Blocks. GRIST MILLS, From Sixteen to Thirty Inch; French Burr, Dou? ble-Geared GRIST MILLS. Also, the Universal or Star COTTON GINS, THRESHERS, CANE MA? CHINERY, HORSE-POWERS, Ac. BAR IRON, STEEL AND METALS. A larne assortment constantly on handjof the above articles. NAILS, SPIKES &c. HENRY DI8STON A SO N'S PATENT CIRCULAR, GANG, MULAY, HAND AND CROSS-CUT SAWS, GUMMING MACHINES, FILES, Ac. Als."), MILLER'S CELEBRATED "INSERTED TOOTH" SAWS. 8WADGE3 AND SAWYER'S TOOLS GEN? ERALLY. RAILROAD, STEAMBOAT AND MILL SUPPLIES. OILS. A full Une or Pure OILS, as follows: Sperm, Lard, Neatsfcot, C., B. A Co.'s Lubricator, "White Oak Oil," Tallow, Axle Grease. JB E L T I N G . Rubber and Leather BELTING, warranted. Also, Gum and Hemp Packing, Jute and-^oap stone Packing, Lacing, Gaskets, Belt Fastenings, aU kinds. LEAD. Sheet, Pig, Bar and Pipe. BLOCK TIN PIPE. PUMPS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. H08E, LEATHER AND GUM, or au sizes. BRASS GOODS. steam Ganges, Water Ganges, Steam and Plumber's Brass-work. PLAIN AND GALVANIZED IRON PIPE8, At Factory Prices of MORRIS TASKER A CO. STEAM AND MALEABLE IRON FITTINGS. WHITE LEAD, COLORS AND PAINT O LL ROPE, OAKUM, SHEATHING FELT AND PAPER, NAILS, SPIKES, Ac. CARTS, WAGONS AND TIMBER TRUCK8 Of the celebrated make of WILSON. CHILDS A CO., Philadelphia. PATENT IRISH ROOFING FELT CAMERON, BARKLEY & CO., N. E. CORNER MKETINO AND 'TUB KI.AND TH. augU-mtbemoDSW CHARLES ION. s. r Optical. jyjONET CANNOT BUT IT ! FOR SIGHT IS PRICELESS!! The DIAMOND GLASSES, mann ractured by J. E. SPENCER A CO., New York, which are now offered to the public, are pronounced by all the celebrated Opticians of the world to be the most Perfect, Na i ural Art; Octal help to the human eye eyer known. They are ground under their own supervision, from minute Crystal Pebbles, melted together, and derive their name, "Diamond," on acconni of their hardness and brilliancy. The scientific principle on which they are con strncted brings the core or centre of the lens di rectly in front of the eye, producing a clear and distinct vision, as in the natural, healthy Bight, and preventing all unpleasant sensations, such as glimmering and wavenng of sight, dimness, Ac peculiar to all others tn ase. They are mounted in the finest manner, In frames of the best qcallty, of all materials nsec for that purpose. Their finish and durability can i.ot be surpassed. CACTTON.-None genuine unless bearing their trade mark stamped on every frame. JAMES ALLAN, Dealer tn Watches. Jewelry. Sterling silverware and Optical Goods, No. 30T King street. OCMl-stuthlyr Charleston, S. 0. ROSADALIS. ROS AD ALIS is the best Blood Purifier. ROSADALIS, a sure cure for Scrofula. ROSADALIS, endorsed by Physicians. ROS AD ALIS, a potent remedy for Rheumatism. ROSADALIS, a Remedy tried and true. ROSADALIS, the best Altera? tive extant. ROSADALIS endorsed by the following : Or. R. WILSON CARR, or Bal time re. rr. T. 0. PUGH, of Baltimore. Dr. THOS. J. 110YKIN, of Baltimore nr. A. DORO AN. of Tar bor o', N. C. UT. J. 8. SPARKS, o? Nicholas vile, Ky. Dr. A. F. WHEELER, of Lima, Chlo, nr. W. HOLLOWAY, nf Philadelphia Dr. J. L. MCCAKTHA, of South carolina. and many o t ne re. See ROSADALIS ALMANAC UOHAUAU.H, indorsed by Rev. DAB NEY BALL, now of Mary md Conference, formerly Chaplain In the Con ederate Army of Northern Virginia. H08ADAXJ8 s Alterative, Tonic and Diuretic, and acta ? .ne and the same time upon the BLOOD, LIVE* tDNEYSandall the BEORETORY OKGANS.e? elllng all Impure matter and bnlMtn* np 'Vstem to a healthy, vigorous condition. ROHADALJH IB SOLD HY ALL DRBOOISTb. BOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS, i w??le*"* GOODRICH. WINFMAN * 00.,J Argent? U3 Dr. u. BARR ' Charleston mare-lv Sarg ling ?il. MERCHANT'S GARGLING OIL IS GOOD FOR BURK8 AND SCALDS, RHEUMATISM, CHILBLAIN?, HEMORRHOIDS, OB SPRAINS AND BBasis, PILES, CHAPPED HANDS, SOBS NXFPLTB. PLE<-H WOUNDS, CAKED BREAST?, ? FROST BITES, PTST?LA, MANOS, EXTERNAL POISONS, SPAVDfs, SWEENEV, SAND CRACKS, SCBATCHBB, OB OBBASN, OALLS OF ALL KINDS, STHJKOEALT.WINDOALLS, SITFABT, RINO BONE, FOCNDIBBD PUT, POLL ETIL. CRACKED HEELS, BITES OF ANIMALS AND FOOT ROT IN >HBEP, INSECTS, ROUT ni POCLBT, TOOTHACHE, AC, Aa, LAUE BACK, Aa, Aa Large Size, $1; Medium Size, 50 cts.; Small Size 25 eta. From George H. Sheffield, P. M., East Gains, Orleans Connty, New Torc, September 29,1868: I am happy tossy that one bottle of your GARG? LING OIL bas cared the Rheumatism m my right arm, when nothing else would help me. From Geo. R, Thralls, Warsaw, Ind.. November 6, 1866: When I was appointed agent for the sale or yonr GARGLING OIL, there was a large stock on nand.but lt ls new al soid,and I thlnk"you bad bet? ter send me twelve dozen more, one half of which .for "Family Use.? It ls regarded the best medt cine ever hold. A LINIMENT * From D. G. Robinson, Sarepta, Miss., February 18.1867: . Please send another supply of yonr GARGLING OIL; it has given general satisfaction. It hu cured a case Or Rheumatism of ten yearn' stand? ing, and ts great for Burns. In fact, lt has been successful lu almost every case where lt has bad a fair trial. From Dr. R. F. Parsons, Brighton, Ind., Septem? ber 0,1868: I keep a large stock of your GARGLING OIL on band, and find it the best preparation in wf the kind in use; and sell three tums as mudh of lt as any other. From L. Schlottman, Round Top, Fayette Coun? ty. Texas, February 15,1809: I am now selling more or yonr GARGLING OIL than any other Liniment-and all who have used lt pronounce it "the best thing ont" R. D. Tailor, of Concord, Ky., says: TheGARGLING O L cured a horse of hi-?, injured while ploughing, by attempting to step over a FOE stump, a'raoat severing the thigh rrom the body; also, that be has used lt in his family for Cf teen yeara, and ls the best remedy for Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Frost Bites, Strains, Rheumatism, Aa, he ever used. Extract of a letter from Dr. C. T. Murphy, dated Magnolia, N. C.: 1 nave used yr ur GARGLING OIL for several yeara, and And lt superior to ail other medicines for the diseases and purpose? for which lt ts re? commended. From Meters. E. A H. Bell, Bonville, Fillmore County, Minn., September 28,1868: We will sell a great deal more of your GARG? LING OIL at this point tor the future, for the rea? son that lt gives good latlsfacton to customers. From Messrs. K L. A E. W. Olds, Norwich Wt, February 4, 1869: Allow us to say in regard to your GARGLING OIL, that we esteem lt the best Uniment we have HUMAN FLESH ever known. It gives universal satisfaction, and we can testify to Tts efficacy from our own expe? rience. Extract of a letter from Be th .el Farley, dated Marlow, N. H.. August l, 185?: Tour medicine gives satisfaction to all who have used lt, and taces the lead of any article of the Uniment Und m use In thia vicinity. Messrs. McLain A Bros.. Wholesale Druggists, Wheeling, Va, says, under date of July 34, l866y_ That they can safely recommend the CAROLINS OIL for more diseases than lt Is recommended for. Extract of a letter from Hon. Nathan Lindsey, County Judge of Shelby County, Iowa, dated Har? lan, April 13, 1867 : It la decidedly preferred to any other Liniment sold in thia section. Extract of a letter from Thomas Stnrterant, dated Hillaboro', ll.. May 13, 1867 : Tour GARGLING OIL ls spoken of by those who have used it as a first-rate article, aod I ahould Ute to have you send me some more of lt to selL AND Extract or a letter from Grlgsby A Strong, dat? ed Trenton, Tenn., September 19. 1867 : Yon may state m Almanacs that, with an ex? perience ID the drug market of fifteen years, the GARGLING OIL has not been excelled. From Dr. T. W. Ellis, TroupevUle, Ga., January 6,1869 : If I ahould receive both boxes or the GARO LINO OIL, lt will not be too mach, ss I think I could soon And sale for lt all, the inquiry beng frequent since lt ls supposed that I have lt for sale. From Dr. William S. McCall, Chamois, Mo., No? vember 6, 1868 : Tour GARGLING OIL ls taklcg the shine off rrom all the Liniments of the day. If you desired them, I could procure dozens of certificates from the beat citizens of the country. Extract of a letter from Dr. E. L. Patte, dated Ravenswood, va?, January 27, 1866 : The GARGLING OIL ls the only reliable em? brocation m existence-so say the people. We can sell more of that than of all the rest pat HOUSE FLESH. together. I can famish you with ave hundred certificates if you want. From the Louisville (Ky.) Dally Democrat, June 4,1856: MERCHANT'S GARGLING OIL bas become one of the most popular Liniments for haman flesh that ls now prepared, while for horses and cattle lt has no equal m the world. We are assured by those who have used lt for the piles-one of whom ls a distinguished physician- that among all the various pile remedies, none afforded such speedy relief as the u A KG LING OIL. from Crump A Broa., Cochrane Landing, Ohio, November 20,1866 : We are pleased with your medicine. It has been the means of curieg a great number of djk fereut diseases upon persons,as also upon borsflt We think lt cures all you recommended lt to do. We want yon to aend na the larger proportion or the variety for "family nae," In small bottles. TEY A BOTTLE^ The GARGLING OIL has been in ase as a Uni? ment for thirty-eight years, all we ask ls a FAIR TRIAL but be eure and follow dlrectPJM. Ask your nearest druggist or dealer la patent medicines for one of our Almanacs and Vade Mecaras, and read what the people Bay about the OIL The GARGLING OIL ls for sale by all respect? able dealers throughout the United sutes and other countries. Our testimonials date from 1833 to isn, and are onsoltctted. Use the GARO Ll NO OIL, and tell your neighbors what good lt has done. We deal fair and liberal with au, and defy con? tradiction. MANUFACTURED AT LOCKPOBT, N. Y. BT BLERCHANTW GARGLING OIL COMPANY, JOHN HODGE, Secretary. W. T. LINN, Agent LINN'S PILL8 I LINN'S PILL8! LINN'S PILLS ' THE BEST IN USE, LINN'S PILL'S I T TRY A BOX. Sold by au Druggists,