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CITY AFFAIRS. Meeting? Thia Day. Carolina Chapter, at 7 P. IL St, Patrick's Benevolent Society, at nair past 7 P.M. Survivors' association, at s P. M. na Fire Company, at hair-past 7 P. M. Vigilant Fire Company, at 7 P. M. Niagara Fire Company, at 7 P. M. ? Auction Sales Thia Day. Stettens, Werner & Ducker will sell al 9 o'clock, at their atores, hams, et ripa, Ac. T M. Cater wui sell at 9 o'clock, at his s tot e. bntter, hams, Ac. Leitch A Bruns will sell at 10 o'clock, at No. 16 Coming street, household fnrnltnre. Lanrey A Alexander will sell at io o'clock, at their store, strips, bellies, Ac. CRUMBS.-The minimum point reached by the thermometer from Snnday night to yesterday morning was 48 degrees. PERSONAL.-Alderman Alva Gage returned to the city yesterdiy morning, from Columbia, where h.* has been spending the pa-: few months PERSONAL_The New York Wall Street Jour? nal notices in complimentary terms a visit from its esteemed correspondent, Mr. A. C. Kaufman, of Charleston. TBE FIRST CARGO PUB HAVRE.-The fine American bark Mendots, CaptMn Perry, was cleared for Havre yesterday, by Messrs. Street Bros. A Co., with 1411 bales upland cotton weigjbt 674,000 pounds; value f115,200. ICE.-We are informed that passengers by the Northeastern Railroad report that there was Le at st. stephen's Depot, forty-five miles from the city, on Sunday morning. Frost was com? mon on Saturday and Sunday mornings along tbe road to within six or seven miles of the city. CLUBS AND STABS.-Lawrence Pety, arrested tor being drank and nuable to take care of him? self, in George street, was fined oe e dollar. I Rachel Fordham, lodged for being drank and j j ^disorderly, in Church street, was sentenced to pay a fine bf two dollars, or go to the House of Corree- { tlcn for ten days. j FOUND DEAD.-Early yesterday morning an j old colored woman, named Nancy Capers, reatd- , lng at No. 37 Spring street, who retired la good health on the preceding evening, was fonnd dead in her bed. An Inquest was held and the Jory re? turned a verdict of death from old age. The de* ceased waa folly seventy-five years or age, and died without any one in the house being aware cr | ( her ?lineas. DROWNED.-The body of Gottleib Ring-gold, a ferryman at Klnsler's Ferry, below Columbia, who was drowned on Friday while ferrying cattle . across the Co ngaree, bas not yet been recovered. He was pitched overheard, near the centre of the stream, by the pole with which he waa propelling the ferry breaking. Be s warn bnt little, the car jtjjtent being strong, and lt ls supposed the weight c J of his clothes carried him under. He was a Ger? mar, a quiet citizen, had been married bnt recent? ly, and had worked at the ferry but a short tim*. ' Tu ^AMAZONIAN WAK.- That peaceful local!- 1 ty known as Elliott atreet was enlivened on Son- c day afternoon by that highly popular diversion, c a fight between two drunken women. Carrie 1 Wilson and Mary Williams scratched, tore and . struck each other, notll a policeman came op and 1 ..-tarried the two combatants to tbe Guardhouse. c 4 They were brought before the Mayor, yesterday 1 morning, and sentenced each to pay a fine of two b dollars, OT spend ten days in the Hons? of Corree- 11 ?on. o -ia v STORMING A CASTLE.-On Saturday evening t Christiana wimams, prompted .by Jealousy on ac . coan: of the undue ravor shown to her husband n by Henrietta Wilson, approached Che house of the laup-r In State street. Not seeing her enemy, she entered ths house, and ' finding the mistress In one of the apartments, without more ado pitched Into her. rie noise of the scorne soon attracted a policeman, who look the belligerent invader in w K; and escorted her to the Guardhouse. The ? er was brought before the Mayor and sen? t? pay a Une Of ona del-r, or spend Ure i tte Hana? or correction. N A PPO rx TMEMTS.-Governor Scott has made the following appointments: M General Sam asl McGowan, or Abbeville, ss spe: D dal judge to hear thecase cf Walter Wilkie, for n the use o? E Uabeta Martin, vs. A exonder Brice, n Sr. et al, to be heard at Oconee Court on the sec- ? ond Monday In November Inst, In lien ol Judge Orr, he being of connBel tor the p'aln tiffs. A. H. Ct ley, W. h. Farr, james H. Vinson, coun? ty commissioners for Union; w. p. Hanls, Lewis -oates. D. R. P?lpber. 'or Newberry; M. M. Ken bow, w. P. McKnight, for Clarendon; H. A. _, Smith, treasurer for Fairfield, vice J". R. Boyle, re- p moved; Willam Jone, ti lal justice for Chester, Tl vice R. & Crocke-r. removed: John L. Tongue, prcbateOadge for Cul?n, vice T. J Greer, remov? ed. K. st. Moise, notary public for Sumter. WU- . liam Fanning and F. R. Andr son, commissioners 1,1 of deeds tn New York. Joseph coxe, deputy T eur veyor for Anderson Poon ty. it A GOOD IDEA-Tbe crowds that are dally flocking back to the city ?ive cheerful int tm at lo i of ret arning business, and, as a matter of coarse, ". those who work and make money require amuse- jQ menu of some kind or other. The um e is also ap? proaching for the meeting of the Grand Lodge, daring which week the city ls always thronged with bn-Incas men and visitors from the country. Considering these facts, and feeling the laek of 8t .some excitement here, while Colombia, Angosta o: ripa Savannah are having their fairs, a namber ol b( yoong men have broached the subject of a toar- ?D namenr, to come off daring Grand Lodge week. C( The grounds of the Ina ti t ute afford an ample and $ convenient place for the spectacle, and efforts c< Will be made at once ?? obtain the ase of the -j grouuds from the Agricolta.^' Society. It ls pro- pl posed to offer several handsome prizes, C.Mch ;e will attract the best riders from far and near, and make lt worth their while to do their best. Oor city now boasts af two mounted dabs, lo which ni are horsemen not to be excelled In the State, p, The last tournament was decidedly successful, st and if^bd neted with proper energy, one In De? cember -will be more successful still. Let the yoong men take hold ot lt and i he work ls done. DR. WM. C. HORLBECK. - Tliis prominent Iphysiclan and estimable germinan died yester. day morniug, betwe?^ ,-0 ?md tnree o'clock., of a disease of th? heart, athis residence in Meeting street. Dr. florlbeck wau a native of Charleston, and aft^r receiving his early edncatloa here he ? C( grad "tewas a doctor of medicine at the Charles- ' to_< Medical College. Not contented with the knowledge thoa attained or his profession, he wt nt over to Europe am' spent several years In Paris, perfecting bis medical studies ander the most distinguished p'.-.ysiclans of the day. Upon hla retara to hla native city, he began the practice of his profession In company with his father, Dr. Ellas Horlbeck. His skill ta surgery, the result of h s observations and study in Paris, was well known, and he was soon elect? ed surgeon of the Marine Hospital. At the break? ing out of the war he was appointed by the Medi? cal Society of thu State surgeon or the Roper Hospital, where he remained until he became a surge, n in the Confederate service, and was sent to Columbia and placed In charge or the Confed? erate wards hospital in the college buildings. He afterwards went Into the field, and waa surgeon at Fort Fisher during the bombardment of that p ace. At the close of the war, in which he never failed to do his whole doty as an officer and a soldier, he returned to Charles? ton, and was re-elected surgeou of the Roper Hos? pital, where be remained until the lna?totion was closed, a few mouths ago. Dr. Horlbeck waa about forty years of age, and stood high m his profession, upon graduating here he took the first prise for the best essay la a class where there were able and eager competitors. He was a strong mead, and in all his relations or ure bore an ajrfmpeacbable character. The large ramlly -bo deplore tus-untime'y end have the hearty sym pathy or numen ut friends in Charleston an i throughout the State. The funeral takes place this morning, at eleven o'clock, at St. Paul's enarco, COLUMBIA.-We baye received from tue au? thor, Mr. Henry Sparnick, an Interesting sketch of the history, condition and prospects of Colum? bia, '-the futore manufacturing and commercial centre of the South." The pamphlet ls published under the auaplces of the Columbia Board or 7rade, and, besides belDg pleasantly written, ls highly interesting in both subject and treatment. THE LECTURE on the "Condition. Duty and Dangers of the Colored Man in America," was de? livered last evening at the Rev. R. H. Cain's church, In Calhoun street, by Lieutenant-Gov? ernor Ramier. The audience waa quite large, not? withstanding the ino emency of the weather, and was composed entirely or colored persons. The lecture waa received with evident interest. THE VISITING FIREMEN.-Meetings ol the various steam Ure companies were called last evening for the purpose of making the necessary arrangement, In each company, for the reception and entertainment of the Delaware firemen, who are due on tbe 17th Instant. The visitors will ar? rive by the Northeastern Railroad In the after? noon, and will be received In due form. AN EVENING IN AFRICA may be enjoyed by all who desire so to do, in summerville thia even? ing, by attending at the Town Hall at half-past seven o'clock, when Captain Wilberforce will de? liver a narrative of several years'experience In Africa, with amuelog and Interesting anecdotes, descriptive of the customs and habits of the Ca? fres and Bushmen. The proceeds will be devoted to the benefit of the Ladles' Church Aid Society. E. W. Sacox.-The community was sad? dened yesterday morning by the news of the death or this popular and highly esteemed young Charleatonlan. Mr. S?cox was a native of this : city, and bis genial temper and engagiog addreaa made for hm many friends dui lng the Bhort time he lived among 'he business men. He waa a clerk In bis father's furniture establishment when hts ratal illness overtook him, and had hardly recov? ered from thc shock occasioned by the loss or a member of bis family. DaATH OF MR, JACOB BARRETT.-We regret to announce the death of Mr. Jacob Barrett, which took place at oise o'clock last night. Mr. Barrett was in his eightieth year, and during his ire had held several public positions of trust. AB i citizen he was respected, for his exact and un? swerving integrity, as well as for the sonad augment end Industry which enabled him to ac ?am?late a large fortune. Ten years ago Mr. Jarrett was extremely wealthy, bat, like most southerners, he lost heavily by the war. The fanerai will take place at. four o'clock, thia tfternoon from -he residence of Mr. C. F. Levy, So. 6?. Wentworth s reet. BUCHHEIT'S BAKERY BURKED.-A fire broke )ut las*, evening, at a quarter to seven o'clock, m he bakahooso or Mr. J. H. Bncbhclt in the rear )f his premises, on East Bay, between Ti add and Elliott streets. The alarm was promptly given rom St Michael's steeple, and the engines ar Ived quickly upon the scene of the fire. By heir e-orta the fire waa confined to the bake ?oose, where lt origioated, and waa extinguished n about half an hour. The fire was caused by a :rack in the oven which waa highly heated, and iver which the men were drying cracklings. the? took fire suddenly and bazeJ np. The >al\house and oven were entirely destroyed. They had been pat up with new machinery, and ixturta when Mr. Bachhelt started the bakery .usin?es, a few months back, after the fire which cc ur red m this iden tlcal place in the spring, "he loss ls estimated at between eleven and wei re hundred dollars, not a dollar of which waa anrod. The work or the directors of the fire om panie? was rendered particularly dangerous y the Insecure condition of the back wall of a anding on tbe adjoining premises, a few yards a front of the bakehouse. The wall, wi. i : h was riginally bal fourteen laches thick, has been rom away at the base, by pl lng wood agalnet It, a a ernst about four Inches thick. This makes it omewhat of a deadfall, and bas before been oti ced by the chief of the department. Hotel Arr 1 val?-No vf m ber 13. CHARLESTON H'TEL. . 8. W. Wood, New York; A. Gage and wile, 'rs. E. Platt, Mrs. J. P. Horbach, D. McPherson, rs. E. H. Jackson and family, city. PAVILION HOTEL. W. Rowan, Pittsburg; A. Mowatt, St. Andrew's, . B. ; I. A. Planton, Winlaton. MILLS HOrSK. Mrs. Parker, Misa N. Parker, Miss C. Parker, isa F. Parker, Dr. C. Davega, H. H?gens, city; . C. Seymour, New Orleans; A. P. Montbriand, . Harold, Philadelphia; V. N. Talmage, A. P. icklnson, New York. H USINES S NOTICES. THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE took the first remlum at Abbeville Fair, in October, 1871. heir agency is at 197 King street. SUDDEN CHANGES IN THE WEATHER are pro? active of Threat Diseases, Cough? and Colds, here ls no more effectual relief to be found than i the ase of "Brown's Bronchial Troches." novlt-tuthfS ENGLISH SADDLES.-For sale, 24 fine English addles and loo McClellan Siddles. Will be sold w to close consignment. JOHN COMMINS, NO. 30S King street, noTU-tnfO Above Wentworth. A STARTLING FACT. - At No. 121 Meeting reet. Mr. Edward Daly ls receiving and now bas a hand one of the handsomest assortments of rats and sh oes, brogans, fashionable gaiters, 4 c, i the city, which will be sold at r?pudi?t.on pii v, enabling even the holders of Scott A Co's tate bonds to keep tbeir feet neat-looking and imfortable. Call for those American gaiters, or ie Calf Opera boot, just received from Phlladel lia and New York, and fix j ourself for the win r. h To THE LADIES.-Frank Leslie's Lady's Jour iL with colored plate ; Fashions by Worth, of iris ; price io cents, for sale at the popuHr ores, BASEL STREET BAZAAR novl3-3 AND EAST BAY NEWS ROOM. COUGHS AND COLDS are often overlooked; a mtlnaance for any length of time causes irrita on of the Lungs or p'om6 Chronic Throat DlBease. Brown's Bronchial Troches" are an effectual )ugh remedy. no"-tuth?3 THE ACADEMT OF MUSIC GRAND GIFT CON ?rts, as advertised by Messrs. Butler, chadwick, ary A Co.-Mr. Eben Coffin, sub agent for this plendid and attractive scheme, ls now prepared ) sell tickets for the same. Applications to be lade to bim at the office of Mr. Edward M. More ind, No. 29 Broad street. Ot BILL HEADS printed on fine paper at $3, $4, 5, $6 50 and $8 60 per thousand, according to Ize, at THE NEWS Job Office. PARTIES in want of doors, eaahee, blinds, ?onldlngs, stair newels and balusters, will con alt their own interests by calling on or writing o Mr. P. P. Toale, No. 20 Hayne atreet, where hey will fiad the strongest and cheapest stock m he Southern States. A specialty made of French nd American window glass. auglS-thBtu BUSINESS ENVELOPES.-THE NEWS Job Office i now prepared to furnish good envelopes, with u-lnees cards printed thereon, at $4 per thoua nd. Send your orders. Every merchant and nain ess man should have his card printed on h's nvelopes. w IT T B BROTHERS, FACTORS AND IOMMI88ION MERCHANTS, No. 6 ACCOMMODATION WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. C. Win make lrberat advances on consignments to hem or to their friends in New York and Liver tool, wm also pay strict attention to the filling if au orders for Plantation and Family Supplies. 1EO. W. WITTE.ARMIN F. WITTE. Bepi-rmw3mos tjosteitcr's Sitters. ^3F*WHAT DYSPEPSIA. MAY END IX.-Indigestion is co: dangerous, say tue facul? ty. Perhaps not in itself, while it remains mere indigestion; but look at the consequences to which it may leal, and orten does lead when lt becomes a chronic diseas\ A spark of fire ls a small thing. A pressure of :hc foot will put lt out ; a breath will extinguish lt. Yet lt may fire a powder mill, or kindle a flame .hat will conBnme a city, lu iike manner indigestion may produce gastritis, cancer of the stomach, congestion of the boweN, apoplexy, liver disease, and many other dangerous maladies. Is it not wise, then, to check lt tn the germ ? Nothing u more clearly and Indisputably established than that HOSTET TER'S STOMACH BITTERS will eradicate dya pepsla In all Its stages. The true policy, however Is to extinguish lt In the first ttagea with this wholesome, r o werf ni and Infallible tonic and al? terative. It ts easier to quench a spark than a flame, and lt ls easier to enre dyspepsia when lt is first developed than when lt has made headway by neglect, aad become complicated with other ailmenta. There la not the shadow of a duubt that the Bitters are as directly antagonistic to dyspepsia as water ls to fire. The e arc ihonsanda or cases on record proving this fact. The remedy ls safe and agreeable. All the liquors of com? merce prescribed as stimulants, leave a sting be? hind. But the sting ls tiken ont of the spirituous basis of this great remedy by vegetable medica? tion, and, mer.over, the stimulant thua medi? cated ls or exceptional purity. Of all tonics taken as safeguards or remedies for fever and agne> bilious remittents, and other fall epidemics, lt is the only one that can uniformly be depended upon. nov 11-9 tath 3DAC ?fficiof. OFFICK OF AUDITOR OF STATE. COLUMBIA, S. C., November 10, mi. ; rHAVING BEEN REPORTED IN SOME or the papers In this State that a promise had been made by bis Excellency Governor R. K. SCOTT to the late Taxpayers'Convention to ex* tend the 11me for the collection or Taxes for 1871, I wonld say, lor the Information of all c m corned, and for the purpose or doing away with any til effect which auch a report might induce, and at the same time leave no excuse for non payment at the proper time, that In a conference with his Excellency, thin morning, he Informed me that be made no suet general promise aa has been ascrib? ed to him. Bis Kxcelteocy Informs me that tbe Committee or the Taxpayers' Convention who waited noon bim In reference to mattera relating to the collec? tion of laxes, after a discussion of the subject, de? cided that November was the proper time for the collection of tax?e In the upper counties; bot that In those counties where sea uland cotton ls grown payment could not be made until March without aa orifice. His Excellency, therefore, agreed to suspend the collection lrom those upon the seaboard until that time, where they were unable to pay sooner. Persons desiring to aval) themselves or the ben? efits of this promise viii be required to file a peti? tion with the County Auditor previous to the time at which the penalty attaches, accompanied by iftldavlta that returns from crops had not been rtoetved; such petitions wuM be considered. Thepnbilc will, therefore, place no reliance apon the report referred to, as I am assured by Bis Excellency that no extensions of time ?ber than those mentioned will be granted. The collection or taxes for this fiscal year will commence on the20'.ti instant, and contlnne un? lit the 16th or Janur.iy next ; after which time the penalties prescribed by law will attach and be itr.ctly enforced. coan tr.- Treasurers w ll proceed at once to en 'orce the collection of all delinquent taxes for previous years. EDWIN F. GARY, novll_State Auditor. Carotenes, Ciqnors, Ut. IMPORTANT TO YEA DRINKERS! I JUST RECEIVED, [ PEE STEAMSHIP GEORGIA, A LARGE ASSORTMENT NEW TJS^S ! INCLUDING 'HAT CELEBRATED YOUNG HYSON, guaran? teed as the BEST lo the city, at $i 60 per lb. ALSO, 'HAT '. GENUINE " TEA at $1 per lb., to be found only at LINLEYS DH EAP STORES, Noe. 190 and 388 SING STREET. Disinfectants. QISUNFECT ING FLUID. SESQUI-CHLORIDE IRON, WITH CARBOL IC ACID. Recommended by the New York Board of Health as ose of the best Disinfectants. For disinfecting Privies, Vaults, Drains, Cess? pools, Kooma, Aa Manufactured and for sale by C. F. PANKNIN, Chemist, No. 123 Meeting street, Charleaton, S. C. Price-FIFTY CENTS per bottle. aepl w C?alcties, Jeroclrp, Ut. ALTHAM W A T~C~1T?~S? 3-4 PLATE, 16 AND 20 SIZES. These are the best WATCHES made In this coun? try, and are made with and without Stem Wind? ing Attachment. They are finished la the best manner and run with the greatest accuracy, and cannot be excell? ad anywhere, at their respective prices. The cases are all or the newest patterns, and specially made to onr own order. Our stock or these Watches ls now the largest, and our prices, all things considered, are the low Kt In the city. BALL, BLACK & CO., JEWELLERS AMO SILVERSMITHS, Nos. 565 and 667 Broadway, New York. Juljl8-lyr Jtwnrctug. QNE MORE IN THE BREACH I NEW YORK IN 1835. CHICAGO IN 1871. iE TN A INSURANCE COMPANY, HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. CASH ASSETS Joly 1, 1871.?6,0*7,387. Chicago Losses./ig.... 3,000,000. The annual statement ls published for ihe in? formation of the public. It will bs seen that the -STN A ls rapidly paying off all claims incurred by the late CHICAGO DISASTER. The first pay? ment was made on the 14TH OCTOBER, TWO DAYS AFTER THE FIRE. The names of parties paid thoa far, and amount paid each, can be furnished by calling at the office of the Agent, No. 272 King street. CHICAGO, III., November 4th, 1871. A. H. Hayden Bsg., Agent, Charleston, S. C. : Claims amounting to over HALF MILLION DOLLARS ($382,991) have actually b:en adjusted and paid to 354 claimants, In CASH, DOLLAR for DOLLAR, at the rate of from 30 to 60 per day, and this work will be expeditiously continued, with "NO RED TAPE," until every dollar of ?la? bu ty 19 fully liquidated. The OLD j?TNA will come ojt of the world's greatest fire with the LARGEST CASH CAPITAL, LARGEST CASH ASSETS and LARGEST CASH INCOME of any American Insurance Company. E. J. BASSETT, Adjuster. A. H. HAYDEN, Agent, No. 272 King street J. L. HONOUR, Sub-Agent, East Bay street. E0V14 X Soots, Si)0?0, Ut. THE K. K IS THE CHEAPEST IN THE WORLD I V liv Meeting i'vl4tutbal2 * Street, HO ! FOR REPUDIATION ! TUOSE FAMILY STATE BONDS OF SCOTT A JO., ?prend broadcaat In New York, to the detri? ment and ru n or our people, must be repudiated. lenee i wm RKOUCE TUE PRICES or my ELEGANT AND FASHIONABLE STOCK OF BOOTS ANO SHOES. >LANTERS, FACTORS AND MERCHANTS I < WILL FIND IT TO THEIR INTEREST TO CALL AND EXAMINE MY STOCK OF I< PLANTATION BROGANS, BOOTS AND SHOES. laving made this brasch or my business another SPECIAI/TY, feel confident to be able to supply the Trade at prices UNPRECEDENTEDLY LOW, LLL GOODB BEING BOUGHT FOR CASH. ORDERS FROM MY COUNTRY FRIENDS, IR THROUGH COMMISSION MERCHANTS IR FACTORS WILL MEET WITH PROMPT 1I8PATCH. EDWARD DALY, NO. 121 MEETING STREET. SPECIAL NOTICE. J DECEIVING THIS DAY PER STEAMSHIPS "SEA - G?LL," from Baltimore, "VIRGINIA," from Philadelphia, invoices or IENT8 FRENCH JEDOT CALF OPERA BOOTS C lENT'S FRENCH LERIN CALF WATER? PROOF BOOTS tENTS FRENCH LERIN CALF SCOTCH- 1 WELT BOOTS. MORE OP THE AMERICAN GAITERS, ADAPTED FOR WINTER WEAR. EDWABD DALY, nsvI4-tntha No. 121 MEETING STREET. ? "1 ET THE BEST1 Buy your BOOTS AND SHOES at 3 T E I B E B'S, No. 41 BROAD STREET. He makes them to order, in any style desired, sing only the best material and workmanship. Constantly on hand, a large assortment of cue un made BOOTS AND SHOES, of all sizes. The New EXCELSIOR GAITER, mich dispenses witta shoe strings and elastic, [ADE TO ORDER at this establishment Call and examme spec.mens. JACOB STE I BER, may22 Na 41 Broad street Dtmatioe Upholsters. r^ACE CURTAINS, WINDOWBHADES, ( a PAPER HANGINGS, AO 1 W . J . T K I M Has on hand a large and carefully selected stock if UPHOLSTERY GOODS, WINDOW SHADES, Pa er Hangings, Decorations, Ac C0NBI8TIKO m PART OF : I full line Of WINDOW HOLLANDS AND SHADES twiss, Nottingham and Muslin Curtains ?rocha, Reps, Terrys and Satin DelalnB Ul Wool Damasks and Watered Moreens french and English Cretonnes and Chintzes .men Coverings and Stripes, Bindings, Ac. tmbroldered Plano and Table Covers rictorla, Dining and Centre Table Covers rouanettes, Oil Cloths, Table and Desk Coverings ?very centre Tassels, Fringes and a imps ??i-, Walnut and Rosewood cornices <a d Picture Nails mir w o>, ccuon and Moss Mattresses 7cw and PnlpltGasiitons, AT No. 243 KING STREET, IN THE BEND, lalyu Stoning ?Uuljitu?. SINGER STILL TRIUMPHANT ! FIRST PREMIUM AT ATLANTA FAIR, uCTOBER, 1871, FOR BEST FAMILY MACHINE. PREMIUM AT THE MACON FAIR, OCTOBER, 1871, FOB FAMILY MACHINE, WITH BEST AND MOST USEFUL ATTACHMENTS. FIRST PREMIUM AT THOMASVILLE, NOVEMBER 2, 1871, FOB BEST FAMILY MACHINE. GOLD MEDAL AND THREE SILVER MEDAL9 AWARDED THE SINGER AT THE AU? GUSTA FAIR, NOVEMBER, 1871. EXAMINE OUR MACHINES. H. D. HAWLEY, GENERAL AGENT FOR SOUTH CAROLINA, GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. J. CLARK BEDELL, novU-tnth? RESIDENT AGENT, CHARLESTON. S. C. JMPO JOrtj ?Doce, Ut ETANT ARRIVAL AT FURCKGOTT, BENEDICT & CO., JVO. 214 KIKO STREET. NEW AND. FINE DRY AND FANCY GOODS, JCS r IN. A LARGE LOT OP BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, 1 Elf gani Shade?, SILK POPLINS, J Get a SILK Vt LY ET, J Sample. A full line of MOURSINO GOODS. Merinos, Empresa Cluth. Bombaz ne, crape Cloth. Henrietta Cloth, Mohairs. Ac. 160 pite-a I rt-h. and French Poplins, all colors, Quality and prices, 200 pieces (second ?hlprren') Black and Colored Alpacas, only 26 cents per yard. Fine As- ra chan Trimmed Cloaks and Jackets. Wool Jackets, Do d". Nublas and Shawls. A spleudld Btoca of the latest styles of all kinds ot Sash and Bonnet Ribbons, Ready-Made Sashes, Scarfs and Bows. Aitlhclal Flowers, Plnmcs. Feathers, curfs and Collars. EMBROIDERY, Kid Gloves. 2000 pairs of Blankets from $2 60 to $16. Oar Cloth and Tal'orlng Department contains the best selection or CASSI MERES, BEAVERS, Doeskins, Broadcloth, Ladles* Cloaking, Seal-Skin ind Astrachan Cloth. Our Hosiery and Notions Department IS COM? PLETE. JUST RECEIVED. FURS! FURS! FURS! loo sets (Cape and Murri price S3-worth $8. 200 sets (Cape and Muff) from $3 to f86. lo real Astrachan White Jackets. 200 pieces of 1, 2 and 8 PLY CARPETS, loo pieces Bru-seis best Carpets, 60 pieces Body BrnsBels, Rags, Mats, OH Cloth, Matting, Ac, wm be| sold Cheap. Samples given, and Gooda delivered free of marge to any part of the State. No trouble to ahow Goods. Merchants, Milliners and Tailors will do well by ;xamining and pricing onr Goods before order na from Northern marketa or baying elsewhere. Baying of importing and manufacturing houses ?my, we arc enabled io sell as cheap as any Jub jlug House North, and we most cordially invite 111 to convince themselves of the above Stated act8. FORCHGOTr, BENEDICT A CO., No. 244 King ?treet, I nh-tMtm s n No. 437 King atreet, J cnarieston, s. c. No. 23 White street. New York, no vi 3 Ko. 3 Bay street, J ac ks o.. ville, Fli. Kio ?loues. QHEILLEY'S PARIS KID GLOVES. EVEBY PAIR WARRANTED. These Gloves will be taken back, even after ?ear, for aoy Imperfections, such as tearing or ripping. , * (Paris, 20 Rne de la Palz. London, 63 Regent street. New lort. 029 Broadway, doe ton, 9 Temple Place. FTJRCHOOTT, BENEDICT A CO., nov3-gmos_Sole Agents for Charleston. Cigars, Cobarra, Ut. lAon .9J018 ?Bio msuuM iojodmrj jo jowjdoid 'aaaoHBOS nrmiM .pjjiouus Aiiajiooasaj ?i JJDOJS Bin. jo uonsajnre xa ny -o? Papuans iiidmojd au \\\& 'saoueidao j ov JO usso cit ? 'ai.y oi papuana aiapjo .Bsaaisnq jo eau em ai ssiotire irs jo Intistsaoa 'apooo arti uodn o umps ins tnotriiJt apain aswiaind joianoms otu oi sNDVUNaaao oj paSastioxa jsd iv SlN3W.lV?! 3I05MS apBjj J jam JO: laatuaonpij] SJIXJ av 'or 1 i j l\s 000?B01 "SavolO jo RUiuneaoo titian pas ajea 910U.M 'SJOSBUojna oi s ojjo pauSis.iopn.ri a tu, '133HIS OXIS ne 'ox xv aawassa siNawivj aroads araois avDio itririm aoH3dw3[ Swirls ano i;nrmer)ing ?codi. GO TO AND BUY YOUR SHIRTS AND COLLARS. Tie only exclusive Men's Furnishing Store In marleston. A choice and elegant assortment of di the leading London and Parla Novelties for the iresent season. UNDERWEAR n all grades and sizes, In Shaker Flannel, Merino md Silk. A full stock Io TIES, BOWS and WIND IOR SCARFS. -KID GLOVES-Dog Skin and Drlv ng Gloves. French, Irish and German Linen and Mk HANDKERCHIEFS at prices considerably lelow their value. ? DRESS SHIRTS, ill ready-made, or made to order-perfect fitting tuaranteed. Fancy Knit CARDIGAN JACKETS, md a fine selection or CARRIAGE AND LAP j 10BES. Sole agent for the celebrated WATER PROOF, ALPACA-FINISH UMBRELLAS, warranted not to fade, and cheap enough for ivery one. Oive them a trial. gOTERIOR COLOGNE WATER. Manufactured and for sale by Dr. H. BAER. l si Meeting atreet Panos. SIXTY-FIVE FIRST PRIZE MEDALS AWARDED THE GREAT SOUTHERN PIANO Manufactory. WM. EN ABE & CO., MANUFACTUREES OF GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANO FORTES, BALTIMORE, MD. These Instruments have been before tbe public for nearly tbtrty years, and upon their excel? lence alone attained an unpnrchased pre emi? nence, which pronounces them unequalled in TONE, TOUCH, WORKMANSHIP AND DURABILITY. ?"Ali onr SQUARE PIANOS have oar New Im ?roved OVERSTRUNG SCALE and the AO RAFFE REBLE. mr We would call especial atttentlrn fo our late Patented Improvements lu GRANO PIANOS and SQUARE GRANDS, found In no other Piano, which brings the Plano nearer perfection than baa yet been attained. EVERY PIANO FULLY WARRANT? ED FOR FIVE YEARS. ?-ive are by special arrangement enabled to furnish PARLOR ORGAN S and MELODEOKS or the most celebrated masers, Wholesale a d Retail at lowest Factory Prices. Ill QBtrated Catalogues and Price Lists prompt? ly furntshed on application to . "WM. KNABE ?St CO., BALTIMORE, Ms. Or any of ow regular established agencies. ocin-tuihsSmoenaw Book ano Job Printing. NEAT! QUICK ! CHEAP ! THE CHARLESTON NEWS JOB PRIITIIli OFFICE No. 149 EAST BAT. IS PREPARED TO TURN OUT JOB PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, IN! THE MOST SATISFACTORY STYLE, UPON BRIEF NOTICE. AT THE LOWEST RATES. OUR OFFICE, IN ALL ITS DEPART? MENTS, IS ONE OF THE MOST COMPITETE IN THE SOUTH SPECIAL ATTENTION IS GIVEN TO ORDERS FROM THE COUNTRY GIVE US A TRIAL ! JjlRENCH PATENT MEDICINES. Prepared by Grimault A Co., Parla : SYRUP OF HYPOPnOSPHATE OF LIME, asor erl ga remedy in phthisis-relieves, Co og nj, Nlgntsweats, Ac. Pepsine, tor indigestion, loss of appetite, Ac Digestive Lozenges of the Alkaline Lactates, i pleasant and effective remedy for rangement of the digestive organs. Troches of Pepsine and Pane r eat in e. ALSO, PURGATIF LE ROY, Pharmacie Cottln. VOMITIF LE ROY. Pharmacie Cotun. Dragees de Santonin e. Urageea de Morphine. Lancelot's Asthma Cigarettes. For Bale by Dr. EL BAER, Na 181 Metung; atlf 0? Rust?an Bal?~~?ljit gtog, STEPPENS, WERNER XD?IckER 4 WI L L SELL, THIS DAY, BEFORE, thehr store*, Vendae Range, at 9 o'clock, Barrels HAMS Barrels strips Barrels Soon Wera Dry Salted Bellies and sides 25 oarrela Brown Sogar._ novl4 Bj T. M. CATER. "^yriLL SE SOLD^AT 9 O'CLOCK THJS 1 0 tub* <-nd firkins Choice BUTTER Lot Davis's Barns 60 tabs Lard SO bair barrels Mackerel Lot choice open Crockery, snob as Chambers, Bowls, Ewers and Basins, Plates, Ac, Ac. Conditions cash. _nov 14 By LAUREY & ALEXANDER. gTBIPS, BELLIES. PIG SHOULDERS, THIS DAT, nth instant! will b i sold before oar Store, at io o'clock, 10 bbls Prime N. T. 3. C. PIG SHOULDERS. 5 boxes Prims N. Y. s. c. D. s. Bellies. 5 bbxes Prime BL Y. S. C. Strips, (small slze,> And snndry other Coeds. Conditions cash._nov!4 By W. Y. LEITCH & R. S. BRUNS, Auctioneer?. FURNITURE No. 16 COMING STREET, one door east ; f Wentworth, wm be sold THIS DAY, 14th Distant, at IO o'clock, at No. 15 Coming street, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, consisting In part or CHAIRS, Sofas, Ext' nslon Dining Table, Centre Tables, Pictures, i ookcase, Mantel Ornaments, Bedsteads, Mattress, Bureaus, Wardrobes, Carpet, Rug, Matting, Clocks and Kitchen Uten? sils, 4c. AC. Terms cash. Articles positively to be removed on day of sale._novl4 fttution 5alee--J7ntnrc?Doui B7~WT1TL???CH St B. S.~BRU??I Auctioneer*. FURNITURE, RUTLEDGE STREET, BETWEEN CALHOUN AND BULL STREETS, will be sold TO MORROW, the 16th Instant, at 10 o'clock, In Rutledge street, . ? HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, consisting In part of Sofas, Chairs, Tablas, Bedsteads, Sideboard, Bureaus, Mattresses, Mattings, Carpets, Glass) Ware, Crockery, Kitchen Utensils, Stove, Ac, Ac ALSO, One fine Marble Top Walnut Bed Room Set. Terms cash-articles to be removed day of sale. novit_ By JOHN G. MILNOB & CO. RIBBONS, DRY GOODS, HATS ANT> LADIES' TRIMMED BATS, Ac TOMORROW, li td instant, at io o'clock, we win sell, at our ttore, Nc 136 Meeting street. 20drz.n assorted MEN'S HATS, Men's Black Felt Hats, Ladle,' Trimmed Hat?.Chemise, Ladles' Night Gowns, Morning Wrappers, Frilled Skirts, Calico Gowns. 'Nos. 2, 8 and 4 Trimming RU bona, Black Sash Blbbonp, Opera Flannels, White AU Wool and Dornet Flannels, Fancy Silk Bows, Bal? moral Skirts, Black and Fancy Satinets, Kentucky Jeans, Kerseys, Canton Flannel, Bleached and Brown Shirtings, io 4 Shirting, Plaid Oanabnrgv, Fancy Bead Handkerchiefs. Menno Hose and Hair Hose, Hen's Hair Hose, Under ?hirts. Ac. Ac Conditions cash._novu By JOHN G. MILNOB * CO. ONE HUNDRED AND SIX CRATES A& SORTED CROCKERY on account of under? writers and all concerned. On THURSDAY, the 16th Instant, at half-past io o'c ock, will be Bold, at the Store Nc 7 Hay ne street, 106 crates CROCKERY, consisting or: a C. PITCHERS, Tea Cups and Saucers, C. C. A W. Q. Mufl?a Plates, Chambers, Nappers, Pishes. Bakers, Ac Damaged on board schooner Marlon on her voy? age from liverpool to this por., and sold on ac? count of the underwriters and ali concerned. Conditions cash on delivery, ?ndito be removed' immediately arter sales. SW Augusta Constitutionalist, Columbia Phoe? nix, Savannah Republican,, will please copy, and send bills toJohn fl. M lin or & Co._novia By J. A. EX; LOW & CO. UNDERWRITER'S SALE OF SCHR. WM B. MANN AND CAROO. MONDAY, Mth instant, at ll o'clock, will he sold, at the Postofflce, corner Broad s reet and. East Bay, The American Schooner WM. B. MANN, as she now lies In the harbor of Beaufort, S C., together with ber Anchors, Rigging, Chains, Ac, Ac. The Mann was ballt at Mo ristown, n. J., in the yesr 1804; ts &7 tons register and lo 'eel draft. AMS IMMEDIATELY AFTER, The nnder-deck cargo as lt now ilea on board the above vessel, comprhlng about one hundred . and twenty thousand feet of Yellow Pine Plank;, and Boards of the following dimensions: <>;x 10XXS2.8,8MX8KZ32.8, 6.*x8>ix32.8, 4.<<x8}ix2$.9, 3XX8XX289, 2x6 to 9 and wide boards. The above cargo waa cot expressly for the Phil? adelphia and Erie Ra lroad. Conditions cash._novio By LOWNDES & GRIM BALL, Auctioneer*. ARCHIBALD S. J. PERRY VS. JOEL W, GREEN.-Under Decree or Foreclosure, under the decree of his Honor, Judge Graham, of the 19th Joly, 1871, In the above cause, I will sell, at public auction, on TUESDAY, 28th Novem? ber, instanr, at ll o'clock A. M., at the corner or Bro td and East Bay streets, in Charleston, All that PLANTATION, situate tn BL rani's Parish, Coller?n District, containing 67SX acres,, marked A, B, O and L, ma plat of land belong? ing to Benjamin and .-aran Perry, drawn from a> survey taken in Joly, 17:6, by Wm. Sturges, sur? veyor, and having inch maris, shape and bound? aries as are set forth La said plat. Terms-One-third cash; balance on a credit of one and two years, with interest from day of sale, pavable annually, secure! by bond Of the purcha? ser and mortgage of the premises. Purchaser ta pay for papers and stamps. nov4-sltu4_W. J. OATER, Referee. DABNEY, MORGAN & CO. VS. THE President and Directors of the Bank of the Mate of South Carolina. By virtue of an order or Conrt in the above stated cause, to me directed by the Hon. R. F. Graham. Judge or the Court or Common Plea? for the First Circuit, I will offer for sale, at public auction, on TUESDAY, the 28th day of November,. 1871, at the Courthouse, m the City or Charleston, s. c., at il o'clock, A. M., the following pieces of Real Estate: 1. All that LOT, PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND,, with the Buildings thereon, known aa the Baak, of the SUte or south Carolina, situate, lying and being at the west corner of Broad and State streets, in the City of Charleston, meaanring and containing In front, on Broad street, forty eight feet six leches, more or less, by one hundred and twenty-six feet, more or less, In depth, on State street, and forty-eight feet, more or less, on the back line; butting and bounding north on land? now or late of the Union Insurance Company, east on State street, south on Broad street, west on lands of W. S. Adams; having inch shape,atze and boundings as are set forth In the plat there? of. The passage way or alley, of seven feet one Inch wide, between the adjacent buildings, front? ing on Broad street, as 1 set -forth in said plat,.te be always kept open for the use of said adjacepv:. buildings. .' . ->-* 2. AU that PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, wit? the Stoies and other Bu,klings thereon, situate, lying and being on the east side of East Bay street, in the city of Charleston, and described IQ. a plan of the same, and having such shape and. boundaries as are therein delineated, which said-' plan u extracted on an enlarged scale from apian of the wharf and buildings thereon, Bltuate on East Bay street, in tbe City or Charleston, belong? ing to J. C. Faber, from a survey by John WUson, . which said deed ls with the plan recorded In the ' office of the Registrar of Mesne Conveyance for Charleston Dis net in Book Y, Nc 12, pages 66, 57 and 68. ' ALSO, The right, title and interest of the corporation known aa the President and Directors of the Bank of the State In and to the street called GAIL? LARD STREET, on said plain. 3. All that PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND With the buildings thereon, situate on the soath side ol Doughty street, In the City of charleston, meas? uring in front, on Doaguty street, thirty-seven ree: four and a half inches; the same on the back line, and in depth on the east ll e one hundred and one feet eight Inches; the same on the west line. Bounding north on Doughty atreet, east on landa of J. Charles Blum, south and weat on lots numbered eleven (ll) and four (4,) In a plan made by Chares Parker, Surveyor, to August, 1855, re? corded In the office of Registrar of Mesne Con? veyance for Charleston Dist! let, to Plat Book A, No. L psge 131. 4. All that LOT OF LAND with the buildings thereon, situate at the northwest corner of Elliott . street and Gadsden's alley, to the City or Charles? ton measuring to front, on Elliott street, thirty-' fouf feet six Inches; on Gadsden's alley, from north to south, nrty-elght feet B1X Inches. Bound- : ing south on Elliott street, east on Gadsden's ailey, north on lands now or bite of the Bank ot the Sta e of South Carolina, and weat on lands ot Wm. Birnie 6?All that PIECE OR PART OF A LOT OF LAND sit?ate on East Bay street, to the City of Charleston, known formerly in the plan thereof by the number seven (7,) and also three feet or Land adjoining thereto, being part of an alley or passage way of six feet, lying between these premises and the house next south thereto, (the owners of which, In common with the owners ol the property now offered for sale, being entitled' to the use thereof,) measuring and containing in the whole thirty-three (33) feet in front, and one hundred (100) feet in depth westwardly. Butting to the east on East Bay street, north on Lands, formerly of G. Flagg, west on Land now or late of Ann Fox, and south on said alley. Terms-One-third cash; balance payable lo two equal annual successive instalments, with In? terest at the rate of Beven per cent per annum, secured by bond of the purchaser and mortgage or the premises. Buildings to be usured ana po? licy assigned. Purchasers to pay for papera and: stamps. WM. J. ^T"fe oct3-tu9 ttcieree. j