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TEK il S OF THE NEWS. TM BAILY Nura, by mau one year, ?8; six month* ll; three months $2 60. Served ls tnt elty at EIGHTEEN CENTS a wee*, payable to the car? riers, or $s a year, paid in advance at tb mix. THB TRI-WBBELY NEWS. pub?shed on Tuesdays. Tbnrsdays and Saturdays, one year fix monthB $2. THE WBEELY NEWS, one year $2. Six copies 10. Tencoples, to one address, $15. ScESCRiPTiONS in all cases payable In advance. ?nd no paper continued arter the expiration or the time paid fer. RIM ITT ANC E3 should be made by Postofflce Money Order or by Express, ir this cannot bc done, protection against losses by mail may bc secured by forwarding a draft on Charleston pay? able to the order of the proprietors or THE NEWS, ST by sending the money In a registered letter. Address RIORDAN, DAWSON & CO.. No. 140 East Bay. Charleston, s.e. Wit Ctyaflr $lon &tto?. MONDAY, NOVEMBER C, 1871. NEWS OF THE DAT. -Gold closed on Saturday at illili J. -Cotton In New York, on Saturday, closed weak and nominal ; uplands ISA cents; Bales 3548 bales. -The Liverpool colton market opend dull and closed heavy; uplands D?d, Orleans Djd; sales 8000 bales. -They are forming what professes to be a national guard in Alabama, but the papers aver that it ls nothing more nor less than a Radical Ku-Klux Klan. -It ls.asserted on the authority of Senator Poole, that President Grant has expressed his determination to declare martial law through? out the entire South, In consequence of the continued outrages. -The nude figure on the splendid new pub? lic fountain in Cincinnati bas called forth the following lines from a local poet : Der shmall poy staid* on der fonntaln, Und l.e don't got on any close. Und some young girls dey all plush and say. "Vat he means by such conduct as dote?" -On the 12th of December there will be another total eclipse of the sun. Astronomers < will have to go further to see lt than they went to see the eclipse of last year. The south of | urope was the necessary point ol observation for the latter, but the coming phenomenon must be viewed from the southern extremity of Java, the coast of Arabia, or the northern parts of Sumatra and Australia. -A remarkable religious reformation ls now in progress in Syria, thousands ol Mohamme? dans, according lo reports from that country, being converted to Christianity. The move? ment began Ia 1868 in a society of Museulmen, la the vicinity of Damascus, led by one Abdel Karim Matar. There are said to be no less than five thousand neophytes in Damascus alone. Whole villages are offering themselves In a body tor conversion, and some ol the , richest Moslems are among the converts. A collision between the Christians and Mobarn-1 medans ls feared. -Toe Australian Colonial Parliament passed five times the law permitting in that colony a j marriage with a deceased wife's sister, and it was only after repeated refusals to sane- j tlon such legislation that the British colo? nial office ha? finally confirmed the act. The Queen, using her veto, always refused her assent, on the ground that the pro? position was diametrically at variance with a fundamental principle of English law. The statute of the Australian Parliament was finally confirmed, on the express ground that lt was passed with little opposition In both houses, and that there was a strong popular feeling la Its favor. -New York ls ia a whirl ot excitement Just now. The Duke delays his coming, and real appr?hensions are beginning io be felt and ex? pressed for bis salety. Ashbury has departed, and says he will never return. He admits that J he lost the Queen's cup, but contends ibat the committee did not run the races in a sports? manlike manner. He will make no claim for the coveted goblet, cooslderlng'discretlon the better part of valor. The coruer-slone ol the East River bridge tower, on the New York side, was laid last Tuesday, (iovernor Hoff? man has changed Thaks^iviog Day to the 30tb. On election day many of the merchants in the city have agreed lo suspend business. -The German Arctic expedition did not dis? cover the open eea after all, a fact which ls rather mortifying to the knights ol the quill who made such an outcry over tbe false re? port. Some practical, scientific Individual, who has no sot'.i for sentiment, iou rms the too confiding public that what they did discover j was "an open channel between Spitsbergen and Nova Zembla, which, it was surmised (mark the word} might possibly lead into an open polar spa." It remains to be proved that this channel was anything more than a tempo? rary' opening through the ice, and that a sec? ond expedition may not fl Dd it locked as secure? ly ?H any other part of the Arctic seas. -What with the conference ol crowned heads and prime ministers, and the army re? organizations in every direction, Europe would seem to be on the eve cf a great con? vulsion. That the great pavers are jealous of ] each other, and the second-rates afraid of the results ot the hob-nobbing of the men who have the destiny of Europe ia their hands, is evident France is reorganizing her shattered army; Sweden and Norway are training; Eng? land is recruiting and accumulating war ma- j terial; Russia ls making soldiers ol all her male population fit to bear arms, and Prussia is quietly repairing her losses by last year's campaign. All this may be in the Interest of peace, but it don't look that way to outsider?. -A very smart young Chinaman, named Yung Wing, graduated at Yale College In 1854. He stood at the head of his class, and was especially distinguished for his talent as a writer of the English language. He was edu? cated there with a view to his becoming a mis. Blonary of the Christian religion In his native country; tut in the course of his studies his theological opinions became unsettled, and he abandoned bis proposed calling in order to de? vote himself to commerce. He has now been employed by the Chinese Government to bring j over thirty other yonog Chinamen who are io be educated at Yale College at the public ex? pense. It 1B said I hat thirty Chinese students are to be entered at Yale College yearly during the next ten years, and a sum of $150,000 a year has been appropriated by the Chinese Government to pay their expenses. -The Washington Patriot says : "Southern Radical senators now ia Washington boast of j the continuance ot the martial law pro? gramme ot the administration far beyond the limits of the nine counties in South Carolina. One of these ofilciale, who bas consulted with the President, declares that the Ku-Klux law will be enforced and tbe writ of /tabeas corpus suspended In every portion ol the South where the evidence ol the Ku-Klux Committee alleges that outrages have been committed. The wholesale arrests in South Carolina but pre? cede those that will shortly be inaugurated in Northern Alabama and Georgia, and Mississip? pi, and probably Texas. The President is urged daily to take these violent steps by the al vice of Southern Republicans, who also threaten him ibat the ground ls slipping rapidly un 1er their feet. In tue face of an im? pending Presidential campaign." -Lieutenant Brandenburg, of the First Low er Sllesian Iniantry, bas had aa hooor which neither he nor any connected with him will ever forget or cease to be proud of. It is some thing to be one of a regiment singled out for appreciative distinction on account of good betavlor. But what must it be to be selected from a vast army as the most personaliy hero? ic of all, and to have the compliment paid, as it were, in the presence of the whole civilized world ? Such has been the enviable fate of Lieutenant Brandenburg. It seems that an English lady of high rank, at the close of the war, asked Victoria, the Crown Princess of Prussia, to give to the wife, mother, or be? trothed of the man in the German army most distinguished for a personal act of bravery, a certain cross of goid and jewels, in token of his achievement. For some time the investi? gation has been going on, there being many, of course, in tbat splendid body of soldiers having streng claims to this distinction. How? ever, Lieutenant Brandenberg is the success? ful one, bis magnificent courage at the taking of the first cannon from the enemy-at Worth, August 6, 1870-having been adjudged in this respect pre-eminent. This, Indeed, is an honor to be proud ol, and a glorious heritage to leave ; to one's children's children. f New State Bonds. When the Scott-Radical party came into power, three years ago, their first act was to provide the means of raising money for meet? ing the expenses of the State. Loan after loan was authorized, but the new bonds, instead of being sold in the market for what they would bring, were hypothecated by the Financial Agent as security for moneys which he obtained. The bold scheme ol making the interest and principal of the bonds pay? able in coin was a stock-jobbing manouvre, and the new bonds in June, 1870, were forced above eighty. Then, a decline be? gan. Last May the new bonds ranged from sixty to sixty-five. A month ago, they were quoted at fifty-two. On Thursday they were sold at thirty-six. On Friday they touched twenty-eight, but on Saturday they recov? ered and closed at thirty-seven. The general cause of the gradual fall in prices, which began last year, is the public want of confidence in the honesty or ability of the State officials. It is true that debt statements have, lrom time to time, been published, but these have not been accepted as the whole truth. And, besides, the finan? cial nfldirs of the State are managed in a way which is loose and hazardous in the extreme. When the Ia?p_ajej&'.?oDveDtioD assem? bled, last May|tneTwlTOrir5g^t of the State held $1,800,000 of State bonds, which were pledged as security for $800,000, which be bad advanced to the State. These bonds were hypothecated to secure loans. As prices declined, or as the money market tightened, the banks called in their loans. The money was not forthcoming, and block after block of bonds was pressed upon the market. Rumors of fraudulent issues are, naturally enongb, as thick as blackberries; but so notoriously profligate and irresponsible are the carpet-bag governments of the Sontb, that a sale of nearly two million dollars of bonds ia the course of a few months might be fully sufficient to cause a temporary col? lapse of the credit of this State. We do not know whether there have been any over issues of State bond?, and it is difficult to say whether the Stale officials have, or have not, endeavored to prevent the terrible decline in the price of the new issue?. Whatever bonds are sold by Mr. Kimpton to cover his advances to the Stale will be credited to the State at the price which they bring in the market. The peo? ple may think themselves lncky if the eight hundred thousand dollars due Mr. Kimpton do not cost the State, ic bonds, more than twice the amount. But the bonds will rise sgaio. Governor Scott, Treasurer Parker and Comptroller Neagle are in New York They control all the moneys of the State, and it would be a profitable transaction to force the collection of the taxes of 1871 this winter-contrary to the Governor's prom? ise-nnd, upon the failh of thal collection, run np the new bonds, as has been done be? fore, to twice their present price. In this way the Ring may pocket additional millions on the plea of maintaining the credit of the State. We wonk! urge bona fide owners of the State bonds-old or new-to bold on to their securities io any event. The de? preciation of vaines may not last long, and the interest will, doubtless, be regularly paid. Wise Words from the "Old North State.41 The Central Executive Committee of the Democratic Conservative party of North Carolina, in their address to the people of the State, recommend several constitutional amendments which are deemed necessary to "relieve the people from the burdensome "and extravagant State government that "now swallows up their earnings, and "fastens upon them a State debt which "they cannot pay." They declare that the parly which Ihey represent has always condemned crime, by whomsoever commit? ted, and they again urge their friends "to "set their faces against violence and law "lessness of all kinds, and to be especially "active in preventing secret outrages by "disguised persons." Upon the subject ol the relation of their State to National politi? cal parties, they speak warmly and wisely, and we commend their counsel to the atten? tion of those of our people who lean to the opinion that the Sooth should not send dele? gates lo the National D?mocratie Conven? tion. They say : "It ls to be regretted that the people of this State have failed to take any very active Inter? est in national politics since the close ot the late war. In our judgment this is unwise. Our people are ol the Union-lt 1B our gov eminent, and t > it we muet lo.k, as we have the right, lor support and protection in our rights ol Hie, liberty and property at home and abroad; we owe lt allegiance and support, and it ls a patriotic duty to yield these. It is as much our du.y to join our fellow-country? men In shaping and controlling the policy and destiny of this great common National Government. We have all the rights that any ol the American people have, and we are false to the country and ourselves if we fall to re? cognize, exercise and act upon them. The people have rights-let them exercise them firmly and respectfully, and, when need be, assert them as freemen and American citi? zens in the councils of the nation, in political assemblages and everywhere. It we consent to be dwarfed and ignored nationally, then. Indeed, we may expect to be for all lime to come." The committee, in conclusion, invite every lover of liberty and free government to co-operate with the National Democratic party In the endeavor to remove the tre? mendous evils with which the whole country is threatened, and which injure and depress the struggling Sutes of the South. A Word to the Union. The statement made by the Columbia Union, that THE CHARLESTON NEWS denies the existence of such an organization aB the Ku-Klux, is not true. -We have said, and do still say, that many of the outrages which the Union para? ded in its columns as chargeable upon Ku Kluxism were not committed at all; while most of the rest were either the work of ne? groes, or the result of private broils. But W9 have not, since the raid upon the Union County jail, had arjy doubt, or expressed any doubt, of the existence in South Caro? lina of a secret organization whose object is the punishment of criminals and the correc? tion of local abuses. Nor have we defended or justified that organization. On the con? trary, we have always condemned Ku-Klox ism as morally wrong, as well as unwise and inexpedient. "We are curious to see whether the Union will take any notice of this contradiction of its stateLient in regard to THE NEWS. Tin Newman Morder. The Cbesterfldd Democrat prints the affi? davit of Mrs. Newman as conclusive proof that her husband, John T. Newman, was accidentally stabbed by Silas Ingram. The coroner of the county addresses a letter to the Democrat, in which he says that the evi? dence at the inquest showed that the killiDg was accidental. This ''Newman murder," as it is called, has been put down as a Ku Klux crime by the Chesterfield correspond? ent of the Union, which paper may take its choice between the assertions of itB corres, pondent, and the sworn BtatemeDt of Mrs. Nc?:man, sustained by the verdict of the ! jury of inquest. THE Pickens Sentinel says there is DO trutii in the statement of the Columbia Union that "an armed band" has made its appearance ib, or passed through, the Village of New PickeDS. Kin g? v ll ie to Millen. THE Sumter Xeics learns that it is proposed, by a company io purchase from the Wilming? ton, Columbia and Augusta Railroad Company the end of their road from Sumter in the di? rection of Kingsville, (which will probably be abandoned on the completion of the through line,) and build an air line from that point to Millen, Georgia, which wiil open a short through line for the Southern and Western travel geing North, and place Sumter on an Important through lin* for travel. To Charleston, Greeting ! [From the Marlboro' Times ] In the midst of all these evils affecting their prosperity, the people of Charleston have re? mained true to themselves-have preserved unsullied their reputation for honor and virtue, and have given to the world an example of | fortitude amid trials and sufferings worthy of [ emulation, and which will not soon be forgot? ten. And now that a better day is about to dawn upon them, there is not a true man in South Carolina who does not rejoice with them, and hope that the future of their city may be far more glorious than even the proud est portion of her past has been. * ? We have sorrowed with her In the day of her adversity; no eye will grow brighter and no heart beat quicker at the signs and tokens ol her prosperity. fjostctter's Silters. ??tTBE MARTYRS OF NEGLECT - It ls not too much to ssy that tens of thousands who are now Buffering irom biliousness, indiges? tion, constipation, periodical fevers, general de? bility and nervous affections, who might ba re' stored to perfect health within a month or less by the use or HOStErTER'? STOMACH BIT? TERS. Themniiitudes who have been cured of these and other aliments by the use or this welj Known specific are always ready to testify to Its virtue as a preventive and a remedy. They are spread over the whole country ; they are eager to rrai-e and recommend lt; and jet, not with? standing Its vast popularity, there are many in? valids, and many who are omtlnnally exposed to the epidemical diseases, against which lt ls a sute protection, who, either through Indifference or incredulity, neglect to seize the opportunity to cure and means of prevention, which ihey have only to reach ont their haads to obtain. This is grange; lt ls one or the anomtlles of human na? ture which i tis Impossible to account for or ex plain, lt ls, however, quite certain that every day the number of these Martyrs or Neglect ls diminishing. This ls proved by the statistics of j the sales of the great remedy. During the pres? ent rall the demand ror it bas increased beyond all precedent, snd lt seems as ir In the end the en? tire community would realize the Important fact, that when all other medicines prescribed for the complaints fail, lt can and does effect a cure As a protection against la* diseases most common at this season, there li nothing compa? rable with lt. nov4-stuth3 n&c C. fiats, Ut C. P L E N G E , DEALER IN HATS, CAP8 AND UMBRELLAS, Children's Hats a Specialty. No. 201 KING STREET. Jost opened and will have always on band an assortment ol the above art cl. s. Also, Gentle? men's NECK Tlt?, SCARFS, WALKISG CANES, Ac. His Mends are re pectin Hy invited to call and examine for themselves. octl4-lmo H hotels. ILBERS HOUSE, NO. 284 KING STREET. The Proprietress takes pleasure in announcing her return to the city, and that after a complete renovation of the establishment, she ls prepared to accommodate pair >us. Attentive and respect? ful servants a specialty. octl7-lmo MRS. B. HUBERS. QOLUMBI A HOTEL, COLUMBIA, S. C., WM. GORMAN, PROPRIETOR. The Proprietor of this pleasantly located ann elegantly furnished Establishment, at the Stau Oaplf-iL, desires to Inform the travelling public and others seeking accommodations, that the "CO? LUMBIA" ls m every respect a nrst-clasB Hotel, unsurpassed by any In the State or the Unltec gtates. situated in the business centre of thc city, with Une large airy rooms, and a table snp piled with every delicacy of the season, both fron: New York and Charleston markets, the Proprle tor pledges that no efforts will be spared to glvt perfect satisfaction ta every respect. A nrst-class Livery stable ls attached to tht Hotel, where vehicles of every description can bf had at the shortest notice. Omnibuses attend the arrival and departure of s-ery Train. WM. GORMAN, Proprietor and Superintendent. 1 J. D. BUDDS.OiV hier. apris-ivrm HJ?nts. WAISTED, A COMPETENT BUTLER, at Ko. 6 sr. pniiip street. Recommends tlops reqnlred. nov6-l* WANTED, A SITUATION BY A WHITE woman os cook and washer for a small family. Apply at this ofBce._nove-l* WANTED, A RESPECTABLE WHITE GIRL, a neat seamstress aud chamber? maid. Apply at No. 2S George street, novo-:* WANTED, A CHILD'S NURSE, WHITE preferrc d, and a & ok and Washer. Good r- commendations required. Apply at No. 25 Rnt ledge street._nov8-l? TX r ANTED PURCHASERS OF TICKET b VT In the Land and Immigration ASBOCUMC n or Messrs. BUTLER, CHADWICK, GARY A CO Tickets now ready. Will be glad to seemv friend. ot the office o? Mr. EDWARD M. MORELAND, No. 29 Broad street. EBEN COFFIN, sub-Agent. may 29 _ WANTED TO PURCHASE FOR CASH, a small House. Address C. B. A.. NEWS office._oct23 WANTED, GOOD TENANT FOR HOUSE No. 56 Wentworth street, between King aDd Meeting streets. Apply to J. L. MOSES, No. 34 Broad street._nov-I-3* WANTED, FLINT CORN. APPLY to corner Reid and Meeting streets, or No. 65 East i..'y street. C. SAHLMANN. oc?31-tnam3*_ WANTED, PARTIES WISHING TO dispose or their Furniture to know that they can procure highest market value for same by addressing Box 473, Charleston, P. O. oct28-smw4?_ IF YOU ARE IN WANT OF A SEWINC MACHINE, see first the HOME SHUTTLE, the cheapest and best, at BTSSELL, No. 81 ilasel siren, opposite Express onice. Price $25 to $37. eepl5 3mos_ WANTED, BY A STEADY, INTELLI? GENT and pertectly trustworthy colored mau, or mature years, aplace as porter in a busi? ness house. Satisfactory references given. Ad dress "PORTER." office or THE NEWS. oct? AGENTS WANTED !-FOR THE UNI? VERSAL TWINE AND THREAD CUTTER; caves time, twine, thread. Hogers and teeth. Some? thing everybody wants. Samples mailed on re? ceipt or 25 cents. Address GEORGE DA VI?, NJ. 5f 9 Broadway, New York._oc30-3moa WANTED, BY A YOUNG MAN, r.atlve of Florida, a situation as salesman or clerk in a house In Charleston. He ls well and favorably kno?n throughout East Florida, and .an furnish satisfactory testimonials as to char actcr and qualifications. Address J. S. J.. NEW* I Illee. julyl TIT ANTED, BY A THOROUGHLY COM Vf PETENT, steady and trustworthy colored man, a situation, eltheras coachman, groom 01 porter. Has had experience and can rnrniah the very best recommendations. A note addressed ti "Coachman" at the office of Tux NEWS, wnl secure prompt attention._July26 WANTED, A PRACTICAL PRINTER and Compositor; to take charge or a C untry Newspaper, published weekly. One well recommended can obtain a situation, or an inter? est in i he paper, by addressing florry News, conway boro, s. C. None need apply unless they come tully recommended, for competency and of good moral character._govi AGENTS WANTED. - THE SINGER MANUFACTURING COMPANY received the h?hest premium at the Cotton States Fair, held at Augusta, Ga , in 1870. Also the highest pre? mium at the World's Fair, (constituted by the homes of the people,) for they sold 127,833 Ma chines In 1870; 44,625 more Machines than any other company. The SINGER ls sold on easy terms at state Agency, No. 197 Sing street. tepl9-wfm3mo* _golUitt_ TO RENT, A FUST FLOOR ROOM. Apply to Uti. RILEY, 77 Wentworth street. octal TO BENT, HOUSE AND STORE, No. 504 King street, and More Ko. 529Kiog street. Apply at No. 527 King street._nov3 STORE TO RENT.-STORE No. 203 EAST BAY, next door north of Cumberland street, formtrly occupied by Messrs. Wm. M. Bird A Ca Possession given Immediately. Apply to JAMES MARSH, at Marsh's Shipyard. aug4-rstu TO RENT, TffO LARGE FRONT ROOMS fronting on King street, corner ol Liberty sneer, possession given from the 1st or Novem? ber. Also, fonr neat comfortable rooms over the store front?n g on Liberty street. Possession given immediately. Ar ply on premises._oct 31 (ZTopaxtncTBtjixs ano 0133 oin tiona. LAW FIRM -C. D. MELTON, W. A. CLARK-BELTON A CLARK.-The Law lum ot Canon, Melton A Janney having been dis BU veo, 1 have associated with me In the PRAC? TICE OK LAW W. A. CLAKK, Esq. The busluiss will herearter be conducted m the firm name of MELTON A CLARK. C. D. MELTON. Columbia. October 2,1871. oct4 licmouais. HAVING RE??V?D MZ PLACE OF business to SMITH STREET, near Went I wo iii street, I am now ready roatteniPtoall otders for toe Repairs of Furniture and sewing Machine a I have alto some fine Sewing Machines for sale. Give me a ci ll. nov2_J. L. LUNSFORD. J LIVINGSTON, F? L'ITERER. Has removed to No. 399 King Btreet, where he begs a continuation ol tbe favors cf his custom ere. He sUll keep? constantly on hand an assort? ment or FRUIT, JELLIES, NUTS, AC Fresh arrivals by every Steamer. 01113-1 mo (Tailoring, jp ALL AND WIN.TEB CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, Ac, FOE MENS', YOUTHS' AND B O Y 8', CONSISTING OF : BUSINESS AND DBESS SUITS. And a large sssortment of UNE CLOTH WALK INO COATS, or all Colors, Black Single and Double Breasted Frock Coats, Star shirts, Under? wear Good?, Ac. english and Domestic Half Hose, Alexandre's, Imperial, and Courvolsler's Kid, Silk, Thread, Buckskin, Dogskin, Caaalmere and Cloth Gloves, Linen und Paper Collars, Neck ties, Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Um ore lias, Ac., of the latest sty ie. And a very la ge and fine selected stock of BROADCLOTHS. Doeskin. Beaver, Tricot, Diago? nal COATING AND CASSIMEKES. And a very handsome variety of the latest style PANT8 AND VBST PATTERNS. Wnicti we ene. to sell by piece, yard or pattern, or make np Into Garments, by measure, In the latest stye, and at the ?hortest notice. SUE and Alpaca Umbrellas-the largest assort? ment. Our sto.k has been selected with the greatest care, acd prices marked very low, In piala fig urea. Being confident that we can offer induce mente unequaled by any other bouse, we solicit buyers In our line to give ns a call bet?re pur chafing e sewhere. AI; orders wui receive our prompt and very careful attention. The TAILORING DEPARTMENT ls under the supervision of Mr. WINTERER, who bas already proved hlmse f a first class Cotter; and the public will bear in mind that our Clothing oas been manufactured by ourselves during 1 he dull som mer months, and can therefore recommend lt aa regard, flt, wear and workmanship, and prices exceedingly low to salt the times. MENEE A MULLER. No. 326 King street, octl9-3mos Opposite Society street JOHN BUGHEIMER, No. 141 KING STREET, WIST 8IDB, A FBW DOORS NOHTE OF QUEEN STREET, Would respectfully inform bis friends that be has just returned from New York with a large and well selected stock of the latest styles of FALL AND WINTER GOODS. Also, a fall assortment of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Including the Celebrated STAR SHIRTS. octl8 K ENNEDY & GREGORY, MERCHANT TAILORS, No. 186 KING STRLET, OPPOSITE D. H. SILOOX'B WAREHOUSE, Having this day entered Into copartnership In the abeve Business, would respectlully solicit from their friends a share of their patronage. They pledge themselves that their Cutting and Manufact are sbail be done In the latest style, and In a manner to give satisfaction to meir patrons, and at moderate prices. J. T. KENNEDY.F. M. GREGORY. octio-uno ?leetingo. SOLOMON'8 LODGE, No. 1, A. P. M. ? Regular Monthly Commun ca: lon of Solo non's Lodge will be hem at Masonic Hall, Tnis ?VINING, at 7 o'clock. By order of W M. L. B. LOVEGREEN, nOTfl_Secretary. VHrASBINGTON LIGHT INFANTRY VT RIFLE CLUB.-i he Regular Month y netting or Hits Club will be held at Archt ri Hal,. Sing-streer, 'inis EVENING, at 7 o'clock. By order. W. W. SIMONS, nova_Secretary and Treader. PALMETTO STEAM FIRE ENGINE COMPANY.-Attend the Rezular Monthly Meeting of your Company, at your Hall. Tnis EVENING, 6th instant, at half-past 7 o'clock pre :1sely. Be punctua: In atten lance. By order or the Preside t. F. A. ROYE, aovfl_ Secretary P. S. F. E. Co. QUARTERLY MEETING OF THE Mechanics' Union. No. 1. of Charleston, will be held at the Eagle Fire Ecglne Coniany'a Hall, Tnis EVENING, at 7 o'clock. N. B.-The Arrear List will be read, and the mle strictly fnrorced. By order of W. H. MCINTOSH, President. Dove-?_THOS. KNIGHT. Secretary. COMET FIRE ENGINE COMPANY Yon are hereby mmmoned to attend a Rega? lar Monthly Meeting of your Company, at your Vat ir e house, Tm- DAT, the 6th Instant, at half past 7 o'clock. Members will come prepar'd to pay their does, or the rules will bo sirlctly en? forced. By order President. nove_G. W. KE1ZER, Secretary. CHARLESTON MECHANIC SOCIETY. A Regular Quarterly Meet lng or the Charles loo Mechanic Society will be held This (Monday) EVENING, the 6th Instant, over Mr. Wilson's .tore. In King street, between society and Went ivonb, at 7 o'clock. JOSEPH GUY, nove_Secretary C. M. S. CHARLESTON RIFLEMEN CLUB. The Regular Monthly Meeting or your Clnb wi l be held at vour Hall, corner of King and Liberty streets. THIS (Monday) EYBSIKO, 6th instant, at hair-past 7 o'clock, "sharp." HENRY CABNIGHAN. Secretary C. R. C. By order or the "Captain,'' .?**. ** ss novC_ CHARLESTON CITY RAILWAY COM PANY.-The Annual Meeting or this Com? pany will be held at their Office, No. 2 chamber 3f Commerce Building, Broad street, on Tins DAT, SI h or November, at which time an election for Eight Directors v> 111 take place. The polls will be upen from 10 to 2 o'clock. By order. nov6_EVAN EDWARDS, Secretary. CCHARLESTON DRAMATIC CLUB. J An Adjourned Meeting of the Club will be teld THIS (Monda.*) EVENING, 6th instant, at your Sail, at precisely half-past 7 o'clock. He puce mal, as bnslness of an Important character In reference to our near electlou will be brought into consideration, By order or the President. D. WEISKOPF, cove Secretary nnd TressnrerC. D. C. ior Sale. ?'R0N~~sl!??7 JL IRON SAFE in good order. Apply at corner Meeting and Hasel streets._no-6 mw3 FOR SALE, OR RENT, THAT eligibly situated House, No. 27 Rutledge ivenne, on tnc line or " he City Raliway"- he ormer residence of Major R. C. Gilchrist. Trie House li.s .very convenience rur a family, ogettier with a large lot, containing several :belce Fruit Trees and a handsome Flower Gar? len, Hot House and Fountain. For particulars, nqulre or CHARLES P. FRAZER, Real Estate Agent, No. 93 Broad ttreer. nov6-mwf3_ MULES AND HORSES.-JUST AR? RIVED irom Kentucky and tor sale at Hill* House Stablea 30 bead No. 1 Saddle and Draft HORSES and Plantation and Dray MULES. nov3-4_R. GRAHAM A CO. NEWSPAPERS.-FOR SALE A QUANTI? TY or the above. Apply at Board or Trade ?tooms, No. 191 Meeting street._novlO-tu FOR SALE, THAT SMALL FRAME HOUSE, No. 36 King street, a good stand 'or a Dry Goods store. Apply on the premises. nou-Biuth6?_ WRAPPING PAPER FOR SALE.-OLD NEWSPAPERS In large or small quantum Woe 60 CENTS PER HUNDRED. Apply at true dllce of THE NEWS._may 18 FOR SAL*7, THE SLOOP AMELIA. She can be seen at present at the Wando fertilizer Wharf, root Hasel street. All Infoi ma? l?n can be had by app ylng to E. H. tCUIRMER, :orner Market and State streets. cct30-m6? 4 BARGAIN I-TO PRINTERS AND C\. BOOKBINDERS.-A Rnggles Wood Frame raper Cutter, will be sold low lor cash, ls nearl? ti, ente 28 indies, and bas an extra knife. Nt marge for package. Price $?0. Apply at Tm s'Bwe Job ?nice._marc A T PRIVATE SALE, MARL BLUFF CL PLANTATION, on Rocky Creek Swamp, jrangeburg District, South carolina, IS mlle rom Blackville, on Sooth Carolina Railroad, AU rus-ta Branch, and 18 roiies Irom Orange-burg .'ourthouse, on Columbia Branch Road, charles on and Angusta and Charleston and columns Railroads, containing 1PJG acres of land, 233 ol vhicc ls cleared and under good reacts ; about I? u res more clt-ared, but not ender renee-all or vhicb ls flr?t class Cotton and Corn Lands; the jalante ts drat class Timber Land. A drst-claos Circular Saw Mill (water,) In order Vr Immediate use, on a constant stream. Lum ?er to hand, and can be rafted to CharKstou rom the MU). Also, a good Grist Mill. Das a lomrortable house with six (6) rooms, outbuild ogs all In good condition, stables, barn, Ac. six C) framed negro houses In good order. It also las a Marl Bed on lt wh'.ch makes lt very ad van ageons to agricultural purposes for making ma lures, Ac. The best or titles can be given. Any r:formation either In writing or In person can be .ad by application to Dr. h. BARR, No. Ul Meet cg street, charleston, s. C. lunl? ?OBI ano ironno. ESCAPED FROM ITS CAGE IN PITT street a CANARY BIRD, if captured, please tturn to No. 3 Pitt street._nova-1 FOUND, A CHILD'S ARMLET. THE owner can have the same by proving prop ny and psying expenses. Apply at NEWS or? ce._octa ?oar?ina. B^^^JABDTNO^ PLEASANT KO JMS, can be bad by apply ag at N . 79 Wentworth street. Day Boarders Iso accommodated._oct3l-6? BOARDING.-A FEW GENTLEMEN can be accommodated with good boara md pleasant rooms, on moderate terms, by ap nying at No. 12 Wentworth street. DAY BO AK LI? NO also furnished. may is _ .financial. JJOBTON, BLISS & GO., BANKERS, No. 30 BBOAD STREIT, NEW YORK. Issue Circular Notes and Letters or Credit for ravellers; also, Commercial Credit available in di parts of the world. Telegraphic Transfers or Money made on all tarts or Europe. The accounts or Banks, Bankers and Mor? dants received; Interest allowed on Deposits; id vanees made on Cotton, Sterling and Domestic ?xchange, and approved Securities. Drafts for ?1 and upwards on the Bank or Scotland, and Provincial Bank of ireland and franches. MORTON, ROSE A CO., Bartholomew House, London. ang21-3mos_ ANKING HOUSE OF HENRY CLEWS ? CO., NO. 32 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Letters of Credit for Travellers, also Commer? ?ai Credits issued, available t h rough 0 ut the world. Bills or Exchange on the Imperial Bank or Lon lon, National Bank ol Scotland, Provincial Bank )f Ireland, and all their branches. Drafts and Telegraphic Transfers on Europe, san Francisco, the west Indies, an? aU parts of ;te United States. Deposit accounts received In either Cnrrenoy or lola, subject to check at sight, which pass through .he Clearing-House as If drawn npon any city jank; four per cent interest allowed on all dally jalan ces; certificates or Deposit issued; Notes, Drafts and Coupons collected; advances made on ipproved collaterals and agalast merchandise unsigned to our care. Orders executed for Investment Securities and Railroad Iron. CLEWS, HABICHT A CO., No. ll Old Broad street, London. ingo-moa B (Brormee, tirrnor?, Sit. J3RIME WESTERN SHOULDERS. 30 trias Bright and Large SHOULDERS, branded Powell, McEwan St Fitch, landing and for sale by BERNARD O'NEILL, nov6-2_East Bay. JJ 1 0 COFFEE. Direct Importation. For Bale In lots ro snit purchasers. G. W. WILLIAMS A CO. octl8-wrm_ J^IVERPOOL SALT. 2000 sacks Liverpool SALT, fer sale In lots to suit purchasers. Apoly to nOV4-8 ROBERT MURE A CO. J?LOUR AND HAT. 350 bbl3. Choice BAKER'S FLOUR, well known brands, ex schooners Black Swan and C. S. Webb. AL?0, 200 bales Prime N. R. HAT. For sale by nov4 2 JOBN CAMPSEN A CO. ?piNE FRUIT FROM BARACOA. The subscriber has Just received In splendid or* der, per schooner Mary E. Mangam,from Baracoa, one of the best lots of that has ever reached this port. They are 1(00 bunches BANANAS. 40.000 Oranges. 17,000 Coco annis. For pale on the most reasonable terms by nov4-3_FRANK K KESSEL, JR. J> U R E GYPSUM Containing NINETY-NINE AND TWO-THIBDS (on?.;) PUR CENT. Soluble Matter Warranted roo n om all Impurities. Prepared in this cuy, amt ror rale at the low price or FIFTEK? DOLLARS per ton, CAi II. JOHN O. HOLMES. Commission Merchant, seplO tnths_Charleston. 8. C. ?gAGGINGI BAGGING I BAGGING! 200 rolls "METHUEN" BAGGING 300 half rolls "Methuen" Baining Full weight and prime quality. 100 rolls "Webster" Bagglbg Extra weight and quality. Landing and for sale by octlO-thstnlO A. R. TAFT A CO. JgUBNHAM'S YEAST POWDER Having use J YEAST POWDER In oar families for several years, we give a decided preference, above all other, to that prepared by EDW. S. BURNHAM, Druggist and Apothecary, No. 421 King, near Calhoun street: Rev. JOHN T. WIGHTMAN, D. D. Rev. T. E. WANNAMAKE K. P. K. COBURN, Intendant Town of Summer? ville. S. C. G. L. HOLMES. GEO. S PELZER, M. D. W. B. SMITH, Master Machinist, S. C. R. B. B. 0. WEBB. nov4-emos Jnsnrancjt. rjlBIED BY THE GREAT CHICAGO TEST. The following first-class Companies are offered as security to all who desire to obtain value re? ceived for money paid In premiums on Fire in? surance Policies: JETNA, OF HARTFORD, CONN. Assets, Joly 1st, 1871, aa rollows: Cash Capital.$3,000,000 Cash Surplus. 3,047,378-$0.047,378 Losses by Ch.cago fire less than.. 2,000,000 $4,047,378 Income received during 1870.$8,972,894 | HARTFORD, OF HARTFORD, CONN. Cash Assets, October 1st, iS7i, as follows: Cash Capital.$1,000,000 Cash Surplus. 1,786,877-$2,785,87T I Losses by Chicago Ure ess than. 1,200,000 $1,685,877 Income during 1870." 1,776,818 A. H. HAYDEN, Agent, No. 272 KINO STRUT. MW J- L. HONOUR, Sub-Agent, East Bay. oct20-fmw2moa_ ?JITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YORK. INCORPORATED 1836. Statement of this Company, (which will not lose more than $25,000 by the Chicago fire:) Cash Capital.$800,000 00 Surplus.".411,416 94 Leaving assiu. $711,416 94 Insurances taken at fair rates In this favorite Company by A. L. TOBIAS. Agent, No. 109 East Bay, next (south; Courier. 00138-14 I H P E R I A FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF LONDON, ESTA B Ll S H ED 1 8 0 3. Capital and Aice'.s over 18,000,000, .a Gold. Information sufficiently definite has been received by this Company from Chicago to enable ns to state posi? tively that onr entire amount in the burnt district ls.$2C0,073 00 Ur. on which we have reinsurance in a strong Company, not in the Chicago fire. M.400 CO Showing onr loBses, ii total In every Instance, which ls not probable, to be. $145,678 00 These losses are now being promptly adjusted and paid. Bisks taken at fair rates In the first class, old established Company, and losses paid here, by A. L. TOBIAS, Agent, No. 109 East Bay, next (south) Conner Office. oetst-u ?n?mrsB Carin. B MULLIGAN, COTTON FACIOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, ACCOMMODATION WHARF, sep27-DAO CHARLESTON, B. 0._ T> B. CARPENTER, V* ATTORNEY AT LAW, NO. 72 BROAD STBBXT, Charleston, 8. C., Will Practice In the state and Federal Coorti feb2l _ TT7ITTE BROTHERS, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 6 ACCOMMODATION WHARP, CHARLESTON, S. C. will make liberal advances on consignments to them or to their friends in New York and Liver? pool. Will also pay strict attention to the niling of all orders for Plantation and Family Supplies. GEO. W. WITTE.ARMIN F. WITTE. sepl-fmw3moB_^_ WE LITE AND LEARN, DYE AND FORGET ALL, THE: SOVTIIKR?I DYE HOUSE, NO. 359 KING STREBT, Dyes and Cleans, by means of steam, Gentle? men's, Ladles' and Children's Clothes. Fine Laces and Lace Curtains cleaned and done np with the sort or Manufacturera' Finish; Lace and Crape Shawls and Kid Gloves Cleaned and Dyed. MW Goods received and returned by Express, Jun22-lyr L BILLER, Proprietor. gACON, SUGAR, COFFEE, 4c 20 bhds. Prime C. R. SIDES 20 bode. Prime Shoaldera io boxes Prime D. S. shoaldera io bbds. Choice Demerara Sogar io bhda. Choice Grocery Sogar 100 bblfl. CroBhe I, "A," Ex. ' 0,"and "C" Sugars 60 bags Good and Prime Rio Coffee loo boxes candles loo boxes soap ? io tierces Leaf Lard m 25 quarter casks French Vinegar, loo bbls. Molasses. For sale by noT4-mw2_HENRY COBLA A CO. JJTJTTER! B?TTS31 BUTTER I Jost Received, 60 kits Choice-Moon tain Batter. For sale low. GEO. w. WILLIAMS A- CO., nov?3_Church street, charleston. JP O R SA L E PIO HAM3 Pig Shoaldera Pig sides Pare Leaf Lard Goshen Botter Western Batter Factory Cheese Skimmed Cheese and Rice. At reasonable prices. AT OLP H NIMITZ, novl-6 No. 209 East Bay. JgAGGING! BAGGING! 200 roils XX and LUDLOW BAGGING (standard weight) Jost received, and wi.l be sold low and on? accommodating terms. MOSES GOLDSMITH A SON, octU_Vend ne Range. QOGNAC AND LA ROCHELLE BRAN DY, DJ U. S. BONDED STORES. _ h A. TOBIAS* BONS, No. HO EAST BAT? Offer for sale from U. 8. Bonded Warehouse, Choice COGNAC and LA ROCHELLE BRANDY, ?anons vintages, in Quarter casks Fifth casks Eighth casks AMD Cases of one dozen b atlee each. maya_ QHOICE D EMERA RA SUGARS. MORDECAI A co. offer for sale Invoice ChfrfLfc Dcmerara SUGARS._angs-smo n gUGAR AND MOLASSES. MORDECAI A CO. offer for sale Good to Prime Cnbs and Porto Rico SUGARS snd Choice MOLASSES._angs-emo C A N D L E S A. TOBIAS' SONS Offer for isle ADAMANTINE CANDLES, all weights._aagft-Smo VINEGAR, PRUNES, WHITE WINE, CLARET, Ac A. TOBIAS' SONS offer for sale VINEGAR, Prunes, White Wine, imported direct from France_angs-emo -pRIME WHITE CORN. MORDECAI ? CO. offer for sale Prime White CORN, landing._angs-Smo j^NGLISH PORTER AND ALE. A. TOBIAS' SONS, Agents of Messrs. Edward A George Hibben, of London, offer for sale Hib bert's PORTER and Bass's PALE ALE-pint? and quarts,___angt-ejao JP LOUR! FLOUR ! FLOUR I * 1207 bbls. Family, Extra snd Soper FLOUR, land? ing from bi lg Black Swan. For sale hy HERMANN BDLWINKLE, nov3-3_ Kerr's WJmrf. gUGAB HOUSE SYRUP. SUGAR HOUSE (Bes Hive) SYRUP, in barrels and hogsheads. For sale by HERMANN BULLWINKLE, oct21 Kerr's Wharf. yyiLSON $1 TEA. BROTHER^ King street, soe. King street, soe. WILSON Canned Gooda BROTHERS. Klag street, 806. King street, 806. WILSON Wines, Liquors. BROTHERS.. King street, soo. King street, soe. BROTHERS Bloaters. WILSON. King street, 806. King street, soe. BROTHERS Mackerel. WILSON. King street, 806. Kio g street, sos. BROTHERS Codfish. WILSON. King street, soe. King street, sos. WILSON Herrings. BROTHERS. King street, 806. King street, sos. WILSON Cheese. BRO", titi BS. King street, soe. King st: eet, sue. WILSON Crackers. BROTHERS. King street, soe. King street, soe. BROTHERS Raisins. WILSON. King street, soe. King street, sos. BROTHERS Almonds. WILSON. King street, soe. King street, soe. BROTHERS All Varieties WILSON. King street, soe. King street, soe. BROTHERS ta the WILSON. King street, soe. Km g street, soe. WILSON Grocery Linc BROTHERS. King street, soe. King street, soe. WILSON Butter. BROTHERS. King street, soe. King street, soe. WILSON Tess. BROTHERS. King street, SOO. King street, SOO. D DioinfertantB. ?S?NFEOT1NG FLUID. SESQDI-CHLOBIDE IRON, WITH tv CARBOLIC ACID. r Recommended by the New York Board of Health, as ose of the best Disinfectants. For disinfecting Privies, Vsnlts, Drains, Oess? pools, Rooms, Ac Manufactured and for sale by a F. PAN KN IN, Chemist, Nc 123 Meeting street, Charleston, 8. C Price-FIFTY CENTS per bottle sepl Htfflfpaptri, ?agtmwi, ?c. ? RAL CAROLINIAN. NOVEMBER NUMBER HOW READY. Among the contents are : TO "A NORTH S ANTEE PLANTER." By F. W. I Johnstone value of Education to the Farmer. The Probable Future of Cotton Culture By i. a. Ondosa. Farmers Mast Agonize. Preparatlen and Enrichment of Sou. The Chinese Wis tor la as a Tree ", _ A Word about Cotton Caterpillars, illustrated., Price-Single number.a* CMJML Per annum.P ?? For sale by WALKER, EVANS A COGSWELL* Publishers. No. a Broad stress? AND BY BOOKSELLERS EVERYWHERE? maras *