University of South Carolina Libraries
? CITT AFFAIRS. nccUBg* THU v*y. Washington Light Infantry Charitable Asso? ciation, at 7 P. M. Stonewall Fire company, at T P. M. SULLIVAN'S ISLAND.-?he Very Kev. Dr. Ber? mingham will officiate in the Catholic Church. ? on Sunday, at the asnal hour. SAFETY DRIVING APPARATUS.-Mr. John L. Arnold, of Lowndesvllle, ha6 applied for a patent for an apparatus which enables the i river of a bowe to detach him from theshafts in an instant, at the same time stopping the vehicle. THE NATIONALIST.-We are requested to say that the publication or The Nationalist Is suspend? ed for a rew days, the material lt had In ss* hav? ing been delivered up to the Carolina Printing Company. The pt: er will resume publication as soon a? new material arrives. LECTURE IN SOMMERVILLE.-'-Bible Stories written In the Rocks" ls the subject ora lecture to be delivered in Summerville on Tuesday evening next, the 24th ir st., by Professor Holmes, of the Charleston Lyceum, Tor khe benefit of the Ladies' Church Aid Association of tbat town. FALLINO IN THE STREET.-Yesterday, be? tween 12 and l o'clock, a while man, named Jan covlch, fell down suddenly in Market s'.'eet, near Church, apparently in convulsions. A larg? crowd speedily gathered around bim, and several began to rab him with camphor, kerosene, 4c. Ttfesufferer seemed to recover a little, and under the treatment or a physician, who was quickly sent for, was afterwards carriel home. STEALING PINS.-Henry Boyce, a colored boy.'w.a brought before the Mayor, yesterday morning, charged with stealing several coupling pms from ihe carson the South Carolina Rail .oad. The prisoner was detected at the same trick some Umc ago, but was let orr. This time be was caught in the act-, and tamed over to the police. He was sent to the House of Correction yQr ten days as a vagrant. PREMIUM BALES.-The following premiums were awarded at the St. Louis Fair, to South Carolina planters : For be.-t bale or cotton raised in South Carolina, $500 ; R. H. Henderson, Society Bill. For second best bile raised ;n S;uth Carolina, $250 ; E. J. Means, WJnnsfcoro. For the third best bale raised in South Carolina, $100 ; Frank E. Taylor, Char eston. INSANE.-On Thursday night a white youth, culling himself Jose Goss, applied at the Guard? house for a nights' lodging, and was accommodat? ed. Shortly after he bad retired, the officer went to his cell, when Goss flew at him like a wild car, and ran around the Stationbouse shouting, and apparently try log to get away from some: hin g. Ile . was brought before the Mayor, supposed to be in? sane, and referred to the city registrar for exam? ination. THB SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON RAILROAD. The restrictions against the transmission or freight having been removed by the Savannah adfhori! les, this road is now prepared to forward express and ali other freights without delay. Through bills will be Issued on freight to Florida, and at as low rates as by any other route. The passenger train leaves Charleston at half-pau 8 A. M. and arrives at live minutes past 5 P. M. dally. The sight train on the road bas been : withdrawn. CLUBS AND STARS.-Sarah Daly, arrested for | atea lng cloth from tbe store or Stone A Marshall, No. 143 Meeting street, was sent to the House or Correction for twenty days under the vagrant law. Richard Mustapha and Marv Dryers, lodged lor Indecent behavior and being disorderly In George Pfetreet, were discharged with a'reprimand. Two jolly Inebriates, who found Meeting street too crooked Tor a sober man to walk In, were arrested by the police, whom tbey abused to their J hearth content. They paid up five dollars each before the Mayor and departed. ROBBERY ON THE PILOT BOY.-David Scott, colored, was arrested last evening by Officer Her? nandez, on board the Pilot Boy, as the steamer arrived, charged with stealing one hundred and fifty dollars from tbe purser's room- While the boat was lying at Beaufort, the purser's room had been entered through a side window, and next morning the mone,, nad been missed, and marks of naked feet and a chisel used in forcing the drawer were discovered. A dispatch was sent by the captain to this city, and the officer ! was In walting at the wharf to make the arrest David is a fl-em an on the boa., and is arrested on suspicion. None or the money has been re cojered. _ _, SAIEING OP THE GULF STREAM FOR PHILADEL? PHIA.- This capacious steamship left Brown's what r yesterday mornlag with a cargo of two thousand packages, cotton, naval stores, rice, hides, domestic goods, 4c, for tbe. Quaker City. The Virginia, of the same line, left Philadelphia for this port on Friday morning, with a large cargo of general merchandise. Philadelphia boasts of sx thousand manufacturing establish? ments, and ls consequently a great distributing point ror al sorts or ironwares, glasswares, agrl cultural implements, ales, rope, furniture, oils and paints, carriages, crockery, gas fixtures, acids, and t e thousands of other articles or da ly consumption all over the Cotton States; and this Uno ol steamers furnishes quick and regular transportation to Charleston, and by rail to the Interior. 1 he facilities or this route ls attracting a rall l;ne or business for the two superior tteam 8hipsnow ;nJhis service. SHOT HIMSELF.-The jury cf Inquest over the body of Moni? Fuller, who was shot on the otb of Sept- m er on a plantation near Adam' Run, and arterrvards conveyed to the.City Hos? pital where he died, met again yesterday morning jj the coroner's oUlce-an adjournment havir.g "fecomo necessary, owing to suspicions or foul play lu thc matter and the absence of all wit nesses. Tnese had to be summoned from St. Paul's, and arrivid a few days ago. Th? evidence adduced showed that ihe deceased was at the Marshall plantation, In St. Paul's, a short distance from Willtown, rented at the time by a colored man named Deas. The deceased was about com? ing out or the door of a house with his loaded masker, and In doing so placed the butt end or the rhdsket on the sill or the dcor. As he passed through the door the butt or the nusket slipped, and the sill striking the hammer discharged the gun. Thedeccised was struck and badly wound? ed by the shot, and his friends, having no sur? geon to attend him, brought him to the city. The Jury returned a verdict of accidental death. VISIT OF DELAWARE FIREMEN.-TLe Wash lngtoa Fire Company, or Wilmington, Delaware, have at length concluded all their arrangements, and havedeiermlned to visit this city in Novem? ber next. From the correspondence or the secre? tary of the company with Nathan we learn that the company will leave Wilmington on the 15th or next m m tb by railroad, and pass? ing Acquia Creek, Richmond, 4c., will arrive In the city by the Nor.heastera Railroad on th*, mo niug c-r Tuesday, the 17th proximo. The vlsltois will received at the depot by the whole ir our Steam Fire Department i.i full dress uniform and with their engines. The apparatus the Delaware company may bring along with them win bo quartered at the Vigilant Engine House, In state street. Arrangements have been made by which the visiting company, sixty in number, will be accommodated at the Charleston Hotel during their short stay. They will be accompanied by a splendid brass band which was organized and pbs maintained by the company. Tbe Washing tons form one of trie most respectable and wealthy lire companies In the Union, and the compliment they wll pay Charleston, by this dlrec visit '.they stop at no other place on their way south,) win be appreciated by our cltlze s. The company is conaposed principally or b slness men and have oaf of the aldermen or th r city for a marshal, j TBE BE AL TB OF TBE CITY. Prom the up-country we have advices of good white frosts, which, down this way, are few and rar between. Two deaths from yellow fever were reponed yesterday, both or which took place on the 18th. FRIDAY'S REPORT. OFFICE OF BOARD OF HEALTH, ) CHARLESTON, S. C., October 20-12 M. J Two ceri Ideates or death from yellow fever re? ceived since last report. ROBERT LEBBY, M. D., City Registrar. Besides the above the following certificates have been received since last report: One for congestion of brain, dated October 15; one for fever, typhoid, dated October 17; one for ptbMs pnlmonali9, dated October 18; one for mal? formation of heart, dated Octiber 19; one for fever, typhoid, dated October 19. The Howard Association. The regular weekly meeting of the executive committee of ti e Howard Association was held yesterday at 12 M., at the Market Hall, President James H. Taylor in the < hair. ' Letters of application for membership, enclos? ing $5 each, from Messrs H. Baer, T. Kelly, Alex? ander McLoy, W. T. Jeffords, and John T. Wight? man were read, and the rules having been sus? pended, the applicants were elected by acclama? tion. The following contributions have been received during ne week : From the Southern Express Company $500; Joha Glbbcn, of Boston, ?25; Crane, Boylston A Co., $25; Evert E. Bedford, $25; Dowle, Moise A Davis, $15; E. Scott, $10. On motion, the treasurer was ordered to acknowledge the same, and to return the thanks of the asso? ciation to the donore These contributions, headed by the handsome j donation cf the Southern Express Company, en? able the association to continue their work for the next week without making a call upon the pub? lic The small amount of available capital in the possession or the association at the beginning of the summer has been carefully expended, and the objects of the association have thus far been fully and faithfully carried oer. It ls hoped that the liberality of our citizens will continue during the si'.ort time yet renaming before frost, and, of their own accord, maintain th2 :?=ociation lu financial vigor. I The reports of the directors for the various wards were read, showing a general decline of the fever In the lower wards but an Increase In Ward 8. Only eight deaths have occurred during the week among the patients ol the association. Mr. Evans proposed Dr. J. T. Wightman a? a visitor in Ward 8, in the place of the late Hon. w. S. Henerey. A beliot being taken, Dr. Wightman was duly elected. Adjourned until Friday next. ARSON.-Two men were brought to the city yesterday on the Savannah and Charleston Rail? road by the detectives, charged with burning the dwelling-house or Mr. J. H. Ruddell, near Mat? thew's Bluff, in Beaufort County. The affidavits have been made before Trial Justice J. G. Mackey, and thepartles will be examined to-day. ANOTHER RAID.-Thursday night-the prem? ises of Mr. Badenhop, at the southwest corner of King and Market streets, were again visited by a thief, who succeeded in carrying off a valuable gold chain and ten dollars in currency. The arti? cles were stolen from the upper part of the house, and a suspected party will be arrested to-day. THE Curuc? BURGLARY.-Isaac Mackey, the colored yonth arrested while bird-nesting In the Unitarian churchyard, and charged with stealing the aisle carnet from that church, was examined yesterday morning before Tri.i Justice Magrath, The evidence oflered was strong against Isaac, and he was committed for trial before the next term of the Court of General Sessions. RAILROAD ACCIDENT.-Between 1 and 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon, a mule and cart belonging to Mr. J. H. Devereux was passing through Romney street across the track of i he South Carolina Railroad, when a, train of cara came speedily down the track. Before the team could clear the track lt was struck by the engine, 1 and the driver pitched some distance on one side. The cart was turned over and dragged a little way by the engine, while the mule was quietly unhitched by the turning over of the cart, and looked on pleasantly, being entirely unhurt. The driver also escaped without lr jury, the cart only being damaged. THE ACGCSTA POWDER WORKS.-On Thurs? day, the property known as the old Powder* Mills, on th ' Augusta canal, a short d stance from that city, was Boll by the United States Government. It consisted of two tracts, one of thirty-eight acres on the right, and the other of ninety-three acres on the left bank of the canal. On the larger trac: are two houses, one of them a large and substantial magazine, used by the government for ' storing powder, and containing some thirty-five thousand pounds at the lime or sale. Notwith s anding some objection on the part or Mr. Coles, who claimed to have purchased lt already, for twenty five dollars per acre, the smaller tract was put up and finally knocked down to the City of Augusta for twenty-eight hundred dollars. The ci'y also purchased : he large tract for seven thousand five hundred dollars. The object of the city In purchasing is said to be the rem oval to this place ol the powder magazine from ?ts present situation within the corporate limits, and In dangerous proximity to several valuable mills and factories. Hotel Arrivals-October -40. PAVILION HOTEL. G. W. M. Williams, Midway, 3. C ; Charles Newbonse, Columbia, S.e.; Mrs. McGuire, New York; T. F. Bunch, City. CHARLESTON DOTEL D. E. Jordon, South Carolina; C. B. Brown, New York; Frank W. Perry, New York; Moses Kavanagh, New York; Hamsun Reed, Florida; 0. H. P. Goodie and wire. Mis*.; F. M. Behrgcs, MissS. M. Whitney and wire, Augu ta, Ga. ; Mr*. B. Whitney, Augusta, Ga.; Miss AnnaD. Ludlow, Os weg O, N. Y.; M. F. Cbastanet, Savannah, Ga.; Henry bilroy, Phlla. TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. At a regular meeting ol the Board of Fire masters, held at the hall of the Charleston Hook and Ladder Company, No. 2. on the isth Instant, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted : Again is this board called upon to record the demise of an esteemed member. The Angel of Death, in recruiting his forces, has added an -titer victim to the army of souls who have gone to their final resting place. We mourn the loss of A. B. Jarvis, foreman of Hook and Ladder Company, No. L As a board wc have been deprived of his aid and advice. In our intercourse with him we could not fail to notice that kindness of manner which beamed from his countenance. Taken away from his sphere or usefulness In tho vigor of minhood, we cannot refrain from expressing our heart.'elt sympathies, and regret his untimely death. Therefore, be lt Resowed, That the Board of Firemasters deeply regret the death of A. B. Jarvis, and that we ten? der to his bereaved family our heartfelt sympathy, and with them feel ihe void that has been made by his death. Resolved, That this be recorded upon the jour? nal of this board, and that a blank page be in? scribed io bia memory. Result ed. Tba* a copy or these proceedings l e sent to his bereax jd family, and to the company or which he WHS foreman. Resolved, That the Sdiue be published In the daily papers . f the city. From thc- Minutes. B. M. STROBEL, Clerk Board of Firemasters. B U SI N'ES S NOTICES. THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC GRAND GIFT Cox certs, as advertised by Messrs. Butler, chadwick, Gary A Co .-Mr. Eben Coffin, sub-agent for this splendid and attractive scheme, ls now prepared to sell tickets for the same. Applications to be made to him at the office of Mr. i dward M. More? land, No. 29 Broad street. BUSINESS ENVELOPES.-THE NEWS Job Office ls now prepared to rurnlsh good envelopes with bu ines* cards printed heieon. at $4 per thous? and. Send your orders. Every merchant and business man should have hts card prlu'od on lils envelopes. FOB A STYLISH AND ELEGANT HAT, at popu? lar prices, go to PLUNGE'S, oct2l-l No. 201 King street. A WORD TO BUYERS.-At No. 248 King Btreet, near tbe bend, the ladles and other purchasers will Sad as complete a stock cf dry goods aa can be seen in the city, lately arrived for the fall trade, and ju?t opened by Messrs. Louis Cohen A Co. They have a handsome stock or fresh French kid gloves, or the most popular make and or every el".a ?e and color. Their varieties or dress goods, silks, sashes and velvets will impress upon the re male mind that there is something yet left to live for, and the cloaks, shawls and cloths and blan? kets are something worth looking at. A call will satisfy the most skept leal. BILL HEADS printed on ?ne paper at (3, $4, $5, $6 50 and $8 50 per thousand, according to size, at THE NEWS Job Offlce. WILSONS'.-See Wilsons' advertisement. Something that concerns you and every economl c tl housekeeper Li lu lr. Look for it. oe 19 ths2 KEW FRENCH KID GLOVES.-Just received a large assortment of Ph. CourvoiBler'B French Kid Gloves, which are offered for sale at MELCHER3 A MULLER'S, octl4-stut'.4 No. 217 King Btreet. PARTIES in want of doors, sashes, blinds, moulding-, stair newels and balusters, will con? sult their own Interests by calllrg on or writing to Mr. P. P. Toale, No. 20 Hayne street, where they will Hud the strongest and cheapest stock in the Southern States. A specialty made of French and American window glass. auglS-thstu MARE YOUR CLOTHING !-Ordef your Stencil Plates at the Dasei street Bazaar. ocii4-s PARCHEESI ! PARCHEESI !-A royal game of | India. HASEL STREET BAZAAR, apr20-s And No. 161 King street I DESIRE to iniorm the people ol Charleston and the country that they can buy a better and cheaper Sewing Machine from me than they can elsewhere, and now ls the time, and No. 31 Queen street is the place, to get a first-class Sewing Ma? chine, either new or second-hand; so come one, come all, and let me serve you to a No. 1 Machine. J. L. LUNSFORD. (Tailoring. AND WINTER CLOTHING, ' FURNISHING GOODS, Ac, FOR MENS', YOUTHS' AND BOYS', C0NSI8TIK9 OF : BUSINESS AND DRESS SUITS. And a large assortment of USE CLOTH WALK? ING COATS, or all Colors, Black Single and Double Breasted ttocK Coats, Star Shirts, Under? wear Good?, ?c., English and Domestic Half nose. Alexandre');, Imperial, and Courvefsler's Kid, Silk, Thread, Buckskin, Dogskin, Ca&ilmere and Cloth Glove*), Linen and Paper Collars, Neck? ties, Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Suspenden, Um? brellas, Ac, or he latest style. Add a very large and fine selected stock or BROADCLOTHS. Doeskin, Beaver, Tricot, Diago? nal COATING AND CASSIUEKES. And a very handsome variety'or the latest style TA NTS AND YEST PATTERNS. Which we oller to Bell by piece, yard or pattern, or make ap into Garments, by measure, in the latest style, and at the ?hortest notice. Silk and Alpaca Umbrellas-the largest assort? ment. Oar stock has been selected with the greatest care, and prices marked very low, In plain fig? ures. Being confident tbat we can offer induce? ments unequalled by any other bouse, we solicit buyers in our line to give ns a call beror? pur? chasing elsewhere. All orders will receive our prompt'and very careful attention. The TAILORING DEPARTMENT ls under the supervision or Mr. WINTERER, who bas already proved hlmseir a first class Cutter; and the public will bear In mind tbat our Clothing nas been manufactured by ourselves during the dull sum? mer months, aod can therefore recommend lt as regatd* fit, wear and workmanship, and prices exceedingly low to ault the times. MENKE A MULLER, Na 325 King street, octI9_Opposite Society street. JOHN RUGHEIMER, NO. 141 KING STREET, WEST SIDE, A FEW DOORS NORTH OF QUEEN STREET, Would respectfully inform bis friends that he has just returned rrom New York with a large and well-selected stock of the latest styles of FALL AND WINTER GOODS. Also, a full assortment or GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Including the Celebrated STAR SHIRTS. oetu K ENNEDY ?fc GREGORY, MERCHANT TAILORS, NO. 186 KINO STREET, OPPOSITE D. H. SILCOX'S WAREHOUSE, Having this day entered into copartnership In the abeve Business, would respei nully solicit rrom their friends a share or their patronage. They pledge themselves that their Cutting and Manufacture shall be done lu the la'eat etyle, and in a manner to give satisfaction to their patrons, and at moderate prices. J. T. KENNEDY.F. M. GREGORY. octio-lmo_ 8t]irts ant) i armsnmg (?ooat. JUST RECEIVED, A NEW AND SPLENDID STOCK OF GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, SCITABLE FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR. THE LATEST STYLES OF SCARFS, TIES AND BOWS. IMPORTED ALL-WOOL MERINO (SCOTCH) AND SHAKER FLANNEL UNDERWEAR. Together with an uneq:alled supply of the CELEBRATED STAR SHIRTS AND COLLARS AND GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS IN GENERAL, AT SCOTT'S STAR SHIRT EMPORIUM, MEETING STRETT, OPPOSITE MARKET STREET. ?tatetjes, J cocir n, Ut. ALTHAM WATCHES! 3-4 PLATE, 16 AND 20 SIZES. w These are the best WATCHES made in this coun? try, and are made with and without stem Wind lng Attachment. They are finished In the best manner and run with the greatest accuracy, and cannot be excell? ed anywhere, at their respective prices. The cases are all of the newest patterns, and specially made to our own order. our stock or these Watches is now the largest, and our prices, all things considered, are the low? est in the city. BALL, BLACK & CO., JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS, Nos. 600 and 567 Broa.'wav, New York. Julyis-lyr J OFFICIAL. LIST OF LETTERS remaining In the PoBtofflca at Charleston, for the week ending October 20, 1871, and printed officially In THE DAILY NEWS, as the newspaper haring the largest circulation in the City of Charleston. 43- Persons calling for Letters Advertised should state that they are "Advertised.? 49* Office hours from s A. M. to c~2 p. M. On Sundays, from &K to P. M. STANLEY O. TROTT. Postmaster. WOMEN'S LIST. Aiken, Lila |Creen, Su=an Porcher, Laura Aiken, Betsy Green, Jane B E Alston, liarla Oreen, Oester Pusshal, Hora Anderson, Min- Haberntcht, P Pvoss, Sarah nie I Haley. Mrs Reeves, Ella F Barlow, Mrs J Halsall, A E Reed, s H Barnetr, Mrs Hara, Misa Ida Rentens, Matta Barnwell, Eliza- Hamilton, Arch- Richardson, Sal beth M er ly S Beaban, Agnes Hamilton, Miss j Richardson, Dey j Rowena Richardson, Bennett, Brig- Hammond,Rosa Sharlote get Harieston, E L Riley, Bridget Bird, Mary F Harrison, Ca- Rivers, G w Black, Catherin therine Roberts, Leano Blikly, Sally J Hardin, Martha ra Bonneau. Flo- HannUs, J Roberts, Mary renee M Harrison, Lu H, Mary siro Robert?, Lydia Brittle, Jane A Harrison, Susan Sasportas, Mar Brady, Mary P Harrell, Lavl tha Bridge, Nelly nla Scanlin, Es-' Brown, Rachel Hazzel. Yalna telle Bull, Julia C Herring. Betty Schnell, Sophia Burchfield, Eil- Utnderson, Re-?Scott,Adda za becca S .ott.F.'ora Ann B?rge?, Mary Ueyard, Char- ?Seabrook, Belle Banker, Marv c lotte Seckendorff, M Butland, Mabel?Holway, M ?Shanklln, Mary Caldwell, Mary ; Home9. Maggie Singleton, Nan Cabin, Annie Howard, Tiluia cy Caraigham, Ma- ivanovlich, Le- Sinkler, Char ry J I nora lotte CnrnnjrMaggle.Jiuker, Allie Smith, Ann M Campbell, Muna, Jones, Dlannah Smith, A Cummer, Emily ,Jon?s, Sarah ?Smith, Amelia J Jones, Mary sparks, >e;t Camplin, N Jost, Sarah F ?Strain, M E Carroll, Della E Keckley.MraDr Stratton, Ida E Calvltte, Fran- iKeener, Mary stratton, Ida ces Ki pp, M M Eugenia Cassidy, Lise Krose, Mary Stopplebeln, Jo Cope ie ville, Ma-Laken, Miss Bephlne ry J Lawrence, Isa- Taylor, Susan Cotchett, M J i bell Taylor, Letetla Cohen, Rosa Ledbetter, M H Thompson, E1I Conlan, Mrs, No Lesesne, Anna za A 179 St Philip C Thompson,Julia Btreet, Livingston, El riddeman, Ma Crosby, S len ry Comings, Mar- Loyd, Sa'laa Toomers, M E garet Lnekes. Margret Toy, M J Dawson, Miss C Lnzle, 238 King Trout, Emily DaCostler, Ell- street. Truesdale, zabeth Magrath, Mary .Vavevloue, Eva Desverney, So- F I V piiia E Mahony, C IWUklnshan, M Devlneau, Emile Mack. Betty D Dodds. Bridget Magrah, Hesale Wallace, Susan Drayton, Myhah Mazon, Margrit Washington, Draton, Sarah Marzyck, Mary Tamar DuPre, M E Meacher, Caro- Washington, Bason, Cordelia Une Mary E Merkhardt, Cal Wa-eon, Linda Edwards, R B hanna watson, Cha:I.J: Edwards, Caro- Mick, Elizabeth | Welsh, Ellen E o'ine Mlckell, Marla J W, st, Susi* Farrars, Per- Miles, Annie ?Webster, Sa mella J Mitchell, Caro- rah Fogarty, Jolla line White. Perslller Forrlst, Mary M ses, HA White,Elizabeth Fuller, Dlanah Montgomery, A E G&dnar,Blnnah Myers, Eliza Wilkinson, Lon Gadsden, Aon J Myers, J D Williams,Georg Garton,Marga- Norton, Emen- anna ret Ita Williams, Anna Geraghty, Brid Oaks, Hartott Williams, Hager get O'Brien, Magy Williams, Dian Gerlty, Kate Oklandt, A M nah Gerandeanz, Parker, Saly Williams, Clptll Rowena Parker, cathe- da . Glover, Eliza- rln Ann Witz, Lydia beth Parsons, E E Wood, Cathe Gordon, Sallie K Payne, Eliza A rlne A Grant, Grace Pointe!, Emily Woodruff, Belle MEN'S LIST. Adams, Jno A Gordon, J B McQueen. C E Agnew, Thomas Graham, Louis McNeal, Wm M> Arnold, Felix Y Green, James Maher, william Anett, Louis Green, James F Nathans, Orlan Beckett, George Green, Jno do D Behrmaron, Guy, Wm J Nelson, Peter Fritz Guy, Theo B Norwood, G A Blake, J T Hall, JW Odom, Sam Bornemao, F H Hamilton. Wade Charron, James Brevarde, H T Harvey, Charles oliver, Henry Bremer, EH T Oldenbottle.J W Bremer, i bar?es Hastedt, H OD elle, Jno F B Haavey, David Parker, Charles Bradley, Ben Hammond, Dr W Bright, Joseph A L Petit, N F, Jr, H Berney, Jno Perrin, E Bredemann, Hern?ndez, Ver i Perrin, Edward Wm nando ?Pl vus. Joly Braun, 8 Henderson. T ; Porches, Wm Brown, Ellas Btelc?. li H Polite, James S Brown, Simon Holmes, E F ?Prluce, M Brown, M E Howard, Rich-1 Pringle, Samuel Brooks, M ard Prior, E D Bjrtrlx, Ed- Hutchinson, Pringle, Free ward Richard mao Allen Cabbltt, Jno M Jacobs, Ann W Redman, Chas Carnie:, Jacob 'Jacobs, Her- Heed, Benjamin Cnlaghan, B ? mann Bight, Isreal Chausen.AD Jones, Charles,Roberson, Ben Clark. Thomp- H ?Robertson, Hen eon Jones, D S ry Clark A Co, Jno'Johnson, Uriah iRushen, Ed M Joline.n, S Z ward Cole, Wm Johnson, JohL .Rumley, Robert Cole, Thoa M | Zake Sawyer, Jno Cohen, CN Johnson, R Scholler, Henry Conly, Bern- Jordan, Fritz '-mun, James hard Judge, Frede-?Scott, J J Connelly. Joe rick Schulze, Johann Cooper, Wm Kereson, Frank Wm Compton, J D Kealy, James Seraken, Hen'y Cranston, Har- King, Dr George shokea. G M aid Knight, Thomas Sics, David Cartis, E Koli 1 man, D Singleton, Jno S Callen, Thomas Lardlun, Jno Slabicb, Glov.n Davis, Jno Lawrence, Rev ol Dean, Samuel E "lattery, Joo Dean. James Laslvance, Marl- Smalls, Monday Dingle, George brain 'Smith, Peten Douglass, ?Levi, M Snipes, Alexan Joshua F iLlnslbrlnk, J H der Dock, Jno ?Love A Co. W D Tatlm, Samuel Dolen, W M Ludlow. Wm W Drapp, Adolph Marshall A Terrey, Andrew Duun, Michael McMillan Toomer, Eu Doner, William ?Martin, Wm M gene C F Mathews, Jo- Toughey, Robt De Hone, Wm seph Toughey, James Khrhch, M -Micke!!, Michael M Eichmann A E Touhey, J M Meier Milligan. Chas Vanderhorst, Entleman, F Miller, Collings James Evans. William Morillo, R L Volmer, C Pinn, Parrlck Morrison, WU- Wheeler, Jno Fishburne. H F i met Chrhto Wilcoson. Paul Fischer, Frtde-! plier willis, JnoT rick .Murray, Joseph [Witherspoon, Fisher, W ,Miirphy, Joseph| Richard Flemming, F iWohlken, H R chard ?Myress, P E IWohlers, Jno C Flmn, solomon i McCorma k, iWarren, JnoB Frazar, William i Wm ?Wright, Charles Garken, Ed- M' Donald, Webb, Phillp ward Thomas ? O Gibby, cain C McIntyre, An- Zelgler, M Glover, Robt J : drew I. 9S" Persons depositing letters in the Postoffice will please place the stamp near the upper right hand corner of the envelope, and they will alsn please to remember that without the stamp a le' ter cannot be mailed, but will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. fjats, Q C. PLENGE, DEALER IN HATS, CAPS AND UMBRELLAS. Chil tren'* Hats a Specialty. Nc. 201 KING STREET. Just opened and will have always on hand an assortment of the above articles. Also, Gentle? men's NECK TIES, SCARFS, WALKING CANES, Ac. His Meads are re-pectfully iuvlted to call aod examlue for themselves. oc;l4-imo Hotels JJ I L B E R S HOU SE, No. 2S4 KING STREET. The Proprietress takes pleasure In announcing her return to the city, and that after a complete renovation of the establishment, she is prepared to accommodate patrons. Attentive and respect? ful servants a specialty. octl'-lmo_ MRS. B. H1LBERS. jyjETROPOLITAN HOTEL, BROADWAY, NEW YORK, wm reopen under new maaagement, August 22 for the reception of guests. The spacious building ha3 been thoroughly reno? vated and newly furnished throughout. The proprietors have made every exertlou to adapt lt to the comfort and convenience of Its patrons, and have spared neither pains nor ex? pense to secure that end. TWEED A OAKFIELD, asg/2i-2mos Proprietors, Book anb Job Printing. NEAT ! QUICK! CHEAP ! THE CHARLESTON NEWS JOB No. 149 EA8T BAY, IS PREPARED TO HRS OUT JOB PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, IN THE MOST SATI8FAOTORY STYLE, UPON BRIEF NOTICE, AT THE LOWEST RATES. OUR OFFICE, IN ALL ITS DEPART? MENTS, 13 ONE OF THE MOST COMPLETE IN THE SOUTH yi'ECIAL ATTENTION IS GIVEN TO ORDERS FROM THE COUNTRY GIVE US A TRIAL ! = i P artos. SWTY^FIVE^n^ AWARDED THE GREAT SOUTHERN PIANO Manufactory. WM. KNABE & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF CR AND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANO FORTES, BALTIMORE, MD. The9e Instruments have been before the public for nearly thirty j ears, and upon their excel? lence alone attained an un purchased pre-emi? nence, which pronounces them unequalled In TONE, TOUCH, WORKMANSHIP AND DURABILITY. #?-All our SQUARE PIANOS have our New Im? proved OVERSTRUNG SCALE and the AGRAFFE TREBLE. jfcS?We would call especial atttentlon to onr ?ate Patented Improvements In GRAND PIANOS and SQUARE ORASDS, round In no other Piano, which brings'.he Plano nearer perfect ion hasyei been attained. EVERY PIANO FULLY WARRANT? ED FOR FIVE YEARS. ?*?We are by special arrangement enabled tc furnish PARLOR ORGANS and MKLODEONS Ol the most celebrated maners Whoksale aid Retail at lowest Factory Prices. Illustrated Catalogues and Price Lists prompt? ly furnished on application to WM. It IVA.BE ?fc CO., BALTIMORE, MD. Or any or OUT regular ejtabllshed agencies. octl"-tuths6mosD*w j?OOtS, 5f)0?6, &Z. Q.ET THE REST1 Boy your BOOTS AND SHOES at STEI BER'S, No. 41 BROAD STREET. He makes them to order, in any style desired, usingonly the best material and workmanship. Constantly on hand, a large assortment or cus? tom made BOOTS AND SHOES, or all 6izes. Thc New EXCELSIOR GAITER, Which dispenses with shoe strinots and elastic, MADE TU ORDER at this establishment. Call and examine specimens. JACOB STEI BER, may22_No. 41 Broad street. GABLE SCREW WIRE BOOTS AND SHOES ARE Claimed to be the Best, Acknowledged to be the Bett,' ProTed to be tbe Best. THEY ARE THE MOST PLIABLE, MOST ECONOMICAL, MOST COMFORTABLE, MOST DURABLE. WILL NOT RIP. Rapidly superseding Sewed and Pegged Work. The Patent Stamp is on all. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS. A single trial will make good all these claims. sep30-lmo_ JJE BING'S PILE REMEDY. For sale bj DB, H. BAER. LOWS coiFFI^ SO. 248 KING STREE BEG LEAVE TO ANNOUNCE THAT THE HAVE JUST OPENED A COMPLETE STOC OP REST FRENCH KID GLOVE IN ALL COLORS AND SHADES. ALSO, LARGE VARIETIES OF DRESS GOOD! AND SILKS, SASHES, VELVETS LACES, FLANNELS BLANKETS, CLOTHS LADIES' CLOAKS . AND SHAWL! Te which they respectfully direct the attentl or the public. ea- A Call ls solicited. LOUIS COHEN & co.; No. 248 King street, BETWEEN HASEL AND HARKET STREETS 0Ctl4 ARRIVAL ep NEW GOODS PDRCHGOTT, B?N?DICT&CO TV O H. 344 A. TV JD 437 KING STREET BEG TO ANNOUNCEJ THAT THEY ABE NOW OPENKG NEW DRESS q^ODg FOR FALL AND WINTER. NEW SILKS AND SILK POPLINS. INEW|AND LATEST STYLES OF SHAWLS, BLANKETS, CASSIMERES, BROADCLOTHS A FULL LI.V? OF ALL KINDS OF CARPETS, OIL CLOTH, RUG! AND MATTING, (A SPECIALTY.) ALL OF WHICH ARE OFFERED AT THE LOWEST PRICES ja! y 27_ Sining marinus. SINGER SE WINI MACHINE AGENCY, NO. 197 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, 8. C Our "New Family" Machine is simple in con Btrnctlon, adjusted In a moment for any kind o work, and will sew lrom the finest Swiss MUBIU to the heaviest Beaver Cloth or Leather, doing t greater range of work than any other Machine made. Cur Manufacturing. MACHINES for Tail ors and Shoemakers are the best In the world. Call and examine before purchasing. Sold on easy terms at State Agency, No. 197 KING STREET. J. CLARK BEDELL. LOCAL AGENT. H. D. HAWLEY, General Agent for Sooth Caro lina, Georgia and Florida. Bepl9-thBta3mo8 ?HEAP ! "CHEAP ! CHEAP ! BOOTS, SHOES, THUNK 8, AO. Now opening at No. i3i MEETING STREET a large and well assorted Stock of BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, Ac, all fresh goods direct from the Manufactures, which will be SOLD VERY LOW. All goo03 guaranteed as represented. CALL AND SEE. T. S. NIP30N, NO. 131 MEETING STRI HT. octl2-tnatu5 &nrtion Salt*-fwtne Oogi. BY W. McKAY. POSITIVE SALE OF DRY GOODS. On MONDAT, 23d October, at 10 o'clock* will be sold, at No. 140 Meeting Btreet, loo pea. of Broad, Beaver and Melton CLOTHS, Satinets, Casslmeres, Plaids, Black am Colored! Alpacas, Madder Prints, Canton Piannei.Baalnes? Coats, Shina and Drawers, 600 dozen Cotton, Me? rino and Woollen Hose and Half-Hose. Als?, an assortment of Pocket and Table Cutlery, Jewelry, Notions, Ac. Terms cash, or 30 days for approved city accept? ance. _octa Bj W. Y. LEITCH & R. S. BRUNS, Auctioneer*. ESTATE SALE, BY ORDER OF THE ,,n ADM1SI3TRATOR-HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN HJRN1TORE. Will be sold on MOSDAY. the 234 inst., at No. 9 Washington street, at io o'clock. The HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURES consisting in pan of Chairs, Borea a. Beds andi Bedding, Centre and Dining Tables, Crockery an* Glassware. AND, One set GREEN REP FURNITURE, Shade?. Cooking Stove, Ac. Terms cash, and every article to be removed on day of sale._p?t21 Bj HOLMES AND MACBETH, Auctioneer*. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Will be sold on WEDNESDAY next, October 2ot n, at Sales-room, in the rear of our office, No? 31 Broad street, at half-past io o'clock, The following lots of JEWELRY, Palntlnge, Furniture, Books, Ac. Ac: One Fine JCRQENSEN WATCH, CHAIN AND SEAL One Set Diamond Studs Snndry Sets Sleeve Battons, Studs, Pins, Ac. Three very Fine Meerschaum Pipes and Cigar* Holders Lot Sliver Plated Spoons and Forks One Diamond Pin Bedsteads, Chairs, Bureaus and sundry other pieces of Furniture A large lot of Chromos and Paintings A lot of Miscellaneous Books One Revolver Office Desk and Stool One Letter Press One Hammock And a let of other articles too numerous to mention. Terms cash. Articles to be removed on day of sale._oct21 fiailroa?s. OFFICE OF THE SAVANNAH AND) CHARLESTON RAILROAD. CHAKLKSTON, 8. 0., October 21,1871. AU RESTRICTIONS aga'nst the transmission Of FREIGHT having been REMOVED by the City authorities of savannah, Express ana eil ether Freight will be forwarded daUy, without delay. Leave Charleston.8.80 A. M. Arrive at Savannah.6.00 P. M. Leave Savannah. 8 oo A. M. Arrive at Charleston.6.04 p. M? Freights to Florida received and through bul? issued thereto. Freight for Boston forwarded on through bills to destination, Connecting weekly at savannah with direct Une of first-class steam? ships from that point, and at as low rate? aa any other line. 0. * GADSDEN, Engineer and Bnpertotenfleafc. S. C. BOYLSTON, G* F. A T. Agent. Ogg] SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON RAIL? ROAD. CHARLESTON, S. 0., October 6,1871. The GEORGIA STATE FAIR opens .at MaooB~ on 23d Ostober, and will continue eight days All articles shipped for exhibition wlU be re? turned FREE npoo certificate of the Secretory of the state Fair Association (hat the Gooda or Ani? mals have actually been on exhibition. . Foll Fare for visitors and Exhibitors grtiajfc, and to return "free." C. & GADSDEN, General superintendent and Engin'?eT. S. C. BOYLSTON, G. F.andT. Agent. QCfT-ifl NORTHEASTERN RAILROAD COM? PANY. CHARLESTON, 8,0., February ll, 1871. Trains wm leave Charleston Dally at et? A M. , and o P. M. Arrive at Charleston 7:80 A. M. (Mondays ?7 ft cepted) and 2:80 P. M. . Train doea not leave Charleston 6 P. M., BC jp DATS. ? Train leaving 630 A M. makes through con tien to New York, vi? Richmond and Ac am* Creek only, going through in 40 hoar?. Passengers leaving by 0 P. M. TT^ J^9. choice or route, via Richmond and vaeUtetoa, or via Portsmouth and Baltimore. 'lhasa leaving . FsiDATbythla Train lay over on SOTOat in Bal? timore. Those leaving on SATUXJJAT rema u So?. ' PAT In Wilmington, N. 0. This ls the cheapest, quickest and mon pleasant " route to Cincinnati, Chicago and elfter point* West and Northwest, both Trains making can> nectiona at Washington with Western traimr of Baltimore ?nd ohio Railroad. & S. SOLOMONS, Engineer end Superintendent; P. L. 6LXAP0B, General Ticket Agent. febii-iamos S OUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD? CHARLESTON, S. C., Jpne a, 1871. On and after SUNDAY, June ii, the Pasten? ger Traine on the Sonin Ca roana Railroad witt run aa foUewa: fOB AUG COTA. L >ave Charleston.,._~... 8.20 A. M. Arrive at Augusta.ASS P. M. ros COLUMBIA. Llave Charleston. 8.30 A. M. Arrive at Columbia. 8.40 P. M. ron cniMLMBtox. Liave Augusta.7.40 A. M. Arrive at Charleston.ABO P. M. L ?ave Columbia.7.40 A. M. A drive at Charleston.8.20 P. M. THROUGH WILMINGTON TRAIN. Leave Angosta.AM A. M. Arrive at KlngvU'e.0.06 A. M, Leave Ringville.1.46P. M, Arrive at Augusta.7.46 P. *L ACOCOTA NIGHT EXPRESS. (Sundays excepted.) Lia ve Charleston.AMP. UV Arrive at Augusta.7.06 A M. L :ave Augusta. coo P. M. Arrive at Charleston.?? 6.40 A. M. COLUMBIA NIGHT HXPKB??. (Sundays excepted.) L lave Charleston.7.10 P. w. Arrive at Columbia.?... 6.MA.M. L i?ve Columbia._.7.60 P. M. Arrive at Charleston.c.? A. M. I SUMMERVILLE TRAIN. L?a7c Charleston.2.46 P. M. Arrive at Summerville..410 P. M. Lia vc Summerville..7.M AV. A-rive at Charleston.8.16 A. M. CAMDEN BRANCH. Leave Camden.~.coo A. M. Arrive at Columbia.......10.40 A. M. Leave Columbia. 1.26 P.UV Arrive at camden..e.oo p. M. Day and Night Trains make close connection? a'. Augusta with Georgia Railroad and Central Railroad. Night Train connecta with Macon and Augusta Railroad. Columbia Night Tram connects with Greenville' and Columbia Railroad. Camden Train connecta at Ringville daUy (ex? cept Sundays) with Day Passenger Train, and rons through to Columbia and retorna on Mon? days, Wednesdays and Saturdays. A. L. TYLER, vice-President. S. B. PICKENS, G. T. A _lani? ?Jotcnt TTOMOOPATHIC REMFiDTK.8. A FULL ASSORTMENT Just received by DB, H. BAER, jflljl _No 131 Meeting street QUPERIOR COLOGNE WATER* B anufactured and for sale by Dr. EL BAER. oe* _isl Meeting street JJOMOOPATHIC REMEDIES. Just received a foll assortment of HOMEOPA? THIC MEDICINES: Tinctures, Pellets and Pow? ders, of different potencies. Sugar of Milk and Globules, at wholesale. Family cases Hued at reasonable rates, br DR. H. BAER; mavl6 No. 181 Meeting street; D R. BAER ' S IMPROVED VEGETABLE CATHARTIC PILLS will remedy BILIOUS DISORDERS and LIVER COMPLAINT-wUl cure Dyspepsia or indigestion, Headache, costiveness, Loss of. appetite, and have proved of ?eat use to Nen-' ralgia, Dropsy, Dysentery, Pile?, Pains to the Side; Back and Limbs. They wul care Sick Hesdiun? and aU Derangements or the Stomach. These P .'.Econtaln no Mercury, and may beittJsralin? pt. feet Baietyby any?ersons, and to au sitna* lions or Ufe. , _ ._ No family should be without them. Manufactured by . K-niKSiU Wholesale and Retail Druggist, . "u Charleston, S. a Price per box 26 cent?. Usual discount to Ot trade. r ? ?