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CITY AFFAIRS. / -. Auction Suie? Tikis Day. Leitch & Bruns will Bell at half-past 10 o'clock, at the Mills House stablee, horses, wagons and harness. J. Fraser Malhewes will sell at ll o'clock, at the old Postoffice, real estate. Henry Cobla & Co. will sel: at ? o' '.ock, at tbeir store, hams and sugar, t Tiedeman. Calder & Co. will sell at three quarters-past 9 o'clock, at their store, sugar cured ham?. NEW LONG COTTON.-Five bales of new Florida long cotton were received yesterday, per the Savannah and Charleston Railroad, by Messrs. W. B. Williams & SOD. The cotton was shipped by P. Pinkussohn from Gaines? ville, Florida. BURNED TO DEATH.-Elizabeth Shepherd, ol Columbia, was so severely burned on Friday afternoon, while endeavoring to rescue a puppy, which she feared was in danger of get? ting injured, shat she died at an early hour Saturday morning. COCNTRT ASSESSMENTS REDUCED.-The ccunty board of equalization, which was In session last week, concluded its labors on Saturday. The assessment of 1870, which has hitherto been the standard by which the country real estate of the county has been taxed, has been reduced twenty-five per cent, by the board. MUNICIPAL ELECTION AT WILLISTON.-?he election lor an Intendant and four wardens for the Town ol Williston took place on the 11th instant, and the following gentlemen were chosen to serve that town lor the next year: Intendant, Dr. J. L. Brooker. Ward? ens, J. D. Browne, H. D. Hogg, J. S. Burck alter, T. F. S. Wealhersbee. A NEW DIRECTOR.-The Phoenix, ol Sun? day, says: "At a meeting of the directors of tbe Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad ?aflompany, held in this city, on Thursday, Mr. "W. T. Wallers, of Baltimore, was unanimously elected to fill a vacancy In the board. Mr. Walters ls one of the party of gentlemen for whom a majority ol the stock of the com? pany was lately bought, and has great and extensive railroad experience and influence.' FLEECED.-Saturday afternoon a colored rus? tic, John Phoenix by name, was inveigled Into a house in Elliott street and robbed of a pair of new shoes and seven dollars in currency. The victim made considerable outcry when he discovered lils losses, and, the police coming in, arrested bim and Ellen Butterfield, bis en? tertainer. The two came before the Mayor yesterday morning, and after an examination, the case was referred to a trial justice fer prosecution. A FEMININE QUARREL.-Abby Jenkins, a Colored woman, residing in a house on King street, assaulted ber co-tenant, Rebecca, on Saturday night, and a noisy fight followed. The neighbors were more Interested in preserving quiet than encouraging the fight, and, calling the police, had the two combatants arrested. The two beldams were brought before the j Mayor yesterday, and sentenced each to pa; a ! fine of five dollars or ?o to the House of Cor? rection lor ten days. V*ILD CAT.-The Southern Express Company as recently made a handsome addition to ita zoological department In the shape of a fero? cious looking tiger cat. The stranger was caught in the upper part of the State, and is a well-developed specimen. The wild forest spirit is yet strong within him, and be resents "??bm introduction of every visitor with a growl and spring, which makes one feel vastly Inter? ested In the strength of the wire grating which forms the front of his temporary abode. RECEPTION IN SAVANNAH OF THE CONFEDER? ATE DEAD.-The steamship America, from Baltimore, arrived ar Savannah Friday, hav? ing on board the remains of a number ol Con? federate dead, removed from the bal tie-Held ol Gettysburg. A committee of ex Confeder? ate soldiers took the honored remain-. In charge immediately, and escorted them t J the long room of the Exchange building, where they laid in state until Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock. At that hour they were carried in proc?sele-n to Laurel Grove Cemetery and in? terred. The vessels in por? lowered their flags in honor of the gallant dead. A PERSONAL DIFFIC?LTT.-The Wilmington Journal says : "We learn that a very serious difficulty occurred at Florence on Thursday last, about 3 o'clock, between two residents of that place, Messrs. Echleman and Pawley, by which the latter was pretty badly beaten. It seems that some difficulty had occurred be? tween the two, when, happening to meet, from words they passed to blows. Mr. Pawley is said to have had one eye Injured and a jaw bone brokeD, besides receiving several very severe bruises on other parts of his face and body. No weapons were used in the en? counter." A Fc6S IN THE FAMILY_Jane Miller was arrested by warrant lrom Trial Justice T. J. Mackey, charged by her husband, Paul Miller, with stealiDg two pillows and haifa dozen plates, his property. It appears they have been married twenty years, and have two children, the eldest seventeen years old, but the free-love doctrine having taken firm hold of Jane, Bhe had concluded to follow the object of her new love, and carry the aoove house? keeping commencements with her. The trial ?ce recommended a division ol the house property, and that the parties settle their dispute quietly between themselves. DAT OF ATONEMENT.-Yesterday, the tenth day of the Hebrew month "fishri,"'was the Day of Atonement, the day which has al ways been kept most sacred by Israelites ol'every period since the era of their Illustrious law? giver. On lt no cork whatever ls done; neith? er food nor drink tasted for twenty-four hours, and the greater part of this time spent in devo? tional exercises at the synagogue. Those among them who aspire to special sanctity, spent the entire twenty-four hours in the syn? agogue, engaged in prayer, chanting of hymns, reading of the Scriptures, &c. A blast of the horn denotes the appearance of the stars, when the long black fast is ended. The synagogue wa3 well attended yesterday, notwithstanding the absence from the city of a considerable number of the members. CLUBS AND STARS.-Edward Fields and Da? vid McGilllvray, lodged lor being disorderly and raising a disturbance on Ring street, were sentenced each to pay a fine of five dollars or go to the House of Correction for ten days. Eliza Campbell, a colored virago, arrested for cursing and abuslag a policeman in Market street, Dear State, was visited with a similar eentence. Of six persons arrested for lying down drunk and being disorderly on the streets, one lor feited his deposit ol five dollars, and the others were sentenced to pay a fine of Ave dollars or spend ten days in the House of Correction. Henry Draine, arrested for being disorderly ?W^Tlal Justice John G. Mackey's office, was sentenced to pay a fise ol ten dollars or spend twenty days in the House of Correction. He appealed from Mayor Pillsbury to Trial Jus?ce T. J. Mackey, and w ill be heard this morning. THE HEALTH OF THE CI TT. The Northern and Western press complain that the Chareston papers have very little to say about the yellow lever. What should they say ? There is no excitement in the city, all the scare is over, and we are confident that the early arrival of settled cool weather will clean out the dregs of the disease. Ail the fads are beiore the public. They know every day how many persons die irom all causes, and they can judge for themselves whether the fever is ol a malignant type. Here ?B poor lillie Vicksburg, with its live thousand inhabi? tants, reports live deaths from lever in one day. although the disease has just made ils appearance; while Charleston, with Us fifty thousand inhabitants, after two months ol' lever, can only report five deaths for the twen? ty-four hours ending at soon yesterday. Of the five deaths reported by Dr. Lebby yester? day, one occurred on Friday the 22d, two on Saturday the 23d, and two on Sunday the 24th. This will make the total number of deaths, for the week erding last Saturday, twenty-nine instead ol twenty-six. Ol' the lever deaths re? ported yesterday, one was a German, one an Irishman, one an Italian, one a Charlestonian, and one a native ol Colieton. OFFICB BOARD OF HEALTH, i CHARLESTON, 8. C., September 25-12 M. J Five (5) certificates of death from yellow fever received since last report. RODERT LEBBY. M. D.. City Registrar. In addition to the above, the following has been received since last report : . One for bronchitis, acute, dated Septem? ber 23. One for cancer of stomach, dated Septem? ber 22. One lor fever, bilious remittent, dated Sep? tember 22. Two for marasmus, dated September 23. One lor pneumonia, dated September 23. BLOODY WORK. A Colored Man Wounded anil Cast Adrift-The Condition of the Victim Bringing Ulm to Charleston. The following letter, from the assistant health officer at Fort Johnson, describes the finding of a negro man, wounded to death, evidently the victim of a loni murder. Suspicions are entertained that the bloody tale ls not all told, and that more ilma one person was murdered. The letter was sent up to the city by a special boat, from the quarantine station, ani was re? ceived by Dr. Robt. Lebby, at the City Hospi? tal, at 12 M. yesterday: FORT JOHNSON, < MONDAT HORSING, September 25. f Dear Father-I saw a flat upon the beach yesterday morning, and I directed Paul Camp? bell and Dan. McCord to go and secure it be j fore the return of the tld?. Daniel returned ' and informed me that a colored man was lying outside ot the flat, nearly dead. I at once took the rest of the crew up with me, and, sure enough, I found a colored man, about thirty years of age, with heavy black whiskers, about five feet eight inches high, heavy set, lying in the mud, with a number ol cuts about his lace and head, and a fracture ol the frontal bone about the centre, the brain matter oozing out and the bone compressing upon the brain, causing unconsciousness. He had on a heavy snuff colored coat, with color? ed pants and a black felt hat. Tne flat ls about twenty-five feet long, paint? ed or tarred black-such a one as is usually used for wood. There ls also In the flat a great quantity of blood, with stains of the same about the gunwales. A foul murder has been attempted, and the poor victim has been left either to die or for dead. He has revived somewhat this morning, but ls still unable to speak and give any account of himself. I think that ii he was taken to the hospital and the depressed bone raised he might recover. I am doing all I can to save bim. but having no instruments I cannot raise the bone. None of the colored people around here know him or the flat, which I have had brought down and put inside of the breakwater io front of my house. I am at a loss to know what further course to pursue In the matter, except to have the circumstances published In the papers. If you so direct, I will send the man np to the hospital, or, probably, lt would be better to send some one with the necessary Instru? ments to relieve his brain from the compres? sion. Please lei me hear at once from you what course to pursue, and oblige, your eon, B. M. LEBBY, M. D., Assistant Health Officer. Upon the receipt of the above, Dr. R. Lebby ordered the coxswain to re .urn to the fort at once, and to brlnii the wounded man up to the city as last as the crew could pull the boat. The wounded man was brought to the city in the alternoon, and received into the hospital at five o'clock, still in an unconscious state His frontal bone wi? broken in pieces, appa? rently by repeated blows, and both of his eyes were badly bruised. Hi3 feeble stale prevent? ed any surgical operations for his relief. When last beard from he bad not yet spoken, and was still lying in a critical unconscious state. THE NEW EVENING PAPER.-"The Adver? tiser," after one week's existence, has chang? ed its name and character. Its Uriel experi? ence IB that political neutrality in a public journal here is an impos-ibllity. It therefore adopts the name of "The Nationalist,'' and promises to advocate independently "the cause of true Republicanism. THE CATHEDRAL PAROCHIAL SCHOOL.-The studies of ibis school will be resumed on Mon? day next, according to notice given lu another column. The course ol education is thorough, and the teachers are in every way qualified for their position. The fee lor the primary de? partment is one dollar a month, and for the higher departments two dollars a month. AN APPEAL TO TUE SWORD.-During a quar? rel yesterday afternoon in a saloon in Market street, near Slate, between two white men, one of them seized an old sword and, rushing upon the other wilh the weapon raised, made a swinging chop at him. As the blow des? cended a colored drayman kindly interposed and caught the sword on his hand. The crowd then separated the combatants before any further blows could pass. The only injury received was by the drayman, who had his band and fingers severely cut. A NEW MASONIC PUBLICATION.-The Wash? ington papers announce the appearance of the first issue of "Mackey's National Freemason," a monthly magazine, devoted to the science, philosophy, history, symbolism and jurispru? dence of Masonry, edited by Albert G. Mackey. M. D., past general grand high priest of the G. G. C. of the Uuited States of America, and secretary general ol the Supreme Council of the Thirty-Third, for the Southern Jurisdiction of lue Uuited State* The high reputation of Dr. Mackey as a writer on Masonic subject?, ls a sufficient guarantee that this magazine will form a valuable addition to the literature of the order la this country, and that this maga? zine will attain an extensive circulation among its member?. The contents of the 0:tcber number arti of much interest. Among the most attractive articles are "Parliamentary Law is Applied to Masonic Bodies;'' "The Stonemasons of the Middle Ages;" "Henry Cornelius Agripppa. an Uninitiated Free? mason," and "Old Records of Freemasonry," all by Dr. Mackey. "Templarism: its Duty and its Sphere," by Albert Pike; "Is Ignorance a Crime in Masonry," by Dr. John Edwin Mason, of Washinton, and "Tidings Irom tte Craft Freemasonry at Home and Abroad," by Brother William R. Singleton. Terme-three dollars per annum; thirty cents per single copy. Hotel Arrivals-September 26. CHARLESTON HOTEL. S. F. Hopkin?, Georgia; C. H. Wright, Beau? fort, S, C.; J. H. Burckhalter, Williston, S. C. TRIBUTES OF RESPECT. At a meetiDg of Jeffersou Lodge, No. 4, I. 0. 0. F., held on Tuesday evening, the 19th instant, the following preample and resolu? tions were unanimously adopted : When Death strikes down a member ol a society and removes from amongst his col? leagues one whom loni; and familiar associa? tion has endeared to them, the broken UeB ol individual friendship awaken sorrow and arrief in the hearts ol'thc survivors; but when one is taken away from tts whom we knew but as a stranger in a strange land, until that portal was passed which brought him wiihia the paie of our order, only a few months ago, and ere we had opportunity ol knowing him well, we are necessarily most impressed with the mel? ancholy circumstance ci his dying far from his home and those to whom he was bound by ties ol kindred, while we cannot but feel grate? ful that we, as Odd Fellows, have been permit? ted to extend to him, in his last days, the friendly hand and hearty eyrapathy of brothers. Therefore, be it Resolved, That in the death of Brother Thomas Fox, who died of yellow lever on the 25th ol August, 1S71, Jefferson Lodge. No. 4, I. 0. 0. F., has been deprived of a brother whom we shall hold in remembrance, because in his connection with the Lodge and early death therealter lias been exemplified the high? est beneficence of our institution. Resolved, That we are reminded by his re? moval ol the insecure tenure ol life, and that we should, therefore, thc more carefully show ourselves lo be "true Odd Fellows,11 that death may not come upon us while our work is un? finished, and that wc may meet in "good standing" in the Celestial Lodge on High, there to dwelliorever In perfect friendship, love and truth. Resolved, That we sympathize with his rela? tives, wherever they may be, and regret that we are denied the sad privilege of communi? cating any expression ol' our sympathy to them. Resolved, That a page in our minutes be dedicated and inscribed to his memory, and that this preamble ana these resolutions be published in the daily papers. Extract from the minute?. JNO. D. METERS, Recording Secretary. At a meeting of Jefferson Lodge, No. 4, I. 0. 0. F., held on Tuesday evening, the follow? ing preamble and resolutions were unanimous? ly adopted : AgaiD, In the space of a few weeks, has Death removed from our midst one ol our brothers, and we are now called upon to mourn the loss of one who, by Iiis courteous and kindly manners and meritorious deport? ment, during the short time ot his connection with our Lodge, had drawn around him a circle ol warm friends lrom our midst. Thir? teen years ago both of the parents of the sub? ject of our remarks fell victims to the scourge that bas so lately laid our brother low in death. We feel lesa called upon to eulogize his life and virtues than to express our sor? row and sympatLV with his afflicted family. Therefore, be it Resolved, That JeTereon Lodge, F o 4,1. 0. 0. F., bas, by the death ol Brother Charles H. K?nig, lost a member whose conduct, while connected with us, hos been in the highest de? gree calculated to win our regard and esteem, and one lrom whom we are grieved to part. Resolved, That we shall cherish the remem? brance of his presence among us as pleasant to dwell upon, and of his actions as worthy of our Imitation; and that we look forward toa a happy reunion herealter in the presence ol that Grand Ma?ter whose well-done we hope to merlr, as has our departed brother. Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with bis bereaved sisters in their great affliction, and tender to them as a sad privilege this ex? pression o! our sentiments in the lime ol their sorrow. Re'c'ved, That a page in our minutes be In? scribed and dedicated to his memory, and that a copy ol this preamble and these retolutlons be sent to his family. Resolved, That these proceedings be publish? ed in the daily papers. Extract from the minutes. Jxo. D. METERS. Recording Secretary. BU SI XE S S X O TI CES. STOCKS ASD BONUS WANTED.-See advertise? ment ol Mr. a. C. Kaufman, broker, No. 25 Broad street, in another column. SCALES.-In 1830 the Messrs. Fairbanks es? tablished a scale manufactory at St. John>; bury, Vermont. From small beginnings their business has increased till their lactorles cov? er acres of ground, and upwards of five hun? dred men are constantly employed. At first their orders were confined to this country alone, but to-day the whole world ls weighed in the Fairbanks balance. Determined to use nothing but the best material; to employ only the most experienced help; to send no:li? ing lrom the factory which has not been sub? jected to the most severe teBts, lt is no won? der that the Fairbanks name is identified with the scale which is everywhere considered the standard. THE ACADEMT OF MCSIC GRAND GIFT CON certs, as advertised by Messrs. Butler, Chad? wick, Gary & Co.-Mr. Eben Coffin, sub-agent for this splendid and attractive scheme, is now prepared to sell tickets for the same. Appli? cations to be made to him at the office of Mr. C. Claciu?, corner East Bay and Central wharf. To BUSINESS HEN.-Five hundred fine Buff Envelopes for $1 23. jun20-tu BASEL STREET BAZAAR. A SPLENDID SEWINU MACHINE. (Florence pattern.) is to be raffled at Von Santen's Ba? zaar. A rare chance to get a fine machine for a mere song. _ _ augl2 BUSINESS ENVELOPES.-THE NEWS Job Office is now prepared to furnish good envelopes, with business cards printed thereon, at $4 per thousand. Send your orders. Every merchant and business man should have bis card printed on his envelopes. PARTIES in want of doors, sashes, blinde, mouldings, stair newels and balusters, will con? sult their own Interests by calling on or writing to Mr. P. P. Toale, No. 20 Mayne street, where they will find ihe strongest and cheapest stock in the Southern States. A specialty made ol French and American window glass. anglS-thstu Scfilce. BUY THE GENUINE STANDARD SCALES, More than '?50 Different Modifications. AGENTS ALSO FOR THE BEST ALARM MONET DRAWER. FAIRBANKS & GO., No. 252 Broadway, New York. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO., So. ll* Milk Street, Boston. For sale by HART ?fe CO., eep?B-tuMmoe Charleston, s. C. J ? S T RECEIVE D, CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS, (Uc-lmbold'a,) ry DR. H. BAER, rcaylj No. 131 Meeting street, (gargling, ?it. MERCHANT'S GARGLING OIL ls GOOD FOR Rl'RVS AND 'Ci LD3, Cl! 111! LA INS. SPRAINS AND BRCI?E?, CHAPPED HANDS, FLZ n WOUNDS, FROT BlTE*. EXTERNAL POISONS, SAND CRACE?, GALLS OF ALL RINDS, SITFAST. RINO LONE, POLL EVIL. BITE-? OF ANIMALS AND INSECTS. TOOTHACHE, 4C, ?C, RHECMATI M. HEMORRHOIDS, OR PILE-, SORB > IPPL^S. CAKED BREAST?, FISTUH, MANGE. SPAVINS, bWKENEV, SCRATCHB*. ORGRKASE, STRINGHALT WINDGALLB, FOUNDERED FEET, CRACKED HEEL?, FOOT ROT IN .-HEEP, Rorp IN POULRY, LAME BACK, AC., ic Large Size, $1; Medium Size, 50 cts.; Small Size 25 cts. From George H. Sheffield, P. M., East Gains, Orleaus County, New York, September 29.1868: I am happy to say that one bottle of your GARG? LING OIL has cured the Rheumatism m my right arm, when noshing else would help me. From Geo. R., Warsaw, Ind.. November S, 1S56: When I was app'luted agent for the sale of your GARGLING OIL, (here was a Urge Block on haud.but it ls now al 11 thtnklyou had bet? ter send me twelve dozen more, one hair of wnlch for "Family C-.e." lt ls regarded the best medi? cine ever told. A LINIMENT From D. G. Robinson, Sarepta, Miss., February 18.1857: Please send another supply of j our GARGLING OIL; lt has men general satisfaction. It has cured a case of Rheumatism of (en years' stand? ing, and ls great for Bums. In has been successful in almost every case where lt has had a fair tria'. From Dr. R. F. Parsons, Brighton, Ind., Septem? ber 6.1869: I keep a large Btock of your GARGLING OIL on hand, and hud lt the best preparation in of the kind in use; and sell ihre?) tim s as much of lt as any other. irom L. Schlottman. Round Top, Favette Coun? ty. Texas, February 15,1869: I aiu now selling more of your GARGLING OIL than any c:wer Liniment-and all who have used it pronouncj lt "the best thing out." K.U Ta lor, nfConcoid, Ky., Bays: TheO VRGL1NG O L cured u horse of hi?, Injured whi.e ploughing, by attempting to step over a FOE stump, a'mo't severing the thigh from the b*)iy; also, that he hasuned lt In Ms family for hftetn years, and ls the best remedy for cuts. Burns, Bruises, Frost Bites, strains, Rheumatism, Ac, he ever used. Extract of a letter from Dr. C. T. Murphr, dated M gnolia, N. C.: 1 nave us d your G IFGLING OIL for several yearn, and Hud It superior io ad other medicines for the dlsea es and purposes for wbl.h lt ls re? commended. From Messrs. E. AH. Bell. Belvine, Fillmore County, Minn., September 28, is?s: We will ge:l a grear. deal more of yonr GARO LINO OIL at this point for the future, for the rea? son that lt gives good i-atlsfac lon to customers. From Messrs. F. L. A E. W. Olds, Norwich Vt., February 4, 1859: Allow us to say in regird to your GARGLING OIL, that we esteem lt. the best Liniment we have HUMAN FLESH ever known. It gives universal satisfaction, and weean testify to its efficacy from our own expe? rience. Extract of a letter from Beth.e! Farley, dattd Marlow, N. H.. August 1,I85i: Your medicine gives satisfaction to all who have used ir, and taken the lead of noy article of the Lliiimeut kind In use lu this v.clnity. Messrs McLaln & Bros. Wuolesale Dru?pi-ts. Wheeling, Ya, says under date cf July 2>. i&Gfi: That they cm safely recommend the CAROLING OIL for mure disease* ihau it ls recommended lor. Extract of a letter from Hon. Natiian Linley, ' ounty Judge ur sneloy county, iowa, dited Har? lan, April 13, 1867 : It ls decidedly pieferred to any other Liniment Bold In Ihls section. Extract of a letter from Th.nus Sturterant, dated Hills! oro'. H., May 13, 1807 : Your UAR. n ISO OIL is spoken of by t tio-e who have used lt as a ll rsi-tate article, and I thouli like to have you Beni me some more of it to sel. AND Extract of a letter from Qrlgsby A Strong, dat? ed Trenton, Tenn., September 19,1S67 : You may state in Almanacs that, with nn ex pe lenee lu the drug market of fifteen year.-, the GARGLING OIL has uot been exe lied. From ur. T. W. Ellis, Troupevllie, Ga., January C, 1?59 : If 1 should receive both boxes of the GARG LING OIL, lt will not be too mach, as I think I could soon And sale for h a'), the inquiry being freqient since lt ts supposed that 1 nave lt for From Ur. William S. McCall. Chamois. Mo., No? vember 6, 1858 : Your CA KC LINO OIL is 'akltg the shine orr from a l the Liniments of the day. If you desired them, I could procure dozens of certificates Irum the best citizens of the country. Extract of a letter rom Dr. E. L. Patte, dated Ravenswood. 1 a., January 27,18?5 : The GARGLING OIL is tao only reliable em brocatlon in existence-?o say the people. We eau tell more of mat than of all me rest put HOESE FLESH. together. I can furn sh you with Ave hundred certif?cales if you wanL From thc Louisville (Ky.) Daily Democrat, June 4,1856 : MK KC il A NT'S GARGLING OIL has become one or the most popular Liniments for human r.c-ii that ls now prepiired, while for horses and cattle lt has no equal in tuc world. We. are assured by those who nave UEed lt for the piles-one of whom ls a distinguished physician-that among all the various pile rt medir s. none afforded such speedy relief as the UARQLING OIL. t rora crump A Brus., Cochrane Landing, Ohio, November 20, 1856 : We are pleased wi'h your medicine, it has been the means of curing a great number of dif? ferent diseases upon also upon hursts. We think lt cures all you recommend- d lt to do. We want you to send us the larger proportion of the var.eiy for "family use," In small b ?tues. TEY A BOTTLE. The GARGLING OIL has been In ase as a Linl meLt for thirty-eight year?, *ll we ask is a KAl? TRIAI., but oe sure and follow directions. Ask your nearest druggist or dealer in patent for one of ojr A'manacs and Vado Mecums, and read what the people say about the The GARGLING OIL ts for sale by all respect? able dealers tnroughoni thc United states and other countries. Our testimonials date fmra 183o to 18.1, and are unsolicited. Cse the GARGLING OIL, and tell your neighbors what good lt has done. We deal fair and liberal with all, and defy con? tradiction. MANUFACTURED AT LOCKPORT, N. Y. 3IJERCHA>*T'S GARGLING OIL COMPANY, JOHN HODCE, Secretary. W. T. LINN, Agent, PROPRIETOR LINN'S PILLS, sep2C-36P*w Charleston, S. C. ?rani flri*e UJistribtttion. IN REAL ESTATE AND U S. GOLD DONOS Will positively be Distributed by RAFFLE on the22d day of November, 1871, in public, n the City or Charleston, at 10 o'clock A. M., by the CHARLESTON CHARITABLE ASSOCIATION FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE FREE SOHO?L F TJ IV I> , CHARTERED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF SOUTH CAROLINA AT ITS LAST SESSION AND APPROVED MARCH 8, 1871. ONLY FIVE DOLLARS PER SHARE ! THE RAFFLE WILL POSITIVELY TAKE PLACE ON WEDNESDAY, THE 22D DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1871, IN PUBLIC, IN THE CITY OF CHARLESTON, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M. All the Property. Real and Personal, mentioned below must be Distributed In the Award, and a valid deed of each piece of Reai Estate, free from all incumbrances given. The Personal Property and Cnlted States Gold Bonds, will be delivered Immediately arter the Raffle. Each and every Certificate . has Three separate and distinct Numbers In figures, and the words of each figure written thereon, and are all combined with each other from Nos. 1 tu 78 promiscuously. All the certificates of Shares Issued by the company, witn their numbers, are registered In their books. SCHEDULE OF AWARDS, That Certificate or Share having on lt the 1st, 2d and 3d numbers obtained on the Rame will be entitled to the award of that llrst-class Three-story Warehouse, situate on Meeting street, No. 147, Charleston, S. C., (oppoelte the Charleston HoteL) being 38 feet front by about 240 feet deep, free from all incumbrances, and valued at.935,000 That Certificate or Snare having on lt the 4th, 6th and 6th numbers obtained on the Raffle win be entitled to the award of that nr.-t clac? Three-story Warehouse, No. 145 Meeting street, Charleston, s. c., rree from all incumbrance9, valued at.130,000 That certificate or Share having on lt the 7th, 8th and 9th numbers obtained on the Raffle will be entitled to the award or that first-class Three story warehouse. No. 143 Meeting street, Charleston, s. C., tree rrom all Incumbrances, valued at.927,500 That Certificate r f Share bavlnz on lt the loth, nth and 12th numbers obtained on the Raffle will be entitled to the award or that Three-story Warehouse. No. in Meeting Btreet, Charleston. S. C.. free from Incumbrances. valued at.$25,000 The above Four Warehouses are opposite the Charleston Hotel, and are the most Valuable Property In Charle ton. That Certificate of Share having on lt the 2d, 3d and 4th numbers obtained on the Raffle will be entitled to anaward or '.Lat Fine Piece or Property, situate on Broad street, Charleston, S. C., and known as the "Mansion House," free from all tncumbraace*. valued at..'.920,000 That Certificate or Share having on ? the 3d, 4th and 5th numbera obtained on the Raffle will be entitled to an award or that Fine Two-story Dwelling, situate on Gadsden and Lumber street, Columbia, s. C.. with all the outbuildings and Improvements, with about hair aa acre or ground thereto, valued at.910,000 That Certificate of Share having on it the 6th, 6th and 7t? numbera obtained o.i the Raffle will be entitled to an award of that Fine Cotton Plantation, containing about lboo acres, one-third cleared, and heavily timbered, situate In the County of Darlington, S. C., on the Great Peedee River, free from Incumbrances. valued at.910,000 That certificate of Share having on lt the 0th, 7th and 8th numbera obtained oa the Raffle will be entitled to an award of Cnlted States Gold Bonds (new issue) of thp value or.93,000 That Certificate of Share having on lt the 8th, 9th and loth numbers obtained on the Raffle will be entitled to an award of Unite i States Gold Bonds (new Issue) of the value or.92,000 That certificate or Share having on lt the 9th, 10th and nth numbers obtained on the Raffle will be entitled to an awa M of Cnlted Mates Gold Bonds or the value or.91,000 Those 40 Certificates or Shares having on them the tallowing numbers obtained on the Raffle: 2d Gd etti 3d 4th 6th[4th 6th 7th 5th 6th 9th 8th 7th 12th 9th loth 12th 2d 3d 7th|3d 4th 7th 4th 6th 8th Atti 6th loth 7th 8th 10th ist Sd 4th 2d 3d 8th 3d 4th 8th 4th 6'h 9:h 5th 6'h nth 7th 8th 11th 1st 4th 6tb 2d 3d et!, 3d 4th 9th|lth 6th 10tli|5ih 6th 12th 7th 8th I2tn 1st 6th otb 2d Sd loth 3d 4th loth un 6'h nth a:h 7th 9tli ?th 9th nth ls: 6th 7th 2d 3d nth 3d 4th i un ith 6 rh nth tc h 7th loth stu ?th 12th ls. 7th 8th 2d 3d 12th ?3d 4th 12th jitft 6th 8tb|<sth 7th 11th Will each be entitled to an award In Cnlted States Gold Bonds of the value of.9300 Those 40 Certificates of Shares having on them thc following numbers obtained on the Raffle: 1st 8th 9th 2d 9th JOth 3d 11th 12th?5th 8th 9th 7th 9th 10th 1st 9th loth M loth nth 4th eth 7th 5th 9th loth 7th 10th nth lat 10th lltb 2d 11th 12th 4tb 7th 8th<5th 10th nth 7th 11th 12th 1st nth lath 3d 6th eth 4th 8th 9th 5th nth 12th 8th loth nth 2d 4th 6th 3d eth 7th 4th 9th lotti 6th 8th 9th sth nth 12th 2d 6th eth 13d 7th 8i h 4th loth nth 6th 9th loth 9th nth 12th 3d 6th 7th 3d 8th 9th 4tn nth nth 6th loth 11th tat 3d 6th 2d 7th 8th|3d 9th lOtb 6th 7th 8th 6th lllh 12lh lat 8d Otb Will each be entitled to ac award or Cnlted states Gold Bonds of the value of.9250 AU the other Cert : dear es or Shares having on them any three numbers obtained 02 the Raffle, and not designated aa any or the above Certificates are, win each be entitled to an award of United States Bonds of the value of.950 Awards will be made only to such Certificates or Shares aa have three numbers on them, so ob. fained on the Raffle. To hu ch as desire to take Shares In this Great Raffle and Distribution of Real and Personal Property, the Directors will afford every facllty and satisfaction, and perfect fairnea will be exercised throughout, and many persona may trace their future prospects m business and station la society to a fortunate Share nenin. Orders, with the money for Certificates, may be sent by Express, or Registered Letters, or Postofflw Orders, at the risk of the Association. Persons sending orders will be particular to give their names, places of residence. County and State, which will be entered In the Books of the Company, and Im? mediately upon the Raffle taking place, the Official Raffled Numbera win be forwarded to each Correspondent. THE RAFFLE WILL POSITIVELY TAKE PLACE ON THE DAY NAMED, and every Award of the Property and Gold Bonds MCST be made to the Holders of the certificates. 49* Address all orders to the CHARLESTON CHARITABLE ASSOCIATION, TVo. 147 MEETING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. July26-tuthD*c nosiness Cards. JOBBING TRADE OF CHARLESTON, S. C. FALL AND WINTER OF 1871. THE SUBSCRIBERS, JOBBERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN THE CITY OP CHARLESTON. S. C., keg to call the attention of the merchants of the interior of this and the adjoining States to thia market, aa being now one of th? most desirable In walch to procure fun supplies of all articles they may require. , The wants of the country having rapidly Increased, with ample radiates to enable us to procure our supplies direct rrom first bands In Etirope and this country, we are now prepared to exhibit more varied and complete stocks of SEASONABLE GOODS than at any period since the war, and will impose of them on as good terms as any other market. "Dally faculties afforded ror Shipment or gooda to any point desired." DRY GOODS. EDWIN BATES A CO., No. 124 Meeting street. JOHNSTON, CREWS A CO.. No. 41 Uayne street. NACHMANN A CO., No. 169 Meeting street. MARSHALL ? BU UGH, No. 143 Meeting street. CRANE, BOYLSTON A CO., corner Ua>ne and Meeting streets, CLOTHING-. EDWIN BATES A CO., No. 122 Meeting Btreet. FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS &o. STEELE A WARDELL, No. 167 Meeting street. FANCY GOODS. NOTIONS AND MILLINERY. JOHN S. FAIRLY A CO. No. 37 Mayne street. SELL A FoaTEK, No. 27 Hayue street. MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS. CHAS. A. LENQN1CK, No. 133 Meeting street. BOOTS AND SHOES. D. F. FLEMING A CO., corner Hayne and Church streets. T. M. BKISTOLL A CO., No. 145 Meeting street, E. B. STODDARD A CO., No. 165 Meeting street. HATS AND CAPS. THOS. M. HORSEY A BRO., No. 25 Hayne street, EuMONDS T. BROWN, No. 43 Hayne btreet. HARDWARE. J. E. ADGER A CO., No. 139 Meeting street. HART A CO.. No. 39 Hayne street. C. GRAVELEY, corner East Bay and Boyce's Wharr. SADDLERY, SADDLERY HARDWARE AND CARRIAGE MATERIALS. R.THOMLINSON A CO., No. 137 Meeting street. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. GOODRICH. WISEMAN, A CO., No. 35 Hayne street. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WM. L. WEBB, No. 128 Meeting street. GROCERIES. GEO. W. WILLIAMS A CO., corner Hayne and Chnrcb streets. GROCERIES, LIQUORS, ?fcc. J. A. QUACEENBUSH, No. 122 East Bay street. W. H. CH AFEE A CO., No, 207 East Bay street. BOLLMANN BROS, No. 161 East Bay street. PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, &c HOLMES A CALDER, No. 205 East Bay street. WM. M. BIRD A CO., corner East Bay and Cumberland streets. JOB PRINTER, STATIONER & BOOKSELLER. EDWARD PERRY, No. 149 Meeting street. TYPE AND PRINTING MATERIAL, PAPER, STATIONERY, JOB AND BOOK PRINTING. WALKER, EVANS A COGSWELL, No. 3 Broad street and No. 109 East Bay. ti glo-thstu2mo Portion Hair?---Chis Stop By TIEDEMAN, CALDER & CO. CHOICE SUGAR-CURED HAMS. THIS DAV, ac three-quarters-past ? o'clock, wm be sold, before our Store, 20 tierces CHOICE SUGAK-CCRED HAMS. conditljps ctsh._ sep26 By HENRY COBIA & CO. HAMS AND SUGAR. THIS DAV, at o o'clock, in front or our store, we will sell. 1000 Sugar-cared HAMS io barrels Sagan Conditions cash._stpfis Bj J. FRASER MATHE WES. ESTATE SALE OF TWO LOTS ON m* , SULLIVAN'S ISLAND, wm be sold THIS DAT, 26th Instant, at the O d Postofflce, Broad street, at ll o'clock. i?nn?h!lnlW0.KL0's 0K LAND on Sullivan's Ia i*"'^*1^,the second and third Lots east of stieet, to the tout h on-street, to the west on proPfH?0? ? formerly of Benj. Mordecai and 5g.|"g ea?: on property now or formerly of _ Chi ds. The said two Lou containing about one acre, more or less. 6 Terms cash. Purchaser to pay me romanera and necessary stamps._ sepae By W. Y. LEITCH & R. S. BRUNS. TT7ILL BE SOLD THIS MORN V v INO, September 26th, at half-past io o'clock, In front of the Milla Honse Stables, IS HEAD i F HORSES, 1 Express Wagon and, Harne-8. 2 sets Single Euggy Harness. 1 he following are the Horses: One pair Brown Matched Marc, 6 and 6 years old, very handsome and styltsh, and can trot to? gether in four minutes. One pair Bay Mares, 4 and 6 years old. good movers m single or doable harness; suPable for heavy work ; one a cooa saddle nag. One Bay Horse, 6 years old. stylish and good mover in harness; would make an excellent doc? tor's horse. One Gray Horse 6 years old, prompt mover in single harness and a good saddle horse. One Brown Mare, 8 years old, draws well In har? ness, and a (rood Brood Mare. One Bay Horse, 7 years old, stylish and good' mover In harness; Utile thin. Four Bay Horses, from 5 to 7 years old, suitable for plantation or dray work. One i hestnut Mare, a perfect beauty, thorough? bred, works In double or ?Ingle barnes1), and a number one saddle nag. This Mare tx>k the pre? mium at the Geo g:a state Fair for style and beauty over a ring of iwenty. One very large Brown Ho- se, 5 years old, snit* able for hoisting or dray work. The above lot of horse? can be treated for at prl va e sale up io .norning al sale._sep2C >tion 5a.e9--.ffn.grg Oarja B7XA7ENSLOW^C0? FOR ACCOUNT OP WHOM IT MAY Concern.-By order of the Acting French Consul. TU UR - DAY nex:, 28th instant, will be sold, as 8he now lies at Southern Wharf, at ll o'clock A. M., The French Brig DELPHINE, of Agde, TaffeneL, Master, which put toto this port la distress while on her voyage from New Orleans to G ree, Afri? ca, together with her Spars, Salis, Rigging, An* euora, Chains. Ac , Ac._sep2a SLHeinfectante. ~R^L?Ll> THliT AN OUNCE OF PREVENTION IS WORTH A POUND OF CURE. GET YOUR DISINFECTANTS ! Jost received, a supply of CARBOLIC ACID, BROMO-CHLORALUM, DARBY'S PROPHYLACTIC, CHLORIDE OF SODA, AC Al - o a supply of MEDICATED WILLOW OH AR COAL, in Powder and In Pastilles, Imported from Parts, prepared by Dr. Belioc, and approved by the French Academy of Medicine. Thia ls the best article ever offered here; recommended by many physicians as a preventive nf Yellow Fever. Also, a supply of the best WHITE MUSTARD* SEED, highly recommended aa a preventive ot Yellow Fever. Call early, as the supply ls limited, at the Drag: Store of DB. H. BAER, ang29_No. 131 Meeting street. DISINFECTING FLTJTD.. SESQUI-CHLORIDE IRON WITS CARBOLIC ACID. Recommended by the New York Board of Healtn, aa cae of the beat Disinfectants. For dlslnfectiag Privies, Vaults, Drains, Ceas* pools, Rooms, Ac Manufactured and for sale by C. F. PANES IN, Chemist, No. 123 Meeting street, Charleston, 8. C. Price-FIFTY CENTS per bottle. se iJmloirtg Material. Now landing a cargo of very superior FRESH LIME. For sale low, at BUILDERS' DEPOT, 94 CHURCH STREET. eep4 E. M. GRIMKE, P. 0. Box 374. DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS. P. P. TOALE, Manufacturer and Dealer. Has removed his Office to and opened bia Prin? cipal SALESROOMS at No. 20 H AY'NE STREET and No. 33 PINCKNLY STREET, where he takes pleasure in offering to the public a foll stock or his own manufacture of DOORS,SASHES, BLINDS MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BALUSTERS, Ac. WOOD TURNING in all its branches. A specialty mad? or FRENCH and AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS, at WHOLESALE and RETAIL. aar Orders for stock of Irregular size work re? ceived either at the Salesrooms, No. 20 HAYNS STREET.or at the FACTORY on Horlbeck's wharf. angls-tpthsemoB_ TTPHAM'S ANTIDOTE FOE STRONG \J DRINK. A SURE CURE FOR DRUNKENNESS. One Dollar a Bottle. Sent by mall, postage paid, on receipt of price. The Antidote ls the beat remedy that can be administered in Manla-a-Potn, and also for al] nervous affections. For sale by Dr. H. BAER. No. 131 Meeting street, oc'fl Anent for South Carolina. mHB GREAT GERMAN KKMSDJS8, Professor LOUIS WUND RAM'S BLOOD PURI? FY UNG AND PURGATIVE HERBS, (bl Pills OT Powders,) for the cure of all Acute or Chroma Diseases, resulting from Impure blood and Imper* feet digestion. Also, the following Medicines by the same (Pro? , f essor Louis Wnndram, Brunswick, Germany :) GOUT POWDERS. Rheumatic Tincture. Epileptic Remedy. Toothache Drop?. Herb Tea (for Dyspepsia and yervoaraeea.p Rheumatic Herb Tes. Gout Tincture. Eye Water. Wundwasser (the German "Painkuier.") For sale by Dr. H. 3 A ER, may zo No. 131 Meeting street.