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^CITY AFFAIRS. Sleeting? TW? ?ny. Working Committee Ward 4, at half-past 8 P. M. Friendship Lodge, at UP. M., Auction Sal ?a This Day. fc J. Fraser Mathewes will sell at half-past 10 ?o'clock, at No. 22 King street, furniture. William McKay will sell at 10 o'clock, at his store, r arni tare or a family. ELECTION AN NOUN CEMENTS intended for pub? lication m TES NEWS, most, la all cases, be p aid .Xor In advance._ J BASE BALL.-A match game of base ball was played at Mount Pleasant, Saturday afternoon, between the Seminoles, or Charleston, and Monnt Pleasant Club. There was good playing on both sides, but still the Seminoles ont scored the Mount Pleasants by 23 to 18. THE SOUTH CAROLINA.-This fine iron steam? ship arrived at this port from New York early Saturday morning, making the trip in sixty hours. This steamship bas fine accommodations, and her promenade deck (always cool) is a great boon to travellers. EVE ET DOG HAS HIS DAT.-To-day is the last day daring which that portion of the canine population of the city without badges will be al? lowed to perambulate the streets unmolested. The officials are upon their track; at each corner will stand an executioner, with a furious looking m?-shooter, or with a poisoned Ut-bit, still more J tobe dreaded. PERSONAL.-"The Rev. E. J. Meynardie, cf the. South Carolina Conference, wbo, some four weeks since, passed through here on his way to the Springs in Spartanburg," says the Columbia Union, or Saturday, "passed through town yes? terday on his way home, in Chester, his health much improved." The numerous. friends of Rev. C. P. Gadsden wm be pained to learn of bis serious inness. His life'was despaired or yesterday. CLUBS AND STARS_Julia Roberts, lodged on suspicion of robbing a bouse in Coming street, ls held for further examination. Aught artilleryman, lound lying Intoxicated in King street, was discharged on pleading the first offence. A largo black New Foundland dog, trimmed and shared, m lion-like style, waa found astray on the street, and may be identified by the owner 'at the Guardhouse. . ; BARB BALL CONTIST.-An exoitlng game was played on the Citadel Green, Saturday after? noon, between the Washington and the Carolina -Baa? Bau Clubs. The contestants were well matched, and their skilful play was witnessed by a large number of interested spectatore. Alter a hard fought contest or several honra, victory de? clared In favor of the Carolinas, by a score or 87 to 21. A handsome home run was made by Mr. G. Schiffiey, of the Carolina Olnb. ; MILITARY FUNERAL.-Private Khox, ol Com ?any C. Third U. S. Artillery, nowstatkmeciat the Citadel, was buried yesterday at Magnolia' with the usual military honors. The body was placed upon a caisson, ' and escorted up King street to Magnolia by twenty men with one or the field, pieces, and after the interment a sainte of three guns was fired over the grave. The unusual aortege attracted ? considerable attention as lt passed through the streets.. CONJ eton m JAIL.-Thomas Bryant, a color? ed youth, uni* quondam resident of the North carolina Penitentiary, was arrested Saturday morning in thia city by the detectives, on the charge or larceny and vagrancy. Theprlfioaer ls a noted sleight of hand sharper. When arrested he wan s cen with a som of money In his band, but after a most rigatoni search the detectives failed to discover it. Be says he haslt about him now and intends to keep it. He is held for examina? tion. CONFED?RATE MEMORIAL DAT.-We have re? ceived a copy of a pamphlet con tain in g the pro- ' ceedinga of the Confederate Memorial Day, at j Charleston, May io, 1871, on which occasion, our readers will remember, the Carolina dead brought | . here from Gettysburg were rein;erred in the Con? federate enclosure at Magnolia. Cemetery. The pamphlet before ns co? tains the address of Rev. J. L. Glrardeau, together with the odes, hymns, Ac, composed for the occasion; and also allst of I the Carolinians who feu at Gettsyburg, and whose [ remains were interred in Magnolia. RADICAL CADC?S.-A lew* choice Bplrits of the RadlcaLconventlon assembled last evening at the courthoui>e, and held a caucus meeting to dis ansas privately th? merits or the various persons 'Who have been placed before them as suitable candidates for aktermanlc honorai Tbe proceed? ings were kept quite, darle and no reporters ad? mitted, else are should have been able to present to those or the -convention who were hot among j the favored the merita ox the dish which hasi been cooKedfor them 'In anticipation br their public mcettog cc Tuesday evening.' - C R U HEB .-Attorney-General Chamberlain haa been kick at Washington, but is now conval-1 esoenr. Captain G. S. Hacker, of thia city, has been elected "financial treasurer" of Newberry Col-1 lege, Walhalla, & GV A bon of s aa island cotton, fully matured, was picked on James Island on Thursday last. st. Michael's -Church, undergoing an organic | remona Just now* tire choral ">?rvic??'yeatBrday were conducted with, tte accompaniment of a mel?de?n.. f THE NSW TORS IRON LINE.-The elegantly : appointed steamships South Carolina 2nd Geor? gia, of this newly-established 'Une of steamships, offer great inducements to passengers Northward bound, who appreciate commodious deck state? rooms; and the comforts of-good fare and a place ?? to walk about. These steamships are tho largest and ,- nest appointed on tbB Atlantic! or Gnu* coasts, and their size and m a teriai er construc? tion Insures gre^f safety. The business pf the Une has been good au the summer. - The Sooth Carolina salis on Wednesdayijn?rnlng, at half past io o'clock, from Union wharves. HO IWRX^SRIA :-We learn, says the.York ? Mr9- Enquirer, ?bat a largo' number of negroes .comprising sixty or eighty families-m the viein jtjjof Clay' Bin, in tao northeast part-br thia . county, have de terrain ed to emigrate to Liberia, and ar? now making their arrangements to em? bark in thu vessel or the Colonization.- Society "Which will sall from .Charleston br Baltimore ear ly. in November next Rev, EUas- .Hmiiid Jone MBony(two coiored men of this county)''are at the head or the movement, and lt ls the Intention of the emigrants to locate Li that part of Liberia known as the North Carolina Colony. ; These e_m igrants aro to be received at Rock HUI, and win be furnished transportation to Liberia by the Colonization Society. We understand that sev? eral hundred other negroes in this' county are mating preparation to follow In the "vessel which sails next May. - . ? THE BUSINESS OF OUR STKAI^LTNES.-Al? though to the midst of the dnU Stimmer season, lt l?fBUT prising to notice the activity which char? acterizes the business .of the 'Northern-bound steamers from this port. The growth of;thelr trade has teen ac-decided that they have large freight and passenger lists at all times, and their patronage la quite in contrast with that at some of the other Southern cltlea, where ehtps have been leaving' With nearly empty holds. The James Adger, which, departed on Saturday for New York, bad a large cargo, and .a roil number of passengers, showing a movement that?would -Quo credit to topmost busy portion of the year, and the Sea Gull; for Baltimore, had a well' assorted freight of cotton, rice and other mes chan dise. The excellent management of these lines must attract a steadily increasing trade. BOBBERY AT THE 'PHOSPHATE WORKS.-An extensive robbery, perpetrated npon the pre? mises of the Charleston Mining and Manufactur? ing Company, at Lamb's Farm, on tue*Ashley River, has j ust been brought to light. Taking ad? vantage or the temporary suspension of opera? tions at the yorks, a party or thieves entered the premises and carried off a large quantity or the Iron and metal machinery attached to the drying and grinding apparatus. The flTBt of'tue plunder was taken off-some three weeks ago, and the river being convenient, lt was taken to the wharf abd brought to the city in boats. A load was brought down by the plunderers on Sunday last, and yes? terday the owner of the flat used for transporting lt was arrested. There are several other parties concerned, whose speedy arrest wiB follow. None or the machinery, several hundred weight of which ls missing, bas been recovered aa yet. A BORGIA rM HAMBORG.-The Augusta Chron? icle, or yesterday, saja: "For some time past the papers of the country have been fl ned with ac? counts of the crimes of Mrs. Sherman, the Borgia of Connecticut, aad the murders of Mrs. Whar? ton, the Borgia of Maryland, and we have felts little ashamed of Augusta, because it seemed im? possible to scare ?p a Borgia in this vicinity. But on yesterday that feeling was dissipated. Borgia, we learn, has been operating near Au? gusta-m Hamburg-and two victims have al? ready teen consigned to premature graves. The South Carolina Borgia, however,' has, up to the present time at least, spared the human race, and hasconflned Ids opera! lois to cows. A day or two ago several fine c ?vs, belonging to a Mr. Mnrphy, of Hamborg, were poisoned, and two of the animals died before anything could be done to relieve them. A third came near dying, but its uro was saved, ft was evidently the work or Borne malicious party. The poisoner bas not yet been detected, but Borgia, In this instance, ls un? doubtedly colored." A DEVIL FISH RUNS OFF WITH A CITIZEN OF SAVANNAH.-The pranks or the devil fish are be? coming frequent or late. The Savannah Adver? tiser, of Saturday, say? f One of those horrible looking creatures or the deep, better known as the devil Ash, whose appearance in the waters or the coast are somewhat un frequent, has been dis? tinguishing blmseir lately by endeavoring to spirit away one or our old residents. Day before yesterday Major Bonaud, who has many friends lathis city, was fishing in Warsaw Sound, near Cabbage Island, his boat being anchored. By some means or other, a devil fish became en* tangled in the anchor rope and started off at a rapid rate of speed, towing the boat after him, with the occupants m no very pleasant frame of mind. The Bitnation became BO decidedly un? pleasant, that lt was thought best to cut the rope and let the fish go faney free. Tola was ac? cordingly done/much to the relief or the fisher? men, and the creature took .ita way in peace." THE ELECTION.-By reference to the circular of the commissioners of els dion, it will be Been that the managers are requested to meet the board of commissioners at the Connell Chamber, this morning, at 10 o'clock, foe the purpose of taking the oath prescribed by law, and to receive necessary instructions. Mayor Pillsbury pro (daims that there will be an election on the second day of August for a May or and eighteen Alderman for the city, and a school commissioner fromaeach war d, ac d that the polls on that day win be opened from 6 o'clock in the morning until a la the after? noon. The commissioners say the polls will be kept open from 7 o'clock A. M. until 6 P. M. , and produce the state.. to support them. Aa the com? missioners hare charge of .the .whole affair, and win instruct tho managers In their duties, it is probable that the polls will be kept open dnrlng the hours they have prescribed. In the appointment of the managers, wo notice - that some men Are .managers for precincts la which they do not reside, and in which they would not be entitled to vote. In Ward 6, for in? stance, Mr, Carson, who resides In the second, ls manager for the first precinct, and Mr. w. a Fraser, who resides in the first, ls manager for the second precinct. Both of these gentlemen wm have to leave their polls, if they desire to vote, when the matter could be more easily settled by appointing them to the precincts in which they ealde. , 3 . | ; % "9 SANITARY AFFAIRS AT BULL 'SIVER.-Dr. R. Lebby, health officer, retnrned on last Fi lu ay evening from Bull Illver, whither he had gone to look after the quarantine affalA during the tem? porary illness ol the health officer of the station. The following ls a'list or the .vessels la Boil and Ceosaw Rivers: Ball River-Barks Lucy D. Nichols and Marla Louisa, loading by scott, Jennings A Co.; bark Raleigh, ready, loaded by Scott, Jennings i Co.; bark Nettle Menlwear, loading by the River Min? ing Company; ship Canada, discharging ballast,. consigned-to the River Mining Company. CDosiw River-Bark Sarah Hobart, loading, by Coosaw Mining Company; bark Teresa, still at quarantine-all well. The condition of the. quarantine station is aa favorable as lt possibly can be. There is no stok ness of any kind among the shipping, and the deputy health officer has entirely recovered from the attack of malarial lever which has been pre? viously noticed. I The' bark Northumbrian, Captain Piggie, from* Trinidad via Charleston Bar, was hourly, expected at Bull River, consigned to the Whitman's Island liming Company. Her bill or health from United States Vice-consul Fischer, at Trinidad, sent up 1 to Dr. Lebby, certifies that the port of Trinidad ls without any suspicion or plague, yellow fever, or any other contagious disease. With thia bill of : health the bark will be detained .a limited time ; for observation. .HOTTED- -STATES COURT_The District Court was opened SR IO o'clock Saturday morning, Hon. Geo. S. Bryan, presiding. Louis Boniraccio, of Venice; H. P. Bornemann, C. Biel, John H. Danuemann, Louis Dnnnemann, ; or Hanover; J. J. Furlong, or Ireland; John Ora- ? ' ver, of Hanover; J. u. W. Qoetjen, Ernest.Hesse, j Henry Haisloop, of Hanover; Arthur Hassett, of ? Ireland; W. D. H inners, or Hanover; Hermann [ BJatte, or B/emen; Fritz Junge, or Hanover; - lames Morgan, or ireland; F. w. Pieper,' or Pros- j sla; H. C. Portwlg.D. Rohde, of Hanover; Julius i Spring, or Poland; H. Vlohl,- of Hanover; F. H. j L. Wacker, of PrnsslaiDavid WIlBon, of Ireland; ? Hermann Wlggia, John H. Wlggin, or Hanover; . Bernard Bollard, or Bremen ; John HelBsenbuttle, ' William A. Grumme, R. Hoppe, H. H. Helssenbnt. ; tie, 0, - H. ^W*. Hu ) ylg, A. En^er/of Hanover; < George Oppeu; bf Saxony ; Denhli'McSweeney, or j Dork, Ireland; J. H. Pieper, or -.Prussia; WllUam 1 rracy, orpublin, ireland; H. Fin eke, of Hanover; : loseph Branning, of Westphalia; Louis E. Kra^ ! mir, A. Nimitz, of Hanover; James B. Smith, or j England; G. D. 0. Lange, of Oldenburg; Wm. ] Adlchess, of Hanover; A. Bohlinger, of Prussia; j D. Werner, John Monsee s, H.-Mahn ken, of Hano- i ver; Fred La LL pe,'of Bremen; Charles 0. Pl enge, j sf Cassel; Ernst 0. Benedict, of Saxony; W. F. Heuer, of Hanover; A. Fanlbler, of Prussia; F. E. Wlndhelm, of Bremen; Harman. Stellhoff, J.H. sch wecke, of Hanover; B. Bollm?nn, of Bremen; Peter Kornahrens, or Hanover; Francis Brea, of Spain; Christian Struck-of Hanover; Patrick Cal? laghan, of ireland, and John H. Albers, having ?omplled with ell the requisites of the act of Coa-a. 1 .ress, were duly sworn in and made citizens of the United States. Adjourned until 10 o'clock this morning. Hotel Arr ivuis-au ly ii and 83. PAVILION HOTEL. "' W. E. Hutchinson, John Shean, New York; .Vau McNeill, Leesville; B. F. Jones, Graham's; E. 1 Vinslow and wife, New Jersey ; Captain R. Dob- ' on, London; John F. Gamble, Wilmington; S. 1 ?atterson, M. Drechen, Union Courthouse; Wm. 1 lhase, Florence. CHARLESTON HOTEL. 1 0. A. Cooper, Augusta; O. M. Sadler, South Car? lina; Wm. Drayton, Baltimore; John Stalker, lew York; D. M. Cobb, Wilmington ; p. w. Perry, 1 onth CaroUna; Thomas H. Trout, Baltimore; w! 'ontalne, New York; S. Leach, Beaufort. SOLLS HOUSE. ? ^?2?* 8aJannan I Wm. Jeffers. Rhode Island ; ii?*w1m2n' lark; 0. H. Clarke Richmond; i ara. williams and daughter. Florida; P. M. Wal- , ^SV^J^ Yf'rl?LSaiop?;on Jones Jr., R. p. & p. 1 i vl^='?0hn ? Smlth- Ealamazoo, Mich;Thoa, ? lams, oscar J. Fernandez, Cuba. FINE UPHOLSTERY GOODS.-Our readers will do weil to read tue advertisement of Mr. W. J. Trim, in another column, and after that, .with? out loss of time proceed to his store, No. 243-Elna; street, in the bend, where they, will find a large stock, and choice assortment of every Btyle and descr ptlon of upholstery, goods, from fine lace curtains,to plain pulpit cushions; all of the, best and mo-t modern styles, and yet at reasonable priccB. OFFICERS OF THE WORKING COMMITTEE. At the meeting of the working Committee of Ward 4, held on the evening or the 2lst instant, the "following officers were . elected : Captain George H. Walter, chairman; Ri S. R. Ghrletz^ berg, vice-chairman; Phillp Bacbelt, Jr., Edward L. Henry, secretaries." ADDITIONAL MEMBERS TO WARD*4 WORKING COMMITTEE. The following additional members have been added .to the working committee of the Fourth Ward : H. Saunders, j. H. .Ranter, M. J. H. Ostendorff, C. D. Ml;chell, O. A. Ostendorff, T. Gess, G. B. Gibson, Charles Kerrison, Jr., Charles Steinmeyer, A. J. Montgomery, F. J. Ltllenthal, C. H. King, F. H. P.oger, W. Mollen naur, H. Bensen, W. P. O'Neal. John Stackley, Sr., John Stackley, Jr., Jacob Stackley, 0. Thole, H.-Young, W. H. Dawson, M. J. Yates, J. P. Zylstra, W. H. Lockwood, W. Brunges, M. P. Halsey, George EU>s, G. V. Ancser, J. G. Kirk, Theodore Mitchell, G. Graf, WORKING COMITTEE OF WARD NO. 3. In accordance with a resolution adopted at the' last meeting, the president- or the ward has appointed the following gentlemen to act as a working committee, who are requested to meet THIS EVENING, the 24 th instant, at half-past 8 o'clock, at Masonic Hall: Lewis D. Mowry, Chairman. Hugh Ferguson, HT Peters, Thomas Miller, John F i?rltton, Bruce Howard, ? Charles B Oranr. Blake L White, G H Ingraham, Jr, A o Stone, James Armstrong, Jr, A J Mirna, Theo Cordes, James cosgrove, W Mahoney, JD Kennedy, Jenn Kenny, William Wood, Wm Tnomey, F Wehmann, WA Zimmerman, R E Brown, - E J Waitjen, . % 0 A Von Dohlen, - John Hanlon,. LO Nowell, : OhasSelgnlous, Jr, john Mon8ees, Bernard Boyd, T L Quackenbusb, . A H Mowry, J J Grace, W W Whdden, O Foi lin, J A Qnackenbusn, A W Tart, A Cannie, Peter Smith, Samuel Burns, Henry Brandes, . Wm J Welch, A S J Perry, Patrick Walsh, A McLoy, Thaddens Kelly, Gilbert M Leitch, Patrick Moran, Thomas Divine, B Bollmann, Andrew Nolan, Andrew Farrelly, A Nimitz, A Nlemann, E w Leman, Archibald Armstrong, - D 0 Marsh, John Conroy, D B GlllUand, J W Nichols, j A En Blow, Edward Lewis, BKNenrvnie, Joseph Legare, G W Mciver, . J L BeU, J H Kiep, C A scanlon, Leonard Chap?n, T J Croft, _Boag, Thomas Stenhouse, M Gannon, Austin Gould, wm Casey, EA Roye, J H Colburn, J K Bevin, J P Dnvai, J W Harrisson, P Slattery, . A Butterfield, . A GeUfuBS, Alva Gage, - A Stickney, E J White, S Z Pitcher, - L F Meyer, H c Walker, James O'Brien, Maurice Lynch, .O McMillan, James McBlroy, Wm Daly, RF Monaghan, Marlin Devine, J Coleman, Edward Daly, John Daly, James Walker, E Coleman, Charle* D Mulraney, James Miller, Wm, Bevin, - - T W Thompson, Thomas Lyons, Thomas Ferguson, S H Wilson, Thomas Gleason, H OConklln, William F White, . GW Wine, M King. i* Edward Roach, T.,ornas Fields, P Healey, J H Wnhrman, Jr, R Lawless. REFORM PARTE, WARD NO. X. --rn ">V The South Carolina Hall, Meeting street, be? low Broad street, has been engaged as the com? mittee room of the Working Party of thia ward. The several business committees will be in attend? ance every T.vening before the election from 8 o'clock to 10 o'clock. WORKING OOMMITTBE._ E. H ORR Y FROST, Chairman. Adams, W S Murphy, Richard Alexander, Sam'l Mlenges, J A Abbott, John Mathewes, Jacob * Austin, PBHp . May, Henry Alden, BS Meyer, J K Blcalse.BE Mure, RD Brown, Robert v Mure, Wm Bull. W DeSanssnre Marlon, Sam Bthck, Sam'l 0 . Momler, 0 ' .'? ? Binns. Joe --'Morse, Ned Bringioe, Sam'l Morse, Jno Baxter, Aaron Miller, Jno Burcke, William Melania, Benj Barde, H . McGlllivrsy, A 0 Blesse, Henry McOrady, Taos, W McNerny, M Chase, J P Nelson, James Cothow, n Nelson, Jack Callahan, Thomas O?tman, Louis Cochran, Marlow . Osborn, Chance Cblsolm, Henry O'Neill, H J Can nady. Jos . Porcher, F J Crosby, Gabriel Pinckney. R Q Callahan. Patrick Pringle, J Rice Camon, 0 Pringle, Jr, W A Callahan, M Ponlnotte, Wm cowperthwalt, E R Plenge, C Chapman, James Coffin, E ' Quinn. J 0 Coffin, G ' Quinlivan, - Doran, JameB Robertson, D P DrlBscoll, J J Ravened J R P Dryer, G Ravenel, Jr, Dan'l Damon, Q A Rickets, E H Dingle, Q W Reveis, Capt M Easterby, W H Riley, James Faber, iienry Robinson, Wm Fehrenbach, N ^ Steadman, W K Foster, Capt Jno Sparkman, E H Flynn. James Street, Timothy Fraser, H Smythe, Ellison Fordham, Henry . Stelling, A F Fisher, Hem y Street, HG Fortune, Edward screven, R H Glover, Wilson Spencer, Seth Olven, James Slattery. Jno Gray, Edward - Smalls,juomas Qoetjen, J H W Smith, James B?hnes, Jr. 0 R ; Stlebef, J Huger, WE. Slattery. James . Holmes, Geo L Stoddard. Captain Hammerschmidt, H Thayer, Wm Harper, Aaron T?> ey. H M Huguenln, P H Thurston, J G Harrison, Geo Tores, E F' Han COCK. Sam'l Townsend, EW IaserteJ, R Tecklenburg, P lohnson. Capt T Timrnons, A J lordan, Edward Wardlaw, Louis 'ackson, R Wilbur, W L Kjlnck, G W Wilkins, B G Eflenke, John . Wilson, WA Cresseil, Frank Walker, W H Kanrmao.AO Wehr, H Kressen. John Wallace, Mike Kelley, Frank Wieaholtz, Fred Keeran, Pat . ?. . wish, Richard Lewin, A W Williams. A B Lunsford.JL ? 'Wright, James Lewis, Jr. Jno W Williams. E Laval, John . williams, Andrew Levy,Moses Yates, OH Wokwood, S Young, Colonel H E Mathewes, i F. . . Young, Captain Thos HU BIKE SB NOT I O MB. BUSINESS ENVELOPES.-THE NEWS Job Office is now prepared to furnish good envelopes, with nuslnesB cards printed thereon, at $4 per thous ind. Send your orders. Every merchant and 'UsinesB man should have his card printed on nie envelopes. BILL HEADS printed on fine paper at $3, $4, KS, *6 50 and $8 60 per thousand, according to liza, at Tax NEWS Job Office. THE AOADEMT OP MUSIC GRAND GIFT CON-, JERTS, as advertised by Messrs. Butler, Chadwick, 3ary A Co.-Mr. Eben Coffin, sub-agent for this splendid and attractive scheme ls now prepared ,o sell tickets for the same. Applications to be made to. him at the office of Mr. c. Claclus, corner Sast Bay and Central wharf. may 29 A BOX containing one quire of Note Papers ivlth Envelopes to match, for 2ec, at CHAS. .C. T?IGHTEB'B, mayl8-m . Hasel street Bazaar. SHOES AT SEDUCED PRICES.-Will be sold at retail untu the lat of October, the entire Stock of soots ?nd Shoes at No. 131 Meeting street, oppo ite the Market. JOHN COMMINS. jnly20-thm8 Wet?ratwe Upr-dfeterg. ACE CURTAINS, WINDOW BHA DES, PAPER HANGINGS, AO W . J s . T R I M Haa on hand a large and carefully selected* tock of UPHOLSTERY GOODS, WINDOW SHADES, Pa? per Hangloga, Decorations, Ac. . CONSISTING IN FAST OP : A fnU line ol WINDOW HOLLANDS AND SHADES Swiss, Nottingham and Maslin Curtains Brocha, Reps, Terrys and Satin Detains ;? AU Wool Damasks and Watered Moreens Frenoh and English Cretonnes and Chintzes Linen Coverings and Stripes, Bim in gp, Ac. .Embroidered Piano and Table Covers ! Victoria, Dining and Centre Table CoverB Ton anet tee, Oil Cloths, Table and Desk Coverings Drapery and Centre Tassels, Fringes and Gimps QUt, Walnut and Rosewood Cornices Bands, Tassel Hooks and Picture Nails Halr'Wool, Cotton and Moss Mattresses Pew and Pulpit cashions, ? AT NO. 243 KING STREET, IN TH E BEND. Jnlyg*_ S riirta ano S arms tiing (KOGO s. S H THE PLACE FOR LOW PRICES. STAR SHIRTS. Flt, Quality and Work Guaranteed. STAR SHIRTS. Latest New York and London Outs! If STAR. SHIRTS. Order your Bhlrts now, before the hot ? season. Q STAR SHIRTS. j Shirts, Collars, Drawers, Night Shirts. STAR SHIRTS. Made to Orders and Roady-Madc* y STAR SHIRTS! Q At less price than any other first class house. STAR SHIRTS. Men's Furnishing Goods at "3" STAR SHIRTS. T SCOTT'S SHIRT EMPORIUM, Sf AR SHIRTS. Meeting street, opposite Market. S STAR SHIRTS. S Sommer fit-sorts. H 0! F O R THE MOUNTAINS. Parties visiting Flat Rock, N. C.. or AshevUie, N. C., wiU find comfortable Stages leaving Green* ville, 8. C.. every MONDAY, THURSDAY and SATUR DAY MORNINGS, reaching Henderson vine for sap? per and Asheville for dinner next day. Jnng*-lmo . WM. P, BLAIR. jgPAEKJJNG CATAWBA SPRINGS, FORMERLY CALLED THE CAROLINA WHITE SULPHUR, CATAWBA COUNTY, N. C. This-hlghly popular WATERING PLACE wUl be open for visitors on WEDNESDAY, June 18th. The Mineral Waters of these Springs are the White and Bine Sulphur and Chalybeate, the'me. dlclnal properties of which are not excelled, and a healthier and more delightful watering place not to be found. The Springs will be under the management of J. M. BLAIR, formerly of Raleigh. N. c., an expe? rienced hotel keeper, together with Mrs. WRENN, and visitors may rely upon good fare and good at? tention. Plenty of Ice, good Band of Music, and good Physician in attendance, Ac Leave Baltimore or Washington City in the morning via Acqula Creek, Richmond and Dan? ville RaUroad, to Salisbury, where you take the Western and Morganton Road, and reach Hickory Station (the Springs Depot; by half-past niue the next morning. Leave Augusta Ca., at night, and take the Char? lotte and Statesvllle Road at Charlotte, you reach the Springs early the next morning. Charleston in the morning, and be at the Springs the next morning. A good four-horse omnibus wlU run In connec? tion with the trains to the Springs over a beauti? ful road only six mues. BOARD. Per month, (or four weeks).$40 00 Per week.. _a>.?.?.16 oo Per day.,..Tr..a 60 Children and colored servants naif price. No charge for Infants under two years sf age. J~ GOLDEN WYATT. Sparkling Catawba Springs, June 1st, 1871. Jun2l-so ffltospaptfo, fflagannes. S*t. BAL CAROLINIAN FOR JULY NOW READY. CONTENTS AS VARIED AND INTERESTING AS USUAL. Price-For single number.26 cents Per annum.'..$2 oo For sale by ' WALKER, EVANS A COGSWELL,'. Publishers. No. Z Broad street, AND BY BOOKSELLERS EVERYWHERE. mar25 ._ Beurina, ittcuiiines. ts g.* ? BJ AND THE ' WEED? FAMILY FAVORITE LOCK-STITOf MACHINE, are the best in use. For sale on the Lease Pian, with monthly pay mente, on easy terms, or for cash. AR kinds o Machine attachments, Needles, Cotton, {white black and colored,) Silk. Oil. Soap, Ac, Ac Repairing as 25nal. Circulars and samples ot work sent on appucatlon. g ^. Genera! dealer in First Class Sewing Ma chines ano Material, No. 30T King street, augi7 Charleston. S. c Jsaacscn's- preparations. sru^E POP r DEATH TO BATS KOAOHES BEDBUGS, &c. NEVER FAILING. . BOXES DOUBLE THE SIZE AS OTHERS HERMETICALLY SEALED AND ALWAYS FEESH. Sold at Wholesale by DOWIE. MOISE & DAVIS, And at retail by au Druggists. febi-ema fecHift p?jjg jDis?riKgtion. C- TO BE . . 3*i ; . ? .r.f. ? ? . . .fi GIVEN AWAY! - o- '"" THE SOUTH CAROLINA Beferences in South Carolina : General WADE HAMPTON, General JOHN s. PRESTON, Hon. B, F. PERRY, Hon. w. D. SIMPSON, Governor M. L. BONHAM. ANDREW SIMONDS. Esq.. General JOHNSON HAGOOD, Hon. G. A. TBENHOLM, Hon. ARMISTEAD BURT, Governor J. L. MA NNING, Hon. JAMES CHESNCT, Hon. J. B. CAMPBELL. i'C j < . ' Beferences in New York City : AUGUST BELMONT 4ICO., Bankers: Hon. CHARLES O'CONOR. Counsellor-at-Law: Hon.' JOHN E. WARD, Counsellor-at-Law; Hon. ROGER A PRYOR. Counsellor-at-Law; Colonel RICHARD LATH? ERS, T. A HOYT, Esq., President Gold Room; HUNT, THOMPSON k CO.. Factors; ANDERSON. STARR k CO., Merchants; PETTDS k CO., Merchants; F. ZOGBAUM k FAIRCHILD, Merchants. $500,000 TO BE AWARDED TO THE TICKET-HOLDERS OF THE ! . 8ERIE8OF CONCERTS TO COMMENCE ON THE FIRST OF OCTOBER, 187 !. AT THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC. CHARLESTON, S. C., ON WHICH DAY THE DRAWING COMMENCES. THE SOUTH CAROLINA LAND AND IMMIGRATION ASSOCIATION, UNDER THE AUSPICES of the "Sooth Carolina state Agricultural and Mechanical Society," will give a series Qf Concerts at tao Academy of Music, Charleston, s. C., commencing October 1st, 1871, for the purpose of raising a luna to enable Emigrants to settle npon landa selected by the Association for Homes ol Northern and European Farmers and others, in the State of south Carolina, and for their transportation thither and support for the first year. 150,000 SEASON TICKETS OF ADMISSION, ANO HO MORE, AT FIVE DOLLARS EACH. ALL THE PREMIUMS' INCLUDING DEED AND CERTIFICATE OF flTLE TO ACADEMY OF MUSIC, will be deposited with the National Bank or the Republic, New York. #000,000 XIV GrIFTS! 1st Gilt-ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Charleston, S. c., cost to build $230,000, having an annual rental of about $20,000, from Opera House, Storesand Halls; the '?building being about 280 feet by 60 feet, and situated corner or King and?Market streets, in the centre of the city, and well known to be the fl neat building and most valuable property in Charleston, valued at.' 2d Gift-Cash.-..400,000 3d Gift-Cash.?.iV..*.'..'. ??.ooo 4th Gift-Cash.y.-. 10,000 s in out-cash.?.;. 5,000 26Girts-Cash-each $1000. as.aoo 26Girts-cash-each $60?.:.:. ia,300 360Gifts-Cash-each $100. 35,009 250 Glf.s-Cash-each $60. 18,500 600 Gifts-Cash-each $26.,. 13,500 1260 Gilts- Cash-each $10. 12,500 2104Gifts, amounts to..........$500,000 BUTLEB, CHADWICK, GABY; & CO., Agents 8. C. Land and Inimigration Association, General M. C. BUTLER, ) JOHN CHADWICK, Esq., V . CHARLESTON, B. C. General M. W. GABY, ) , - j AGENTS WASTED-LIBERAL COMMISSIONS ALLOW?B, -_0^-_?_- ' --m . " ConunisBioners and Supervisors of Drawing: General A. B, WRIGHT, of Georgia. General BBADLEY T. JOHNSON, of Virginia. Colonel B. H. RUTLEDGE, of South Carolina. Hon. BOGEE A. PBYOg, o? New York. -.0 A FAHi AJVD COMMENDABLE SCHEME I CH ARLESTON. S. C., May -, 1871. .We take pleasnre in certifying that we are acquainted with General M. c. BUTLER, JOHN CBADWIOK, Esq., and General M. W. GARY, or the lirra or BUTLER, CHADWICK. GARY A CO., and Know them to be gentlemen of integrity, and we regard the object they have of assisting Immigrants to homes in South Carolina or great importance to the State as well aa to the Immigrants, and we .have every confidence that their enterprise will be carried out with fairness and honesty to all par? ties concerned._ GEO. A. TRENHOLH, I. W. EATHA B. H. RUTLEDGE, A. G. MAGRATH, . * JAMES CONNER. THOS. Y. SIMONS, JAMES H. PRINGLE, HENRY BUIST, WILMOT G. DBSACSSURE. Tickete can be procured or E. SEBRrNO & CO., and J. L. MOSES, General Agents, No. 34 Broad street. Sine ?rorerus, Ut. BEDFORD'S (LATE CORWIN'S) (GROCERY . '^-.h .' AND . * - . .|5? TEA WAREHOUSE. HEADQUARTERS FOB SELECTED DAISY BUTTES PUBE LEAF LARD . \ PBIME FACTO BY AND ENGLISH CHEESES * ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CRACKERS, WJi BISCUITS, dc, Ao. N. B.-I CLAIM TO KEEP THE LARGEST STOCK AND MOST EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OL FAMILY GROCERIES IN THIS CUT. VERY CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR. E. E. BEDFORD, ' PURE .. ? BRANDIES', WINES AND VERY OLD WHISKIES. 8UOCB80B TO WILLIAM S. CORWIN k CO., No. 375 HING STREET, OPPOSITE HASEL. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER x IB "'Ti)" ? v Pine Teas, Coffees, Sugars Provisions, Spices, &o* HKUJQtKTICALOLY SEALED FRUITS, - VEGETABLES, MEATS', SOUPS, &c. AU articles sold from this establishment are of the VERY BEST QUALITY and WARRANTED Gooda lelivered to all parts of the City, Railroad Depots, steamboats, free of expense. EVER* E. BEDFORD. 1 SEND FOR A J JAS. 8. MARTIN. 1?0. H. GRUBER. ? . CATALOGUE. i WM. G. MOOD, JB fi o? cia. TTT A VBEL? HOUS'B, ANDERSON, S. 0. This House having been.recently fitted np wltb modern Improvements and comforts and newly furnished, now offers to those seeking a change from the sultry air of the low country a pleasant retreat. The Town of anderson, pleasantly sit? uated, not far from the Mountains, has the benefit of bracing atmosphere and cool nights. There are pleasant drives in the country, and Churches for all denominations m the Town. The South Carolina Railroad BOW sells Return Tickets from Obar.eston and back for $14 10. Board per month.$36 oe Board per week. soo Every effort will be made to add to the comfort of vlei:ors. J. A. MATS, - . Jnlyl2-wfm6*_ Proprietor. Jj? OSE'S HOTEL, UfORMEBLT HUNT'S HOTEL,) COLUMBIA, SOUTH GASOLINA. This House ls in the centre of the city, convenient to all the public offices and basin ess houses, locat ed. on the southwest corner of the Statehouse Square; has-been recently reopened and renovat? ed, and will now compare favorably with any Hotel at the South. ? . * . ROSE'S omnibus will convey passengers to and ? from every train free of charge. ' Also, a first-class Carriage for the accommoda? tion of ladles. J ania V. ?. ROSE, Proprietor. : K B . CARPENTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, -4o. 72 BBOAD STREBT, Charleston, S. C., wm Practice In the State and Federal Courts feb2i ?Jairrjes, Jeroclrn, ??r. Jg A L L, B L A 0 K & CO.' NO. 665 AND 567 BROADWAY, N. T., nave just received a lue assortment or Im? ported HORSE I IH ? B S . for Sporting Purposes-denoting .Minutes, Sec? onds and Quarter Seconds. Price $26. Orders for every description of RACLVG and Presentation Plate, executed at trie shortest notice. Designs drawn to order and ?8 ti mates given. Also the largest assortment or BRADY-MASK SILVER ARD TABLEWARE to be round in the city. JnlyiB-iyr " ._: JpiNE JEWELRY, WATCHES, .Ac. Particular attention ia invited' to the NEW, LARGE AND ELEGANT STOCK OF WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE AND FANCY GOODS, suitable ror Presents, just received and ?pened. . .. JV . ..j J JAMES ALLAN'S, No. 307 KING STREET. JAMES ALLAN'S, No. 307 KING STREET. JAMES ALLAN'S, No. 307 KING STREET. i Ail the newest and most exquisite designa in JewelrTwComprlBing, SETS OP PEARL. GARNET, ALL GOLD, CORAL AND STONE. Leontine, Opera, Ned .and Yest CHAINS; Seal Rings, Diamond Rings; Gent's Pins,'Pearl and Diamond; Plain Cold and Wedding Rings always on hand or made to order; Sleeve Buttons and studs; Bracelets, Brooches and Earrings; Armlets and Necklaces, in Gold and Coral; Brooches for Hair or Miniatures,-Lockets, Charms and Mas?me Pins, Glove Bands, at. JAMES ALLANS, -No. 807 KING STREET. A few aoom above Wentworth street. nov34-mwf THE LATEST STYLES. By-Wi?cXAY. O Pj?OIAL. SAl&W ' V?T&?V?E OV A. O " '.; PanttyleavmgtheWty. . street, ailovelock;, . . .. ? .- R.--?. Parlor, Bedroom and Kitchen FURNITURE; Carpet, Jflanra?,Wardrobes, Presses, l wasbihg Machine, with Patent Wringer. 2 Mahogany iec re taries, sol tab: e for a lawyer's offlce, 2 sew sil? ver Rn7ve&, and ohe^Maynard^fe-w^ hogany caae)'Bnn<IiT%^^?5^*"**>?4c* Joly 24 t Bf J/fBA^MXTBEYfES. " LOT OF FURNITURE-No. 22. ECNCr Lr.-. 8TEGET."? .win ne sold THIS DAT, at;b?ir-pait 10 oWock. Terme oaHh. , , . : .,. . jmigs 2tttrtigtr SaU^Si?^^^^'? STEFFENS, WER?Tffi & JDU??^ Auctioneer*, Xl /TUL SELL ON THEI? PLATFORM, YY corner Vendue Range and East Bay, OI? THURSDAY next, July 27th, at ll ajfKgUK?L All that LOT OF LAND- with the BUILDINGS thereon, situate on the east aide ot st.: Philip street, two1 db ors -Bonttct Linef atreavttSPttex with the two story Frame Doffing anssvore,. Bakehouse, oveji, Horse Stables, and al^otlierap pur ten anees and con venlen ces for a w eil appoint? ed Bakery. ? .. ' - ' -'***?? Three. (8) good HORSES, two fin Bread Carts,, two (2) Spring Wagons, Cow and Cali, Poultry, * Furniture, bat rt' hooBe hold abd kl ten en. Baklnjr UtensUs, Building Material, Ac, Ac. 'Lot mes? ures 26 feet front by TTS reet deep. This Bakery has a large and remunerating trade. ^AXSOy ' - All that LOT next south of ano ve, with two story Wooden Dwelilng?kd outbuildings,--meas? uring front on st. Pniilp street 25 feet, andlT& IC6t d6?p. . * All the above property wui be offered s* a whole, and if not sold the Real Est?t e will lie sold sepa? rate, and -op the day following, FRIDAY, July 28th, all tbe Personal Property. Furniture, Fix? tures, Utensils, Horses. Carta, wagons, Ac ACT, wijl be sold at the place,-commencing at IO) o'clock. A- M. - - Purchaser to pay ns for ali necessary p?tera and stamps. Terms a* sale. ? . -._. Jnly24 By J. FRASER MATHE WES. APEI M E WORK M"TJ LE Will be sold atmy offlce. TO-MORROW, 2?tnt instant, at half rast io o'clock.. Terms cash. ? . . .- JoJgaa (Joaraiumal. rJHE UN1VERSITT OF VTBA?J1H? .. COMPRISES THE FOLLOWING DEPARTMENTS r - l, School of Latin. 2. School or Greek... Ar? senal of Modern Languages. A School of Moral Philosophy. 5. School or History .and Bnglfeh Literature, e. School of Ob emla try. 7. School . of Natural Philosophy. 8. School cf Mathemat? ics. 9. School of Common and Statute Law. 10. School of Constitutional and Civil Law and Equity.. ll. School Of Physiology and 12. School of Anatomy and Materia Jae School of Medicine and Obst?trica. 14. Applied Mathematica, u. School-or anatxopal. Industrlal amd Agricultural Chemistry., 18- School of Natural .History and Agriculture-{Professor to be elected,) ; Aa-Provlsioo. made for classes In Mineralogy and Geology, Hebrew. Political Econ? omy, Practical Physics, Medical Jurisprudence a-nd Sanskrit, r-v? Diplomas and Certificates of Proficiency are_. given In the separate schools; ,- 11- ?-?. ? The fellowing Degrees are coilferred: 1. Bache? lor or Letters. 2. Banhelor of t-clences: 8, -Mas? ter cf Arts. . 4. Doo tor of Medicine. 6, fcaca?or of Law.. e. civil Engineer. T. aunlnz-Eiigmeer : The expenses of the student, excltudvo vr the text booka; clott inn and pocket money, am ount to from $886 to 139i per session of, nine mo aths; of which suma $220. to $250 are payable 01 ad? mission. Session opens october 1st. For ?Sata logues; address . CHARLES S. YEN AB Lil. Chairman of Faca' ty. 'JV P., ?mversity.of.Ylrginhw^. Jaijaimtn* ?B S U? L I N E r???? S TI TUiT B> : ? ?ci -??'.i.4sf??n>i>i. 0? THE - . IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, ^VALLE CRUCIS," NEAR COLUMBIA, S. C., FOB THE EDDCATION OF TO?KO: LlP-SS, tTNDXEt THE IMKEOIATE StTPBBVISIOX Wf THS RSXI* _. OLBUSES OP TH? TiBSULINS . ? - ; ..COMTEK^, . ' ,- * ? .. The ladies of the U rsuime Comm unity, Si a, re? spectfully announce to their Meads, and to the publlc, that the annual exercises of the Academy win commence September ist- Their Institute- . being devoted to the edaaa'tipn 01 youth, ?nd each member having received .a long and carara ? training for that purpose,' the schools,under, their charge, as well in the janana oonnrrtM ?r~ Europe as in America, have never railed to win and re ta tn the confidence or. parents and guar? dians. ' . '. \ . ' ' . - Nothing will be left undone in imparting tothe pupils confided to their care a thoron ga educa? tion, lu the highest sense or the? word-not alone instructing the intellect,.but With maternal care guldlDg and training the heart. ,M. -'?>&, ' ? The situation- of the Convent la aU.thateanrbe desired for health and beauty. The buildings are on elevated ground, about two miles iram the Capital, and in the nrtdst or a%:oa1rJgrove.or. twenty acres. It B.wlthm half'An hour's drive from the depot, where omnlbussea Bud baggage wigons await thearrival or passengers.. ,..% No distinction orreliglon will be madelin the admission of pupila, nor will any undue \r* be used over their religious principles: ' the m al ntenanoe of good order, all will bi ed to attend the exercises of Divine Worship pre? scribed for the Academy. - > From Individuals or societies disposed to aid Irr the education of yonng ladies, applications for the admission of pupils, at reduced; terms, will receive the moat favorable consideration mat the circumstances or the school will admit. - ; ??*>. The Scholastic Year ls divided info two-session? -the fl rs t commencing September 1st, and andina;... February 1st; the second , commencing Febraarx, 1st, and ending July lat. - " v : TERMS FEB BE8U0S-PAYABLE IN ADVANCS? Board, Washing, Fuel, Lights, Tuition In Eng llsh,Needle Work and Domestic Economy.. $160 Pens, Ink and use of Library...... - 2. French,Latin, each.....IO Harp, ISO^nse of Instrument, $6.t s& Pian?, $26-use of instrument, |8;........... 28 Guitar. $18-use of Instrument, $2.......:.... 20> Vocal Music, (Bas?nl's Method)...26 vocalMuMo,private lestons....... . 25 Drawlug lu Crayon. TO Painting in WAter Colors... 1U Painting in Piatel. 20 Painting inohs....:.........30 For fun her information, application may; be made to the MOTHER SUPERIOR, to Wj? h t fiev^ Bishop LYNCH, or to the Reverend Clergy. julyl4-tnovl . ? i_.? pOOKET C ORK SH E L LES. Being the Owner of the PATENT RIGHT of tho State of North carolina, and the following namedt .Counties .m the State or South.Carolina, vis: Charleston, Barnwell. Colleton, Beaufort, George? town, Wilhamriburg, Horry, Clarendon and Ches? terfield, of thin email, cheap and very valuable; Invention, I offer County.Rights and Machines at greatly reduced prices from 1869.' Will send ene? by express to any address, (aa a sample,) on the receipt qr $1 by mall, or win wno, ja half dozen, (as samples.) by express, 0. 0. D., Tex $8. to any parties desiring me to do sa . : N. B. Any person Infringing upon the rights of this Patent will be dealt with according to iaw. JulyS-semos C. N. AVERILL. C O LU MB I A HOTEL,; COLUMBIA, S. G., WM. GORMAN, PROPRIETOR. . The Proprietor of this pleasantly located and elegantly furnished Eatabushment, at the Stats Capital, desires to inform the travelling public ana others seeking acconunodatlons, that the "CO? LUMBIA" la in every respect/ a first-class Hotel? fmsnrpassed by any m the State or the United, States; Situated in,the business centre of the. city, with fine large airy rooms, and a tobte sup. piled with every delicacy of the season, both from. New York and Charleston markets, the Proprie? tor pledges that no efforts will be spared to give perfect satisfaction ia every respect. ; ?. A first-class Livery Stable 1B attached, to tho Hotel, where vehicles of every description can bo had at the shortest notice. . Omnibuses attend the arrival and departure cd every Train. Gk. WM. GORMAN, Proprfsavr and Superintendent, J.D.BUDDS,Cashier. ' .. apnf arfrn' CHARLESTON STEAM SAW AHL> PLANING MHJV WEST END WENTWORTH AND BEAUFATN STS? The proprietor respectfully informs hi? friend*< and the publio that, having rentted th^e above - MRI with improved Machinery, la ,nowprejp?ea , S^ve orders for LUMBER of aU deacriptiona. which will be furnished wltiid^ti^and^ tte - lowest market Prices. On hand a large Stockei Seasored, Dressed Flooring, Ll^j^ Shelving andWeatherBOARDS. ^8^SY?R!1* ertng Laths, Ac J. H. STELNMSTKK. junlO-amoe ? ' . ?' -? QR ARLES LIEBE NKOGD, STEAM TURPENTINE DISTILLERY, . CHARLESTON, S. C. MW Highest Prices paid in Cash for Crude Ttrtr pentine. XT virgm u 00, Yellow Dlp*$? 16*. jniyio-lmo*.